Java tutorial
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.biojava.nbio.core.exceptions.CompoundNotFoundException; import org.biojava.nbio.core.sequence.DNASequence; import; import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; /** * Copyright (C) 2016 Thomas Gregory This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. * Created by Thomas on 3/12/2016. * Used for Ideal Primer determination * The calcHairpin, getIndexOf, DoHairpinArrayInsert, and make complement methods were * converted from javascript into java from the source code of the web program * OligoCalc. * * The primerTm method was converted to java from C source code from the * standalone Primer3 source code. * * Kibbe WA. 'OligoCalc: an online oligonucleotide properties calculator'. * (2007) Nucleic Acids Res. 35(webserver issue): May 25 * * Untergasser A, Cutcutache I, Koressaar T, Ye J, Faircloth BC, Remm M, Rozen SG (2012) * Primer3 - new capabilities and interfaces. Nucleic Acids Research 40(15):e115 Koressaar T, * Remm M (2007) Enhancements and modifications of primer design program * Primer3 Bioinformatics 23(10):1289-91 */ public class HSqlPrimerDesign { static DpalLoad.Dpal Dpal_Inst; static final String JDBC_DRIVER_HSQL = "org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver"; static final String DB_SERVER_URL = "jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/primerdb;ifexists=true"; static final String DB_URL_HSQL_C = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:database/primerdb;ifexists=true"; public static Connection conn; private static final String USER = "SA"; private static final String PASS = ""; //a main for testing public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, SQLException, FileNotFoundException { Class.forName(JDBC_DRIVER_HSQL).newInstance(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_SERVER_URL, USER, PASS); PrintWriter log = new PrintWriter(new File("javalog.log")); DpalLoad.main(args); Dpal_Inst = DpalLoad.INSTANCE_WIN64; // int[][] arr =calcHairpin("GGGGGGCCCCCCCCCCCCGGGGGGG",4); // if(arr.length<=1){ // System.out.println("No Hairpin's found"); // }else{ // System.out.println("Hairpin(s) found"); // } Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet call = stat.executeQuery( "Select * From " + "Primerdb.primers where Cluster ='A1' and UniqueP =True and Bp = 20"); Set<CharSequence> primers = new HashSet<>(); while ( { primers.add(call.getString("Sequence")); } //>{ // log.println(x); // log.println(complementarity(x, x, Dpal_Inst)); // int[][] arr =calcHairpin((String)x,4); // if(arr.length<=1){ // log.println("No Hairpin's found"); // }else{ // log.println("Hairpin(s) found"); // } // log.println(); // log.flush(); // }); } @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") //uses a library compiled from primer3 source code public static double complementarity(CharSequence primer1, CharSequence primer2, DpalLoad.Dpal INSTANCE) { DpalLoad.Dpal.dpal_args args1 = new DpalLoad.Dpal.dpal_args(); DpalLoad.Dpal.dpal_results out1 = new DpalLoad.Dpal.dpal_results(); INSTANCE.set_dpal_args(args1); INSTANCE.dpal(primer1.toString().getBytes(), primer2.toString().getBytes(), args1, out1); double o1 = out1.score / 100; DpalLoad.Dpal.dpal_args args2 = new DpalLoad.Dpal.dpal_args(); DpalLoad.Dpal.dpal_results out2 = new DpalLoad.Dpal.dpal_results(); INSTANCE.set_dpal_args(args2); INSTANCE.dpal(primer1.toString().getBytes(), new StringBuilder(makeComplement(primer2.toString())).reverse().toString().getBytes(), args2, out2); double o2 = out2.score / 100; return Math.max(o1, o2); } @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") @Deprecated public static int hairpin(CharSequence primer1, CharSequence primer2, ThalLoad.Thal INSTANCE) { ThalLoad.Thal.thal_args args = new ThalLoad.Thal.thal_args(); ThalLoad.Thal.thal_results out = new ThalLoad.Thal.thal_results(); INSTANCE.set_thal_default_args(args); args.temp = 70.0; INSTANCE.thal(primer1.toString().getBytes(), primer2.toString().getBytes(), args, out); System.out.println(new String(out.msg)); System.out.println(out.temp); return args.dimer; } //gets an index in a primer for the calcHairpin private static int[] getIndexOf(String seq, String subSeq, int startIndex, int minMatch) { // look for subSeq in seq /* returns an array where theResult[0] is the index of the first match of subseq that is of at least length minMatch in seq theResult[1] is the length of the match */ int[] theResult = new int[2]; theResult[0] = -1; theResult[1] = -1; for (int k = minMatch; k <= subSeq.length(); k++) { // can replace this with for GREP capabilities int theMatch = seq.indexOf(subSeq.substring(0, k), startIndex); if (theMatch < 0) { break; } else { theResult[0] = theMatch; theResult[1] = k; } } return theResult; } //Makes an array insert for the calcHairpin array private static int[][] DoHairpinArrayInsert(int a, int b, int c, int d, int[][] results) { int arrayCount = results.length; int[][] temp = new int[arrayCount + 1][4]; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < results[i].length; j++) { temp[i][j] = results[i][j]; } } results = temp; if (a >= c || a >= b || c >= d || b >= c) { return results; } for (int i = 0; i < arrayCount; i++) { if (results[i][0] <= a && results[i][1] >= b && results[i][2] <= c && results[i][3] >= d) return results; if (results[i][0] >= a && results[i][1] <= b && results[i][2] >= c && results[i][3] <= d) { results[i][0] = a; results[i][1] = b; results[i][2] = c; results[i][3] = d; return results; } } results[arrayCount][0] = a; results[arrayCount][1] = b; results[arrayCount][2] = c; results[arrayCount][3] = d; return results; } //Makes a primer complement public static String makeComplement(String seq) { String newseq = ""; for (int i = seq.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (seq.charAt(i) == 'G' || seq.charAt(i) == 'g') { newseq = newseq + "C"; } else if (seq.charAt(i) == 'T' || seq.charAt(i) == 't') { newseq = newseq + "A"; } else if (seq.charAt(i) == 'C' || seq.charAt(i) == 'c') { newseq = newseq + "G"; } else if (seq.charAt(i) == 'A' || seq.charAt(i) == 'a') { newseq = newseq + "T"; } } return newseq; } //Discovers the presence of primer dimerization public static boolean calcHairpin(String theFullSequence, int minHairpinLength) { /* compare theCompSeq with theFullSeq starting at theFullSeq[startPos]. Successful matches must be at least minMatch long */ /* The resulting array is an array of arrays. each result should be an array of 4 integers result[0]: position of start of match in sequence result[1]: position of end of match result[2]: position of the start of the complement (really the end since it would be 3'-5') result[3]: position of the end of the complement (really the start since it would be 3'-5') */ int bubbleSize = 3; String theFullComplement = makeComplement(theFullSequence); int[][] theResults = new int[1][4]; int[] theResult; int compPos; int seqPos; int maxSeqLength = Math.abs(theFullSequence.length() / 2) - bubbleSize; // makes sure that we do not anneal the full length of the primer - that should come out in the dimerization report int maxMatch = 0; for (compPos = 0; compPos < theFullComplement.length() - 2 * minHairpinLength; compPos++) { maxMatch = 0; for (seqPos = 0; seqPos < theFullSequence.length() - maxSeqLength; seqPos++) { theResult = getIndexOf(theFullSequence.substring(0, seqPos + maxSeqLength), theFullComplement.substring(compPos, theFullComplement.length()), seqPos, minHairpinLength); if (theResult[0] > -1) { // theResult[0] is the index of the first match of theFullComplement that is of at least length minHairpinLength in theFullSequence // theResult[1] is the length of the match theResults = DoHairpinArrayInsert(theResult[0], theResult[0] + theResult[1] - 1, theFullSequence.length() - compPos - theResult[1], theFullSequence.length() - compPos - 1, theResults); if (theResult[1] > maxMatch) maxMatch = theResult[1]; seqPos = theResult[0] + theResult[1] - minHairpinLength; // move forward to guarantee nothing else is found that is a reasonable match if (seqPos + minHairpinLength >= maxSeqLength) { compPos += maxMatch - minHairpinLength; // move compPos forward to stop identical checks if long match was found! break; // we have moved far enough on the primer to guarentee we have everything -further would give us the reverse match } } else { if (maxMatch > minHairpinLength) compPos += maxMatch - minHairpinLength; // move compPos forward to stop identical checks if long match was found! break; //not found in the rest of the sequence! } } } if (theResults.length <= 1) { return false; } else { return true; } } //finds gc content of a nucleotide public static double gcContent(CharSequence primer) { int i = 0; int count = 0; while (i < primer.length()) { char nuc = primer.charAt(i); if ((nuc == 'G') || (nuc == 'C') || (nuc == 'g') || (nuc == 'c')) { count += 1; } i++; } return count * 1.0 / primer.length(); } @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") //calculates melting temperature of a oligonucleotide //based off Primer3 code source code public static double primerTm(CharSequence primer, double salt_conc, double dna_conc, double divalent, double dntp) { /** *Tables of nearest-neighbor thermodynamics for DNA bases, from the * paper [SantaLucia JR (1998) "A unified view of polymer, dumbbell * and oligonucleotide DNA nearest-neighbor thermodynamics", Proc Natl * Acad Sci 95:1460-65] */ final double T_KELVIN = 273.15; //delta S for nucleotide pairs int DS_A_A = 222; int DS_A_C = 224; int DS_A_G = 210; int DS_A_T = 204; int DS_A_N = 224; int DS_C_A = 227; int DS_C_C = 199; int DS_C_G = 272; int DS_C_T = 210; int DS_C_N = 272; int DS_G_A = 222; int DS_G_C = 244; int DS_G_G = 199; int DS_G_T = 224; int DS_G_N = 244; int DS_T_A = 213; int DS_T_C = 222; int DS_T_G = 227; int DS_T_T = 222; int DS_T_N = 227; int DS_N_A = 168; int DS_N_C = 210; int DS_N_G = 220; int DS_N_T = 215; int DS_N_N = 220; //delta H for nucleotide pairs int DH_A_A = 79; int DH_A_C = 84; int DH_A_G = 78; int DH_A_T = 72; int DH_A_N = 72; int DH_C_A = 85; int DH_C_C = 80; int DH_C_G = 106; int DH_C_T = 78; int DH_C_N = 78; int DH_G_A = 82; int DH_G_C = 98; int DH_G_G = 80; int DH_G_T = 84; int DH_G_N = 80; int DH_T_A = 72; int DH_T_C = 82; int DH_T_G = 85; int DH_T_T = 79; int DH_T_N = 72; int DH_N_A = 72; int DH_N_C = 80; int DH_N_G = 78; int DH_N_T = 72; int DH_N_N = 72; // Delta G's of disruption * 1000. int DG_A_A = 1000; int DG_A_C = 1440; int DG_A_G = 1280; int DG_A_T = 880; int DG_A_N = 880; int DG_C_A = 1450; int DG_C_C = 1840; int DG_C_G = 2170; int DG_C_T = 1280; int DG_C_N = 1450; int DG_G_A = 1300; int DG_G_C = 2240; int DG_G_G = 1840; int DG_G_T = 1440; int DG_G_N = 1300; int DG_T_A = 580; int DG_T_C = 1300; int DG_T_G = 1450; int DG_T_T = 1000; int DG_T_N = 580; int DG_N_A = 580; int DG_N_C = 1300; int DG_N_G = 1280; int DG_N_T = 880; int DG_N_N = 580; //loops through primer to determine dh and ds int dh = 0; int ds = 0; int dg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (primer.length() - 1); i++) { char first = primer.charAt(i); char sec = primer.charAt(i + 1); if (first == 'g' || first == 'G') { if (sec == 'g' || sec == 'G') { dh += DH_G_G; dg += DG_G_G; ds += DS_G_G; } else if (sec == 'c' || sec == 'C') { dh += DH_G_C; dg += DG_G_C; ds += DS_G_C; } else if (sec == 't' || sec == 'T') { dh += DH_G_T; dg += DG_G_T; ds += DS_G_T; } else if (sec == 'a' || sec == 'A') { dh += DH_G_A; dg += DG_G_A; ds += DS_G_A; } } else if (first == 'c' || first == 'C') { if (sec == 'g' || sec == 'G') { dh += DH_C_G; dg += DG_C_G; ds += DS_C_G; } else if (sec == 'c' || sec == 'C') { dh += DH_C_C; dg += DG_C_C; ds += DS_C_C; } else if (sec == 't' || sec == 'T') { dh += DH_C_T; dg += DG_C_T; ds += DS_C_T; } else if (sec == 'a' || sec == 'A') { dh += DH_C_A; dg += DG_C_A; ds += DS_C_A; } } else if (first == 't' || first == 'T') { if (sec == 'g' || sec == 'G') { dh += DH_T_G; dg += DG_T_G; ds += DS_T_G; } else if (sec == 'c' || sec == 'C') { dh += DH_T_C; dg += DG_T_C; ds += DS_T_C; } else if (sec == 't' || sec == 'T') { dh += DH_T_T; dg += DG_T_T; ds += DS_T_T; } else if (sec == 'a' || sec == 'A') { dh += DH_T_A; dg += DG_T_A; ds += DS_T_A; } } else if (first == 'a' || first == 'A') { if (sec == 'g' || sec == 'G') { dh += DH_A_G; dg += DG_A_G; ds += DS_A_G; } else if (sec == 'c' || sec == 'C') { dh += DH_A_C; dg += DG_A_C; ds += DS_A_C; } else if (sec == 't' || sec == 'T') { dh += DH_A_T; dg += DG_A_T; ds += DS_A_T; } else if (sec == 'a' || sec == 'A') { dh += DH_A_A; dg += DG_A_A; ds += DS_A_A; } } } //checks for symmetry int sym = -1; if (primer.length() % 2 == 1) { sym = 0; } else { for (int i = 0; i < (primer.length() / 2); i++) { if ((primer.charAt(i) == 'A' && primer.charAt(primer.length() - i - 1) != 'T') || (primer.charAt(i) == 'T' && primer.charAt(primer.length() - i - 1) != 'A') || (primer.charAt(i) == 'C' && primer.charAt(primer.length() - i - 1) != 'G') || (primer.charAt(i) == 'G' && primer.charAt(primer.length() - i - 1) != 'C')) { sym = 0; break; } i++; } if (sym == -1) { sym = 1; } } //Assigns AT end penalty if (primer.charAt(0) == 'A' || primer.charAt(0) == 'T') { ds += -41; dh += -23; } else if (primer.charAt(0) == 'G' || primer.charAt(0) == 'C') { ds += 28; dh += -1; } if (primer.charAt(primer.length() - 1) == 'A' || primer.charAt(primer.length() - 1) == 'T') { ds += -41; dh += -23; } else if (primer.charAt(primer.length() - 1) == 'G' || primer.charAt(primer.length() - 1) == 'C') { ds += 28; dh += -1; } if (divalent == 0) dntp = 0; if (divalent < dntp) divalent = dntp; salt_conc = salt_conc + 120 * (Math.sqrt(divalent - dntp)); double delta_H = dh * -100.0; double delta_S = ds * -0.1; delta_S = delta_S + 0.368 * (primer.length() - 1) * Math.log(salt_conc / 1000.0); double tm; if (sym == 1) { tm = delta_H / (delta_S + 1.987 * Math.log(dna_conc / 1000000000.0)) - T_KELVIN; } else { tm = delta_H / (delta_S + 1.987 * Math.log(dna_conc / 4000000000.0)) - T_KELVIN; } return tm; } public static double easytm(String primer) { int a = 0; int c = 0; int g = 0; int t = 0; char[] chars = primer.toCharArray(); for (char x : chars) { if (x == 'A' || x == 'a') { a++; } else if (x == 'G' || x == 'g') { g++; } else if (x == 'C' || x == 'c') { c++; } else if (x == 'T' || x == 't') { t++; } } return 64.9 + 41 * (g + c - 16.4) / (a + t + g + c); } @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") public static void locations(Connection connection) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException { long time = System.nanoTime(); String base = new File("").getAbsolutePath(); DpalLoad.main(new String[0]); Dpal_Inst = DpalLoad.INSTANCE_WIN64; System.out.println(Dpal_Inst); Connection db = connection; db.setAutoCommit(false); Statement stat = db.createStatement(); PrintWriter log = new PrintWriter(new File("javalog.log")); stat.execute("SET FILES LOG FALSE;"); PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Primerdb.MatchedPrimers(" + "Primer, PrimerMatch, Comp,FragAVG,FragVAR,H2SD,L2SD, Cluster, Strain)" + "Values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); ResultSet call = stat.executeQuery("Select * From Primerdb.Phages;"); List<String[]> phages = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { String[] r = new String[3]; r[0] = call.getString("Strain"); r[1] = call.getString("Cluster"); r[2] = call.getString("Name"); phages.add(r); // if(strain.equals("-myco")) { // if (r[2].equals("xkcd")) { // strain = r[0]; // } // }else if(strain.equals("-arthro")){ // if (r[2].equals("ArV1")) { // strain = r[0]; // } // } } call.close(); Set<String> strains = -> y[0]).collect(Collectors.toSet()); for (String x : strains) { Set<String> clust = -> y[0].equals(x)).map(y -> y[1]) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); String[] clusters = clust.toArray(new String[clust.size()]); // String z ="A1"; for (String z : clusters) { System.out.println("Starting:" + z); List<Primer> primers = new ArrayList<>(); Set<Matches> matched = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> clustphage = -> a[0].equals(x) && a[1].equals(z)) .map(a -> a[2]).collect(Collectors.toSet()); String[] clustphages = clustphage.toArray(new String[clustphage.size()]); if (clustphages.length > 1) { try { ResultSet resultSet = stat .executeQuery("Select * from primerdb.primers" + " where Strain ='" + x + "' and Cluster ='" + z + "' and UniqueP = true" + " and Hairpin = false"); while ( { Primer primer = new Primer(resultSet.getString("Sequence")); primer.setTm(resultSet.getDouble("Tm")); primers.add(primer); } resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error occurred at " + x + " " + z); } System.out.println(primers.size()); Set<Primer> primerlist2 =; Primer[] primers2 = primerlist2.toArray(new Primer[primerlist2.size()]); Map<String, Map<CharSequence, List<Integer>>> locations = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>()); -> { String[] seqs = Fasta.parse(base + "/Fastas/" + phage + ".fasta"); String sequence = seqs[0] + seqs[1]; Map<String, List<Integer>> seqInd = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i <= sequence.length() - 10; i++) { String sub = sequence.substring(i, i + 10); if (seqInd.containsKey(sub)) { seqInd.get(sub).add(i); } else { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(i); seqInd.put(sub, list); } } Map<CharSequence, List<Integer>> alllocs = new HashMap<>(); for (Primer primer : primers2) { List<Integer> locs = new ArrayList<>(); String sequence1 = primer.getSequence(); String frag = sequence1.substring(0, 10); List<Integer> integers = seqInd.get(frag); if (integers != null) { for (Integer i : integers) { if ((sequence1.length() + i) < sequence.length() && sequence.substring(i, sequence1.length() + i).equals(sequence1)) { locs.add(i); } } } alllocs.put(sequence1, locs); } locations.put(phage, alllocs); }); System.out.println("locations found"); System.out.println((System.nanoTime() - time) / Math.pow(10, 9) / 60.0); final int[] k = new int[] { 0 }; primerlist2.parallelStream().forEach(a -> { int matches = 0; int i = 0; while (primers2[i] != a) { i++; } for (int j = i + 1; j < primers2.length; j++) { double[] frags = new double[clustphages.length]; int phageCounter = 0; Primer b = primers2[j]; boolean match = true; if (matches > 0) { break; } if (Math.abs(a.getTm() - b.getTm()) > 5.0 || a.getSequence().equals(b.getSequence())) { continue; } for (String phage : clustphages) { List<Integer> loc1 = locations.get(phage).get(a.getSequence()); List<Integer> loc2 = locations.get(phage).get(b.getSequence()); // if(loc1.size()==0){ // System.out.println(phage+" "+a.getSequence()); // } if (loc1.size() == 0 || loc2.size() == 0) { // if (loc1.size()!=1||loc2.size()!=1){ match = false; break; } boolean found = false; int fragCount = 0; int l1 = loc1.get(0); int l2 = loc2.get(0); int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; int frag = Math.abs(l1 - l2); while (!found) { if (frag >= 500 && frag <= 2000) { fragCount++; if (++count1 < loc1.size()) l1 = loc1.get(count1); else if (++count2 < loc2.size()) l2 = loc2.get(count2); } else if (l1 < l2 && frag < 500) { count2++; } else if (l1 > l2 && frag < 500) { count1++; } else if (l1 > l2 && frag > 2000) { count2++; } else if (l1 < l2 && frag > 2000) { count1++; } else { break; } if (count1 < loc1.size() && count2 < loc2.size()) { l1 = loc1.get(count1); l2 = loc2.get(count2); frag = Math.abs(l1 - l2); } else { if (fragCount == 1) { found = true; frags[phageCounter++] = frag + 0.0; } else { break; } } } if (!found) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { matches++; matched.add(new Matches(a, b, frags)); } } // k[0]++; // System.out.println(k[0]); }); System.out.println((System.nanoTime() - time) / Math.pow(10, 9) / 60.0); System.out.println("Primers matched"); int c = 0; int i = 0; try { for (Matches primerkey : matched) { c++; String primer1 =; String primer2 = primerkey.two.getSequence(); st.setString(1, primer1); st.setString(2, primer2); st.setDouble(3, complementarity(primer1, primer2, Dpal_Inst)); st.setDouble(4, primerkey.stats.getMean()); st.setDouble(5, primerkey.stats.getVariance()); st.setDouble(6, primerkey.stats.getMean() + 2 * primerkey.stats.getStandardDeviation()); st.setDouble(7, primerkey.stats.getMean() - 2 * primerkey.stats.getStandardDeviation()); st.setString(8, z); st.setString(9, x); st.addBatch(); i++; if (i == 1000) { i = 0; st.executeBatch(); db.commit(); } } if (i > 0) { st.executeBatch(); db.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error occurred at " + x + " " + z); } System.out.println(c); } log.println(z); log.flush(); System.gc(); } } stat.execute("SET FILES LOG TRUE;"); st.close(); stat.close(); System.out.println("Matches Submitted"); } public static void checker(Connection connection, int bps) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException { String base = new File("").getAbsolutePath(); Connection db = connection; db.setAutoCommit(false); Statement stat = db.createStatement(); PrintWriter log = new PrintWriter(new File("checkertest.log")); ImportPhagelist.getInstance().parseAllPhagePrimers(bps); stat.execute("SET FILES LOG FALSE;\n"); ResultSet call = stat.executeQuery("Select * From Primerdb.Phages;"); List<String[]> phages = new ArrayList<>(); String strain = ""; while ( { String[] r = new String[3]; r[0] = call.getString("Strain"); r[1] = call.getString("Cluster"); r[2] = call.getString("Name"); phages.add(r); if (r[2].equals("xkcd")) { strain = r[0]; } } String x = strain; -> y[0].equals(x)).map(y -> y[1]).collect(Collectors.toSet()).forEach(z -> { System.out.println("Starting:" + z); try { List<String> primers = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> clustphages = -> a[0].equals(x) && a[1].equals(z)) .map(a -> a[2]).collect(Collectors.toSet()); ResultSet resultSet = stat.executeQuery("Select * from primerdb.primers" + " where Strain ='" + x + "' and Cluster ='" + z + "' and UniqueP = true" + " and Bp = " + Integer.valueOf(bps) + " and Hairpin = false"); while ( { primers.add(resultSet.getString("Sequence")); } if (primers.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { String primer = primers.get(i); for (String clustphage : clustphages) { if (!CSV.readCSV(base + "/PhageData/" + Integer.toString(bps) + clustphage + ".csv") .contains(primer)) log.println("Problem " + z); } } Set<String> nonclustphages = -> a[0].equals(x) && !a[1].equals(z)) .map(a -> a[2]).collect(Collectors.toSet()); log.println("Cluster phages done"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { String primer = primers.get(i); for (String nonclustphage : nonclustphages) { if (CSV.readCSV(base + "/PhageData/" + Integer.toString(bps) + nonclustphage + ".csv") .contains(primer)) log.println("Problem " + z); } } log.println("NonCluster phages done"); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error occurred at " + x + " " + z); } log.println(z); log.flush(); System.gc(); }); stat.execute("SET FILES LOG TRUE\n"); stat.close(); System.out.println("Primers Matched"); } @Deprecated public static String readFile(String file) throws IOException { FileChannel inChannel = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r").getChannel(); MappedByteBuffer buffer =, 0, inChannel.size()); char ch; StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.limit(); i++) { ch = ((char) buffer.get()); line.append(ch); } return line.toString(); } @Deprecated public static String complementWC(String dna) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < dna.length(); i++) { char c = dna.charAt(i); if (c == 'T') { builder.append('A'); } if (c == 'A') { builder.append('T'); } if (c == 'C') { builder.append('G'); } if (c == 'G') { builder.append('T'); } } return builder.reverse().toString(); } private static class Primer { private String Sequence; private double Tm; public Primer(String sequence) { this.Sequence = sequence; } public String getSequence() { return Sequence; } public void setSequence(String sequence) { Sequence = sequence; } public double getTm() { return Tm; } public void setTm(double tm) { Tm = tm; } } private static class Matches { Primer one; Primer two; DescriptiveStatistics stats; public Matches(Primer primer1, Primer primer2, double[] arr) { one = primer1; two = primer2; stats = new DescriptiveStatistics(arr); } } }