Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015 SQUARESPACE, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.squarespace.template.plugins.platform; import static com.squarespace.template.GeneralUtils.isTruthy; import static com.squarespace.template.GeneralUtils.loadResource; import static com.squarespace.template.plugins.PluginUtils.slugify; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.squarespace.template.Arguments; import com.squarespace.template.ArgumentsException; import com.squarespace.template.BaseFormatter; import com.squarespace.template.CodeException; import com.squarespace.template.CodeExecuteException; import com.squarespace.template.Compiler; import com.squarespace.template.Constants; import com.squarespace.template.Context; import com.squarespace.template.Formatter; import com.squarespace.template.FormatterRegistry; import com.squarespace.template.GeneralUtils; import com.squarespace.template.Instruction; import com.squarespace.template.StringView; import com.squarespace.template.SymbolTable; import com.squarespace.template.plugins.PluginDateUtils; import com.squarespace.template.plugins.PluginUtils; import com.squarespace.template.plugins.platform.enums.RecordType; /** * Extracted from Commons library at commit ab4ba7a6f2b872a31cb6449ae9e96f5f5b30f471 */ public class ContentFormatters implements FormatterRegistry { @Override public void registerFormatters(SymbolTable<StringView, Formatter> table) { table.add(new AbsUrlFormatter(Constants.BASE_URL_KEY)); table.add(new AudioPlayerFormatter()); table.add(new CapitalizeFormatter()); table.add(new ChildImageMetaFormatter()); table.add(new ColorWeightFormatter()); table.add(new CoverImageMetaFormatter()); table.add(new HeightFormatter()); table.add(new HumanizeDurationFormatter()); table.add(new ImageFormatter()); table.add(new ImageColorFormatter()); table.add(new ImageMetaFormatter()); table.add(new ItemClassesFormatter()); table.add(new ResizedHeightForWidthFormatter()); table.add(new ResizedWidthForHeightFormatter()); table.add(new SqspThumbForHeightFormatter()); table.add(new SqspThumbForWidthFormatter()); table.add(new TimesinceFormatter()); table.add(new VideoFormatter()); table.add(new WidthFormatter()); } public static class AbsUrlFormatter extends BaseFormatter { private final String[] baseUrlKey; public AbsUrlFormatter(String[] baseUrlKey) { super("AbsUrl", false); this.baseUrlKey = baseUrlKey; } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { String baseUrl = ctx.resolve(baseUrlKey).asText(); String value = node.asText(); return ctx.buildNode(baseUrl + "/" + value); } } public static class AudioPlayerFormatter extends BaseFormatter { private Instruction template; public AudioPlayerFormatter() { super("audio-player", false); } @Override public void initialize(Compiler compiler) throws CodeException { String source = loadResource(ContentFormatters.class, "audio-player.html"); template = compiler.compile(source).code(); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { return GeneralUtils.executeTemplate(ctx, template, node, true); } } public static class CapitalizeFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public CapitalizeFormatter() { super("capitalize", false); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { String text = node.asText(); return ctx.buildNode(text.toUpperCase()); } } private abstract static class ImageMetaBaseFormatter extends BaseFormatter { ImageMetaBaseFormatter(String identifier) { super(identifier, false); } protected void outputImageMeta(JsonNode image, StringBuilder buf) { if (image.isMissingNode()) { return; } String focalPoint = getFocalPoint(image); String origSize = image.path("originalSize").asText(); String assetUrl = image.path("assetUrl").asText(); String altText = getAltTextFromContentItem(image); if (isLicensedAssetPreview(image)) { buf.append("data-licensed-asset-preview=\"true\"").append(" "); } buf.append("data-src=\"").append(assetUrl); buf.append("\" data-image=\"").append(assetUrl); buf.append("\" data-image-dimensions=\""); buf.append(origSize); buf.append("\" data-image-focal-point=\""); buf.append(focalPoint); buf.append("\" alt=\""); PluginUtils.escapeHtmlAttribute(altText, buf); buf.append("\" "); } } public static class ChildImageMetaFormatter extends ImageMetaBaseFormatter { public ChildImageMetaFormatter() { super("child-image-meta"); } @Override public void validateArgs(Arguments args) throws ArgumentsException { args.atMost(1); int index = 0; args.setOpaque(index); if (args.count() == 1) { try { index = Integer.parseInt(args.first()); args.setOpaque(index); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ArgumentsException("expected an integer index, found '" + args.first() + "'"); } } } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { int index = (Integer) args.getOpaque(); JsonNode child = node.path("items").path(index); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); outputImageMeta(child, buf); return ctx.buildNode(buf.toString()); } } private static final Pattern VALID_COLOR = Pattern.compile("[abcdef0-9]{3,6}", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final int HALFBRIGHT = 0xFFFFFF / 2; /** * COLOR_WEIGHT */ public static class ColorWeightFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public ColorWeightFormatter() { super("color-weight", false); } /** * Properly handle hex colors of length 3. Width of each channel needs to be expanded. */ private int color3(char c1, char c2, char c3) { int n1 = PluginUtils.hexDigitToInt(c1); int n2 = PluginUtils.hexDigitToInt(c2); int n3 = PluginUtils.hexDigitToInt(c3); return (n1 << 20) | (n1 << 16) | (n2 << 12) | (n2 << 8) | (n3 << 4) | n3; } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { String hex = node.asText(); hex = hex.replace("#", ""); if (!VALID_COLOR.matcher(hex).matches()) { return Constants.MISSING_NODE; } int value = 0; if (hex.length() == 3) { value = color3(hex.charAt(0), hex.charAt(1), hex.charAt(2)); } else if (hex.length() == 6) { value = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16); } String weight = (value > HALFBRIGHT) ? "light" : "dark"; return ctx.buildNode(weight); } }; private static String[] splitDimensions(JsonNode node) { String val = node.asText(); String[] parts = StringUtils.split(val, 'x'); if (parts.length != 2) { return null; } return parts; } private static String getFocalPoint(JsonNode media) { String focalPoint = "0.5,0.5"; JsonNode node = media.path("mediaFocalPoint"); if (!node.isMissingNode()) { focalPoint = node.path("x").asDouble() + "," + node.path("y").asDouble(); } return focalPoint; } private static String getAltTextFromContentItem(JsonNode contentItemNode) { JsonNode title = contentItemNode.path("title"); if (isTruthy(title)) { return title.asText(); } JsonNode body = contentItemNode.path("body"); if (isTruthy(body)) { String text = PluginUtils.removeTags(body.asText()); if (text.length() > 0) { return text; } } JsonNode filename = contentItemNode.path("filename"); if (isTruthy(filename)) { return filename.asText(); } return ""; } public static class HeightFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public HeightFormatter() { super("height", false); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { String[] parts = splitDimensions(node); if (parts == null || parts.length != 2) { return ctx.buildNode("Invalid source parameter. Pass in 'originalSize'."); } else { int height = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); return ctx.buildNode(height); } } }; /** * HUMANIZE_DURATION */ public static class HumanizeDurationFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public HumanizeDurationFormatter() { super("humanizeDuration", false); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { long duration = node.asLong(); return ctx.buildNode(DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(duration, "m:ss")); } }; private static boolean isLicensedAssetPreview(JsonNode image) { if (image.path("licensedAssetPreview").isObject()) { return true; } return false; } public static class ImageFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public ImageFormatter() { super("image", false); } @Override public void validateArgs(Arguments args) throws ArgumentsException { args.atMost(1); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { String cls = (args.count() == 1) ? args.first() : "thumb-image"; String id = node.path("id").asText(); String altText = getAltText(ctx); String assetUrl = node.path("assetUrl").asText(); String focalPoint = getFocalPoint(node); String originalSize = node.path("originalSize").asText(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("<noscript>"); buf.append("<img"); buf.append(" src=\"").append(assetUrl).append("\" "); if (!altText.isEmpty()) { buf.append(" alt=\""); PluginUtils.escapeHtmlAttribute(altText, buf); buf.append("\" "); } buf.append(" />"); buf.append("</noscript>"); buf.append("<img class=\"").append(cls).append("\" "); if (!altText.isEmpty()) { buf.append("alt=\""); PluginUtils.escapeHtmlAttribute(altText, buf); buf.append("\" "); } if (isLicensedAssetPreview(node)) { buf.append("data-licensed-asset-preview=\"true\"").append(" "); } buf.append("data-src=\"").append(assetUrl).append("\" "); buf.append("data-image=\"").append(assetUrl).append("\" "); buf.append("data-image-dimensions=\"").append(originalSize).append("\" "); buf.append("data-image-focal-point=\"").append(focalPoint).append("\" "); buf.append("data-load=\"false\"").append(" "); buf.append("data-image-id=\"").append(id).append("\" "); buf.append("data-type=\"image\" "); buf.append("/>"); return ctx.buildNode(buf.toString()); } private String getAltText(Context ctx) { // For image blocks, caption is stored on the block and not the item. // need to reach out via the context to see if it exist first, // before falling back on the data on the item // this will be empty if this is not a block JsonNode blockInfo = ctx.resolve("info"); if (blockInfo != null) { JsonNode altText = blockInfo.get("altText"); if (altText != null && StringUtils.trimToNull(altText.asText()) != null) { return altText.asText(); } } JsonNode image = ctx.node(); return getAltTextFromContentItem(image); } } public static class ImageColorFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public ImageColorFormatter() { super("image-color", false); } private final List<String> positions = Arrays.asList("topLeft", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "center"); private final Set<String> positionSet = new HashSet<>(positions); @Override public void validateArgs(Arguments args) throws ArgumentsException { args.atMost(2); if (args.count() >= 1) { String pos = args.first(); if (!positionSet.contains(pos)) { throw new ArgumentsException("illegal value '" + pos + "' found"); } } } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { JsonNode colorData = node.path("colorData"); if (colorData.isMissingNode()) { return Constants.MISSING_NODE; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (args.count() > 0) { String key = args.first(); String color = colorData.path(key + "Average").asText(); if (color.length() > 0) { if (args.count() == 2) { buf.append(args.get(1)).append(": "); } buf.append('#').append(color); } else { buf.append("\"").append(key).append("\" not found."); } } else { for (String key : positions) { buf.append("data-color-").append(key).append("=\"#"); buf.append(colorData.path(key + "Average").asText()); buf.append("\" "); } } return ctx.buildNode(buf.toString()); } } public static class ImageMetaFormatter extends ImageMetaBaseFormatter { public ImageMetaFormatter() { super("image-meta"); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); outputImageMeta(node, buf); return ctx.buildNode(buf.toString()); } } public static class CoverImageMetaFormatter extends ImageMetaBaseFormatter { public CoverImageMetaFormatter() { super("cover-image-meta"); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); outputImageMeta(node.path("coverImage"), buf); return ctx.buildNode(buf.toString()); } }; /** * ITEM_CLASSES */ public static class ItemClassesFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public ItemClassesFormatter() { super("item-classes", false); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode value) throws CodeExecuteException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("hentry"); JsonNode node = ctx.resolve("promotedBlockType"); if (isTruthy(node)) { buf.append(" promoted promoted-block-" + slugify(node.asText())); } node = ctx.resolve("categories"); if (isTruthy(node)) { int size = node.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { buf.append(" category-" + slugify(node.path(i).asText())); } } node = ctx.resolve("tags"); if (isTruthy(node)) { int size = node.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { buf.append(" tag-" + slugify(node.path(i).asText())); } } node = ctx.resolve("author"); JsonNode displayName = node.path("displayName"); if (isTruthy(node) && isTruthy(displayName)) { buf.append(" author-" + slugify(displayName.asText())); } node = ctx.resolve("recordTypeLabel"); buf.append(" post-type-").append(node.asText()); node = ctx.resolve("@index"); if (!node.isMissingNode()) { buf.append(" article-index-" + node.asInt()); } node = ctx.resolve("starred"); if (isTruthy(node)) { buf.append(" featured"); } node = value.path("recordType"); if (RecordType.STORE_ITEM.code() == node.asInt()) { if (CommerceUtils.isOnSale(value)) { buf.append(" on-sale"); } if (CommerceUtils.isSoldOut(value)) { buf.append(" sold-out"); } } return ctx.buildNode(buf.toString()); } } private static abstract class ResizeBaseFormatter extends BaseFormatter { ResizeBaseFormatter(String identifier) { super(identifier, true); } @Override public void validateArgs(Arguments args) throws ArgumentsException { args.atLeast(1); Integer requestedWidth = Integer.parseInt(args.first()); args.setOpaque(requestedWidth); } protected JsonNode resize(Context ctx, JsonNode node, boolean resizeWidth, int requested) { String[] parts = splitDimensions(node); if (parts == null || parts.length != 2) { return ctx.buildNode("Invalid source parameter. Pass in 'originalSize'."); } int width = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); int height = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); int value = 0; if (resizeWidth) { value = (int) (width * (requested / (float) height)); } else { value = (int) (height * (requested / (float) width)); } return ctx.buildNode(value); } protected String getSquarespaceSizeForWidth(int width) { if (width > 1000) { return "1500w"; } else if (width > 750) { return "1000w"; } else if (width > 500) { return "750w"; } else if (width > 300) { return "500w"; } else if (width > 100) { return "300w"; } else { return "100w"; } } } public static class ResizedHeightForWidthFormatter extends ResizeBaseFormatter { public ResizedHeightForWidthFormatter() { super("resizedHeightForWidth"); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { return resize(ctx, node, false, (Integer) args.getOpaque()); } } public static class ResizedWidthForHeightFormatter extends ResizeBaseFormatter { public ResizedWidthForHeightFormatter() { super("resizedWidthForHeight"); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { return resize(ctx, node, true, (Integer) args.getOpaque()); } } public static class SqspThumbForWidthFormatter extends ResizeBaseFormatter { public SqspThumbForWidthFormatter() { super("squarespaceThumbnailForWidth"); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { return ctx.buildNode(getSquarespaceSizeForWidth((Integer) args.getOpaque())); } } public static class SqspThumbForHeightFormatter extends ResizeBaseFormatter { public SqspThumbForHeightFormatter() { super("squarespaceThumbnailForHeight"); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { JsonNode resized = resize(ctx, node, true, (Integer) args.getOpaque()); if (resized.isInt()) { return ctx.buildNode(getSquarespaceSizeForWidth(resized.asInt())); } return resized; } } /** * TIMESINCE - Outputs a human-readable representation of (now - timestamp). */ public static class TimesinceFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public TimesinceFormatter() { super("timesince", false); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (!node.isNumber()) { buf.append("Invalid date."); } else { long value = node.asLong(); buf.append("<span class=\"timesince\" data-date=\"" + value + "\">"); PluginDateUtils.humanizeDate(value, false, buf); buf.append("</span>"); } return ctx.buildNode(buf.toString()); } } public static class WidthFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public WidthFormatter() { super("width", false); } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { String[] parts = splitDimensions(node); if (parts == null || parts.length != 2) { return ctx.buildNode("Invalid source parameter. Pass in 'originalSize'."); } else { int width = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); return ctx.buildNode(width); } } } public static class VideoFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public VideoFormatter() { super("video", false); } private final Set<String> validArgs = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("load-false", "color-data")); @Override public void validateArgs(Arguments args) throws ArgumentsException { for (String arg : args.getArgs()) { if (!validArgs.contains(arg)) { throw new ArgumentsException("'" + arg + "' is not an expected value"); } } } @Override public JsonNode apply(Context ctx, Arguments args, JsonNode node) throws CodeExecuteException { JsonNode oEmbed = node.path("oembed"); JsonNode colorData = node.path("colorData"); String assetUrl = node.path("assetUrl").asText(); String focalPoint = getFocalPoint(node); String originalSize = node.path("originalSize").asText(); boolean loadFalse = false; boolean useColorData = false; for (String arg : args.getArgs()) { if (arg.equals("load-false")) { loadFalse = true; } else if (arg.equals("color-data")) { useColorData = true; } } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("<div class=\"sqs-video-wrapper\" "); if (loadFalse) { buf.append(" data-load=\"false\" "); } buf.append("data-html=\""); PluginUtils.escapeHtmlAttribute(oEmbed.path("html").asText(), buf); buf.append("\" data-provider-name=\"").append(oEmbed.path("providerName").asText()).append("\">"); if (isTruthy(node.path("overlay"))) { buf.append("<div class=\"sqs-video-overlay"); if (isTruthy(node.path("mainImageId")) || isTruthy(node.path("systemDataId"))) { buf.append("\" style=\"opacity: 0;\">"); buf.append("<img data-load=\"false\" data-src=\"").append(assetUrl).append("\" "); buf.append("data-src=\"").append(assetUrl).append("\" "); buf.append("data-image-dimensions=\"").append(originalSize).append("\" "); buf.append("data-image-focal-point=\"").append(focalPoint).append("\" "); if (useColorData && isTruthy(colorData)) { buf.append("data-color-topleft=\"#").append(colorData.path("topLeftAverage").asText()) .append("\" "); buf.append("data-color-topright=\"#").append(colorData.path("topRightAverage").asText()) .append("\" "); buf.append("data-color-bottomleft=\"#").append(colorData.path("bottomLeftAverage").asText()) .append("\" "); buf.append("data-color-bottomright=\"#") .append(colorData.path("bottomRightAverage").asText()).append("\" "); buf.append("data-color-center=\"#").append(colorData.path("centerAverage").asText()) .append("\" "); } buf.append("/>"); // close <img> } else { buf.append(" no-thumb\" style=\"opacity: 0;\">"); // close <img> } buf.append("<div class=\"sqs-video-opaque\"> </div><div class=\"sqs-video-icon\"></div>"); buf.append("</div>"); } buf.append("</div>"); return ctx.buildNode(buf.toString()); } } }