List of usage examples for java.util Date compareTo
public int compareTo(Date anotherDate)
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@Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); setHasOptionsMenu(true);//ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m LocalTransformationDBMS db = new LocalTransformationDBMS(getActivity().getApplicationContext());; sleepData = db.getAllSleepData(); // Sort the time of sleepData in decimal format, e.g 13:32 means 13,32 Collections.sort(sleepData, new Comparator<TrafficData>() { @Override public int compare(TrafficData arg0, TrafficData arg1) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_hh:mm"); int compareResult = 0; try { Date arg0Date = format.parse(arg0.getTrafficDate() + "_" + new DecimalFormat("00.00").format(arg0.getxValue()).replaceAll("\\,", ":")); Date arg1Date = format.parse(arg1.getTrafficDate() + "_" + new DecimalFormat("00.00").format(arg1.getxValue()).replaceAll("\\,", ":")); compareResult = arg0Date.compareTo(arg1Date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); compareResult = arg0.getTrafficDate().compareTo(arg1.getTrafficDate()); } return compareResult; } }); db.close(); mArrayAdapter = new mArrayAdapter(getActivity(), getActivity().getApplicationContext()); mArrayAdapter.addAll(sleepData); setListAdapter(mArrayAdapter); Button addEntry = (Button) rootView.findViewById(; addEntry.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { addEntryRow(); } }); }
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/** * This method checks if moving a parent work item and descendant's violates MS. Proj. link dependency. * In case of violation returns a Set with violated Dependencies, otherwise saves moved work items and * cascades all descendants. In case of one descendant work item is linked the successor work item * will be cascaded./* ww w.j a v a2 s.c o m*/ * * @param workItemID * @param movedWorkItem * @param personID * @param oldStartDate * @param oldEndDate * @param startDate * @param endDate * @param locale * @param msProjectLinkTypeIDs * @param itemCascadeMap * @return */ private static Set<Integer> checkChildrens(Integer workItemID, TWorkItemBean movedWorkItem, Integer personID, Date oldStartDate, Date oldEndDate, Date startDate, Date endDate, Locale locale, List<Integer> msProjectLinkTypeIDs, Map<Integer, WorkItemWithNewCascadedDates> itemCascadeMap) { Set<Integer> violatedDependencies = new HashSet<Integer>(); List<TWorkItemBean> childrens = ItemBL.getChildren(workItemID); if (childrens.isEmpty()) { return violatedDependencies; } int numberOfMovedDays = 0; int numberOfWorkedDaysFromMovedDays = 0; if (oldStartDate.compareTo(startDate) != 0 && oldEndDate.compareTo(endDate) != 0) { numberOfMovedDays = getNumberOfDaysBetweenDates(oldStartDate, startDate, false); if (numberOfMovedDays < 0) { numberOfWorkedDaysFromMovedDays = getNumberOfWorkDaysFromMovedIntervall(endDate, oldEndDate); } else { numberOfWorkedDaysFromMovedDays = getNumberOfWorkDaysFromMovedIntervall(oldStartDate, startDate); } } List<WorkItemWithNewCascadedDates> touchedDescendantWorkItems = new ArrayList<WorkItemWithNewCascadedDates>(); List<TWorkItemBean> allDescendant = new ArrayList<TWorkItemBean>(); getAllChildrens(childrens, allDescendant, workItemID); Map<Integer, Map<TWorkItemBean, Set<TWorkItemBean>>> workItemIDToWorkItemToChildIDMap = createWorkItemIDToWorkItemToChildIDMap( allDescendant, movedWorkItem); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<TWorkItemBean, Set<TWorkItemBean>>> entry : workItemIDToWorkItemToChildIDMap .entrySet()) { Map<TWorkItemBean, Set<TWorkItemBean>> parentToChild = entry.getValue(); TWorkItemBean parent = parentToChild.keySet().iterator().next(); Set<TWorkItemBean> childs = parentToChild.get(parent); for (TWorkItemBean childWorkItem : childs) { Set<Integer> violatedPredDependencies = checkSuccMoveValidity(getStartDate(childWorkItem), getEndDate(childWorkItem), childWorkItem.getObjectID(), personID, null); if (violatedPredDependencies.isEmpty()) { if (getStartDate(childWorkItem) != null && getEndDate(childWorkItem) != null) { Date[] newStartEndDate = cascadeWorkItemBySuperior(numberOfMovedDays, numberOfWorkedDaysFromMovedDays, childWorkItem); Set<Integer> problems = checkSuccMoveValidity(newStartEndDate[0], newStartEndDate[1], childWorkItem.getObjectID(), personID, null); if (problems.size() > 0) { for (Integer id : problems) { violatedDependencies.add(id); } } WorkItemWithNewCascadedDates tmp = new WorkItemWithNewCascadedDates(); tmp.setWorkItemBean(childWorkItem); tmp.setStarDate(newStartEndDate[0]); tmp.setEndDate(newStartEndDate[1]); touchedDescendantWorkItems.add(tmp); } } } } if (violatedDependencies.isEmpty()) { storeAllTouchedDescendantWorkItem(touchedDescendantWorkItems, personID, locale, msProjectLinkTypeIDs, null); return violatedDependencies; } else { return violatedDependencies; } }
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private void addToDb() { String date = String.valueOf(DateFormat.format("dd-MM-yyyy", calendarPicker)); LocalTransformationDBMS db = new LocalTransformationDBMS(getActivity().getApplicationContext());;// www . ja v a 2 s . c o m if (idToUpdate > -1) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(LocalTransformationDB.SLEEP_TIME_COLUMN_SLEEP, sleep); values.put(LocalTransformationDB.SLEEP_TIME_COLUMN_WAKE, wake); values.put(LocalTransformationDB.SLEEP_TIME_COLUMN_PRBLY, 0.0d); int rowUpdated = db.updateRow(LocalTransformationDB.TABLE_SLEEP_TIME, values, LocalTransformationDB.SLEEP_TIME_COLUMN_ID + " =?", new String[] { String.valueOf(idToUpdate) }); Log.e(TAG, "number of rows edited:" + rowUpdated); for (TrafficData trD : sleepData) { if (trD.getTrafficId() == idToUpdate) { trD.setxValue(sleep); trD.setyValue(wake); } } } else { db.addSleepData(date, sleep, wake, 0.0d); sleepData.add(new TrafficData(date, -1, sleep, wake)); } db.close(); Collections.sort(sleepData, new Comparator<TrafficData>() { @Override public int compare(TrafficData arg0, TrafficData arg1) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_hh:mm"); int compareResult = 0; try { Date arg0Date = format.parse(arg0.getTrafficDate() + "_" + new DecimalFormat("00.00").format(arg0.getxValue()).replaceAll("\\,", ":")); Date arg1Date = format.parse(arg1.getTrafficDate() + "_" + new DecimalFormat("00.00").format(arg1.getxValue()).replaceAll("\\,", ":")); compareResult = arg0Date.compareTo(arg1Date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); compareResult = arg0.getTrafficDate().compareTo(arg1.getTrafficDate()); } return compareResult; } }); mArrayAdapter.clear(); mArrayAdapter.addAll(sleepData); (( mArrayAdapter).calcPrbly(); mArrayAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); // clear picker calendarPicker = Calendar.getInstance(); sleep = 0.0d; wake = 0.0d; idToUpdate = -1; }
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/** * Setting reminder for lead/opportunity * * @param row_id/*from www .j ava 2s .co m*/ */ public void setReminder(int row_id) { ODataRow row = browse(row_id); String time = " " + BaseSettings.getDayStartTime(mContext); Date now = new Date(); Bundle extra = row.getPrimaryBundleData(); extra.putString(ReminderUtils.KEY_REMINDER_TYPE, "opportunity"); if (!row.getString("date_deadline").equals("false")) { row.put("date_deadline", row.getString("date_deadline") + time); Date date_deadline = ODateUtils.createDateObject(row.getString("date_deadline"), ODateUtils.DEFAULT_FORMAT, false); if (now.compareTo(date_deadline) < 0) { extra.putBoolean("expiry_date", true); if (ReminderUtils.get(mContext).resetReminder(date_deadline, extra)) { // Nothing to do. Reminder set for expiry date } } } if (!row.getString("date_action").equals("false")) { row.put("date_action", row.getString("date_action") + time); Date date_action = ODateUtils.createDateObject(row.getString("date_action"), ODateUtils.DEFAULT_FORMAT, false); if (now.compareTo(date_action) < 0) { extra.putBoolean("expiry_date", false); if (ReminderUtils.get(mContext).resetReminder(date_action, extra)) { // Nothing to do. Reminder set for next date action } } } }
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public AlertType getAlertType() throws JSONException, ParseException { if (alertType == null) { alertType = AlertType.ALERT;/*from ww w . java 2 s .co m*/ Date now = new Date(); Date latestCorrectionDate = null; for (FindingFollowUpView find : getFindings()) { if (latestCorrectionDate == null || latestCorrectionDate.before(find.getCorrectionDate())) { latestCorrectionDate = find.getCorrectionDate(); } } Date expDt = getFacility().getLicenseExpirationDate(); // if (corrDl == null) { // corrDl = DateUtils.addDays(inspectionDate, 30); // } if (expDt == null) { expDt = DateUtils.addDays(latestCorrectionDate, 60); } Date window = DateUtils.addDays(expDt, -30); //all inspections are required at least 7 days before the expiration date if (latestCorrectionDate.compareTo(window) >= 0 && now.compareTo(DateUtils.addDays(expDt, -14)) >= 0) { //if we had 30 days or less until the license expiration and we are within 14 days of the license expiration alertType = AlertType.RED_ALERT; } else if (latestCorrectionDate.compareTo(window) >= 0 && now.compareTo(DateUtils.addDays(expDt, -21)) >= 0) { //if we had 30 days or less until the license expiration and we are within 21 days of the license expiration alertType = AlertType.ORANGE_ALERT; } else if (now.compareTo(DateUtils.addDays(latestCorrectionDate, 21)) >= 0) { //if we had more than 30 days until the license expiration and we are over 21 days past the correction deadline alertType = AlertType.RED_ALERT; } else if (now.compareTo(DateUtils.addDays(latestCorrectionDate, 14)) >= 0) { //if we had more than 30 days until the license expiration and we are over 14 days past the correction deadline alertType = AlertType.ORANGE_ALERT; } } return alertType; }
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public Constraint checkConstraintStartDate() { return (comp, value) -> { Date startDate = (Date) value; if ((startDate != null) && (filterFinishDateOrderElement.getValue() != null) && (startDate.compareTo(filterFinishDateOrderElement.getValue()) > 0)) { filterStartDateOrderElement.setValue(null); throw new WrongValueException(comp, _("must be lower than end date")); }/*from www . ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ }; }
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/** * Operations to filter the orders by multiple filters. *///from w ww . j a va 2 s .com public Constraint checkConstraintFinishDate() { return (comp, value) -> { Date finishDate = (Date) value; if ((finishDate != null) && (filterStartDateOrderElement.getValue() != null) && (finishDate.compareTo(filterStartDateOrderElement.getValue()) < 0)) { filterFinishDateOrderElement.setValue(null); throw new WrongValueException(comp, _("must be after start date")); } }; }
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public IntervalList build(DataSetHandler handler, ColumnGroup columnGroup) { IntervalDateRangeList results = new IntervalDateRangeList(columnGroup); DataSet dataSet = handler.getDataSet(); List values = dataSet.getColumnById(columnGroup.getSourceId()).getValues(); if (values.isEmpty()) { return results; }//w ww . java2 s.c o m // Sort the column dates. DataSetSort sortOp = new DataSetSort(); sortOp.addSortColumn(new ColumnSort(columnGroup.getSourceId(), SortOrder.ASCENDING)); DataSetHandler sortResults = handler.sort(sortOp); List<Integer> sortedRows = sortResults.getRows(); if (sortedRows == null || sortedRows.isEmpty()) { return results; } // Get the lower & upper limits (discard nulls). SortedList sortedValues = new SortedList(values, sortedRows); Date minDate = null; Date maxDate = null; for (int i = 0; minDate == null && i < sortedValues.size(); i++) { minDate = (Date) sortedValues.get(i); } for (int i = sortedValues.size() - 1; maxDate == null && i >= 0; i--) { maxDate = (Date) sortedValues.get(i); } // If min/max are equals then return a single interval. DateIntervalType intervalType = calculateIntervalSize(minDate, maxDate, columnGroup); if (minDate == null || minDate.compareTo(maxDate) == 0) { IntervalDateRange interval = new IntervalDateRange(0, intervalType, minDate, maxDate); for (int row = 0; row < sortedValues.size(); row++) interval.getRows().add(row); results.add(interval); results.setIntervalType(columnGroup.getIntervalSize()); results.setMinValue(minDate); results.setMaxValue(maxDate); return results; } // Create the intervals according to the min/max dates. Calendar c = firstIntervalDate(intervalType, minDate, columnGroup); int index = 0; int counter = 0; while (c.getTime().compareTo(maxDate) <= 0) { Date intervalMinDate = c.getTime(); // Create the next interval nextIntervalDate(c, intervalType, 1); Date intervalMaxDate = c.getTime(); IntervalDateRange interval = new IntervalDateRange(counter++, intervalType, intervalMinDate, intervalMaxDate); results.add(interval); // Add the target rows boolean stop = false; while (!stop) { if (index >= sortedValues.size()) { stop = true; } else { Date dateValue = (Date) sortedValues.get(index); Integer row = sortedRows.get(index); if (dateValue == null) { index++; } else if (dateValue.before(intervalMaxDate)) { interval.getRows().add(row); index++; } else { stop = true; } } } } // Reverse intervals if requested boolean asc = columnGroup.isAscendingOrder(); if (!asc) Collections.reverse(results); // Return the results results.setIntervalType(intervalType.toString()); results.setMinValue(minDate); results.setMaxValue(maxDate); return results; }
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/** * Determine the rotation guid. If the rotation overridden flag * is set the existing GUID (if any) is returned. * * @param ot the online tool/*from w w w .j av a2s . co m*/ * @return the int */ private int determineRotationGUID(final OnlineToolBean ot) { int rotationGUID = 0; if (ot != null) { if (ot.getRotationOverridden()) { rotationGUID = ot.getRotationGUID(); } else { // Identify the relevant rotations Map<String, RotationBean> rts = new TreeMap<String, RotationBean>(); if (ot.getReferenceGUID() > 0) { try { BuilderBean loadDetails = new BuilderBean(); loadDetails.setParameter("TRAINING_ROTATIONS", true); PersonBean person = this.personDAO.loadGUID(ot.getReferenceGUID(), loadDetails); if (person != null && person.getRotations() != null) {"Person " + person.getGUID() + " associated with rotation"); for (RotationBean r : person.getRotations()) { Date[] dates = { ot.getStartDate(), ot.getEndDate(), ot.getSubmitted(), ot.getCompleted() }; for (Date date : dates) { if (date != null) {"Tool date: " + date); if (date.compareTo(r.getStartDate()) >= 0 && date.compareTo(r.getEndDate()) <= 0) { rts.put(buildKey(r.getStartDate(), r.getGUID()), r);"Date after rotation " + r.getGUID() + " start date and before its end"); } } } } } } catch (WhichDoctorDaoException wde) { dataLogger.error("Error checking for relevant rotations: " + wde.getMessage()); } } // If rts.size() == 0 then there is no obvious relationship. if (rts.size() == 1) { // A single rotation was identified - set the relationship rotationGUID = rts.values().iterator().next().getGUID(); } if (rts.size() > 1) { // More than one rotation was found - determine most appropriate double percentage = 0; for (String key : rts.keySet()) { RotationBean r = rts.get(key); if (rotationGUID == 0) { rotationGUID = r.getGUID(); } if (ot.getStartDate() != null) { // Determine what percentage of the online tool was // undertaken during the rotation. double rPercentage = 0; long otTime = 0; Date pStartDate = new Date(ot.getStartDate().getTime()); Date pEndDate = new Date(r.getEndDate().getTime()); Date[] dates = { ot.getSubmitted(), ot.getEndDate(), ot.getCompleted() }; if (r.getStartDate().compareTo(ot.getStartDate()) > 0) { pStartDate = new Date(r.getStartDate().getTime()); } for (Date date : dates) { if (date != null) { otTime = date.getTime() - ot.getStartDate().getTime(); if (r.getEndDate().compareTo(date) > 0) { pEndDate = new Date(date.getTime()); } } } if (otTime > 0) { rPercentage = (pEndDate.getTime() - pStartDate.getTime()) / otTime;"Calculated percentage: " + rPercentage); } if (rPercentage > percentage) {"Current percentage higher than " + percentage); percentage = rPercentage; rotationGUID = r.getGUID(); } } } } } }"Rotation GUID " + rotationGUID + " identified"); return rotationGUID; }
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@Override public List<Double> getPriceOfSelectedDate(String selectedDate, PackageDTO packageDTO) throws ParseException { String promotionJson = packageDTO.getPromotionJson(); JsonArray promotions = gson.fromJson(promotionJson, JsonArray.class); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); Date selectDate; selectDate = format.parse(selectedDate); double priceAdult = 0; double priceChild = 0; for (JsonElement promotion : promotions) { JsonObject jsonObject = promotion.getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray datesArray = jsonObject.get("dates").getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement dateJson : datesArray) { String dateStr = dateJson.getAsString(); Date promotionDate = format.parse(dateStr); if (selectDate.compareTo(promotionDate) == 0) { priceAdult = jsonObject.get("priceAdult").getAsDouble(); priceChild = jsonObject.get("priceChild").getAsDouble(); break; }//from w ww . j a va2 s . c o m } if (priceAdult > 0) { break; } } List<Double> prices = new ArrayList<Double>(); if (priceAdult > 0) { prices.add(priceAdult); prices.add(priceChild); } else { prices.add(packageDTO.getOrdinaryPriceForAdult()); prices.add(packageDTO.getOrdinaryPriceForChild()); } return prices; }