List of usage examples for java.util Date compareTo
public int compareTo(Date anotherDate)
From source
protected Pod getNewestPod(Collection<Pod> pods) { if (pods == null || pods.isEmpty()) { return null; }//from w w w . jav a2 s . c o m List<Pod> sortedPods = new ArrayList<>(pods); Collections.sort(sortedPods, new Comparator<Pod>() { @Override public int compare(Pod p1, Pod p2) { Date t1 = getCreationTimestamp(p1); Date t2 = getCreationTimestamp(p2); if (t1 != null) { if (t2 == null) { return 1; } else { return t1.compareTo(t2); } } else if (t2 == null) { return 0; } return -1; } }); return sortedPods.get(sortedPods.size() - 1); }
From source
private boolean combrobarIntervalo(String periodo) { if (intervalo) { String fechaI = null;//from w ww .j av a2s.c o m String fechaF = null; String periodoI = null; String periodoF = null; SimpleDateFormat dt1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(periodo, "/"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { fechaI = st.nextToken(); fechaF = st.nextToken(); } st = new StringTokenizer(fechaIntervaloI, "/"); periodoI = st.nextToken(); st = new StringTokenizer(fechaIntervaloF, "/"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { st.nextToken(); periodoF = st.nextToken(); } try { Date dI = dt1.parse(fechaI); Date dF = dt1.parse(fechaF); Date dIntevaloI = dt1.parse(periodoI); Date dIntevaloF = dt1.parse(periodoF); return (dI.after(dIntevaloI) && dF.before(dIntevaloF)) || (dI.compareTo(dIntevaloI) == 0) || (dF.compareTo(dIntevaloF) == 0); } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DialogoEstadisticas.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return false; } } else { return true; } }
From source
@RequestMapping(produces = "text/html") public String list(@ModelAttribute("command") PosteCandidatureSearchCriteria searchCriteria, BindingResult bindResult, @RequestParam(value = "page", required = false) Integer page, @RequestParam(value = "size", required = false) Integer size, @RequestParam(value = "sortFieldName", required = false) String sortFieldName, @RequestParam(value = "sortOrder", required = false) String sortOrder, @RequestParam(value = "zip", required = false, defaultValue = "off") Boolean zip, HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request, Model uiModel) throws IOException, SQLException { // uiModel.addAttribute("users", User.findUserEntries(firstResult, // sizeNo));/*from w ww. j ava2s .c om*/ List<PosteCandidature> postecandidatures = null; Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); String emailAddress = auth.getName(); User user = User.findUsersByEmailAddress(emailAddress, null, null).getSingleResult(); boolean isAdmin = auth.getAuthorities().contains(new GrantedAuthorityImpl("ROLE_ADMIN")); boolean isManager = auth.getAuthorities().contains(new GrantedAuthorityImpl("ROLE_MANAGER")); boolean isSuperManager = isManager || auth.getAuthorities().contains(new GrantedAuthorityImpl("ROLE_SUPER_MANAGER")); boolean isMembre = auth.getAuthorities().contains(new GrantedAuthorityImpl("ROLE_MEMBRE")); boolean isCandidat = auth.getAuthorities().contains(new GrantedAuthorityImpl("ROLE_CANDIDAT")); if (sortFieldName == null) sortFieldName = "o.poste.numEmploi,o.candidat.nom"; if ("nom".equals(sortFieldName)) sortFieldName = "candidat.nom"; if ("email".equals(sortFieldName)) sortFieldName = "candidat.emailAddress"; if ("numCandidat".equals(sortFieldName)) sortFieldName = "candidat.numCandidat"; if ("managerReviewState".equals(sortFieldName)) sortFieldName = "managerReview.reviewStatus"; // pagination only for admin / manager users ... if (isAdmin || isManager) { if (page != null || size != null) { int sizeNo = size == null ? 10 : size.intValue(); int firstResult = page == null ? 0 : (page.intValue() - 1) * sizeNo; long nbResultsTotal = PosteCandidature.countPosteCandidatures(); uiModel.addAttribute("nbResultsTotal", nbResultsTotal); float nrOfPages = (float) nbResultsTotal / sizeNo; uiModel.addAttribute("maxPages", (int) ((nrOfPages > (int) nrOfPages || nrOfPages == 0.0) ? nrOfPages + 1 : nrOfPages)); postecandidatures = PosteCandidature.findPosteCandidatureEntries(firstResult, sizeNo, sortFieldName, sortOrder); } else { postecandidatures = PosteCandidature.findAllPosteCandidatures(sortFieldName, sortOrder); uiModel.addAttribute("nbResultsTotal", postecandidatures.size()); } uiModel.addAttribute("posteapourvoirs", PosteAPourvoir.findAllPosteAPourvoirNumEplois()); uiModel.addAttribute("candidats", User.findAllCandidatsIds()); uiModel.addAttribute("reviewStatusList", Arrays.asList(ReviewStatusTypes.values())); String mailAuditionnableEntete = AppliConfig.getCacheTexteEnteteMailCandidatAuditionnable(); String mailAuditionnablePiedPage = AppliConfig.getCacheTextePiedpageMailCandidatAuditionnable(); uiModel.addAttribute("mailAuditionnableEntete", mailAuditionnableEntete); uiModel.addAttribute("mailAuditionnablePiedPage", mailAuditionnablePiedPage); } else if (isCandidat) { if (!AppliConfig.getCacheCandidatCanSignup()) { postecandidatures = new ArrayList<PosteCandidature>( PosteCandidature.findPosteCandidaturesByCandidat(user, null, null).getResultList()); // restrictions si phase auditionnable Date currentTime = new Date(); if (currentTime.compareTo(AppliConfig.getCacheDateEndCandidat()) > 0 && currentTime.compareTo(AppliConfig.getCacheDateEndCandidatActif()) > 0) { for (PosteCandidature postecandidature : PosteCandidature .findPosteCandidaturesByCandidat(user, null, null).getResultList()) { if (!postecandidature.getAuditionnable() || postecandidature.getPoste() .getDateEndCandidatAuditionnable() != null && currentTime.compareTo( postecandidature.getPoste().getDateEndCandidatAuditionnable()) > 0) { postecandidatures.remove(postecandidature); } } } } else { postecandidatures = new ArrayList<PosteCandidature>(PosteCandidature .findPosteCandidaturesByCandidatAndByDateEndCandidatGreaterThanAndNoAuditionnableOrByDateEndCandidatAuditionnableGreaterThanAndAuditionnable( user, new Date()) .getResultList()); } } else if (isMembre) { Set<PosteAPourvoir> membresPostes = new HashSet<PosteAPourvoir>(user.getPostes()); List<PosteAPourvoir> postes = searchCriteria.getPostes(); if (postes != null && !postes.isEmpty()) { membresPostes.retainAll(postes); uiModel.addAttribute("finderview", true); uiModel.addAttribute("command", searchCriteria); } if (membresPostes.isEmpty()) { membresPostes = new HashSet<PosteAPourvoir>(user.getPostes()); } postecandidatures = PosteCandidature.findPosteCandidaturesRecevableByPostes(membresPostes, searchCriteria.getAuditionnable(), sortFieldName, sortOrder).getResultList(); if (zip) { String contentType = "application/zip"; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date currentTime = cal.getTime(); SimpleDateFormat dateFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"); String currentTimeFmt = dateFmt.format(currentTime); String baseName = "demat-" + currentTimeFmt + ".zip"; response.setContentType(contentType); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + baseName + "\""); zipService.writeZip(postecandidatures, response.getOutputStream()); logService.logActionFile(LogService.DOWNLOAD_ACTION, postecandidatures, request, currentTime); return null; } for (PosteCandidature pc : postecandidatures) { if (pc.getReporters() != null && pc.getReporters().contains(user)) { pc.setReporterTag(true); } } uiModel.addAttribute("nbResultsTotal", postecandidatures.size()); List<PosteAPourvoir> membresPostes2Display = new ArrayList<PosteAPourvoir>(user.getPostes()); Collections.sort(membresPostes2Display, new Comparator<PosteAPourvoir>() { @Override public int compare(PosteAPourvoir p1, PosteAPourvoir p2) { return p1.getNumEmploi().compareTo(p2.getNumEmploi()); } }); uiModel.addAttribute("membresPostes", membresPostes2Display); } uiModel.addAttribute("postecandidatures", postecandidatures); uiModel.addAttribute("zip", new Boolean(false)); uiModel.addAttribute("texteMembreAideCandidatures", AppliConfig.getCacheTexteMembreAideCandidatures()); uiModel.addAttribute("texteCandidatAideCandidatures", AppliConfig.getCacheTexteCandidatAideCandidatures()); uiModel.addAttribute("legendColors", ManagerReviewLegendColor.getLegendColors()); addDateTimeFormatPatterns(uiModel); return "postecandidatures/list"; }
From source
/** * Get a list of {@link CalendarWeekDTO} from a list of ProjectCalendarWeek. * * @param projectCalendar//from www . ja v a 2 s . c om * ProjectCalendarWeek with the default data * @param workWeeks * List of ProjectCalendarWeek to extract data from.Assume that is ordered * for its DataRange start date. * @return List<CalendarDataDTO> List with the CalendarData that we want to import. */ private static List<CalendarWeekDTO> getCalendarWeekDTOs(ProjectCalendar projectCalendar, List<ProjectCalendarWeek> workWeeks) { List<CalendarWeekDTO> calendarDataDTOs = new ArrayList<>(); Date startCalendarDate; Date endCalendarDate; if (projectCalendar.getDateRange() == null) { startCalendarDate = projectCalendar.getParentFile().getProjectProperties().getStartDate(); endCalendarDate = projectCalendar.getParentFile().getProjectProperties().getFinishDate(); } else { startCalendarDate = projectCalendar.getDateRange().getStart(); endCalendarDate = projectCalendar.getDateRange().getEnd(); } if (workWeeks.isEmpty()) { calendarDataDTOs.add(toCalendarWeekDTO(projectCalendar)); } else { /* * TODO * This utility is not currently implemented in MPXJ. * This one is going to represent all the work weeks. * Including the ones with the default value that are in the middle of two. */ Date firsWorkWeekCalendarDate = workWeeks.get(0).getDateRange().getStart(); Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance(); // If the star of the first work week is after the start of the default we have to fill the hole if (startCalendarDate.compareTo(firsWorkWeekCalendarDate) < 0) { calendar1.setTime(firsWorkWeekCalendarDate); calendar1.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1); calendarDataDTOs.add(toCalendarWeekDTO(projectCalendar)); } Date endDate; Date nextStartDate; int j; for (int i = 0; i < workWeeks.size(); i++) { endDate = workWeeks.get(i).getDateRange().getEnd(); calendarDataDTOs.add(toCalendarWeekDTO(workWeeks.get(i))); j = i + 1; // If is not the last one if (j < workWeeks.size()) { nextStartDate = workWeeks.get(i + 1).getDateRange().getStart(); calendar1.setTime(endDate); calendar1.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, +1); // If the end of the current work week is more than one day before the beginning of the next if (calendar1.getTime().compareTo(nextStartDate) < 0) { calendar2.setTime(nextStartDate); calendar1.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1); // Adds a new default calendar week in the hole calendarDataDTOs.add(toCalendarWeekDTO(projectCalendar)); } } } Date endWorkWeekCalendarDate = workWeeks.get(workWeeks.size()).getDateRange().getEnd(); // If the end of the last work week is earlier than the end of the default we have to fill the hole if (endCalendarDate.compareTo(endWorkWeekCalendarDate) > 0) { calendar1.setTime(endWorkWeekCalendarDate); calendar1.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, +1); calendarDataDTOs.add(toCalendarWeekDTO(projectCalendar)); } } return calendarDataDTOs; }
From source
@Override public String lastEndTime(final List<EveritWorklog> worklogs) throws ParseException { if ((worklogs == null) || (worklogs.size() == 0)) { return "08:00"; }//from ww w .java 2s .c om String endTime = worklogs.get(0).getEndTime(); for (int i = 1; i < worklogs.size(); i++) { Date first = DateTimeConverterUtil.stringTimeToDateTime(worklogs.get(i - 1).getEndTime()); Date second = DateTimeConverterUtil.stringTimeToDateTime(worklogs.get(i).getEndTime()); if (first.compareTo(second) == 1) { endTime = worklogs.get(i - 1).getEndTime(); } else { endTime = worklogs.get(i).getEndTime(); } } return endTime; }
From source
private List<Instance> sortInstances(List<Instance> instanceSet, String orderBy, String sortOrder) { final String order = getValidSortOrder(sortOrder, orderBy); if (orderBy.equals("status")) { Collections.sort(instanceSet, new Comparator<Instance>() { @Override/*from w ww .j a v a2s . c o m*/ public int compare(Instance i1, Instance i2) { if (i1.getStatus() == null) { i1.status = InstancesResult.WorkflowStatus.ERROR; } if (i2.getStatus() == null) { i2.status = InstancesResult.WorkflowStatus.ERROR; } return (order.equalsIgnoreCase("asc")) ? i1.getStatus().name().compareTo(i2.getStatus().name()) : i2.getStatus().name().compareTo(i1.getStatus().name()); } }); } else if (orderBy.equals("cluster")) { Collections.sort(instanceSet, new Comparator<Instance>() { @Override public int compare(Instance i1, Instance i2) { return (order.equalsIgnoreCase("asc")) ? i1.getCluster().compareTo(i2.getCluster()) : i2.getCluster().compareTo(i1.getCluster()); } }); } else if (orderBy.equals("starttime")) { Collections.sort(instanceSet, new Comparator<Instance>() { @Override public int compare(Instance i1, Instance i2) { Date start1 = (i1.getStartTime() == null) ? new Date(0) : i1.getStartTime(); Date start2 = (i2.getStartTime() == null) ? new Date(0) : i2.getStartTime(); return (order.equalsIgnoreCase("asc")) ? start1.compareTo(start2) : start2.compareTo(start1); } }); } else if (orderBy.equals("endtime")) { Collections.sort(instanceSet, new Comparator<Instance>() { @Override public int compare(Instance i1, Instance i2) { Date end1 = (i1.getEndTime() == null) ? new Date(0) : i1.getEndTime(); Date end2 = (i2.getEndTime() == null) ? new Date(0) : i2.getEndTime(); return (order.equalsIgnoreCase("asc")) ? end1.compareTo(end2) : end2.compareTo(end1); } }); } //Default : no sort return instanceSet; }
From source
/** * This method tests Whether DateTO is Lesser than DateFrom and returns true if Lesser. * * @return boolean//from w w w . j av a 2s . c o m * @throws Exception */ public boolean isToDateLesserThanFromDate() throws Exception { //for adding date if (this.getDocumentType() != null && this.getDateFrom() == null) { this.dateFrom = getConfigurationService().getPropertyValueAsString("dateFrom"); } boolean isToDateLesserThanFromDate = false; if (this.dateFrom != null && this.dateTo != null) { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); Date startDate = formatter.parse(this.dateFrom); Date endDate = formatter.parse(this.dateTo); if (startDate.compareTo(endDate) > 0) { isToDateLesserThanFromDate = true; } } return isToDateLesserThanFromDate; }
From source
private JSONGraphData loadNumericLine() { Date startDateToUse = getStartDate(); SQLiteDatabase db = rawDB.getReadableDatabase(); String fieldcol = RapidSmsDBConstants.FormData.COLUMN_PREFIX + fieldToPlot.getName(); StringBuilder rawQuery = new StringBuilder(); rawQuery.append("select rapidandroid_message.time, " + fieldcol); rawQuery.append(" from "); rawQuery.append(RapidSmsDBConstants.FormData.TABLE_PREFIX + mForm.getPrefix()); rawQuery.append(" join rapidandroid_message on ("); rawQuery.append(RapidSmsDBConstants.FormData.TABLE_PREFIX + mForm.getPrefix()); rawQuery.append(".message_id = rapidandroid_message._id"); rawQuery.append(") "); if (startDateToUse.compareTo(Constants.NULLDATE) != 0 && mEndDate.compareTo(Constants.NULLDATE) != 0) { rawQuery.append(" WHERE rapidandroid_message.time > '" + Message.SQLDateFormatter.format(startDateToUse) + "' AND rapidandroid_message.time < '" + Message.SQLDateFormatter.format(mEndDate) + "' "); }// w w w. ja v a 2 m rawQuery.append(" order by rapidandroid_message.time ASC"); // the string value is column 0 // the magnitude is column 1 Cursor cr = db.rawQuery(rawQuery.toString(), null); int barCount = cr.getCount(); if (barCount == 0) { cr.close(); } else { Date[] xVals = new Date[barCount]; int[] yVals = new int[barCount]; cr.moveToFirst(); int i = 0; do { try { xVals[i] = Message.SQLDateFormatter.parse(cr.getString(0)); yVals[i] = cr.getInt(1); } catch (Exception ex) { } i++; } while (cr.moveToNext()); // xaxis: { ticks: [0, [Math.PI/2, "\u03c0/2"], [Math.PI, "\u03c0"], // [Math.PI * 3/2, "3\u03c0/2"], [Math.PI * 2, "2\u03c0"]]}, try { return new JSONGraphData(prepareDateData(xVals, yVals), loadOptionsForDateGraph(xVals, false, DateDisplayTypes.Daily)); } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (!cr.isClosed()) { cr.close(); } } } // either there was no data or something bad happened return new JSONGraphData(getEmptyData(), new JSONObject()); }
From source
public void testCRUDBatch() throws Exception { // COUNT//from w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m BaseServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor = new BaseServiceDescriptor(workspace); int startCount = entriesDAO.getTotalCount(serviceDescriptor); log.debug("startCount = " + startCount); String workspace = "widgets"; String sysId = "acme"; int propIdSeed = 12540; Locale locale = LocaleUtils.toLocale("en_US"); // INSERT List<EntryDescriptor> entryURIDatas = new ArrayList<EntryDescriptor>(); int numRecs = 12; int knt = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < numRecs; ii++) { knt++; String propId = "" + (propIdSeed + knt); IRI iri = IRI.create( "http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, propId, locale)); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entryURIDatas.add(entryTarget); } // Batch INSERT int numOpOn = entriesDAO.insertEntryBatch(workspace, entryURIDatas); assertEquals(numRecs, numOpOn); // Batch SELECT List selectList = entriesDAO.selectEntryBatch(entryURIDatas); log.debug("selectList = " + selectList); assertNotNull(selectList); assertEquals(numRecs, selectList.size()); Date lastModified = null; Date published = null; long seqNum = 0L; entryURIDatas = new ArrayList<EntryDescriptor>(); for (Object obj : selectList) { EntryMetaData entryOut = (EntryMetaData) obj; assertEquals(entryOut.getWorkspace(), workspace); assertEquals(entryOut.getCollection(), sysId); assertEquals(entryOut.getLocale(), locale); int id = Integer.valueOf(entryOut.getEntryId()); assertTrue(id >= (propIdSeed + 1) && id <= (propIdSeed + numRecs)); assertEquals(entryOut.getRevision(), 0); assertEquals(entryOut.getDeleted(), false); if (lastModified != null) { assertTrue(lastModified.compareTo(entryOut.getUpdatedDate()) <= 0); } lastModified = entryOut.getUpdatedDate(); if (published != null) { assertTrue(published.compareTo(entryOut.getPublishedDate()) <= 0); } published = entryOut.getPublishedDate(); log.debug("seqNum= " + seqNum + " entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp()= " + entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp()); assertTrue(seqNum < entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp()); seqNum = entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp(); IRI iri = IRI.create("http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, entryOut.getEntryId(), locale, (entryOut.getRevision() + 1))); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entryURIDatas.add(entryTarget); } // Batch UPDATE numOpOn = entriesDAO.updateEntryBatch(workspace, entryURIDatas); assertEquals(numRecs, numOpOn); // Batch SELECT selectList = entriesDAO.selectEntryBatch(entryURIDatas); log.debug("selectList = " + selectList); assertNotNull(selectList); assertEquals(numRecs, selectList.size()); seqNum = 0L; lastModified = null; published = null; entryURIDatas = new ArrayList<EntryDescriptor>(); for (Object obj : selectList) { EntryMetaData entryOut = (EntryMetaData) obj; assertEquals(entryOut.getWorkspace(), workspace); assertEquals(entryOut.getCollection(), sysId); assertEquals(entryOut.getLocale(), locale); int id = Integer.valueOf(entryOut.getEntryId()); assertTrue(id >= (propIdSeed + 1) && id <= (propIdSeed + numRecs)); assertEquals(entryOut.getRevision(), 1); assertEquals(entryOut.getDeleted(), false); if (lastModified != null) { assertTrue(lastModified.compareTo(entryOut.getUpdatedDate()) <= 0); } lastModified = entryOut.getUpdatedDate(); if (published != null) { assertTrue(published.compareTo(entryOut.getPublishedDate()) <= 0); } published = entryOut.getPublishedDate(); assertTrue(seqNum < entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp()); seqNum = entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp(); IRI iri = IRI.create("http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, entryOut.getEntryId(), locale, (entryOut.getRevision() + 1))); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entryURIDatas.add(entryTarget); } // Batch DELETE numOpOn = entriesDAO.deleteEntryBatch(workspace, entryURIDatas); assertEquals(numRecs, numOpOn); // Batch SELECT selectList = entriesDAO.selectEntryBatch(entryURIDatas); log.debug("selectList = " + selectList); assertNotNull(selectList); assertEquals(numRecs, selectList.size()); seqNum = 0L; lastModified = null; published = null; for (Object obj : selectList) { EntryMetaData entryOut = (EntryMetaData) obj; assertEquals(entryOut.getWorkspace(), workspace); assertEquals(entryOut.getCollection(), sysId); assertEquals(entryOut.getLocale(), locale); int id = Integer.valueOf(entryOut.getEntryId()); assertTrue(id >= (propIdSeed + 1) && id <= (propIdSeed + numRecs)); assertEquals(entryOut.getRevision(), 2); assertEquals(entryOut.getDeleted(), true); if (lastModified != null) { assertTrue(lastModified.compareTo(entryOut.getUpdatedDate()) <= 0); } lastModified = entryOut.getUpdatedDate(); if (published != null) { assertTrue(published.compareTo(entryOut.getPublishedDate()) <= 0); } published = entryOut.getPublishedDate(); assertTrue(seqNum < entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp()); seqNum = entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp(); } // DELETE them all for real knt = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < numRecs; ii++) { knt++; String propId = "" + (propIdSeed + knt); IRI iri = IRI.create( "http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, propId, locale)); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entriesDAO.obliterateEntry(entryTarget); } // COUNT Thread.sleep(DB_CATCHUP_SLEEP); // give the DB a chance to catch up int finalCount = entriesDAO.getTotalCount(serviceDescriptor); log.debug("finalCount = " + finalCount); assertEquals(startCount, finalCount); }
From source
/** * Delete the item. This moves the item to the deleted items site, removed the marked-for-delete aspect and adds a deleted aspect * @param nodeRef NodeRef of the item to delete * @return the NodeRef of the new parent node, or <code>null</code> if deleting a folder. *//* ww w .j a va 2 s . com*/ @Override public NodeRef delete(final NodeRef nodeRef) { QName nodeType = _nodeService.getType(nodeRef); if (ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER.equals(nodeType)) { if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { _logger.debug("Deleting the contents of folder " + nodeRef); } List<ChildAssociationRef> children = _nodeService.getChildAssocs(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, RegexQNamePattern.MATCH_ALL); for (ChildAssociationRef assoc : children) { delete(assoc.getChildRef()); } return null; } try { //Double check the locking, as am unsure of exact semantics of .lock try { _lockService.checkForLock(nodeRef); } catch (NodeLockedException nle) { _logger.warn("Could not delete " + nodeRef + " as the node was locked"); throw new ManagedDeletionLockException(nodeRef, "Could not delete " + nodeRef + " as the node was locked", nle); } // If this is a working copy, we won't attempt deletion. if (_nodeService.hasAspect(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_WORKING_COPY)) { _logger.warn("Could not delete " + nodeRef + " as the node is a working copy of a locked node."); throw new ManagedDeletionLockException(nodeRef, "Could not delete " + nodeRef + " as the node is a working copy of a locked node.", null); } try { _lockService.lock(nodeRef, LockType.WRITE_LOCK); } catch (UnableToAquireLockException uale) { _logger.warn("Could not delete " + nodeRef + " as a lock could not be acquired"); throw new ManagedDeletionLockException(nodeRef, "Could not delete " + nodeRef + " as a lock could not be acquired", uale); } final NodeRef[] targetWrapper = new NodeRef[1]; try { try { _transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper() .doInTransaction(new RetryingTransactionCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean execute() throws Throwable { _logger.debug("Attempting delete of " + nodeRef); //We should only be able to delete things that have been marked as Delete or Perishable if (!_nodeService.hasAspect(nodeRef, ManagedDeletionModel.ASPECT_MARKED_FOR_DELETION) && !_nodeService.hasAspect(nodeRef, ManagedDeletionModel.ASPECT_PERISHABLE)) { throw new ManagedDeletionException(nodeRef, "Item is not marked for deletion or perishable, so cannot be deleted. This may simply be because it has already been deleted."); } //If this node has previously failed to delete, remove records of that failure if (_nodeService.hasAspect(nodeRef, ManagedDeletionModel.ASPECT_FAILED_TO_DELETE)) { _nodeService.removeAspect(nodeRef, ManagedDeletionModel.ASPECT_FAILED_TO_DELETE); } //Disable audit policy to maintain metadata and stop hitting bugs when running from quartz //This call only applies to the current transaction and so all policies will re-enable upon commit //and this code is thread-safe _policyFilter.disableBehaviour(ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE); // Disable the mds:folderMarkedForDelete behaviours so that the parent folder doesn't have its deletion // mark removed (if it has one) _policyFilter.disableBehaviour( ManagedDeletionModel.ASPECT_FOLDER_MARKED_FOR_DELETION); //Work out where we will be moving the item to Path destinationPath = getDeleteDesinationPath(_nodeService.getPath(nodeRef)); if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { _logger.debug("Moving item to: " + destinationPath); } // Include a property that indicates the original site the item was deleted. String originalSiteName = getSiteName(nodeRef); Map<QName, Serializable> propertiesMap = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(); propertiesMap.put(ManagedDeletionModel.PROP_ORIGINAL_SITE_NAME, originalSiteName); propertiesMap.put(ManagedDeletionModel.PROP_DELETED_TIMESTAMP, new Date()); if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { _logger.debug("Original site name: " + originalSiteName); } // Get the current parent folder before we move the file (we will use this later) ChildAssociationRef parentAssoc = _nodeService.getPrimaryParent(nodeRef); // Move the item to it's destination. final NodeRef target = moveNode(nodeRef, destinationPath); //Add the deleted aspect to the node, and remove the mark for deletion and perishable aspects. _nodeService.addAspect(target, ManagedDeletionModel.ASPECT_DELETED, propertiesMap); _nodeService.removeAspect(target, ManagedDeletionModel.ASPECT_MARKED_FOR_DELETION); _nodeService.removeAspect(target, ManagedDeletionModel.ASPECT_PERISHABLE); // Check if the parent folder is marked for delete, and whether it is now empty if (parentAssoc != null) { NodeRef parentNodeRef = parentAssoc.getParentRef(); if (_nodeService.hasAspect(parentNodeRef, ManagedDeletionModel.ASPECT_FOLDER_MARKED_FOR_DELETION)) { List<ChildAssociationRef> children = _nodeService.getChildAssocs( parentNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, RegexQNamePattern.MATCH_ALL); if (children.isEmpty()) { _nodeService.deleteNode(parentNodeRef); } } } if (_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"NodeRef " + nodeRef + " has been succesfully deleted"); } targetWrapper[0] = target; return Boolean.TRUE; } }, false, false); } catch (AlfrescoRuntimeException e) { _logger.error("An error was encountered while attempting to delete " + nodeRef, e); throw e; } } /** * If we get an exception, attempt to record the exception in the repository against the item * (this will stop the quartz job from trying to delete the item again, but the UI will still allow for future attempts). * If we can't for whatever reason, then just throw the error */ catch (Exception e) { //If the node doesn't exist anymore, don't do any special recording and just re-throw if (_nodeService.exists(nodeRef)) { Map<QName, Serializable> propertiesMap = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(); propertiesMap.put(ManagedDeletionModel.PROP_DELETE_FAILURE_DATE, new Date()); propertiesMap.put(ManagedDeletionModel.PROP_DELETE_FAILURE_MESSAGE, e instanceof AlfrescoRuntimeException ? e.getCause().toString() : e.toString()); _nodeService.addAspect(nodeRef, ManagedDeletionModel.ASPECT_FAILED_TO_DELETE, propertiesMap); } boolean failedToPerish = false; if (_nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, ManagedDeletionModel.PROP_PERISH_REASON) != null) { Date perishDue = (Date) _nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, ManagedDeletionModel.PROP_PERISH_DUE); if (perishDue.compareTo(new Date()) < 0) { failedToPerish = true; } } // Raise a different error message if the node has failed to be perished if (failedToPerish) { _logger.error("Failed to perish " + nodeRef, e); } else { _logger.error("Failed to delete " + nodeRef, e); } } return targetWrapper[0]; } //If we locked the node during this process, then try to unlock it when we exit, bearing in mind the node may no longer exist finally { if (_nodeService.exists(nodeRef)) { try { _lockService.unlock(nodeRef); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ManagedDeletionLockException(nodeRef, "After attempting to delete the node " + nodeRef + ", the nodeRef still existed, and could not be unlocked due to a: " + e, e); } } } }