List of usage examples for java.util Date compareTo
public int compareTo(Date anotherDate)
From source
private boolean erroresFormulario() { int errores = 0; Date fechaInicio = dcFechaInicio.getDate(); String mensaje = ""; if (integrantes.isEmpty()) { errores++;//from www .j a v a 2 s . c o m mensaje += ">Debe seleccionar uno o mas empleados\n"; } if (dcFechaInicio.getDate() == null || dcFechaFin.getDate() == null) { if (!radHora.isSelected()) { errores++; mensaje += "Una o ms fechas ingresadas incorrectamente \n"; } else if (radFecha.isSelected()) { errores++; mensaje += "Una o ms fechas ingresadas incorrectamente \n"; } } else { if (radFecha.isSelected()) { Date fechaFin = dcFechaFin.getDate(); if (fechaInicio.compareTo(fechaFin) > 0) { errores++; mensaje += ">La fecha de inicio debe ser menor que la fecha de fin\n"; } //Traemos los dnis de los empleados Permiso paraComprobar = this.controlador.getSeleccionado(); //List<String> dnis = new ArrayList<>(); for (AsignacionPermiso asignacion : paraComprobar.getAsignacionPermisoList()) { //dnis.add(asignacion.getEmpleado()); System.out.println(asignacion.getEmpleado()); // List<AsignacionPermiso> lista = ac.buscarXFechaDni(asignacion.getEmpleado(), fechaInicio); int conteoPorFecha = ac.contarXEmpleadoEntreFechaPorFecha(empleadoSeleccionado, fechaInicio, fechaFin); if (conteoPorFecha == 0) { } else if (accion != Controlador.MODIFICAR) { errores++; mensaje += "El empleado " + asignacion.getEmpleado() + " tiene conflicto con un permiso aadido anteriormente \n Ingrese otro rango de fechas \n"; break; } } } } //Traemos los permisos por dni if (radHora.isSelected()) { Date horaInicio = (Date) spHoraInicio.getValue(); Date horaFin = (Date) spHoraFin.getValue(); if (horaInicio.compareTo(horaFin) > 0) { errores++; mensaje += ">La hora de inicio debe ser menor que la hora de fin \n"; } Permiso paraComprobar = this.controlador.getSeleccionado(); for (AsignacionPermiso asignacion : paraComprobar.getAsignacionPermisoList()) { List<AsignacionPermiso> lista = ac.buscarXHora(asignacion.getEmpleado(), fechaInicio); Long conteoPorHora = .filter(perm -> (horaInicio.compareTo(perm.getPermiso().getHoraInicio()) <= 0 && horaFin.compareTo(perm.getPermiso().getHoraInicio()) >= 0) || (perm.getPermiso().getHoraInicio().compareTo(horaInicio) <= 0 && perm.getPermiso().getHoraFin().compareTo(horaInicio) >= 0)) .count(); if (conteoPorHora.intValue() == 0) { } else { errores++; mensaje += ">El empleado " + asignacion.getEmpleado() + " tiene conflicto con un permiso aadido anteriormente \n Ingrese otro rango de horas\n"; break; } } } if (errores > 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Se ha(n) encontrado el(los) siguiente(s) error(es):\n" + mensaje, "Mensaje del sistema", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return errores != 0; }
From source
@Test public void testTailLogMultipleDirs() throws Exception { File testDataDir1 = new File("target", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); File testDataDir2 = new File("target", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); Assert.assertTrue(testDataDir1.mkdirs()); Assert.assertTrue(testDataDir2.mkdirs()); Files.write(new File(testDataDir1, "log1.txt").toPath(), Arrays.asList("Hello"), UTF8); Files.write(new File(testDataDir2, "log2.txt").toPath(), Arrays.asList("Hola"), UTF8); FileInfo fileInfo1 = new FileInfo(); fileInfo1.tag = "tag1"; fileInfo1.fileFullPath = testDataDir1.getAbsolutePath() + "/log1.txt"; fileInfo1.fileRollMode = FileRollMode.REVERSE_COUNTER; fileInfo1.firstFile = ""; fileInfo1.patternForToken = ""; FileInfo fileInfo2 = new FileInfo(); fileInfo2.tag = ""; fileInfo2.fileFullPath = testDataDir2.getAbsolutePath() + "/log2.txt"; fileInfo2.fileRollMode = FileRollMode.REVERSE_COUNTER; fileInfo2.firstFile = ""; fileInfo2.patternForToken = ""; FileTailConfigBean conf = new FileTailConfigBean(); conf.dataFormat = DataFormat.TEXT;/*w w w . j av a2s . co m*/ conf.multiLineMainPattern = ""; conf.batchSize = 25; conf.maxWaitTimeSecs = 1; conf.fileInfos = Arrays.asList(fileInfo1, fileInfo2); conf.postProcessing = PostProcessingOptions.NONE; conf.dataFormatConfig.textMaxLineLen = 1024; FileTailSource source = new FileTailSource(conf, SCAN_INTERVAL); SourceRunner runner = new SourceRunner.Builder(FileTailDSource.class, source).addOutputLane("lane") .addOutputLane("metadata").build(); runner.runInit(); try { Date now = new Date(); Thread.sleep(10); StageRunner.Output output = runner.runProduce(null, 1000); Assert.assertEquals(2, output.getRecords().get("lane").size()); Record record = output.getRecords().get("lane").get(0); Assert.assertEquals("Hello", record.get("/text").getValueAsString()); Assert.assertEquals("tag1", record.getHeader().getAttribute("tag")); Assert.assertEquals(fileInfo1.fileFullPath, record.getHeader().getAttribute("file")); record = output.getRecords().get("lane").get(1); Assert.assertEquals("Hola", record.get("/text").getValueAsString()); Assert.assertNull(record.getHeader().getAttribute("tag")); Assert.assertEquals(fileInfo2.fileFullPath, record.getHeader().getAttribute("file")); Assert.assertEquals(2, output.getRecords().get("metadata").size()); Record metadata = output.getRecords().get("metadata").get(0); Assert.assertEquals(new File(fileInfo1.fileFullPath).getAbsolutePath(), metadata.get("/fileName").getValueAsString()); Assert.assertEquals("START", metadata.get("/event").getValueAsString()); Assert.assertTrue(now.compareTo(metadata.get("/time").getValueAsDate()) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(metadata.has("/inode")); metadata = output.getRecords().get("metadata").get(1); Assert.assertEquals(new File(fileInfo2.fileFullPath).getAbsolutePath(), metadata.get("/fileName").getValueAsString()); Assert.assertEquals("START", metadata.get("/event").getValueAsString()); Assert.assertTrue(now.compareTo(metadata.get("/time").getValueAsDate()) < 0); Assert.assertTrue(metadata.has("/inode")); } finally { runner.runDestroy(); } }
From source
/** * Validates the user input for criteria. * * @param object - Populated object of StudentWiseAttendanceTemplate to validate * @param errors - contain errors related to fields. * @throws AkuraAppException - throws when exception occurs. *///from w w w. j av a 2 s. com public void validate(Object object, Errors errors) throws AkuraAppException { Date dateFrom = null; StudentWiseSwipInOutTemplate studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate = (StudentWiseSwipInOutTemplate) object; if (studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateFrom().equals(STRING_NULL) || studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateTo().equals(STRING_NULL)) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_TO, ERROR_MSG_REF_UI_MANDATORY_FIELD_REQUIRED); } else { Pattern datePattern = Pattern.compile(DATE_PATTERN); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_YYYY_MM_DD); if (!studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateFrom().equals(STRING_NULL)) { Matcher dateFromPatternMatcher = datePattern.matcher(studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateFrom()); if (!dateFromPatternMatcher.find()) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_FROM, ERROR_INVALID_MSG_REF_UI_DATE_FIELD_INVALID); dateFrom = null; } else { try { dateFrom = sdf.parse(studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateFrom()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } Matcher dateToPatternMatcher = datePattern.matcher(studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateTo()); if (!studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateTo().equals(STRING_NULL)) { if (!dateToPatternMatcher.find()) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_TO, ERROR_INVALID_MSG_REF_UI_DATE_FIELD_INVALID); dateTo = null; } else { try { dateTo = sdf.parse(studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateTo()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { dateTo = null; } if ((dateFrom != null) && (dateTo != null)) { if (dateFrom.after(new Date())) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_FROM, ERROR_FIELD_DATE_FIELD_INCORRECT_FUTURE_FROM); } if (dateTo.after(new Date())) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_TO, ERROR_FIELD_DATE_FIELD_INCORRECT_FUTURE_TO); } } if ((dateFrom != null) && (dateTo != null)) { if (dateFrom.compareTo(dateTo) > 0) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_TO, ERROR_FIELD_REF_UI_DATE_FIELD_INCORRECT); } } } }
From source
/** * Validates the user input for criteria. * * @param object - Populated object of StudentWiseAttendanceTemplate to validate * @param errors - contain errors related to fields. * @throws AkuraAppException - throws when exception occurs. *//*from ww w . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ public void validate(Object object, Errors errors) throws AkuraAppException { Date dateFrom = null; StudentWiseSwipInOutTemplate studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate = (StudentWiseSwipInOutTemplate) object; if (studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateFrom().equals(STRING_NULL) || studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateTo().equals(STRING_NULL)) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_TO, ERROR_MSG_REF_UI_MANDATORY_FIELD_REQUIRED); } else { Pattern datePattern = Pattern.compile(ValidatorExpressionUtil.getValidatorPattern(DATE_PATTERN)); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_YYYY_MM_DD); if (!studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateFrom().equals(STRING_NULL)) { Matcher dateFromPatternMatcher = datePattern.matcher(studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateFrom()); if (!dateFromPatternMatcher.find()) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_FROM, ERROR_INVALID_MSG_REF_UI_DATE_FIELD_INVALID); dateFrom = null; } else { try { dateFrom = sdf.parse(studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateFrom()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } Matcher dateToPatternMatcher = datePattern.matcher(studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateTo()); if (!studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateTo().equals(STRING_NULL)) { if (!dateToPatternMatcher.find()) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_TO, ERROR_INVALID_MSG_REF_UI_DATE_FIELD_INVALID); dateTo = null; } else { try { dateTo = sdf.parse(studentWiseSwipInOutTemplate.getDateTo()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { dateTo = null; } if ((dateFrom != null) && (dateTo != null)) { if (dateFrom.after(new Date())) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_FROM, ERROR_FIELD_DATE_FIELD_INCORRECT_FUTURE_FROM); } if (dateTo.after(new Date())) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_TO, ERROR_FIELD_DATE_FIELD_INCORRECT_FUTURE_TO); } } if ((dateFrom != null) && (dateTo != null)) { if (dateFrom.compareTo(dateTo) > 0) { errors.rejectValue(VAR_DATE_TO, ERROR_FIELD_REF_UI_DATE_FIELD_INCORRECT); } } } }
From source
private void handleCopyPart(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, BlobStore blobStore, String containerName, String blobName, String uploadId) throws IOException, S3Exception { // TODO: duplicated from handlePutBlob String copySourceHeader = request.getHeader("x-amz-copy-source"); copySourceHeader = URLDecoder.decode(copySourceHeader, "UTF-8"); if (copySourceHeader.startsWith("/")) { // Some clients like boto do not include the leading slash copySourceHeader = copySourceHeader.substring(1); }/*from w w w. j a v a2 s. com*/ String[] path = copySourceHeader.split("/", 2); if (path.length != 2) { throw new S3Exception(S3ErrorCode.INVALID_REQUEST); } String sourceContainerName = path[0]; String sourceBlobName = path[1]; GetOptions options = new GetOptions(); String range = request.getHeader("x-amz-copy-source-range"); if (range != null && range.startsWith("bytes=") && // ignore multiple ranges range.indexOf(',') == -1) { range = range.substring("bytes=".length()); String[] ranges = range.split("-", 2); if (ranges[0].isEmpty()) { options.tail(Long.parseLong(ranges[1])); } else if (ranges[1].isEmpty()) { options.startAt(Long.parseLong(ranges[0])); } else { options.range(Long.parseLong(ranges[0]), Long.parseLong(ranges[1])); } } String partNumberString = request.getParameter("partNumber"); if (partNumberString == null) { throw new S3Exception(S3ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT); } int partNumber; try { partNumber = Integer.parseInt(partNumberString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new S3Exception(S3ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Part number must be an integer between 1 and 10000" + ", inclusive", nfe, ImmutableMap.of("ArgumentName", "partNumber", "ArgumentValue", partNumberString)); } if (partNumber < 1 || partNumber > 10_000) { throw new S3Exception(S3ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Part number must be an integer between 1 and 10000" + ", inclusive", (Throwable) null, ImmutableMap.of("ArgumentName", "partNumber", "ArgumentValue", partNumberString)); } // TODO: how to reconstruct original mpu? MultipartUpload mpu = MultipartUpload.create(containerName, blobName, uploadId, createFakeBlobMetadata(blobStore), new PutOptions()); Blob blob = blobStore.getBlob(sourceContainerName, sourceBlobName, options); if (blob == null) { throw new S3Exception(S3ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_KEY); } BlobMetadata blobMetadata = blob.getMetadata(); String ifMatch = request.getHeader("x-amz-copy-source-if-match"); String ifNoneMatch = request.getHeader("x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since"); long ifModifiedSince = request.getDateHeader("x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match"); long ifUnmodifiedSince = request.getDateHeader("x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since"); String eTag = blobMetadata.getETag(); if (eTag != null) { eTag = maybeQuoteETag(eTag); if (ifMatch != null && !ifMatch.equals(eTag)) { throw new S3Exception(S3ErrorCode.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } if (ifNoneMatch != null && ifNoneMatch.equals(eTag)) { throw new S3Exception(S3ErrorCode.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } } Date lastModified = blobMetadata.getLastModified(); if (lastModified != null) { if (ifModifiedSince != -1 && lastModified.compareTo(new Date(ifModifiedSince)) <= 0) { throw new S3Exception(S3ErrorCode.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } if (ifUnmodifiedSince != -1 && lastModified.compareTo(new Date(ifUnmodifiedSince)) >= 0) { throw new S3Exception(S3ErrorCode.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } } long contentLength = blobMetadata.getContentMetadata().getContentLength(); String blobStoreType = getBlobStoreType(blobStore); try (InputStream is = blob.getPayload().openStream()) { if (blobStoreType.equals("azureblob")) { // Azure has a maximum part size of 4 MB while S3 has a minimum // part size of 5 MB and a maximum of 5 GB. Split a single S3 // part multiple Azure parts. long azureMaximumMultipartPartSize = blobStore.getMaximumMultipartPartSize(); HashingInputStream his = new HashingInputStream(Hashing.md5(), is); for (int offset = 0, subPartNumber = 0; offset < contentLength; offset += azureMaximumMultipartPartSize, ++subPartNumber) { Payload payload = Payloads.newInputStreamPayload( new UncloseableInputStream(ByteStreams.limit(his, azureMaximumMultipartPartSize))); payload.getContentMetadata() .setContentLength(Math.min(azureMaximumMultipartPartSize, contentLength - offset)); blobStore.uploadMultipartPart(mpu, 10_000 * partNumber + subPartNumber, payload); } eTag = BaseEncoding.base16().lowerCase().encode(his.hash().asBytes()); } else { Payload payload = Payloads.newInputStreamPayload(is); payload.getContentMetadata().setContentLength(contentLength); MultipartPart part = blobStore.uploadMultipartPart(mpu, partNumber, payload); eTag = part.partETag(); } } try (Writer writer = response.getWriter()) { XMLStreamWriter xml = xmlOutputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(writer); xml.writeStartDocument(); xml.writeStartElement("CopyObjectResult"); xml.writeDefaultNamespace(AWS_XMLNS); writeSimpleElement(xml, "LastModified", formatDate(lastModified)); if (eTag != null) { writeSimpleElement(xml, "ETag", maybeQuoteETag(eTag)); } xml.writeEndElement(); xml.flush(); } catch (XMLStreamException xse) { throw new IOException(xse); } }
From source
public ArrayList<Event> getAllEvents(String location, String date) { int capacity, assistants, contact_number; String id, photo, name, description, place, firstDay, lastDay, sales, webpage, creator; Date mFirstDay, mLastDay;/* w w w . j a va2 s . co m*/ Date mCurrentDate = getCurrentDate(); Date mSearchDate = convertDate(date); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEventsWithDate: CURRENT_DATE: " + mCurrentDate); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEventsWithDate: SEARCH_DATE: " + mSearchDate); Event event; ArrayList<Event> list = new ArrayList<>(); try { // Get Database Database database = mMeteor.getDatabase(); // Get Collection name is "Events" Collection collection = database.getCollection(Events); // Get of Collection "Events" where "place" of all events is equal to "location" //Query query = collection.whereEqual("place", location); // Create a list of events //Document[] documents = query.find(); Document[] documents = collection.find(); for (Document doc : documents) { // Buscamos eventos por localizacion place = (String) doc.getField("place"); if (place.contains(location)) { firstDay = (String) doc.getField("firstDay"); lastDay = (String) doc.getField("lastDay"); mFirstDay = convertDate(firstDay); mLastDay = convertDate(lastDay); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEventsWithDate: FIRST_DAY: " + mFirstDay); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEventsWithDate: LAST_DAY: " + mLastDay); // Buscamos eventos que no hayan pasado if (mCurrentDate.compareTo(mLastDay) <= 0) { //if ( !mCurrentDate.after( mLastDay ) ) { //Buscamos eventos para la fecha concreta //(firstDay <= dia) && (dia <= lastDay) if ((0 <= mSearchDate.compareTo(mFirstDay)) && (mSearchDate.compareTo(mLastDay) <= 0)) { //if ((mSearchDate.after(mFirstDay)) && (mSearchDate.before(mLastDay))) { //Aadimos este evento al ArrayList id = doc.getId(); photo = (String) doc.getField("photo"); name = (String) doc.getField("name"); description = (String) doc.getField("description"); //place = (String) doc.getField("place"); //firstDay = (String) doc.getField("firstDay"); //lastDay = (String) doc.getField("lastDay"); capacity = (int) doc.getField("capacity"); assistants = (int) doc.getField("assistants"); sales = (String) doc.getField("sales"); webpage = (String) doc.getField("webpage"); // Esto es asi, porque en la DB del server, a veces este valor se guarda como "int" y otras como "string" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object object = doc.getField("contact_number"); //Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents:Contact_Number CLASS?: " + o.getClass()); if (object instanceof String) { if ((!TextUtils.isEmpty((String) object))) { contact_number = Integer.parseInt((String) object); } else { contact_number = 0; } } else if (object instanceof Integer) { contact_number = (int) object; } else { contact_number = -1; //ERROR ... } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- creator = (String) doc.getField("creator"); event = new Event(id, photo, name, description, place, firstDay, lastDay, capacity, assistants, sales, webpage, contact_number, creator); list.add(event); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return list; }
From source
/** * @see org.apache.ode.jacob.JacobRunnable#run() *///from ww w .ja v a 2s .com public void run() { PickResponseChannel pickResponseChannel = newChannel(PickResponseChannel.class); Date timeout; Selector[] selectors; try { selectors = new Selector[_opick.onMessages.size()]; int idx = 0; for (OPickReceive.OnMessage onMessage : _opick.onMessages) { CorrelationKey key = null; // this will be the case for the // createInstance activity PartnerLinkInstance pLinkInstance = _scopeFrame.resolve(onMessage.partnerLink); if (onMessage.matchCorrelation == null && !_opick.createInstanceFlag) { // Adding a route for opaque correlation. In this case, // correlation is on "out-of-band" session-id String sessionId = getBpelRuntime().fetchMySessionId(pLinkInstance); key = new CorrelationKey(-1, new String[] { sessionId }); } else if (onMessage.matchCorrelation != null) { if (!getBpelRuntime() .isCorrelationInitialized(_scopeFrame.resolve(onMessage.matchCorrelation))) { // the following should really test if this is a "join" // type correlation... if (!_opick.createInstanceFlag) throw new FaultException(_opick.getOwner().constants.qnCorrelationViolation, "Correlation not initialized."); } else { key = getBpelRuntime().readCorrelation(_scopeFrame.resolve(onMessage.matchCorrelation)); assert key != null; } } selectors[idx] = new Selector(idx, pLinkInstance, onMessage.operation.getName(), onMessage.operation.getOutput() == null, onMessage.messageExchangeId, key); idx++; } timeout = null; for (OPickReceive.OnAlarm onAlarm : _opick.onAlarms) { Date dt = onAlarm.forExpr != null ? offsetFromNow(getBpelRuntime().getExpLangRuntime().evaluateAsDuration(onAlarm.forExpr, getEvaluationContext())) : getBpelRuntime().getExpLangRuntime() .evaluateAsDate(onAlarm.untilExpr, getEvaluationContext()).getTime(); if (timeout == null || timeout.compareTo(dt) > 0) { timeout = dt; _alarm = onAlarm; } } getBpelRuntime().select(pickResponseChannel, timeout, _opick.createInstanceFlag, selectors); } catch (FaultException e) { __log.error(e); FaultData fault = createFault(e.getQName(), _opick, e.getMessage()); dpe(_opick.outgoingLinks); _self.parent.completed(fault, CompensationHandler.emptySet()); return; } // Dead path all the alarms that have no chace of coming first. for (OPickReceive.OnAlarm oa : _opick.onAlarms) { if (!oa.equals(_alarm)) { dpe(oa.activity); } } instance(new WAITING(pickResponseChannel)); }
From source
/** * @see org.apache.ode.jacob.JacobRunnable#run() *///from w w 2s . c om public void run() { PickResponseChannel pickResponseChannel = newChannel(PickResponseChannel.class); Date timeout; Selector[] selectors; try { selectors = new Selector[_opick.onMessages.size()]; int idx = 0; for (OPickReceive.OnMessage onMessage : _opick.onMessages) { CorrelationKey key = null; // this will be the case for the // createInstance activity PartnerLinkInstance pLinkInstance = _scopeFrame.resolve(onMessage.partnerLink); if (onMessage.matchCorrelation == null && !_opick.createInstanceFlag) { // Adding a route for opaque correlation. In this case, // correlation is on "out-of-band" session-id String sessionId = getBpelRuntime().fetchMySessionId(pLinkInstance); key = new CorrelationKey(-1, new String[] { sessionId }); } else if (onMessage.matchCorrelation != null) { if (!getBpelRuntime() .isCorrelationInitialized(_scopeFrame.resolve(onMessage.matchCorrelation))) { // the following should really test if this is a "join" // type correlation... if (!_opick.createInstanceFlag) throw new FaultException(_opick.getOwner().constants.qnCorrelationViolation, "Correlation not initialized."); } else { key = getBpelRuntime().readCorrelation(_scopeFrame.resolve(onMessage.matchCorrelation)); assert key != null; } } selectors[idx] = new Selector(idx, pLinkInstance, onMessage.operation.getName(), onMessage.operation.getOutput() == null, onMessage.messageExchangeId, key); idx++; } timeout = null; for (OPickReceive.OnAlarm onAlarm : _opick.onAlarms) { Date dt = onAlarm.forExpr != null ? offsetFromNow(getBpelRuntime().getExpLangRuntime().evaluateAsDuration(onAlarm.forExpr, getEvaluationContext())) : getBpelRuntime().getExpLangRuntime() .evaluateAsDate(onAlarm.untilExpr, getEvaluationContext()).getTime(); if (timeout == null || timeout.compareTo(dt) > 0) { timeout = dt; _alarm = onAlarm; } } getBpelRuntime().select(pickResponseChannel, timeout, _opick.createInstanceFlag, selectors); } catch (FaultException e) { __log.error(e); FaultData fault = createFault(e.getQName(), _opick, e.getMessage()); dpe(_opick.outgoingLinks); _self.parent.completed(fault, CompensationHandler.emptySet()); return; } // Dead path all the alarms that have no chace of coming first. for (OPickReceive.OnAlarm oa : _opick.onAlarms) { if (!oa.equals(_alarm)) { dpe(oa.activity); } } instance(new WAITING(_scopeFrame, pickResponseChannel)); }
From source
public String calculateTimeline(ArrayList<SearchResult> searchResult) { List<String> urlAnalyzed = new ArrayList<String>(); Date dinizio = new Date(); Timeline timeline1 = new Timeline(); timeline1.setHeadline("Starting"); timeline1.setType("default"); timeline1.setStartDate("2009,1"); timeline1.setText("Starting Point"); Asset a = new Asset(); a.setMedia("aaa"); a.setCredit(""); a.setCaption(""); timeline1.setAsset(a);//ww w . j a va2 s .c o m timeline1.setDate(new ArrayList<de.unihannover.l3s.mws.model.timeline.Date>()); // if (this.searchResult!=null) for (SearchResult sr : searchResult) { System.out.println(sr.getUrl()); if (sr.getUrl().contains("wikipedia") || sr.getUrl().contains("youtube") || sr.getUrl().contains("slideshare") || sr.getUrl().contains("flickr")) { de.unihannover.l3s.mws.model.timeline.Date date2 = new de.unihannover.l3s.mws.model.timeline.Date(); int year = 2009 + (int) (Math.random() * ((2013 - 2009) + 1)); int month = 1 + (int) (Math.random() * ((12 - 1) + 1)); date2.setStartDate(year + "," + month); date2.setHeadline(sr.getUrl().replace(".", " ").replace("-", " ").replace(",", "").replace("_", " ") .replace("?", "").replace("=", " ")); date2.setText(""); Asset a2 = new Asset(); a2.setCaption(""); a2.setCredit(""); if (sr.getUrl().contains("wikipedia")) { if (!chechAny(urlAnalyzed, sr.getUrl())) { urlAnalyzed.add(sr.getUrl()); SimpleDateFormat FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy,MM"); Date d = DateManager.getWikipediaDate(sr.getUrl()); if (d != null) { String data1 = FORMATTER.format(d); date2.setStartDate(data1); date2.setAsset(a2); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(d); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -2); if (dinizio.compareTo(cal.getTime()) > 0) { dinizio = cal.getTime(); timeline1.setStartDate(FORMATTER.format(dinizio)); } a2.setMedia( "http://localhost:8080/mwsace2/javax.faces.resource/img/icon/icon-wikipedia.png.jsf?ln=timeline"); timeline1.getDate().add(date2); } } } else if (sr.getUrl().contains("youtube")) { if (!chechAny(urlAnalyzed, sr.getUrl())) { urlAnalyzed.add(sr.getUrl()); SimpleDateFormat FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy,MM"); Date d = DateManager.getYoutubeDate(sr.getUrl()); if (d != null) { String data1 = FORMATTER.format(d); date2.setStartDate(data1); date2.setAsset(a2); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(d); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -2); if (dinizio.compareTo(cal.getTime()) > 0) { dinizio = cal.getTime(); timeline1.setStartDate(FORMATTER.format(dinizio)); } a2.setMedia( "http://localhost:8080/mwsace2/javax.faces.resource/img/icon/y_icon.png.jsf?ln=timeline"); timeline1.getDate().add(date2); } } } else if (sr.getUrl().contains("slideshare")) { if (!chechAny(urlAnalyzed, sr.getUrl()) && sr.getUrl().startsWith("") && sr.getUrl().compareTo("") != 0 && !sr.getUrl().contains("")) { urlAnalyzed.add(sr.getUrl()); SimpleDateFormat FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy,MM"); Date d = DateManager.getSlideshareDate(sr.getUrl()); if (d != null) { String data1 = FORMATTER.format(d); date2.setStartDate(data1); date2.setAsset(a2); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(d); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -2); if (dinizio.compareTo(cal.getTime()) > 0) { dinizio = cal.getTime(); timeline1.setStartDate(FORMATTER.format(dinizio)); } a2.setMedia( "http://localhost:8080/mwsace2/javax.faces.resource/img/icon/slideshare-icon.png.jsf?ln=timeline"); timeline1.getDate().add(date2); } } } else if (sr.getUrl().contains("flickr")) { a2.setMedia( "http://localhost:8080/mwsace2/javax.faces.resource/img/icon/flickr-icon.png.jsf?ln=timeline"); date2.setAsset(a2); timeline1.getDate().add(date2); } } } //else // System.out.println("SR NULL"); /* de.unihannover.l3s.mws.model.timeline.Date date1=new de.unihannover.l3s.mws.model.timeline.Date(); date1.setStartDate("2009,2"); date1.setHeadline("My first experiment in time-lapse photography"); date1.setText("Nature at its finest in this video."); Asset a1=new Asset(); a1.setMedia(""); a1.setCaption(""); a1.setCredit(""); date1.setAsset(a1); timeline1.getDate().add(date1); */ WholeTimeline wl = new WholeTimeline(); wl.setTimeline(timeline1); if (this.searchResult != null) { timeline = (new JSONObject(wl)).toString(); // timeline=" var timeline = new VMM.Timeline(); timeline.init('"+timeline+"'); "; timeline = " $(\"#timeline\").empty(); var timeline = new VMM.Timeline(); timeline.init('" + timeline + "'); "; } else timeline = ""; System.out.println(timeline); return timeline; }
From source
public ArrayList<Event> getAllEvents(String location) { int capacity, assistants, contact_number; String id, photo, name, description, place, firstDay, lastDay, sales, webpage, creator; Date mFirstDay, mLastDay;/*from ww w . ja va 2s . c o m*/ Date mCurrentDate = getCurrentDate(); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents: CURRENT_DATE: " + mCurrentDate); Event event; ArrayList<Event> list = new ArrayList<>(); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents:mMeteor: " + mMeteor); try { // Get Database Database database = mMeteor.getDatabase(); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents:database: " + database); // Get Collection name is "Events" Collection collection = database.getCollection(Events); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents:collection: " + collection); // Get of Collection "Events" where "place" of all events is equal to "location" //Query query = collection.whereEqual("place", location); // Create a list of events //Document[] documents = query.find(); Document[] documents = collection.find(); for (Document doc : documents) { // Buscamos eventos por localizacion place = (String) doc.getField("place"); if (place.contains(location)) { firstDay = (String) doc.getField("firstDay"); lastDay = (String) doc.getField("lastDay"); //mFirstDay = convertDate(firstDay); mLastDay = convertDate(lastDay); //Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents: FIRST_DAY: " + mFirstDay); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents: LAST_DAY: " + mLastDay); // Buscamos eventos que no hayan pasado if (mCurrentDate.compareTo(mLastDay) <= 0) { //if ( !mCurrentDate.after(mLastDay) ) { id = doc.getId(); photo = (String) doc.getField("photo"); name = (String) doc.getField("name"); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents:NAME: " + name); Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents:IMAGE: " + photo); description = (String) doc.getField("description"); //place = (String) doc.getField("place"); //firstDay = (String) doc.getField("firstDay"); //lastDay = (String) doc.getField("lastDay"); // //Object o = doc.getField("capacity"); //Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents:Capacity CLASS?: " + o.getClass()); // capacity = (int) doc.getField("capacity"); assistants = (int) doc.getField("assistants"); sales = (String) doc.getField("sales"); webpage = (String) doc.getField("webpage"); // Esto es asi, porque en la DB del server, a veces este valor se guarda como "int" y otras como "string" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object object = doc.getField("contact_number"); //Log.i(TAG, "ENTRO A MyMeteor:getAllEvents:Contact_Number CLASS?: " + o.getClass()); if (object instanceof String) { if ((!TextUtils.isEmpty((String) object))) { contact_number = Integer.parseInt((String) object); } else { contact_number = 0; } } else if (object instanceof Integer) { contact_number = (int) object; } else { contact_number = -1; //ERROR ... } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- creator = (String) doc.getField("creator"); event = new Event(id, photo, name, description, place, firstDay, lastDay, capacity, assistants, sales, webpage, contact_number, creator); list.add(event); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return list; }