Java tutorial
package com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Touchable; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Value.Fixed; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Align; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Drawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Layout; /** A group with a single child that sizes and positions the child using constraints. This provides layout similar to a * {@link Table} with a single cell but is more lightweight. * @author Nathan Sweet */ public class Container<T extends Actor> extends WidgetGroup { private T actor; private Value minWidth = Value.minWidth, minHeight = Value.minHeight; private Value prefWidth = Value.prefWidth, prefHeight = Value.prefHeight; private Value maxWidth =, maxHeight =; private Value padTop =, padLeft =, padBottom =, padRight =; private float fillX, fillY; private int align; private Drawable background; private boolean clip; private boolean round = true; /** Creates a container with no actor. */ public Container() { setTouchable(Touchable.childrenOnly); setTransform(false); } public Container(T actor) { this(); setActor(actor); } public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) { validate(); if (isTransform()) { applyTransform(batch, computeTransform()); drawBackground(batch, parentAlpha, 0, 0); if (clip) { batch.flush(); float padLeft = this.padLeft.get(this), padBottom = this.padBottom.get(this); boolean draw = background == null ? clipBegin(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()) : clipBegin(padLeft, padBottom, getWidth() - padLeft - padRight.get(this), getHeight() - padBottom - padTop.get(this)); if (draw) { drawChildren(batch, parentAlpha); batch.flush(); clipEnd(); } } else drawChildren(batch, parentAlpha); resetTransform(batch); } else { drawBackground(batch, parentAlpha, getX(), getY()); super.draw(batch, parentAlpha); } } /** Called to draw the background, before clipping is applied (if enabled). Default implementation draws the background * drawable. */ protected void drawBackground(Batch batch, float parentAlpha, float x, float y) { if (background == null) return; Color color = getColor(); batch.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha); background.draw(batch, x, y, getWidth(), getHeight()); } /** Sets the background drawable and adjusts the container's padding to match the background. * @see #setBackground(Drawable, boolean) */ public void setBackground(Drawable background) { setBackground(background, true); } /** Sets the background drawable and, if adjustPadding is true, sets the container's padding to * {@link Drawable#getBottomHeight()} , {@link Drawable#getTopHeight()}, {@link Drawable#getLeftWidth()}, and * {@link Drawable#getRightWidth()}. * @param background If null, the background will be cleared and padding removed. */ public void setBackground(Drawable background, boolean adjustPadding) { if (this.background == background) return; this.background = background; if (adjustPadding) { if (background == null) pad(; else pad(background.getTopHeight(), background.getLeftWidth(), background.getBottomHeight(), background.getRightWidth()); invalidate(); } } /** @see #setBackground(Drawable) */ public Container<T> background(Drawable background) { setBackground(background); return this; } public Drawable getBackground() { return background; } public void layout() { if (actor == null) return; float padLeft = this.padLeft.get(this), padBottom = this.padBottom.get(this); float containerWidth = getWidth() - padLeft - padRight.get(this); float containerHeight = getHeight() - padBottom - padTop.get(this); float minWidth = this.minWidth.get(actor), minHeight = this.minHeight.get(actor); float prefWidth = this.prefWidth.get(actor), prefHeight = this.prefHeight.get(actor); float maxWidth = this.maxWidth.get(actor), maxHeight = this.maxHeight.get(actor); float width; if (fillX > 0) width = containerWidth * fillX; else width = Math.min(prefWidth, containerWidth); if (width < minWidth) width = minWidth; if (maxWidth > 0 && width > maxWidth) width = maxWidth; float height; if (fillY > 0) height = containerHeight * fillY; else height = Math.min(prefHeight, containerHeight); if (height < minHeight) height = minHeight; if (maxHeight > 0 && height > maxHeight) height = maxHeight; float x = padLeft; if ((align & Align.right) != 0) x += containerWidth - width; else if ((align & Align.left) == 0) // center x += (containerWidth - width) / 2; float y = padBottom; if ((align & != 0) y += containerHeight - height; else if ((align & Align.bottom) == 0) // center y += (containerHeight - height) / 2; if (round) { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); width = Math.round(width); height = Math.round(height); } actor.setBounds(x, y, width, height); if (actor instanceof Layout) ((Layout) actor).validate(); } /** @param actor May be null. */ public void setActor(T actor) { if (actor == this) throw new IllegalArgumentException("actor cannot be the Container."); if ( != null) super.removeActor(; = actor; if (actor != null) super.addActor(actor); } /** @return May be null. */ public T getActor() { return actor; } /** @deprecated Container may have only a single child. * @see #setActor(Actor) */ public void addActor(Actor actor) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use Container#setActor."); } /** @deprecated Container may have only a single child. * @see #setActor(Actor) */ public void addActorAt(int index, Actor actor) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use Container#setActor."); } /** @deprecated Container may have only a single child. * @see #setActor(Actor) */ public void addActorBefore(Actor actorBefore, Actor actor) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use Container#setActor."); } /** @deprecated Container may have only a single child. * @see #setActor(Actor) */ public void addActorAfter(Actor actorAfter, Actor actor) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use Container#setActor."); } public boolean removeActor(Actor actor) { if (actor != return false; setActor(null); return true; } /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> size(Value size) { if (size == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("size cannot be null."); minWidth = size; minHeight = size; prefWidth = size; prefHeight = size; maxWidth = size; maxHeight = size; return this; } /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified values. */ public Container<T> size(Value width, Value height) { if (width == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("width cannot be null."); if (height == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("height cannot be null."); minWidth = width; minHeight = height; prefWidth = width; prefHeight = height; maxWidth = width; maxHeight = height; return this; } /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> size(float size) { size(new Fixed(size)); return this; } /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified values. */ public Container<T> size(float width, float height) { size(new Fixed(width), new Fixed(height)); return this; } /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, and maxWidth to the specified value. */ public Container<T> width(Value width) { if (width == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("width cannot be null."); minWidth = width; prefWidth = width; maxWidth = width; return this; } /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, and maxWidth to the specified value. */ public Container<T> width(float width) { width(new Fixed(width)); return this; } /** Sets the minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> height(Value height) { if (height == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("height cannot be null."); minHeight = height; prefHeight = height; maxHeight = height; return this; } /** Sets the minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> height(float height) { height(new Fixed(height)); return this; } /** Sets the minWidth and minHeight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> minSize(Value size) { if (size == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("size cannot be null."); minWidth = size; minHeight = size; return this; } /** Sets the minWidth and minHeight to the specified values. */ public Container<T> minSize(Value width, Value height) { if (width == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("width cannot be null."); if (height == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("height cannot be null."); minWidth = width; minHeight = height; return this; } public Container<T> minWidth(Value minWidth) { if (minWidth == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("minWidth cannot be null."); this.minWidth = minWidth; return this; } public Container<T> minHeight(Value minHeight) { if (minHeight == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("minHeight cannot be null."); this.minHeight = minHeight; return this; } /** Sets the minWidth and minHeight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> minSize(float size) { minSize(new Fixed(size)); return this; } /** Sets the minWidth and minHeight to the specified values. */ public Container<T> minSize(float width, float height) { minSize(new Fixed(width), new Fixed(height)); return this; } public Container<T> minWidth(float minWidth) { this.minWidth = new Fixed(minWidth); return this; } public Container<T> minHeight(float minHeight) { this.minHeight = new Fixed(minHeight); return this; } /** Sets the prefWidth and prefHeight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> prefSize(Value size) { if (size == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("size cannot be null."); prefWidth = size; prefHeight = size; return this; } /** Sets the prefWidth and prefHeight to the specified values. */ public Container<T> prefSize(Value width, Value height) { if (width == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("width cannot be null."); if (height == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("height cannot be null."); prefWidth = width; prefHeight = height; return this; } public Container<T> prefWidth(Value prefWidth) { if (prefWidth == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("prefWidth cannot be null."); this.prefWidth = prefWidth; return this; } public Container<T> prefHeight(Value prefHeight) { if (prefHeight == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("prefHeight cannot be null."); this.prefHeight = prefHeight; return this; } /** Sets the prefWidth and prefHeight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> prefSize(float width, float height) { prefSize(new Fixed(width), new Fixed(height)); return this; } /** Sets the prefWidth and prefHeight to the specified values. */ public Container<T> prefSize(float size) { prefSize(new Fixed(size)); return this; } public Container<T> prefWidth(float prefWidth) { this.prefWidth = new Fixed(prefWidth); return this; } public Container<T> prefHeight(float prefHeight) { this.prefHeight = new Fixed(prefHeight); return this; } /** Sets the maxWidth and maxHeight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> maxSize(Value size) { if (size == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("size cannot be null."); maxWidth = size; maxHeight = size; return this; } /** Sets the maxWidth and maxHeight to the specified values. */ public Container<T> maxSize(Value width, Value height) { if (width == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("width cannot be null."); if (height == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("height cannot be null."); maxWidth = width; maxHeight = height; return this; } public Container<T> maxWidth(Value maxWidth) { if (maxWidth == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxWidth cannot be null."); this.maxWidth = maxWidth; return this; } public Container<T> maxHeight(Value maxHeight) { if (maxHeight == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxHeight cannot be null."); this.maxHeight = maxHeight; return this; } /** Sets the maxWidth and maxHeight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> maxSize(float size) { maxSize(new Fixed(size)); return this; } /** Sets the maxWidth and maxHeight to the specified values. */ public Container<T> maxSize(float width, float height) { maxSize(new Fixed(width), new Fixed(height)); return this; } public Container<T> maxWidth(float maxWidth) { this.maxWidth = new Fixed(maxWidth); return this; } public Container<T> maxHeight(float maxHeight) { this.maxHeight = new Fixed(maxHeight); return this; } /** Sets the padTop, padLeft, padBottom, and padRight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> pad(Value pad) { if (pad == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("pad cannot be null."); padTop = pad; padLeft = pad; padBottom = pad; padRight = pad; return this; } public Container<T> pad(Value top, Value left, Value bottom, Value right) { if (top == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("top cannot be null."); if (left == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("left cannot be null."); if (bottom == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bottom cannot be null."); if (right == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("right cannot be null."); padTop = top; padLeft = left; padBottom = bottom; padRight = right; return this; } public Container<T> padTop(Value padTop) { if (padTop == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("padTop cannot be null."); this.padTop = padTop; return this; } public Container<T> padLeft(Value padLeft) { if (padLeft == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("padLeft cannot be null."); this.padLeft = padLeft; return this; } public Container<T> padBottom(Value padBottom) { if (padBottom == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("padBottom cannot be null."); this.padBottom = padBottom; return this; } public Container<T> padRight(Value padRight) { if (padRight == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("padRight cannot be null."); this.padRight = padRight; return this; } /** Sets the padTop, padLeft, padBottom, and padRight to the specified value. */ public Container<T> pad(float pad) { Value value = new Fixed(pad); padTop = value; padLeft = value; padBottom = value; padRight = value; return this; } public Container<T> pad(float top, float left, float bottom, float right) { padTop = new Fixed(top); padLeft = new Fixed(left); padBottom = new Fixed(bottom); padRight = new Fixed(right); return this; } public Container<T> padTop(float padTop) { this.padTop = new Fixed(padTop); return this; } public Container<T> padLeft(float padLeft) { this.padLeft = new Fixed(padLeft); return this; } public Container<T> padBottom(float padBottom) { this.padBottom = new Fixed(padBottom); return this; } public Container<T> padRight(float padRight) { this.padRight = new Fixed(padRight); return this; } /** Sets fillX and fillY to 1. */ public Container<T> fill() { fillX = 1f; fillY = 1f; return this; } /** Sets fillX to 1. */ public Container<T> fillX() { fillX = 1f; return this; } /** Sets fillY to 1. */ public Container<T> fillY() { fillY = 1f; return this; } public Container<T> fill(float x, float y) { fillX = x; fillY = y; return this; } /** Sets fillX and fillY to 1 if true, 0 if false. */ public Container<T> fill(boolean x, boolean y) { fillX = x ? 1f : 0; fillY = y ? 1f : 0; return this; } /** Sets fillX and fillY to 1 if true, 0 if false. */ public Container<T> fill(boolean fill) { fillX = fill ? 1f : 0; fillY = fill ? 1f : 0; return this; } /** Sets the alignment of the actor within the container. Set to {@link Align#center}, {@link Align#top}, {@link Align#bottom}, * {@link Align#left}, {@link Align#right}, or any combination of those. */ public Container<T> align(int align) { this.align = align; return this; } /** Sets the alignment of the actor within the container to {@link Align#center}. This clears any other alignment. */ public Container<T> center() { align =; return this; } /** Sets {@link Align#top} and clears {@link Align#bottom} for the alignment of the actor within the container. */ public Container<T> top() { align |=; align &= ~Align.bottom; return this; } /** Sets {@link Align#left} and clears {@link Align#right} for the alignment of the actor within the container. */ public Container<T> left() { align |= Align.left; align &= ~Align.right; return this; } /** Sets {@link Align#bottom} and clears {@link Align#top} for the alignment of the actor within the container. */ public Container<T> bottom() { align |= Align.bottom; align &=; return this; } /** Sets {@link Align#right} and clears {@link Align#left} for the alignment of the actor within the container. */ public Container<T> right() { align |= Align.right; align &= ~Align.left; return this; } public float getMinWidth() { return minWidth.get(actor) + padLeft.get(this) + padRight.get(this); } public Value getMinHeightValue() { return minHeight; } public float getMinHeight() { return minHeight.get(actor) + padTop.get(this) + padBottom.get(this); } public Value getPrefWidthValue() { return prefWidth; } public float getPrefWidth() { float v = prefWidth.get(actor); if (background != null) v = Math.max(v, background.getMinWidth()); return v + padLeft.get(this) + padRight.get(this); } public Value getPrefHeightValue() { return prefHeight; } public float getPrefHeight() { float v = prefHeight.get(actor); if (background != null) v = Math.max(v, background.getMinHeight()); return v + padTop.get(this) + padBottom.get(this); } public Value getMaxWidthValue() { return maxWidth; } public float getMaxWidth() { float v = maxWidth.get(actor); if (v > 0) v += padLeft.get(this) + padRight.get(this); return v; } public Value getMaxHeightValue() { return maxHeight; } public float getMaxHeight() { float v = maxHeight.get(actor); if (v > 0) v += padTop.get(this) + padBottom.get(this); return v; } /** @return May be null if this value is not set. */ public Value getPadTopValue() { return padTop; } public float getPadTop() { return padTop.get(this); } /** @return May be null if this value is not set. */ public Value getPadLeftValue() { return padLeft; } public float getPadLeft() { return padLeft.get(this); } /** @return May be null if this value is not set. */ public Value getPadBottomValue() { return padBottom; } public float getPadBottom() { return padBottom.get(this); } /** @return May be null if this value is not set. */ public Value getPadRightValue() { return padRight; } public float getPadRight() { return padRight.get(this); } /** Returns {@link #getPadLeft()} plus {@link #getPadRight()}. */ public float getPadX() { return padLeft.get(this) + padRight.get(this); } /** Returns {@link #getPadTop()} plus {@link #getPadBottom()}. */ public float getPadY() { return padTop.get(this) + padBottom.get(this); } public float getFillX() { return fillX; } public float getFillY() { return fillY; } public int getAlign() { return align; } /** If true (the default), positions and sizes are rounded to integers. */ public void setRound(boolean round) { this.round = round; } /** Causes the contents to be clipped if they exceed the container bounds. Enabling clipping will set * {@link #setTransform(boolean)} to true. */ public void setClip(boolean enabled) { clip = enabled; setTransform(enabled); invalidate(); } public boolean getClip() { return clip; } public Actor hit(float x, float y, boolean touchable) { if (clip) { if (touchable && getTouchable() == Touchable.disabled) return null; if (x < 0 || x >= getWidth() || y < 0 || y >= getHeight()) return null; } return super.hit(x, y, touchable); } public void drawDebug(ShapeRenderer shapes) { validate(); if (isTransform()) { applyTransform(shapes, computeTransform()); if (clip) { shapes.flush(); float padLeft = this.padLeft.get(this), padBottom = this.padBottom.get(this); boolean draw = background == null ? clipBegin(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()) : clipBegin(padLeft, padBottom, getWidth() - padLeft - padRight.get(this), getHeight() - padBottom - padTop.get(this)); if (draw) { drawDebugChildren(shapes); clipEnd(); } } else drawDebugChildren(shapes); resetTransform(shapes); } else super.drawDebug(shapes); } }