List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement addBatch
void addBatch() throws SQLException;
object's batch of commands. From source
/** * Executes all the changes to the concept names as a batch update. * * @param connection The database connection */// ww w . j av a2 s. co m private void runBatchInsert(JdbcConnection connection) throws CustomChangeException { PreparedStatement pStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection.setAutoCommit(false); Integer userId = DatabaseUpdater.getAuthenticatedUserId(); //if we have no authenticated user(for API users), set as Daemon if (userId == null || userId < 1) { userId = getInt(connection, "SELECT min(user_id) FROM users"); //leave it as null rather than setting it to 0 if (userId < 1) { userId = null; } } //userId is not a param, because it's easier this way if it's null pStmt = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO concept_map_type " + "(concept_map_type_id, name, is_hidden, retired, creator, date_created, uuid) VALUES(?,?,?,?," + userId + ",?,?)"); int mapTypeId = 1; for (String map : visibleConceptMapTypeArray) { String[] mapTypeAndUuid = map.trim().split("\\|"); String mapType = mapTypeAndUuid[0]; String mapUuid = mapTypeAndUuid[1]; pStmt.setInt(1, mapTypeId); pStmt.setString(2, mapType); pStmt.setBoolean(3, false); pStmt.setBoolean(4, false); pStmt.setDate(5, new Date(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())); pStmt.setString(6, mapUuid); pStmt.addBatch(); mapTypeId++; } for (String map : hiddenConceptMapTypeArray) { String[] mapTypeAndUuid = map.trim().split("\\|"); String mapType = mapTypeAndUuid[0]; String mapUuid = mapTypeAndUuid[1]; pStmt.setInt(1, mapTypeId); pStmt.setString(2, mapType); pStmt.setBoolean(3, true); pStmt.setBoolean(4, false); pStmt.setDate(5, new Date(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())); pStmt.setString(6, mapUuid); pStmt.addBatch(); mapTypeId++; } try { int[] updateCounts = pStmt.executeBatch(); for (int i = 0; i < updateCounts.length; i++) { if (updateCounts[i] > -1) { log.debug("Successfully executed: updateCount=" + updateCounts[i]); } else if (updateCounts[i] == Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO) { log.debug("Successfully executed; No Success info"); } else if (updateCounts[i] == Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED) { log.warn("Failed to execute insert"); } } log.debug("Committing inserts..."); connection.commit(); } catch (BatchUpdateException be) { log.warn("Error generated while processsing batch insert", be); int[] updateCounts = be.getUpdateCounts(); for (int i = 0; i < updateCounts.length; i++) { if (updateCounts[i] > -1) { log.warn("Executed with exception: insertCount=" + updateCounts[i]); } else if (updateCounts[i] == Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO) { log.warn("Executed with exception; No Success info"); } else if (updateCounts[i] == Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED) { log.warn("Failed to execute insert with exception"); } } try { log.debug("Rolling back batch", be); connection.rollback(); } catch (Exception rbe) { log.warn("Error generated while rolling back batch insert", be); } //marks the changeset as a failed one throw new CustomChangeException("Failed to insert one or more concept map types", be); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new CustomChangeException("Failed to insert one or more concept map types:", e); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new CustomChangeException("Failed to insert one or more concept map types:", e); } finally { //reset to auto commit mode try { connection.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (DatabaseException e) { log.warn("Failed to reset auto commit back to true", e); } if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Failed to close the resultset object"); } } if (pStmt != null) { try { pStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Failed to close the prepared statement object"); } } } }
From source
public void deactivateAuthorizationCode(List<AuthzCodeDO> authzCodeDOs) throws IdentityOAuth2Exception { Connection connection = IdentityDatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(); PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; try {/*w ww . j a va 2 s. c o m*/ prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(SQLQueries.DEACTIVATE_AUTHZ_CODE_AND_INSERT_CURRENT_TOKEN); for (AuthzCodeDO authzCodeDO : authzCodeDOs) { prepStmt.setString(1, authzCodeDO.getOauthTokenId()); prepStmt.setString(2, persistenceProcessor.getPreprocessedAuthzCode(authzCodeDO.getAuthorizationCode())); prepStmt.addBatch(); } prepStmt.executeBatch(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IdentityOAuth2Exception("Error when deactivating authorization code", e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*w ww .j a va2s . c om*/ */ @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void setAvailable(List<FxLanguage> available, boolean ignoreUsage) throws FxApplicationException { FxPermissionUtils.checkRole(FxContext.getUserTicket(), Role.GlobalSupervisor); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; if (available == null || available.size() == 0) throw new FxInvalidParameterException("available", "ex.language.noAvailable"); try { con = Database.getDbConnection(); if (!ignoreUsage) { List<FxLanguage> orgLang = loadAvailable(true); boolean found; for (FxLanguage org : orgLang) { found = false; for (FxLanguage tmp : available) { if (tmp.getId() == org.getId()) { found = true; break; } } if (!found && hasUsages(con, org)) throw new FxInvalidParameterException("available", "ex.language.removeUsed", org.getLabel()); } } ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + TBL_LANG + " SET INUSE=?, DISPPOS=?"); ps.setBoolean(1, false); ps.setNull(2, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); int pos = 0; ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + TBL_LANG + " SET INUSE=?, DISPPOS=? WHERE LANG_CODE=?"); ps.setBoolean(1, true); for (FxLanguage lang : available) { ps.setInt(2, pos++); ps.setLong(3, lang.getId()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); StructureLoader.updateLanguages(FxContext.get().getDivisionId(), loadAll(true, true)); } catch (FxCacheException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(LanguageBean.class, con, ps); } }
From source
/** * Insert sms request ids./*from ww w. jav a 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param requestID * the request id * @param senderAddress * the sender address * @param pluginRequestIDs * the plugin request i ds * @return true, if successful * @throws Exception */ public void insertSMSRequestIds(String requestId, String senderAddress, Map<String, String> gatewayRequestIds) throws SQLException, Exception { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { con = DbUtils.getDbConnection(DataSourceNames.WSO2TELCO_DEP_DB); /** * Set autocommit off to handle the transaction */ con.setAutoCommit(false); StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO "); queryString.append(DatabaseTables.SEND_SMS_REQID.getTableName()); queryString.append(" (hub_requestid, sender_address, delivery_address, plugin_requestid) "); queryString.append("VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps = con.prepareStatement(queryString.toString()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : gatewayRequestIds.entrySet()) { ps.setString(1, requestId); ps.setString(2, senderAddress); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(4, entry.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } log.debug("sql query in insertSMSRequestIds : " + ps); ps.executeBatch(); /** * commit the transaction if all success */ con.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { /** * rollback if Exception occurs */ con.rollback(); log.error("database operation error in insertSMSRequestIds : ", e); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { /** * rollback if Exception occurs */ con.rollback(); log.error("error in insertSMSRequestIds : ", e); throw e; } finally { DbUtils.closeAllConnections(ps, con, null); } }
From source
public void loadFromProtexServer(UIResponseObserver observer, ReportEntityList identifiedFiles, ReportEntityList compareCodeMatches, ReportEntityList codeMatchesPrecision) { PreparedStatement prepIdentifyTable = IdentificationDBManager .getIdentificationFilePreparedStatement(projectName); PreparedStatement prepCodematchTable = IdentificationDBManager.getCodeMatchPreparedStatement(projectName); PreparedStatement prepIdentifiedTable = IdentificationDBManager .getPreparedStatementForSettingIdentifiedFiles(projectName); if (compareCodeMatches == null) { System.err.println("Not Founded Compare CodeMatches."); } else {// www . j a va2 s . c o m for (ReportEntity reportEntity : compareCodeMatches) { String codeMatchFilePath = reportEntity.getValue(ReportInfo.COMPARE_CODE_MATCHES.FULL_PATH); codeMatchFilePath = codeMatchFilePath.substring(1); String codeMatchURL = reportEntity .getValue(ReportInfo.COMPARE_CODE_MATCHES.COMPARE_CODE_MATCHES_LINK); codeMatchURL = transURL(codeMatchURL); try { prepIdentifyTable.setString(1, codeMatchFilePath); prepIdentifyTable.setString(2, codeMatchURL); prepIdentifyTable.setString(3, ""); prepIdentifyTable.addBatch(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn(e); } } IdentificationDBManager.execute(prepIdentifyTable); } String CodeMatchFileName = ""; String CodeMatchComponent = ""; String CodeMatchVersion = ""; String CodeMatchLicense = ""; int CodeMatchUsage = CodeMatchInfo.USAGE_SNIPPET; int CodeMatchPercentage = 0; String CodeMatchedFile = ""; String CodeMatchedStatus = ""; String CodeMatchComment = ""; if (codeMatchesPrecision == null) { System.err.println("Not Founded CodeMatches PendingIdentification Precision."); } else { for (ReportEntity tmpPendingFile : codeMatchesPrecision) { CodeMatchFileName = tmpPendingFile.getValue(ReportInfo.CODE_MATCHES_PRECISION.FILE); CodeMatchComponent = tmpPendingFile.getValue(ReportInfo.CODE_MATCHES_PRECISION.COMPONENT); CodeMatchVersion = tmpPendingFile.getValue(ReportInfo.CODE_MATCHES_PRECISION.VERSION); if (CodeMatchVersion == null) CodeMatchVersion = ""; CodeMatchLicense = tmpPendingFile.getValue(ReportInfo.CODE_MATCHES_PRECISION.LICENSE); CodeMatchUsage = (tmpPendingFile.getValue(ReportInfo.CODE_MATCHES_PRECISION.USAGE).equals("File")) ? CodeMatchInfo.USAGE_FILE : CodeMatchInfo.USAGE_SNIPPET; CodeMatchedStatus = tmpPendingFile.getValue(ReportInfo.CODE_MATCHES_PRECISION.STATUS); String strCodeMatchPercentage = tmpPendingFile .getValue(ReportInfo.CODE_MATCHES_PRECISION.PRECISION); CodeMatchPercentage = Tools.transStringToInteger( strCodeMatchPercentage.substring(0, strCodeMatchPercentage.length() - 1)); CodeMatchedFile = tmpPendingFile.getValue(ReportInfo.CODE_MATCHES_PRECISION.MATCHED_FILE); CodeMatchComment = tmpPendingFile.getValue(ReportInfo.CODE_MATCHES_PRECISION.FILE_COMMENT); CodeMatchComment = CodeMatchComment.replace("<br />", "\n"); try { prepCodematchTable.setString(1, CodeMatchFileName); prepCodematchTable.setString(2, CodeMatchComponent); prepCodematchTable.setString(3, CodeMatchVersion); prepCodematchTable.setString(4, CodeMatchLicense); prepCodematchTable.setString(5, String.valueOf(CodeMatchUsage)); if (CodeMatchedStatus.startsWith("Precision Match")) { prepCodematchTable.setString(6, String.valueOf(AbstractMatchInfo.STATUS_PENDING)); } else if (CodeMatchedStatus.startsWith("Identified")) { prepCodematchTable.setString(6, String.valueOf(AbstractMatchInfo.STATUS_IDENTIFIED)); } else if (CodeMatchedStatus.startsWith("Identified by Generic Version")) { prepCodematchTable.setString(6, String.valueOf(AbstractMatchInfo.STATUS_REJECT)); } else if (CodeMatchedStatus.startsWith("Rejected")) { prepCodematchTable.setString(6, String.valueOf(AbstractMatchInfo.STATUS_REJECT)); } else if (CodeMatchedStatus.startsWith("Declared")) { prepCodematchTable.setString(6, String.valueOf(AbstractMatchInfo.STATUS_DECLARED)); } prepCodematchTable.setInt(7, CodeMatchPercentage); prepCodematchTable.setString(8, CodeMatchedFile); prepCodematchTable.setString(9, CodeMatchComment); prepCodematchTable.addBatch(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn(e); } } IdentificationDBManager.execute(prepCodematchTable); } if (identifiedFiles != null) { for (ReportEntity tmpIdentifiedFile : identifiedFiles.getEntityList()) { CodeMatchFileName = tmpIdentifiedFile.getValue(ReportInfo.IDENTIFIED_FILES.FILE_FOLDER_NAME) .substring(1); String DiscoveryType = tmpIdentifiedFile.getValue(ReportInfo.IDENTIFIED_FILES.DISCOVERY_TYPE); String ResolutionType = tmpIdentifiedFile.getValue(ReportInfo.IDENTIFIED_FILES.RESOLUTION_TYPE); if (DiscoveryType.equals("String Search")) { DiscoveryType = "1"; } else if (DiscoveryType.equals("Code Match") && !ResolutionType.equals("Declared")) { DiscoveryType = "2"; } else if (DiscoveryType.equals("Other Supported Languages") || ResolutionType.equals("Declared")) { DiscoveryType = "3"; } else { continue; } CodeMatchComponent = tmpIdentifiedFile.getValue(ReportInfo.IDENTIFIED_FILES.COMPONENT); CodeMatchVersion = tmpIdentifiedFile.getValue(ReportInfo.IDENTIFIED_FILES.VERSION); if (CodeMatchVersion == null) CodeMatchVersion = ""; CodeMatchLicense = tmpIdentifiedFile.getValue(ReportInfo.IDENTIFIED_FILES.LICENSE); CodeMatchedFile = tmpIdentifiedFile.getValue(ReportInfo.IDENTIFIED_FILES.MATCHED_FILE); try { prepIdentifiedTable.setString(1, CodeMatchFileName); prepIdentifiedTable.setString(2, DiscoveryType); prepIdentifiedTable.setString(3, CodeMatchComponent); prepIdentifiedTable.setString(4, CodeMatchVersion); prepIdentifiedTable.setString(5, CodeMatchLicense); prepIdentifiedTable.setString(6, CodeMatchedFile); prepIdentifiedTable.addBatch(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn(e); } } IdentificationDBManager.execute(prepIdentifiedTable); } try { if (prepIdentifiedTable != null) { try { prepIdentifiedTable.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } } if (prepCodematchTable != null) { try { prepCodematchTable.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } } if (prepIdentifyTable != null) { try { prepIdentifyTable.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } }
From source
/** * Get or create a {@link PreparedStatement} for a primary key based update * operation./*from w w w . j av a 2 s. c om*/ */ protected PreparedStatement getExecutableUpdatePrepStmntPKBased(AsyncEvent pkEvent, PreparedStatement prevPS) throws SQLException { final String regionName = pkEvent.getRegion().getName(); IMapperTool tool = DomainRegistry.getMapperTool(regionName); String tableName = DomainRegistry.regionToTable(regionName); List<String> valueFields = tool.getValueFieldNames(); final int numUpdatedCols = valueFields.size(); StringBuilder searchKeyBuff = new StringBuilder(tableName); int paramIndex; for (paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < numUpdatedCols; paramIndex++) { searchKeyBuff.append('_'); searchKeyBuff.append(valueFields.get(paramIndex)); } String searchKey = searchKeyBuff.toString(); final Object pkValues = pkEvent.getDeserializedValue(); final List<String> keyFields = tool.getKeyFieldNames(); PreparedStatement ps = this.updtStmntMap.get(searchKey); if (ps == null) { final String dmlString = AsyncEventHelper.getUpdateString(tableName, keyFields, valueFields); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {"DBSynchronizer::getExecutableInsertPrepStmntPKBased: " + "preparing '" + dmlString + "' for event: " + pkEvent); } ps = conn.prepareStatement(dmlString); this.updtStmntMap.put(searchKey, ps); } else if (prevPS == ps) { // add a new batch of values ps.addBatch(); } // Set updated col values Class valueClass = tool.getValueClass(); Class keyClass = tool.getKeyClass(); for (paramIndex = 1; paramIndex <= numUpdatedCols; paramIndex++) { String field = valueFields.get(paramIndex - 1); try { Map map = PropertyUtils.describe(pkEvent.getDeserializedValue()); Object val = map.get(field); String type = valueClass.getDeclaredField(field).getType().getName(); helper.setColumnInPrepStatement(type, val, ps, this, paramIndex); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e); } } // Now set the Pk values setKeysInPrepStatement(pkValues, keyFields, valueClass, ps, paramIndex); return ps; }
From source
private void massUpdateBugGanttItems(final List<TaskGanttItem> taskGanttItems, Integer sAccountId) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(taskGanttItems)) { Lock lock = DistributionLockUtil.getLock("gantt-bug-service" + sAccountId); try {/*ww w .j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ final long now = new GregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis(); if (lock.tryLock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) { connection.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement batchTasksStatement = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE `m_tracker_bug` SET " + "summary = ?, `startdate` = ?, `enddate` = ?, " + "`lastUpdatedTime`=?, `percentagecomplete`=?, `assignuser`=?, `ganttindex`=?, " + "`milestoneId`=? WHERE `id` = ?"); for (int i = 0; i < taskGanttItems.size(); i++) { TaskGanttItem ganttItem = taskGanttItems.get(i); if (ProjectTypeConstants.BUG.equals(ganttItem.getType())) { batchTasksStatement.setString(1, ganttItem.getName()); batchTasksStatement.setDate(2, getDateWithNullValue(ganttItem.getStartDate())); batchTasksStatement.setDate(3, getDateWithNullValue(ganttItem.getEndDate())); batchTasksStatement.setDate(4, new Date(now)); batchTasksStatement.setDouble(5, MoreObjects.firstNonNull(ganttItem.getProgress(), 0d)); batchTasksStatement.setString(6, ganttItem.getAssignUser()); batchTasksStatement.setInt(7, ganttItem.getGanttIndex()); batchTasksStatement.setObject(8, ganttItem.getMilestoneId()); batchTasksStatement.setInt(9, ganttItem.getId()); batchTasksStatement.addBatch(); } } batchTasksStatement.executeBatch(); connection.commit(); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new MyCollabException(e); } finally { DistributionLockUtil.removeLock("gantt-bug-service" + sAccountId); lock.unlock(); } } }
From source
private void writeIndex(CloseableIteration<? extends BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> iterator, boolean autoCommit) throws SQLException, QueryEvaluationException { PreparedStatement statement = getInsertStatment(); boolean oldAutoCommit = statement.getConnection().getAutoCommit(); statement.getConnection().setAutoCommit(autoCommit); // Object[] varNames = this.getSettings().getIndexGraph().getVarNames() // .toArray(); // int[] types = getSQLTypes(varNames); int cache = 0; int batchsize = this.getSettings().getBatchSize(); long count = 0; DIGEST.reset();//from w w w . ja v a 2s. c om for (; iterator.hasNext(); cache++) { BindingSet bindingSet =; setInsertValue(this.getVarNames(), this.getSQLTypes(), statement, bindingSet); try { if (autoCommit) { statement.executeUpdate(); } else { statement.addBatch(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (cache > batchsize) { if (!autoCommit) { statement.executeBatch(); statement.getConnection().commit(); } + " " + (count += cache)); cache = 0; } } if (!autoCommit) { statement.getConnection().commit(); } statement.getConnection().setAutoCommit(oldAutoCommit); }
From source
public void revokeTokensBatch(String[] tokens) throws IdentityOAuth2Exception { String accessTokenStoreTable = OAuthConstants.ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE_TABLE; Connection connection = IdentityDatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = null; try {//from w ww . j a va 2s. c o m String sqlQuery = SQLQueries.REVOKE_ACCESS_TOKEN.replace(IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN, accessTokenStoreTable); ps = connection.prepareStatement(sqlQuery); for (String token : tokens) { ps.setString(1, OAuthConstants.TokenStates.TOKEN_STATE_REVOKED); ps.setString(2, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); ps.setString(3, persistenceProcessor.getProcessedAccessTokenIdentifier(token)); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { IdentityDatabaseUtil.rollBack(connection); throw new IdentityOAuth2Exception("Error occurred while revoking Access Tokens : " + tokens.toString(), e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, ps); } }
From source
public void insert(String keySpace, String columnFamily, String key, Map<String, Object> values, boolean probablyNew) throws StorageClientException { checkClosed();//w w w .j av a 2 s. c om Map<String, PreparedStatement> statementCache = Maps.newHashMap(); boolean autoCommit = true; try { autoCommit = startBlock(); String rid = rowHash(keySpace, columnFamily, key); for (Entry<String, Object> e : values.entrySet()) { String k = e.getKey(); Object o = e.getValue(); if (o instanceof byte[]) { throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid content in " + k + ", storing byte[] rather than streaming it"); } } Map<String, Object> m = get(keySpace, columnFamily, key); for (Entry<String, Object> e : values.entrySet()) { String k = e.getKey(); Object o = e.getValue(); if (o instanceof RemoveProperty || o == null) { m.remove(k); } else { m.put(k, o); } } LOGGER.debug("Saving {} {} {} ", new Object[] { key, rid, m }); if (probablyNew && !UPDATE_FIRST_SEQUENCE.equals(getSql(SQL_STATEMENT_SEQUENCE))) { PreparedStatement insertBlockRow = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_BLOCK_INSERT_ROW, rid, statementCache); insertBlockRow.clearWarnings(); insertBlockRow.clearParameters(); insertBlockRow.setString(1, rid); InputStream insertStream = null; try { insertStream = Types.storeMapToStream(rid, m, columnFamily); } catch (UTFDataFormatException e) { throw new DataFormatException(INVALID_DATA_ERROR, e); } if ("1.5".equals(getSql(JDBC_SUPPORT_LEVEL))) { insertBlockRow.setBinaryStream(2, insertStream, insertStream.available()); } else { insertBlockRow.setBinaryStream(2, insertStream); } int rowsInserted = 0; try { rowsInserted = insertBlockRow.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } if (rowsInserted == 0) { PreparedStatement updateBlockRow = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_BLOCK_UPDATE_ROW, rid, statementCache); updateBlockRow.clearWarnings(); updateBlockRow.clearParameters(); updateBlockRow.setString(2, rid); try { insertStream = Types.storeMapToStream(rid, m, columnFamily); } catch (UTFDataFormatException e) { throw new DataFormatException(INVALID_DATA_ERROR, e); } if ("1.5".equals(getSql(JDBC_SUPPORT_LEVEL))) { updateBlockRow.setBinaryStream(1, insertStream, insertStream.available()); } else { updateBlockRow.setBinaryStream(1, insertStream); } if (updateBlockRow.executeUpdate() == 0) { throw new StorageClientException("Failed to save " + rid); } else { LOGGER.debug("Updated {} ", rid); } } else { LOGGER.debug("Inserted {} ", rid); } } else { PreparedStatement updateBlockRow = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_BLOCK_UPDATE_ROW, rid, statementCache); updateBlockRow.clearWarnings(); updateBlockRow.clearParameters(); updateBlockRow.setString(2, rid); InputStream updateStream = null; try { updateStream = Types.storeMapToStream(rid, m, columnFamily); } catch (UTFDataFormatException e) { throw new DataFormatException(INVALID_DATA_ERROR, e); } if ("1.5".equals(getSql(JDBC_SUPPORT_LEVEL))) { updateBlockRow.setBinaryStream(1, updateStream, updateStream.available()); } else { updateBlockRow.setBinaryStream(1, updateStream); } if (updateBlockRow.executeUpdate() == 0) { PreparedStatement insertBlockRow = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_BLOCK_INSERT_ROW, rid, statementCache); insertBlockRow.clearWarnings(); insertBlockRow.clearParameters(); insertBlockRow.setString(1, rid); try { updateStream = Types.storeMapToStream(rid, m, columnFamily); } catch (UTFDataFormatException e) { throw new DataFormatException(INVALID_DATA_ERROR, e); } if ("1.5".equals(getSql(JDBC_SUPPORT_LEVEL))) { insertBlockRow.setBinaryStream(2, updateStream, updateStream.available()); } else { insertBlockRow.setBinaryStream(2, updateStream); } if (insertBlockRow.executeUpdate() == 0) { throw new StorageClientException("Failed to save " + rid); } else { LOGGER.debug("Inserted {} ", rid); } } else { LOGGER.debug("Updated {} ", rid); } } if ("1".equals(getSql(USE_BATCH_INSERTS))) { Set<PreparedStatement> removeSet = Sets.newHashSet(); // execute the updates and add the necessary inserts. Map<PreparedStatement, List<Entry<String, Object>>> insertSequence = Maps.newHashMap(); Set<PreparedStatement> insertSet = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Entry<String, Object> e : values.entrySet()) { String k = e.getKey(); Object o = e.getValue(); if (shouldIndex(keySpace, columnFamily, k)) { if (o instanceof RemoveProperty || o == null) { PreparedStatement removeStringColumn = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_REMOVE_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); removeStringColumn.setString(1, rid); removeStringColumn.setString(2, k); removeStringColumn.addBatch(); removeSet.add(removeStringColumn); } else { // remove all previous values PreparedStatement removeStringColumn = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_REMOVE_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); removeStringColumn.setString(1, rid); removeStringColumn.setString(2, k); removeStringColumn.addBatch(); removeSet.add(removeStringColumn); // insert new values, as we just removed them we know we can insert, no need to attempt update // the only thing that we know is the colum value changes so we have to re-index the whole // property Object[] valueMembers = (o instanceof Object[]) ? (Object[]) o : new Object[] { o }; for (Object ov : valueMembers) { String valueMember = ov.toString(); PreparedStatement insertStringColumn = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_INSERT_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); insertStringColumn.setString(1, valueMember); insertStringColumn.setString(2, rid); insertStringColumn.setString(3, k); insertStringColumn.addBatch(); LOGGER.debug("Insert Index {} {}", k, valueMember); insertSet.add(insertStringColumn); List<Entry<String, Object>> insertSeq = insertSequence.get(insertStringColumn); if (insertSeq == null) { insertSeq = Lists.newArrayList(); insertSequence.put(insertStringColumn, insertSeq); } insertSeq.add(e); } } } } if (!StorageClientUtils.isRoot(key)) { // create a holding map containing a rowhash of the parent and then process the entry to generate a update operation. Map<String, Object> autoIndexMap = ImmutableMap.of(InternalContent.PARENT_HASH_FIELD, (Object) rowHash(keySpace, columnFamily, StorageClientUtils.getParentObjectPath(key))); for (Entry<String, Object> e : autoIndexMap.entrySet()) { // remove all previous values PreparedStatement removeStringColumn = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_REMOVE_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); removeStringColumn.setString(1, rid); removeStringColumn.setString(2, e.getKey()); removeStringColumn.addBatch(); removeSet.add(removeStringColumn); PreparedStatement insertStringColumn = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_INSERT_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); insertStringColumn.setString(1, (String) e.getValue()); insertStringColumn.setString(2, rid); insertStringColumn.setString(3, e.getKey()); insertStringColumn.addBatch(); LOGGER.debug("Insert {} {}", e.getKey(), e.getValue()); insertSet.add(insertStringColumn); List<Entry<String, Object>> insertSeq = insertSequence.get(insertStringColumn); if (insertSeq == null) { insertSeq = Lists.newArrayList(); insertSequence.put(insertStringColumn, insertSeq); } insertSeq.add(e); } } LOGGER.debug("Remove set {}", removeSet); for (PreparedStatement pst : removeSet) { pst.executeBatch(); } LOGGER.debug("Insert set {}", insertSet); for (PreparedStatement pst : insertSet) { int[] res = pst.executeBatch(); List<Entry<String, Object>> insertSeq = insertSequence.get(pst); for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { Entry<String, Object> e = insertSeq.get(i); if (res[i] <= 0 && res[i] != -2) { // Oracle drivers respond with -2 on a successful insert when the number is not known LOGGER.warn("Index failed for {} {} ", new Object[] { rid, e.getKey(), e.getValue() }); } else { LOGGER.debug("Index inserted for {} {} ", new Object[] { rid, e.getKey(), e.getValue() }); } } } } else { for (Entry<String, Object> e : values.entrySet()) { String k = e.getKey(); Object o = e.getValue(); if (shouldIndex(keySpace, columnFamily, k)) { if (o instanceof RemoveProperty || o == null) { PreparedStatement removeStringColumn = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_REMOVE_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); removeStringColumn.clearWarnings(); removeStringColumn.clearParameters(); removeStringColumn.setString(1, rid); removeStringColumn.setString(2, k); int nrows = removeStringColumn.executeUpdate(); if (nrows == 0) { m = get(keySpace, columnFamily, key); LOGGER.debug("Column Not present did not remove {} {} Current Column:{} ", new Object[] { getRowId(keySpace, columnFamily, key), k, m }); } else { LOGGER.debug("Removed Index {} {} {} ", new Object[] { getRowId(keySpace, columnFamily, key), k, nrows }); } } else { PreparedStatement removeStringColumn = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_REMOVE_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); removeStringColumn.clearWarnings(); removeStringColumn.clearParameters(); removeStringColumn.setString(1, rid); removeStringColumn.setString(2, k); int nrows = removeStringColumn.executeUpdate(); if (nrows == 0) { m = get(keySpace, columnFamily, key); LOGGER.debug("Column Not present did not remove {} {} Current Column:{} ", new Object[] { getRowId(keySpace, columnFamily, key), k, m }); } else { LOGGER.debug("Removed Index {} {} {} ", new Object[] { getRowId(keySpace, columnFamily, key), k, nrows }); } Object[] os = (o instanceof Object[]) ? (Object[]) o : new Object[] { o }; for (Object ov : os) { String v = ov.toString(); PreparedStatement insertStringColumn = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_INSERT_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); insertStringColumn.clearWarnings(); insertStringColumn.clearParameters(); insertStringColumn.setString(1, v); insertStringColumn.setString(2, rid); insertStringColumn.setString(3, k); LOGGER.debug("Non Batch Insert Index {} {}", k, v); if (insertStringColumn.executeUpdate() == 0) { throw new StorageClientException("Failed to save " + getRowId(keySpace, columnFamily, key) + " column:[" + k + "] "); } else { LOGGER.debug("Inserted Index {} {} [{}]", new Object[] { getRowId(keySpace, columnFamily, key), k, v }); } } } } } if (!StorageClientUtils.isRoot(key)) { String parent = StorageClientUtils.getParentObjectPath(key); String hash = rowHash(keySpace, columnFamily, parent); LOGGER.debug("Hash of {}:{}:{} is {} ", new Object[] { keySpace, columnFamily, parent, hash }); Map<String, Object> autoIndexMap = ImmutableMap.of(InternalContent.PARENT_HASH_FIELD, (Object) hash); for (Entry<String, Object> e : autoIndexMap.entrySet()) { String k = e.getKey(); Object v = e.getValue(); PreparedStatement removeStringColumn = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_REMOVE_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); removeStringColumn.clearWarnings(); removeStringColumn.clearParameters(); removeStringColumn.setString(1, rid); removeStringColumn.setString(2, k); int nrows = removeStringColumn.executeUpdate(); if (nrows == 0) { m = get(keySpace, columnFamily, key); LOGGER.debug("Column Not present did not remove {} {} Current Column:{} ", new Object[] { getRowId(keySpace, columnFamily, key), k, m }); } else { LOGGER.debug("Removed Index {} {} {} ", new Object[] { getRowId(keySpace, columnFamily, key), k, nrows }); } PreparedStatement insertStringColumn = getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_INSERT_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); insertStringColumn.clearWarnings(); insertStringColumn.clearParameters(); insertStringColumn.setString(1, v.toString()); insertStringColumn.setString(2, rid); insertStringColumn.setString(3, k); LOGGER.debug("Non Batch Insert Index {} {}", k, v); if (insertStringColumn.executeUpdate() == 0) { throw new StorageClientException("Failed to save " + getRowId(keySpace, columnFamily, key) + " column:[" + k + "] "); } else { LOGGER.debug("Inserted Index {} {} [{}]", new Object[] { getRowId(keySpace, columnFamily, key), k, v }); } } } } endBlock(autoCommit); } catch (SQLException e) { abandonBlock(autoCommit); LOGGER.warn("Failed to perform insert/update operation on {}:{}:{} ", new Object[] { keySpace, columnFamily, key }, e); throw new StorageClientException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { abandonBlock(autoCommit); LOGGER.warn("Failed to perform insert/update operation on {}:{}:{} ", new Object[] { keySpace, columnFamily, key }, e); throw new StorageClientException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { close(statementCache); } }