List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode asText
public abstract String asText();
From source
@Test public void collectionBindingShouldWorkWithBindingOnNonCollectionNodes() throws IOException { Schema source = Schema.buildSchema(new ObjectMapper().readTree(DataSet.SIMPLE_COLLECTION_SCHEMA)); Schema target = Schema.buildSchema(new ObjectMapper().readTree(DataSet.SIMPLE_COLLECTION_SCHEMA)); Transformation t = new Transformation(source, target); Iterator<SchemaNode> it = t.toBind();;/*w ww . j a v a 2 s .co m*/ t.bind(, new ArrayNodeBinding((SchemaArrayNode)"/someStringArray"))); t.bind(, new StringNodeBinding("/someString"))); t.bind(, new ArrayNodeBinding((SchemaArrayNode)"/someIntegerArray"))); t.bind(, new IntegerConstantBinding(12)); JsonNode payload = new ObjectMapper().readTree(DataSet.SIMPLE_COLLECTION_PAYLOAD); JsonNode result = t.apply(payload); for (JsonNode node : (ArrayNode)"/someStringArray")) { assertThat(node.asText(), is(equalTo("string1"))); } for (JsonNode node : (ArrayNode)"/someIntegerArray")) { assertThat(node.asInt(), is(equalTo(12))); } }
From source
protected void parseErrorCode(String errorCodeKey) { JsonNode errorCodeNode = getParentSchema().getSchemaNode().get(errorCodeKey); if (errorCodeNode != null && errorCodeNode.isTextual()) { errorCode = errorCodeNode.asText(); }/*from w w w .j a va2 s .co m*/ }
From source
protected Date queryLastModifiedDate(Boolean wasIndexed) { if (wasIndexed) { SingleQueryComponent<JsonNode> query = CrudUtils.allOf() .orderBy(new Tuple2<String, Integer>("modified", -1)).limit(1); CompletableFuture<Cursor<JsonNode>> fCursor = getCommunityDb().getObjectsBySpec(query, Arrays.asList("modified"), true); try {/*from w w w. j a va 2 s . c om*/ Iterator<JsonNode> it = fCursor.get().iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode n =; logger.debug(n); JsonNode modifiedNode = n.get("modified"); if (modifiedNode != null) { String modifiedText = modifiedNode.asText(); // logger.debug(modifiedText); // example Thu Aug 13 15:44:08 CDT 2015 SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"); lastModified = sdf.parse(modifiedText); // logger.debug(lastModified); } } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("queryLastModifiedDate caught Exception", e); } } return null; }
From source
@Test public void collectionBindingShouldProduceTheRightValues() throws IOException { Schema source = Schema.buildSchema(new ObjectMapper().readTree(DataSet.SIMPLE_COLLECTION_SCHEMA)); Schema target = Schema.buildSchema(new ObjectMapper().readTree(DataSet.SIMPLE_COLLECTION_SCHEMA)); Transformation t = new Transformation(source, target); Iterator<SchemaNode> it = t.toBind();;/*from w w w.j a va 2s .co m*/ t.bind(, new ArrayNodeBinding((SchemaArrayNode)"/someStringArray"))); t.bind(, new StringNodeBinding("/someStringArray/{i}"))); t.bind(, new ArrayNodeBinding((SchemaArrayNode)"/someIntegerArray"))); t.bind(, new IntegerNodeBinding("/someIntegerArray/{i}"))); JsonNode payload = new ObjectMapper().readTree(DataSet.SIMPLE_COLLECTION_PAYLOAD); JsonNode result = t.apply(payload); int index = 0; String[] expectedStrings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" }; for (JsonNode node : (ArrayNode)"/someStringArray")) { assertThat(node.asText(), is(equalTo(expectedStrings[index++]))); } index = 0; Integer[] expectedIntegers = new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; for (JsonNode node : (ArrayNode)"/someIntegerArray")) { assertThat(node.asInt(), is(equalTo(expectedIntegers[index++]))); } }
From source
@Test public void testToJson() { JsonNodeFactory jsonNodeFactory = new JsonNodeFactory(true); JsonNode jsonNode = integerType.toJson(jsonNodeFactory, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertTrue(new Integer(jsonNode.asText()).equals(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); }
From source
/** * Get the service name from the methodNode. JSON-RPC methods with the form * Service.method will result in "Service" being returned in this case. * * @param methodNode the JsonNode for the method * @return the name of the service, or <code>null</code> *//* w w w . ja va 2 s. c o m*/ @Override protected String getServiceName(JsonNode methodNode) { String methodName = (methodNode != null && !methodNode.isNull()) ? methodNode.asText() : null; if (methodName != null) { int ndx = methodName.indexOf(this.separator); if (ndx > 0) { return methodName.substring(0, ndx); } } return methodName; }
From source
/** * Get the method name from the methodNode, stripping off the service name. * * @param methodNode the JsonNode for the method * @return the name of the method that should be invoked *//* www . j a va 2 s. c om*/ @Override protected String getMethodName(JsonNode methodNode) { String methodName = (methodNode != null && !methodNode.isNull()) ? methodNode.asText() : null; if (methodName != null) { int ndx = methodName.indexOf(this.separator); if (ndx > 0) { return methodName.substring(ndx + 1); } } return methodName; }
From source
/** Separates out edges/vertices, groups by key * @param config//from www . ja v a 2 s. c o m * @param vertices_and_edges * @return */ protected static Map<ObjectNode, Tuple2<List<ObjectNode>, List<ObjectNode>>> groupNewEdgesAndVertices( final GraphSchemaBean config, final MutableStatsBean stats, final Stream<ObjectNode> vertices_and_edges) { final Map<ObjectNode, Tuple2<List<ObjectNode>, List<ObjectNode>>> nodes_to_get = vertices_and_edges .filter(o -> o.has(GraphAnnotationBean.type)) .<Tuple3<ObjectNode, ObjectNode, Boolean>>flatMap(o -> { final JsonNode type = o.get(GraphAnnotationBean.type); if ((null == type) || !type.isTextual()) return Stream.empty(); if (GraphAnnotationBean.ElementType.edge.toString().equals(type.asText())) { stats.edges_emitted++; // Grab both edges from both ends: return Stream.concat( Optional.ofNullable(o.get(GraphAnnotationBean.inV)) .map(k -> Stream.of(Tuples._3T(convertToObject(k, config), o, false))) .orElse(Stream.empty()), Optional.ofNullable(o.get(GraphAnnotationBean.outV)) .map(k -> Stream.of(Tuples._3T(convertToObject(k, config), o, false))) .orElse(Stream.empty())); } else if (GraphAnnotationBean.ElementType.vertex.toString().equals(type.asText())) { stats.vertices_emitted++; return Optional.ofNullable(o.get( .map(k -> Stream.of(Tuples._3T(convertToObject(k, config), o, true))) .orElse(Stream.empty()); } else return Stream.empty(); }).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(t3 -> t3._1() // group by key , Collectors.collectingAndThen( Collectors.<Tuple3<ObjectNode, ObjectNode, Boolean>>partitioningBy(t3 -> t3._3()) // group by edge/vertex , m -> Tuples._2T(m.get(true).stream().map(t3 -> t3._2()).collect(Collectors.toList()) // convert group edge/vertex to pair of lists , m.get(false).stream().map(t3 -> t3._2()).collect(Collectors.toList()))))); return nodes_to_get; }
From source
private List<String> collectAllErrorMessagesFrom(JsonNode jsonNode) { List<String> list = new LinkedList<>(); if (jsonNode.isArray()) { for (JsonNode aJsonNode : jsonNode) { list.addAll(collectAllErrorMessagesFrom(aJsonNode)); }/*www .j a v a2 s. com*/ } else { Iterator<String> fieldsIterator = jsonNode.fieldNames(); while (fieldsIterator.hasNext()) { String fieldName =; if ("errors".equals(fieldName)) { JsonNode errorsNode = jsonNode.get(fieldName); if (errorsNode.isArray()) { for (JsonNode errorNode : errorsNode) { list.add(errorNode.asText()); } } } else { list.addAll(collectAllErrorMessagesFrom(jsonNode.get(fieldName))); } } } return list; }
From source
private void addExpression(String key, JsonNode expression) { String xpathvalue = expression.asText(); try {/*ww w. j av a2 s .c o m*/ List<LabelledExpression> lexpressionList = expressions.get(key); if (lexpressionList == null) { lexpressionList = new ArrayList<>(); expressions.put(key, lexpressionList); } LabelledExpression lexpression = new LabelledExpression(key, xpathvalue); lexpressionList.add(lexpression); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't compile expression : " + xpathvalue, e); } }