List of usage examples for java.util Date compareTo
public int compareTo(Date anotherDate)
From source
private void customCleanUp() { // Check to see if there are already 5 files File file = new File(fileName); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); int maxDays = 30; try {// ww w. j a v a2 s . c o m maxDays = Integer.parseInt(archiveMaxDays); } catch (Exception e) { // just leave it at 30. } cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -maxDays); Date cutoffDate = cal.getTime(); Date timeBackup = DateUtil.parse(DateUtil.format(new Date(), "dd/MM/yyyy ") + archiveTiming, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); //This make sure only backup once per day //System.out.println("cleanupAndRollOver checked:: cutoffDate = " + cutoffDate + ", timeBackup = " + timeBackup + ", lastBackup = " + lastBackup + ", file.getParentFile().exists() = " + file.getParentFile().exists()); if ((lastBackup == null || timeBackup.after(lastBackup)) && timeBackup.compareTo(new Date()) <= 0 && file.getParentFile().exists()) { System.out.println("cleanupAndRollOver executed:: cutoffDate = " + cutoffDate + ", timeBackup = " + timeBackup + ", lastBackup = " + lastBackup); File[] files = file.getParentFile().listFiles(new StartsWithFileFilter(file.getName(), false)); System.out.println("cleanupAndRollOver executed:: files size = " + files.length + ", file.getName() = " + file.getName()); int nameLength = file.getName().length(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String datePart = null; try { if (!file.getName().equals(files[i].getName())) { datePart = files[i].getName().substring(nameLength); Date date = sdf.parse(datePart); //System.out.println("date = " + date + " vs cutoffDate " + cutoffDate); if (date.before(cutoffDate)) { if (archiveCompress.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")) { zipAndDelete(files[i]); } else { System.out.println("delete file = " + files[i].getName()); files[i].delete(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // This isn't a file we should touch (it isn't named // correctly) } } lastBackup = new Date(); } }
From source
private void updateCoords(String cluster, String bundleId, int concurrency, Date endTime, Job.Status oldBundleStatus) throws IvoryException { if (endTime.compareTo(now()) <= 0) throw new IvoryException("End time " + SchemaHelper.formatDateUTC(endTime) + " can't be in the past"); BundleJob bundle = getBundleInfo(cluster, bundleId); if (oldBundleStatus == null) oldBundleStatus = bundle.getStatus(); suspend(cluster, bundle);//w w w . j ava 2 s .c o m //change coords for (CoordinatorJob coord : bundle.getCoordinators()) { LOG.debug("Updating endtime of coord " + coord.getId() + " to " + SchemaHelper.formatDateUTC(endTime) + " on cluster " + cluster); Date lastActionTime = getCoordLastActionTime(coord); if (lastActionTime == null) { // nothing is materialized if (endTime.compareTo(coord.getStartTime()) <= 0) change(cluster, coord.getId(), concurrency, coord.getStartTime(), null); else change(cluster, coord.getId(), concurrency, endTime, null); } else { if (!endTime.after(lastActionTime)) { Date pauseTime = getPreviousMin(endTime); // set pause time which deletes future actions change(cluster, coord.getId(), concurrency, null, SchemaHelper.formatDateUTC(pauseTime)); } change(cluster, coord.getId(), concurrency, endTime, ""); } } if (oldBundleStatus != Job.Status.SUSPENDED && oldBundleStatus != Job.Status.PREPSUSPENDED) { resume(cluster, bundle); } }
From source
protected void sortCoordsByStartTime(List<CoordinatorJob> consideredCoords) { Collections.sort(consideredCoords, new Comparator<CoordinatorJob>() { @Override//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . com public int compare(CoordinatorJob left, CoordinatorJob right) { Date leftStart = left.getStartTime(); Date rightStart = right.getStartTime(); return leftStart.compareTo(rightStart); } }); }
From source
@Test(groups = "largeTests") public void listMessagesWithArrivalOrder() throws Exception { final String ORDERING_ORGNO = "7682982461"; // s1 will have an EARLIER arrivalTimeStamp than s2 ShsMessageEntry s1 = messageLogService.saveMessage(make(a(ShsMessage, with(ShsMessage.label, a(ShsLabel, with(to, a(To, with(To.value, ORDERING_ORGNO))), with(transferType, TransferType.ASYNCH)))))); Thread.sleep(100);/*from w w w. j a va2s .c o m*/ ShsMessageEntry s2 = messageLogService.saveMessage(make(a(ShsMessage, with(ShsMessage.label, a(ShsLabel, with(to, a(To, with(To.value, ORDERING_ORGNO))), with(transferType, TransferType.ASYNCH)))))); // s1 will have a LATER stateTimeStamp than s2 messageLogService.messageReceived(s2); Thread.sleep(100); messageLogService.messageReceived(s1); // Test ASCENDING which is the default order MessageLogService.Filter filter = new MessageLogService.Filter(); Iterable<ShsMessageEntry> iter = messageLogService.listMessages(ORDERING_ORGNO, filter); Date lastLabelDateTime = null; for (Iterator<ShsMessageEntry> i = iter.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ShsMessageEntry item =; Date arrivalTimeStamp = item.getArrivalTimeStamp(); if (lastLabelDateTime != null) { boolean isAscending = arrivalTimeStamp.compareTo(lastLabelDateTime) >= 0; Assert.assertTrue(isAscending, "default sort order should be ascending"); } lastLabelDateTime = arrivalTimeStamp; } // Test ASCENDING with specifically specifying sort order filter = new MessageLogService.Filter(); filter.setArrivalOrder("ascending"); iter = messageLogService.listMessages(ORDERING_ORGNO, filter); lastLabelDateTime = null; for (Iterator<ShsMessageEntry> i = iter.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ShsMessageEntry item =; Date arrivalTimeStamp = item.getArrivalTimeStamp(); if (lastLabelDateTime != null) { boolean isAscending = arrivalTimeStamp.compareTo(lastLabelDateTime) >= 0; Assert.assertTrue(isAscending, "sort order expected to be ascending"); } lastLabelDateTime = arrivalTimeStamp; } // Test DESCENDING filter = new MessageLogService.Filter(); filter.setArrivalOrder("descending"); iter = messageLogService.listMessages(ORDERING_ORGNO, filter); lastLabelDateTime = null; for (Iterator<ShsMessageEntry> i = iter.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ShsMessageEntry item =; Date arrivalTimeStamp = item.getArrivalTimeStamp(); if (lastLabelDateTime != null) { boolean isAscending = arrivalTimeStamp.compareTo(lastLabelDateTime) >= 0; Assert.assertFalse(isAscending, "sort order expected to be descending"); } lastLabelDateTime = arrivalTimeStamp; } }
From source
/** * Check is the parent age is to be consider for the validation. * //from w w w.j av a 2s .co m * @param parentSubject * @return */ private boolean isConsiderParentAge(SubjectVO parentSubject) { boolean check = false; Long sessionStudyId = (Long) SecurityUtils.getSubject().getSession() .getAttribute(; Study study = iArkCommonService.getStudy(sessionStudyId); String subjectUID = (String) SecurityUtils.getSubject().getSession() .getAttribute(; SubjectVO criteriaSubjectVo = new SubjectVO(); criteriaSubjectVo.getLinkSubjectStudy().setStudy(study); criteriaSubjectVo.getLinkSubjectStudy().setSubjectUID(subjectUID); Collection<SubjectVO> subjects = iArkCommonService.getSubject(criteriaSubjectVo); SubjectVO subjectVo = subjects.iterator().next(); Date parentDOB = parentSubject.getLinkSubjectStudy().getPerson().getDateOfBirth(); Date subjectDOB = subjectVo.getLinkSubjectStudy().getPerson().getDateOfBirth(); if (parentDOB != null && subjectDOB != null && parentDOB.compareTo(subjectDOB) >= 0) { check = true; } return check; }
From source
@Override public void addTimerCallback(Date dateTime, String name, Consumer<Date> consumer) { // execute callback immediately if dateTime is in the past if (dateTime.compareTo(getCurrentTime()) < 0) { consumer.accept(getCurrentTime()); } else {//from w w w . j av a 2 s . co m String alias = "ON_TIMER_" + DateTimeUtil.formatAsGMT(dateTime.toInstant()).replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "-") + (name != null ? "_" + name : ""); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(dateTime); Object[] params = { alias, cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) }; deployStatement("prepared", "ON_TIMER", alias, params, new TimerCallback(this, alias, consumer), true); } }
From source
void unmarshallLifecycle(final Lifecycle lifecycle, final IPortletDefinition portletDefinition) { /*// w ww . j av a2s . c o m * If this is an existing portletDefinition, it may (probably does) already contain * lifecycle entries. We need to remove those, because the lifecycle of a portlet after * import should reflect what the document says exactly. */ portletDefinition.clearLifecycle(); if (lifecycle == null) { /* * For backwards-compatibility, a complete absence of * lifecycle information means the portlet is published. */ portletDefinition.updateLifecycleState(PortletLifecycleState.PUBLISHED, systemUser); } else if (lifecycle.getEntries().isEmpty()) { /* * According to the comments for 4.3, we're supposed * to leave the portlet in CREATED state. */ portletDefinition.updateLifecycleState(PortletLifecycleState.CREATED, systemUser); } else { /* * Use a TreeMap because we need to be certain the the entries * get applied to the new portlet definition in a sane order... */ Map<IPortletLifecycleEntry, IPerson> convertedEntries = new TreeMap<>(); /* * Convert each LifecycleEntry (JAXB) to an IPortletLifecycleEntry (internal) */ for (LifecycleEntry entry : lifecycle.getEntries()) { final IPerson user = StringUtils.isNotBlank(entry.getUser()) ? userIdentityStore.getPerson(entry.getUser(), true) : systemUser; // default // We will support case insensitivity of entry/@name in the XML final PortletLifecycleState state = PortletLifecycleState.valueOf(entry.getName().toUpperCase()); // Entries added by an upgrade transform will not have a date final Date date = entry.getValue().equals(useCurrentDatetimeSignal) ? new Date() : entry.getValue().getTime(); convertedEntries.put(new IPortletLifecycleEntry() { @Override public int getUserId() { return user.getID(); } @Override public PortletLifecycleState getLifecycleState() { return state; } @Override public Date getDate() { return date; } @Override public int compareTo(IPortletLifecycleEntry o) { int rslt = date.compareTo(o.getDate()); if (rslt == 0) { rslt = state.getOrder() - o.getLifecycleState().getOrder(); } return rslt; } }, user); } /* * Apply them to the portlet definition */ convertedEntries.forEach((k, v) -> { portletDefinition.updateLifecycleState(k.getLifecycleState(), v, k.getDate()); }); } }
From source
private JSONGraphData loadMessageOverTimeHistogram() { Date startDateToUse = getStartDate(); DateDisplayTypes displayType = this.getDisplayType(startDateToUse, mEndDate); String selectionArg = getSelectionString(displayType); StringBuilder rawQuery = new StringBuilder(); rawQuery.append("select time, count(*) from "); rawQuery.append(RapidSmsDBConstants.FormData.TABLE_PREFIX + mForm.getPrefix()); rawQuery.append(" join rapidandroid_message on ("); rawQuery.append(RapidSmsDBConstants.FormData.TABLE_PREFIX + mForm.getPrefix()); rawQuery.append(".message_id = rapidandroid_message._id"); rawQuery.append(") "); if (startDateToUse.compareTo(Constants.NULLDATE) != 0 && mEndDate.compareTo(Constants.NULLDATE) != 0) { rawQuery.append(" WHERE rapidandroid_message.time > '" + Message.SQLDateFormatter.format(startDateToUse) + "' AND rapidandroid_message.time < '" + Message.SQLDateFormatter.format(mEndDate) + "' "); }/* ww w.ja v a2s. c o m*/ rawQuery.append(" group by ").append(selectionArg); rawQuery.append("order by ").append(selectionArg).append(" ASC"); // the X date value is column 0 // the y value magnitude is column 1 SQLiteDatabase db = rawDB.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cr = db.rawQuery(rawQuery.toString(), null); return getDateQuery(displayType, cr, db); }
From source
private boolean checkRead(AlertTicket ticket, String userId) { boolean value = false; Date recentDate = null; for (AlertAction alertAction : ticket.getActionHistory()) { if (recentDate == null || alertAction.getActionTimestamp().compareTo(recentDate) > 0) { recentDate = alertAction.getActionTimestamp(); }// w w w . j av a2 s .c om // If most recent alert action is Notfication generated then // set return value to false if (recentDate.compareTo(alertAction.getActionTimestamp()) > 0) { if (alertAction.getMessage().equals("Notification generated") && alertAction.getUserId().equals(userId)) { value = false; } } // If alert action message is not Notification generated then // set return value to true value = (!alertAction.getMessage().equals("Notification generated") && alertAction.getUserId().equals(userId)); if (value) { break; } } return value; }
From source
public BoundingBox render(ITimelineCallback callback, boolean layoutOnly) { final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(startDate);/*www .j ava 2 s. c o m*/ cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); Date currentDate = cal.getTime(); final Date endDate = duration.addTo(startDate); BoundingBox lastLabel = null; final int labelSpacing = 10; final Graphics2D graphics = callback.getGraphics(); final int fontHeight = graphics.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); final double scalingFactor = getXScalingFactor(callback.getBoundingBox()); final BoundingBox box = callback.getBoundingBox(); double x = callback.getBoundingBox().getX(); final int tickToLabelSpacing = 2; final int tickLength = fontHeight; final int axisHeight = fontHeight + tickLength + tickToLabelSpacing; final double xIncrement = Math.floor(tickDuration.toSeconds() * scalingFactor); final Color oldColor = graphics.getColor(); // while (currentDate.compareTo(endDate) <= 0) { final int currentX = (int) Math.floor(x); if (lastLabel == null || lastLabel.getMaxX() < x) { final String labelText = callback.getLabelProvider().getTimelineLabel(currentDate); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(labelText)) { final Rectangle2D stringBounds = callback.getStringBounds(labelText); if (!layoutOnly) { graphics.setColor(Color.BLACK); // draw tick final Stroke oldStroke = graphics.getStroke(); graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f)); graphics.drawLine(currentX, box.getY() + axisHeight, currentX, box.getY() + fontHeight + tickToLabelSpacing); graphics.setStroke(oldStroke); // draw label callback.drawString(Color.BLACK, currentX, box.getY(), labelText); } final BoundingBox labelBox = new BoundingBox(currentX, box.getY(), currentX + (int) stringBounds.getWidth() + labelSpacing, box.getY() + (int) stringBounds.getHeight()); if (lastLabel == null) { lastLabel = labelBox; } else { lastLabel.add(labelBox); } } } else { // draw short tick if (!layoutOnly) { final int halfTickHeight = (int) Math.floor(tickLength / 2.0d); graphics.drawLine(currentX, box.getY() + axisHeight, currentX, box.getY() + axisHeight - halfTickHeight); } } // draw part of axis if (!layoutOnly) { graphics.drawLine((int) x, box.getY() + axisHeight, (int) (x + xIncrement), box.getY() + axisHeight); } x += xIncrement; currentDate = tickDuration.addTo(currentDate); } callback.getGraphics().setColor(oldColor); final BoundingBox result = lastLabel != null ? lastLabel : new BoundingBox(0, 0, 0, 0); result.incHeight(axisHeight); return result; }