Java tutorial
/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making TDW available. * Copyright (C) 2014 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore; import; import java.sql.Array; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import javax.sql.XAConnection; import javax.transaction.xa.XAException; import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource; import javax.transaction.xa.Xid; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.ConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.DriverManagerConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf.ConfVars; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AddPartitionDesc; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AddSerdeDesc; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AlreadyExistsException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Database; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.DbPriv; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.DropPartitionDesc; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.IndexItem; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.InvalidObjectException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.InvalidOperationException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NoSuchObjectException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Order; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.RenameColDesc; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Role; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.SerDeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StorageDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.TableInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.TblPriv; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Type; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.User; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.tdw_query_info; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.tdw_query_stat; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.tdw_sys_fields_statistics; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.tdw_sys_table_statistics; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.model.MGroup; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.Constants; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.Deserializer; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.MetadataTypedColumnsetSerDe; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.ColumnarSerDe; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.dynamic_type.DynamicSerDe; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspectorConverters; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.PrimitiveObjectInspector.PrimitiveCategory; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.protobuf.ProtobufSerDe; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.PrimitiveTypeInfo; import org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource; class MyXid implements Xid { public int formatId; public byte gtrid[]; public byte bqual[]; public MyXid() { } public MyXid(int formatId, byte gtrid[], byte bqual[]) { this.formatId = formatId; this.gtrid = gtrid; this.bqual = bqual; } @Override public byte[] getBranchQualifier() { return bqual; } @Override public int getFormatId() { return formatId; } @Override public byte[] getGlobalTransactionId() { return gtrid; } } public class JDBCStore implements RawStore, Configurable { public enum Privilege { SELECT_PRIV, INSERT_PRIV, INDEX_PRIV, CREATE_PRIV, DROP_PRIV, DELETE_PRIV, ALTER_PRIV, UPDATE_PRIV, CREATE_VIEW_PRIV, SHOW_VIEW_PRIV, ALL_PRIV, DBA_PRIV } private static Map<Integer, Privilege> privMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Privilege>(); static { privMap.put(1, Privilege.SELECT_PRIV); privMap.put(2, Privilege.INSERT_PRIV); privMap.put(3, Privilege.INDEX_PRIV); privMap.put(4, Privilege.CREATE_PRIV); privMap.put(5, Privilege.DROP_PRIV); privMap.put(6, Privilege.DELETE_PRIV); privMap.put(7, Privilege.ALTER_PRIV); privMap.put(8, Privilege.UPDATE_PRIV); privMap.put(9, Privilege.CREATE_VIEW_PRIV); privMap.put(10, Privilege.SHOW_VIEW_PRIV); privMap.put(11, Privilege.ALL_PRIV); privMap.put(12, Privilege.DBA_PRIV); } private Configuration hiveConf; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JDBCStore.class.getName()); private static Map<String, PoolingDataSource> SegmentDbConPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, PoolingDataSource>(); private static PoolingDataSource globalDbConPool = null; public static String globalDbUrl = "jdbc:postgresql://"; public static String user = "tdw"; public static String passwd = "tdw"; public static boolean globalDbSyncInit = false; public static long syncTime = 10; public static int poolActiveSize = 10; public static boolean poolEnable = false; public static int timeout = 10; private static SyncDBRouterThread syncer = null; private static boolean masterForRead = false; private static Map<String, Vector<String>> masterToSlave = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Vector<String>>(); public static void initMasterToSlaveMap(Configuration conf) { masterForRead = conf.getBoolean("", true); String[] masterurls = conf.getStrings("hive.metastore.master.urls"); if (masterurls == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < masterurls.length; i++) { String[] slaveurls = conf.getStrings("hive.metastore.slave.urls." + masterurls[i]); if (slaveurls == null) { continue; } Vector<String> slaves = new Vector<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < slaveurls.length; j++) { slaves.add(slaveurls[j]); } if (masterForRead) { slaves.add(masterurls[i]); } masterToSlave.put(masterurls[i], slaves); } } public static String getUrlForRead(String url) { JDBCUrl jdbcUrl = new JDBCUrl(url); Vector<String> slaveurls = masterToSlave.get(jdbcUrl.getHost()); if (slaveurls == null || slaveurls.isEmpty()) { return url; } Random r = new Random(); int index = r.nextInt(100000000) % slaveurls.size(); return "jdbc:" + jdbcUrl.getDriver() + "://" + slaveurls.get(index) + ":" + jdbcUrl.getPort() + "/" + jdbcUrl.getDB(); } public static int fnv1a32db(byte[] buf, int offset, int len) { long seed = 0x811c9dc5L; for (int i = offset; i < offset + len; i++) { seed ^= buf[i]; seed += (seed << 1) + (seed << 4) + (seed << 7) + (seed << 8) + (seed << 24); } return (int) (Math.abs((seed & 0x00000000ffffffffL)) % 10000); } public static int fnv1a32tbl(byte[] buf, int offset, int len) { long seed = 0x811c9dc5L; for (int i = offset; i < offset + len; i++) { seed ^= buf[i]; seed += (seed << 1) + (seed << 4) + (seed << 7) + (seed << 8) + (seed << 24); } return (int) (Math.abs((seed & 0x00000000ffffffffL)) % 800000000 + 100000000); } public int getHashForTbl(String db, String tbl) { String times = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS").format(new Date()); String tblName = times + "/" + db + "/" + tbl; return fnv1a32tbl(tblName.getBytes(), 0, tblName.getBytes().length); } public static int getHashForDb(String db) { return fnv1a32db(db.getBytes(), 0, db.getBytes().length); } public long genTblID(String db, String tblName) { Random rand = new Random(); String tblHashCode = String.format("%d", getHashForTbl(db, tblName)); String randNum = String.format("%06d", Math.abs(rand.nextInt(1000000000)) % 1000000); String hashcode = String.format("%04d", getHashForDb(db)); String baseIDStr = tblHashCode + randNum + hashcode; return Long.valueOf(baseIDStr); } public static String getSegmentUrlByDbNameHashCode(String db) throws MetaException { if (db == null) { return null; } int hashcode = getHashForDb(db.toLowerCase()); Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; String url = null; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get segment url error , db=" + db); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get segment url error , db=" + db); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select seg_addr from seg_split where seg_accept_range @> " + hashcode; ResultSet segmentSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { url = segmentSet.getString(1); } segmentSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get segment url error , db=" + db); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(stmt); closeConnection(con); } return url; } public static void initMetaSyncThread() { syncer = new SyncDBRouterThread(globalDbUrl, user, passwd, syncTime); syncer.init(); Thread syncThread = new Thread(syncer); syncThread.start(); globalDbSyncInit = true; } public static void initMetaSyncThread(String url, String use, String pass, long time) { globalDbUrl = url; user = use; passwd = pass; syncTime = time; syncer = new SyncDBRouterThread(globalDbUrl, user, passwd); syncer.init(); Thread syncThread = new Thread(syncer); syncThread.start(); globalDbSyncInit = true; } public JDBCStore() { } public static Set<String> getAllSegments() { return SegmentDbConPool.keySet(); } public static Connection getGlobalConnection() throws SQLException, MetaStoreConnectException { if (poolEnable) { if (globalDbConPool == null) { checkGlobalPoolingDataSource(globalDbUrl, user, passwd); } return globalDbConPool.getConnection(); } else { return openConnect(globalDbUrl, user, passwd); } } public synchronized static void checkGlobalPoolingDataSource(String url, String user, String pass) { if (globalDbConPool != null) { return; } else { LOG.error( "#################################################################### init master connetion pool"); ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new DriverManagerConnectionFactory(url, user, pass); GenericObjectPool connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool(); connectionPool.setMaxActive(poolActiveSize); connectionPool.setWhenExhaustedAction(GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK); connectionPool.setMaxWait(10000); connectionPool.setTestOnBorrow(true); connectionPool.setTestWhileIdle(true); connectionPool.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(30000); connectionPool.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(300000); connectionPool.setLifo(true); PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory = new PoolableConnectionFactory(connectionFactory, connectionPool, null, null, false, true); globalDbConPool = new PoolingDataSource(connectionPool); LOG.error( "#################################################################### init global connetion pool over"); } } public synchronized static PoolingDataSource getSegPoolingDataSource(String url, String user, String pass) { url = url.toLowerCase(); PoolingDataSource pool = SegmentDbConPool.get(url); if (pool != null) { return pool; } else { LOG.debug( "#################################################################### init global connetion pool:" + url); ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new DriverManagerConnectionFactory(url, user, pass); GenericObjectPool connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool(); connectionPool.setMaxActive(poolActiveSize); connectionPool.setWhenExhaustedAction(GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK); connectionPool.setMaxWait(10000); connectionPool.setTestOnBorrow(true); connectionPool.setTestWhileIdle(true); connectionPool.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(30000); connectionPool.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(300000); connectionPool.setLifo(true); PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory = new PoolableConnectionFactory(connectionFactory, connectionPool, null, null, false, true); pool = new PoolingDataSource(connectionPool); SegmentDbConPool.put(url, pool); LOG.debug( "#################################################################### init global connetion pool:" + url + " over"); return pool; } } public static Connection getConnectionFromPool(String url) throws SQLException, MetaStoreConnectException { if (poolEnable) { PoolingDataSource pool = getSegPoolingDataSource(url, user, passwd); return pool.getConnection(); } else { return openConnect(url, user, passwd); } } public static Connection openConnect(String url, String user, String pass) throws SQLException, MetaStoreConnectException { try { Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOG.error(" get org.postgresql.Driver failed "); e.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaStoreConnectException(e.getMessage()); } Connection conn = null; DriverManager.setLoginTimeout(timeout); // DriverManager.setLoginTimeout(10); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pass); LOG.debug(" get Connection ok: " + url); return conn; } public static String getSegmentDBURL(String db) { if (db == null) { return null; } DBRouterInfo route = SyncDBRouterThread.dbRouter.get(db.toLowerCase()); if (route == null) { try { route = getDBRouter(db.toLowerCase()); if (route != null) { return route.getSegmentDBUrl(); } else { return null; } } catch (MetaException e) { return null; } } else { return route.getSegmentDBUrl(); } } public static DBRouterInfo getDBRouter(String db) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; DBRouterInfo route = null; db = db.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get db router error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get db router error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select db_name, seg_addr, secondary_seg_addr, is_db_split, " + "describe from router where db_name='" + db + "'"; ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { route = new DBRouterInfo(); route.setDBName(rs.getString(1)); route.setSegmentDBUrl(rs.getString(2)); route.setSecondarySegmentDBUrl(rs.getString(3)); route.setHasTableRouter(rs.getBoolean(4)); route.setDetail(rs.getString(5)); LOG.debug("db name is " + route.getDBName() + "\n" + " segment addr is " + route.getSegmentDBUrl() + "\n" + " second segment addr is " + route.getSecondarySlaveDBUrl() + "\n" + " is has table route is " + route.getHasTableRouter() + "\n" + " detail is " + route.getDetail()); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return route; } public static Connection getSegmentConnection(String dbName) throws MetaStoreConnectException, SQLException { String url = getSegmentDBURL(dbName); if (url == null) { throw new MetaStoreConnectException("Can not find segment db, db=" + dbName); } else { return getConnectionFromPool(url); } } public static Connection getSegmentConnectionForRead(String dbName) throws MetaStoreConnectException, SQLException { String url = getSegmentDBURL(dbName); String readUrl = getUrlForRead(url);"XXXXXXXXXXXreadUrl = " + readUrl); if (readUrl == null) { throw new MetaStoreConnectException("Can not find segment db, db=" + dbName); } else { return getConnectionFromPool(readUrl); } } public static void closeStatement(Statement stmt) { try { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } catch (Exception x) { LOG.error("close Statement error, msg=" + x.getMessage()); } } public static void closeConnection(Connection con) { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (Exception x) { LOG.error("close connection error, msg=" + x.getMessage()); } } public static void closeXAConnection(XAConnection con) { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (Exception x) { LOG.error("close connection error, msg=" + x.getMessage()); } } public static PGXADataSource getXADataSource(String url, String user, String passwd) { String[] urlArray = url.split(":|/"); if (urlArray.length != 7) { return null; } PGXADataSource ds = new PGXADataSource(); ds.setServerName(urlArray[4]); ds.setPortNumber(Integer.valueOf(urlArray[5])); ds.setDatabaseName(urlArray[6]); ds.setUser(user); ds.setPassword(passwd); return ds; } private int genFormatID() { Random rand = new Random(); return rand.nextInt(2100000000); } @Override public Configuration getConf() { return hiveConf; } @Override public void setConf(Configuration conf) { this.hiveConf = conf; } @Override public void shutdown() { } @Override public boolean openTransaction() { return false; } @Override public boolean commitTransaction() { return false; } @Override public void rollbackTransaction() { } @Override public boolean createDatabase(Database db) throws MetaException { boolean useDistributeTran = hiveConf.getBoolean("hive.metadata.usedistributetransaction", false); if (!useDistributeTran) { return createDatabaseNoDistributeTransaction(db); } else { return createDatabaseByDistributeTransaction(db); } } public boolean createDatabaseNoDistributeTransaction(Database db) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; Connection con; PreparedStatement ps = null; db.setName(db.getName().toLowerCase()); if (db.getMetastore() == null) { String slaveURL = getSegmentUrlByDbNameHashCode(db.getName()); db.setMetastore(slaveURL); } int hashcode = getHashForDb(db.getName()); try { con = getConnectionFromPool(db.getMetastore()); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("create database error, db=" + db.getName() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("create database error, db=" + db.getName() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO DBS(name, hdfs_schema, description, owner) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setString(1, db.getName()); ps.setString(2, db.getHdfsscheme()); ps.setString(3, db.getDescription()); ps.setString(4, db.getOwner()); ps.executeUpdate(); Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); Path databasePath = wh.getDefaultDatabasePath(db.getName(), db.getHdfsscheme()); wh.mkdirs(databasePath); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (Exception x) { LOG.error("create database error, db=" + db.getName() + ", msg=" + x.getMessage()); x.printStackTrace(); try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new MetaException(x.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("create database error, db=" + db.getName() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("create database error, db=" + db.getName() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO router(db_name, seg_addr, hashcode, owner) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setString(1, db.getName()); ps.setString(2, db.getMetastore()); ps.setInt(3, hashcode); ps.setString(4, db.getOwner()); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); } catch (Exception x) { LOG.error("create database error, db=" + db.getName() + ", msg=" + x.getMessage()); x.printStackTrace(); try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new MetaException(x.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } public boolean createDatabaseByDistributeTransaction(Database db) throws MetaException { if (db.getMetastore() == null) { String slaveURL = getSegmentUrlByDbNameHashCode(db.getName()); db.setMetastore(slaveURL); } int hashcode = getHashForDb(db.getName()); db.setName(db.getName().toLowerCase()); boolean success = false; Connection masterConn = null; Connection slaveConn = null; PGXADataSource masterDS = null; PGXADataSource slaveDS = null; masterDS = getXADataSource(globalDbUrl, user, passwd); slaveDS = getXADataSource(db.getMetastore(), user, passwd); XAConnection masterDSXaConn = null; XAConnection slaveDSXaConn = null; XAResource masterSaRes = null; XAResource slaveSaRes = null; int formatID = genFormatID(); Xid masterXid = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 }); Xid slaveXid = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { 0x11 }, new byte[] { 0x12 }); PreparedStatement masterStmt = null; PreparedStatement slaveStmt = null; try { masterDSXaConn = masterDS.getXAConnection(); slaveDSXaConn = slaveDS.getXAConnection(); masterSaRes = masterDSXaConn.getXAResource(); slaveSaRes = slaveDSXaConn.getXAResource(); masterConn = masterDSXaConn.getConnection(); slaveConn = slaveDSXaConn.getConnection(); masterStmt = masterConn .prepareStatement("insert into router(db_name, seg_addr,hashcode, owner) values(?,?,?,?)"); slaveStmt = slaveConn .prepareStatement("insert into dbs(name, hdfs_schema, description, owner) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); try { masterSaRes.start(masterXid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); masterStmt.setString(1, db.getName()); masterStmt.setString(2, db.getMetastore()); masterStmt.setInt(3, hashcode); masterStmt.setString(4, db.getOwner()); masterStmt.executeUpdate(); masterSaRes.end(masterXid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); slaveSaRes.start(slaveXid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); slaveStmt.setString(1, db.getName()); slaveStmt.setString(2, db.getHdfsscheme()); slaveStmt.setString(3, db.getDescription()); slaveStmt.setString(4, db.getOwner()); slaveStmt.executeUpdate(); slaveSaRes.end(slaveXid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); int masterRet = masterSaRes.prepare(masterXid); int slaveRet = slaveSaRes.prepare(slaveXid); Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); Path databasePath = wh.getDefaultDatabasePath(db.getName(), db.getHdfsscheme()); if (masterRet == XAResource.XA_OK && slaveRet == XAResource.XA_OK && wh.mkdirs(databasePath)) { masterSaRes.commit(masterXid, false); slaveSaRes.commit(slaveXid, false); success = true; } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("XAException create database error, db=" + db.getName() + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("SQLException create database error, db=" + db.getName() + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { masterSaRes.rollback(masterXid); } catch (Exception x) { } try { slaveSaRes.rollback(slaveXid); } catch (Exception x) { } } closeStatement(masterStmt); closeStatement(slaveStmt); closeConnection(masterConn); closeConnection(slaveConn); closeXAConnection(masterDSXaConn); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConn); } return success; } public boolean createDatabase(String name) throws MetaException { Database db = new Database(name, "default_path", null, null, null); return this.createDatabase(db); } @Override public Database getDatabase(String name) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Database db = null; Connection con; name = name.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(name); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get database error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new NoSuchObjectException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get database error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } Statement stmt = null; try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql = "SELECT name, hdfs_schema, description, owner FROM DBS WHERE name='" + name + "'"; ResultSet dbSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); boolean isDBFind = false; while ( { isDBFind = true; db = new Database(); db.setName(dbSet.getString(1)); db.setHdfsscheme(dbSet.getString(2)); db.setDescription(dbSet.getString(3)); db.setOwner(dbSet.getString(4)); break; } dbSet.close(); if (!isDBFind) { LOG.error("get database error, db=" + name); throw new NoSuchObjectException("database " + name + " does not exist!"); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(stmt); closeConnection(con); } return db; } @Override public boolean dropDatabase(String dbname) throws MetaException { boolean useDistributeTran = hiveConf.getBoolean("hive.metadata.usedistributetransaction", false); if (!useDistributeTran) { return dropDatabaseNoDistributeTransaction(dbname); } else { return dropDatabaseByDistributeTransaction(dbname); } } public boolean dropDatabaseNoDistributeTransaction(String name) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; Connection con; Statement stmt = null; name = name.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(name.toLowerCase()); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop database error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop database error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql = "DELETE FROM dbs WHERE name='" + name + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); Warehouse wh; wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); wh.deleteDir(wh.getDefaultDatabasePath(name), true); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (Exception x) { LOG.error("drop database error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + x.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(x.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } closeStatement(stmt); closeConnection(con); } success = false; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop database error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop database error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql = "DELETE FROM router WHERE db_name='" + name + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); sql = "delete from dbpriv where db_name='" + name + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); sql = "delete from tblpriv where db_name='" + name + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); try { sql = "delete from dbsensitivity where db_name='" + name + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); sql = "delete from tblsensitivity where db_name='" + name + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (Exception x) { } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException x) { LOG.error("drop database error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + x.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(x.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } closeStatement(stmt); closeConnection(con); } return success; } public boolean dropDatabaseByDistributeTransaction(String name) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; name = name.toLowerCase(); Connection masterConn = null; Connection slaveConn = null; PGXADataSource masterDS = null; PGXADataSource slaveDS = null; masterDS = getXADataSource(globalDbUrl, user, passwd); String slaveURL = getSegmentDBURL(name); slaveDS = getXADataSource(slaveURL, user, passwd); XAConnection masterDSXaConn = null; XAConnection slaveDSXaConn = null; int formatID = genFormatID(); Xid masterXid = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 }); Xid slaveXid = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { 0x11 }, new byte[] { 0x12 }); XAResource masterSaRes = null; XAResource slaveSaRes = null; Statement masterStmt = null; Statement slaveStmt = null; try { masterDSXaConn = masterDS.getXAConnection(); slaveDSXaConn = slaveDS.getXAConnection(); masterSaRes = masterDSXaConn.getXAResource(); slaveSaRes = slaveDSXaConn.getXAResource(); masterConn = masterDSXaConn.getConnection(); slaveConn = slaveDSXaConn.getConnection(); masterStmt = masterConn.createStatement(); slaveStmt = slaveConn.createStatement(); try { masterSaRes.start(masterXid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); masterStmt.executeUpdate("delete from router where db_name='" + name + "'"); masterStmt.executeUpdate("delete from dbpriv where db_name='" + name + "'"); masterStmt.executeUpdate("delete from tblpriv where db_name='" + name + "'"); masterSaRes.end(masterXid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); slaveSaRes.start(slaveXid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); slaveStmt.executeUpdate("delete from dbs where name='" + name + "'"); slaveSaRes.end(slaveXid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); int masterRet = masterSaRes.prepare(masterXid); int slaveRet = slaveSaRes.prepare(slaveXid); Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); if (masterRet == XAResource.XA_OK && slaveRet == XAResource.XA_OK && wh.deleteDir(wh.getDefaultDatabasePath(name), true)) { masterSaRes.commit(masterXid, false); slaveSaRes.commit(slaveXid, false); success = true; } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("drop database error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("create database error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { masterSaRes.rollback(masterXid); } catch (Exception x) { } try { slaveSaRes.rollback(slaveXid); } catch (Exception x) { } } closeStatement(masterStmt); closeStatement(slaveStmt); closeConnection(masterConn); closeConnection(slaveConn); closeXAConnection(masterDSXaConn); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConn); } if (success) { Statement stmt = null; Connection con = null; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql = "delete from dbsensitivity where db_name='" + name + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); sql = "delete from tblsensitivity where db_name='" + name + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error("update tblsenstivity table error, db=" + name + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(stmt); closeConnection(con); } } return success; } @Override public List<String> getDatabases() throws MetaException { Connection con; Statement stmt = null; List<String> dbNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get databases error msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get databases error msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select db_name, owner from router"; ResultSet ret = stmt.executeQuery(sql); dbNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { dbNameList.add(ret.getString(1)); } ret.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { x.printStackTrace(); try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } LOG.error("get databases error msg=" + x.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(x.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(stmt); closeConnection(con); } return dbNameList; } @Override public boolean createType(Type type) { return false; } @Override public Type getType(String typeName) { return null; } @Override public boolean dropType(String typeName) { return false; } public void jdbcCreateView(Table tbl) throws AlreadyExistsException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { LOG.debug("first, check the name is valid or not"); if (!MetaStoreUtils.validateName(tbl.getTableName()) || !MetaStoreUtils.validateColNames(tbl.getSd().getCols()) || (tbl.getPriPartition() != null && !MetaStoreUtils.validateName(tbl.getPriPartition().getParKey().getName())) || (tbl.getSubPartition() != null && !MetaStoreUtils.validateName(tbl.getSubPartition().getParKey().getName()))) { LOG.error("create view error db=" + tbl.getDbName() + ", view=" + tbl.getTableName()); throw new InvalidObjectException(tbl.getTableName() + " is not a valid object name"); } boolean success = false; Connection con; PreparedStatement ps = null; tbl.setDbName(tbl.getDbName().toLowerCase()); tbl.setTableName(tbl.getTableName().toLowerCase()); long tblID = genTblID(tbl.getDbName(), tbl.getTableName()); try { con = getSegmentConnection(tbl.getDbName()); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("create view error db=" + tbl.getDbName() + ", view=" + tbl.getTableName() + ",msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("create view error db=" + tbl.getDbName() + ", view=" + tbl.getTableName() + ",msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select tbl_id, tbl_type from TBLS where db_name=? and tbl_name=?"); ps.setString(1, tbl.getDbName()); ps.setString(2, tbl.getTableName()); boolean isViewFind = false; String tblType = null; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isViewFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); break; } tblSet.close(); ps.close(); if (isViewFind && !tbl.isIsReplaceOnExit()) { LOG.error("view " + tbl.getDbName() + ":" + tbl.getTableName() + " has exist"); throw new AlreadyExistsException( "view " + tbl.getDbName() + ":" + tbl.getTableName() + " has exist"); } if (isViewFind && tbl.isIsReplaceOnExit()) { if (tblType != null && !tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("VIRTUAL_VIEW")) { LOG.error("name conflict " + tbl.getDbName() + ":" + tbl.getTableName() + " already exist, and it is not a view"); throw new MetaException("name conflict " + tbl.getDbName() + ":" + tbl.getTableName() + " already exist, and it is not a view"); } ps = con.prepareStatement("update TBLS set tbl_comment=? where tbl_id=? "); ps.setString(1, tbl.getParameters().get("comment")); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("update tdwview set view_original_text=?, view_expanded_text=?, " + "vtables=? where tbl_id=? "); ps.setString(1, tbl.getViewOriginalText()); ps.setString(2, tbl.getViewExpandedText()); ps.setString(3, tbl.getVtables().toLowerCase()); ps.setLong(4, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from COLUMNS where tbl_id=?"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into COLUMNS(column_index, tbl_id, column_name, " + "type_name, comment) values(?,?,?,?,?)"); List<FieldSchema> fieldSchemas = tbl.getSd().getCols(); int size = fieldSchemas.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ps.setLong(1, i); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, fieldSchemas.get(i).getName().toLowerCase()); ps.setString(4, fieldSchemas.get(i).getType()); ps.setString(5, fieldSchemas.get(i).getComment()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); Map<String, String> tblPram = new HashMap<String, String>(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "select param_key, param_value from TABLE_PARAMS where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL'"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet paramSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { tblPram.put(paramSet.getString(1), paramSet.getString(2)); } paramSet.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from TABLE_PARAMS where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL'"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); tblPram.putAll(tbl.getParameters()); ps = con.prepareStatement( "insert into TABLE_PARAMS(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) values(?,?,?,?)"); for (Entry<String, String> entry : tblPram.entrySet()) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(4, entry.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); con.commit(); success = true; } else { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TBLS(tbl_id, retention, tbl_type, db_name, " + "tbl_name, tbl_owner, tbl_comment)" + " values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); StorageDescriptor sd = tbl.getSd(); if (sd == null || sd.getSerdeInfo() == null) { throw new MetaException("storage descriptor of table " + tbl.getTableName() + " is null"); } ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setLong(2, tbl.getRetention()); ps.setString(3, tbl.getTableType()); ps.setString(4, tbl.getDbName()); ps.setString(5, tbl.getTableName()); ps.setString(6, tbl.getOwner().toLowerCase()); ps.setString(7, tbl.getParameters().get("comment")); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO COLUMNS(column_index, tbl_id, column_name, type_name, comment) " + " values(?,?,?,?,?)"); List<FieldSchema> fieldList = sd.getCols(); int fieldSize = fieldList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++) { FieldSchema field = fieldList.get(i); ps.setInt(1, i); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, field.getName()); ps.setString(4, field.getType()); ps.setString(5, field.getComment()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); if (tbl.getParametersSize() > 0 || sd.getParametersSize() > 0 || sd.getSerdeInfo().getParametersSize() > 0) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); if (tbl.getParametersSize() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tbl.getParameters().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("type") || entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("comment")) break; ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(4, entry.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } } if (sd.getParametersSize() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sd.getParameters().entrySet()) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "SD"); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(4, entry.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } } if (sd.getSerdeInfo().getParametersSize() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sd.getSerdeInfo().getParameters().entrySet()) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "SERDE"); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(4, entry.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } ps = con.prepareStatement( "insert into tdwview(tbl_id, view_original_text, view_expanded_text, vtables) values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, tbl.getViewOriginalText()); ps.setString(3, tbl.getViewExpandedText()); ps.setString(4, tbl.getVtables().toLowerCase()); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); con.commit(); success = true; } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { sqlex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("create view error db=" + tbl.getDbName() + ", view=" + tbl.getTableName() + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return; } @Override public void createTable(Table tbl) throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, AlreadyExistsException { if (tbl == null) { throw new InvalidObjectException("unvalid parameters, tbl is null"); } if (tbl.getTableType() == null) { tbl.setTableType("MANAGED_TABLE"); } if (tbl.getTableType().equalsIgnoreCase("VIRTUAL_VIEW")) { jdbcCreateView(tbl); return; } tbl.setDbName(tbl.getDbName().toLowerCase()); tbl.setTableName(tbl.getTableName().toLowerCase()); LOG.debug("first, check the name is valid or not"); if (!MetaStoreUtils.validateName(tbl.getTableName()) || !MetaStoreUtils.validateColNames(tbl.getSd().getCols()) || (tbl.getPriPartition() != null && !MetaStoreUtils.validateName(tbl.getPriPartition().getParKey().getName())) || (tbl.getSubPartition() != null && !MetaStoreUtils.validateName(tbl.getSubPartition().getParKey().getName()))) { throw new InvalidObjectException(tbl.getTableName() + " is not a valid object name"); } long tblID = genTblID(tbl.getDbName(), tbl.getTableName()); boolean success = false; Connection con; PreparedStatement ps = null; Statement stmt = null; Path tblPath = null; Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); boolean madeDir = false; LOG.debug("2, generate table path "); if (tbl.getSd().getLocation() == null || tbl.getSd().getLocation().isEmpty()) { tblPath = wh.getDefaultTablePath(tbl.getDbName(), tbl.getTableName()); } else { if (tbl.getTableType().equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { LOG.warn("Location: " + tbl.getSd().getLocation() + "specified for non-external table:" + tbl.getTableName()); } tblPath = wh.getDnsPath(new Path(tbl.getSd().getLocation())); } tbl.getSd().setLocation(tblPath.toString()); try { con = getSegmentConnection(tbl.getDbName()); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("create table error, db=" + tbl.getDbName() + ", table=" + tbl.getTableName() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("create table error, db=" + tbl.getDbName() + ", table=" + tbl.getTableName() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); stmt = con.createStatement(); LOG.debug("1 check the table is exist or not"); String sql = "select tbl_id from tbls where db_name='" + tbl.getDbName().toLowerCase() + "' and tbl_name='" + tbl.getTableName().toLowerCase() + "'"; boolean isTblFind = false; ResultSet checkTblSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isTblFind = true; break; } checkTblSet.close(); if (isTblFind) { throw new AlreadyExistsException( "table " + tbl.getDbName() + ":" + tbl.getTableName() + " has exist"); } LOG.debug("2 insert into tbls"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TBLS(tbl_id, is_compressed, retention, tbl_type, db_name, " + "tbl_name, tbl_owner, tbl_format" + ", pri_part_type, sub_part_type, pri_part_key, sub_part_key, input_format, output_format" + ", serde_name, serde_lib, tbl_location, tbl_comment)" + " values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); StorageDescriptor sd = tbl.getSd(); if (sd == null || sd.getSerdeInfo() == null) { throw new MetaException("storage descriptor of table " + tbl.getTableName() + " is null"); } SerDeInfo sdInfo = sd.getSerdeInfo(); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setBoolean(2, sd.isCompressed()); ps.setLong(3, tbl.getRetention()); if (tbl.getParameters() != null && tbl.getParameters().get("EXTERNAL") != null && tbl.getParameters().get("EXTERNAL").equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")) { ps.setString(4, "EXTERNAL_TABLE"); } else { ps.setString(4, tbl.getTableType()); } ps.setString(5, tbl.getDbName()); ps.setString(6, tbl.getTableName()); ps.setString(7, tbl.getOwner()); if (tbl.getParameters() == null) { ps.setString(8, null); } else { ps.setString(8, tbl.getParameters().get("type")); } Partition priPart = tbl.getPriPartition(); Partition subPart = tbl.getSubPartition(); if (priPart != null) { ps.setString(11, priPart.getParKey().getName()); ps.setString(9, priPart.getParType()); } else { ps.setString(11, null); ps.setString(9, null); } if (subPart != null) { ps.setString(12, subPart.getParKey().getName()); ps.setString(10, subPart.getParType()); } else { ps.setString(12, null); ps.setString(10, null); } ps.setString(13, sd.getInputFormat()); ps.setString(14, sd.getOutputFormat()); ps.setString(15, sdInfo.getName()); ps.setString(16, sdInfo.getSerializationLib()); ps.setString(17, sd.getLocation()); if (tbl.getParameters() == null) { ps.setString(18, null); } else { ps.setString(18, tbl.getParameters().get("comment")); } ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); LOG.debug("3 insert into partitions"); if (priPart != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO PARTITIONS(level, tbl_id," + "part_name, part_values) values(?,?,?,?)"); Map<String, List<String>> partSpaceMap = priPart.getParSpaces(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : partSpaceMap.entrySet()) { ps.setInt(1, 0); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); if (entry.getValue() != null) { Array spaceArray = con.createArrayOf("varchar", entry.getValue().toArray()); ps.setArray(4, spaceArray); } else { ps.setArray(4, null); } ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } if (subPart != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO PARTITIONS(level, tbl_id," + "part_name, part_values) values(?,?,?,?)"); Map<String, List<String>> partSpaceMap = subPart.getParSpaces(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : partSpaceMap.entrySet()) { ps.setInt(1, 1); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); if (entry.getValue() != null) { Array spaceArray = con.createArrayOf("varchar", entry.getValue().toArray()); ps.setArray(4, spaceArray); } else { ps.setArray(4, null); } ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } LOG.debug("4 insert into columns"); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO COLUMNS(column_index, tbl_id, column_name, type_name, comment) " + " values(?,?,?,?,?)"); List<FieldSchema> fieldList = sd.getCols(); int fieldSize = fieldList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++) { FieldSchema field = fieldList.get(i); ps.setInt(1, i); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, field.getName().toLowerCase()); ps.setString(4, field.getType()); ps.setString(5, field.getComment()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); LOG.debug("5 insert into parameters"); boolean createExtDirIfNotExist = true; if (tbl.getParametersSize() > 0) { String createExtDirIfNotExistStr = tbl.getParameters().get("hive.exttable.createdir.ifnotexist");"XXcreateExtDirIfNotExistStr=" + createExtDirIfNotExistStr); if (createExtDirIfNotExistStr != null && createExtDirIfNotExistStr.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { createExtDirIfNotExist = false; } tbl.getParameters().remove("hive.exttable.createdir.ifnotexist"); } if (tbl.getParametersSize() > 0 || sd.getParametersSize() > 0 || sd.getSerdeInfo().getParametersSize() > 0 || sd.getNumBuckets() > -1) { ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); if (tbl.getParametersSize() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tbl.getParameters().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("type") || entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("comment")) continue; ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(4, entry.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } } if (sd.getParametersSize() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sd.getParameters().entrySet()) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "SD"); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(4, entry.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } } if (sd.getSerdeInfo().getParametersSize() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sd.getSerdeInfo().getParameters().entrySet()) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "SERDE"); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(4, entry.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } } if (sd.getNumBuckets() > -1) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "SD"); ps.setString(3, "NUM_BUCKETS"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(sd.getNumBuckets())); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } if (tbl.getSd().getBucketCols() != null && !tbl.getSd().getBucketCols().isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "insert into bucket_cols(tbl_id, bucket_col_name, col_index) values(?,?,?)"); int index = 0; for (String col : tbl.getSd().getBucketCols()) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, col.toLowerCase()); ps.setInt(3, index); index++; ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } if (tbl.getSd().getSortCols() != null && !tbl.getSd().getSortCols().isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "insert into sort_cols(tbl_id, sort_column_name, sort_order, col_index) values(?,?,?,?)"); int index = 0; for (Order o : tbl.getSd().getSortCols()) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, o.getCol()); ps.setInt(3, o.getOrder()); ps.setInt(4, index); index++; ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } LOG.debug("make hdfs directory for table"); if (createExtDirIfNotExist && tblPath != null) { if (!wh.isDir(tblPath)) { if (!wh.mkdirs(tblPath)) { throw new MetaException(tblPath + " is not a directory or unable to create one"); } madeDir = true; } if (tbl.getPriPartition() != null) { Set<String> priPartNames = tbl.getPriPartition().getParSpaces().keySet(); Set<String> subPartNames = null; if (tbl.getSubPartition() != null) { subPartNames = tbl.getSubPartition().getParSpaces().keySet(); } List<Path> partPaths = Warehouse.getPartitionPaths(tblPath, priPartNames, subPartNames); for (Path partPath : partPaths) { if (!wh.mkdirs(partPath)) { throw new MetaException( "Partition path " + partPath + " is not a directory or unable to create one."); } } } } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("create table error db=" + tbl.getDbName() + ", table=" + tbl.getTableName() + ",msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (madeDir) { wh.deleteDir(tblPath, true); } } closeStatement(stmt); closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return; } @Override public boolean dropTable(String dbName, String tableName, boolean deleteData) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); boolean success = false; String tblLocation = null; String tblType = null; String tblFormat = null; String host = null; String port = null; String db = null; String user = null; String pass = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); return true; } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); return true; } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select tbl_id, tbl_type, tbl_format, tbl_location from tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tableName + "'"; long tblID = 0; boolean isTblFind = false; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(3); tblLocation = tblSet.getString(4); break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { con.commit(); success = true; return success; } if (tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) { sql = "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and param_type='SERDE'"; ResultSet pSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); Map<String, String> pMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); while ( { pMap.put(pSet.getString(1), pSet.getString(2)); } pSet.close(); host = pMap.get("ip"); port = pMap.get("port"); db = pMap.get("db_name"); user = pMap.get("user_name"); pass = pMap.get("pwd"); } sql = "delete from tbls where tbl_id=" + tblID; ps.executeUpdate(sql); boolean deleteSuccess = false; if (deleteData && (tblLocation != null) && !tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { Path tblPath = new Path(tblLocation); deleteSuccess = wh.deleteDir(tblPath, true); HiveConf hconf = (HiveConf) hiveConf; if ((!deleteSuccess) && hconf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_DELETE_DIR_ERROR_THROW)) { throw new MetaException("can not delete hdfs path, drop table failed!"); } } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (Exception sqlex) { sqlex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("drop table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } //else { // if (deleteData && (tblLocation != null) // && !tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { // Path tblPath = new Path(tblLocation); // wh.deleteDir(tblPath, true); // } //} closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success && tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata") && host != null && port != null && db != null && user != null && pass != null) { Connection conn = null; try { String sql = "drop table " + tableName; String url = "jdbc:postgresql://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + db; conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pass); conn.setAutoCommit(false); Statement s = conn.createStatement(); s.execute(sql); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { closeConnection(conn); } } success = false; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "delete from tblpriv where db_name='" + dbName.toLowerCase() + "' and tbl_name='" + tableName.toLowerCase() + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); try { sql = "delete from tblsensitivity where db_name='" + dbName.toLowerCase() + "' and tbl_name='" + tableName.toLowerCase() + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (Exception x) { } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException x) { LOG.error("drop table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + x.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(x.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public Table getTable(String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException { boolean success = false; Connection con; Statement ps = null; Table tbl = new Table(); dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnectionForRead(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "SELECT tbl_id, create_time" + ", is_compressed, retention, tbl_type, db_name, tbl_name, tbl_owner " + ", tbl_format, pri_part_type, sub_part_type, pri_part_key, sub_part_key " + ", input_format, output_format, serde_name, serde_lib, tbl_location, tbl_comment " + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tableName + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isTblFind = false; StorageDescriptor sd = null; SerDeInfo sdInfo = null; String priPartKey = null; String subPartKey = null; Partition priPart = null; Partition subPart = null; long tblID = 0; String comment = null; String format = null; Timestamp createTime = null; String tblType = null; boolean hasPriPart = false; boolean hasSubPart = false; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); createTime = tblSet.getTimestamp(2); if (createTime != null) { tbl.setCreateTime((int) (createTime.getTime() / 1000)); } sd = new StorageDescriptor(); sdInfo = new SerDeInfo(); sd.setCompressed(tblSet.getBoolean(3)); tbl.setRetention((int) tblSet.getLong(4)); tblType = tblSet.getString(5); tbl.setTableType(tblType); tbl.setDbName(tblSet.getString(6)); tbl.setTableName(tblSet.getString(7)); tbl.setOwner(tblSet.getString(8)); format = tblSet.getString(9); priPartKey = tblSet.getString(12); subPartKey = tblSet.getString(13); if (priPartKey != null && !priPartKey.isEmpty()) { hasPriPart = true; priPart = new Partition(); priPart.setLevel(0); priPart.setDbName(tblSet.getString(6)); priPart.setTableName(tblSet.getString(7)); priPart.setParType(tblSet.getString(10)); } if (subPartKey != null && !subPartKey.isEmpty()) { hasSubPart = true; subPart = new Partition(); subPart.setLevel(1); subPart.setDbName(tblSet.getString(6)); subPart.setTableName(tblSet.getString(7)); subPart.setParType(tblSet.getString(11)); } sd.setInputFormat(tblSet.getString(14)); sd.setOutputFormat(tblSet.getString(15)); sdInfo.setName(tblSet.getString(16)); sdInfo.setSerializationLib(tblSet.getString(17)); sd.setLocation(tblSet.getString(18)); comment = tblSet.getString(19); break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error(dbName + "." + tableName + " table not found"); throw new NoSuchObjectException(dbName + "." + tableName + " table not found"); } List<FieldSchema> fieldList = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); Map<String, FieldSchema> fieldMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, FieldSchema>(); sql = "SELECT column_name, type_name, comment from columns where tbl_id=" + tblID + " order by column_index asc"; ResultSet colSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { FieldSchema field = new FieldSchema(); field.setName(colSet.getString(1)); field.setType(colSet.getString(2)); field.setComment(colSet.getString(3)); fieldList.add(field); fieldMap.put(colSet.getString(1), field); } colSet.close(); sd.setCols(fieldList); sql = "SELECT param_type, param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=" + tblID; ResultSet paramSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); Map<String, String> tblParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> sdParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> serdeParam = new HashMap<String, String>(); while ( { String type = paramSet.getString(1); if (type == null) continue; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("sd")) { sdParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(2), paramSet.getString(3)); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("serde")) { serdeParam.put(paramSet.getString(2), paramSet.getString(3)); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("tbl")) { tblParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(2), paramSet.getString(3)); } else { tblParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(2), paramSet.getString(3)); } } paramSet.close(); if (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty()) { tblParamMap.put("comment", comment); } if (format != null && !format.isEmpty()) { tblParamMap.put("type", format); } tbl.setParameters(tblParamMap); sd.setParameters(sdParamMap); sdInfo.setParameters(serdeParam); List<String> bucketCols = new ArrayList<String>(); sql = "select bucket_col_name from bucket_cols where tbl_id=" + tblID + " order by col_index asc"; ResultSet bucketSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { bucketCols.add(bucketSet.getString(1)); } bucketSet.close(); if (bucketCols.size() > 0) { sd.setBucketCols(bucketCols); String numBucketStr = sd.getParameters().get("NUM_BUCKETS"); if (numBucketStr == null) { sd.setNumBuckets(-1); } else { sd.setNumBuckets(Integer.valueOf(numBucketStr)); } } else { sd.setBucketCols(bucketCols); sd.setNumBuckets(-1); } sd.getParameters().remove("NUM_BUCKETS"); List<Order> sortCols = new ArrayList<Order>(); sql = "select sort_column_name, sort_order from sort_cols where tbl_id=" + tblID + " order by col_index asc"; ResultSet sortSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { Order o = new Order(); o.setCol(sortSet.getString(1)); o.setOrder(sortSet.getInt(2)); sortCols.add(o); } sortSet.close(); sd.setSortCols(sortCols); sd.setSerdeInfo(sdInfo); tbl.setSd(sd); if (hasPriPart) { sql = "SELECT level, part_name, part_values from PARTITIONS where tbl_id=" + tblID; ResultSet partSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); Map<String, List<String>> priPartSpace = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); Map<String, List<String>> subPartSpace = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); while ( { int level = partSet.getInt(1); switch (level) { case 0: String priName = partSet.getString(2); List<String> priValueList = new ArrayList<String>(); Array priSpaceArray = partSet.getArray(3); if (priSpaceArray != null) { ResultSet priValueSet = priSpaceArray.getResultSet(); while ( { priValueList.add(priValueSet.getString(2)); } } priPartSpace.put(priName, priValueList); break; case 1: String subName = partSet.getString(2); List<String> subValueList = new ArrayList<String>(); Array subSpaceArray = partSet.getArray(3); if (subSpaceArray != null) { ResultSet subValueSet = subSpaceArray.getResultSet(); while ( { subValueList.add(subValueSet.getString(2)); } } subPartSpace.put(subName, subValueList); break; default: break; } } partSet.close(); priPart.setParSpaces(priPartSpace); priPart.setParKey(fieldMap.get(priPartKey.toLowerCase())); if (hasSubPart) { subPart.setParSpaces(subPartSpace); subPart.setParKey(fieldMap.get(subPartKey.toLowerCase())); } } tbl.setPriPartition(priPart); tbl.setSubPartition(subPart); if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("VIRTUAL_VIEW")) { sql = "select view_original_text, view_expanded_text, vtables from " + " tdwview where tbl_id=" + tblID; ResultSet viewSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { tbl.setViewOriginalText(viewSet.getString(1)); tbl.setViewExpandedText(viewSet.getString(2)); tbl.setVtables(viewSet.getString(3)); break; } } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { sqlex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) return tbl; else return null; } @Override public Partition getPartition(String dbName, String tableName, int level) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; Partition part = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); Map<String, List<String>> partNameMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); long tblID = 0; boolean isTblFind = false; String priPartType = null; String subPartType = null; boolean hasPriPart = false; boolean hasSubPart = false; String priPartKey = null; String subPartKey = null; String partKey = null; String sql = "SELECT tbl_id, pri_part_type, pri_part_key, sub_part_type, sub_part_key from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tableName + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); priPartType = tblSet.getString(2); priPartKey = tblSet.getString(3); subPartType = tblSet.getString(4); subPartKey = tblSet.getString(5); if (priPartType != null && !priPartType.isEmpty()) { hasPriPart = true; } if (subPartType != null && !subPartType.isEmpty()) { hasSubPart = true; } if (hasPriPart && level == 0) { part = new Partition(); part.setParType(priPartType); partKey = priPartKey; break; } if (hasSubPart && level == 1) { part = new Partition(); part.setParType(subPartType); partKey = subPartKey; break; } con.commit(); return null; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tableName); } FieldSchema field = null; sql = "select type_name, comment from columns where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and column_name='" + partKey + "'"; ResultSet colSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { field = new FieldSchema(); field.setType(colSet.getString(1)); field.setComment(colSet.getString(2)); field.setName(partKey); break; } colSet.close(); sql = "select part_name, part_values from partitions where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and level=" + level; ResultSet partSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { String partName = partSet.getString(1); List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>(); Array spaceArray = partSet.getArray(2); ResultSet priValueSet = spaceArray.getResultSet(); if (priValueSet != null) { while ( { valueList.add(priValueSet.getString(2)); } } partNameMap.put(partName, valueList); } partSet.close(); part.setParSpaces(partNameMap); part.setDbName(dbName); part.setTableName(tableName); part.setLevel(level); part.setParKey(field); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { sqlex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("get partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) return part; else return null; } @Override public void alterPartition(String dbName, String tableName, Partition new_part) throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException { } public void addPartition(String dbName, String tblName, AddPartitionDesc addPartitionDesc) throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException { boolean success = false; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; Statement stmt = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); boolean isPathMaked = false; ArrayList<Path> pathToMake = new ArrayList<Path>(); Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); long tblID = 0; try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); stmt = con.createStatement(); String tblType = null; boolean hasPriPart = false; boolean hasSubPart = false; String priPartKey = null; String subPartKey = null; String priPartType = null; String subPartType = null; String priKeyType = null; String subKeyType = null; ResultSet tblSet = null; boolean isTblFind = false; boolean isColFind = false; String tblFormat = null; String tblLocation = null; PrimitiveTypeInfo pti = null; ObjectInspector StringIO = null; ObjectInspector ValueIO = null; ObjectInspectorConverters.Converter converter1 = null; ObjectInspectorConverters.Converter converter2 = null; ArrayList<String> partToAdd = new ArrayList<String>(); String sql = null; HiveConf hconf = (HiveConf) hiveConf; boolean externalPartition = hconf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVESUPPORTEXTERNALPARTITION); if (addPartitionDesc.getLevel() == 0) { sql = "SELECT tbl_id, tbl_type, pri_part_type, pri_part_key, tbl_format, tbl_location" + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; tblSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); isTblFind = false; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); priPartKey = tblSet.getString(4); priPartType = tblSet.getString(3); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(5); tblLocation = tblSet.getString(6); if (priPartType != null && !priPartType.isEmpty()) { hasPriPart = true; } break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) { if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); } if (externalPartition && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && (tblFormat == null || !tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"))) { } else { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + tblType + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + " can not support alter partition"); } } if (!hasPriPart) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not pri-partitioned"); throw new MetaException("table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not pri-partitioned"); } sql = "SELECT type_name from COLUMNS where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and column_name='" + priPartKey.toLowerCase() + "'"; isColFind = false; ResultSet colSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isColFind = true; priKeyType = colSet.getString(1); break; } colSet.close(); if (!isColFind) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table " + "can not find partition key information " + priPartKey); throw new MetaException("can not find partition key information " + priPartKey); } pti = new PrimitiveTypeInfo(); pti.setTypeName(priKeyType); StringIO = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory .getPrimitiveJavaObjectInspector(PrimitiveCategory.STRING); ValueIO = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory .getPrimitiveWritableObjectInspector(pti.getPrimitiveCategory()); converter1 = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(StringIO, ValueIO); converter2 = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(StringIO, ValueIO); if ((addPartitionDesc.getPartType().equalsIgnoreCase("RANGE_PARTITION") && !priPartType.equalsIgnoreCase("range")) || (addPartitionDesc.getPartType().equalsIgnoreCase("LIST_PARTITION") && !priPartType.equalsIgnoreCase("list"))) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "can not add a " + addPartitionDesc.getPartType() + " partition, but the pri-partition type is " + priPartType); throw new MetaException("can not add a " + addPartitionDesc.getPartType() + " partition, but the pri-partition type is " + priPartType); } LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> partSpaces = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); Set<String> subPartNameSet = new TreeSet<String>(); sql = "SELECT level, part_name, part_values from PARTITIONS where" + " tbl_id=" + tblID;// + " order by level asc"; ResultSet partSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); int partLevel = 0; while ( { partLevel = partSet.getInt(1); if (partLevel == 0) { String partName = partSet.getString(2); List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>(); Array spaceArray = partSet.getArray(3); ResultSet priValueSet = spaceArray.getResultSet(); while ( { valueList.add(priValueSet.getString(2)); } partSpaces.put(partName, valueList); } else if (partLevel == 1) { String partName = partSet.getString(2); subPartNameSet.add(partName); } } partSet.close(); partToAdd = new ArrayList<String>(); LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> addPartSpaces = (LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>) addPartitionDesc .getParSpaces(); Iterator<String> itr = addPartSpaces.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String key =; if (partSpaces.containsKey(key)) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a pri parititon named: " + key); throw new MetaException( "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a pri parititon named: " + key); } partToAdd.add(key); } Iterator<List<String>> listItr = addPartSpaces.values().iterator(); while (listItr.hasNext()) { Iterator<String> valueItr =; if (valueItr.hasNext()) { String value =; if (converter1.convert(value) == null) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "value : " + value + " should be type of " + priKeyType); throw new MetaException("value : " + value + " should be type of " + priKeyType); } Iterator<List<String>> PartValuesItr = partSpaces.values().iterator(); while (PartValuesItr.hasNext()) { if ( { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a pri partition contain value: " + value); throw new MetaException("table : " + tblName + " have already contain a pri partition contain value: " + value); } } } } ps = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO partitions(level, tbl_id, " + " part_name, part_values) values(?,?,?,?)"); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : addPartSpaces.entrySet()) { ps.setInt(1, 0); ps.setLong(2, tblID); Array spaceArray = con.createArrayOf("varchar", entry.getValue().toArray()); ps.setArray(4, spaceArray); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { for (String partName : partToAdd) { if (tblLocation == null || tblLocation.trim().isEmpty()) { pathToMake.addAll(wh.getPriPartitionPaths(dbName, tblName, partName, subPartNameSet)); } else { pathToMake.addAll(Warehouse.getPriPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), partName, subPartNameSet)); } } } else { for (String partName : partToAdd) { pathToMake.addAll( Warehouse.getPriPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), partName, subPartNameSet)); } } } else if (addPartitionDesc.getLevel() == 1) { sql = "SELECT tbl_id, tbl_type, sub_part_type, sub_part_key, tbl_format, tbl_location" + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName.toLowerCase() + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName.toLowerCase() + "'"; tblSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); isTblFind = false; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); subPartKey = tblSet.getString(4); subPartType = tblSet.getString(3); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(5); tblLocation = tblSet.getString(6); if (subPartType != null && !subPartType.isEmpty()) { hasSubPart = true; } break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) { if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); } if (externalPartition && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && (tblFormat == null || !tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"))) { } else { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + tblType + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + " can not support alter partition"); } } if (!hasSubPart) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not sun-partitioned"); throw new MetaException("table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not sun-partitioned"); } sql = "SELECT type_name from COLUMNS where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and column_name='" + subPartKey.toLowerCase() + "'"; isColFind = false; ResultSet colSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isColFind = true; subKeyType = colSet.getString(1); break; } colSet.close(); if (!isColFind) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "can not find partition key information " + priPartKey); throw new MetaException("can not find partition key information " + priPartKey); } pti = new PrimitiveTypeInfo(); pti.setTypeName(subKeyType); StringIO = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory .getPrimitiveJavaObjectInspector(PrimitiveCategory.STRING); ValueIO = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory .getPrimitiveWritableObjectInspector(pti.getPrimitiveCategory()); converter1 = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(StringIO, ValueIO); converter2 = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(StringIO, ValueIO); if ((addPartitionDesc.getPartType().equalsIgnoreCase("RANGE_PARTITION") && !subPartType.equalsIgnoreCase("range")) || (addPartitionDesc.getPartType().equalsIgnoreCase("LIST_PARTITION") && !subPartType.equalsIgnoreCase("list"))) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "you can not add a " + addPartitionDesc.getPartType() + " partition, but the sub-partition type is " + subPartType); throw new MetaException("you can not add a " + addPartitionDesc.getPartType() + " partition, but the sub-partition type is " + subPartType); } LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> partSpaces = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); Set<String> partNameSet = new TreeSet<String>(); sql = "SELECT level, part_name, part_values from PARTITIONS where" + " tbl_id=" + tblID;// + " order by level asc"; ResultSet partSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); int partLevel = 0; while ( { partLevel = partSet.getInt(1); if (partLevel == 1) { String partName = partSet.getString(2); List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>(); Array spaceArray = partSet.getArray(3); ResultSet priValueSet = spaceArray.getResultSet(); while ( { valueList.add(priValueSet.getString(2)); } partSpaces.put(partName, valueList); } else if (partLevel == 0) { String partName = partSet.getString(2); partNameSet.add(partName); } } partToAdd = new ArrayList<String>(); LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> addPartSpaces = (LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>) addPartitionDesc .getParSpaces(); Iterator<String> itr = addPartSpaces.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String key =; if (partSpaces.containsKey(key)) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a sub parititon named: " + key); throw new MetaException( "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a sub parititon named: " + key); } if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "use : 'alter table tblname add default subpartition' to add default subpartition!"); throw new MetaException( "use : 'alter table tblname add default subpartition' to add default subpartition!"); } partToAdd.add(key); } Iterator<List<String>> listItr = addPartSpaces.values().iterator(); while (listItr.hasNext()) { Iterator<String> valueItr =; if (valueItr.hasNext()) { String value =; if (converter1.convert(value) == null) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "value : " + value + " should be type of " + priKeyType); throw new MetaException("value : " + value + " should be type of " + priKeyType); } Iterator<List<String>> PartValuesItr = partSpaces.values().iterator(); while (PartValuesItr.hasNext()) { if ( { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a sub partition contain value: " + value); throw new MetaException("table : " + tblName + " have already contain a sub partition contain value: " + value); } } } } ps = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO partitions(level, tbl_id, " + " part_name, part_values) values(?,?,?,?)"); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : addPartSpaces.entrySet()) { ps.setInt(1, 1); ps.setLong(2, tblID); Array spaceArray = con.createArrayOf("varchar", entry.getValue().toArray()); ps.setArray(4, spaceArray); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { for (String partName : partToAdd) { if (tblLocation == null || tblLocation.trim().isEmpty()) { pathToMake.addAll(wh.getSubPartitionPaths(dbName, tblName, partNameSet, partName)); } else { pathToMake.addAll( Warehouse.getSubPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), partNameSet, partName)); } } } else { for (String partName : partToAdd) { pathToMake.addAll( Warehouse.getSubPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), partNameSet, partName)); } } } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (isPathMaked) { for (Path path : pathToMake) { wh.deleteDir(path, false); } } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) { boolean mkDirOK = false; List<Path> createdPath = new ArrayList<Path>(); try { for (Path path : pathToMake) { mkDirOK = wh.mkdirs(path); if (!mkDirOK) { break; } createdPath.add(path); } } catch (Exception x) { mkDirOK = false; } if (!mkDirOK) { dropPartitionMeta(dbName, tblID, addPartitionDesc); if (!createdPath.isEmpty()) { for (Path path : createdPath) { wh.deleteDir(path, true); } } throw new MetaException("can not create hdfs path, add partition failed"); } } } public void dropPartitionMeta(String dbName, long tblID, String partName, int level) { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; PreparedStatement pss = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); //partName = partName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); pss = con.prepareStatement("delete from partitions where tbl_id=? and part_name=? and level=?"); pss.setLong(1, tblID); pss.setString(2, partName.toLowerCase()); pss.setInt(3, level); pss.addBatch(); pss.executeBatch(); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error("drop partition meta error, db=" + dbName + ", tblID=" + tblID + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } } public void dropPartitionMeta(String dbName, long tblID, AddPartitionDesc addPartitionDesc) { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; PreparedStatement pss = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); //partName = partName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); pss = con.prepareStatement("delete from partitions where tbl_id=? and part_name=? and level=?"); for (String partName : addPartitionDesc.getParSpaces().keySet()) { pss.setLong(1, tblID); pss.setString(2, partName.toLowerCase()); pss.setInt(3, addPartitionDesc.getLevel()); pss.addBatch(); } pss.executeBatch(); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error("drop partition meta error, db=" + dbName + ", tblID=" + tblID + ", level=" + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } } public void dropPartition(String dbName, String tblName, DropPartitionDesc dropPartitionDesc) throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; PreparedStatement pss = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); ArrayList<Path> pathToDel = null; Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); List<String> existsParts = new ArrayList<String>(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + dropPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + dropPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String tblType = null; boolean hasPriPart = false; boolean hasSubPart = false; String priPartType = null; String subPartType = null; long tblID = 0; ResultSet tblSet = null; boolean isTblFind = false; String tblFormat = null; String tblLocation = null; ResultSet partSet = null; String sql = null; HiveConf hconf = (HiveConf) hiveConf; boolean externalPartition = hconf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVESUPPORTEXTERNALPARTITION); if (dropPartitionDesc.getLevel() == 0) { sql = "SELECT tbl_id, tbl_type, pri_part_type, tbl_format, tbl_location" + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); isTblFind = false; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); priPartType = tblSet.getString(3); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(4); tblLocation = tblSet.getString(5); if (priPartType != null && !priPartType.isEmpty()) { hasPriPart = true; } break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) { if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) { LOG.error("drop partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + dropPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); } if (externalPartition && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && (tblFormat == null || !tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"))) { } else { throw new MetaException(tblType + " can not support alter partition"); } } if (!hasPriPart) { throw new MetaException("table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not pri-partitioned"); } List<String> delPartName = dropPartitionDesc.getPartNames(); ResultSet ret = null; for (String del : delPartName) { sql = "delete from partitions where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and part_name='" + del + "' and level=0 returning part_name"; ret = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { existsParts.add(del); break; } ret.close(); } //pss = con // .prepareStatement("delete from partitions where tbl_id=? and part_name=? and level=0 returing part_name"); //for (String del : delPartName) { // pss.setLong(1, tblID); // pss.setString(2, del); // pss.addBatch(); //} //pss.executeBatch(); pathToDel = new ArrayList<Path>(); if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { for (String del : existsParts) { if (tblLocation == null || tblLocation.trim().isEmpty()) { pathToDel.add(wh.getPartitionPath(dbName, tblName, del)); } else { pathToDel.add(Warehouse.getPartitionPath(new Path(tblLocation), del)); } } } else { //for (String del : existsParts) { // pathToDel.add(Warehouse.getPartitionPath(new Path(tblLocation), del)); //} } } else if (dropPartitionDesc.getLevel() == 1) { sql = "SELECT tbl_id, tbl_type, sub_part_type, tbl_format, tbl_location" + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); isTblFind = false; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); subPartType = tblSet.getString(3); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(4); tblLocation = tblSet.getString(5); if (subPartType != null && !subPartType.isEmpty()) { hasSubPart = true; } break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) { if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) { LOG.error("drop partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + dropPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); } if (externalPartition && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && (tblFormat == null || !tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"))) { } else { throw new MetaException(tblType + " can not support alter partition"); } } if (!hasSubPart) { throw new MetaException("table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not sub-partitioned"); } Set<String> priPartNameSet = new TreeSet<String>(); List<String> delSubPartName = dropPartitionDesc.getPartNames(); sql = "SELECT level, part_name from PARTITIONS where" + " tbl_id=" + tblID + " order by level asc"; partSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); int partLevel = 0; while ( { partLevel = partSet.getInt(1); if (partLevel == 0) { String partName = partSet.getString(2); priPartNameSet.add(partName); } } partSet.close(); //pss = con // .prepareStatement("delete from partitions where tbl_id=? and part_name=? and level=1"); //for (String del : delSubPartName) { // pss.setLong(1, tblID); // pss.setString(2, del); // pss.addBatch(); // } // pss.executeBatch(); ResultSet ret = null; for (String del : delSubPartName) { sql = "delete from partitions where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and part_name='" + del + "' and level=1 returning part_name"; ret = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { existsParts.add(del); break; } ret.close(); } pathToDel = new ArrayList<Path>(); if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { for (String str : existsParts) { if (tblLocation == null || tblLocation.trim().isEmpty()) { pathToDel.addAll(wh.getSubPartitionPaths(dbName, tblName, priPartNameSet, str)); } else { pathToDel.addAll( Warehouse.getSubPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), priPartNameSet, str)); } } } else { //for (String str : existsParts) { // pathToDel.addAll(Warehouse.getSubPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), // priPartNameSet, str)); //} } } if (pathToDel != null && !pathToDel.isEmpty()) { for (Path path : pathToDel) { wh.deleteDirThrowExp(path, true); } } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("drop partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + dropPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeStatement(pss); closeConnection(con); } //if (success) { // for (Path path : pathToDel) { // wh.deleteDir(path, true); // } //} else { // return; //} } @Override public void addDefaultPartition(String dbName, String tblName, int level) throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException { boolean success = false; Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; PreparedStatement pss = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); boolean isPathMaked = false; ArrayList<Path> pathToMake = new ArrayList<Path>(); Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); long tblID = 0; try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("add default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("add default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String tblType = null; boolean hasPriPart = false; boolean hasSubPart = false; String priPartKey = null; String subPartKey = null; String priPartType = null; String subPartType = null; String tblFormat = null; String tblLocation = null; String priKeyType = null; String subKeyType = null; ResultSet tblSet = null; boolean isTblFind = false; ArrayList<String> partToAdd = new ArrayList<String>(); String sql = null; HiveConf hconf = (HiveConf) hiveConf; boolean externalPartition = hconf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVESUPPORTEXTERNALPARTITION); if (level == 0) { sql = "SELECT tbl_id, tbl_type, pri_part_type, pri_part_key, tbl_format, tbl_location" + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); isTblFind = false; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); priPartKey = tblSet.getString(4); priPartType = tblSet.getString(3); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(5); tblLocation = tblSet.getString(6); if (priPartType != null && !priPartType.isEmpty()) { hasPriPart = true; } break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + "can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) { if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) { LOG.error("add default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); } if (externalPartition && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && (tblFormat == null || !tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"))) { } else { LOG.error("add default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + tblType + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + " can not support alter partition"); } } if (!hasPriPart) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + "table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not pri-partitioned"); throw new MetaException("table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not pri-partitioned"); } List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> subPartNameSet = new TreeSet<String>(); sql = "SELECT level, part_name from PARTITIONS where" + " tbl_id=" + tblID + " order by level asc"; ResultSet partSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); int partLevel = 0; while ( { partLevel = partSet.getInt(1); if (partLevel == 0) { String partName = partSet.getString(2); partNames.add(partName); } else if (partLevel == 1) { String partName = partSet.getString(2); subPartNameSet.add(partName); } } partSet.close(); if (partNames.contains("default")) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a pri parititon named: default"); throw new MetaException( "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a pri parititon named: default"); } pss = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO partitions(level, tbl_id, " + " part_name, part_values) values(?,?,?,?)"); pss.setInt(1, 0); pss.setLong(2, tblID); pss.setString(3, "default"); Array spaceArray = con.createArrayOf("varchar", new ArrayList<String>().toArray()); pss.setArray(4, spaceArray); pss.executeUpdate(); if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { if (tblLocation == null || tblLocation.trim().isEmpty()) { pathToMake.addAll(wh.getPriPartitionPaths(dbName, tblName, "default", subPartNameSet)); } else { pathToMake.addAll( Warehouse.getPriPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), "default", subPartNameSet)); } } else { pathToMake.addAll( Warehouse.getPriPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), "default", subPartNameSet)); } } else if (level == 1) { sql = "SELECT tbl_id, tbl_type, sub_part_type, sub_part_key, tbl_format, tbl_location" + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName.toLowerCase() + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName.toLowerCase() + "'"; tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); isTblFind = false; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); subPartKey = tblSet.getString(4); subPartType = tblSet.getString(3); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(5); tblLocation = tblSet.getString(6); if (subPartType != null && !subPartType.isEmpty()) { hasSubPart = true; } break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error("add default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + "can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) { if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) { LOG.error("add default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); } if (externalPartition && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && (tblFormat == null || !tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"))) { } else { LOG.error("add default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + tblType + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + " can not support alter partition"); } } if (!hasSubPart) { LOG.error("add default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + "table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not sun-partitioned"); throw new MetaException("table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not sun-partitioned"); } List<String> partNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> partNameSet = new TreeSet<String>(); sql = "SELECT level, part_name from PARTITIONS where" + " tbl_id=" + tblID + " order by level asc"; ResultSet partSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); int partLevel = 0; while ( { partLevel = partSet.getInt(1); if (partLevel == 1) { String partName = partSet.getString(2); partNames.add(partName); } else if (partLevel == 0) { String partName = partSet.getString(2); partNameSet.add(partName); } } partSet.close(); if (partNames.contains("default")) { LOG.error("add default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a sub parititon named: default"); throw new MetaException( "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a sub parititon named: default"); } pss = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO partitions(level, tbl_id, " + " part_name, part_values) values(?,?,?,?)"); pss.setInt(1, 1); pss.setLong(2, tblID); pss.setString(3, "default"); Array spaceArray = con.createArrayOf("varchar", new ArrayList<String>().toArray()); pss.setArray(4, spaceArray); pss.executeUpdate(); if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { if (tblLocation == null || tblLocation.trim().isEmpty()) { pathToMake.addAll(wh.getSubPartitionPaths(dbName, tblName, partNameSet, "default")); } else { pathToMake.addAll( Warehouse.getSubPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), partNameSet, "default")); } } else { pathToMake .addAll(Warehouse.getSubPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), partNameSet, "default")); } } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (isPathMaked) { for (Path path : pathToMake) { wh.deleteDir(path, false); } } } closeStatement(ps); closeStatement(pss); closeConnection(con); } if (success) { boolean mkDirOK = false; List<Path> createdPath = new ArrayList<Path>(); try { for (Path path : pathToMake) { mkDirOK = wh.mkdirs(path); if (!mkDirOK) { break; } createdPath.add(path); } } catch (Exception x) { mkDirOK = false; } if (!mkDirOK) { dropPartitionMeta(dbName, tblID, "default", level); if (!createdPath.isEmpty()) { for (Path path : createdPath) { wh.deleteDir(path, true); } } } } } @Override public void dropDefaultPartition(String dbName, String tblName, int level) throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); ArrayList<Path> pathToDel = null; Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String tblType = null; boolean hasPriPart = false; boolean hasSubPart = false; String priPartType = null; String subPartType = null; long tblID = 0; ResultSet tblSet = null; boolean isTblFind = false; String tblFormat = null; String tblLocation = null; ResultSet partSet = null; String sql = null; HiveConf hconf = (HiveConf) hiveConf; boolean externalPartition = hconf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVESUPPORTEXTERNALPARTITION); if (level == 0) { sql = "SELECT tbl_id, tbl_type, pri_part_type, tbl_format, tbl_location" + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); isTblFind = false; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); priPartType = tblSet.getString(3); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(4); tblLocation = tblSet.getString(5); if (priPartType != null && !priPartType.isEmpty()) { hasPriPart = true; } break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) { if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) { LOG.error("drop default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); } if (externalPartition && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && (tblFormat == null || !tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"))) { } else { throw new MetaException(tblType + " can not support alter partition"); } } if (!hasPriPart) { throw new MetaException("table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not pri-partitioned"); } sql = "delete from partitions where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and part_name='default' and level=0 returning 'default'"; ResultSet ret = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { pathToDel = new ArrayList<Path>(); if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { if (tblLocation == null || tblLocation.trim().isEmpty()) { pathToDel.add(wh.getPartitionPath(dbName, tblName, "default")); } else { pathToDel.add(Warehouse.getPartitionPath(new Path(tblLocation), "default")); } } else { //pathToDel.add(Warehouse.getPartitionPath(new Path(tblLocation), "default")); } break; } ret.close(); //ps.executeUpdate(sql); //pathToDel = new ArrayList<Path>(); //pathToDel.add(wh.getPartitionPath(dbName, tblName, "default")); } else if (level == 1) { sql = "SELECT tbl_id, tbl_type, sub_part_type, tbl_format, tbl_location" + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); isTblFind = false; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); subPartType = tblSet.getString(3); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(4); tblLocation = tblSet.getString(5); if (subPartType != null && !subPartType.isEmpty()) { hasSubPart = true; } break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) { if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) { LOG.error("drop default partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); throw new MetaException(tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition"); } if (externalPartition && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && (tblFormat == null || !tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"))) { } else { throw new MetaException(tblType + "can not support alter partition"); } } if (!hasSubPart) { throw new MetaException("table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not sub-partitioned"); } Set<String> priPartNameSet = new TreeSet<String>(); sql = "SELECT level, part_name from PARTITIONS where" + " tbl_id=" + tblID + " and level=0 order by level asc"; partSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); int partLevel = 0; while ( { partLevel = partSet.getInt(1); if (partLevel == 0) { String partName = partSet.getString(2); priPartNameSet.add(partName); } } partSet.close(); sql = "delete from partitions where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and part_name='default' and level=1 return 'default'"; ResultSet ret = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { pathToDel = new ArrayList<Path>(); if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) { if (tblLocation == null || tblLocation.trim().isEmpty()) { pathToDel.addAll(wh.getSubPartitionPaths(dbName, tblName, priPartNameSet, "default")); } else { pathToDel.addAll(Warehouse.getSubPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), priPartNameSet, "default")); } } else { //pathToDel.addAll(Warehouse.getSubPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), // priPartNameSet, "default")); } break; } ret.close(); //ps.executeUpdate(sql); //pathToDel = new ArrayList<Path>(); //pathToDel.addAll(wh.getSubPartitionPaths(dbName, tblName, // priPartNameSet, "default")); } if (pathToDel != null && !pathToDel.isEmpty()) { for (Path path : pathToDel) { wh.deleteDirThrowExp(path, true); } } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("drop partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } //if (success) { // for (Path path : pathToDel) { // wh.deleteDir(path, true); // } //} else { // return; //} } @Override public void renameTable(String dbName, String tblName, String modifyUser, String newName) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException { boolean useDistributeTran = hiveConf.getBoolean("hive.metadata.usedistributetransaction", false); if (!useDistributeTran) { renameTableNoDistributeTrans(dbName, tblName, modifyUser, newName); } else { renameTableByDistributeTrans(dbName, tblName, modifyUser, newName); } } public void renameTableByDistributeTrans(String dbName, String tblName, String modifyUser, String newName) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException { dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); modifyUser = modifyUser.toLowerCase(); newName = newName.toLowerCase(); boolean success = false; Connection masterConn = null; Connection slaveConn = null; PGXADataSource masterDS = null; PGXADataSource slaveDS = null; String slaveUrl = getSegmentDBURL(dbName); masterDS = getXADataSource(globalDbUrl, user, passwd); slaveDS = getXADataSource(slaveUrl, user, passwd); XAConnection masterDSXaConn = null; XAConnection slaveDSXaConn = null; XAResource masterSaRes = null; XAResource slaveSaRes = null; int formatID = genFormatID(); Xid masterXid = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 }); Xid slaveXid = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { 0x11 }, new byte[] { 0x12 }); Statement masterStmt = null; Statement slaveStmt = null; boolean isMoved = false; Path newPath = null; Path oldPath = null; FileSystem oldFs = null; FileSystem newFs = null; Warehouse wh = null; String newLocation = null; try { masterDSXaConn = masterDS.getXAConnection(); slaveDSXaConn = slaveDS.getXAConnection(); masterSaRes = masterDSXaConn.getXAResource(); slaveSaRes = slaveDSXaConn.getXAResource(); masterConn = masterDSXaConn.getConnection(); slaveConn = slaveDSXaConn.getConnection(); masterStmt = masterConn.createStatement(); slaveStmt = slaveConn.createStatement(); try { masterSaRes.start(masterXid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); String sql = "update tblpriv set tbl_name='" + newName + "' where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; masterStmt.executeUpdate(sql); masterSaRes.end(masterXid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); slaveSaRes.start(slaveXid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); sql = "select tbl_id, tbl_type, tbl_location, serde_lib from tbls " + "where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; boolean isTblFind = false; long tblID = 0; ResultSet tblSet = slaveStmt.executeQuery(sql); String tblType = null; String oldLocation = null; String serdeLib = null; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); oldLocation = tblSet.getString(3); serdeLib = tblSet.getString(4); break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) { throw new MetaException("only manage table can rename "); } if (serdeLib.equals(ProtobufSerDe.class.getName())) { throw new MetaException( "Renaming table is not supported for protobuf table. SerDe may be incompatible"); } Map<String, String> tblParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); sql = "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and param_type='TBL'"; ResultSet paramSet = slaveStmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { tblParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(1), paramSet.getString(2)); } paramSet.close(); boolean containTime = false; boolean contailUser = false; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_time")) containTime = true; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_by")) contailUser = true; if (containTime && contailUser) { slaveStmt.executeUpdate("update table_params set param_value='" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + "' where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and param_type='TBL' and param_key='last_modified_time'"); slaveStmt.executeUpdate("update table_params set param_value='" + modifyUser + "' where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and param_type='TBL' and param_key='last_modified_by'"); } else if (!containTime && !contailUser) { slaveStmt.executeUpdate( "insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) values(" + tblID + ", 'TBL', 'last_modified_time', '" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + "')"); slaveStmt.executeUpdate( "insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) values(" + tblID + ", 'TBL', 'last_modified_by', '" + modifyUser + "')"); } else if (containTime && !contailUser) { slaveStmt.executeUpdate("update table_params set param_value='" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + "' where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and param_type='TBL' and param_key='last_modified_time'"); slaveStmt.executeUpdate( "insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) values(" + tblID + ", 'TBL', 'last_modified_by', '" + modifyUser + "')"); } else { slaveStmt.executeUpdate( "insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) values(" + tblID + ", 'TBL', 'last_modified_time', '" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + "')"); slaveStmt.executeUpdate("update table_params set param_value='" + modifyUser + "' where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and param_type='TBL' and param_key='last_modified_by'"); } wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); // newLocation = wh.getDefaultTablePath(dbName, newName).toString(); newLocation = oldLocation.substring(0, oldLocation.length() - tblName.length()) + newName; sql = "update tbls set tbl_name='" + newName + "', tbl_location='" + newLocation + "'" + " where tbl_id=" + tblID; slaveStmt.executeUpdate(sql); slaveSaRes.end(slaveXid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); int masterRet = masterSaRes.prepare(masterXid); int slaveRet = slaveSaRes.prepare(slaveXid); oldPath = new Path(oldLocation); oldFs = wh.getFs(oldPath); newPath = new Path(newLocation); newFs = wh.getFs(newPath); if (oldFs != newFs) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "table new location " + oldFs + " is on a different file system than the old location " + newFs + ". This operation is not supported"); } try { oldFs.exists(oldPath); if (newFs.exists(newPath)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("New location for this table " + dbName + "." + tblName + " already exists : " + newPath); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to access new location " + newPath + " for table " + dbName + "." + tblName); } try { if (oldFs.exists(oldPath)) { oldFs.rename(oldPath, newPath); } isMoved = true; } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to access old location " + oldPath + " for table " + dbName + "." + tblName); } if (masterRet == XAResource.XA_OK && slaveRet == XAResource.XA_OK) { masterSaRes.commit(masterXid, false); slaveSaRes.commit(slaveXid, false); success = true; } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("XAException rename table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", new tbl=" + newName + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("XAException rename table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", new tbl=" + newName + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { masterSaRes.rollback(masterXid); } catch (Exception x) { } try { slaveSaRes.rollback(slaveXid); } catch (Exception x) { } if (isMoved) { try { if (oldFs.exists(oldPath)) { oldFs.rename(newPath, oldPath); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to access old location " + oldPath + " for table " + dbName + "." + tblName); } } } closeStatement(masterStmt); closeStatement(slaveStmt); closeConnection(masterConn); closeConnection(slaveConn); closeXAConnection(masterDSXaConn); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConn); } if (success) { Statement stmt = null; Connection con = null; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql = "update tblsensitivity set tbl_name='" + newName + "' where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error("update tblsenstivity table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(stmt); closeConnection(con); } } } public void renameTableNoDistributeTrans(String dbName, String tblName, String modifyUser, String newName) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException { if (!MetaStoreUtils.validateName(newName)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(newName + " is not a valid object name"); } if (tblName.equals(newName)) { return; } dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); modifyUser = modifyUser.toLowerCase(); newName = newName.toLowerCase(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; String newLocation = null; String oldLocation = null; String serdeLib = null; String tblType = null; boolean isMoved = false; Path newPath = null; Path oldPath = null; FileSystem oldFs = null; FileSystem newFs = null; boolean success = false; try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("rename table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newName=" + newName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("rename table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newName=" + newName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement( "select tbl_id, tbl_type, tbl_location, serde_lib from TBLS where db_name=? and tbl_name=?"); ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tblName); boolean isTblFind = false; long tblID = 0; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); oldLocation = tblSet.getString(3); serdeLib = tblSet.getString(4); break; } tblSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) { throw new MetaException("only manage table can rename "); } if (serdeLib.equals(ProtobufSerDe.class.getName())) { throw new MetaException( "Renaming table is not supported for protobuf table. SerDe may be incompatible"); } Map<String, String> tblParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL'"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet paramSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { tblParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(1), paramSet.getString(2)); } paramSet.close(); ps.close(); boolean containTime = false; boolean contailUser = false; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_time")) containTime = true; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_by")) contailUser = true; if (containTime && contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else if (!containTime && !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else if (containTime && !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf); // newLocation = wh.getDefaultTablePath(dbName, newName).toString(); newLocation = oldLocation.substring(0, oldLocation.length() - tblName.length()) + newName; ps = con.prepareStatement("update tbls set tbl_name=?, tbl_location=? where tbl_id=?"); ps.setString(1, newName.toLowerCase()); ps.setString(2, newLocation); ps.setLong(3, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); oldPath = new Path(oldLocation); oldFs = wh.getFs(oldPath); newPath = new Path(newLocation); newFs = wh.getFs(newPath); if (oldFs != newFs) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "table new location " + oldFs + " is on a different file system than the old location " + newFs + ". This operation is not supported"); } try { oldFs.exists(oldPath); if (newFs.exists(newPath)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("New location for this table " + dbName + "." + tblName + " already exists : " + newPath); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to access new location " + newPath + " for table " + dbName + "." + tblName); } try { if (oldFs.exists(oldPath)) { oldFs.rename(oldPath, newPath); } isMoved = true; } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to access old location " + oldPath + " for table " + dbName + "." + tblName); } if (isMoved) { try { if (oldFs.exists(oldPath)) { oldFs.rename(newPath, oldPath); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to access old location " + oldPath + " for table " + dbName + "." + tblName); } } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } //if (isMoved) { // try { // if (oldFs.exists(oldPath)) { // oldFs.rename(newPath, oldPath); // } // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new InvalidOperationException( // "Unable to access old location " + oldPath + " for table " // + dbName + "." + tblName); // } //} } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } success = false; Statement stmt = null; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("rename table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("rename table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql = "update tblpriv set tbl_name='" + newName + "' where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); try { sql = "update tblsensitivity set tbl_name='" + newName + "' where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (Exception x) { } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException x) { LOG.error("rename table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + x.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(x.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(stmt); closeConnection(con); } return; } @Override public void addCols(String dbName, String tblName, String modifyUser, List<FieldSchema> newCols) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, InvalidObjectException { if (!MetaStoreUtils.validateColNames(newCols)) { throw new InvalidObjectException("new add columns name is not valid object"); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("add column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("add column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select tbl_id, tbl_type, tbl_format, serde_lib" + " from tbls where tbls.db_name=? and tbls.tbl_name=? "); ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tblName); String tblType = null; String serdeLib = null; String tblFormat = null; boolean isTblFind = false; long tblID = 0; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(3); serdeLib = tblSet.getString(4); } tblSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error("add column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName); throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (tblFormat == null || tblFormat.isEmpty()) { tblFormat = "text"; } if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("VITURAL_VIEW")) { LOG.error("add column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName); throw new InvalidOperationException("view can not add cloumns"); } if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && !HiveConf.getBoolVar(hiveConf, ConfVars.ALTERSCHEMAACTIVATEEXTTABLE)) { LOG.error("add column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName); throw new InvalidOperationException("can not add columns for a extenal table "); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text") && (!HiveConf.getBoolVar(hiveConf, ConfVars.ALTERSCHEMAACTIVATETXTTABLE))) { LOG.error("add column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName); throw new InvalidOperationException("can not add columns for a text format table "); } if (serdeLib != null && serdeLib.equals(ProtobufSerDe.class.getName())) { LOG.error("add column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName); throw new InvalidOperationException("can not add columns for a pb table "); } if (tblFormat != null && (tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("column") || tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("format"))) { for (FieldSchema field : newCols) { if (field.getType().equals(Constants.BOOLEAN_TYPE_NAME)) { LOG.error("add column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName); throw new InvalidOperationException( "format file or column file not support boolean type rightnow"); } } } Map<String, String> tblParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL'"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet paramSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { tblParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(1), paramSet.getString(2)); } paramSet.close(); ps.close(); boolean containTime = false; boolean contailUser = false; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_time")) containTime = true; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_by")) contailUser = true; if (containTime && contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else if (!containTime && !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else if (containTime && !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } if (serdeLib != null && serdeLib.equals("org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.thrift.columnsetSerDe")) { ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from columns where tbl_id=?"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "insert into columns(column_index, tbl_id, column_name, type_name, comment)" + " values(?,?,?,?,?)"); long index = 0; for (FieldSchema field : newCols) { ps.setLong(1, index); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, field.getName().toLowerCase()); ps.setString(4, field.getType()); ps.setString(5, field.getComment()); ps.addBatch(); index++; } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("update tbls set serde_lib=? where tbl_id=?"); ps.setString(1, LazySimpleSerDe.class.getName()); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } else { Map<String, Long> colNameMap = new HashMap<String, Long>(); long maxColIndex = 0; ps = con.prepareStatement("select column_name, column_index from " + "columns where tbl_id=? order by column_index asc"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet colSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { maxColIndex = colSet.getLong(2); colNameMap.put(colSet.getString(1), maxColIndex); } colSet.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "insert into columns(column_index, tbl_id, column_name, type_name, comment)" + " values(?,?,?,?,?)"); for (FieldSchema field : newCols) { if (colNameMap.containsKey(field.getName())) { LOG.error("add column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName); throw new MetaException("column name conflict, conflict column name is " + field.getName()); } ps.setLong(1, maxColIndex + 1); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, field.getName().toLowerCase()); ps.setString(4, field.getType()); ps.setString(5, field.getComment()); maxColIndex++; ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return; } private boolean checktype(FieldSchema col, String type) { if (HiveConf.getBoolVar(hiveConf, ConfVars.ALTERSCHEMAACTIVATENOTYPELIMIT)) { return true; } if (type == null || type.equalsIgnoreCase(col.getType())) return true; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.TINYINT_TYPE_NAME) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.SMALLINT_TYPE_NAME) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.INT_TYPE_NAME) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.BOOLEAN_TYPE_NAME) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FLOAT_TYPE_NAME)) { return false; } if (col.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.BOOLEAN_TYPE_NAME)) { return false; } if (col.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.STRING_TYPE_NAME)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public void renameCols(String dbName, String tblName, RenameColDesc renameColDesc) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, InvalidObjectException { if (!MetaStoreUtils.validateName(renameColDesc.getNewName())) { throw new InvalidObjectException("new column name is not valid object " + renameColDesc.getNewName()); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select tbl_id, tbl_type, tbl_format ,pri_part_key " + ", sub_part_key, serde_lib from tbls where db_name=? and tbl_name=?"); ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tblName); String tblType = null; String serdeLib = null; String tblFormat = null; boolean isPriPart = false; boolean isSubPart = false; String priPartKey = null; String subPartKey = null; boolean isTblFind = false; long tblID = 0; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(3); priPartKey = tblSet.getString(4); subPartKey = tblSet.getString(5); serdeLib = tblSet.getString(6); isPriPart = priPartKey != null; isSubPart = subPartKey != null; } tblSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName()); throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (tblFormat == null || tblFormat.isEmpty()) { tblFormat = "text"; } if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("VITURAL_VIEW")) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName()); throw new MetaException("view can not rename a column"); } if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && !HiveConf.getBoolVar(hiveConf, ConfVars.ALTERSCHEMAACTIVATEEXTTABLE)) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName()); throw new MetaException("can not rename columns for a extenal table "); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text") && (!HiveConf.getBoolVar(hiveConf, ConfVars.ALTERSCHEMAACTIVATETXTTABLE))) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName()); throw new MetaException("can not rename columns for a text format table "); } else if (serdeLib.equals(ProtobufSerDe.class.getName())) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName()); throw new MetaException("can not rename columns for a pb table "); } else if ((isPriPart && renameColDesc.getOldName().equalsIgnoreCase(priPartKey)) || (isSubPart && renameColDesc.getOldName().equalsIgnoreCase(subPartKey))) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName()); throw new MetaException("partition key can not be altered "); } String modifyUser = renameColDesc.getUser(); Map<String, String> tblParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL'"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet paramSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { tblParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(1), paramSet.getString(2)); } paramSet.close(); ps.close(); boolean containTime = false; boolean contailUser = false; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_time")) containTime = true; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_by")) contailUser = true; if (containTime && contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else if (!containTime && !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else if (containTime && !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } List<FieldSchema> oldCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); String oldName = renameColDesc.getOldName(); String newName = renameColDesc.getNewName(); String type = renameColDesc.getType(); String comment = renameColDesc.getComment(); boolean colFind = false; Map<String, Long> colNameMap = new HashMap<String, Long>(); long maxColIndex = 0; ps = con.prepareStatement("select column_index, column_name, type_name from " + "columns where tbl_id=? order by column_index asc"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet colSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { FieldSchema field = new FieldSchema(); field.setName(colSet.getString(2)); field.setType(colSet.getString(3)); oldCols.add(field); maxColIndex = colSet.getLong(1); colNameMap.put(colSet.getString(2), maxColIndex); } colSet.close(); ps.close(); Iterator<FieldSchema> iterOldCols = oldCols.iterator(); while (iterOldCols.hasNext()) { FieldSchema col =; String oldColName = col.getName(); if (oldColName.equalsIgnoreCase(newName) && !oldColName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldName)) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName()); throw new MetaException("column " + newName + " is exists"); } if (oldColName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldName)) { if (!checktype(col, type)) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName()); throw new MetaException("column type " + col.getType() + " can not convert to " + type); } colFind = true; } } if (!colFind) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName()); throw new MetaException("can not find column " + oldName); } if (type == null) { if (comment == null) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update columns set column_name=? " + " where tbl_id=? and column_name=?"); ps.setString(1, newName.toLowerCase()); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, oldName); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update columns set column_name=?, comment=? " + " where tbl_id=? and column_name=?"); ps.setString(1, newName.toLowerCase()); ps.setString(2, comment); ps.setLong(3, tblID); ps.setString(4, oldName); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } } else { if (comment == null) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update columns set column_name=?, type_name=? " + " where tbl_id=? and column_name=?"); ps.setString(1, newName); ps.setString(2, type); ps.setLong(3, tblID); ps.setString(4, oldName); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement("update columns set column_name=?, type_name=?, comment=? " + " where tbl_id=? and column_name=?"); ps.setString(1, newName); ps.setString(2, type); ps.setString(3, comment); ps.setLong(4, tblID); ps.setString(5, oldName); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("rename column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", newname=" + renameColDesc.getNewName() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return; } @Override public void replaceCols(String dbName, String tblName, String modifyUser, List<FieldSchema> newCols) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("replace column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("replace column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select tbl_id, tbl_type, tbl_format, pri_part_type, serde_lib" + " from tbls where db_name=? and tbl_name=?"); ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tblName); String tblType = null; String serdeLib = null; String tblFormat = null; String priPartType = null; boolean isPriPart = false; boolean isTblFind = false; long tblID = 0; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblType = tblSet.getString(2); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(3); priPartType = tblSet.getString(4); serdeLib = tblSet.getString(5); isPriPart = priPartType != null; } tblSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("VITURAL_VIEW")) { throw new MetaException("view can not replace column "); } if (!HiveConf.getBoolVar(hiveConf, ConfVars.ALTERSCHEMAACTIVATEREPLACE)) { throw new MetaException("replace columns is not supported rightnow"); } if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && !HiveConf.getBoolVar(hiveConf, ConfVars.ALTERSCHEMAACTIVATEEXTTABLE)) { throw new MetaException("can not replace columns for a extenal table "); } if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && (tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text")) && (!HiveConf.getBoolVar(hiveConf, ConfVars.ALTERSCHEMAACTIVATETXTTABLE))) { throw new MetaException("can not replace columns for a text format table "); } if (!serdeLib.equals(MetadataTypedColumnsetSerDe.class.getName()) && !serdeLib.equals(LazySimpleSerDe.class.getName()) && !serdeLib.equals(ColumnarSerDe.class.getName()) && !serdeLib.equals(DynamicSerDe.class.getName()) && !serdeLib.equals(ProtobufSerDe.class.getName())) { throw new MetaException( "Replace columns is not supported for this table. SerDe may be incompatible."); } if (serdeLib.equals("org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.thrift.columnsetSerDe")) { ps = con.prepareStatement("update tbls set serde_lib=? where tbl_id=?"); ps.setString(1, LazySimpleSerDe.class.getName()); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); } Map<String, String> tblParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL'"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet paramSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { tblParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(1), paramSet.getString(2)); } paramSet.close(); ps.close(); boolean containTime = false; boolean contailUser = false; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_time")) containTime = true; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_by")) contailUser = true; if (containTime && contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else if (!containTime && !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else if (containTime && !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from columns where tbl_id=?"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into columns(column_index, tbl_id, column_name " + ",type_name, comment) values(?,?,?,?,?)"); long index = 0; for (FieldSchema field : newCols) { ps.setLong(1, index); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, field.getName().toLowerCase()); ps.setString(4, field.getType()); ps.setString(5, field.getComment()); ps.addBatch(); index++; } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("replace column error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return; } @Override public void addTblProps(String dbName, String tblName, String modifyUser, Map<String, String> props) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException { Connection con; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("add table props error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("add table props error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select tbls.tbl_id from tbls where " + "tbls.db_name=? and tbls.tbl_name=?"); ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tblName); boolean isTblFind = false; long tblID = 0; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); } tblSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } ps = con.prepareStatement( "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL'"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet paramSet = ps.executeQuery(); Map<String, String> oldParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); while ( { oldParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(1), paramSet.getString(2)); } paramSet.close(); ps.close(); Map<String, String> needUpdateMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> needAddMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : props.entrySet()) { if (oldParamMap.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { needUpdateMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } else { needAddMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } if (oldParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_time")) { needUpdateMap.put("last_modified_time", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); } else { needAddMap.put("last_modified_time", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); } if (oldParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_by")) { needUpdateMap.put("last_modified_by", modifyUser); } else { needAddMap.put("last_modified_by", modifyUser); } if (!needUpdateMap.isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement("update table_params set param_value=? where " + " tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); for (Entry<String, String> entry : needUpdateMap.entrySet()) { ps.setString(1, entry.getValue()); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } if (!needAddMap.isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, " + "param_key, param_value) values(?,?,?,?)"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : needAddMap.entrySet()) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(4, entry.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("add table props error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return; } @Override public void addSerdeProps(String dbName, String tblName, String modifyUser, Map<String, String> props) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException { Connection con; PreparedStatement ps = null; Statement stmt = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("add serde props error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("add serde props error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select tbls.tbl_id from tbls where " + "tbls.db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbls.tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; boolean isTblFind = false; long tblID = 0; ResultSet tblSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } Map<String, String> tblParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> serdeParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); sql = "select param_type, param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and (param_type='SERDE' or param_type='TBL')"; ResultSet paramSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql); String type = null; while ( { type = paramSet.getString(1); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("TBL")) { tblParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(2), paramSet.getString(3)); } else { serdeParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(2), paramSet.getString(3)); } } paramSet.close(); boolean containTime = false; boolean contailUser = false; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_time")) containTime = true; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_by")) contailUser = true; Map<String, String> needUpdateMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> needAddMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : props.entrySet()) { if (serdeParamMap.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { needUpdateMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } else { needAddMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } if (!needUpdateMap.isEmpty() || containTime || contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement("update table_params set param_value=? where " + " tbl_id=? and param_type=? and param_key=?"); for (Entry<String, String> entry : needUpdateMap.entrySet()) { ps.setString(1, entry.getValue()); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "SERDE"); ps.setString(4, entry.getKey()); ps.addBatch(); } if (containTime) { ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "TBL"); ps.setString(4, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); } if (contailUser) { ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "TBL"); ps.setString(4, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } if (!needAddMap.isEmpty() || !containTime || !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, " + "param_key, param_value) values(?,?,?,?)"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : needAddMap.entrySet()) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "SERDE"); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(4, entry.getValue()); ps.addBatch(); } if (!containTime) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); } if (!contailUser) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("add serde props error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeStatement(stmt); closeConnection(con); } return; } public static String getDDLFromFieldSchema(String structName, List<FieldSchema> fieldSchemas) { StringBuilder ddl = new StringBuilder(); ddl.append("struct "); ddl.append(structName); ddl.append(" { "); boolean first = true; for (FieldSchema col : fieldSchemas) { if (first) { first = false; } else { ddl.append(", "); } ddl.append(MetaStoreUtils.typeToThriftType(col.getType())); ddl.append(' '); ddl.append(col.getName()); } ddl.append("}"); LOG.debug("DDL: " + ddl); return ddl.toString(); } @Override public void addSerde(String dbName, String tblName, AddSerdeDesc addSerdeDesc) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException { Connection con; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("add serde error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("add serde error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement( "select tbl_id, is_compressed, input_format, output_format, serde_lib, tbl_location " + " from tbls where db_name=? and tbl_name=?"); ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tblName); boolean isTblFind = false; long tblID = 0; String serdeLib = null; String inputFormat = null; String location = null; String outputFormat = null; boolean isCompressed = false; Properties schema = new Properties(); ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); isCompressed = tblSet.getBoolean(2); inputFormat = tblSet.getString(3); outputFormat = tblSet.getString(4); location = tblSet.getString(6); break; } serdeLib = addSerdeDesc.getSerdeName(); tblSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } if (inputFormat == null || inputFormat.length() == 0) { inputFormat = org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat.class.getName(); } schema.setProperty(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Constants.FILE_INPUT_FORMAT, inputFormat); if (outputFormat == null || outputFormat.length() == 0) { outputFormat = org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat.class.getName(); } schema.setProperty(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Constants.FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT, outputFormat); schema.setProperty(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Constants.META_TABLE_NAME, tblName); if (location != null) { schema.setProperty(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Constants.META_TABLE_LOCATION, location); } schema.setProperty(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Constants.BUCKET_COUNT, "0"); if (isCompressed) { schema.setProperty(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Constants.COMPRESS, "true"); } else { } if (serdeLib == null) { throw new MetaException("serde lib for the table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is null"); } if (serdeLib != null) { schema.setProperty(org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.Constants.SERIALIZATION_LIB, serdeLib); } String modifyUser = addSerdeDesc.getUser(); Map<String, String> tblParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL'"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet paramSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { tblParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(1), paramSet.getString(2)); } paramSet.close(); ps.close(); boolean containTime = false; boolean contailUser = false; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_time")) containTime = true; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("last_modified_by")) contailUser = true; if (containTime && contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else if (!containTime && !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else if (containTime && !contailUser) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.setString(4, modifyUser); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, modifyUser); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_by"); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_type, param_key, param_value) " + " values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, "TBL"); ps.setString(3, "last_modified_time"); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } ps = con.prepareStatement( "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=? and (param_type='SERDE' or param_type='TBL')"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet sdParamSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { schema.setProperty(sdParamSet.getString(1), sdParamSet.getString(2)); } sdParamSet.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "select column_name, type_name, comment from columns where tbl_id=? order by column_index asc"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); StringBuilder colNameBuf = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder colTypeBuf = new StringBuilder(); List<FieldSchema> colList = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); ResultSet colSet = ps.executeQuery(); boolean first = true; while ( { String name = colSet.getString(1); String type = colSet.getString(2); String comment = colSet.getString(3); FieldSchema field = new FieldSchema(); field.setName(name); field.setType(type); field.setComment(comment); colList.add(field); if (!first) { colNameBuf.append(","); colTypeBuf.append(":"); } colNameBuf.append(colSet.getString(1)); colTypeBuf.append(colSet.getString(2)); first = false; } colSet.close(); ps.close(); String colNames = colNameBuf.toString(); String colTypes = colTypeBuf.toString(); schema.setProperty(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Constants.META_TABLE_COLUMNS, colNames); schema.setProperty(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Constants.META_TABLE_COLUMN_TYPES, colTypes); schema.setProperty(org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.Constants.SERIALIZATION_DDL, getDDLFromFieldSchema(tblName, colList)); Deserializer deserializer = SerDeUtils.lookupDeserializer(serdeLib); deserializer.initialize(hiveConf, schema); List<FieldSchema> newColList = null; try { newColList = MetaStoreUtils.getFieldsFromDeserializer(tblName, deserializer); } catch (SerDeException e) { throw new MetaException("Error in getting fields from serde. " + e.getMessage()); } catch (MetaException e) { throw new MetaException("Error in getting fields from serde." + e.getMessage()); } ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from columns where tbl_id=?"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into columns(column_index, tbl_id, column_name " + ",type_name, comment) values(?,?,?,?,?)"); long index = 0; for (FieldSchema field : newColList) { ps.setLong(1, index); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, field.getName()); ps.setString(4, field.getType()); ps.setString(5, field.getComment()); ps.addBatch(); index++; } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); if ((addSerdeDesc.getProps() != null) && (addSerdeDesc.getProps().size() > 0)) { ps = con.prepareStatement("select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=? and " + "param_type='SERDE'"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet oldParamSet = ps.executeQuery(); Map<String, String> needUpdateMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> needAddMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> oldParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); while ( { oldParamMap.put(oldParamSet.getString(1), oldParamSet.getString(2)); } oldParamSet.close(); ps.close(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : addSerdeDesc.getProps().entrySet()) { if (oldParamMap.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { needUpdateMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } else { needAddMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } if (!needAddMap.isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "insert into table_params(tbl_id, param_key, param_value, param_type) values(?,?,?,?)"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : needAddMap.entrySet()) { ps.setLong(1, tblID); ps.setString(2, entry.getKey()); ps.setString(3, entry.getValue()); ps.setString(4, "SERDE"); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } if (!needUpdateMap.isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='SERDE' and param_key=?"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : needUpdateMap.entrySet()) { ps.setString(1, entry.getValue()); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, entry.getKey()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } } ps = con.prepareStatement("update tbls set serde_lib=? where tbl_id=?"); ps.setString(1, addSerdeDesc.getSerdeName()); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("add serde error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return; } @Override public void alterTable(String dbname, String name, Table newTable) throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException { } @Override public List<String> getTables(String dbName, String pattern) throws MetaException { Connection con; Statement ps = null; List<String> tableList = new ArrayList<String>(); dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); pattern = pattern.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); return tableList; } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); return tableList; } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = null; if (pattern == null || pattern.isEmpty() || pattern.equals(".*") || pattern.equals("*")) { sql = "select tbl_name from tbls where db_name='" + dbName.toLowerCase() + "'"; } else { pattern = pattern.replace('*', '%'); sql = "select tbl_name from tbls where db_name='" + dbName.toLowerCase() + "'" + " and tbl_name like '" + pattern + "'"; } ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { String item = tblSet.getString(1); tableList.add(item); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return tableList; } @Override public boolean add_table_statistics(tdw_sys_table_statistics new_table_statistics) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public boolean delete_table_statistics(String table_statistics_name, String db_statistics_name) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public tdw_sys_table_statistics get_table_statistics(String table_statistics_name, String db_statistics_name) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public List<tdw_sys_table_statistics> get_table_statistics_multi(String db_statistics_name, int max) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public List<String> get_table_statistics_names(String db_statistics_name, int max) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public boolean add_fields_statistics(tdw_sys_fields_statistics new_fields_statistics) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public boolean delete_fields_statistics(String table_statistics_name, String db_statistics_name, String fields_statistics_name) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public tdw_sys_fields_statistics get_fields_statistics(String table_statistics_name, String table_db_name, String fields_statistics_name) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public List<tdw_sys_fields_statistics> get_fields_statistics_multi(String table_statistics_name, String db_statistics_name, int max) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public List<String> get_fields_statistics_names(String table_statistics_name, String db_statistics_name, int max) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public boolean add_tdw_query_info(tdw_query_info queryInfo) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public boolean add_tdw_query_stat(tdw_query_stat query_stat) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public boolean update_tdw_query_info(String qid, String finishtime, String state) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public boolean update_tdw_query_stat(String qid, String finishtime, String state) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public List<tdw_query_info> get_tdw_query_info() throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public List<tdw_query_stat> get_tdw_query_stat() throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public boolean clear_tdw_query_info(int days) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public boolean clear_tdw_query_stat(int days) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public tdw_query_info search_tdw_query_info(String qid) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public boolean add_user_group(group newgroup, String user) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public int drop_user_group(String groupname, String user) throws MetaException { return 0; } @Override public String get_groupname(String username) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public int revoke_user_group(String groupname, String namelist, String user) throws MetaException { return 0; } @Override public int grant_user_group(String groupname, String namelist, String user) throws MetaException { return 0; } @Override public List<group> get_groups(String pattern) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public MGroup findGroup(String gname) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; MGroup group = null; gname = gname.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("create user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("create user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select creator from usergroup where group_name='" + gname + "'"; ResultSet groupSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { group = new MGroup(); group.setCreator(groupSet.getString(1)); group.setGroupName(gname); } groupSet.close(); if (group != null) { sql = "select string_agg(tdwuser.user_name, ',') namelist from tdwuser where group_name='" + gname + "'"; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { group.setUSER_LIST(userSet.getString(1)); } userSet.close(); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("create user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return group; } @Override public boolean createUser(String user, String passwd) throws AlreadyExistsException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; user = user.toLowerCase(); passwd = passwd.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("create user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("create user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select group_name from usergroup where group_name=?"); ps.setString(1, user); boolean isGroupFind = false; ResultSet gSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isGroupFind = true; break; } gSet.close(); if (isGroupFind) { LOG.error("group name " + user + " already exist"); throw new MetaException("the user name is already used by an usergroup!"); } ps = con.prepareStatement("select role_name from tdwrole where role_name=?"); ps.setString(1, user); boolean isRoleFind = false; ResultSet rSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isRoleFind = true; break; } rSet.close(); if (isRoleFind) { LOG.error("role name " + user + " already exist"); throw new MetaException("Fail to create the new user! There is a role with the same name!"); } ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into tdwuser(user_name, passwd) values(?,?)"); ps.setString(1, user); ps.setString(2, passwd); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("create user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new AlreadyExistsException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean dropUser(String userName) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException { boolean useDistributeTran = false; if (!useDistributeTran) { return dropUserNoDistributeTransaction(userName); } else { return dropUserByDistributeTransaction(userName); } } public boolean dropUserNoDistributeTransaction(String userName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop user error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop user error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select user_name from tdwuser where user_name='" + userName + "'"; boolean isUserFind = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isUserFind = true; break; } userSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + userName); } sql = "delete from tdwuser where user_name='" + userName + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); sql = "delete from dbpriv where user_name='" + userName + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); sql = "delete from tblpriv where user_name='" + userName + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("drop user error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } public boolean dropUserByDistributeTransaction(String userName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { boolean success = false; Connection masterConn = null; PGXADataSource masterDS = null; masterDS = getXADataSource(globalDbUrl, user, passwd); Set<String> slaveURLSet = getAllSegments(); int size = slaveURLSet.size(); PGXADataSource[] slaveDSArray = new PGXADataSource[size]; XAConnection[] slaveDSXaConnArray = new XAConnection[size]; XAResource[] slaveSaResArray = new XAResource[size]; Connection[] slaveConArray = new Connection[size]; Statement[] slaveStmtArray = new Statement[size]; Xid[] slaveXidArray = new Xid[size]; int index = 0; for (String slaveURL : slaveURLSet) { slaveDSArray[index] = getXADataSource(slaveURL, user, passwd); index++; } XAConnection masterDSXaConn = null; int formatID = genFormatID(); try { masterDSXaConn = masterDS.getXAConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveDSXaConnArray[i] = slaveDSArray[i].getXAConnection(); slaveSaResArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getXAResource(); slaveConArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getConnection(); slaveStmtArray[i] = slaveConArray[i].createStatement(); byte id1 = (byte) ((i + 2) * 2); byte id2 = (byte) (id1 + 1); slaveXidArray[i] = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { id1 }, new byte[] { id2 }); } XAResource masterSaRes = masterDSXaConn.getXAResource(); masterConn = masterDSXaConn.getConnection(); Statement masterStmt = masterConn.createStatement(); Xid masterXid = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 }); try { masterSaRes.start(masterXid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); masterStmt.executeUpdate("delete from tdwuser where user_name='" + userName.toLowerCase() + "'"); masterSaRes.end(masterXid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].start(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); slaveStmtArray[i] .executeUpdate("delete from dbpriv where user_name='" + userName.toLowerCase() + "'"); slaveStmtArray[i] .executeUpdate("delete from tblpriv where user_name='" + userName.toLowerCase() + "'"); slaveSaResArray[i].end(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMSUCCESS); } boolean isAllPred = true; int masterRet = masterSaRes.prepare(masterXid); if (masterRet == XAResource.XA_OK) { int[] slaveRetArray = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveRetArray[i] = slaveSaResArray[i].prepare(slaveXidArray[i]); if (slaveRetArray[i] == XAResource.XA_OK) { continue; } else { isAllPred = false; break; } } if (isAllPred) { masterSaRes.commit(masterXid, false); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].commit(slaveXidArray[i], false); } success = true; } } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("drop user error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("drop user error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { closeConnection(masterConn); closeXAConnection(masterDSXaConn); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { closeConnection(slaveConArray[i]); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConnArray[i]); } } return success; } @Override public User getUser(String userName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; User user = null; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv, " + "update_priv, user_name, group_name from tdwuser where tdwuser.user_name='" + userName + "'"; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isUserFind = false; while ( { isUserFind = true; user = new User(); user.setAlterPriv(userSet.getBoolean(1)); user.setCreatePriv(userSet.getBoolean(2)); user.setCreateviewPriv(userSet.getBoolean(3)); user.setDbaPriv(userSet.getBoolean(4)); user.setDeletePriv(userSet.getBoolean(5)); user.setDropPriv(userSet.getBoolean(6)); user.setIndexPriv(userSet.getBoolean(7)); user.setInsertPriv(userSet.getBoolean(8)); user.setSelectPriv(userSet.getBoolean(9)); user.setShowviewPriv(userSet.getBoolean(10)); user.setUpdatePriv(userSet.getBoolean(11)); user.setUserName(userSet.getString(12)); user.setGroupName(userSet.getString(13)); } userSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + userName); } sql = "select role_name from tdwuserrole where user_name='" + userName + "'"; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); List<String> roleList = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { roleList.add(roleSet.getString(1)); } roleSet.close(); user.setPlayRoles(roleList); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return user; } @Override public List<String> getUsersAll() throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; List<String> users = new ArrayList<String>(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get user all error" + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get user all error" + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select user_name, group_name from tdwuser"; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { users.add(userSet.getString(1) + " " + userSet.getString(2)); } userSet.close(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user all error" + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success == true) return users; else return null; } @Override public boolean setPasswd(String userName, String newPasswd) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); newPasswd = newPasswd.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("set passwd error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("set passwd error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select user_name from tdwuser where user_name=?"); ps.setString(1, userName); boolean isUserFind = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isUserFind = true; break; } userSet.close(); ps.close(); if (isUserFind == false) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + userName); } ps = con.prepareStatement("update tdwuser set passwd=? where user_name=?"); ps.setString(1, newPasswd); ps.setString(2, userName); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("set passwd error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } public boolean isAUser(String userName) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error( "check user exist error, user=" + userName + ", passwd=" + passwd + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error( "check user exist error, user=" + userName + ", passwd=" + passwd + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select user_name from tdwuser where user_name='" + userName + "'"; boolean isUserFind = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isUserFind = true; break; } userSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + userName); } success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error( "check user exist error, user=" + userName + ", passwd=" + passwd + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean isAUser(String userName, String passwd) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); passwd = passwd.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + userName + ", passwd=" + passwd + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + userName + ", passwd=" + passwd + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select user_name, passwd from tdwuser where user_name='" + userName + "'"; String actualPass = null; boolean isUserFind = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isUserFind = true; actualPass = userSet.getString(2); break; } userSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + userName); } if (actualPass == null || !actualPass.equals(passwd)) { throw new MetaException("audit failed, password error!"); } success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + userName + ", passwd=" + passwd + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean grantAuthSys(String userName, List<String> privileges) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("grant auth sys error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("grant auth sys error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select alter_priv,create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv " + ",delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv" + ",update_priv from tdwuser where user_name=?"); ps.setString(1, userName); boolean isPrivFind = false; boolean selPriv = false; boolean insertPriv = false; boolean createPriv = false; boolean dropPriv = false; boolean deletePriv = false; boolean alterPriv = false; boolean updatePriv = false; boolean indexPriv = false; boolean showViewPriv = false; boolean createViewPriv = false; boolean dbaPriv = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isPrivFind = true; alterPriv = userSet.getBoolean(1); createPriv = userSet.getBoolean(2); createViewPriv = userSet.getBoolean(3); dbaPriv = userSet.getBoolean(4); deletePriv = userSet.getBoolean(5); dropPriv = userSet.getBoolean(6); indexPriv = userSet.getBoolean(7); insertPriv = userSet.getBoolean(8); selPriv = userSet.getBoolean(9); showViewPriv = userSet.getBoolean(10); updatePriv = userSet.getBoolean(11); break; } userSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isPrivFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + userName); } for (String priv : privileges) { if (priv.equals("TOK_SELECT_PRI")) { selPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INSERT_PRI")) { insertPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATE_PRI")) { createPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DROP_PRI")) { dropPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DELETE_PRI")) { deletePriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALTER_PRI")) { alterPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_UPDATE_PRI")) { updatePriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INDEX_PRI")) { indexPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATEVIEW_PRI")) { createViewPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_SHOWVIEW_PRI")) { showViewPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DBA_PRI")) { dbaPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALL_PRI")) { selPriv = true; insertPriv = true; createPriv = true; dropPriv = true; deletePriv = true; alterPriv = true; updatePriv = true; indexPriv = true; createViewPriv = true; showViewPriv = true; } else { throw new InvalidObjectException("Privilege does not exist: " + priv); } } ps = con.prepareStatement( "update tdwuser set alter_priv=?, create_priv=?, createview_priv=?, dba_priv=?," + " delete_priv=?, drop_priv=?, index_priv=?, insert_priv=?, select_priv=?, showview_priv=?," + " update_priv=? where user_name=?"); ps.setBoolean(1, alterPriv); ps.setBoolean(2, createPriv); ps.setBoolean(3, createViewPriv); ps.setBoolean(4, dbaPriv); ps.setBoolean(5, deletePriv); ps.setBoolean(6, dropPriv); ps.setBoolean(7, indexPriv); ps.setBoolean(8, insertPriv); ps.setBoolean(9, selPriv); ps.setBoolean(10, showViewPriv); ps.setBoolean(11, updatePriv); ps.setString(12, userName); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("grant auth sys error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean grantRoleToUser(String userName, List<String> roles) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); List<String> roleLowerCase = new ArrayList<String>(roles.size()); for (String role : roles) { roleLowerCase.add(role.toLowerCase()); } roles = roleLowerCase; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("grant role to user error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("grant role to user error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select user_name from tdwuser where user_name=?"); ps.setString(1, userName); boolean isPrivFind = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isPrivFind = true; break; } userSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isPrivFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + userName); } ps = con.prepareStatement("select role_name from tdwuserrole where user_name=?"); ps.setString(1, userName); List<String> roleSet = new ArrayList<String>(); ResultSet roleRetSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { roleSet.add(roleRetSet.getString(1)); } roleRetSet.close(); ps.close(); roles.removeAll(roleSet); if (!roles.isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into tdwuserrole(user_name, role_name) values(?,?)"); for (String role : roles) { ps.setString(1, userName); ps.setString(2, role); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("grant auth sys error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean revokeAuthSys(String userName, List<String> privileges) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("revoke auth from user error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("revoke auth from user error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select alter_priv,create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv " + ",delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv" + ",update_priv from tdwuser where user_name=?"); ps.setString(1, userName); boolean isPrivFind = false; boolean selPriv = false; boolean insertPriv = false; boolean createPriv = false; boolean dropPriv = false; boolean deletePriv = false; boolean alterPriv = false; boolean updatePriv = false; boolean indexPriv = false; boolean showViewPriv = false; boolean createViewPriv = false; boolean dbaPriv = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isPrivFind = true; alterPriv = userSet.getBoolean(1); createPriv = userSet.getBoolean(2); createViewPriv = userSet.getBoolean(3); dbaPriv = userSet.getBoolean(4); deletePriv = userSet.getBoolean(5); dropPriv = userSet.getBoolean(6); indexPriv = userSet.getBoolean(7); insertPriv = userSet.getBoolean(8); selPriv = userSet.getBoolean(9); showViewPriv = userSet.getBoolean(10); updatePriv = userSet.getBoolean(11); break; } userSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isPrivFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + userName); } for (String priv : privileges) { if (priv.equals("TOK_SELECT_PRI")) { selPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INSERT_PRI")) { insertPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATE_PRI")) { createPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DROP_PRI")) { dropPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DELETE_PRI")) { deletePriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALTER_PRI")) { alterPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_UPDATE_PRI")) { updatePriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INDEX_PRI")) { indexPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATEVIEW_PRI")) { createViewPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_SHOWVIEW_PRI")) { showViewPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DBA_PRI")) { dbaPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALL_PRI")) { selPriv = false; insertPriv = false; createPriv = false; dropPriv = false; deletePriv = false; alterPriv = false; updatePriv = false; indexPriv = false; createViewPriv = false; showViewPriv = false; } else { throw new InvalidObjectException("Privilege does not exist: " + priv); } } ps = con.prepareStatement( "update tdwuser set alter_priv=?, create_priv=?, createview_priv=?, dba_priv=?," + " delete_priv=?, drop_priv=?, index_priv=?, insert_priv=?, select_priv=?, showview_priv=?," + " update_priv=? where user_name=?"); ps.setBoolean(1, alterPriv); ps.setBoolean(2, createPriv); ps.setBoolean(3, createViewPriv); ps.setBoolean(4, dbaPriv); ps.setBoolean(5, deletePriv); ps.setBoolean(6, dropPriv); ps.setBoolean(7, indexPriv); ps.setBoolean(8, insertPriv); ps.setBoolean(9, selPriv); ps.setBoolean(10, showViewPriv); ps.setBoolean(11, updatePriv); ps.setString(12, userName); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("revoke auth from user error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean revokeRoleFromUser(String userName, List<String> roles) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); List<String> roleLowerCase = new ArrayList<String>(roles.size()); for (String role : roles) { roleLowerCase.add(role.toLowerCase()); } roles = roleLowerCase; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("revoke role to user error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("revoke role to user error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select user_name from tdwuser where user_name='" + userName + "'"; boolean isPrivFind = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isPrivFind = true; break; } userSet.close(); if (!isPrivFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + userName); } for (String role : roles) { sql = "select role_name from tdwrole where role_name='" + role + "'"; boolean isRoleFind = false; ResultSet roleTempSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isRoleFind = true; } roleTempSet.close(); if (!isRoleFind) { throw new InvalidObjectException("Role does not exist: " + role); } } for (String role : roles) { ps.addBatch( "delete from tdwuserrole where user_name='" + userName + "' and role_name='" + role + "'"); } ps.executeBatch(); ps.clearBatch(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("revoke role from user error , user=" + userName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean isARole(String roleName) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; roleName = roleName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("check role error, role=" + roleName + ", passwd=" + passwd + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("check role error, role=" + roleName + ", passwd=" + passwd + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select role_name from tdwrole where role_name='" + roleName + "'"; boolean isRoleFind = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isRoleFind = true; break; } userSet.close(); if (!isRoleFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + roleName); } success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("check role error, role=" + roleName + ", passwd=" + passwd + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean createRole(String roleName) throws AlreadyExistsException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; roleName = roleName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("create role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("create role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select count(1) from tdwuser where user_name=?"); ps.setString(1, roleName); ResultSet uSet = ps.executeQuery(); int count = 0; while ( { count = uSet.getInt(1); } uSet.close(); ps.close(); if (count != 0) { throw new MetaException("Fail to create the new role! There is a user with the same name!"); } ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into tdwrole(role_name) values(?)"); ps.setString(1, roleName); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("create role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new AlreadyExistsException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } public boolean dropRoleNoDistributeTransaction(String roleName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; roleName = roleName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select role_name from tdwrole where role_name='" + roleName + "'"; boolean isRoleFind = false; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isRoleFind = true; break; } roleSet.close(); if (!isRoleFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find role:" + roleName); } sql = "delete from tdwrole where role_name='" + roleName + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); sql = "delete from dbpriv where user_name='" + roleName + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); sql = "delete from tblpriv where user_name='" + roleName + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("drop role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } public boolean dropRoleByDistributeTransaction(String roleName) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; roleName = roleName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select role_name from tdwrole where role_name=?"); ps.setString(1, roleName.toLowerCase()); boolean isRoleFind = false; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isRoleFind = true; break; } if (!isRoleFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find role:" + roleName); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("drop role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } success = false; Connection masterConn = null; PGXADataSource masterDS = null; masterDS = getXADataSource(globalDbUrl, user, passwd); Set<String> slaveURLSet = getAllSegments(); int size = slaveURLSet.size(); PGXADataSource[] slaveDSArray = new PGXADataSource[size]; XAConnection[] slaveDSXaConnArray = new XAConnection[size]; XAResource[] slaveSaResArray = new XAResource[size]; Connection[] slaveConArray = new Connection[size]; Statement[] slaveStmtArray = new Statement[size]; Xid[] slaveXidArray = new Xid[size]; int index = 0; for (String slaveURL : slaveURLSet) { slaveDSArray[index] = getXADataSource(slaveURL, user, passwd); index++; } XAConnection masterDSXaConn = null; int formatID = genFormatID(); try { masterDSXaConn = masterDS.getXAConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveDSXaConnArray[i] = slaveDSArray[i].getXAConnection(); slaveSaResArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getXAResource(); slaveConArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getConnection(); slaveStmtArray[i] = slaveConArray[i].createStatement(); byte id1 = (byte) ((i + 2) * 2); byte id2 = (byte) (id1 + 1); slaveXidArray[i] = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { id1 }, new byte[] { id2 }); } XAResource masterSaRes = masterDSXaConn.getXAResource(); masterConn = masterDSXaConn.getConnection(); Statement masterStmt = masterConn.createStatement(); Xid masterXid = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 }); try { masterSaRes.start(masterXid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); masterStmt.executeUpdate("delete from tdwrole where role_name='" + roleName.toLowerCase() + "'"); masterSaRes.end(masterXid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].start(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); slaveStmtArray[i] .executeUpdate("delete from dbpriv where user_name='" + roleName.toLowerCase() + "'"); slaveStmtArray[i] .executeUpdate("delete from tblpriv where user_name='" + roleName.toLowerCase() + "'"); slaveSaResArray[i].end(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMSUCCESS); } boolean isAllPred = true; int masterRet = masterSaRes.prepare(masterXid); if (masterRet == XAResource.XA_OK) { int[] slaveRetArray = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveRetArray[i] = slaveSaResArray[i].prepare(slaveXidArray[i]); if (slaveRetArray[i] == XAResource.XA_OK) { continue; } else { isAllPred = false; break; } } if (isAllPred) { masterSaRes.commit(masterXid, false); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].commit(slaveXidArray[i], false); } success = true; } } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("drop role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("drop role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { closeConnection(masterConn); closeXAConnection(masterDSXaConn); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { closeConnection(slaveConArray[i]); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConnArray[i]); } } return success; } @Override public boolean dropRole(String roleName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { boolean useDistributeTran = false; if (!useDistributeTran) { return dropRoleNoDistributeTransaction(roleName); } else { return dropRoleByDistributeTransaction(roleName); } } @Override public boolean grantRoleToRole(String roleName, List<String> roles) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; roleName = roleName.toLowerCase(); List<String> roleLowerCase = new ArrayList<String>(roles.size()); for (String role : roles) { roleLowerCase.add(role.toLowerCase()); } try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("grant role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("grant role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select role_name from tdwrole where role_name='" + roleName.toLowerCase() + "'"; boolean isRoleFind = false; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isRoleFind = true; break; } roleSet.close(); if (!isRoleFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find role:" + roleName); } Set<String> sonRoleNameSet = new HashSet<String>(); sql = "select sonrole_name from tdwsonrole where role_name='" + roleName.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet sonroleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { sonRoleNameSet.add(sonroleSet.getString(1)); } sonroleSet.close(); List<String> needAddRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String role : roles) { if (!roleName.equalsIgnoreCase(role) && !sonRoleNameSet.contains(role)) { needAddRoles.add(role); } } if (!needAddRoles.isEmpty()) { for (String role : needAddRoles) { ps.addBatch("insert into tdwsonrole(role_name, sonrole_name) values('" + roleName.toLowerCase() + "', '" + role.toLowerCase() + "')"); } ps.executeBatch(); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { sqlex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("grant role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean revokeRoleFromRole(String roleName, List<String> roles) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; roleName = roleName.toLowerCase(); List<String> roleLowerCase = new ArrayList<String>(roles.size()); for (String role : roles) { roleLowerCase.add(role.toLowerCase()); } try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("revoke role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("revoke role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select role_name from tdwrole where role_name=?"); ps.setString(1, roleName.toLowerCase()); boolean isRoleFind = false; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isRoleFind = true; break; } roleSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isRoleFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find role:" + roleName); } ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from tdwsonrole where role_name=? and sonrole_name=?"); for (String role : roles) { ps.setString(1, roleName.toLowerCase()); ps.setString(2, role.toLowerCase()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("revoke role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public Role getRole(String roleName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; Role role = null; roleName = roleName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv, " + "update_priv, role_name from tdwrole where role_name='" + roleName + "'"; boolean isRoleFind = false; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isRoleFind = true; role = new Role(); role.setAlterPriv(roleSet.getBoolean(1)); role.setCreatePriv(roleSet.getBoolean(2)); role.setCreateviewPriv(roleSet.getBoolean(3)); role.setDbaPriv(roleSet.getBoolean(4)); role.setDeletePriv(roleSet.getBoolean(5)); role.setDropPriv(roleSet.getBoolean(6)); role.setIndexPriv(roleSet.getBoolean(7)); role.setInsertPriv(roleSet.getBoolean(8)); role.setSelectPriv(roleSet.getBoolean(9)); role.setShowviewPriv(roleSet.getBoolean(10)); role.setUpdatePriv(roleSet.getBoolean(11)); role.setRoleName(roleSet.getString(12)); break; } roleSet.close(); if (!isRoleFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find role:" + roleName); } List<String> sonRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); role.setPlayRoles(sonRoles); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("revoke role error, role=" + roleName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return role; } @Override public List<String> getRolesAll() throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get roles error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get roles error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select role_name from tdwrole"; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { roles.add(roleSet.getString(1)); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get roles error, msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return roles; } @Override public boolean grantAuthRoleSys(String role, List<String> privileges) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; role = role.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("grant role auth sys error , user=" + role + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("grant role auth sys error , user=" + role + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select alter_priv,create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv " + ",delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv" + ",update_priv from tdwrole where role_name=?"); ps.setString(1, role); boolean isPrivFind = false; boolean selPriv = false; boolean insertPriv = false; boolean createPriv = false; boolean dropPriv = false; boolean deletePriv = false; boolean alterPriv = false; boolean updatePriv = false; boolean indexPriv = false; boolean showViewPriv = false; boolean createViewPriv = false; boolean dbaPriv = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isPrivFind = true; alterPriv = userSet.getBoolean(1); createPriv = userSet.getBoolean(2); createViewPriv = userSet.getBoolean(3); dbaPriv = userSet.getBoolean(4); deletePriv = userSet.getBoolean(5); dropPriv = userSet.getBoolean(6); indexPriv = userSet.getBoolean(7); insertPriv = userSet.getBoolean(8); selPriv = userSet.getBoolean(9); showViewPriv = userSet.getBoolean(10); updatePriv = userSet.getBoolean(11); break; } userSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isPrivFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find role:" + role); } for (String priv : privileges) { if (priv.equals("TOK_SELECT_PRI")) { selPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INSERT_PRI")) { insertPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATE_PRI")) { createPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DROP_PRI")) { dropPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DELETE_PRI")) { deletePriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALTER_PRI")) { alterPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_UPDATE_PRI")) { updatePriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INDEX_PRI")) { indexPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATEVIEW_PRI")) { createViewPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_SHOWVIEW_PRI")) { showViewPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DBA_PRI")) { dbaPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALL_PRI")) { selPriv = true; insertPriv = true; createPriv = true; dropPriv = true; deletePriv = true; alterPriv = true; updatePriv = true; indexPriv = true; createViewPriv = true; showViewPriv = true; } else { throw new InvalidObjectException("Privilege does not exist: " + priv); } } ps = con.prepareStatement( "update tdwrole set alter_priv=?, create_priv=?, createview_priv=?, dba_priv=?," + " delete_priv=?, drop_priv=?, index_priv=?, insert_priv=?, select_priv=?, showview_priv=?," + " update_priv=? where role_name=?"); ps.setBoolean(1, alterPriv); ps.setBoolean(2, createPriv); ps.setBoolean(3, createViewPriv); ps.setBoolean(4, dbaPriv); ps.setBoolean(5, deletePriv); ps.setBoolean(6, dropPriv); ps.setBoolean(7, indexPriv); ps.setBoolean(8, insertPriv); ps.setBoolean(9, selPriv); ps.setBoolean(10, showViewPriv); ps.setBoolean(11, updatePriv); ps.setString(12, role); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("grant role auth sys error , user=" + role + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean revokeAuthRoleSys(String role, List<String> privileges) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; role = role.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("revoke role auth from user error , user=" + role + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("revoke role auth from user error , user=" + role + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select alter_priv,create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv " + ",delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv" + ",update_priv from tdwrole where role_name=?"); ps.setString(1, role); boolean isPrivFind = false; boolean selPriv = false; boolean insertPriv = false; boolean createPriv = false; boolean dropPriv = false; boolean deletePriv = false; boolean alterPriv = false; boolean updatePriv = false; boolean indexPriv = false; boolean showViewPriv = false; boolean createViewPriv = false; boolean dbaPriv = false; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isPrivFind = true; alterPriv = userSet.getBoolean(1); createPriv = userSet.getBoolean(2); createViewPriv = userSet.getBoolean(3); dbaPriv = userSet.getBoolean(4); deletePriv = userSet.getBoolean(5); dropPriv = userSet.getBoolean(6); indexPriv = userSet.getBoolean(7); insertPriv = userSet.getBoolean(8); selPriv = userSet.getBoolean(9); showViewPriv = userSet.getBoolean(10); updatePriv = userSet.getBoolean(11); break; } userSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isPrivFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + role); } for (String priv : privileges) { if (priv.equals("TOK_SELECT_PRI")) { selPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INSERT_PRI")) { insertPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATE_PRI")) { createPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DROP_PRI")) { dropPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DELETE_PRI")) { deletePriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALTER_PRI")) { alterPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_UPDATE_PRI")) { updatePriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INDEX_PRI")) { indexPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATEVIEW_PRI")) { createViewPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_SHOWVIEW_PRI")) { showViewPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DBA_PRI")) { dbaPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALL_PRI")) { selPriv = false; insertPriv = false; createPriv = false; dropPriv = false; deletePriv = false; alterPriv = false; updatePriv = false; indexPriv = false; createViewPriv = false; showViewPriv = false; } else { throw new InvalidObjectException("Privilege does not exist: " + priv); } } ps = con.prepareStatement( "update tdwrole set alter_priv=?, create_priv=?, createview_priv=?, dba_priv=?," + " delete_priv=?, drop_priv=?, index_priv=?, insert_priv=?, select_priv=?, showview_priv=?," + " update_priv=? where role_name=?"); ps.setBoolean(1, alterPriv); ps.setBoolean(2, createPriv); ps.setBoolean(3, createViewPriv); ps.setBoolean(4, dbaPriv); ps.setBoolean(5, deletePriv); ps.setBoolean(6, dropPriv); ps.setBoolean(7, indexPriv); ps.setBoolean(8, insertPriv); ps.setBoolean(9, selPriv); ps.setBoolean(10, showViewPriv); ps.setBoolean(11, updatePriv); ps.setString(12, role); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("revoke auth from role error , user=" + role + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean grantAuthOnDb(String forWho, List<String> privileges, String db) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; PreparedStatement pss = null; forWho = forWho.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(db); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("grant auth on db error, db=" + db + ", forwho=" + forWho + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException("can not find db:" + db); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("grant auth on db error, db=" + db + ", forwho=" + forWho + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } if (privileges == null) { throw new InvalidObjectException("No privileges are given!"); } try { ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select name from dbs where name='" + db + "'"; boolean isDbfind = false; ResultSet dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isDbfind = true; break; } dbSet.close(); if (!isDbfind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find db:" + db); } } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("grant auth on db error, db=" + db + ", forwho=" + forWho + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("grant auth on db error, db=" + db + ", forwho=" + forWho + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("grant auth on db error, db=" + db + ", forwho=" + forWho + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv,create_priv,createview_priv, " + " delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv," + " update_priv from dbpriv where user_name='" + forWho + "' and db_name='" + db + "'"; boolean isPrivFind = false; boolean selPriv = false; boolean insertPriv = false; boolean createPriv = false; boolean dropPriv = false; boolean deletePriv = false; boolean alterPriv = false; boolean updatePriv = false; boolean indexPriv = false; boolean showViewPriv = false; boolean createViewPriv = false; ResultSet privSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isPrivFind = true; alterPriv = privSet.getBoolean(1); createPriv = privSet.getBoolean(2); createViewPriv = privSet.getBoolean(3); deletePriv = privSet.getBoolean(4); dropPriv = privSet.getBoolean(5); indexPriv = privSet.getBoolean(6); insertPriv = privSet.getBoolean(7); selPriv = privSet.getBoolean(8); showViewPriv = privSet.getBoolean(9); updatePriv = privSet.getBoolean(10); break; } privSet.close(); for (String priv : privileges) { if (priv.equals("TOK_SELECT_PRI")) { selPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INSERT_PRI")) { insertPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATE_PRI")) { createPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DROP_PRI")) { dropPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DELETE_PRI")) { deletePriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALTER_PRI")) { alterPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_UPDATE_PRI")) { updatePriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INDEX_PRI")) { indexPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATEVIEW_PRI")) { createViewPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_SHOWVIEW_PRI")) { showViewPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALL_PRI")) { selPriv = true; insertPriv = true; createPriv = true; dropPriv = true; deletePriv = true; alterPriv = true; updatePriv = true; indexPriv = true; createViewPriv = true; showViewPriv = true; } else throw new InvalidObjectException("Privilege does not exist: " + priv); } if (!isPrivFind) { pss = con.prepareStatement("insert into dbpriv(alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv," + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv" + ", showview_priv, update_priv, user_name, db_name) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); pss.setBoolean(1, alterPriv); pss.setBoolean(2, createPriv); pss.setBoolean(3, createViewPriv); pss.setBoolean(4, deletePriv); pss.setBoolean(5, dropPriv); pss.setBoolean(6, indexPriv); pss.setBoolean(7, insertPriv); pss.setBoolean(8, selPriv); pss.setBoolean(9, showViewPriv); pss.setBoolean(10, updatePriv); pss.setString(11, forWho); pss.setString(12, db); pss.executeUpdate(); pss.close(); } else { pss = con.prepareStatement("update dbpriv set alter_priv=?, create_priv=?, createview_priv=?, " + " delete_priv=?, drop_priv=?, index_priv=?, insert_priv=?, select_priv=?, showview_priv=?," + " update_priv=? where user_name=? and db_name=?"); pss.setBoolean(1, alterPriv); pss.setBoolean(2, createPriv); pss.setBoolean(3, createViewPriv); pss.setBoolean(4, deletePriv); pss.setBoolean(5, dropPriv); pss.setBoolean(6, indexPriv); pss.setBoolean(7, insertPriv); pss.setBoolean(8, selPriv); pss.setBoolean(9, showViewPriv); pss.setBoolean(10, updatePriv); pss.setString(11, forWho); pss.setString(12, db); pss.executeUpdate(); pss.close(); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("grant auth on db error, db=" + db + ", forwho=" + forWho + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeStatement(pss); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public DbPriv getAuthOnDb(String who, String db) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; DbPriv dbPriv = null; who = who.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get auth on db error, db=" + db + ", forwho=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException("can not find db:" + db); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get auth on db error, db=" + db + ", forwho=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv from dbpriv where user_name='" + who + "' and db_name='" + db + "'"; ResultSet dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { dbPriv = new DbPriv(); dbPriv.setAlterPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)); dbPriv.setCreatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)); dbPriv.setCreateviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)); dbPriv.setDeletePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)); dbPriv.setDropPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)); dbPriv.setIndexPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)); dbPriv.setInsertPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)); dbPriv.setSelectPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)); dbPriv.setShowviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)); dbPriv.setUpdatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)); dbPriv.setDb(db); dbPriv.setUser(who); break; } } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("get auth on db error, db=" + db + ", forwho=" + who + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return dbPriv; } @Override public List<DbPriv> getDbAuth(String db) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; List<DbPriv> dbPrivs = new ArrayList<DbPriv>(); db = db.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(db); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get auth on db error, db=" + db + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get auth on db error, db=" + db + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, user_name from dbpriv where db_name='" + db + "'"; ResultSet dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { DbPriv dbPriv = new DbPriv(); dbPriv.setAlterPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)); dbPriv.setCreatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)); dbPriv.setCreateviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)); dbPriv.setDeletePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)); dbPriv.setDropPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)); dbPriv.setIndexPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)); dbPriv.setInsertPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)); dbPriv.setSelectPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)); dbPriv.setShowviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)); dbPriv.setUpdatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)); dbPriv.setUser(dbPrivSet.getString(11)); dbPriv.setDb(db); dbPrivs.add(dbPriv); } } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("get auth on db error, db=" + db + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return dbPrivs; } public List<DbPriv> getAuthOnDbsNoDistributeTransaction(String who) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; List<DbPriv> dbPrivs = new ArrayList<DbPriv>(); who = who.toLowerCase(); success = false; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get user auth on dbs error, user=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get user auth on dbs error, user=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, db_name from dbpriv where user_name='" + who + "' order by db_name asc"; ResultSet dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { DbPriv dbPriv = new DbPriv(); dbPriv.setAlterPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)); dbPriv.setCreatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)); dbPriv.setCreateviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)); dbPriv.setDeletePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)); dbPriv.setDropPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)); dbPriv.setIndexPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)); dbPriv.setInsertPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)); dbPriv.setSelectPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)); dbPriv.setShowviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)); dbPriv.setUpdatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)); dbPriv.setDb(dbPrivSet.getString(11)); dbPriv.setUser(who); dbPrivs.add(dbPriv); } success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user auth on dbs error, user=" + who + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) { return dbPrivs; } else { return null; } } public List<DbPriv> getAuthOnDbsByDistributeTransaction(String who) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; List<DbPriv> dbPrivs = new ArrayList<DbPriv>(); Set<String> slaveURLSet = getAllSegments(); int size = slaveURLSet.size(); who = who.toLowerCase(); PGXADataSource[] slaveDSArray = new PGXADataSource[size]; XAConnection[] slaveDSXaConnArray = new XAConnection[size]; XAResource[] slaveSaResArray = new XAResource[size]; Connection[] slaveConArray = new Connection[size]; Statement[] slaveStmtArray = new Statement[size]; Xid[] slaveXidArray = new Xid[size]; int index = 0; for (String slaveURL : slaveURLSet) { slaveDSArray[index] = getXADataSource(slaveURL, user, passwd); index++; } int formatID = genFormatID(); try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveDSXaConnArray[i] = slaveDSArray[i].getXAConnection(); slaveSaResArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getXAResource(); slaveConArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getConnection(); slaveStmtArray[i] = slaveConArray[i].createStatement(); byte id1 = (byte) ((i + 2) * 2); byte id2 = (byte) (id1 + 1); slaveXidArray[i] = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { id1 }, new byte[] { id2 }); } try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].start(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); ResultSet dbPrivSet = slaveStmtArray[i] .executeQuery("select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, db_name from dbpriv where user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"); while ( { DbPriv dbPriv = new DbPriv(); dbPriv.setAlterPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)); dbPriv.setCreatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)); dbPriv.setCreateviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)); dbPriv.setDeletePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)); dbPriv.setDropPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)); dbPriv.setIndexPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)); dbPriv.setInsertPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)); dbPriv.setSelectPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)); dbPriv.setShowviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)); dbPriv.setUpdatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)); dbPriv.setDb(dbPrivSet.getString(11)); dbPriv.setUser(who); dbPrivs.add(dbPriv); } slaveSaResArray[i].end(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMSUCCESS); } boolean isAllPred = true; int[] slaveRetArray = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveRetArray[i] = slaveSaResArray[i].prepare(slaveXidArray[i]); if (slaveRetArray[i] == XAResource.XA_OK) { continue; } else { isAllPred = false; break; } } if (isAllPred) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].commit(slaveXidArray[i], false); } success = true; } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("get user auth on dbs error, user=" + who + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("get user auth on dbs error, user=" + who + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { closeConnection(slaveConArray[i]); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConnArray[i]); } } if (success) { return dbPrivs; } else { return null; } } @Override public List<DbPriv> getAuthOnDbs(String who) throws MetaException { boolean useDistributeTran = false; if (!useDistributeTran) { return getAuthOnDbsNoDistributeTransaction(who); } else { return getAuthOnDbsByDistributeTransaction(who); } } public List<DbPriv> getDbAuthAllNoDistributeTransaction() throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; List<DbPriv> dbPrivs = new ArrayList<DbPriv>(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get all user auth on dbs error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get all user auth on dbs error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, db_name, user_name from dbpriv "; ResultSet dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { DbPriv dbPriv = new DbPriv(); dbPriv.setAlterPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)); dbPriv.setCreatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)); dbPriv.setCreateviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)); dbPriv.setDeletePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)); dbPriv.setDropPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)); dbPriv.setIndexPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)); dbPriv.setInsertPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)); dbPriv.setSelectPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)); dbPriv.setShowviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)); dbPriv.setUpdatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)); dbPriv.setDb(dbPrivSet.getString(11)); dbPriv.setUser(dbPrivSet.getString(12)); dbPrivs.add(dbPriv); } success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get all user auth on dbs error, msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) { return dbPrivs; } else { return null; } } public List<DbPriv> getDbAuthAllByDistributeTransaction() throws MetaException { boolean success = false; List<DbPriv> dbPrivs = new ArrayList<DbPriv>(); Set<String> slaveURLSet = getAllSegments(); int size = slaveURLSet.size(); PGXADataSource[] slaveDSArray = new PGXADataSource[size]; XAConnection[] slaveDSXaConnArray = new XAConnection[size]; XAResource[] slaveSaResArray = new XAResource[size]; Connection[] slaveConArray = new Connection[size]; Statement[] slaveStmtArray = new Statement[size]; Xid[] slaveXidArray = new Xid[size]; int index = 0; for (String slaveURL : slaveURLSet) { slaveDSArray[index] = getXADataSource(slaveURL, user, passwd); index++; } int formatID = genFormatID(); try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveDSXaConnArray[i] = slaveDSArray[i].getXAConnection(); slaveSaResArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getXAResource(); slaveConArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getConnection(); slaveStmtArray[i] = slaveConArray[i].createStatement(); byte id1 = (byte) ((i + 2) * 2); byte id2 = (byte) (id1 + 1); slaveXidArray[i] = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { id1 }, new byte[] { id2 }); } try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].start(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); ResultSet dbPrivSet = slaveStmtArray[i] .executeQuery("select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, db_name, user_name from dbpriv "); while ( { DbPriv dbPriv = new DbPriv(); dbPriv.setAlterPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)); dbPriv.setCreatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)); dbPriv.setCreateviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)); dbPriv.setDeletePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)); dbPriv.setDropPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)); dbPriv.setIndexPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)); dbPriv.setInsertPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)); dbPriv.setSelectPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)); dbPriv.setShowviewPriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)); dbPriv.setUpdatePriv(dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)); dbPriv.setDb(dbPrivSet.getString(11)); dbPriv.setUser(dbPrivSet.getString(12)); dbPrivs.add(dbPriv); } slaveSaResArray[i].end(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMSUCCESS); } boolean isAllPred = true; int[] slaveRetArray = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveRetArray[i] = slaveSaResArray[i].prepare(slaveXidArray[i]); if (slaveRetArray[i] == XAResource.XA_OK) { continue; } else { isAllPred = false; break; } } if (isAllPred) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].commit(slaveXidArray[i], false); } success = true; } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("get all user auth on dbs error, msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("get all user auth on dbs error, msg=" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { closeConnection(slaveConArray[i]); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConnArray[i]); } } if (success) { return dbPrivs; } else { return null; } } @Override public List<DbPriv> getDbAuthAll() throws MetaException { boolean useDistributeTran = false; if (!useDistributeTran) { return getDbAuthAllNoDistributeTransaction(); } else { return getDbAuthAllByDistributeTransaction(); } } @Override public boolean revokeAuthOnDb(String who, List<String> privileges, String db) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; success = false; who = who.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("revoke auth on db error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("revoke auth on db error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select db_name from router where db_name=?"); ps.setString(1, db.toLowerCase()); boolean isDbfind = false; ResultSet dbSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isDbfind = true; break; } dbSet.close(); if (!isDbfind) { LOG.error("revoke auth on db error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db); throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find db:" + db); } ps = con.prepareStatement("select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + " delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv," + " update_priv from dbpriv where user_name=? and db_name=?"); ps.setString(1, who); ps.setString(2, db); boolean isPrivFind = false; boolean selPriv = false; boolean insertPriv = false; boolean createPriv = false; boolean dropPriv = false; boolean deletePriv = false; boolean alterPriv = false; boolean updatePriv = false; boolean indexPriv = false; boolean showViewPriv = false; boolean createViewPriv = false; ResultSet privSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isPrivFind = true; alterPriv = privSet.getBoolean(1); createPriv = privSet.getBoolean(2); createViewPriv = privSet.getBoolean(3); deletePriv = privSet.getBoolean(4); dropPriv = privSet.getBoolean(5); indexPriv = privSet.getBoolean(6); insertPriv = privSet.getBoolean(7); selPriv = privSet.getBoolean(8); showViewPriv = privSet.getBoolean(9); updatePriv = privSet.getBoolean(10); break; } privSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isPrivFind) { LOG.error("revoke auth on db error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db); throw new NoSuchObjectException("User " + who + " does not have privileges on db: " + db); } if (privileges == null) { LOG.error("revoke auth on db error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db); throw new InvalidObjectException("No privileges are given!"); } for (String priv : privileges) { if (priv.equals("TOK_SELECT_PRI")) { selPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INSERT_PRI")) { insertPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATE_PRI")) { createPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DROP_PRI")) { dropPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DELETE_PRI")) { deletePriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALTER_PRI")) { alterPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_UPDATE_PRI")) { updatePriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INDEX_PRI")) { indexPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATEVIEW_PRI")) { createViewPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_SHOWVIEW_PRI")) { showViewPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALL_PRI")) { selPriv = false; insertPriv = false; createPriv = false; dropPriv = false; deletePriv = false; alterPriv = false; updatePriv = false; indexPriv = false; createViewPriv = false; showViewPriv = false; } else { LOG.error("revoke auth on db error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db); throw new InvalidObjectException("Privilege does not exist: " + priv); } } ps = con.prepareStatement("update dbpriv set alter_priv=?, create_priv=?, createview_priv=?, " + " delete_priv=?, drop_priv=?, index_priv=?, insert_priv=?, select_priv=?, showview_priv=?," + " update_priv=? where user_name=? and db_name=? "); ps.setBoolean(1, alterPriv); ps.setBoolean(2, createPriv); ps.setBoolean(3, createViewPriv); ps.setBoolean(4, deletePriv); ps.setBoolean(5, dropPriv); ps.setBoolean(6, indexPriv); ps.setBoolean(7, insertPriv); ps.setBoolean(8, selPriv); ps.setBoolean(9, showViewPriv); ps.setBoolean(10, updatePriv); ps.setString(11, who); ps.setString(12, db); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("revoke auth on db error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean dropAuthOnDb(String who, String db) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; who = who.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop auth on db error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop auth on db error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from dbpriv where user_name=? and db_name=?"); ps.setString(1, who); ps.setString(2, db); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("drop auth on db error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } public boolean dropAuthInDbNoDistributeTransaction(String who) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; who = who.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop auth in db error, who=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop auth in db error, who=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("delete from dbpriv where user_name=?"); ps.setString(1, who); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("drop auth in db error, who=" + who + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } public boolean dropAuthInDbByDistributeTransaction(String who) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; Set<String> slaveURLSet = getAllSegments(); int size = slaveURLSet.size(); PGXADataSource[] slaveDSArray = new PGXADataSource[size]; XAConnection[] slaveDSXaConnArray = new XAConnection[size]; XAResource[] slaveSaResArray = new XAResource[size]; Connection[] slaveConArray = new Connection[size]; Statement[] slaveStmtArray = new Statement[size]; Xid[] slaveXidArray = new Xid[size]; who = who.toLowerCase(); int index = 0; for (String slaveURL : slaveURLSet) { slaveDSArray[index] = getXADataSource(slaveURL, user, passwd); index++; } int formatID = genFormatID(); try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveDSXaConnArray[i] = slaveDSArray[i].getXAConnection(); slaveSaResArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getXAResource(); slaveConArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getConnection(); slaveStmtArray[i] = slaveConArray[i].createStatement(); byte id1 = (byte) ((i + 2) * 2); byte id2 = (byte) (id1 + 1); slaveXidArray[i] = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { id1 }, new byte[] { id2 }); } try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].start(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); slaveStmtArray[i] .executeUpdate("delete from dbpriv where user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"); slaveSaResArray[i].end(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMSUCCESS); } boolean isAllPred = true; int[] slaveRetArray = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveRetArray[i] = slaveSaResArray[i].prepare(slaveXidArray[i]); if (slaveRetArray[i] == XAResource.XA_OK) { continue; } else { isAllPred = false; break; } } if (isAllPred) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].commit(slaveXidArray[i], false); } success = true; } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("drop auth in db error, who=" + who + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("drop auth in db error, who=" + who + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { closeConnection(slaveConArray[i]); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConnArray[i]); } } return success; } @Override public boolean dropAuthInDb(String who) throws MetaException { boolean useDistributeTran = false; if (!useDistributeTran) { return dropAuthInDbNoDistributeTransaction(who); } else { return dropAuthInDbByDistributeTransaction(who); } } public class TblPrivDesc { public boolean selPriv = false; public boolean insertPriv = false; public boolean createPriv = false; public boolean dropPriv = false; public boolean deletePriv = false; public boolean alterPriv = false; public boolean updatePriv = false; public boolean indexPriv = false; } @Override public boolean grantAuthOnTbl(String forWho, List<String> privileges, String db, String tbl) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; PreparedStatement pss = null; success = false; forWho = forWho.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); tbl = tbl.toLowerCase(); if (privileges == null) { throw new InvalidObjectException("No privileges are given!"); } try { con = getSegmentConnection(db); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("grant auth on db error, forWho=" + forWho + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException("can not find db:" + db); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("grant auth on db error, forWho=" + forWho + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } Set<String> tblNames = new HashSet<String>(); try { ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int size = tbl.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (tbl.charAt(i) != '\'') { sb.append(tbl.charAt(i)); } } tbl = sb.toString(); if (tbl == null || tbl.isEmpty() || tbl.equals(".*") || tbl.equals("*")) { sql = "select tbl_name from tbls" + " where tbls.db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "'"; } else { tbl = tbl.replace('*', '%'); sql = "select tbl_name from tbls" + " where tbls.db_name='" + db + "' and tbls.tbl_name like '" + tbl + "'"; } LOG.debug("SQL is " + sql); ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { String tblName = tblSet.getString(1); tblNames.add(tblName); } tblSet.close(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("grant auth on db error, forWho=" + forWho + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); LOG.error(ex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (tblNames.isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("Table does not exist: " + tbl + " in db: " + db); } try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("grant auth on db error, forWho=" + forWho + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("grant auth on db error, forWho=" + forWho + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int size = tbl.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (tbl.charAt(i) != '\'') { sb.append(tbl.charAt(i)); } } tbl = sb.toString(); if (tbl == null || tbl.isEmpty() || tbl.equals(".*") || tbl.equals("*")) { sql = "select tbl_name, alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + " update_priv from tblpriv" + " where db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "' and user_name='" + forWho + "'"; } else { tbl = tbl.replace('*', '%'); sql = "select tbl_name, alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + " update_priv from tblpriv" + " where db_name='" + db + "' and tbl_name like '" + tbl + "'" + " and user_name='" + forWho + "'"; } LOG.debug("SQL is " + sql); ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); Map<String, TblPrivDesc> tblPrivMap = new HashMap<String, TblPrivDesc>(); while ( { String tblName = tblSet.getString(1); TblPrivDesc privDesc = new TblPrivDesc(); privDesc.alterPriv = tblSet.getBoolean(2); privDesc.createPriv = tblSet.getBoolean(3); privDesc.deletePriv = tblSet.getBoolean(4); privDesc.dropPriv = tblSet.getBoolean(5); privDesc.indexPriv = tblSet.getBoolean(6); privDesc.insertPriv = tblSet.getBoolean(7); privDesc.selPriv = tblSet.getBoolean(8); privDesc.updatePriv = tblSet.getBoolean(9); tblPrivMap.put(tblName, privDesc); } tblSet.close(); boolean selPriv = false; boolean insertPriv = false; boolean createPriv = false; boolean dropPriv = false; boolean deletePriv = false; boolean alterPriv = false; boolean updatePriv = false; boolean indexPriv = false; for (String priv : privileges) { if (priv.equals("TOK_SELECT_PRI")) { selPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INSERT_PRI")) { insertPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATE_PRI")) { createPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DROP_PRI")) { dropPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DELETE_PRI")) { deletePriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALTER_PRI")) { alterPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_UPDATE_PRI")) { updatePriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INDEX_PRI")) { indexPriv = true; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALL_PRI")) { selPriv = true; insertPriv = true; createPriv = true; dropPriv = true; deletePriv = true; alterPriv = true; updatePriv = true; indexPriv = true; } else { throw new InvalidObjectException("Privilege does not exist: " + priv); } } if (!tblPrivMap.isEmpty()) { Collection<TblPrivDesc> tblPrivColl = tblPrivMap.values(); if (alterPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.alterPriv = true; } } if (createPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.createPriv = true; } } if (deletePriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.deletePriv = true; } } if (dropPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.dropPriv = true; } } if (indexPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.indexPriv = true; } } if (insertPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.insertPriv = true; } } if (selPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.selPriv = true; } } if (updatePriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.updatePriv = true; } } pss = con.prepareStatement("update tblpriv set alter_priv=?, create_priv=?, " + " delete_priv=?, drop_priv=?, index_priv=?, insert_priv=?, select_priv=?," + " update_priv=? where user_name=? and db_name=? and tbl_name=? "); for (Entry<String, TblPrivDesc> entry : tblPrivMap.entrySet()) { pss.setBoolean(1, entry.getValue().alterPriv); pss.setBoolean(2, entry.getValue().createPriv); pss.setBoolean(3, entry.getValue().deletePriv); pss.setBoolean(4, entry.getValue().dropPriv); pss.setBoolean(5, entry.getValue().indexPriv); pss.setBoolean(6, entry.getValue().insertPriv); pss.setBoolean(7, entry.getValue().selPriv); pss.setBoolean(8, entry.getValue().updatePriv); pss.setString(9, forWho); pss.setString(10, db); pss.setString(11, entry.getKey()); pss.addBatch(); } pss.executeBatch(); } pss = con.prepareStatement("insert into tblpriv(alter_priv, create_priv," + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv," + " update_priv, user_name, db_name, tbl_name) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); int needInsertCount = 0; for (String tblName : tblNames) { if (!tblPrivMap.containsKey(tblName)) { pss.setBoolean(1, alterPriv); pss.setBoolean(2, createPriv); pss.setBoolean(3, deletePriv); pss.setBoolean(4, dropPriv); pss.setBoolean(5, indexPriv); pss.setBoolean(6, insertPriv); pss.setBoolean(7, selPriv); pss.setBoolean(8, updatePriv); pss.setString(9, forWho); pss.setString(10, db); pss.setString(11, tblName); pss.addBatch(); needInsertCount++; } } if (needInsertCount > 0) { pss.executeBatch(); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("grant auth on db error, forWho=" + forWho + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); LOG.error(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeStatement(pss); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public TblPriv getAuthOnTbl(String who, String db, String tbl) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; Connection con; Statement ps = null; TblPriv tblPriv = null; who = who.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); tbl = tbl.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(db); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get user table auth error, db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", who=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get user table auth error, db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", who=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv" + " from tblpriv where user_name='" + who + "' and db_name='" + db + "' and tbl_name='" + tbl + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { tblPriv = new TblPriv(); tblPriv.setAlterPriv(tblSet.getBoolean(1)); tblPriv.setCreatePriv(tblSet.getBoolean(2)); tblPriv.setDeletePriv(tblSet.getBoolean(3)); tblPriv.setDropPriv(tblSet.getBoolean(4)); tblPriv.setIndexPriv(tblSet.getBoolean(5)); tblPriv.setInsertPriv(tblSet.getBoolean(6)); tblPriv.setSelectPriv(tblSet.getBoolean(7)); tblPriv.setUpdatePriv(tblSet.getBoolean(8)); tblPriv.setDb(db); tblPriv.setTbl(tbl); tblPriv.setUser(who); break; } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user table auth error, db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", who=" + who + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return tblPriv; } @Override public List<TblPriv> getTblAuth(String db, String tbl) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; Connection con; Statement ps = null; List<TblPriv> tblPrivs = new ArrayList<TblPriv>(); db = db.toLowerCase(); tbl = tbl.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(db); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get table auth error, db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get table auth error, db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, user_name" + " from tblpriv where db_name='" + db + "' and tbl_name='" + tbl + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { TblPriv tblPriv = new TblPriv(); tblPriv.setAlterPriv(tblSet.getBoolean(1)); tblPriv.setCreatePriv(tblSet.getBoolean(2)); tblPriv.setDeletePriv(tblSet.getBoolean(3)); tblPriv.setDropPriv(tblSet.getBoolean(4)); tblPriv.setIndexPriv(tblSet.getBoolean(5)); tblPriv.setInsertPriv(tblSet.getBoolean(6)); tblPriv.setSelectPriv(tblSet.getBoolean(7)); tblPriv.setUpdatePriv(tblSet.getBoolean(8)); tblPriv.setDb(db); tblPriv.setTbl(tbl); tblPriv.setUser(tblSet.getString(9)); tblPrivs.add(tblPriv); } success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get table auth error, db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) { return tblPrivs; } else { return null; } } public List<TblPriv> getAuthOnTblsNoDistributeTransaction(String who) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; List<TblPriv> tblPrivs = new ArrayList<TblPriv>(); who = who.toLowerCase(); success = false; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get user auth on tbls error, user=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get user auth on tbls error, user=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, db_name, tbl_name" + " from tblpriv where user_name='" + who + "' order by db_name asc, tbl_name asc"; ResultSet tblPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { TblPriv tblPriv = new TblPriv(); tblPriv.setAlterPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(1)); tblPriv.setCreatePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(2)); tblPriv.setDeletePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(3)); tblPriv.setDropPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(4)); tblPriv.setIndexPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(5)); tblPriv.setInsertPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(6)); tblPriv.setSelectPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(7)); tblPriv.setUpdatePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(8)); tblPriv.setDb(tblPrivSet.getString(9)); tblPriv.setTbl(tblPrivSet.getString(10)); tblPriv.setUser(who); tblPrivs.add(tblPriv); } success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user auth on tbls error, user=" + who + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) { return tblPrivs; } else { return null; } } public List<TblPriv> getAuthOnTblsByDistributeTransaction(String who) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; List<TblPriv> tblPrivs = new ArrayList<TblPriv>(); Set<String> slaveURLSet = getAllSegments(); int size = slaveURLSet.size(); PGXADataSource[] slaveDSArray = new PGXADataSource[size]; XAConnection[] slaveDSXaConnArray = new XAConnection[size]; XAResource[] slaveSaResArray = new XAResource[size]; Connection[] slaveConArray = new Connection[size]; Statement[] slaveStmtArray = new Statement[size]; Xid[] slaveXidArray = new Xid[size]; who = who.toLowerCase(); int index = 0; for (String slaveURL : slaveURLSet) { slaveDSArray[index] = getXADataSource(slaveURL, user, passwd); index++; } int formatID = genFormatID(); try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveDSXaConnArray[i] = slaveDSArray[i].getXAConnection(); slaveSaResArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getXAResource(); slaveConArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getConnection(); slaveStmtArray[i] = slaveConArray[i].createStatement(); byte id1 = (byte) ((i + 2) * 2); byte id2 = (byte) (id1 + 1); slaveXidArray[i] = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { id1 }, new byte[] { id2 }); } try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].start(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); ResultSet tblPrivSet = slaveStmtArray[i] .executeQuery("select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, db_name, tbl_name" + " from tblpriv where user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"); while ( { TblPriv tblPriv = new TblPriv(); tblPriv.setAlterPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(1)); tblPriv.setCreatePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(2)); tblPriv.setDeletePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(3)); tblPriv.setDropPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(4)); tblPriv.setIndexPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(5)); tblPriv.setInsertPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(6)); tblPriv.setSelectPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(7)); tblPriv.setUpdatePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(8)); tblPriv.setDb(tblPrivSet.getString(9)); tblPriv.setTbl(tblPrivSet.getString(10)); tblPriv.setUser(who); tblPrivs.add(tblPriv); } slaveSaResArray[i].end(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMSUCCESS); } boolean isAllPred = true; int[] slaveRetArray = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveRetArray[i] = slaveSaResArray[i].prepare(slaveXidArray[i]); if (slaveRetArray[i] == XAResource.XA_OK) { continue; } else { isAllPred = false; break; } } if (isAllPred) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].commit(slaveXidArray[i], false); } success = true; } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("get user auth on tbls error, user=" + who + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("get user auth on tbls error, user=" + who + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { closeConnection(slaveConArray[i]); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConnArray[i]); } } if (success) { return tblPrivs; } else { return null; } } @Override public List<TblPriv> getAuthOnTbls(String who) throws MetaException { boolean useDistributeTran = false; if (!useDistributeTran) { return getAuthOnTblsNoDistributeTransaction(who); } else { return getAuthOnTblsByDistributeTransaction(who); } } public List<TblPriv> getAuthOnAllTblsNoDistributeTransaction() throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; List<TblPriv> tblPrivs = new ArrayList<TblPriv>(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get user auth on all tbls error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get user auth on all tbls error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, user_name, db_name, tbl_name" + " from tblpriv"; ResultSet tblPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { TblPriv tblPriv = new TblPriv(); tblPriv.setAlterPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(1)); tblPriv.setCreatePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(2)); tblPriv.setDeletePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(3)); tblPriv.setDropPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(4)); tblPriv.setIndexPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(5)); tblPriv.setInsertPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(6)); tblPriv.setSelectPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(7)); tblPriv.setUpdatePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(8)); tblPriv.setUser(tblPrivSet.getString(9)); tblPriv.setDb(tblPrivSet.getString(10)); tblPriv.setTbl(tblPrivSet.getString(11)); tblPrivs.add(tblPriv); } success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user auth on all tbls error, msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) { return tblPrivs; } else { return null; } } public List<TblPriv> getAuthOnAllTblsByDistributeTransaction() throws MetaException { boolean success = false; List<TblPriv> tblPrivs = new ArrayList<TblPriv>(); Set<String> slaveURLSet = getAllSegments(); int size = slaveURLSet.size(); PGXADataSource[] slaveDSArray = new PGXADataSource[size]; XAConnection[] slaveDSXaConnArray = new XAConnection[size]; XAResource[] slaveSaResArray = new XAResource[size]; Connection[] slaveConArray = new Connection[size]; Statement[] slaveStmtArray = new Statement[size]; Xid[] slaveXidArray = new Xid[size]; int index = 0; for (String slaveURL : slaveURLSet) { slaveDSArray[index] = getXADataSource(slaveURL, user, passwd); index++; } int formatID = genFormatID(); try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveDSXaConnArray[i] = slaveDSArray[i].getXAConnection(); slaveSaResArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getXAResource(); slaveConArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getConnection(); slaveStmtArray[i] = slaveConArray[i].createStatement(); byte id1 = (byte) ((i + 2) * 2); byte id2 = (byte) (id1 + 1); slaveXidArray[i] = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { id1 }, new byte[] { id2 }); } try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].start(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); ResultSet tblPrivSet = slaveStmtArray[i] .executeQuery("select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, user_name, db_name, tbl_name" + " from tblpriv"); while ( { TblPriv tblPriv = new TblPriv(); tblPriv.setAlterPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(1)); tblPriv.setCreatePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(2)); tblPriv.setDeletePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(3)); tblPriv.setDropPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(4)); tblPriv.setIndexPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(5)); tblPriv.setInsertPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(6)); tblPriv.setSelectPriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(7)); tblPriv.setUpdatePriv(tblPrivSet.getBoolean(8)); tblPriv.setUser(tblPrivSet.getString(9)); tblPriv.setDb(tblPrivSet.getString(10)); tblPriv.setTbl(tblPrivSet.getString(11)); tblPrivs.add(tblPriv); } slaveSaResArray[i].end(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMSUCCESS); } boolean isAllPred = true; int[] slaveRetArray = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveRetArray[i] = slaveSaResArray[i].prepare(slaveXidArray[i]); if (slaveRetArray[i] == XAResource.XA_OK) { continue; } else { isAllPred = false; break; } } if (isAllPred) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].commit(slaveXidArray[i], false); } success = true; } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("get user auth on all tbls error, msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("get user auth on all tbls error, msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { closeConnection(slaveConArray[i]); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConnArray[i]); } } if (success) { return tblPrivs; } else { return null; } } @Override public List<TblPriv> getTblAuthAll() throws MetaException { boolean useDistributeTran = false; if (!useDistributeTran) { return getAuthOnAllTblsNoDistributeTransaction(); } else { return getAuthOnAllTblsByDistributeTransaction(); } } @Override public boolean revokeAuthOnTbl(String who, List<String> privileges, String db, String tbl) throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; PreparedStatement pss = null; who = who.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); tbl = tbl.toLowerCase(); if (privileges == null) { throw new InvalidObjectException("No privileges are given!"); } try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("revoke auth on tbl error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("revoke auth on tbl error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { Map<String, TblPrivDesc> tblPrivMap = new HashMap<String, TblPrivDesc>(); con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int size = tbl.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (tbl.charAt(i) != '\'') { sb.append(tbl.charAt(i)); } } tbl = sb.toString(); tbl = tbl.replace('*', '%'); if (tbl == null || tbl.isEmpty() || tbl.equals(".*") || tbl.equals("*")) { sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, tbl_name" + " from tblpriv where user_name='" + who + "' and db_name='" + db + "'"; } else { sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, tbl_name" + " from tblpriv where user_name='" + who + "' and db_name='" + db + "' and tbl_name like '" + tbl + "'"; } ResultSet privSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { TblPrivDesc privDesc = new TblPrivDesc(); privDesc.alterPriv = privSet.getBoolean(1); privDesc.createPriv = privSet.getBoolean(2); privDesc.deletePriv = privSet.getBoolean(3); privDesc.dropPriv = privSet.getBoolean(4); privDesc.indexPriv = privSet.getBoolean(5); privDesc.insertPriv = privSet.getBoolean(6); privDesc.selPriv = privSet.getBoolean(7); privDesc.updatePriv = privSet.getBoolean(8); String tblName = privSet.getString(9); tblPrivMap.put(tblName, privDesc); } privSet.close(); if (tblPrivMap.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("revoke auth on tbl error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl); throw new NoSuchObjectException( "User " + who + " does not have privileges on table: " + tbl + " in db: " + db); } boolean selPriv = true; boolean insertPriv = true; boolean createPriv = true; boolean dropPriv = true; boolean deletePriv = true; boolean alterPriv = true; boolean updatePriv = true; boolean indexPriv = true; for (String priv : privileges) { if (priv.equals("TOK_SELECT_PRI")) { selPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INSERT_PRI")) { insertPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_CREATE_PRI")) { createPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DROP_PRI")) { dropPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_DELETE_PRI")) { deletePriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALTER_PRI")) { alterPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_UPDATE_PRI")) { updatePriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_INDEX_PRI")) { indexPriv = false; } else if (priv.equals("TOK_ALL_PRI")) { selPriv = false; insertPriv = false; createPriv = false; dropPriv = false; deletePriv = false; alterPriv = false; updatePriv = false; indexPriv = false; } else { throw new InvalidObjectException("Privilege does not exist: " + priv); } } Collection<TblPrivDesc> tblPrivColl = tblPrivMap.values(); if (!alterPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.alterPriv = false; } } if (!createPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.createPriv = false; } } if (!deletePriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.deletePriv = false; } } if (!dropPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.dropPriv = false; } } if (!indexPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.indexPriv = false; } } if (!insertPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.insertPriv = false; } } if (!selPriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.selPriv = false; } } if (!updatePriv) { for (TblPrivDesc entry : tblPrivColl) { entry.updatePriv = false; } } pss = con.prepareStatement("update tblpriv set alter_priv=?, create_priv=?, " + " delete_priv=?, drop_priv=?, index_priv=?, insert_priv=?, select_priv=?," + " update_priv=? where user_name=? and db_name=? and tbl_name=?"); for (Entry<String, TblPrivDesc> entry : tblPrivMap.entrySet()) { pss.setBoolean(1, entry.getValue().alterPriv); pss.setBoolean(2, entry.getValue().createPriv); pss.setBoolean(3, entry.getValue().deletePriv); pss.setBoolean(4, entry.getValue().dropPriv); pss.setBoolean(5, entry.getValue().indexPriv); pss.setBoolean(6, entry.getValue().insertPriv); pss.setBoolean(7, entry.getValue().selPriv); pss.setBoolean(8, entry.getValue().updatePriv); pss.setString(9, who); pss.setString(10, db); pss.setString(11, entry.getKey()); pss.addBatch(); } pss.executeBatch(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("revoke auth on tbl error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeStatement(pss); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public boolean dropAuthOnTbl(String who, String db, String tbl) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; who = who.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); tbl = tbl.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop auth on tbl error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop auth on tbl error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); String sql = "delete from tblpriv where user_name='" + who + "' and db_name='" + db + "' and tbl_name='" + tbl + "'"; ps = con.createStatement(); ps.executeUpdate(sql); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("drop auth on tbl error, who=" + who + ", db=" + db + ", tbl=" + tbl + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } public boolean dropAuthInTblNoDistributeTransaction(String who) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; who = who.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop auth in tbl error, who=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop auth in tbl error, who=" + who + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); String sql = "delete from tblpriv where user_name='" + who + "'"; ps = con.createStatement(); ps.executeUpdate(sql); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("drop auth in tbl error, who=" + who + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } public boolean dropAuthInTblByDistributeTransaction(String who) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; Set<String> slaveURLSet = getAllSegments(); int size = slaveURLSet.size(); PGXADataSource[] slaveDSArray = new PGXADataSource[size]; XAConnection[] slaveDSXaConnArray = new XAConnection[size]; XAResource[] slaveSaResArray = new XAResource[size]; Connection[] slaveConArray = new Connection[size]; Statement[] slaveStmtArray = new Statement[size]; Xid[] slaveXidArray = new Xid[size]; who = who.toLowerCase(); int index = 0; for (String slaveURL : slaveURLSet) { slaveDSArray[index] = getXADataSource(slaveURL, user, passwd); index++; } int formatID = genFormatID(); try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveDSXaConnArray[i] = slaveDSArray[i].getXAConnection(); slaveSaResArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getXAResource(); slaveConArray[i] = slaveDSXaConnArray[i].getConnection(); slaveStmtArray[i] = slaveConArray[i].createStatement(); byte id1 = (byte) ((i + 2) * 2); byte id2 = (byte) (id1 + 1); slaveXidArray[i] = new MyXid(formatID, new byte[] { id1 }, new byte[] { id2 }); } try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].start(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); slaveStmtArray[i] .executeUpdate("delete from tblpriv where user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"); slaveSaResArray[i].end(slaveXidArray[i], XAResource.TMSUCCESS); } boolean isAllPred = true; int[] slaveRetArray = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveRetArray[i] = slaveSaResArray[i].prepare(slaveXidArray[i]); if (slaveRetArray[i] == XAResource.XA_OK) { continue; } else { isAllPred = false; break; } } if (isAllPred) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { slaveSaResArray[i].commit(slaveXidArray[i], false); } success = true; } } catch (XAException e) { LOG.error("drop auth in tbl error, who=" + who + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("drop auth in tbl error, who=" + who + ", msg=" + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e.getMessage()); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { closeConnection(slaveConArray[i]); closeXAConnection(slaveDSXaConnArray[i]); } } return success; } @Override public boolean dropAuthInTbl(String who) throws MetaException { boolean useDistributeTran = false; if (!useDistributeTran) { return dropAuthInTblNoDistributeTransaction(who); } else { return dropAuthInTblByDistributeTransaction(who); } } @Override public boolean createIndex(IndexItem index) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public boolean dropIndex(String db, String table, String name) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public int getIndexNum(String db, String table) throws MetaException { return 0; } @Override public int getIndexType(String db, String table, String name) throws MetaException { return 0; } @Override public String getIndexField(String db, String table, String name) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public String getIndexLocation(String db, String table, String name) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public boolean setIndexLocation(String db, String table, String name, String location) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public boolean setIndexStatus(String db, String table, String name, int status) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public List<IndexItem> getAllIndexTable(String db, String table) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public IndexItem getIndexInfo(String db, String table, String name) throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public List<IndexItem> getAllIndexSys() throws MetaException { return null; } @Override public List<FieldSchema> getPartFieldsJdbc(String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; List<FieldSchema> columnInfo = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error( "get partition field error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error( "get partition field error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select tbl_id, pri_part_key, sub_part_key from tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "' " + " and tbl_name='" + tableName + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); String priPartKey = null; String subPartKey = null; long tblID = 0; boolean isTblFind = false; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); priPartKey = tblSet.getString(2); subPartKey = tblSet.getString(3); } tblSet.close(); if (isTblFind) { sql = "select column_name, type_name, comment, column_len from " + " columns where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and ( column_name='" + priPartKey + "' or column_name='" + subPartKey + "')"; ResultSet colSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { FieldSchema field = new FieldSchema(); field.setName(colSet.getString(1)); field.setType(colSet.getString(2)); field.setComment(colSet.getString(3)); columnInfo.add(field); } } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get partition field error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return columnInfo; } @Override public List<FieldSchema> getFieldsJdbc(String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; List<FieldSchema> columnInfo = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get field error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get field error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select columns.column_name, columns.type_name, columns.comment, columns.column_len from " + " tbls, columns where tbls.tbl_id=columns.tbl_id and tbls.db_name='" + dbName + "' " + " and tbls.tbl_name='" + tableName + "' order by column_index asc"; ResultSet colSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { FieldSchema field = new FieldSchema(); field.setName(colSet.getString(1)); field.setType(colSet.getString(2)); field.setComment(colSet.getString(3)); columnInfo.add(field); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get field error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return columnInfo; } @Override public List<String> getJdbcTables(String dbName, String pattern) throws MetaException { Connection con; Statement ps = null; List<String> tableList = new ArrayList<String>(); dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); pattern = pattern.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = null; if (pattern == null || pattern.isEmpty() || pattern.equals(".*") || pattern.equals("*")) { sql = "select tbl_name, tbl_type from tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "'"; } else { pattern = pattern.replace('*', '%'); sql = "select tbl_name, tbl_type from tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "'" + " and tbl_name like '" + pattern + "'"; } ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { String item = tblSet.getString(1) + ":" + tblSet.getString(2); tableList.add(item); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return tableList; } @Override public boolean isTableExit(String dbName, String tblName) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean ret = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("check table exist error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("check table exist error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select tbl_id tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "' " + " and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ret = true; } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("check table exist error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return ret; } @Override public boolean dropTable(String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException { return dropTable(dbName, tableName, true); } @Override public boolean addUserGroup(group newGroup, String user) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; newGroup.setGroupName(newGroup.getGroupName().toLowerCase()); user = user.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("add user group error, creator=" + newGroup.getCreator() + ", group=" + newGroup.getGroupName() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("add user group error, creator=" + newGroup.getCreator() + ", group=" + newGroup.getGroupName() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into usergroup(creator, group_name)" + " values(?,?)"); ps.setString(1, newGroup.getCreator().toLowerCase()); ps.setString(2, newGroup.getGroupName()); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); String addList = newGroup.getUserList(); if (addList != null && !addList.isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement("update tdwuser set group_name=? where user_name=?"); String[] addArray = addList.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < addArray.length; i++) { ps.setString(1, newGroup.getGroupName()); ps.setString(2, addArray[i].toLowerCase()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("add user group error, creator=" + newGroup.getCreator() + ", group=" + newGroup.getGroupName() + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return success; } @Override public int dropUserGroup(String groupName, String user) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; groupName = groupName.toLowerCase(); user = user.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("drop user group error, group=" + groupName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("drop user group error, group=" + groupName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select creator from usergroup where group_name='" + groupName + "'"; ResultSet groupSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); String creator = null; while ( { creator = groupSet.getString(1); break; } groupSet.close(); if (creator == null) { return 1; } if ((!user.equalsIgnoreCase(creator)) && (!user.equalsIgnoreCase(HiveMetaStore.ROOT_USER))) { return 3; } sql = "delete from usergroup where group_name='" + groupName + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); sql = "update tdwuser set group_name='" + HiveMetaStore.DEFAULT + "' where group_name='" + groupName + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("drop user group error, group=" + groupName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) { return 0; } else { return 2; } } @Override public String getGroupname(String userName) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; String groupName = null; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get user group error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get user group error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select group_name from tdwuser where user_name='" + userName + "'"; ResultSet groupNameSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { groupName = groupNameSet.getString(1); break; } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user group error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return groupName; } @Override public int revokeUserGroup(String groupName, String namelist, String user) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; groupName = groupName.toLowerCase(); namelist = namelist.toLowerCase(); user = user.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("revoke user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("revoke user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select group_name from tdwuser where user_name='" + namelist + "'"; boolean isUserFind = false; String oldGroupName = null; ResultSet groupNameSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isUserFind = true; oldGroupName = groupNameSet.getString(1); break; } groupNameSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { LOG.error("revoke user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user); return 1; } if (!groupName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldGroupName)) { LOG.error("revoke user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user); return 2; } sql = "select creator from usergroup where group_name='" + groupName + "'"; boolean isNewGroupFind = false; String newGroupCreator = null; ResultSet groupCreatorSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isNewGroupFind = true; newGroupCreator = groupCreatorSet.getString(1); break; } groupCreatorSet.close(); if (!isNewGroupFind) { LOG.error("revoke user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user); return 3; } if (!newGroupCreator.equalsIgnoreCase(user) && !user.equalsIgnoreCase("root")) { LOG.error("revoke user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user); return 5; } sql = "update tdwuser set group_name='" + HiveMetaStore.DEFAULT + "' where user_name='" + namelist.toLowerCase() + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("revoke user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) { return 0; } else { return 6; } } @Override public int grantUserGroup(String groupName, String namelist, String user) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; groupName = groupName.toLowerCase(); namelist = namelist.toLowerCase(); user = user.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("grant user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("grant user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select group_name from tdwuser where user_name='" + namelist + "'"; boolean isUserFind = false; String oldGroupName = null; ResultSet groupNameSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isUserFind = true; oldGroupName = groupNameSet.getString(1); break; } groupNameSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { LOG.error("Can not find user group:" + groupName); return 1; } if (groupName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldGroupName)) { LOG.error("grant user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user + " group name is same to old group name"); return 2; } sql = "select creator from usergroup where group_name='" + groupName + "'"; boolean isNewGroupFind = false; String newGroupCreator = null; ResultSet groupCreatorSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isNewGroupFind = true; newGroupCreator = groupCreatorSet.getString(1); break; } groupCreatorSet.close(); if (!isNewGroupFind) { LOG.error("revoke user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user); return 4; } if (!newGroupCreator.equalsIgnoreCase(user) && !user.equalsIgnoreCase("root")) { LOG.error("revoke user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user); return 5; } sql = "update tdwuser set group_name='" + groupName.toLowerCase() + "' where user_name='" + namelist.toLowerCase() + "'"; ps.executeUpdate(sql); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("grant user group error, groupName=" + groupName + ", namelist=" + namelist + ", user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) { return 0; } else { return 6; } } @Override public List<group> getGroups(String pattern) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; List<group> groups = new ArrayList<group>(); pattern = pattern.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get user group error, groupName=" + pattern + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get user group error, groupName=" + pattern + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = null; if (pattern == null || pattern.isEmpty() || pattern.equals(".*") || pattern.equals("*")) { sql = "select usergroup.group_name, usergroup.creator, string_agg(tdwuser.user_name, ',') namelist, count(*) usercount " + " from usergroup left join (select user_name, group_name from tdwuser order by user_name asc) tdwuser on(tdwuser.group_name=usergroup.group_name) " + " group by usergroup.group_name, usergroup.creator"; } else { pattern = pattern.replace('*', '%'); sql = "select usergroup.group_name, usergroup.creator, string_agg(tdwuser.user_name, ',') namelist, count(*) usercount " + " from usergroup left join (select user_name, group_name from tdwuser order by user_name asc) tdwuser on(tdwuser.group_name=usergroup.group_name) " + " where usergroup.group_name like '" + pattern + "'" + " group by usergroup.group_name, usergroup.creator"; } ResultSet groupSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { group g = new group(); g.setGroupName(groupSet.getString(1)); g.setCreator(groupSet.getString(2)); String userList = groupSet.getString(3); if (userList == null) { g.setUserList(""); g.setUserNum(0); } else { g.setUserList(groupSet.getString(3)); g.setUserNum((int) groupSet.getLong(4)); } groups.add(g); } groupSet.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user group error, groupName=" + pattern + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return groups; } @Override public List<List<String>> getPartitionNames(String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; List<List<String>> ret = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); List<String> priPartNames = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> subPartNames = new ArrayList<String>(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error( "get partition names error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error( "get partition names error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); long tblID = 0; boolean isTblFind = false; String priPartType = null; String subPartType = null; boolean hasPriPart = false; boolean hasSubPart = false; String sql = "SELECT tbl_id, pri_part_type, sub_part_type from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tableName + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); priPartType = tblSet.getString(2); subPartType = tblSet.getString(3); if (priPartType != null && !priPartType.isEmpty()) { hasPriPart = true; } if (subPartType != null && !subPartType.isEmpty()) { hasSubPart = true; } if (!hasPriPart) { throw new MetaException("get partition names error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=table is not a partition table"); } } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error("get partition names error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName); throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tableName); } sql = "select part_name, level from PARTITIONS where tbl_id=" + tblID; ResultSet partSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { String partName = partSet.getString(1); int level = partSet.getInt(2); if (level == 0) { priPartNames.add(partName); } else if (level == 1) { subPartNames.add(partName); } } if (hasPriPart) { if (priPartType.equalsIgnoreCase("hash")) { int numOfHashPar = hiveConf.getInt("hive.hashPartition.num", 500); ret.add(new ArrayList()); ret.get(0).add("hash(" + numOfHashPar + ")"); } else { if (priPartNames.contains("default")) { priPartNames.remove("default"); priPartNames.add("default"); } ret.add(priPartNames); } } if (hasSubPart) { if (subPartType.equalsIgnoreCase("hash")) { int numOfHashPar = hiveConf.getInt("hive.hashPartition.num", 500); ret.add(new ArrayList()); ret.get(1).add("hash(" + numOfHashPar + ")"); } else { if (subPartNames.contains("default")) { subPartNames.remove("default"); subPartNames.add("default"); } ret.add(subPartNames); } } else { ret.add(subPartNames); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get partition names error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) return ret; else return null; } @Override public List<String> getPartitionNames(String dbName, String tableName, int level) throws MetaException { boolean success = false; Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; Partition part = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, List<String>> partNameMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get partition name error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get partition name error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); long tblID = 0; boolean isTblFind = false; String priPartType = null; String subPartType = null; boolean hasPriPart = false; boolean hasSubPart = false; String sql = "SELECT tbl_id, pri_part_type, sub_part_type from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tableName + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); priPartType = tblSet.getString(2); subPartType = tblSet.getString(3); if (priPartType != null && !priPartType.isEmpty()) { hasPriPart = true; } if (subPartType != null && !subPartType.isEmpty()) { hasSubPart = true; } if (hasPriPart && level == 0) { part = new Partition(); part.setParType(tblSet.getString(4)); break; } if (hasSubPart && level == 1) { part = new Partition(); part.setParType(tblSet.getString(5)); break; } throw new MetaException( "can not find partition of level " + level + " for table " + dbName + ":" + tableName); } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tableName); } sql = "select part_name from PARTITIONS where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and level=" + level; ResultSet partSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { String partName = partSet.getString(1); ret.add(partName); } part.setParSpaces(partNameMap); part.setDbName(dbName); part.setTableName(tableName); part.setLevel(level); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", level=" + level + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (success) return ret; else return null; } @Override public void modifyTableComment(String dbName, String tblName, String comment) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("alter table comment error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", comment=" + comment + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("alter table comment error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", comment=" + comment + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select tbl_id from tbls where db_name=? and tbl_name=?"); long tblID = 0; boolean isTblFind = false; ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tblName); ResultSet tSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { tblID = tSet.getLong(1); isTblFind = true; break; } tSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error("alter table comment error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", comment=" + comment); throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName); } ps = con.prepareStatement("update tbls set tbl_comment=? where tbl_id=?"); ps.setString(1, comment); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("alter table comment error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", comment=" + comment + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } } @Override public void modifyColumnComment(String dbName, String tblName, String colName, String comment) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("alter column comment error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", column=" + colName + ", comment=" + comment + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("alter column comment error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", column=" + colName + ", comment=" + comment + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select tbls.tbl_id from tbls, columns where tbls.tbl_id=columns.tbl_id " + " and tbls.db_name=? and tbls.tbl_name=? and columns.column_name=?"); long tblID = 0; boolean isColFind = false; ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tblName); ps.setString(3, colName.toLowerCase()); ResultSet tSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { tblID = tSet.getLong(1); isColFind = true; break; } tSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isColFind) { LOG.error("alter table comment error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", comment=" + comment); throw new MetaException("can not find table/column " + dbName + ":" + tblName + "/" + colName); } ps = con.prepareStatement("update columns set comment=? where tbl_id=? and column_name=?"); ps.setString(1, comment); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, colName.toLowerCase()); ps.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("alter column comment error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", column=" + colName + ", comment=" + comment + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } } @Override public boolean isView(String dbName, String tblName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; boolean is = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error( "check is a view error error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error( "check is a view error error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select tbl_type from tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; String type = null; boolean isTblFind = false; ResultSet tSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { type = tSet.getString(1); isTblFind = true; break; } if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error("check is a view error error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName); throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find table/view:" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName); } if (type != null && type.equalsIgnoreCase("VIRTUAL_VIEW")) { is = true; } success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("check is a view error error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return is; } @Override public boolean isAUserName(String userName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; boolean is = false; userName = userName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("check user exist error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("check user exist error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select count(1) from tdwuser where user_name='" + userName + "'"; int count = 0; ResultSet uSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { count = uSet.getInt(1); break; } if (count == 1) { is = true; } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("check user exist error, user=" + userName + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return is; } @Override public boolean createDatabase(Database db, String slaveURL) throws MetaException { return false; } @Override public boolean hasAuthOnLocation(String who, String location) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; Statement ps = null; who = who.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select group_name from tdwuser where tdwuser.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet re = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isUserFind = false; List<String> groups = new LinkedList<String>(); while ( { isUserFind = true; groups.add(re.getString(1)); } re.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + who); } if (!location.endsWith("/")) location += "/"; String local = ""; for (String group : groups) { if (group == null || group.equals("")) continue; sql = "select location from tdw_group_location where group_name='" + group.trim() + "'"; re = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { local = re.getString(1); if (local != null && !local.equals("")) { local = local.trim(); if (location.startsWith(local)) { re.close(); return true; } } } re.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return false; } @Override public boolean hasAuth(String who, int privIndex) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; who = who.toLowerCase(); Privilege priv = privMap.get(privIndex); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } long nowtime = (new Date()).getTime(); Map<String, String> outofdataInfoMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv, " + "update_priv, user_name, group_name, out_of_date_time from tdwuser where tdwuser.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isUserFind = false; Timestamp ts = null; long outofdateTime = 0; boolean isOutofdate = false; while ( { isUserFind = true; ts = userSet.getTimestamp(14); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = userSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DBA_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DBA_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } userSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + who); } sql = "select tdwrole.alter_priv, tdwrole.create_priv, tdwrole.createview_priv, tdwrole.dba_priv, " + "tdwrole.delete_priv, tdwrole.drop_priv, tdwrole.index_priv, tdwrole.insert_priv, tdwrole.select_priv, tdwrole.showview_priv, " + "tdwrole.update_priv, tdwrole.role_name, tdwrole.out_of_date_time from tdwrole, tdwuserrole where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'" + " and tdwrole.role_name=tdwuserrole.role_name"; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); String roleName = null; while ( { roleName = roleSet.getString(12); ts = roleSet.getTimestamp(13); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = roleSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DBA_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " DBA_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } } roleSet.close(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (!outofdataInfoMap.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("priv out of date, you should renewal you privlage; the detail information is "); sb.append("\n"); for (Entry<String, String> e : outofdataInfoMap.entrySet()) { sb.append("priv:" + e.getKey() + ","); sb.append("out of date:" + e.getValue()); sb.append("\n"); } throw new MetaException(sb.toString()); } return false; } @Override public boolean hasAuthOnDb(String who, String db, int privIndex) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; Privilege priv = privMap.get(privIndex); who = who.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); long nowtime = (new Date()).getTime(); Map<String, String> outofdataInfoMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Timestamp ts = null; long outofdateTime = 0; boolean isOutofdate = false; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv, " + "update_priv, user_name, group_name, out_of_date_time from tdwuser where tdwuser.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isUserFind = false; while ( { isUserFind = true; ts = userSet.getTimestamp(14); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = userSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } } userSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + who); } sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time from dbpriv where user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = dbPrivSet.getTimestamp(11); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } } sql = "select tdwrole.alter_priv, tdwrole.create_priv, tdwrole.createview_priv, tdwrole.dba_priv, " + "tdwrole.delete_priv, tdwrole.drop_priv, tdwrole.index_priv, tdwrole.insert_priv, tdwrole.select_priv, tdwrole.showview_priv, " + "tdwrole.update_priv, tdwrole.role_name, tdwrole.out_of_date_time from tdwrole, tdwuserrole where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'" + " and tdwrole.role_name=tdwuserrole.role_name"; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); String roleName = null; List<String> roleList = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { roleName = roleSet.getString(12); ts = roleSet.getTimestamp(13); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = roleSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DBA_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " DBA_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } roleList.add(roleSet.getString(12)); } roleSet.close(); for (String r : roleList) { sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time from dbpriv where user_name='" + r.toLowerCase() + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "'"; dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = dbPrivSet.getTimestamp(11); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + r + " on db:" + db + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + r + " on db:" + db + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + r + " on db:" + db + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + r + " on db:" + db + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + r + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + r + " on db:" + db + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + r + " on db:" + db + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + r + " on db:" + db + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + r + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + r + " on db:" + db + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } } } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (!outofdataInfoMap.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("priv out of date, you should renewal you privlage; the detail information is "); sb.append("\n"); for (Entry<String, String> e : outofdataInfoMap.entrySet()) { sb.append("priv:" + e.getKey() + ","); sb.append("out of date:" + e.getValue()); sb.append("\n"); } throw new MetaException(sb.toString()); } return false; } @Override public boolean hasAuthOnTbl(String who, String db, String table, int privIndex) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; Privilege priv = privMap.get(privIndex); who = who.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); table = table.toLowerCase(); long nowtime = (new Date()).getTime(); Map<String, String> outofdataInfoMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Timestamp ts = null; long outofdateTime = 0; boolean isOutofdate = false; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv, " + "update_priv, user_name, group_name, out_of_date_time from tdwuser where tdwuser.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isUserFind = false; while ( { isUserFind = true; ts = userSet.getTimestamp(14); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = userSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } } userSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + who); } sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time from dbpriv where user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = dbPrivSet.getTimestamp(11); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } } dbPrivSet.close(); sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time" + " from tblpriv where user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "' and tbl_name='" + table.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = tblSet.getTimestamp(9); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } tblSet.close(); sql = "select tdwrole.alter_priv, tdwrole.create_priv, tdwrole.createview_priv, tdwrole.dba_priv, " + "tdwrole.delete_priv, tdwrole.drop_priv, tdwrole.index_priv, tdwrole.insert_priv, tdwrole.select_priv, tdwrole.showview_priv, " + "tdwrole.update_priv, tdwrole.role_name, tdwrole.out_of_date_time from tdwrole, tdwuserrole where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'" + " and tdwrole.role_name=tdwuserrole.role_name"; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); String rName = null; List<String> roleList = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { rName = roleSet.getString(12); ts = roleSet.getTimestamp(13); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = roleSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + rName + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + rName + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + rName + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + rName + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + rName + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + rName + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + rName + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + rName + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } roleList.add(roleSet.getString(12)); } roleSet.close(); for (String roleName : roleList) { sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time from dbpriv where user_name='" + roleName.toLowerCase() + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "'"; dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = dbPrivSet.getTimestamp(11); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " on db:" + db + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " on db:" + db + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " on db:" + db + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " on db:" + db + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " on db:" + db + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " on db:" + db + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " on db:" + db + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } } dbPrivSet.close(); sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time " + " from tblpriv where user_name='" + roleName.toLowerCase() + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "' and tbl_name='" + table.toLowerCase() + "'"; tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = tblSet.getTimestamp(9); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put( "role " + roleName + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put( "role " + roleName + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put( "role " + roleName + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put( "role " + roleName + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put( "role " + roleName + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put( "role " + roleName + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put( "role " + roleName + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put( "role " + roleName + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } tblSet.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (!outofdataInfoMap.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("priv out of date, you should renewal you privlage; the detail information is "); sb.append("\n"); for (Entry<String, String> e : outofdataInfoMap.entrySet()) { sb.append("priv:" + e.getKey() + ","); sb.append("out of date:" + e.getValue()); sb.append("\n"); } throw new MetaException(sb.toString()); } return false; } @Override public boolean hasAuthWithRole(String who, String role, int privIndex) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; boolean success = false; who = who.toLowerCase(); role = role.toLowerCase(); Privilege priv = privMap.get(privIndex); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } long nowtime = (new Date()).getTime(); Map<String, String> outofdataInfoMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { ps = con.createStatement(); Timestamp ts = null; long outofdateTime = 0; boolean isOutofdate = false; String sql = "select tdwrole.alter_priv, tdwrole.create_priv, tdwrole.createview_priv, tdwrole.dba_priv, " + "tdwrole.delete_priv, tdwrole.drop_priv, tdwrole.index_priv, tdwrole.insert_priv, tdwrole.select_priv, tdwrole.showview_priv, " + "tdwrole.update_priv, tdwrole.role_name, tdwrole.out_of_date_time from tdwrole, tdwuserrole where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "' and tdwrole.role_name='" + role + "' " + " and tdwrole.role_name=tdwuserrole.role_name"; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); String roleName = null; boolean isRoleFind = false; while ( { isRoleFind = true; roleName = roleSet.getString(12); ts = roleSet.getTimestamp(13); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = roleSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DBA_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + roleName + " DBA_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } roleSet.close(); if (!isRoleFind) { LOG.error("user/role does not exist or user does not play this role:" + who + "/" + role); throw new MetaException("user/role does not exist or user does not play this role:" + who + "/" + role + ", you shoule check it"); } sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv, " + "update_priv, user_name, group_name, out_of_date_time from tdwuser where tdwuser.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isUserFind = false; while ( { isUserFind = true; ts = userSet.getTimestamp(14); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = userSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DBA_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DBA_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } userSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + who); } success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (!outofdataInfoMap.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("priv out of date, you should renewal you privlage; the detail information is "); sb.append("\n"); for (Entry<String, String> e : outofdataInfoMap.entrySet()) { sb.append("priv:" + e.getKey() + ","); sb.append("out of date:" + e.getValue()); sb.append("\n"); } throw new MetaException(sb.toString()); } return false; } @Override public boolean hasAuthOnDbWithRole(String who, String role, String db, int privIndex) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; Privilege priv = privMap.get(privIndex); who = who.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); role = role.toLowerCase(); long nowtime = (new Date()).getTime(); Map<String, String> outofdataInfoMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Timestamp ts = null; long outofdateTime = 0; boolean isOutofdate = false; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select tdwrole.alter_priv, tdwrole.create_priv, tdwrole.createview_priv, tdwrole.dba_priv, " + "tdwrole.delete_priv, tdwrole.drop_priv, tdwrole.index_priv, tdwrole.insert_priv, tdwrole.select_priv, tdwrole.showview_priv, " + "tdwrole.update_priv, tdwrole.role_name, tdwrole.out_of_date_time from tdwrole, tdwuserrole where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "' and tdwrole.role_name='" + role + "' " + " and tdwrole.role_name=tdwuserrole.role_name"; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isRoleFind = false; while ( { isRoleFind = true; ts = roleSet.getTimestamp(13); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = roleSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DBA_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " DBA_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } roleSet.close(); if (!isRoleFind) { LOG.error("user/role does not exist or user does not play this role:" + who + "/" + role); throw new MetaException("user/role does not exist or user does not play this role:" + who + "/" + role + ", you shoule check it"); } sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time from dbpriv where user_name='" + role + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = dbPrivSet.getTimestamp(11); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv, " + "update_priv, user_name, group_name, out_of_date_time from tdwuser where tdwuser.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isUserFind = false; while ( { isUserFind = true; ts = userSet.getTimestamp(14); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = userSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } userSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + who); } sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time from dbpriv where user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "'"; dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = dbPrivSet.getTimestamp(11); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " SHOW_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (!outofdataInfoMap.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("priv out of date, you should renewal you privlage; the detail information is "); sb.append("\n"); for (Entry<String, String> e : outofdataInfoMap.entrySet()) { sb.append("priv:" + e.getKey() + ","); sb.append("out of date:" + e.getValue()); sb.append("\n"); } throw new MetaException(sb.toString()); } return false; } @Override public boolean hasAuthOnTblWithRole(String who, String role, String db, String table, int privIndex) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; Privilege priv = privMap.get(privIndex); who = who.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); table = table.toLowerCase(); role = role.toLowerCase(); long nowtime = (new Date()).getTime(); Map<String, String> outofdataInfoMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Timestamp ts = null; long outofdateTime = 0; boolean isOutofdate = false; try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("audit error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select tdwrole.alter_priv, tdwrole.create_priv, tdwrole.createview_priv, tdwrole.dba_priv, " + "tdwrole.delete_priv, tdwrole.drop_priv, tdwrole.index_priv, tdwrole.insert_priv, tdwrole.select_priv, tdwrole.showview_priv, " + "tdwrole.update_priv, tdwrole.role_name, tdwrole.out_of_date_time from tdwrole, tdwuserrole where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "' and tdwrole.role_name='" + role + "' and tdwuserrole.role_name=tdwrole.role_name"; System.out.println(sql); ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isRoleFind = false; while ( { isRoleFind = true; ts = roleSet.getTimestamp(13); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = roleSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (roleSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } roleSet.close(); if (!isRoleFind) { LOG.error("user/role does not exist or user does not play this role:" + who + "/" + role); throw new MetaException("user/role does not exist or user does not play this role:" + who + "/" + role + ", you shoule check it"); } sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time from dbpriv where user_name='" + role + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "'"; System.out.println(sql); ResultSet dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = dbPrivSet.getTimestamp(11); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case SHOW_VIEW_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_VIEW_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } dbPrivSet.close(); sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time " + " from tblpriv where user_name='" + role + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "' and tbl_name='" + table.toLowerCase() + "'"; System.out.println(sql); ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = tblSet.getTimestamp(9); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("role " + role + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } tblSet.close(); sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, dba_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, showview_priv, " + "update_priv, user_name, group_name, out_of_date_time from tdwuser where tdwuser.user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "'"; ResultSet userSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); boolean isUserFind = false; while ( { isUserFind = true; ts = userSet.getTimestamp(14); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } boolean isDBA = userSet.getBoolean(4); if (isDBA) { return true; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(9)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (userSet.getBoolean(11)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } userSet.close(); if (!isUserFind) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("can not find user:" + who); } sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, createview_priv, " + "delete_priv, drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, " + "showview_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time from dbpriv where user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "'"; dbPrivSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = dbPrivSet.getTimestamp(11); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (dbPrivSet.getBoolean(10)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on db:" + db + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } dbPrivSet.close(); sql = "select alter_priv, create_priv, delete_priv " + ",drop_priv, index_priv, insert_priv, select_priv, update_priv, out_of_date_time" + " from tblpriv where user_name='" + who.toLowerCase() + "' and db_name='" + db.toLowerCase() + "' and tbl_name='" + table.toLowerCase() + "'"; LOG.error(sql); tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ts = tblSet.getTimestamp(9); if (ts != null) { outofdateTime = ts.getTime(); } else { outofdateTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (nowtime > outofdateTime) { isOutofdate = true; } else { isOutofdate = false; } switch (priv) { case SELECT_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(7)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " SELECT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case ALTER_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(1)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " ALTER_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INSERT_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(6)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " INSERT_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case INDEX_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(5)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " INDEX_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case CREATE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(2)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " CREATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DROP_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(4)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " DROP_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case DELETE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(3)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " DELETE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; case UPDATE_PRIV: if (tblSet.getBoolean(8)) { if (!isOutofdate) { return true; } else { outofdataInfoMap.put("user " + who + " on tbl:" + db + "/" + table + " UPDATE_PRIV", ts.toString()); } } break; } break; } tblSet.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get user error, user=" + user + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } if (!outofdataInfoMap.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("priv out of date, you should renewal you privlage; the detail information is "); sb.append("\n"); for (Entry<String, String> e : outofdataInfoMap.entrySet()) { sb.append("priv:" + e.getKey() + ","); sb.append("out of date:" + e.getValue()); sb.append("\n"); } throw new MetaException(sb.toString()); } return false; } @Override public List<String> getPlayRoles(String userName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(); userName = userName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get roles error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get roles error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select role_name from tdwuserrole where user_name='" + userName + "'"; ResultSet roleSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { roles.add(roleSet.getString(1)); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get roles error, msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return roles; } @Override public boolean updatePBInfo(String dbName, String tableName, String modifiedTime) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean success = false; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); String jarName = "./auxlib/" + dbName + "_" + tableName + "_" + modifiedTime + ".jar"; String className = dbName + "_" + tableName + "_" + modifiedTime; try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("updatePBInfo, db=" + dbName + ", table=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("replace column error, db=" + dbName + ", table=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select tbl_id, serde_lib" + " from tbls where db_name=? and tbl_name=?"); ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tableName); String serdeLib = null; boolean isTblFind = false; long tblID = 0; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); serdeLib = tblSet.getString(2); } tblSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tableName); } if (!serdeLib.equals(ProtobufSerDe.class.getName())) { throw new MetaException("sorry, can only update jar info for a pb table "); } Map<String, String> tblParamMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL'"); ps.setLong(1, tblID); ResultSet paramSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { tblParamMap.put(paramSet.getString(1), paramSet.getString(2)); } paramSet.close(); ps.close(); boolean containJar = false; boolean containClass = false; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("pb.jar")) containJar = true; if (tblParamMap.containsKey("")) containClass = true; if (containJar && containClass) { ps = con.prepareStatement( "update table_params set param_value=? where tbl_id=? and param_type='TBL' and param_key=?"); ps.setString(1, jarName); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, "pb.jar"); ps.addBatch(); ps.setString(1, className); ps.setLong(2, tblID); ps.setString(3, ""); ps.addBatch(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } con.commit(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("updatePBInfo, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (!success) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return true; } @Override public List<String> getDatabasesWithOwner(String owner) throws MetaException { Connection con; Statement stmt = null; owner = owner.toLowerCase(); List<String> dbNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get databases error msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get databases error msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); stmt = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select db_name, owner from router where owner='" + owner + "'"; ResultSet ret = stmt.executeQuery(sql); dbNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { dbNameList.add(ret.getString(1)); } ret.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { x.printStackTrace(); try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } LOG.error("get databases error msg=" + x.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(x.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(stmt); closeConnection(con); } return dbNameList; } @Override public boolean isPBTable(String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("isPBTable, db=" + dbName + ", table=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("isPBTable error, db=" + dbName + ", table=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select serde_lib" + " from tbls where db_name=? and tbl_name=?"); ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tableName); String serdeLib = null; boolean isTblFind = false; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isTblFind = true; serdeLib = tblSet.getString(1); } tblSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tableName); } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); if (serdeLib.equals(ProtobufSerDe.class.getName())) return true; else return false; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); LOG.error("updatePBInfo, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } } public Map<String, String> getTableWithType(String dbName, String pattern) throws MetaException { Connection con; Statement ps = null; Map<String, String> tableMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); pattern = pattern.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = null; if (pattern == null || pattern.isEmpty() || pattern.equals(".*") || pattern.equals("*")) { sql = "select tbl_name, tbl_type from tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "'"; } else { pattern = pattern.replace('*', '%'); sql = "select tbl_name, tbl_type from tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "'" + " and tbl_name like '" + pattern + "'"; } ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { tableMap.put(tblSet.getString(1), tblSet.getString(2)); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return tableMap; } public Map<String, TableInfo> getTableWithTypeWithParams(String dbName, String pattern) throws MetaException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection con; Statement ps = null; Map<String, TableInfo> tblInfoMap = new TreeMap<String, TableInfo>(); dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); pattern = pattern.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = null; if (pattern == null || pattern.isEmpty() || pattern.equals(".*") || pattern.equals("*")) { sql = "select create_time, tbl_type, tbl_name, tbl_owner, pri_part_type, tbl_comment from tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "'"; } else { pattern = pattern.replace('*', '%'); sql = "select create_time, tbl_type, tbl_name, tbl_owner, pri_part_type, tbl_comment from tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "'" + " and tbl_name like '" + pattern + "'"; } ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); TableInfo info = null; Map<String, String> params = null; String priPartType = null; while ( { //System.out.println("########################table name is " + tblSet.getString(3)); info = new TableInfo(); params = new HashMap<String, String>(); info.setCreateTime(tblSet.getString(1)); params.put("tbl_type", tblSet.getString(2)); info.setOwner(tblSet.getString(4)); priPartType = tblSet.getString(5); if (priPartType == null) { params.put("is_part_table", "no"); } else { params.put("is_part_table", "yes"); } info.setComment(tblSet.getString(6)); info.setTblParams(params); tblInfoMap.put(tblSet.getString(3), info); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", pattern=" + pattern + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return tblInfoMap; } public Map<String, TableInfo> getTableWithTypeWithKeyWord(String dbName, String keyWord) throws MetaException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection con; Statement ps = null; Map<String, TableInfo> tblInfoMap = new TreeMap<String, TableInfo>(); dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); //pattern = pattern.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", key word=" + keyWord + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", key word=" + keyWord + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = null; sql = "select create_time, tbl_type, tbl_name, tbl_owner, pri_part_type, tbl_comment from tbls where db_name='" + dbName + "'"; if (keyWord != null) { sql += " and (tbl_name ilike '%" + keyWord + "%' or tbl_comment ilike '%" + keyWord + "%')"; } ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); TableInfo info = null; Map<String, String> params = null; String priPartType = null; while ( { //System.out.println("########################table name is " + tblSet.getString(3)); info = new TableInfo(); params = new HashMap<String, String>(); info.setCreateTime(tblSet.getString(1)); params.put("tbl_type", tblSet.getString(2)); info.setOwner(tblSet.getString(4)); priPartType = tblSet.getString(5); if (priPartType == null) { params.put("is_part_table", "no"); } else { params.put("is_part_table", "yes"); } info.setComment(tblSet.getString(6)); info.setTblParams(params); tblInfoMap.put(tblSet.getString(3), info); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", key word=" + keyWord + ", msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return tblInfoMap; } @Override public List<String> getDbsByPriv(String user, String passwd) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; Set<String> tempSet = new HashSet<String>(); List<String> dbs = new ArrayList<String>(); user = user.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get db by priv error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get db by priv error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select db_name from dbpriv where user_name='" + user + "' and select_priv=true"; ResultSet dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { tempSet.add(dbSet.getString(1)); } dbSet.close(); sql = "select db_name from tdwuserrole, dbpriv where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + user + "' and tdwuserrole.role_name=dbpriv.user_name and dbpriv.select_priv=true"; dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { tempSet.add(dbSet.getString(1)); } dbSet.close(); sql = "select db_name from tblpriv where user_name='" + user + "' and select_priv=true"; dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { tempSet.add(dbSet.getString(1)); } dbSet.close(); sql = "select tblpriv.db_name from tdwuserrole, tblpriv where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + user + "' and tdwuserrole.role_name=tblpriv.user_name and tblpriv.select_priv=true"; dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { tempSet.add(dbSet.getString(1)); } dbSet.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get db by priv error, msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } for (String i : tempSet) { dbs.add(i); } return dbs; } @Override public Map<String, String> getTblsByPriv(String user, String passwd, String db) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; Set<String> tempSet = new HashSet<String>(); List<String> dbs = new ArrayList<String>(); user = user.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); boolean isDbPriv = false; Map<String, String> tblMap = getTableWithType(db, "*"); Map<String, String> tblMapPriv = new TreeMap<String, String>(); if (tblMap.isEmpty()) { return new TreeMap<String, String>(); } try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get tbls by priv error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get tbls by priv error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select db_name from dbpriv where user_name='" + user + "' and select_priv=true and db_name='" + db + "'"; ResultSet dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isDbPriv = true; } dbSet.close(); if (!isDbPriv) { sql = "select db_name from tdwuserrole, dbpriv where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + user + "' and tdwuserrole.role_name=dbpriv.user_name and dbpriv.select_priv=true and db_name='" + db + "'"; dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isDbPriv = true; } dbSet.close(); } if (isDbPriv) { return tblMap; } else { sql = "select tbl_name from tblpriv where user_name='" + user + "' and select_priv=true and db_name='" + db + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); String tblName = null; String type = null; while ( { tblName = tblSet.getString(1); type = tblMap.get(tblName); if (type != null) { tblMapPriv.put(tblName, type); } } tblSet.close(); sql = "select a.tbl_name from tblpriv a, tdwuserrole b " + "where a.user_name=b.role_name and b.user_name='" + user + "' and a.select_priv=true and a.db_name='" + db + "'"; tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); tblName = null; type = null; while ( { tblName = tblSet.getString(1); type = tblMap.get(tblName); if (type != null) { tblMapPriv.put(tblName, type); } } tblSet.close(); return tblMapPriv; } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get db by priv error, msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } } @Override public TableInfo getTblInfo(String user, String passwd, String dbName, String tblName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { boolean hasAuth = hasAuthOnTbl(user, dbName, tblName, 1); if (!hasAuth) { throw new MetaException( "user " + user + " does not have select privlege on table:" + dbName + "/" + tblName); } boolean success = false; Connection con; Statement ps = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tblName = tblName.toLowerCase(); TableInfo tblInfo = new TableInfo(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("get table error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); Map<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); boolean isTblFind = false; String sql = "select tbl_id, create_time, tbl_type, tbl_owner, pri_part_key, sub_part_key, tbl_comment from tbls " + " where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); String priPartKey = null; String subPartKey = null; long tblID = 0; while ( { isTblFind = true; tblID = tblSet.getLong(1); tblInfo.setCreateTime(tblSet.getString(2)); paramMap.put("tbl_type", tblSet.getString(3)); tblInfo.setOwner(tblSet.getString(4)); priPartKey = tblSet.getString(5); subPartKey = tblSet.getString(6); tblInfo.setComment(tblSet.getString(7)); break; } tblSet.close(); if (!isTblFind) { LOG.error(dbName + "." + tblName + " table not found"); throw new NoSuchObjectException(dbName + "." + tblName + " table not found"); } sql = "select param_key, param_value from table_params where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and param_type='TBL'"; ResultSet paramSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { paramMap.put(paramSet.getString(1), paramSet.getString(2)); } paramSet.close(); tblInfo.setTblParams(paramMap); sql = "select column_name, type_name, comment from columns where tbl_id=" + tblID + " order by column_index asc"; ResultSet colSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(); colInfo.setName(colSet.getString(1)); colInfo.setType(colSet.getString(2)); colInfo.setComment(colSet.getString(3)); colInfo.setIsPart(0); if (priPartKey != null && priPartKey.equalsIgnoreCase(colInfo.getName())) { colInfo.setIsPart(1); } if (subPartKey != null && subPartKey.equalsIgnoreCase(colInfo.getName())) { colInfo.setIsPart(2); } tblInfo.addToCols(colInfo); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get db by priv error, msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } return tblInfo; } @Override public List<TableInfo> getAllTblsByPriv(String user, String passwd) throws MetaException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Map<String, TableInfo> getTblsByPrivWithParams(String user, String passwd, String db) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; Set<String> tempSet = new HashSet<String>(); List<String> dbs = new ArrayList<String>(); user = user.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); boolean isDbPriv = false; //List<TableInfo> tblList = new ArrayList<TableInfo>(); Map<String, TableInfo> tblMap = getTableWithTypeWithParams(db, "*"); Map<String, TableInfo> tblMapPriv = new TreeMap<String, TableInfo>(); if (tblMap.isEmpty()) { return new TreeMap<String, TableInfo>(); } try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOG.error("get tbls by priv error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOG.error("get tbls by priv error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select db_name from dbpriv where user_name='" + user + "' and select_priv=true and db_name='" + db + "'"; ResultSet dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isDbPriv = true; } dbSet.close(); if (!isDbPriv) { sql = "select db_name from tdwuserrole, dbpriv where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + user + "' and tdwuserrole.role_name=dbpriv.user_name and dbpriv.select_priv=true and db_name='" + db + "'"; dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isDbPriv = true; } dbSet.close(); } if (isDbPriv) { return tblMap; } else { sql = "select tbl_name from tblpriv where user_name='" + user + "' and select_priv=true and db_name='" + db + "'"; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); String tblName = null; TableInfo info = null; while ( { tblName = tblSet.getString(1); info = tblMap.get(tblName); if (info != null) { tblMapPriv.put(tblName, info); } } tblSet.close(); sql = "select a.tbl_name from tblpriv a, tdwuserrole b " + "where a.user_name=b.role_name and b.user_name='" + user + "' and a.select_priv=true and a.db_name='" + db + "'"; tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); tblName = null; //type = null; //info = null; while ( { tblName = tblSet.getString(1); info = tblMap.get(tblName); if (info != null) { tblMapPriv.put(tblName, info); } } tblSet.close(); return tblMapPriv; } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get db by priv error, msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } } @Override public Map<String, TableInfo> getAllTblsByPrivWithKeyword(String user, String passwd, String db, String keyWord) throws MetaException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; Set<String> tempSet = new HashSet<String>(); List<String> dbs = new ArrayList<String>(); user = user.toLowerCase(); db = db.toLowerCase(); boolean isDbPriv = false; //List<TableInfo> tblList = new ArrayList<TableInfo>(); Map<String, TableInfo> tblMap = getTableWithTypeWithKeyWord(db, keyWord); Map<String, TableInfo> tblMapPriv = new TreeMap<String, TableInfo>(); if (tblMap.isEmpty()) { return new TreeMap<String, TableInfo>(); } try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOG.error("get tbls by priv error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOG.error("get tbls by priv error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select db_name from dbpriv where user_name='" + user + "' and select_priv=true and db_name='" + db + "'"; ResultSet dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isDbPriv = true; } dbSet.close(); if (!isDbPriv) { sql = "select db_name from tdwuserrole, dbpriv where tdwuserrole.user_name='" + user + "' and tdwuserrole.role_name=dbpriv.user_name and dbpriv.select_priv=true and db_name='" + db + "'"; dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { isDbPriv = true; } dbSet.close(); } if (isDbPriv) { return tblMap; } else { sql = "select tbl_name from tblpriv where user_name='" + user + "' and select_priv=true and db_name='" + db + "'"; if (keyWord != null) { sql += " and tbl_name ilike '%" + keyWord + "%'"; } ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); String tblName = null; TableInfo info = null; while ( { tblName = tblSet.getString(1); info = tblMap.get(tblName); if (info != null) { tblMapPriv.put(tblName, info); } } tblSet.close(); sql = "select a.tbl_name from tblpriv a, tdwuserrole b " + "where a.user_name=b.role_name and b.user_name='" + user + "' and a.select_priv=true and a.db_name='" + db + "'"; tblSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); tblName = null; //type = null; //info = null; while ( { tblName = tblSet.getString(1); info = tblMap.get(tblName); if (info != null) { tblMapPriv.put(tblName, info); } } tblSet.close(); return tblMapPriv; } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get db by priv error, msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } } @Override public List<String> getDbsByOwner(String user, String passwd) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection con = null; ; Statement ps = null; List<String> dbs = new ArrayList<String>(); user = user.toLowerCase(); try { con = getGlobalConnection(); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOG.error("get tbls by owner error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOG.error("get tbls by owner error, msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { ps = con.createStatement(); String sql = "select db_name from router where owner='" + user + "'"; ResultSet dbSet = ps.executeQuery(sql); while ( { dbs.add(dbSet.getString(1)); } dbSet.close(); return dbs; } catch (SQLException sqlex) { LOG.error("get db by owner error, msg=" + sqlex.getMessage()); sqlex.printStackTrace(); throw new MetaException(sqlex.getMessage()); } finally { closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); } } @Override public boolean isHdfsExternalTable(String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(); tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); try { con = getSegmentConnection(dbName); } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) { LOG.error("isHdfsExternalTable error, db=" + dbName + ", table=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e1) { LOG.error("isHdfsExternalTable error, db=" + dbName + ", table=" + tableName + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage()); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); ps = con.prepareStatement("select tbl_type, tbl_format" + " from tbls where db_name=? and tbl_name=?"); ps.setString(1, dbName); ps.setString(2, tableName); String tblType = null; String tblFormat = null; boolean isTblFind = false; ResultSet tblSet = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { isTblFind = true; tblType = tblSet.getString(1); tblFormat = tblSet.getString(2); } tblSet.close(); ps.close(); if (!isTblFind) { throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tableName); } closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); boolean isPgTable = tblType != null && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"); if (tblType != null && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && !isPgTable) return true; else return false; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); closeStatement(ps); closeConnection(con); LOG.error( "isHdfsExternalTable error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tableName + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage()); throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage()); } } }