List of usage examples for java.util Date compareTo
public int compareTo(Date anotherDate)
From source
@Test public void createEncounter_shouldDefaultDatetimeToNowIfNotSpecified() throws Exception { Date since = new Date(); String json = "{\"location\":\"9356400c-a5a2-4532-8f2b-2361b3446eb8\", \"encounterType\": \"61ae96f4-6afe-4351-b6f8-cd4fc383cce1\", \"patient\": \"da7f524f-27ce-4bb2-86d6-6d1d05312bd5\", \"provider\":\"ba1b19c2-3ed6-4f63-b8c0-f762dc8d7562\"}"; Object newEncounter = deserialize(handle(newPostRequest(getURI(), json))); Assert.assertNotNull(newEncounter);//from w ww .j av a2s. c o m Date encounterDatetime = (Date) ConversionUtil .convert(((SimpleObject) newEncounter).get("encounterDatetime"), Date.class); Assert.assertTrue(encounterDatetime.compareTo(since) >= 0); }
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/** * Generates Transaction Statement in the PDF form * /*from w w w. ja v a2 m*/ * @param mapping * @param form * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward print(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { TransactionStatementReportService transactionStatementReportService = SpringContext .getBean(TransactionStatementReportService.class); // get all the value strings from the form TransactionStatementForm transactionStatementForm = (TransactionStatementForm) form; String kemids = transactionStatementForm.getKemid(); String benefittingOrganziationCampuses = transactionStatementForm.getBenefittingOrganziationCampus(); String benefittingOrganziationCharts = transactionStatementForm.getBenefittingOrganziationChart(); String benefittingOrganziations = transactionStatementForm.getBenefittingOrganziation(); String typeCodes = transactionStatementForm.getTypeCode(); String purposeCodes = transactionStatementForm.getPurposeCode(); String combineGroupCodes = transactionStatementForm.getCombineGroupCode(); String beginningDate = transactionStatementForm.getBeginningDate(); String endingDate = transactionStatementForm.getEndingDate(); String endowmentOption = transactionStatementForm.getEndowmentOption(); String listKemidsInHeader = transactionStatementForm.getListKemidsInHeader(); String closedIndicator = transactionStatementForm.getClosedIndicator(); String message = transactionStatementForm.getMessage(); List<TransactionStatementReportDataHolder> transactionStatementReportDataHolders = null; // check to see if the ending date is greater than the beginning date SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); try { java.util.Date beginDate = df.parse(beginningDate); java.util.Date endDate = df.parse(endingDate); if (beginDate.compareTo(endDate) >= 0) { transactionStatementForm.setMessage(ERROR_REPORT_ENDING_DATE_NOT_GREATER_THAN_BEGINNING_DATE); return mapping.findForward(KFSConstants.MAPPING_BASIC); } } catch (ParseException e) { transactionStatementForm.setMessage(e.getMessage()); return mapping.findForward(KFSConstants.MAPPING_BASIC); } /* * Creates the report data based on the selected criteria. * The criteria are selected as follows. * 1. Kemid and the other criteria cannot be selected at the same time. * 2. If none of them are selected, all kemids will be selected. * 3. The other criteria other than kemid are "OR" combined. * 4. All the criteria in the text input can be multiple by the use of wild card or the separator ('&' for kemid, ',' for the others) * 5. Beginning Date and Ending Date are required. */ if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(beginningDate) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(endingDate)) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(kemids)) { if ((StringUtils.isNotBlank(benefittingOrganziationCampuses) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(benefittingOrganziationCharts) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(benefittingOrganziations) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(typeCodes) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(purposeCodes) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(combineGroupCodes))) { // kemid and the other criteria cannot be selected at the same time transactionStatementForm.setMessage(ERROR_REPORT_KEMID_WITH_OTHER_CRITERIA); return mapping.findForward(KFSConstants.MAPPING_BASIC); } else { // by kemid only List<String> kemidList = parseValueString(kemids, KEMID_SEPERATOR); transactionStatementReportDataHolders = transactionStatementReportService .getTransactionStatementReportsByKemidByIds(kemidList, beginningDate, endingDate, endowmentOption, closedIndicator); } } else { if ((StringUtils.isBlank(benefittingOrganziationCampuses) && StringUtils.isBlank(benefittingOrganziationCharts) && StringUtils.isBlank(benefittingOrganziations) && StringUtils.isBlank(typeCodes) && StringUtils.isBlank(purposeCodes) && StringUtils.isBlank(combineGroupCodes))) { // for all kemids transactionStatementReportDataHolders = transactionStatementReportService .getTransactionStatementReportForAllKemids(beginningDate, endingDate, endowmentOption, closedIndicator); } else { // by other criteria transactionStatementReportDataHolders = transactionStatementReportService .getTransactionStatementReportsByOtherCriteria( parseValueString(benefittingOrganziationCampuses, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), parseValueString(benefittingOrganziationCharts, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), parseValueString(benefittingOrganziations, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), parseValueString(typeCodes, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), parseValueString(purposeCodes, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), parseValueString(combineGroupCodes, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), beginningDate, endingDate, endowmentOption, closedIndicator); } } } else { transactionStatementForm.setMessage(ERROR_BOTH_BEGINNING_AND_ENDING_DATE_REQUIRED); return mapping.findForward(KFSConstants.MAPPING_BASIC); } // See to see if you have something to print if (transactionStatementReportDataHolders != null && !transactionStatementReportDataHolders.isEmpty()) { // prepare the header sheet data EndowmentReportHeaderDataHolder reportRequestHeaderDataHolder = transactionStatementReportService .createReportHeaderSheetData(getKemidsSelected(transactionStatementReportDataHolders), parseValueString(benefittingOrganziationCampuses, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), parseValueString(benefittingOrganziationCharts, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), parseValueString(benefittingOrganziations, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), parseValueString(typeCodes, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), parseValueString(purposeCodes, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), parseValueString(combineGroupCodes, OTHER_CRITERIA_SEPERATOR), REPORT_NAME, endowmentOption, null); // generate the report in PDF ByteArrayOutputStream pdfStream = new TransactionStatementReportPrint().printTransactionStatementReport( reportRequestHeaderDataHolder, transactionStatementReportDataHolders, listKemidsInHeader); if (pdfStream != null) { transactionStatementForm.setMessage("Reports Generated"); WebUtils.saveMimeOutputStreamAsFile(response, "application/pdf", pdfStream, REPORT_FILE_NAME); return null; } } // No report was generated if (StringUtils.isBlank(kemids)) { transactionStatementForm.setMessage("Report was not generated."); } else { transactionStatementForm.setMessage("Report was not generated for " + kemids + "."); } return mapping.findForward(KFSConstants.MAPPING_BASIC); }
From source
/** * Based on a certain time range, this method filters all directories and * determines which files need to be indexed on daily, monthly and yearly * levels. After calling this method, you need to call the daily, monthly * and yearly getters to return paths required to be indexed. * @param timeRange//from w ww . java2s. c om * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ public void prepareNeededIndexes(String timeRange) throws IOException, ParseException { if (timeRange == null) { LOG.error("TimeRange is empty"); return; } // Parse start and end dates final Date startDate, endDate; try { startDate = dayFormat.parse(timeRange.split("\\.\\.")[0]); endDate = dayFormat.parse(timeRange.split("\\.\\.")[1]); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { LOG.error("Use the seperator two periods '..' to seperate from and to dates"); return; } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("Illegal date format in " + timeRange); return; } // Filter all file/folder paths based on the start-end date range FileStatus[] matchingDirs = fileSystem.listStatus(datasetPath, new PathFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(Path p) { String dirName = p.getName(); try { Date date = dayFormat.parse(dirName); return date.compareTo(startDate) >= 0 && date.compareTo(endDate) <= 0; } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.warn("Cannot parse directory name: " + dirName); return false; } } }); if (matchingDirs.length == 0) { LOG.warn("No matching directories for the given input"); } // Re-indexing check for each matching for (FileStatus matchingDir : matchingDirs) { String matchingDirDateString = NASADatasetUtil.extractDateStringFromFileStatus(matchingDir); if (existYearlyIndexes.containsKey(NASADatasetUtil.getYearFormat(matchingDirDateString))) { // needs to re-build year, month and year indexes existYearlyIndexes.put(NASADatasetUtil.getYearFormat(matchingDirDateString), true); existMonthlyIndexes.put(NASADatasetUtil.getMonthFormat(matchingDirDateString), true); existDailyIndexes.put(NASADatasetUtil.getDayFormat(matchingDirDateString), true); } else if (existMonthlyIndexes.containsKey(NASADatasetUtil.getMonthFormat(matchingDirDateString))) { // needs to re-build month and day indexes existMonthlyIndexes.put(NASADatasetUtil.getMonthFormat(matchingDirDateString), true); existDailyIndexes.put(NASADatasetUtil.getDayFormat(matchingDirDateString), true); } else if (existDailyIndexes.containsKey(NASADatasetUtil.getDayFormat(matchingDirDateString))) { // needs to re-build day index existDailyIndexes.put(NASADatasetUtil.getDayFormat(matchingDirDateString), true); } else { // needs to build a new index existDailyIndexes.put(NASADatasetUtil.getDayFormat(matchingDirDateString), true); int daysCountInMonth = getMatchesCountFromMap(existDailyIndexes, NASADatasetUtil.getMonthFormat(matchingDirDateString)); if (daysCountInMonth >= getNumDaysPerMonth( NASADatasetUtil.extractMonthFromDate(matchingDirDateString))) { existMonthlyIndexes.put(NASADatasetUtil.getMonthFormat(matchingDirDateString), true); int monthsCountInYear = getMatchesCountFromMap(existMonthlyIndexes, NASADatasetUtil.getYearFormat(matchingDirDateString)); if (monthsCountInYear >= getNumMonthsPerYear()) { existYearlyIndexes.put(NASADatasetUtil.getYearFormat(matchingDirDateString), true); } } } } convertNeededIndexesListIntoArrays(); }
From source
@RequestMapping(value = "/donationUpdate/{id}", method = POST) public String updateDonationValues(@ModelAttribute final DonationMaster donationMaster, @PathVariable final Long id, final Model model, final BindingResult errors, final RedirectAttributes redirectAttrs) throws ParseException { sewerageMasterDataValidator.validateDonationMasterUpdate(errors, donationMaster); if (errors.hasErrors()) { model.addAttribute(DONATIONMASTER, donationMaster); return DONATION_MASTER_UPDATE; }// w ww.ja v a 2s.c o m final DonationMaster donationMstr = donationMasterService.findById(id); if (donationMstr != null) { final SimpleDateFormat myFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); final String todaysdate = myFormat.format(new Date()); final String effectiveFromDate = myFormat.format(donationMstr.getFromDate()); final Date effectiveDate = myFormat.parse(effectiveFromDate); final Date currentDate = myFormat.parse(todaysdate); if (effectiveDate.compareTo(currentDate) < 0) { model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, "msg.donationrate.modification.rejected"); return DONATION_MASTER_UPDATE; } donationMstr.setLastModifiedDate(new Date()); final List<DonationDetailMaster> existingdonationDetailList = new ArrayList<>(); if (donationMaster != null && !donationMaster.getDonationDetail().isEmpty()) existingdonationDetailList.addAll(donationMstr.getDonationDetail()); if (donationMaster != null && donationMaster.getDonationDetail() != null) updateDonationMaster(donationMaster, donationMstr, existingdonationDetailList); } else { model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, "msg.donationrate.notfound"); return DONATION_MASTER_UPDATE; } redirectAttrs.addFlashAttribute(MESSAGE, "msg.donationrate.update.success"); return REDIRECT_TO_SUCCESS_PAGE + id; }
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/** * @param dateA/*from www . j av a 2 s . c om*/ * @param dateB * @return 0 if both values are the same * +1 if dateA is after dateB * -1 if dateA is before dateB */ public int compareDates(Date dateA, Date dateB) { return dateA.compareTo(dateB); }
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public Constraint checkConstraintStartDate() { return new Constraint() { @Override//from www. j a v a2s. co m public void validate(Component comp, Object value) throws WrongValueException { Date startDate = (Date) value; if ((startDate != null) && (filterFinishDate.getRawValue() != null) && (startDate.compareTo((Date) filterFinishDate.getRawValue()) > 0)) { filterStartDate.setValue(null); throw new WrongValueException(comp, _("must be lower than end date")); } } }; }
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/** * Operations to filter the tasks by multiple filters. *///from ww w. ja v a2s . c om public Constraint checkConstraintFinishDate() { return new Constraint() { @Override public void validate(Component comp, Object value) throws WrongValueException { Date finishDate = (Date) value; if ((finishDate != null) && (filterStartDate.getRawValue() != null) && (finishDate.compareTo((Date) filterStartDate.getRawValue()) < 0)) { filterFinishDate.setValue(null); throw new WrongValueException(comp, _("must be after start date")); } } }; }
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@Override public ValidationMessage valida(Object valore) { if (valore == null) { return null; } else {/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . co m*/ Date date = (Date) valore; Date max = null; Date min = null; if (minYear != null) { min = new GregorianCalendar(minYear, 1, 1).getTime(); } if (maxYear != null) { max = new GregorianCalendar(maxYear + 1, 1, 1).getTime(); } if (minYear != null && date.compareTo(min) == -1) { return new ValidationMessage("date.mustbeafter", new Object[] { min }); } if (maxYear != null && date.compareTo(max) == 1) { return new ValidationMessage("date.mustbebefor", new Object[] { max }); } return null; } }
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@Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { try {/*from w w w . ja va 2s .c om*/ Date one = parseDate(o1); Date two = parseDate(o2); return one.compareTo(two); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return 0; }
From source
protected String getMostRecentBCRFile(String path, String bcr) { final List<Date> dateList = new LinkedList<Date>(); final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-yyyy"); if (path == null) { return null; }//from ww w .j ava 2s . c o m final File file = new File(path); if (file.isDirectory()) { for (int i = 0; i < file.list().length; i++) { final String el = file.list()[i]; if (el.endsWith(".json") && el.contains(bcr + "-BCR_")) { try { dateList.add(dateFormat.parse(el.substring(el.indexOf("_") + 1, el.indexOf(".json")))); } catch (ParseException e) {; return null; } } } if (dateList.size() > 0) { Collections.sort(dateList, new Comparator<Date>() { public int compare(final Date o1, final Date o2) { return -(o1.compareTo(o2)); } }); return bcr + "-BCR_" + dateFormat.format(dateList.get(0)) + ".json"; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } }