List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement addBatch
void addBatch() throws SQLException;
object's batch of commands. From source
@SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") public static void locations(Connection connection) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException { long time = System.nanoTime(); String base = new File("").getAbsolutePath(); DpalLoad.main(new String[0]); Dpal_Inst = DpalLoad.INSTANCE_WIN64; System.out.println(Dpal_Inst); Connection db = connection;// w w w .java2 s . c o m db.setAutoCommit(false); Statement stat = db.createStatement(); PrintWriter log = new PrintWriter(new File("javalog.log")); stat.execute("SET FILES LOG FALSE;"); PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Primerdb.MatchedPrimers(" + "Primer, PrimerMatch, Comp,FragAVG,FragVAR,H2SD,L2SD, Cluster, Strain)" + "Values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); ResultSet call = stat.executeQuery("Select * From Primerdb.Phages;"); List<String[]> phages = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { String[] r = new String[3]; r[0] = call.getString("Strain"); r[1] = call.getString("Cluster"); r[2] = call.getString("Name"); phages.add(r); // if(strain.equals("-myco")) { // if (r[2].equals("xkcd")) { // strain = r[0]; // } // }else if(strain.equals("-arthro")){ // if (r[2].equals("ArV1")) { // strain = r[0]; // } // } } call.close(); Set<String> strains = -> y[0]).collect(Collectors.toSet()); for (String x : strains) { Set<String> clust = -> y[0].equals(x)).map(y -> y[1]) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); String[] clusters = clust.toArray(new String[clust.size()]); // String z ="A1"; for (String z : clusters) { System.out.println("Starting:" + z); List<Primer> primers = new ArrayList<>(); Set<Matches> matched = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> clustphage = -> a[0].equals(x) && a[1].equals(z)) .map(a -> a[2]).collect(Collectors.toSet()); String[] clustphages = clustphage.toArray(new String[clustphage.size()]); if (clustphages.length > 1) { try { ResultSet resultSet = stat .executeQuery("Select * from primerdb.primers" + " where Strain ='" + x + "' and Cluster ='" + z + "' and UniqueP = true" + " and Hairpin = false"); while ( { Primer primer = new Primer(resultSet.getString("Sequence")); primer.setTm(resultSet.getDouble("Tm")); primers.add(primer); } resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error occurred at " + x + " " + z); } System.out.println(primers.size()); Set<Primer> primerlist2 =; Primer[] primers2 = primerlist2.toArray(new Primer[primerlist2.size()]); Map<String, Map<CharSequence, List<Integer>>> locations = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>()); -> { String[] seqs = Fasta.parse(base + "/Fastas/" + phage + ".fasta"); String sequence = seqs[0] + seqs[1]; Map<String, List<Integer>> seqInd = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i <= sequence.length() - 10; i++) { String sub = sequence.substring(i, i + 10); if (seqInd.containsKey(sub)) { seqInd.get(sub).add(i); } else { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(i); seqInd.put(sub, list); } } Map<CharSequence, List<Integer>> alllocs = new HashMap<>(); for (Primer primer : primers2) { List<Integer> locs = new ArrayList<>(); String sequence1 = primer.getSequence(); String frag = sequence1.substring(0, 10); List<Integer> integers = seqInd.get(frag); if (integers != null) { for (Integer i : integers) { if ((sequence1.length() + i) < sequence.length() && sequence.substring(i, sequence1.length() + i).equals(sequence1)) { locs.add(i); } } } alllocs.put(sequence1, locs); } locations.put(phage, alllocs); }); System.out.println("locations found"); System.out.println((System.nanoTime() - time) / Math.pow(10, 9) / 60.0); final int[] k = new int[] { 0 }; primerlist2.parallelStream().forEach(a -> { int matches = 0; int i = 0; while (primers2[i] != a) { i++; } for (int j = i + 1; j < primers2.length; j++) { double[] frags = new double[clustphages.length]; int phageCounter = 0; Primer b = primers2[j]; boolean match = true; if (matches > 0) { break; } if (Math.abs(a.getTm() - b.getTm()) > 5.0 || a.getSequence().equals(b.getSequence())) { continue; } for (String phage : clustphages) { List<Integer> loc1 = locations.get(phage).get(a.getSequence()); List<Integer> loc2 = locations.get(phage).get(b.getSequence()); // if(loc1.size()==0){ // System.out.println(phage+" "+a.getSequence()); // } if (loc1.size() == 0 || loc2.size() == 0) { // if (loc1.size()!=1||loc2.size()!=1){ match = false; break; } boolean found = false; int fragCount = 0; int l1 = loc1.get(0); int l2 = loc2.get(0); int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; int frag = Math.abs(l1 - l2); while (!found) { if (frag >= 500 && frag <= 2000) { fragCount++; if (++count1 < loc1.size()) l1 = loc1.get(count1); else if (++count2 < loc2.size()) l2 = loc2.get(count2); } else if (l1 < l2 && frag < 500) { count2++; } else if (l1 > l2 && frag < 500) { count1++; } else if (l1 > l2 && frag > 2000) { count2++; } else if (l1 < l2 && frag > 2000) { count1++; } else { break; } if (count1 < loc1.size() && count2 < loc2.size()) { l1 = loc1.get(count1); l2 = loc2.get(count2); frag = Math.abs(l1 - l2); } else { if (fragCount == 1) { found = true; frags[phageCounter++] = frag + 0.0; } else { break; } } } if (!found) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { matches++; matched.add(new Matches(a, b, frags)); } } // k[0]++; // System.out.println(k[0]); }); System.out.println((System.nanoTime() - time) / Math.pow(10, 9) / 60.0); System.out.println("Primers matched"); int c = 0; int i = 0; try { for (Matches primerkey : matched) { c++; String primer1 =; String primer2 = primerkey.two.getSequence(); st.setString(1, primer1); st.setString(2, primer2); st.setDouble(3, complementarity(primer1, primer2, Dpal_Inst)); st.setDouble(4, primerkey.stats.getMean()); st.setDouble(5, primerkey.stats.getVariance()); st.setDouble(6, primerkey.stats.getMean() + 2 * primerkey.stats.getStandardDeviation()); st.setDouble(7, primerkey.stats.getMean() - 2 * primerkey.stats.getStandardDeviation()); st.setString(8, z); st.setString(9, x); st.addBatch(); i++; if (i == 1000) { i = 0; st.executeBatch(); db.commit(); } } if (i > 0) { st.executeBatch(); db.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error occurred at " + x + " " + z); } System.out.println(c); } log.println(z); log.flush(); System.gc(); } } stat.execute("SET FILES LOG TRUE;"); st.close(); stat.close(); System.out.println("Matches Submitted"); }
From source
/** * Delete the records of external APIStore details. * * @param apiId APIIdentifier//from w w w .jav a2s.c o m * @param apiStoreSet APIStores set * @return added/failed * @throws APIManagementException */ public boolean deleteExternalAPIStoresDetails(APIIdentifier apiId, Set<APIStore> apiStoreSet) throws APIManagementException { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean state = false; try { conn = APIMgtDBUtil.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); String sqlQuery = SQLConstants.REMOVE_EXTERNAL_API_STORE_SQL; //Get API Id int apiIdentifier; apiIdentifier = getAPIID(apiId, conn); if (apiIdentifier == -1) { String msg = "Could not load API record for: " + apiId.getApiName(); log.error(msg); } ps = conn.prepareStatement(sqlQuery); for (Object storeObject : apiStoreSet) { APIStore store = (APIStore) storeObject; ps.setInt(1, apiIdentifier); ps.setString(2, store.getName()); ps.setString(3, store.getType()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); state = true; } catch (SQLException e) { if (conn != null) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e1) { log.error("Failed to rollback deleting external apistore details ", e1); } } log.error("Failed to delete external apistore details", e); state = false; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Failed to delete external apistore details", e); state = false; } finally { APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(ps, conn, null); } return state; }
From source
/** * Updateexternal APIStores details to which APIs published * * @param apiIdentifier API Identifier//www .j a va 2s .co m * @throws APIManagementException if failed to add Application */ public void updateExternalAPIStoresDetails(APIIdentifier apiIdentifier, Set<APIStore> apiStoreSet, Connection conn) throws APIManagementException, SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); //This query to add external APIStores to database table String sqlQuery = SQLConstants.UPDATE_EXTERNAL_API_STORE_SQL; ps = conn.prepareStatement(sqlQuery); //Get API Id int apiId; apiId = getAPIID(apiIdentifier, conn); if (apiId == -1) { String msg = "Could not load API record for: " + apiIdentifier.getApiName(); log.error(msg); } for (Object storeObject : apiStoreSet) { APIStore store = (APIStore) storeObject; ps.setString(1, store.getEndpoint()); ps.setString(2, store.getType()); ps.setInt(3, apiId); ps.setString(4, store.getName()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.clearBatch(); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error while updating External APIStore details to the database for API : ", e); } finally { APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(ps, null, null); } }
From source
/** * Store external APIStore details to which APIs successfully published * * @param apiId APIIdentifier/*from w w w. ja va2 s. c o m*/ * @param apiStoreSet APIStores set * @return added/failed * @throws APIManagementException */ public boolean addExternalAPIStoresDetails(APIIdentifier apiId, Set<APIStore> apiStoreSet) throws APIManagementException { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean state = false; try { conn = APIMgtDBUtil.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); //This query to add external APIStores to database table String sqlQuery = SQLConstants.ADD_EXTERNAL_API_STORE_SQL; //Get API Id int apiIdentifier; apiIdentifier = getAPIID(apiId, conn); if (apiIdentifier == -1) { String msg = "Could not load API record for: " + apiId.getApiName(); log.error(msg); } ps = conn.prepareStatement(sqlQuery); for (Object storeObject : apiStoreSet) { APIStore store = (APIStore) storeObject; ps.setInt(1, apiIdentifier); ps.setString(2, store.getName()); ps.setString(3, store.getDisplayName()); ps.setString(4, store.getEndpoint()); ps.setString(5, store.getType()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); state = true; } catch (SQLException e) { if (conn != null) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e1) { log.error("Failed to rollback storing external apistore details ", e1); } } log.error("Failed to store external apistore details", e); state = false; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Failed to store external apistore details", e); state = false; } finally { APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(ps, conn, null); } return state; }
From source
/** * Remove scope entries from DB, when delete APIs * * @param apiIdentifier The {@link APIIdentifier} of the API *///from w ww . j ava2 s . c o m private void removeAPIScope(APIIdentifier apiIdentifier) throws APIManagementException { Set<Scope> scopes = getAPIScopes(apiIdentifier); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; PreparedStatement deleteOauth2ResourceScopePrepStmt = null; PreparedStatement deleteOauth2ScopePrepStmt = null; int scopeId; int apiId = -1; String deleteAPIScopeQuery = SQLConstants.REMOVE_FROM_API_SCOPES_SQL; String deleteOauth2ScopeQuery = SQLConstants.REMOVE_FROM_OAUTH_SCOPE_SQL; String deleteOauth2ResourceScopeQuery = SQLConstants.REMOVE_FROM_OAUTH_RESOURCE_SQL; try { connection = APIMgtDBUtil.getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(deleteAPIScopeQuery); prepStmt.setInt(1, apiId); prepStmt.execute(); if (!scopes.isEmpty()) { deleteOauth2ResourceScopePrepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(deleteOauth2ResourceScopeQuery); deleteOauth2ScopePrepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(deleteOauth2ScopeQuery); for (Scope scope : scopes) { scopeId = scope.getId(); deleteOauth2ResourceScopePrepStmt.setInt(1, scopeId); deleteOauth2ResourceScopePrepStmt.addBatch(); deleteOauth2ScopePrepStmt.setInt(1, scopeId); deleteOauth2ScopePrepStmt.addBatch(); } deleteOauth2ResourceScopePrepStmt.executeBatch(); deleteOauth2ScopePrepStmt.executeBatch(); } connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException("Error while removing the scopes for the API: " + apiIdentifier.getApiName() + " from the database", e); } finally { APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(deleteOauth2ResourceScopePrepStmt, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(deleteOauth2ScopePrepStmt, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(prepStmt, connection, null); } }
From source
/** * Deletes an Application along with subscriptions, keys and registration data * * @param application Application object to be deleted from the database which has the application Id * @throws APIManagementException//from w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m */ public void deleteApplication(Application application) throws APIManagementException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement deleteMappingQuery = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; PreparedStatement prepStmtGetConsumerKey = null; PreparedStatement deleteRegistrationQuery = null; PreparedStatement deleteSubscription = null; PreparedStatement deleteDomainApp = null; PreparedStatement deleteAppKey = null; PreparedStatement deleteApp = null; ResultSet rs = null; String getSubscriptionsQuery = SQLConstants.GET_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_OF_APPLICATION_SQL; String getConsumerKeyQuery = SQLConstants.GET_CONSUMER_KEY_OF_APPLICATION_SQL; String deleteKeyMappingQuery = SQLConstants.REMOVE_APPLICATION_FROM_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY_MAPPINGS_SQL; String deleteSubscriptionsQuery = SQLConstants.REMOVE_APPLICATION_FROM_SUBSCRIPTIONS_SQL; String deleteApplicationKeyQuery = SQLConstants.REMOVE_APPLICATION_FROM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPINGS_SQL; String deleteDomainAppQuery = SQLConstants.REMOVE_APPLICATION_FROM_DOMAIN_MAPPINGS_SQL; String deleteApplicationQuery = SQLConstants.REMOVE_APPLICATION_FROM_APPLICATIONS_SQL; String deleteRegistrationEntry = SQLConstants.REMOVE_APPLICATION_FROM_APPLICATION_REGISTRATIONS_SQL; try { connection = APIMgtDBUtil.getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(getSubscriptionsQuery); prepStmt.setInt(1, application.getId()); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); List<Integer> subscriptions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while ( { subscriptions.add(rs.getInt("SUBSCRIPTION_ID")); } deleteMappingQuery = connection.prepareStatement(deleteKeyMappingQuery); for (Integer subscriptionId : subscriptions) { deleteMappingQuery.setInt(1, subscriptionId); deleteMappingQuery.addBatch(); } deleteMappingQuery.executeBatch(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Subscription Key mapping details are deleted successfully for Application - " + application.getName()); } deleteRegistrationQuery = connection.prepareStatement(deleteRegistrationEntry); deleteRegistrationQuery.setInt(1, application.getId()); deleteRegistrationQuery.execute(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Application Registration details are deleted successfully for Application - " + application.getName()); } deleteSubscription = connection.prepareStatement(deleteSubscriptionsQuery); deleteSubscription.setInt(1, application.getId()); deleteSubscription.execute(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Subscription details are deleted successfully for Application - " + application.getName()); } prepStmtGetConsumerKey = connection.prepareStatement(getConsumerKeyQuery); prepStmtGetConsumerKey.setInt(1, application.getId()); rs = prepStmtGetConsumerKey.executeQuery(); ArrayList<String> consumerKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); deleteDomainApp = connection.prepareStatement(deleteDomainAppQuery); while ( { String consumerKey = rs.getString("CONSUMER_KEY"); // This is true when OAuth app has been created by pasting consumer key/secret in the screen. String mode = rs.getString("CREATE_MODE"); if (consumerKey != null) { deleteDomainApp.setString(1, consumerKey); deleteDomainApp.addBatch(); KeyManagerHolder.getKeyManagerInstance().deleteMappedApplication(consumerKey); // OAuth app is deleted if only it has been created from API Store. For mapped clients we don't // call delete. if (!"MAPPED".equals(mode)) { // Adding clients to be deleted. consumerKeys.add(consumerKey); } } } deleteDomainApp.executeBatch(); deleteAppKey = connection.prepareStatement(deleteApplicationKeyQuery); deleteAppKey.setInt(1, application.getId()); deleteAppKey.execute(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Application Key Mapping details are deleted successfully for Application - " + application.getName()); } deleteApp = connection.prepareStatement(deleteApplicationQuery); deleteApp.setInt(1, application.getId()); deleteApp.execute(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Application " + application.getName() + " is deleted successfully."); } connection.commit(); for (String consumerKey : consumerKeys) { //delete on oAuthorization server. KeyManagerHolder.getKeyManagerInstance().deleteApplication(consumerKey); } } catch (SQLException e) { handleException("Error while removing application details from the database", e); } finally { APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(prepStmtGetConsumerKey, connection, rs); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(prepStmt, null, rs); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(deleteApp, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(deleteAppKey, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(deleteMappingQuery, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(deleteRegistrationQuery, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(deleteSubscription, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(deleteDomainApp, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(deleteAppKey, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(deleteApp, null, null); } }
From source
/** * Set a properties data for inserts or updates * * @param insert perform insert or update? * @param prop current property * @param allData all data of the instance (might be needed to buld references, etc.) * @param con an open and valid connection * @param data current property data * @param ps prepared statement for the data table * @param ft fulltext indexer * @param upperColumnPos position of the uppercase column (if present, else <code>-1</code>) * @param includeFullText add fulltext entries? Will be skipped for position only changes * @throws SQLException on errors * @throws FxUpdateException on errors * @throws FxDbException on errors * @throws FxNoAccessException for FxNoAccess values *//*w w w. j a v a 2s . com*/ private void setPropertyData(boolean insert, FxProperty prop, List<FxData> allData, Connection con, FxPropertyData data, PreparedStatement ps, FulltextIndexer ft, int upperColumnPos, boolean includeFullText) throws SQLException, FxUpdateException, FxDbException, FxNoAccessException { FxValue value = data.getValue(); if (value instanceof FxNoAccess) throw new FxNoAccessException("ex.content.value.noaccess"); if (value.isMultiLanguage() != ((FxPropertyAssignment) data.getAssignment()).isMultiLang()) { if (((FxPropertyAssignment) data.getAssignment()).isMultiLang()) throw new FxUpdateException("ex.content.value.invalid.multilanguage.ass.multi", data.getXPathFull()); else throw new FxUpdateException("ex.content.value.invalid.multilanguage.ass.single", data.getXPathFull()); } int pos_lang = insert ? INSERT_LANG_POS : UPDATE_ID_POS + 2; int pos_isdef_lang = insert ? INSERT_ISDEF_LANG_POS : UPDATE_MLDEF_POS; final FxEnvironment env = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment(); if (prop.getDataType().isSingleRowStorage()) { //Data types that just use one db row can be handled in a very similar way Object translatedValue; GregorianCalendar gc = null; final long[] translatedLanguages = value.getTranslatedLanguages(); for (long translatedLanguage : translatedLanguages) { translatedValue = value.getTranslation(translatedLanguage); if (translatedValue == null) { LOG.warn("Translation for " + data.getXPath() + " is null!"); } ps.setLong(pos_lang, translatedLanguage); if (!value.isMultiLanguage()) ps.setBoolean(pos_isdef_lang, true); else ps.setBoolean(pos_isdef_lang, value.isDefaultLanguage(translatedLanguage)); if (upperColumnPos != -1) { final Locale locale = value.isMultiLanguage() ? env.getLanguage(translatedLanguage).getLocale() : Locale.getDefault(); ps.setString(upperColumnPos, translatedValue.toString().toUpperCase(locale)); } int[] pos = insert ? getColumnPosInsert(prop) : getColumnPosUpdate(prop); switch (prop.getDataType()) { case Double: checkDataType(FxDouble.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setDouble(pos[0], (Double) translatedValue); break; case Float: checkDataType(FxFloat.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setFloat(pos[0], (Float) translatedValue); break; case LargeNumber: checkDataType(FxLargeNumber.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setLong(pos[0], (Long) translatedValue); break; case Number: checkDataType(FxNumber.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setInt(pos[0], (Integer) translatedValue); break; case HTML: checkDataType(FxHTML.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); boolean useTidy = ((FxHTML) value).isTidyHTML(); ps.setBoolean(pos[1], useTidy); final String extractorInput = doTidy(data.getXPathFull(), (String) translatedValue); if (useTidy) { translatedValue = extractorInput; } final HtmlExtractor result = new HtmlExtractor(extractorInput, true); setBigString(ps, pos[2], result.getText()); setBigString(ps, pos[0], (String) translatedValue); break; case String1024: case Text: checkDataType(FxString.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); setBigString(ps, pos[0], (String) translatedValue); break; case Boolean: checkDataType(FxBoolean.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setBoolean(pos[0], (Boolean) translatedValue); break; case Date: checkDataType(FxDate.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); if (gc == null) gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setTime((Date) translatedValue); //strip all time information, this might not be necessary since ps.setDate() strips them //for most databases but won't hurt either ;) gc.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND, 0); ps.setDate(pos[0], new java.sql.Date(gc.getTimeInMillis())); break; case DateTime: checkDataType(FxDateTime.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); if (gc == null) gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setTime((Date) translatedValue); ps.setTimestamp(pos[0], new Timestamp(gc.getTimeInMillis())); break; case DateRange: checkDataType(FxDateRange.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); if (gc == null) gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setTime(((DateRange) translatedValue).getLower()); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND, 0); ps.setDate(pos[0], new java.sql.Date(gc.getTimeInMillis())); gc.setTime(((DateRange) translatedValue).getUpper()); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND, 0); ps.setDate(pos[1], new java.sql.Date(gc.getTimeInMillis())); break; case DateTimeRange: checkDataType(FxDateTimeRange.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); if (gc == null) gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setTime(((DateRange) translatedValue).getLower()); ps.setTimestamp(pos[0], new Timestamp(gc.getTimeInMillis())); gc.setTime(((DateRange) translatedValue).getUpper()); ps.setTimestamp(pos[1], new Timestamp(gc.getTimeInMillis())); break; case Binary: checkDataType(FxBinary.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); BinaryDescriptor binary = (BinaryDescriptor) translatedValue; if (!binary.isNewBinary()) { ps.setLong(pos[0], binary.getId()); } else { try { //transfer the binary from the transit table to the binary table BinaryDescriptor created = binaryStorage.binaryTransit(con, binary); ps.setLong(pos[0], created.getId()); //check all other properties if they contain the same handle //and replace with the data of the new binary for (FxData _curr : allData) { if (_curr instanceof FxPropertyData && !_curr.isEmpty() && ((FxPropertyData) _curr).getValue() instanceof FxBinary) { FxBinary _val = (FxBinary) ((FxPropertyData) _curr).getValue(); _val._replaceHandle(binary.getHandle(), created); } } } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw new FxDbException(e); } } break; case SelectOne: checkDataType(FxSelectOne.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setLong(pos[0], ((FxSelectListItem) translatedValue).getId()); break; case SelectMany: checkDataType(FxSelectMany.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); SelectMany sm = (SelectMany) translatedValue; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < sm.getSelected().size(); i1++) { FxSelectListItem item = sm.getSelected().get(i1); if (i1 > 0) { if (batchContentDataChanges()) ps.addBatch(); else ps.executeUpdate(); } ps.setLong(pos[0], item.getId()); ps.setString(pos[1], sm.getSelectedIdsList()); ps.setLong(pos[2], sm.getSelectedIds().size()); } if (sm.getSelected().size() == 0) ps.setLong(pos[0], 0); //write the virtual item as a marker to have a valid row break; case Reference: //reference integrity check is done prior to saving ps.setLong(pos[0], ((FxPK) translatedValue).getId()); break; case InlineReference: default: throw new FxDbException(LOG, "", prop.getDataType().getName()); } int valueDataPos = insert ? getValueDataInsertPos(prop.getDataType()) : getValueDataUpdatePos(prop.getDataType()); if (value.hasValueData(translatedLanguage)) { ps.setInt(valueDataPos, value.getValueDataRaw(translatedLanguage)); } else ps.setNull(valueDataPos, Types.NUMERIC); if (batchContentDataChanges()) ps.addBatch(); else { try { ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error(prop.getName(), e); throw e; } } } } else { switch (prop.getDataType()) { //TODO: implement datatype specific insert default: throw new FxDbException(LOG, "", prop.getDataType().getName()); } } if (ft != null && prop.isFulltextIndexed() && includeFullText) ft.index(data); }
From source
/** * Adds URI templates define for an API/*w ww . java 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param apiId * @param api * @param connection * @throws APIManagementException */ public void addURLTemplates(int apiId, API api, Connection connection) throws APIManagementException { if (apiId == -1) { //application addition has failed return; } PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; PreparedStatement scopePrepStmt = null; String query = SQLConstants.ADD_URL_MAPPING_SQL; String scopeQuery = SQLConstants.ADD_OAUTH2_RESOURCE_SCOPE_SQL; try { //connection = APIMgtDBUtil.getConnection(); prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); scopePrepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(scopeQuery); Iterator<URITemplate> uriTemplateIterator = api.getUriTemplates().iterator(); URITemplate uriTemplate; for (; uriTemplateIterator.hasNext();) { uriTemplate =; prepStmt.setInt(1, apiId); prepStmt.setString(2, uriTemplate.getHTTPVerb()); prepStmt.setString(3, uriTemplate.getAuthType()); prepStmt.setString(4, uriTemplate.getUriTemplate()); //If API policy is available then set it for all the resources if (StringUtils.isEmpty(api.getApiLevelPolicy())) { prepStmt.setString(5, uriTemplate.getThrottlingTier()); } else { prepStmt.setString(5, api.getApiLevelPolicy()); } InputStream is; if (uriTemplate.getMediationScript() != null) { is = new ByteArrayInputStream( uriTemplate.getMediationScript().getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset())); } else { is = null; } if (connection.getMetaData().getDriverName().contains("PostgreSQL") || connection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName().contains("DB2")) { if (uriTemplate.getMediationScript() != null) { prepStmt.setBinaryStream(6, is, uriTemplate.getMediationScript().getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()).length); } else { prepStmt.setBinaryStream(6, is, 0); } } else { prepStmt.setBinaryStream(6, is); } prepStmt.addBatch(); if (uriTemplate.getScope() != null) { scopePrepStmt.setString(1, APIUtil.getResourceKey(api, uriTemplate)); if (uriTemplate.getScope().getId() == 0) { String scopeKey = uriTemplate.getScope().getKey(); Scope scopeByKey = APIUtil.findScopeByKey(api.getScopes(), scopeKey); if (scopeByKey != null) { if (scopeByKey.getId() > 0) { uriTemplate.getScopes().setId(scopeByKey.getId()); } } } scopePrepStmt.setInt(2, uriTemplate.getScope().getId()); scopePrepStmt.addBatch(); } } prepStmt.executeBatch(); prepStmt.clearBatch(); scopePrepStmt.executeBatch(); scopePrepStmt.clearBatch(); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException("Error while adding URL template(s) to the database for API : " + api.getId(), e); } finally { APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(prepStmt, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(scopePrepStmt, null, null); } }
From source
public void dropPartitionMeta(String dbName, long tblID, String partName, int level) { Connection con = null;//www. ja v a2 s . co m Statement ps = null; PreparedStatement pss = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); //partName = partName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); pss = con.prepareStatement("delete from partitions where tbl_id=? and part_name=? and level=?"); pss.setLong(1, tblID); pss.setString(2, partName.toLowerCase()); pss.setInt(3, level); pss.addBatch(); pss.executeBatch(); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error("drop partition meta error, db=" + dbName + ", tblID=" + tblID + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } }
From source
public void dropPartitionMeta(String dbName, long tblID, AddPartitionDesc addPartitionDesc) { Connection con = null;//ww w . j av a2s . co m Statement ps = null; PreparedStatement pss = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); //partName = partName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); pss = con.prepareStatement("delete from partitions where tbl_id=? and part_name=? and level=?"); for (String partName : addPartitionDesc.getParSpaces().keySet()) { pss.setLong(1, tblID); pss.setString(2, partName.toLowerCase()); pss.setInt(3, addPartitionDesc.getLevel()); pss.addBatch(); } pss.executeBatch(); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error("drop partition meta error, db=" + dbName + ", tblID=" + tblID + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } }