Java tutorial
package org.anism.lotw; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextButton; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Container; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Touchable; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Stack; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ButtonGroup; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ScrollPane; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.CheckBox; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.CheckBox.CheckBoxStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.SelectBox; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.SelectBox.SelectBoxStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.List.ListStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Image; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label.LabelStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ImageButton; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.HorizontalGroup; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ImageTextButton; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Button.ButtonStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Button; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ClickListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ChangeListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.NinePatchDrawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.TextureRegionDrawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputEvent; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Align; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ChangeListener.ChangeEvent; import org.anism.lotw.Glob; import org.anism.lotw.Stats; import org.anism.lotw.goodies.Goody; import org.anism.lotw.goodies.Baddy; public class LOTW extends ApplicationAdapter { Glob G; class TouchStage extends Stage { @Override public boolean touchDown(int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { super.touchDown(x, y, pointer, button); G.glider.touchDown(x); return true; } @Override public boolean touchDragged(int x, int y, int pointer) { super.touchDragged(x, y, pointer); G.glider.touchDragged(x); return true; } @Override public boolean touchUp(int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { super.touchUp(x, y, pointer, button); G.glider.touchUp(); return true; } }; //Stage intro; Stage settings; Stage colorSettings; Stage controlSettings; Stage modeSettings; Stage loginSettings; Stage bottomSettings; Stage statistics; Stage instructions; Stage game; Stage over; Stage about; Stage current; ImageButton resumeButton; ImageButton exitButton; Label.LabelStyle labelStyle; Label.LabelStyle labelStyleSmall; float fadeDur = 0.5f; Color tr = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); ActionResolver actionResolver; float dpi; float buttonWidth; float settingsButtonHeight; public LOTW(ActionResolver a) { actionResolver = a; } public boolean playing() { return current == game; } public void togglePauseButtons() { resumeButton.setVisible(!resumeButton.isVisible()); exitButton.setVisible(!exitButton.isVisible()); } public void back() {"back", ""); if (current == game) { G.pause(); return; } if (current == over || current == settings || current == colorSettings || current == controlSettings || current == modeSettings || current == loginSettings || current == bottomSettings) { setStage(instructions); return; } if (current == about || current == statistics) { setStage(bottomSettings); return; } if (current == instructions) { dispose(); return; } } public void setStage(Stage s) { setStage(s, true); } public void setStage(Stage s, boolean resetGlider) { current = s; if (current == game) G.startGame(); if (resetGlider) G.resetGlider(); else G.glider.resetLives(); G.resetGoodies(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(current); } public void putLogo(Stage s) { Image goLogo = new Image(G.leafLogo); goLogo.addAction(Actions.alpha(0.25f)); float w = goLogo.getWidth(); float h = goLogo.getHeight(); goLogo.setWidth(w * dpi); goLogo.setHeight(h * dpi); goLogo.setPosition(G.width / 2 - goLogo.getWidth() / 2, G.height / 2 - goLogo.getHeight() / 2); s.addActor(goLogo); } public void initGameOver(boolean fade) { over.clear(); //putLogo(over); Table goTable = new Table(); goTable.setFillParent(true); goTable.add(new Label("Game Over", labelStyle)).pad(4).colspan(2); goTable.row(); if (G.settings.hell()) { goTable.add(new Label("Hell Mode", labelStyleSmall)).pad(4).colspan(2); goTable.row(); } goTable.add(new Goody(G, 0, 0, G.colors.goodyGreen)).pad(4); goTable.add(new Label(Integer.toString(G.glider.score), labelStyle)).pad(4); goTable.row(); goTable.add(new Goody(G, 0, 0, G.colors.goodyGold)).pad(4); goTable.add(new Label(Integer.toString(G.glider.snitches), labelStyle)).pad(4); goTable.row(); goTable.add(new Baddy(G, G.colors.goodyRed)).pad(4); goTable.add(new Label(Integer.toString(G.glider.damages), labelStyle)).pad(4); goTable.row(); if (G.settings.normal()) { goTable.add().pad(4); goTable.row(); goTable.add(new Label(G.glider.maxCombo + " combo", labelStyle)).pad(4).colspan(2); goTable.row(); } if (fade) { goTable.addAction(Actions.alpha(0)); goTable.addAction(Actions.delay(1, Actions.fadeIn(3))); } over.addActor(goTable); putActionBar(over); } public void gameOver() { // first, talk to google: if (actionResolver.getSignedInGPGS()) { if (G.settings.normal()) actionResolver.submitScoreGPGS(G.glider.score, G.constants.scoreBoard); if (G.settings.hell()) actionResolver.submitScoreGPGS(G.glider.score, G.constants.hellBoard); if (G.glider.score > 10) actionResolver.unlockAchievementGPGS(G.constants.decade); if (G.glider.score > 100) actionResolver.unlockAchievementGPGS(G.constants.century); if (G.glider.score > 1000) actionResolver.unlockAchievementGPGS(G.constants.millenium); } // then, make the screen: initGameOver(true); setStage(over, false); } public TextButton addButton(Stage src, final Stage dest, String text, float cx, float cy, float w, float h) { return addButton(src, dest, text, cx, cy, w, h, G.colors.grey); } public TextButton addButton(Stage src, final Stage dest, String text, float cx, float cy, float w, float h, Color c) { TextButton button = new TextButton(text, textButtonStyle); button.setWidth(w * dpi); button.setHeight(h * dpi); button.setPosition(G.width / 2 + cx * dpi - button.getWidth() / 2, G.height / 2 + cy * dpi - button.getHeight() / 2); button.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { setStage(dest); } }); button.setColor(c); if (src != null) { src.addActor(button); } return button; } public ImageButton addIconButton(Stage src, Texture texture, ClickListener cl, float cx, float cy, float w, float h) { ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle imgBtnStyle = new ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle(buttonStyle); TextureRegion rgn = new TextureRegion(texture); TextureRegionDrawable dbl = new TextureRegionDrawable(rgn); imgBtnStyle.imageUp = dbl; imgBtnStyle.imageDown = dbl; imgBtnStyle.imageOver = dbl; imgBtnStyle.imageChecked = dbl; imgBtnStyle.imageCheckedOver = dbl; imgBtnStyle.imageDisabled = dbl; ImageButton button = new ImageButton(imgBtnStyle); button.setWidth(w * dpi); button.setHeight(h * dpi); button.setPosition(G.width / 2 + cx * dpi - button.getWidth() / 2, G.height / 2 + cy * dpi - button.getHeight() / 2); button.addListener(cl); Color c = new Color(G.getAntiColor()); c.a = 1; button.getImage().setColor(c); if (src != null) { src.addActor(button); } return button; } public Image addImage(Stage src, Texture texture, Color color, float cx, float cy, float w, float h) { Image image = new Image(texture); image.setWidth((int) w * dpi); image.setHeight((int) h * dpi); image.setColor(color); image.setPosition((int) G.width / 2 + cx * dpi - image.getWidth() / 2, (int) G.height / 2 + cy * dpi - image.getHeight() / 2); src.addActor(image); return image; } public Goody addDumbBaddy(Stage src, Color color, float cx, float cy) { Goody g = new Baddy(G, new Color(color)); g.setPosition(G.width / 2 + cx * dpi - G.size / 2, G.height / 2 + cy * dpi - G.size / 2); src.addActor(g); return g; } public Goody addDumbGoody(Stage src, Color color, float cx, float cy) { Goody g = new Goody(G, cx, cy, new Color(color)); src.addActor(g); return g; } public Label addLabel(Stage src, String lbl, float cx, float cy, float h, Color c) { Label label = new Label(lbl, new Label.LabelStyle(G.roboto24, G.getAntiColor())); float wide = label.getWidth(); float tall = label.getHeight(); label.setPosition(G.width / 2 + cx * dpi - wide / 2, G.height / 2 + cy * dpi - h * dpi / 2 - tall / 2); label.setAlignment(Align.bottom |; label.setColor(c); src.addActor(label); return label; } public Label addLabel(Stage src, String lbl, float cx, float cy, float h) { return addLabel(src, lbl, cx, cy, h, G.getAntiColor()); } Label toasting; public void toast(Stage src, String t, float cx, float cy) { if (toasting != null) { toasting.addAction(Actions.removeActor()); } toasting = addLabel(src, t, cx, cy, -48, G.getAntiColor()); toasting.setStyle(new LabelStyle(G.roboto24, G.getAntiColor())); toasting.addAction(Actions.delay(1, Actions.fadeOut(1))); } public void toast(String t) { if (current != null) { toast(current, t, 0, 0); } else {"TOAST", t); } } public void newBest(int time) { addLabel(over, "New " + (time == 0 ? "Daily" : time == 1 ? "Weekly" : "All Time") + "\nHigh Score!", G.width / 4 / dpi, 0, 0) .addAction(Actions.forever( Actions.sequence(Actions.alpha(0.125f, 2 * fadeDur), Actions.fadeIn(2 * fadeDur)))); } public void seeStats() { statistics.clear(); //putLogo(statistics); statistics.addActor(G.stats.display(labelStyleSmall)); addIconButton(statistics, G.backIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { setStage(bottomSettings); } }, 0, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, buttonWidth / dpi, 88).setColor(; setStage(statistics); } @Override public void dispose() { G.writeStats(); super.dispose(); } public void login() { if (logButton != null) { logButton.setText("Sign Out"); } } public void logout() { if (logButton != null) { logButton.setText("Sign In"); } } TextButton.TextButtonStyle textButtonStyle; ButtonStyle buttonStyle; ImageTextButton logButton; public Table putSettingsMenu(Stage src) { Table outTable = new Table(); outTable.setSize(buttonWidth, G.height - 96 * dpi); outTable.setPosition(0, 96 * dpi); outTable.left().top(); outTable.defaults().width(buttonWidth + 8 * dpi).height(settingsButtonHeight); Label setLabel = new Label("Settings", labelStyle); outTable.add(setLabel).width(setLabel.getWidth()).center(); outTable.row(); Table inTable = new Table(); inTable.defaults().pad(4 * dpi).width(buttonWidth).height(settingsButtonHeight); inTable.add(addButton(null, controlSettings, "Controls", 0, 0, 0, 0)); inTable.row(); inTable.add(addButton(null, colorSettings, "Display", 0, 0, 0, 0)); inTable.row(); inTable.add(addButton(null, modeSettings, "Mode", 0, 0, 0, 0)); inTable.row(); inTable.add(addButton(null, loginSettings, "Online", 0, 0, 0, 0)); inTable.row(); inTable.add(addButton(null, bottomSettings, "Advanced", 0, 0, 0, 0)); ScrollPane pane = new ScrollPane(inTable); outTable.add(pane).height(G.height - settingsButtonHeight - 96 * dpi); if (src != null) { src.addActor(outTable); } return outTable; } public Table makeSettingsTable(String title) { Table table = new Table(); table.setPosition(buttonWidth, 88 * dpi); table.setSize(G.width - buttonWidth, G.height - 88 * dpi); table.defaults().height(settingsButtonHeight); table.add(new Label(title, labelStyle)).colspan(2); table.row(); return table; } public void putSettingsButton(Table table, Actor button, String text) { table.add(button).width(88 * dpi).pad(4 * dpi); Label label = new Label(text, labelStyleSmall); label.setWrap(true); table.add(label).width(G.width - 384 * dpi).pad(4 * dpi); table.row(); } public Table makeSettings(Stage set, Table right) { Table left = putSettingsMenu(null); Table out = new Table(); out.setFillParent(true); out.left().top(); left.setFillParent(false); out.add(left); out.add(right); if (set != null) { set.addActor(out); } return out; } public Table putActionBar(Stage src) { ImageButton leaderButton = addIconButton(null, G.leaderIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { actionResolver.getLeaderboardGPGS(G.constants.scoreBoard); } }, 48, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, 88, 88); leaderButton.setColor(; ImageButton achieveButton = addIconButton(null, G.achieveIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { actionResolver.getAchievementsGPGS(); } }, -48, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, 88, 88); achieveButton.setColor(; ImageButton backButton = addIconButton(null, G.backIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { setStage(instructions); } }, -G.width / 2 / dpi + 96, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, 184, 88); backButton.setColor(; ImageButton playButton = addIconButton(null, G.playIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { setStage(game); } }, G.width / 2 / dpi - 96, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, 184, 88); playButton.setColor(; Table actionBar = new Table(); actionBar.setFillParent(true); actionBar.bottom(); //actionBar.defaults().pad(4).maxWidth(192).height(88); actionBar.defaults().pad(4 * dpi).minWidth(88 * dpi).maxWidth(192 * dpi).expandX().height(88 * dpi); actionBar.add(backButton); actionBar.add(achieveButton); actionBar.add(leaderButton); actionBar.add(playButton); src.addActor(actionBar); return actionBar; } @Override public void pause() { //; } @Override public void resume() { //G.restore(); } @Override public void create() { dpi =; if (actionResolver.getSignedInGPGS()) { } else { actionResolver.loginGPGS(); } G = new Glob(this); G.clear();, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); buttonWidth = Math.min(G.width / 4 - 8 * dpi, 196 * dpi); settingsButtonHeight = Math.min((G.height - 96 * dpi) / 4 - 8 * dpi, 88 * dpi); /* Texture upTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("images/sphere-lightgrey-24.png")); Texture downTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("images/sphere-greylight-24.png")); NinePatch buttonPatchUp = new NinePatch(upTexture, 11, 11, 11, 11); NinePatch buttonPatchDown = new NinePatch(downTexture, 11, 11, 11, 11); */ //intro = new Stage(); settings = new Stage(); colorSettings = new Stage(); controlSettings = new Stage(); modeSettings = new Stage(); loginSettings = new Stage(); bottomSettings = new Stage(); about = new TouchStage(); instructions = new TouchStage(); statistics = new TouchStage(); game = new TouchStage() { @Override public void draw() { G.tick(true, true); G.input(true); G.clear(); G.draw(); super.act(); super.draw();; } }; over = new TouchStage(); initEverything(); setStage(instructions); } public void resetEverything() { clearEverything(); initEverything(); if (current == over) initGameOver(false); } public void clearEverything() { settings.clear(); colorSettings.clear(); controlSettings.clear(); modeSettings.clear(); loginSettings.clear(); bottomSettings.clear(); statistics.clear(); instructions.clear(); game.clear(); over.clear(); about.clear(); } public void initEverything() { Color fullAnti = new Color(G.getAntiColor()); fullAnti.a = 1; Texture upTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("images/grey_button_up.png")); Texture downTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("images/grey_button_down.png")); NinePatch buttonPatchUp = new NinePatch(upTexture, 11, 11, 11, 11); NinePatch buttonPatchDown = new NinePatch(downTexture, 11, 11, 11, 11); NinePatchDrawable npdUp = new NinePatchDrawable(buttonPatchUp); NinePatchDrawable npdDown = new NinePatchDrawable(buttonPatchDown); textButtonStyle = new TextButton.TextButtonStyle(npdUp, npdDown, npdUp, G.roboto16); textButtonStyle.fontColor = new Color(G.getAntiColor()); textButtonStyle.fontColor.a = 1; buttonStyle = new ButtonStyle(npdUp, npdDown, npdUp); labelStyle = new Label.LabelStyle(G.roboto24, G.getAntiColor()); labelStyleSmall = new Label.LabelStyle(G.roboto16, G.getAntiColor()); resumeButton = addIconButton(game, G.playIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { if (!G.pausing) { G.pause(); } } }, buttonWidth / dpi / 2 + 4 * dpi, -48, buttonWidth / dpi, 88); resumeButton.setColor(; exitButton = addIconButton(game, G.backIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { if (!G.pausing) { G.gameOver(); } } }, -buttonWidth / dpi / 2 - 4 * dpi, -48, buttonWidth / dpi, 88); exitButton.setColor(; togglePauseButtons(); //intro.addActor(logo); //putLogo(settings); putLogo(instructions); //putLogo(statistics); /* // intro screen: addButton(intro, game, "Start Game", 0, 0, 200f, 40f); addButton(intro, settings, "Settings", 0, -70, 100f, 40f); addButton(intro, instructions, "How to Play", 0, -120, 100f, 40f); */ // settings screen: ImageTextButton.ImageTextButtonStyle lbs = new ImageTextButton.ImageTextButtonStyle(textButtonStyle); TextureRegionDrawable gamepadDrawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(G.controllerIcon)); lbs.imageChecked = gamepadDrawable; lbs.imageCheckedOver = gamepadDrawable; lbs.imageDisabled = gamepadDrawable; lbs.imageDown = gamepadDrawable; lbs.imageOver = gamepadDrawable; lbs.imageUp = gamepadDrawable; logButton = new ImageTextButton("Sign In", lbs); if (actionResolver.getSignedInGPGS()) { logButton.setText("Sign Out"); } logButton.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { if (actionResolver.getSignedInGPGS()) { actionResolver.logoutGPGS(); } else { actionResolver.loginGPGS(); } G.toggleAutologin(); } }); logButton.setWidth(184 * dpi); logButton.setHeight(88 * dpi); logButton.setColor(G.colors.grey); logButton.getImage().setColor(fullAnti); //settings.addActor(logButton); TextureRegionDrawable cbOn = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(G.dashIcon)); TextureRegionDrawable cbOff = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(G.circleIcon)); CheckBoxStyle cbs = new CheckBoxStyle(cbOff, cbOn, G.roboto16, fullAnti); cbs.checked = npdUp; cbs.checkedOver = npdUp; cbs.down = npdDown; cbs.over = npdUp; cbs.up = npdUp; // colorblind settings: CheckBox colorButton = new CheckBox("", cbs); colorButton.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { G.toggleColorblind(); } }); colorButton.setWidth(88 * dpi); colorButton.setHeight(88 * dpi); /* colorButton.setPosition(G.width/2 - 188 * dpi, G.height/2 + 100*dpi); */ Table colorTable = makeSettingsTable("Display"); colorButton.setColor(Math.random() > 0.5 ? :; colorButton.getImage().setColor(fullAnti); colorButton.setChecked(G.settings.colorblind); ListStyle listStyle = new ListStyle(G.roboto16, G.getAntiColor(), G.getAntiColor(), npdDown); listStyle.background = npdUp; SelectBoxStyle sbs = new SelectBoxStyle(G.roboto16, new Color(0x00000000), npdUp, new ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle(), listStyle); final SelectBox<Season> seasonPicker = new SelectBox(sbs); seasonPicker.setItems((Season[]) G.settings.getUnlockedSeasons()); if (G.settings.unlock) { seasonPicker.setSelected(G.settings.unlockSeason); } else { seasonPicker.setSelected(G.settings.getSeason()); } seasonPicker.setColor(G.colors.grey); seasonPicker.getList().setColor(G.colors.grey); Stack seasonStack = new Stack(); final Container seasonImage = new Container(new Image(seasonPicker.getSelected().getIcon())); seasonImage.setSize(32, 32); seasonImage.setTouchable(Touchable.disabled); seasonImage.getActor().setColor(G.getAntiColor()); seasonStack.add(seasonPicker); seasonStack.add(seasonImage); seasonPicker.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent e, Actor a) { Season s = seasonPicker.getSelected(); if (s.getName().toUpperCase().equals("UNLOCK")) { G.glider.score = 0; G.settings.unlock = true; G.settings.setSeason(G.settings.getSeasons()[0]); G.updateBgColor(); G.lotw.resetEverything(); } else { G.settings.unlock = false; G.changeSeason(s); } } }); putSettingsButton(colorTable, seasonStack, "Season."); CheckBox ninjaButton = new CheckBox("", cbs); ninjaButton.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { G.toggleNinja(); } }); ninjaButton.setColor(G.colors.grey); ninjaButton.getImage().setColor(fullAnti); ninjaButton.setChecked(G.settings.ninjaMode); putSettingsButton(colorTable, colorButton, "Add markings to distinguish red and green orbs."); putSettingsButton(colorTable, ninjaButton, "Ninja mode."); // advanced settings: CheckBox bottomButton = new CheckBox("", cbs); bottomButton.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { G.toggleBottomOut(); } }); bottomButton.setChecked(G.settings.bottomOut); bottomButton.setColor(G.colors.grey); bottomButton.getImage().setColor(fullAnti); Table bottomTable = makeSettingsTable("Advanced"); putSettingsButton(bottomTable, bottomButton, "The glider respawns if it falls too far. Experienced players may wish to turn this off."); ImageButton statsButton = addIconButton(null, G.image("icons/stats.png"), new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { seeStats(); } }, 96, -48, 88, 88); statsButton.setColor(G.colors.grey); putSettingsButton(bottomTable, statsButton, "View aggregate and record statistics."); ImageButton aboutButton = addIconButton(null, G.infoIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { setStage(about); } }, 0, 0, 0, 0); aboutButton.setColor(G.colors.grey); putSettingsButton(bottomTable, aboutButton, "About."); // online settings: ImageButton leaderButton = addIconButton(null, G.leaderIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { actionResolver.getLeaderboardGPGS(G.constants.scoreBoard); } }, 48, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, 88, 88); leaderButton.setColor(; ImageButton achieveButton = addIconButton(null, G.achieveIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { actionResolver.getAchievementsGPGS(); } }, -48, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, 88, 88); achieveButton.setColor(; Table loginTable = makeSettingsTable("Online"); putSettingsButton(loginTable, achieveButton, "View achievements."); putSettingsButton(loginTable, leaderButton, "Access leaderboards."); loginTable.add(logButton).width(182 * dpi).pad(4 * dpi).colspan(2).center(); // control settings: Table controlTable = makeSettingsTable("Controls"); CheckBox twoTouchControls = new CheckBox("", cbs); twoTouchControls.setColor(G.colors.grey); twoTouchControls.getImage().setColor(fullAnti); twoTouchControls.setChecked(G.settings.twoTouch()); twoTouchControls.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { G.settings.setControl("TWO_TOUCH"); } }); CheckBox tiltControls = new CheckBox("", cbs); tiltControls.setColor(G.colors.grey); tiltControls.getImage().setColor(fullAnti); tiltControls.setChecked(G.settings.tilt()); tiltControls.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { G.settings.setControl("TILT"); } }); CheckBox dragControls = new CheckBox("", cbs); dragControls.setColor(G.colors.grey); dragControls.getImage().setColor(fullAnti); dragControls.setChecked(G.settings.oneTouch()); dragControls.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { G.settings.setControl("ONE_TOUCH"); } }); ButtonGroup controlGroup = new ButtonGroup(twoTouchControls, tiltControls, dragControls); controlGroup.setMaxCheckCount(1); controlGroup.setMinCheckCount(1); controlGroup.setUncheckLast(true); putSettingsButton(controlTable, twoTouchControls, "Touch on the left or right."); putSettingsButton(controlTable, tiltControls, "Tilt your device."); putSettingsButton(controlTable, dragControls, "Touch and drag."); // mode settings: Table modeTable = makeSettingsTable("Mode"); CheckBox hellMode = new CheckBox("", cbs); hellMode.setColor(; hellMode.getImage().setColor(fullAnti); hellMode.setChecked(G.settings.hell()); hellMode.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { G.settings.setMode(-1); } }); CheckBox normalMode = new CheckBox("", cbs); normalMode.setColor(G.colors.grey); normalMode.getImage().setColor(fullAnti); normalMode.setChecked(G.settings.normal()); normalMode.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { G.settings.setMode(0); } }); ButtonGroup modeGroup = new ButtonGroup(hellMode, normalMode); modeGroup.setMaxCheckCount(1); modeGroup.setMinCheckCount(1); modeGroup.setUncheckLast(true); putSettingsButton(modeTable, normalMode, "Normal mode: catch orbs for points."); putSettingsButton(modeTable, hellMode, "Hell mode: dodge red orbs."); putActionBar(settings); putActionBar(colorSettings); putActionBar(controlSettings); putActionBar(modeSettings); putActionBar(loginSettings); putActionBar(bottomSettings); putSettingsMenu(settings); putSettingsMenu(colorSettings); colorSettings.addActor(colorTable); putSettingsMenu(controlSettings); controlSettings.addActor(controlTable); putSettingsMenu(loginSettings); loginSettings.addActor(loginTable); putSettingsMenu(modeSettings); modeSettings.addActor(modeTable); putSettingsMenu(bottomSettings); bottomSettings.addActor(bottomTable); Table aboutTable = new Table(); aboutTable.setSize(G.width, G.height - 88 * dpi); aboutTable.setPosition(0, 88 * dpi); aboutTable.add(new Label("About", labelStyle)); aboutTable.row(); Label aboutTextLabel = new Label( "Leaf on the Wind copyright 2014 Ethan Goldberg, all rights reserved.\n\nIcons made by Google and licensed under CC BY 4.0.\n\n\nThank you for playing!", labelStyleSmall); aboutTextLabel.setWrap(true); aboutTextLabel.setAlignment(,; aboutTable.add(aboutTextLabel).width(G.width / 2); ImageButton aboutBackButton = addIconButton(about, G.backIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { setStage(bottomSettings); } }, 0, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, buttonWidth / dpi, 88); aboutBackButton.setColor(; about.addActor(aboutTable); about.addActor(aboutBackButton); // instructions: //delay float d = 0f; addLabel(instructions, "This is your glider.", 0, G.height / 2 / dpi - 96, 8, tr) .addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.fadeIn(fadeDur))); // wait two seconds: d += 2.5; addLabel(instructions, "Touch the screen", 0, G.height / 2 / dpi - 136, 8, tr) .addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.fadeIn(fadeDur))); d += 1; addLabel(instructions, "on the left,", -G.width / 4 / dpi, G.height / 2 / dpi - 166, 8, tr) .addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.fadeIn(fadeDur))); d += 1.5; addLabel(instructions, "or the right.", G.width / 4 / dpi, G.height / 2 / dpi - 166, 8, tr) .addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.fadeIn(fadeDur))); d += 3; int pickUpOffset = G.size * 2; addLabel(instructions, "Catch these,", -G.width / 4 / dpi, -G.height / 6 / dpi, G.size * 2 / dpi, tr) .addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.fadeIn(fadeDur))); Goody i; d += 1.5; Color r = new Color(G.colors.goodyRed); r.a = 0; Color gr = new Color(G.colors.goodyGreen); gr.a = 0; Color go = new Color(G.colors.goodyGold); go.a = 0; Color b = new Color(G.colors.goodyBlue); b.a = 0; i = addDumbGoody(instructions, b, -G.width / 4 / dpi - (G.size * 2) / dpi, -G.height / 6 / dpi + pickUpOffset); i.addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.alpha(1))); //bounce(i, 0, 8, 0.33f, 8); bounce(i, 0, 8, 0.33f, 4); d += .5; i = addDumbGoody(instructions, gr, -G.width / 4 / dpi, -G.height / 6 / dpi + pickUpOffset); i.addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.alpha(1))); //bounce(i, 0.25f, 8, 0.33f, 8); bounce(i, 0.25f, 8, 0.33f, 4); d += .5; i = addDumbGoody(instructions, go, -G.width / 4 / dpi + (G.size * 2) / dpi, -G.height / 6 / dpi + pickUpOffset); i.addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.alpha(1))); //bounce(i, 0.5f, 8, 0.33f, 8); bounce(i, 0.5f, 8, 0.33f, 4); d += 1.5; addLabel(instructions, "not these.", G.width / 4 / dpi, -G.height / 6 / dpi, G.size * 2 / dpi, tr) .addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.fadeIn(fadeDur))); d += 2; i = addDumbBaddy(instructions, r, G.width / 4 / dpi, -G.height / 6 / dpi + pickUpOffset); i.addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.alpha(1))); //bounce(i, 0.75f, 8, 0.33f, 8); bounce(i, 0.75f, 8, 0.33f, 4); d += 2; addIconButton(instructions, G.playIcon, new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { setStage(game); } }, G.width / 2 / dpi - buttonWidth / dpi / 2 - 4, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, buttonWidth / dpi, 88) .setColor(; addIconButton(instructions, G.image("icons/settings.png"), new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) { setStage(settings); } }, -G.width / 2 / dpi + buttonWidth / 2 / dpi + 4, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, buttonWidth / dpi, 88) .setColor(G.colors.grey); d += 2; Color c = new Color(G.getAntiColor()); c.a = 0; addImage(instructions, G.playWrite, c, G.width / 2 / dpi - 3 * buttonWidth / 2 / dpi - 8, -G.height / 2 / dpi + 48, buttonWidth / 2 / dpi, 48) .addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions .forever(Actions.sequence(Actions.fadeOut(fadeDur), Actions.fadeIn(fadeDur))))); /* TextButton b1 = addButton(instructions, game, "Start", 0, -G.height/2/dpi + 88f, 192, 40f); TextButton b2 = addButton(instructions, settings, "Settings", 0, -G.height/2/dpi + 40f, 192, 40f); b1.addAction(Actions.alpha(.5f)); b2.addAction(Actions.alpha(.25f)); b1.addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.fadeIn(fadeDur))); b2.addAction(Actions.delay(d, Actions.fadeIn(fadeDur))); */ } public void bounce(Actor a, float delay, float every, float dur, float h) { a.addAction(Actions.delay(delay, Actions.forever( Actions.delay(every, Actions.sequence(Actions.moveBy(0, h, dur), Actions.moveBy(0, -h, dur)))))); } @Override public void render() { float dt =; if (current != game) { G.clear();; G.input(false);; G.settings.drawStars();;; //G.glider.draw(new Color(0, 0, 0, .5f)); if (current != settings && current != statistics && current != colorSettings && current != controlSettings && current != modeSettings && current != loginSettings && current != bottomSettings) { G.tick(false, true); G.glider.draw(); } else { G.tick(false, false); } } current.act(dt); current.draw(); G.changeSeason(); /* G.tick(); G.clear(); G.draw(); G.clean();; */ } public float getDpi() { return dpi; } }