List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement addBatch
void addBatch() throws SQLException;
object's batch of commands. From source
/** * Internal recursive function to add/write properties. * If batching is enabled, prepared statements are added to the batch and only executed if they hit the max limit. * After completion returns the number of properties that have only been added to the batch but not yet executed. * The caller is responsible for executing the batch on remaining items when it deems the batch complete. * * If batching is not enabled, prepared statements are immediately executed. * * @param fullId the full URI of the resource the belongs to * @param dbId the generated identifier to link the properties table with the main table (foreign key) * @param localId the local identifier of the resource these properties belong to * @param value the JSON value with the properties to write * @param connection the DB connection// w w w. ja v a2 s.c o m * @param propCreateStatement the prepared properties insert statement * @param batchingCount the current number of statements that have been batched and not yet executed on the prepared statement * @return status of the current batchingCount, i.e. how many statements are not yet executed in the PreparedStatement * @throws SQLException if the insert failed */ private int writeValueProperties(String fullId, long dbId, String localId, JsonValue value, Connection connection, PreparedStatement propCreateStatement, int batchingCount) throws SQLException { for (JsonValue entry : value) { JsonPointer propPointer = entry.getPointer(); if (cfg.isSearchable(propPointer)) { String propkey = propPointer.toString(); if (entry.isMap() || entry.isList()) { batchingCount = writeValueProperties(fullId, dbId, localId, entry, connection, propCreateStatement, batchingCount); } else { String propvalue = null; Object val = entry.getObject(); if (val != null) { propvalue = StringUtils.left(val.toString(), getSearchableLength()); } String proptype = null; if (propvalue != null) { proptype = entry.getObject().getClass().getName(); // TODO: proper type info } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Populating statement {} with params {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", queryMap.get(QueryDefinition.PROPCREATEQUERYSTR), dbId, localId, propkey, proptype, propvalue); } propCreateStatement.setLong(1, dbId); propCreateStatement.setString(2, propkey); propCreateStatement.setString(3, proptype); propCreateStatement.setString(4, propvalue); logger.debug("Executing: {}", propCreateStatement); if (enableBatching) { propCreateStatement.addBatch(); batchingCount++; } else { int numUpdate = propCreateStatement.executeUpdate(); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Inserting objectproperty id: {} propkey: {} proptype: {}, propvalue: {}", fullId, propkey, proptype, propvalue); } } if (enableBatching && batchingCount >= maxBatchSize) { int[] numUpdates = propCreateStatement.executeBatch(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Batch limit reached, update of objectproperties updated: {}", Arrays.asList(numUpdates)); } propCreateStatement.clearBatch(); batchingCount = 0; } } } return batchingCount; }
From source
private void storeTypeOptions(Connection con, String table, String primaryColumn, long id, // Long assignmentId, List<FxStructureOption> options, boolean update) throws SQLException, FxInvalidParameterException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try {/*from w w w .j a v a2 s .c om*/ if (update) { ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE " + primaryColumn + "=?"); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } if (options == null || options.size() == 0) return; // 1 2 3 4 5 ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + table + " (" + primaryColumn + ",OPTKEY,MAYOVERRIDE,ISINHERITED,OPTVALUE)VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"); for (FxStructureOption option : options) { ps.setLong(1, id); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(option.getKey())) throw new FxInvalidParameterException("key", "ex.structure.option.key.empty", option.getValue()); ps.setString(2, option.getKey()); ps.setBoolean(3, option.isOverridable()); ps.setBoolean(4, option.getIsInherited()); ps.setString(5, option.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); } finally { if (ps != null) ps.close(); } }
From source
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public void insertCallTimeDataValues(Set<CallTimeData> callTimeDataSet) { int[] results; String insertValueSql;// ww w.j a v a 2s .co m PreparedStatement ps = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = rhqDs.getConnection(); DatabaseType dbType = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(conn); if (dbType instanceof Postgresql83DatabaseType) { Statement st = null; try { // Take advantage of async commit here st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute("SET synchronous_commit = off"); } finally { JDBCUtil.safeClose(st); } } if (dbType instanceof PostgresqlDatabaseType || dbType instanceof OracleDatabaseType || dbType instanceof H2DatabaseType) { String valueNextvalSql = JDBCUtil.getNextValSql(conn, "RHQ_calltime_data_value"); insertValueSql = String.format(CALLTIME_VALUE_INSERT_STATEMENT, valueNextvalSql); } else if (dbType instanceof SQLServerDatabaseType) { insertValueSql = CALLTIME_VALUE_INSERT_STATEMENT_AUTOINC; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown database type, can't continue: " + dbType); } ps = conn.prepareStatement(insertValueSql); for (CallTimeData callTimeData : callTimeDataSet) { ps.setInt(7, callTimeData.getScheduleId()); Set<String> callDestinations = callTimeData.getValues().keySet(); for (String callDestination : callDestinations) { CallTimeDataValue callTimeDataValue = callTimeData.getValues().get(callDestination); ps.setLong(1, callTimeDataValue.getBeginTime()); ps.setLong(2, callTimeDataValue.getEndTime()); ps.setDouble(3, callTimeDataValue.getMinimum()); ps.setDouble(4, callTimeDataValue.getMaximum()); ps.setDouble(5, callTimeDataValue.getTotal()); ps.setLong(6, callTimeDataValue.getCount()); ps.setString(8, callDestination); ps.addBatch(); } } results = ps.executeBatch(); int insertedRowCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { if ((results[i] != 1) && (results[i] != -2)) // Oracle likes to return -2 becuase it doesn't track batch update counts { throw new MeasurementStorageException("Failed to insert call-time data value rows - result [" + results[i] + "] for batch command [" + i + "] does not equal 1."); } insertedRowCount += results[i] == -2 ? 1 : results[i]; // If Oracle returns -2, just count 1 row; } notifyAlertConditionCacheManager("insertCallTimeDataValues", callTimeDataSet.toArray(new CallTimeData[callTimeDataSet.size()])); if (insertedRowCount > 0) { MeasurementMonitor.getMBean().incrementCalltimeValuesInserted(insertedRowCount); log.debug("Inserted " + insertedRowCount + " call-time data value rows."); } } catch (SQLException e) { logSQLException("Failed to persist call-time data values", e); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Failed to persist call-time data values", t); } finally { JDBCUtil.safeClose(conn, ps, null); } }
From source
public int storeData(DataList list) { try {// www . ja v a2s .c om Connection conn = dataSourceWrite.getConnection(); if (conn != null) { int i; DataItem item; EventItem event; Object tag; conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement stmt; Date t1 = new Date(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlInsertStmt); for (i = 0; i <= list.getHighWaterMark() && (item = list.getItem(i)) != null; i++) { if (!(item instanceof EventItem)) continue; event = (EventItem) item; ValueItem val = event.getValue(); tag = this.getTagOfDp(event.getDp()); if (tag == null) continue; if (tag instanceof Long) stmt.setLong(1, (Long) tag); else if (tag instanceof String) stmt.setString(1, (String) tag); java.sql.Timestamp ts = new java.sql.Timestamp(event.getTimeMS()); ts.setNanos(event.getNanos()); stmt.setTimestamp(2, ts, cal); Double dval = val.getDouble(); if (dval != null) { stmt.setDouble(3, dval); } else { stmt.setNull(3, Types.DOUBLE); } // value_string stmt.setString(4, val.getString()); // value_timestamp if (val.getTimeMS() != null) stmt.setTimestamp(5, new java.sql.Timestamp(val.getTimeMS()), cal); else stmt.setNull(5, Types.TIMESTAMP); // status, manager, user if (event.hasAttributes()) { stmt.setLong(6, event.getStatus()); stmt.setInt(7, event.getManager()); stmt.setInt(8, event.getUser()); } else { stmt.setNull(6, Types.INTEGER); stmt.setNull(7, Types.INTEGER); stmt.setNull(8, Types.INTEGER); } //JDebug.out.log(Level.FINE, "{0}:{1}/{2} [{3}]", new Object[] {i, element_id.toString(), ts.toString(), item.toString()}); stmt.addBatch(); } try { stmt.executeBatch(); // TODO check result? int[] res = } catch (BatchUpdateException ex) { JDebug.out.log(Level.SEVERE, "Batch exception {0} update count {1}.", new Object[] { ex.getErrorCode(), ex.getUpdateCounts().length }); JDebug.StackTrace(Level.SEVERE, ex); } catch (SQLException ex) { SQLException current = ex; do { JDebug.out.log(Level.SEVERE, "SQL exception {0}.", new Object[] { ex.getErrorCode() }); JDebug.StackTrace(Level.SEVERE, current); } while ((current = current.getNextException()) != null); // for (i = 0; i <= list.getHighWaterMark() && (item = list.getItem(i)) != null; i++) { // JDebug.out.log(Level.INFO, "{0}", item.toJSONObject()); // } } Date t2 = new Date(); stmt.close(); afterInsert(conn); conn.commit(); conn.close(); addServerStats(list.getHighWaterMark(), t2.getTime() - t1.getTime()); return INoSQLInterface.OK; } else { JDebug.StackTrace(Level.SEVERE, "no connection!"); return INoSQLInterface.ERR_REPEATABLE; } } catch (Exception ex) { JDebug.StackTrace(Level.SEVERE, ex); return INoSQLInterface.ERR_REPEATABLE; } }
From source
public ResultDTO insertListSerialInventoryBatch(List<SerialInventoryDTO> lstSerialInventoryDTO, Connection connection) {/* w w w . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ ResultDTO resultDTO = new ResultDTO(); //connection. //PREPARE STATEMENTS PreparedStatement prstmtInsertSerialInventory; //SQL StringBuilder sqlSerialInventory = new StringBuilder(); int numberNeedToCommit = 0; int numberOfSuccess = 0; int numberOfFail = 0; // List paramsSerialInventory; //mac dinh la thanh cong resultDTO.setMessage(ParamUtils.SUCCESS); try { //1.KHOI TAO SESSION //2.1 TAO STATEMENTS SERIAL_INVENTORY sqlSerialInventory.append(" INSERT INTO serial_inventory(id, cust_id, cust_code, cust_name, stock_id,"); sqlSerialInventory.append(" goods_id, goods_code, goods_name, goods_state,"); sqlSerialInventory.append(" quantity, from_serial, to_serial, cell_code, barcode,"); sqlSerialInventory.append( " create_date, note, status, staff_id, staff_code,staff_name, inventory_code, goods_unit_type_name) "); sqlSerialInventory.append( " VALUES (SERIAL_INVENTORY_SEQ.nextval, TO_NUMBER(?), ?, ?, TO_NUMBER(?), TO_NUMBER(?), "); sqlSerialInventory.append( " ?, ?, ?, TO_NUMBER(?), ?, ?, ?, ?, TO_DATE(?,'dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), ?, TO_NUMBER(?), "); sqlSerialInventory.append(" TO_NUMBER(?), ?, ?, ?, ? ) "); sqlSerialInventory.append(" LOG ERRORS REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED "); //3. TAO PREPARE STATEMENT prstmtInsertSerialInventory = connection.prepareStatement(sqlSerialInventory.toString()); //Chi tiet serial for (SerialInventoryDTO serialInventoryDTO : lstSerialInventoryDTO) { numberNeedToCommit++; //SET PARAMS FOR SERIAL_INVENTORY paramsSerialInventory = setParamsSerialInventory(serialInventoryDTO); //SET PARAMS AND ADD TO BATCH for (int idx = 0; idx < paramsSerialInventory.size(); idx++) { prstmtInsertSerialInventory.setString(idx + 1, DataUtil.nvl(paramsSerialInventory.get(idx), "").toString()); } prstmtInsertSerialInventory.addBatch(); if (numberNeedToCommit >= Constants.COMMIT_NUM) { try { prstmtInsertSerialInventory.executeBatch(); numberOfSuccess = numberOfSuccess + numberNeedToCommit; } catch (Exception ex) { numberOfFail = numberOfFail + numberNeedToCommit; } numberNeedToCommit = 0; } } //END FOR if (numberNeedToCommit > 0) { try { prstmtInsertSerialInventory.executeBatch(); numberOfSuccess += numberNeedToCommit; } catch (Exception ex) { //connection.rollback(); numberOfFail += numberNeedToCommit; } } prstmtInsertSerialInventory.close(); } catch (SQLException | NumberFormatException e) { Logger.getLogger(StockGoodsSerialDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); resultDTO.setMessage(ParamUtils.FAIL); } //lay so luong hang hoa insert vao ban err$_ List<StockGoodsSerialInforDTO> lstError = getListErrorSerialInventory( lstSerialInventoryDTO.get(0).getInventoryCode()); int amountError = 0; if (lstError != null) { amountError = lstError.size(); } int amountTotal = lstSerialInventoryDTO.size(); numberOfSuccess = amountTotal - amountError;//So luong ban ghi insert thanh cong numberOfFail = amountError;//so luong hang loi da ton tai serial cua khach hang trong ban kiem ke // resultDTO.setQuantityFail(numberOfFail); resultDTO.setQuantitySucc(numberOfSuccess); resultDTO.setLstStockGoodsSerialInforDTO(lstError); // tra ve list serial loi return resultDTO; }
From source
@Override public void addDataline(IDataSet set, IDataLine... lines) { Connection localConn = null;/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ PreparedStatement stmt = null; IStorageHandle handle = set.getStorageHandle(); if (handle == null) { storageService.createDataSetStorage(set); handle = set.getStorageHandle(); } try { localConn = storageService.getLocalConnection(); final String insertStmt = handle.getInsertStatement(); stmt = localConn.prepareStatement(insertStmt); for (IDataLine line : lines) { int col = 1; // For repository handles, we specify the row id // if (handle.isRepositoryHandle()) { if (line.getRowId() == 0) { stmt.setNull(col++, Types.BIGINT); } else { stmt.setLong(col++, line.getRowId()); } // } // Processing line data for (IReference r : set.getColumnsRef()) { final IColumnValue value = line.getColumnValue(r); Object valueObj = null; if (value != null) { valueObj = value.getValue(); if (valueObj != null) { stmt.setObject(col, valueObj); } else { IBasicColumn c = (IBasicColumn) VersionHelper.getReferencedItem(r); int jdbcType = storageService.getColumnSqlType(set, c); stmt.setNull(col, jdbcType); } } // Incrementing column index col++; } stmt.addBatch(); } stmt.executeBatch(); localConn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error(DBGMMessages.getString("") + e.getMessage(), //$NON-NLS-1$ e); } finally { safeClose(null, stmt, localConn, false); } }
From source
private PreparedStatement insertAddresses(Connection con, EntityId entityId, Map<String, Address> addresses) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps; ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Address (address_entity_id, address_label, " + "address_street, address_zipcode, address_town," + "address_expresspostal, address_country, address_state) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (Entry<String, Address> entry : addresses.entrySet()) { Address ad = entry.getValue();//from w w w . j ava 2 s .c o m ps.setInt(1, entityId.getId()); ps.setString(2, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(3, ad.getStreet()); ps.setString(4, ad.getZipCode()); ps.setString(5, ad.getTown()); ps.setString(6, ad.getExpressPostal()); ps.setString(7, getCountryIso3166(con, ad.getCountry())); ps.setString(8, ad.getState()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); return ps; }
From source
@Override public Policy addPolicyToRole(List<String> rolesToAdd, Policy policy) throws PolicyManagerDAOException { Connection conn;// w ww . java 2 m PreparedStatement insertStmt = null; // PreparedStatement deleteStmt = null; // final List<String> currentRoles = this.getPolicy(policy.getId()).getRoles(); // // SetReferenceTransformer<String> transformer = new SetReferenceTransformer<String>(); // // transformer.transform(currentRoles, rolesToAdd); // rolesToAdd = transformer.getObjectsToAdd(); // List<String> rolesToDelete = transformer.getObjectsToRemove(); try { conn = this.getConnection(); if (rolesToAdd.size() > 0) { String query = "INSERT INTO DM_ROLE_POLICY (ROLE_NAME, POLICY_ID) VALUES (?, ?)"; insertStmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); for (String role : rolesToAdd) { insertStmt.setString(1, role); insertStmt.setInt(2, policy.getId()); insertStmt.addBatch(); } insertStmt.executeBatch(); } // if (rolesToDelete.size() > 0){ // String deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM DM_ROLE_POLICY WHERE ROLE_NAME=? AND POLICY_ID=?"; // deleteStmt = conn.prepareStatement(deleteQuery); // for (String role : rolesToDelete) { // deleteStmt.setString(1, role); // deleteStmt.setInt(2, policy.getId()); // deleteStmt.addBatch(); // } // deleteStmt.executeBatch(); // } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new PolicyManagerDAOException("Error occurred while adding the role name with policy to database", e); } finally { PolicyManagementDAOUtil.cleanupResources(insertStmt, null); } return policy; }
From source
/** * @param parentInsert It should be set to true if Slot insert is part of new * RegistryObject insert (i.e. in the case of SubmitObjectsRequest). It should * be set to false in the case of AddSlotsRequest because the parent of the * slot is expected to be already submitted by previous SubmitObjectRequest. * In the latter case whether the parents of the slots exist will be checked. *//*from ww w . ja va 2 s. co m*/ public void insert(List slots, boolean parentInsert) throws RegistryException { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; String parentId = (String) parent; if (slots.size() == 0) { return; } try { String sql = "INSERT INTO " + getTableName() + " (sequenceId, " + "name_, slotType, value, parent)" + " VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; pstmt = context.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); List duplicateSlotsNames = getDuplicateSlots(slots); if (duplicateSlotsNames.size() > 0) { // Some slots have duplicate name throw new DuplicateSlotsException(parentId, duplicateSlotsNames); } RegistryObjectDAO roDAO = new RegistryObjectDAO(context); // Check whether the parent exist in database, in case the parent // has been inserted by the previous SubmitObjectsRequest // (i.e. in the case of AddSlotsRequest) if (!parentInsert && !roDAO.registryObjectExist(parentId)) { // The parent does not exist throw new SlotsParentNotExistException(parentId); } /* HIEOS/BHT: Disabled for performance purposes. List slotsNamesAlreadyExist = slotsExist(parentId, slots); if (slotsNamesAlreadyExist.size() > 0) { // Some slots for this RegistryObject already exist throw new SlotsExistException(parentId, slotsNamesAlreadyExist); }*/ Iterator iter = slots.iterator(); Vector slotNames = new Vector(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Slot slot = (Slot); String slotName = slot.getName(); String slotType = slot.getSlotType(); List values = slot.getValueList().getValue(); int size = values.size(); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { String value = ((Value) values.get(j)).getValue(); pstmt.setInt(1, j); pstmt.setString(2, slotName); pstmt.setString(3, slotType); pstmt.setString(4, value); pstmt.setString(5, parentId); log.trace("SQL = " + sql); // HIEOS/BHT: DEBUG (fix) pstmt.addBatch(); } } if (slots.size() > 0) { int[] updateCounts = pstmt.executeBatch(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(ServerResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.CaughtException1"), e); throw new RegistryException(e); } finally { closeStatement(pstmt); } }
From source
@Override public Policy addPolicyToUser(List<String> usersToAdd, Policy policy) throws PolicyManagerDAOException { Connection conn;/*from w ww.j av a 2 s .c om*/ PreparedStatement insertStmt = null; // PreparedStatement deleteStmt = null; // final List<String> currentUsers = this.getPolicy(policy.getId()).getUsers(); // // SetReferenceTransformer<String> transformer = new SetReferenceTransformer<String>(); // // transformer.transform(currentUsers, usersToAdd); // usersToAdd = transformer.getObjectsToAdd(); // List<String> usersToDelete = transformer.getObjectsToRemove(); try { conn = this.getConnection(); if (usersToAdd.size() > 0) { String query = "INSERT INTO DM_USER_POLICY (POLICY_ID, USERNAME) VALUES (?, ?)"; insertStmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); for (String username : usersToAdd) { insertStmt.setInt(1, policy.getId()); insertStmt.setString(2, username); insertStmt.addBatch(); } insertStmt.executeBatch(); } // if (usersToDelete.size() > 0){ // String deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM DM_USER_POLICY WHERE USERNAME=? AND POLICY_ID=?"; // deleteStmt = conn.prepareStatement(deleteQuery); // for (String username : usersToDelete) { // deleteStmt.setString(1, username); // deleteStmt.setInt(2, policy.getId()); // deleteStmt.addBatch(); // } // deleteStmt.executeBatch(); // } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new PolicyManagerDAOException("Error occurred while adding the user name with policy to database", e); } finally { PolicyManagementDAOUtil.cleanupResources(insertStmt, null); // PolicyManagementDAOUtil.cleanupResources(deleteStmt, null); } return policy; }