List of usage examples for java.util Date compareTo
public int compareTo(Date anotherDate)
From source
@Test public void testTimestampSetOnCreatedContent() { Date startTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); CreateContentCommand command = createCreateContentCommand(ContentStatus.DRAFT); ContentKey contentKey = contentService.createContent(command); ContentEntity persistedContent = contentDao.findByKey(contentKey); assertNotNull(persistedContent.getTimestamp()); assertTrue(startTime.compareTo(persistedContent.getTimestamp()) < 0); }
From source
@RequestMapping("/module/facilitydata/cloneSchema.form") public String cloneSchema(ModelMap map, @RequestParam(required = true) FacilityDataFormSchema schema, @RequestParam(required = false) Date startDate) throws Exception { FacilityDataService svc = Context.getService(FacilityDataService.class); Date maxDateEntered = svc.getMaxEnteredStartDateForSchema(schema); Date endDate = schema.getValidTo(); if (endDate == null) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(startDate);/*w w w . ja v a 2 s .co m*/ cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); endDate = cal.getTime(); } if (maxDateEntered != null && maxDateEntered.compareTo(endDate) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You cannot enter a valid end date if entered values exist after this date"); } schema.setValidTo(endDate); svc.saveFacilityDataFormSchema(schema); FacilityDataFormSchema newSchema = new FacilityDataFormSchema(); newSchema.setName(schema.getName()); newSchema.setDescription(schema.getDescription()); newSchema.setForm(schema.getForm()); newSchema.setValidFrom(startDate); for (FacilityDataFormSection section : schema.getSections()) { FacilityDataFormSection newSection = new FacilityDataFormSection(); newSection.setSchema(newSchema); newSection.setName(section.getName()); newSection.setDescription(section.getDescription()); newSchema.addSection(newSection); for (FacilityDataFormQuestion question : section.getQuestions()) { FacilityDataFormQuestion newQuestion = new FacilityDataFormQuestion(); newQuestion.setSection(newSection); newQuestion.setName(question.getName()); newQuestion.setDescription(question.getDescription()); newQuestion.setQuestion(question.getQuestion()); newQuestion.setQuestionNumber(question.getQuestionNumber()); newSection.getQuestions().add(newQuestion); } } newSchema = svc.saveFacilityDataFormSchema(newSchema); return String.format("redirect:schema.form?id=%s", newSchema.getId()); }
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/** * Invoked when the start time changes. Sets the value to end time if * start time > end time.// w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m */ protected void onStartTimeChanged() { Date start = getStartTime(); Date end = getEndTime(); if (start != null && end != null) { if (start.compareTo(end) > 0) { setStartTime(end, true); } } }
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/** * @param startDate//from w w w .j av a 2 s . c om * startDate */ @JsonDeserialize(using = CustomJsonDateDeserializer.class) public void setStartDate(Date startDate) { if (startDate == null || this.endDate != null && startDate.compareTo(this.endDate) > 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start date can not be null or greater than endDate."); this.startDate = startDate; }
From source
public int doStartTag() { UserContext userContext = Context.getUserContext(); Locale loc = userContext.getLocale(); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, loc); Set<Concept> addConceptList = OpenmrsUtil.conceptSetHelper(addConcept); Set<Concept> removeConceptList = OpenmrsUtil.conceptSetHelper(removeConcept); List<Concept> otherConceptList = OpenmrsUtil.conceptListHelper(otherGroupedConcepts); boolean doObsGroups = otherConceptList.size() > 0; if (onDate == null) onDate = new Date(); // maps Concept to the date that became active Map<Concept, Obs> activeList = new HashMap<Concept, Obs>(); for (Obs o : observations) { // skip observations in the future if (, onDate) > 0) continue; Concept c = o.getConcept();/*from w w 2 s. c o m*/ Concept toDo = o.getValueCoded(); if (toDo == null) toDo = c; if (addConceptList.contains(o.getConcept())) { Date newActiveDate = o.getObsDatetime(); Obs tmp = activeList.get(c); Date currentActiveDate = tmp == null ? null : tmp.getObsDatetime(); if (currentActiveDate == null || newActiveDate.compareTo(currentActiveDate) < 0) activeList.put(toDo, o); } else if (removeConceptList.contains(o.getConcept())) { activeList.remove(toDo); } } List<Map.Entry<Concept, Obs>> ordered = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Concept, Obs>>(activeList.entrySet()); Collections.sort(ordered, new Comparator<Map.Entry<Concept, Obs>>() { public int compare(Map.Entry<Concept, Obs> left, Map.Entry<Concept, Obs> right) { return left.getValue().getObsDatetime().compareTo(right.getValue().getObsDatetime()); } }); Map<Obs, Collection<Obs>> obsGroups = new HashMap<Obs, Collection<Obs>>(); if (doObsGroups) { ObsService os = Context.getObsService(); for (Obs o : activeList.values()) if (o.isObsGrouping()) obsGroups.put(o, o.getGroupMembers()); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String before = ""; String after = ""; String obsGroupHeader = ""; String beforeItem = ""; String afterItem = ""; String obsGroupItemSeparator = ""; if ("ol".equals(displayStyle) || "ul".equals(displayStyle)) { before = "<" + displayStyle + ">"; after = "</" + displayStyle + ">"; beforeItem = "<li>"; afterItem = "</li>"; obsGroupItemSeparator = ", "; } else if (displayStyle.startsWith("separator:")) { afterItem = displayStyle.substring(displayStyle.indexOf(":") + 1); obsGroupItemSeparator = " "; } else if ("table".equals(displayStyle)) { before = "<table>"; after = "</table>"; beforeItem = "<tr><td>"; afterItem = "</td></tr>"; obsGroupItemSeparator = "</td><td>"; if (doObsGroups) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("<tr><th></th>"); for (Concept c : otherConceptList) { ConceptName cn = c.getBestShortName(loc); s.append("<th><small>" + cn.getName() + "</small></th>"); } s.append("</tr>"); obsGroupHeader = s.toString(); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown displayStyle: " + displayStyle); } if (ordered.size() > 0) { sb.append(before); sb.append(obsGroupHeader); for (Map.Entry<Concept, Obs> e : ordered) { sb.append(beforeItem); sb.append(e.getKey().getName(loc, false).getName()); if (showDate) sb.append(" ").append(df.format(e.getValue().getObsDatetime())); if (doObsGroups) { Collection<Obs> obsGroup = obsGroups.get(e.getValue()); for (Concept c : otherConceptList) { sb.append(obsGroupItemSeparator); if (obsGroup != null) { for (Obs o : obsGroup) { if (c.equals(o.getConcept())) { sb.append(o.getValueAsString(loc)); break; } } } } } sb.append(afterItem); } sb.append(after); } try { JspWriter w = pageContext.getOut(); w.println(sb); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Error while writing to JSP", ex); } return SKIP_BODY; }
From source
@Override public void execute() throws Exception { String prefix = config.getRestorePrefix(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(prefix)) { logger.error(/*from w w w .j a v a2s . c o m*/ "Restore prefix is not set, skipping incremental restore to avoid looping over the incremental backups. Plz check the configurations"); return; // No point in restoring the files which was just backedup. } if (config.isRestoreClosestToken()) { priamServer.getId().getInstance().setToken(restoreToken.toString()); } Date start = tracker.first().time; Iterator<AbstractBackupPath> incrementals = fs.list(prefix, start, Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); FileUtils.createDirectory(restoreDir); // create restore dir. while (incrementals.hasNext()) { AbstractBackupPath temp =; if (tracker.contains(temp) || start.compareTo(temp.time) >= 0) continue; // ignore the ones which where already downloaded. if (temp.getType() != BackupFileType.SST) continue; // download SST's only. // skip System Keyspace, else you will run into concurrent schema issues. if (temp.getKeyspace().equalsIgnoreCase("System")) continue; /* Cassandra will rebuild Secondary index's after streaming is complete so we can ignore those */ if (SECONDRY_INDEX_PATTERN.matcher(temp.fileName).matches()) // Make this use the constant from 1.1 continue; // Create Directory for Individual Token respective to each incoming file File tokenDir = new File(restoreDir, temp.getToken()); FileUtils.createDirectory(tokenDir); File keyspaceDir = config.getTargetKSName() == null ? new File(tokenDir, temp.keyspace) : new File(tokenDir, config.getTargetKSName()); FileUtils.createDirectory(keyspaceDir); File columnFamilyDir = config.getTargetCFName() == null ? new File(keyspaceDir, temp.columnFamily) : new File(tokenDir, config.getTargetCFName()); FileUtils.createDirectory(columnFamilyDir); logger.debug("*** Keyspace = " + keyspaceDir.getAbsolutePath() + " Column Family = " + columnFamilyDir.getAbsolutePath() + " File = " + temp.getRemotePath()); if (config.getTargetKSName() != null || config.getTargetCFName() != null) temp.fileName = renameIncrementalRestoreFile(temp.fileName); download(temp, new File(columnFamilyDir, temp.fileName)); } // wait for all the downloads in this batch to complete. waitToComplete(); // stream the SST's in the dir for (File tokenDir : restoreDir.listFiles()) { for (File keyspaceDir : tokenDir.listFiles()) { for (File columnFamilyDir : keyspaceDir.listFiles()) { Collection<PendingFile> streamedSSTs =; addToStreamedIncrementalRestorePaths(streamedSSTs); if (streamedIncrementalRestorePaths.size() > 0) { logger.debug("streamedIncrementalRestorePaths > 0, hence notifying observers"); notifyStreamedDataObservers(); } // cleanup the dir which where streamed. loader.deleteCompleted(streamedSSTs); } } } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public JSONObject getBackupJSON() { final JSONArray dateListJSON = new JSONArray(); final File backupDir = new File("Backups"); if (!backupDir.exists()) { backupDir.mkdir();/*from ww w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ } final File[] backupFiles = backupDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final File dir, final String name) { return new File(dir, name).isFile() && name.endsWith("zip"); } }); final SimpleDateFormat zipFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); final SimpleDateFormat friendlyFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); final SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); final Map<Date, List<File>> backupByDays = new HashMap<Date, List<File>>(); for (final File backupFile : backupFiles) { Date backupDate = null; Date backupDay = null; try { backupDate = zipFormat.parse(backupFile.getName()); final String day = dayFormat.format(backupDate); backupDay = dayFormat.parse(day); } catch (final ParseException e) { LogHelper.warn("The backup file " + backupFile.getName() + " is not well formed. Format should be"); } if (!backupByDays.containsKey(backupDay)) { backupByDays.put(backupDay, new ArrayList<File>()); } backupByDays.get(backupDay).add(backupFile); } final ArrayList<Date> sortedDays = new ArrayList<Date>(backupByDays.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedDays, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(final Date o1, final Date o2) { return o2.compareTo(o1); } }); final double MB = 1024 * 1024; for (final Date day : sortedDays) { final String dayStr = dayFormat.format(day); final JSONObject dateJSON = new JSONObject(); final JSONArray backups = new JSONArray(); for (final File backupFile : backupByDays.get(day)) { final JSONObject backup = new JSONObject(); Date backupDate = null; try { backupDate = zipFormat.parse(backupFile.getName()); } catch (final ParseException e) { /**/ } backup.put("date", backupDate == null ? "???" : friendlyFormat.format(backupDate)); final long byteSize = backupFile.length(); backup.put("size", NumberFormat.getInstance().format(byteSize / MB) + " MB"); backup.put("name", backupFile.getName()); backups.add(backup); } dateJSON.put("day", dayStr); dateJSON.put("backups", backups); dateListJSON.add(dateJSON); } final JSONObject backupJSON = new JSONObject(); backupJSON.put("dates", dateListJSON); return backupJSON; }
From source
public void check(GLSession session, GLTransaction txn, String param, Account account, int[] entryOffsets, short[] layers) throws GLException { Journal journal = txn.getJournal();//from w w w .j av a2 s.c o m Date postDate = txn.getPostDate(); Date end = journal.getEnd(); Date start = journal.getStart(); Date lockDate = journal.getLockDate(); session.checkPermission(GLPermission.POST, journal); if (journal.isClosed()) { throw new GLException("Journal '" + journal.getName() + "' is closed"); } if (postDate == null) throw new GLException("Invalid transaction. Posting date is null"); if (start != null && postDate.compareTo(start) < 0) { throw new GLException("Journal '" + journal.getName() + "' cannot accept transactions with a posting date less than " + start.toString()); } if (end != null && postDate.compareTo(end) > 0) { throw new GLException("Journal '" + journal.getName() + "' cannot accept transactions with a post date greater than " + end.toString()); } if (lockDate != null && postDate.compareTo(lockDate) <= 0) { throw new GLException( "Journal '" + journal.getName() + "' has a temporary lockDate at " + lockDate.toString()); } checkEntries(txn, postDate); }
From source
@Test public void testFindCalls() throws Exception { final Date testDate = new Date(1318946441120L); FeedPersistenceService jPAFeedPersistenceService = getFeedPersistenceService(); FeedEntry e1 = jPAFeedPersistenceService.createEntry(); e1.setSource("source-a"); e1.setProjectId(testFindProjectUuid); e1.setTitle("t1"); e1.setPublished(testDate);// w ww . j ava 2 updateId(e1); FeedEntry e2 = jPAFeedPersistenceService.createEntry(); e2.setSource("source-a"); e2.setProjectId(testFindProjectUuid); e2.setTitle("t2"); e2.setPublished(new Date(testDate.getTime() + 1)); updateId(e2); FeedEntry e3 = jPAFeedPersistenceService.createEntry(); e3.setSource("source-a"); e3.setProjectId(testFindProjectUuid); e3.setTitle("t3"); e3.setPublished(new Date(testDate.getTime() + 2)); updateId(e3); FeedEntry e4 = jPAFeedPersistenceService.createEntry(); e4.setSource("source-b"); e4.setProjectId(testFindProjectUuid); e4.setTitle("t4"); e4.setPublished(new Date(testDate.getTime() + 3)); updateId(e4); Collection<FeedEntry> entries = new ArrayList<FeedEntry>(); entries.add(e1); entries.add(e2); entries.add(e3); entries.add(e4); jPAFeedPersistenceService.merge(entries); // findEntries: check that the maxResult parameter of findEnties works: FeedService jPAFeedService = getFeedService(); for (int maxResults = 0; maxResults < 10; maxResults++) { List<Entry> foundEntries = jPAFeedService.findEntries(testFindProjectUuid, maxResults); assertThat(foundEntries.size(), is(Math.min(maxResults, 4))); if (maxResults > 0) { // check that the entries are ordered desc by published for (int i = 1; i < foundEntries.size(); i++) { Date date0 = foundEntries.get(i - 1).getPublished(); Date date1 = foundEntries.get(i).getPublished(); assertTrue("expected: " + date0.getTime() + ">" + date1.getTime(), date0.compareTo(date1) > 0); } } } // findEntries: check find with 1 source List<Entry> foundEntries = jPAFeedService.findEntries(testFindProjectUuid, Collections.singleton("source-a"), 10); assertThat(foundEntries.size(), is(3)); for (Entry entry : foundEntries) { assertThat(entry.getSource(), is("source-a")); } // findEntries:: check find with 2 different sources Collection<String> sources = new ArrayList<String>(); sources.add("source-a"); sources.add("source-b"); foundEntries = jPAFeedService.findEntries(testFindProjectUuid, sources, 10); assertThat(foundEntries.size(), is(4)); for (Entry entry : foundEntries) { assertThat(entry.getSource(), isIn(sources)); } // findEntries: check find with 1 sources and second one not existing sources = new ArrayList<String>(); sources.add("source-a"); sources.add("notExistingSource"); foundEntries = jPAFeedService.findEntries(testFindProjectUuid, sources, 10); assertThat(foundEntries.size(), is(3)); for (Entry entry : foundEntries) { assertThat(entry.getSource(), is("source-a")); } // findEntries: check find with 1 sources not persisted source sources = new ArrayList<String>(); sources.add("notExistingSource"); foundEntries = jPAFeedService.findEntries(testFindProjectUuid, sources, 10); assertThat(foundEntries.size(), is(0)); // findSources List<String> foundSources = jPAFeedService.findSources(testFindProjectUuid); assertThat(foundSources.size(), is(2)); // sources are expected to be order by there name assertThat(foundSources.get(0), is("source-a")); assertThat(foundSources.get(1), is("source-b")); }
From source
@Override public List<Steward> findAvailableStewards(Date fromDate, Date toDate) { if (fromDate == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromDate"); }/*from w ww . jav a2 s. c o m*/ if (toDate == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("toDate"); } if (fromDate.compareTo(toDate) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromDate is later than toDate"); } try { return stewardDao.findAvailableStewards(fromDate, toDate); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | NullPointerException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentDataException(ex); } catch (ValidationException ex) { throw new ValidationDataException(ex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new BasicDataAccessException(ex); } }