Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2007 HomeAway, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.atomserver.core.dbstore.dao; import org.atomserver.EntryDescriptor; import org.atomserver.core.BaseServiceDescriptor; import org.atomserver.core.EntryMetaData; import org.atomserver.uri.EntryTarget; import org.atomserver.testutils.client.MockRequestContext; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.apache.abdera.i18n.iri.IRI; import org.apache.commons.lang.LocaleUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; public class BatchEntriesDAOTest extends DAOTestCase { // ------------------------------------------------------- public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(BatchEntriesDAOTest.class); } // ------------------------------------------------------- protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); } // ------------------------------------------------------- protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } //---------------------------- // Tests //---------------------------- public void testSelectBatch() throws Exception { // COUNT BaseServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor = new BaseServiceDescriptor(workspace); int startCount = entriesDAO.getTotalCount(serviceDescriptor); log.debug("startCount = " + startCount); String workspace = "widgets"; String sysId = "acme"; int propIdSeed = 72910; Locale locale = LocaleUtils.toLocale("en_US"); // INSERT List<EntryDescriptor> entryQueriesAll = new ArrayList<EntryDescriptor>(); List<EntryDescriptor> entryQueriesSome = new ArrayList<EntryDescriptor>(); int numRecs = 12; int knt = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < numRecs; ii++) { EntryMetaData entryIn = new EntryMetaData(); entryIn.setWorkspace(workspace); entryIn.setCollection(sysId); entryIn.setLocale(locale); knt++; String propId = "" + (propIdSeed + knt); entryIn.setEntryId(propId); IRI iri = IRI.create( "http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, propId, locale)); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entryQueriesAll.add(entryTarget); if ((ii % 2) == 0) entryQueriesSome.add(entryTarget); entriesDAO.ensureCollectionExists(entryIn.getWorkspace(), entryIn.getCollection()); entriesDAO.insertEntry(entryIn); } // Batch SELECTs List selectList = entriesDAO.selectEntryBatch(entryQueriesAll); log.debug("selectList = " + selectList); assertNotNull(selectList); assertEquals(numRecs, selectList.size()); selectList = entriesDAO.selectEntryBatch(entryQueriesSome); log.debug("selectList = " + selectList); assertNotNull(selectList); assertEquals(entryQueriesSome.size(), selectList.size()); // Let's add some unknown entries (as if they were INSERT candidates) knt = 0; List<EntryDescriptor> entryQueriesWithMissing = new ArrayList<EntryDescriptor>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < numRecs; ii++) { EntryMetaData entryIn = new EntryMetaData(); entryIn.setWorkspace(workspace); entryIn.setCollection(sysId); entryIn.setLocale(locale); knt++; int ipropId = propIdSeed + knt; if ((ii % 2) == 0) ipropId += 100; String propId = "" + ipropId; entryIn.setEntryId(propId); IRI iri = IRI.create( "http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, propId, locale)); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entryQueriesWithMissing.add(entryTarget); } selectList = entriesDAO.selectEntryBatch(entryQueriesWithMissing); log.debug("selectList = " + selectList); assertNotNull(selectList); assertEquals(numRecs / 2, selectList.size()); // DELETE them all for real knt = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < numRecs; ii++) { knt++; String propId = "" + (propIdSeed + knt); IRI iri = IRI.create( "http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, propId, locale)); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entriesDAO.obliterateEntry(entryTarget); } // COUNT Thread.sleep(DB_CATCHUP_SLEEP); // give the DB a chance to catch up int finalCount = entriesDAO.getTotalCount(serviceDescriptor); log.debug("finalCount = " + finalCount); assertEquals(startCount, finalCount); } public void testCRUDBatch() throws Exception { // COUNT BaseServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor = new BaseServiceDescriptor(workspace); int startCount = entriesDAO.getTotalCount(serviceDescriptor); log.debug("startCount = " + startCount); String workspace = "widgets"; String sysId = "acme"; int propIdSeed = 12540; Locale locale = LocaleUtils.toLocale("en_US"); // INSERT List<EntryDescriptor> entryURIDatas = new ArrayList<EntryDescriptor>(); int numRecs = 12; int knt = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < numRecs; ii++) { knt++; String propId = "" + (propIdSeed + knt); IRI iri = IRI.create( "http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, propId, locale)); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entryURIDatas.add(entryTarget); } // Batch INSERT int numOpOn = entriesDAO.insertEntryBatch(workspace, entryURIDatas); assertEquals(numRecs, numOpOn); // Batch SELECT List selectList = entriesDAO.selectEntryBatch(entryURIDatas); log.debug("selectList = " + selectList); assertNotNull(selectList); assertEquals(numRecs, selectList.size()); Date lastModified = null; Date published = null; long seqNum = 0L; entryURIDatas = new ArrayList<EntryDescriptor>(); for (Object obj : selectList) { EntryMetaData entryOut = (EntryMetaData) obj; assertEquals(entryOut.getWorkspace(), workspace); assertEquals(entryOut.getCollection(), sysId); assertEquals(entryOut.getLocale(), locale); int id = Integer.valueOf(entryOut.getEntryId()); assertTrue(id >= (propIdSeed + 1) && id <= (propIdSeed + numRecs)); assertEquals(entryOut.getRevision(), 0); assertEquals(entryOut.getDeleted(), false); if (lastModified != null) { assertTrue(lastModified.compareTo(entryOut.getUpdatedDate()) <= 0); } lastModified = entryOut.getUpdatedDate(); if (published != null) { assertTrue(published.compareTo(entryOut.getPublishedDate()) <= 0); } published = entryOut.getPublishedDate(); log.debug("seqNum= " + seqNum + " entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp()= " + entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp()); assertTrue(seqNum < entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp()); seqNum = entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp(); IRI iri = IRI.create("http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, entryOut.getEntryId(), locale, (entryOut.getRevision() + 1))); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entryURIDatas.add(entryTarget); } // Batch UPDATE numOpOn = entriesDAO.updateEntryBatch(workspace, entryURIDatas); assertEquals(numRecs, numOpOn); // Batch SELECT selectList = entriesDAO.selectEntryBatch(entryURIDatas); log.debug("selectList = " + selectList); assertNotNull(selectList); assertEquals(numRecs, selectList.size()); seqNum = 0L; lastModified = null; published = null; entryURIDatas = new ArrayList<EntryDescriptor>(); for (Object obj : selectList) { EntryMetaData entryOut = (EntryMetaData) obj; assertEquals(entryOut.getWorkspace(), workspace); assertEquals(entryOut.getCollection(), sysId); assertEquals(entryOut.getLocale(), locale); int id = Integer.valueOf(entryOut.getEntryId()); assertTrue(id >= (propIdSeed + 1) && id <= (propIdSeed + numRecs)); assertEquals(entryOut.getRevision(), 1); assertEquals(entryOut.getDeleted(), false); if (lastModified != null) { assertTrue(lastModified.compareTo(entryOut.getUpdatedDate()) <= 0); } lastModified = entryOut.getUpdatedDate(); if (published != null) { assertTrue(published.compareTo(entryOut.getPublishedDate()) <= 0); } published = entryOut.getPublishedDate(); assertTrue(seqNum < entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp()); seqNum = entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp(); IRI iri = IRI.create("http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, entryOut.getEntryId(), locale, (entryOut.getRevision() + 1))); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entryURIDatas.add(entryTarget); } // Batch DELETE numOpOn = entriesDAO.deleteEntryBatch(workspace, entryURIDatas); assertEquals(numRecs, numOpOn); // Batch SELECT selectList = entriesDAO.selectEntryBatch(entryURIDatas); log.debug("selectList = " + selectList); assertNotNull(selectList); assertEquals(numRecs, selectList.size()); seqNum = 0L; lastModified = null; published = null; for (Object obj : selectList) { EntryMetaData entryOut = (EntryMetaData) obj; assertEquals(entryOut.getWorkspace(), workspace); assertEquals(entryOut.getCollection(), sysId); assertEquals(entryOut.getLocale(), locale); int id = Integer.valueOf(entryOut.getEntryId()); assertTrue(id >= (propIdSeed + 1) && id <= (propIdSeed + numRecs)); assertEquals(entryOut.getRevision(), 2); assertEquals(entryOut.getDeleted(), true); if (lastModified != null) { assertTrue(lastModified.compareTo(entryOut.getUpdatedDate()) <= 0); } lastModified = entryOut.getUpdatedDate(); if (published != null) { assertTrue(published.compareTo(entryOut.getPublishedDate()) <= 0); } published = entryOut.getPublishedDate(); assertTrue(seqNum < entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp()); seqNum = entryOut.getUpdateTimestamp(); } // DELETE them all for real knt = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < numRecs; ii++) { knt++; String propId = "" + (propIdSeed + knt); IRI iri = IRI.create( "http://localhost:8080/" + entryURIHelper.constructURIString(workspace, sysId, propId, locale)); EntryTarget entryTarget = entryURIHelper .getEntryTarget(new MockRequestContext(serviceContext, "GET", iri.toString()), true); entriesDAO.obliterateEntry(entryTarget); } // COUNT Thread.sleep(DB_CATCHUP_SLEEP); // give the DB a chance to catch up int finalCount = entriesDAO.getTotalCount(serviceDescriptor); log.debug("finalCount = " + finalCount); assertEquals(startCount, finalCount); } }