List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement addBatch
void addBatch() throws SQLException;
object's batch of commands. From source
@VisibleForTesting void insertAttendees(AccessToken editor, Event ev, Connection con, List<Attendee> attendees) throws SQLException { String attQ = "INSERT INTO EventLink (" + ATT_INSERT_FIELDS + ") VALUES (" + "?, " + // event_id "?, " + // entity_id "?, " + // state "?, " + // required "?," + // percent "?," + // user_create "?" + // is_organizer ")";/*from w w w. j av a2 s . c o m*/ boolean shouldClearOrganizer = false; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement(attQ); final int eventObmId = ev.getObmId().getObmId(); final Set<Attendee> listAttendee = removeDuplicateAttendee(attendees); Set<EntityId> alreadyAddedAttendees = Sets.newHashSet(); for (final Attendee at : listAttendee) { boolean isOrganizer = Objects.firstNonNull(at.isOrganizer(), false); String attendeeEmail = at.getEmail(); EntityId userEntity = at.getEntityId(); // There must be only one organizer in a given event if (isOrganizer) { shouldClearOrganizer = true; } if (alreadyAddedAttendees.contains(userEntity)) {"Attendee {} with entity ID {} already added, skipping.", attendeeEmail, userEntity); continue; } ps.setInt(1, eventObmId); ps.setInt(2, userEntity.getId()); ps.setObject(3, getJdbcObjectParticipation(at)); ps.setObject(4, getJdbcObjectParticipationRole(at)); ps.setInt(5, at.getPercent()); ps.setInt(6, editor.getObmId()); ps.setBoolean(7, isOrganizer); ps.addBatch(); + "Adding " + attendeeEmail + (isOrganizer ? " as organizer" : " as attendee")); alreadyAddedAttendees.add(userEntity); } // Clear the previous organizer if needed if (shouldClearOrganizer) { clearOrganizer(eventObmId, con); } ps.executeBatch(); } finally { obmHelper.cleanup(null, ps, null); } }
From source
public synchronized void flushBatch() throws SQLException { if (batchCommit && tripleBatch != null) { requireJDBCConnection();// w w w.ja v a 2s .c om commitLock.lock(); try { RetryExecution execution = new RetryExecution("FLUSH BATCH"); execution.setUseSavepoint(true); execution.execute(connection, new RetryCommand<Void>() { @Override public Void run() throws SQLException { PreparedStatement insertTriple = getPreparedStatement("store.triple"); insertTriple.clearParameters(); insertTriple.clearBatch(); synchronized (tripleBatch) { for (KiWiTriple triple : tripleBatch) { // retrieve a new triple ID and set it in the object if (triple.getId() < 0) { triple.setId(getNextSequence()); } insertTriple.setLong(1, triple.getId()); insertTriple.setLong(2, triple.getSubject().getId()); insertTriple.setLong(3, triple.getPredicate().getId()); insertTriple.setLong(4, triple.getObject().getId()); if (triple.getContext() != null) { insertTriple.setLong(5, triple.getContext().getId()); } else { insertTriple.setNull(5, Types.BIGINT); } insertTriple.setBoolean(6, triple.isInferred()); insertTriple.setTimestamp(7, new Timestamp(triple.getCreated().getTime())); insertTriple.addBatch(); } } insertTriple.executeBatch(); tripleBatch.clear(); return null; } }); } finally { commitLock.unlock(); } } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") @Deprecated/*from w w w.j av a2s . c o m*/ private static void mycoCommonInitialize(int bps, Connection connection) throws SQLException, IOException { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); String base = new File("").getAbsolutePath(); CSV.makeDirectory(new File(base + "/PhageData")); INSTANCE = ImportPhagelist.getInstance(); // INSTANCE.parseAllPhages(bps); written = true; Connection db = connection; db.setAutoCommit(false); Statement stat = db.createStatement(); stat.execute("SET FILES LOG FALSE\n"); PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("Insert INTO Primerdb.Primers" + "(Bp,Sequence, CommonP, UniqueP, Picked, Strain, Cluster)" + " Values(?,?,true,false,false,?,?)"); ResultSet call = stat.executeQuery("Select * From Primerdb.Phages;"); List<String[]> phages = new ArrayList<>(); String strain = ""; while ( { String[] r = new String[3]; r[0] = call.getString("Strain"); r[1] = call.getString("Cluster"); r[2] = call.getString("Name"); phages.add(r); if (r[2].equals("xkcd")) { strain = r[0]; } } call.close(); String x = strain; Set<String> clust = -> y[0].equals(x)).map(y -> y[1]).collect(Collectors.toSet()); Map<String, List<String>> clusters = new HashMap<>(); clust.parallelStream().forEach(cluster -> clusters.put(cluster, .filter(a -> a[0].equals(x) && a[1].equals(cluster)).map(a -> a[2]).collect(Collectors.toList()))); for (String z : clusters.keySet()) { try { List<String> clustphages = clusters.get(z); Set<String> primers = Collections.synchronizedSet( CSV.readCSV(base + "/PhageData/" + Integer.toString(bps) + clustphages.get(0) + ".csv")); clustphages.remove(0); for (String phage : clustphages) { // String[] seqs = Fasta.parse(base + "/Fastas/" + phage + ".fasta"); // String sequence =seqs[0]+seqs[1]; // Map<String, List<Integer>> seqInd = new HashMap<>(); // for (int i = 0; i <= sequence.length()-bps; i++) { // String sub=sequence.substring(i,i+bps); // if(seqInd.containsKey(sub)){ // seqInd.get(sub).add(i); // }else { // List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); // list.add(i); // seqInd.put(sub,list); // } // } // primers =; // primers =Sets.intersection(primers,CSV.readCSV(base + "/PhageData/"+Integer.toString(bps) // + phage + ".csv")); // System.gc(); // String[] seqs = Fasta.parse(base + "/Fastas/" + phage + ".fasta"); // String sequence =seqs[0]+seqs[1]; //; primers.retainAll(CSV.readCSV(base + "/PhageData/" + Integer.toString(bps) + phage + ".csv")); // Set<CharSequence> prim = primers; // for (CharSequence primer: primers){ // if(seqInd.containsKey(primer)){ // prim.remove(primer); // } // } // primers=prim; } int i = 0; for (String a : primers) { try { //finish update st.setInt(1, bps); st.setString(2, a); st.setString(3, x); st.setString(4, z); st.addBatch(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error occurred at " + x + " " + z); } i++; if (i == 1000) { i = 0; st.executeBatch(); db.commit(); } } if (i > 0) { st.executeBatch(); db.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error occurred at " + x + " " + z); } System.out.println(z); } stat.execute("SET FILES LOG TRUE\n"); st.close(); stat.close(); System.out.println("Common Updated"); System.out.println((System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / Math.pow(10, 3) / 60); }
From source
private boolean updateAMApplicationKeyMapping(Connection connection) throws SQLException {"Updating consumer keys in AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING"); PreparedStatement preparedStatementUpdate = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatementDelete = null; Statement statement = null;// ww w . j a va2 s . co m ResultSet resultSet = null; boolean continueUpdatingDB = true; long totalRecords = 0; long decryptionFailedRecords = 0; try { String query = "SELECT APPLICATION_ID, CONSUMER_KEY, KEY_TYPE FROM AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING"; ArrayList<AppKeyMappingTableDTO> appKeyMappingTableDTOs = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<AppKeyMappingTableDTO> appKeyMappingTableDTOsFailed = new ArrayList<>(); statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.setFetchSize(50); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { ConsumerKeyDTO consumerKeyDTO = new ConsumerKeyDTO(); consumerKeyDTO.setEncryptedConsumerKey(resultSet.getString("CONSUMER_KEY")); AppKeyMappingTableDTO appKeyMappingTableDTO = new AppKeyMappingTableDTO(); appKeyMappingTableDTO.setApplicationId(resultSet.getString("APPLICATION_ID")); appKeyMappingTableDTO.setConsumerKey(consumerKeyDTO); appKeyMappingTableDTO.setKeyType(resultSet.getString("KEY_TYPE")); totalRecords++; if (ResourceModifier.decryptConsumerKeyIfEncrypted(consumerKeyDTO)) { appKeyMappingTableDTOs.add(appKeyMappingTableDTO); log.debug("Successfully decrypted consumer key : " + consumerKeyDTO.getEncryptedConsumerKey() + " as : " + consumerKeyDTO.getDecryptedConsumerKey() + " in AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING table"); } else { log.error("Cannot decrypt consumer key : " + consumerKeyDTO.getEncryptedConsumerKey() + " in AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING table"); decryptionFailedRecords++; appKeyMappingTableDTOsFailed.add(appKeyMappingTableDTO); //If its not allowed to remove decryption failed entries from DB, we will not continue updating // tables even with successfully decrypted entries to maintain DB integrity if (!removeDecryptionFailedKeysFromDB) { continueUpdatingDB = false; } } } if (continueUpdatingDB) { preparedStatementUpdate = connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING SET CONSUMER_KEY = ?" + " WHERE APPLICATION_ID = ? AND KEY_TYPE = ?"); for (AppKeyMappingTableDTO appKeyMappingTableDTO : appKeyMappingTableDTOs) { preparedStatementUpdate.setString(1, appKeyMappingTableDTO.getConsumerKey().getDecryptedConsumerKey()); preparedStatementUpdate.setString(2, appKeyMappingTableDTO.getApplicationId()); preparedStatementUpdate.setString(3, appKeyMappingTableDTO.getKeyType()); preparedStatementUpdate.addBatch(); } preparedStatementUpdate.executeBatch(); //deleting rows where consumer key decryption was unsuccessful preparedStatementDelete = connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING WHERE CONSUMER_KEY = ?"); for (AppKeyMappingTableDTO appKeyMappingTableDTO : appKeyMappingTableDTOsFailed) { preparedStatementDelete.setString(1, appKeyMappingTableDTO.getConsumerKey().getEncryptedConsumerKey()); preparedStatementDelete.addBatch(); } preparedStatementDelete.executeBatch();"AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING table updated with " + decryptionFailedRecords + "/" + totalRecords + " of the CONSUMER_KEY entries deleted as they cannot be decrypted"); } else { log.error("AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING table not updated as " + decryptionFailedRecords + "/" + totalRecords + " of the CONSUMER_KEY entries cannot be decrypted"); } } finally { APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(null, null, resultSet); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(preparedStatementUpdate, null, null); APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(preparedStatementDelete, null, null); if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Unable to close the statement", e); } } } return continueUpdatingDB; }
From source
/** * Uses a batch update to persist all supplied tgts. * @param tgts The TGTs to persist./*from w w w . java 2s . c o m*/ * @throws PersistenceException If persistance fails. * * @see IEntityManager#persist(IEntity[]) * @see PreparedStatement#addBatch() */ public void persist(JDBCTGT[] tgts) throws PersistenceException { if (tgts == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Suplied tgt array is empty or invalid"); List<TGTEventError> listTGTEventErrors = new Vector<TGTEventError>(); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement psInsert = null; PreparedStatement psDelete = null; PreparedStatement psDeleteAliasR = null; PreparedStatement psDeleteAliasF = null; PreparedStatement psUpdate = null; try { connection = _oDataSource.getConnection(); //Manage connection connection.setAutoCommit(false); if (_aliasStoreSP != null) psDeleteAliasR = connection.prepareStatement(_aliasStoreSP.getQueryAliasRemove()); if (_aliasStoreIDP != null) psDeleteAliasF = connection.prepareStatement(_aliasStoreIDP.getQueryAliasRemove()); psInsert = connection.prepareStatement(_sInsertQuery); psDelete = connection.prepareStatement(_sRemoveQuery); psUpdate = connection.prepareStatement(_sUpdateQuery); Vector<ITGT> vCreate = new Vector<ITGT>(); Vector<ITGT> vUpdate = new Vector<ITGT>(); Vector<ITGT> vRemove = new Vector<ITGT>(); for (JDBCTGT tgt : tgts) //For all tgts { String id = tgt.getId(); if (id == null) //New TGT { byte[] baId = new byte[ITGT.TGT_LENGTH]; do { _random.nextBytes(baId); try { id = ModifiedBase64.encode(baId); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { _logger.error("Could not create tgt id for byte[]: " + baId, e); throw new PersistenceException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } } while (exists(id)); //Key allready exists tgt.setId(id); //Update expiration time long expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + _lExpiration; tgt.setTgtExpTime(expiration); psInsert.setString(1, id); psInsert.setTimestamp(2, new Timestamp(expiration)); psInsert.setBytes(3, Serialize.encode(tgt.getUser())); psInsert.setBytes(4, Serialize.encode(tgt.getAuthenticationProfile())); psInsert.setBytes(5, Serialize.encode(tgt.getModifiableAuthNProfileIDs())); psInsert.setBytes(6, Serialize.encode(tgt.getModifiableRequestorIDs())); psInsert.setBytes(7, Serialize.encode(tgt.getAttributes())); psInsert.addBatch(); vCreate.add(tgt); } else if (tgt.isExpired()) //Expired { _logger.debug("TGT Expired: " + id); if (psDeleteAliasR != null) { psDeleteAliasR.setString(1, id); psDeleteAliasR.addBatch(); } if (psDeleteAliasF != null) { psDeleteAliasF.setString(1, id); psDeleteAliasF.addBatch(); } vRemove.add(tgt); } else //Update { //Update expiration time long expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + _lExpiration; tgt.setTgtExpTime(expiration); //Update tgt psUpdate.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(expiration)); psUpdate.setBytes(2, Serialize.encode(tgt.getUser())); psUpdate.setBytes(3, Serialize.encode(tgt.getAuthenticationProfile())); psUpdate.setBytes(4, Serialize.encode(tgt.getModifiableAuthNProfileIDs())); psUpdate.setBytes(5, Serialize.encode(tgt.getModifiableRequestorIDs())); psUpdate.setBytes(6, Serialize.encode(tgt.getAttributes())); psUpdate.setString(7, id); psUpdate.addBatch(); vUpdate.add(tgt); } } try { int iTotalAdded = 0; for (int i : psInsert.executeBatch()) { iTotalAdded += i; } _logger.debug(iTotalAdded + " new TGT(s) added by batch"); for (ITGT tgt : vCreate) { try { processEvent(TGTListenerEvent.ON_CREATE, tgt); } catch (TGTListenerException e) { listTGTEventErrors.addAll(e.getErrors()); } } } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Could not execute insert batch", e); throw new PersistenceException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_INSERT); } try { for (ITGT tgt : vRemove) { IUser tgtUser = tgt.getUser(); UserEventLogItem(null, tgt.getId(), null, UserEvent.TGT_EXPIRED, tgtUser.getID(), tgtUser.getOrganization(), null, null, this, null)); try { processEvent(TGTListenerEvent.ON_REMOVE, tgt); } catch (TGTListenerException e) { listTGTEventErrors.addAll(e.getErrors()); } } int iTotalDeleted = 0; for (int i : psDelete.executeBatch()) { iTotalDeleted += i; } _logger.debug(iTotalDeleted + " TGT(s) deleted by batch"); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Could not execute delete batch", e); throw new PersistenceException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_REMOVE); } if (psDeleteAliasR != null) { try { int iTotalAliasDeleted = 0; for (int i : psDeleteAliasR.executeBatch()) { iTotalAliasDeleted += i; } _logger.debug(iTotalAliasDeleted + " (requestor based) alias(es) deleted by batch"); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Could not execute delete (requestor based) alias batch", e); throw new PersistenceException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_REMOVE); } } if (psDeleteAliasF != null) { try { int iTotalAliasDeleted = 0; for (int i : psDeleteAliasF.executeBatch()) { iTotalAliasDeleted += i; } _logger.debug(iTotalAliasDeleted + " (remote enitity based) alias(es) deleted by batch"); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Could not execute delete (remote enitity based) alias batch", e); throw new PersistenceException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_REMOVE); } } try { int iTotalUpdated = 0; for (int i : psUpdate.executeBatch()) { iTotalUpdated += i; } _logger.debug(iTotalUpdated + " TGT(s) updated by batch"); for (ITGT tgt : vUpdate) { try { processEvent(TGTListenerEvent.ON_UPDATE, tgt); } catch (TGTListenerException e) { listTGTEventErrors.addAll(e.getErrors()); } } } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Could not execute update batch", e); throw new PersistenceException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_UPDATE); } connection.commit(); if (listTGTEventErrors != null) {//TGT Event processing failed, error has been logged already throw new TGTListenerException(listTGTEventErrors); } } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("Could not execute Batch", e); try { if (connection != null) connection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e1) { _logger.warn("Could not rollback batch", e); } throw new PersistenceException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } catch (PersistenceException e) { try { if (connection != null) connection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e1) { _logger.warn("Could not rollback batch", e); } throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Could not connect to JDBC resource", e); throw new PersistenceException(SystemErrors.ERROR_RESOURCE_CONNECT); } finally { try { if (psInsert != null) psInsert.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.debug("Could not close insert statement", e); } try { if (psDelete != null) psDelete.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.debug("Could not close delete statement", e); } try { if (psDeleteAliasR != null) psDeleteAliasR.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.debug("Could not close delete (requestor based) alias statement", e); } try { if (psDeleteAliasF != null) psDeleteAliasF.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.debug("Could not close delete (remote entity based) alias statement", e); } try { if (psUpdate != null) psUpdate.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.debug("Could not close update statement", e); } try { if (connection != null) connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.debug("Could not close connection", e); } } }
From source
@Deprecated private void insertGenomeSequence(String sequenceName, boolean haplotypeSequenceType, PreparedStatement sqlInsert, StringBuilder sequenceStringBuilder) throws SQLException { int chunk = 0; int start = 1; int end = CHUNK_SIZE - 1; // if the sequence read is not HAP then we stored in sqlite if (!haplotypeSequenceType && !sequenceName.contains("PATCH")) {"Indexing genome sequence {} ...", sequenceName); sqlInsert.setString(5, sequenceName); //chromosome sequence length could shorter than CHUNK_SIZE if (sequenceStringBuilder.length() < CHUNK_SIZE) { sqlInsert.setString(1, sequenceName + "_" + chunk + "_" + chunkIdSuffix); sqlInsert.setInt(2, start);/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c om*/ sqlInsert.setInt(3, sequenceStringBuilder.length() - 1); sqlInsert.setString(4, sequenceStringBuilder.toString()); // Sequence to store is larger than CHUNK_SIZE } else { int sequenceLength = sequenceStringBuilder.length(); sqlConn.setAutoCommit(false); while (start < sequenceLength) { if (chunk % 10000 == 0 && chunk != 0) { sqlInsert.executeBatch(); sqlConn.commit(); } // chunkId is common for all the options sqlInsert.setString(1, sequenceName + "_" + chunk + "_" + chunkIdSuffix); if (start == 1) { // First chunk of the chromosome // First chunk contains CHUNK_SIZE-1 nucleotides as index start at position 1 but must end at 1999 // chunkSequence = sequenceStringBuilder.substring(start - 1, CHUNK_SIZE - 1); // genomeSequenceChunk = new GenomeSequenceChunk(chromosome, chromosome+"_"+chunk+"_" // +chunkIdSuffix, start, end, sequenceType, sequenceAssembly, chunkSequence); sqlInsert.setInt(2, start); sqlInsert.setInt(3, end); sqlInsert.setString(4, sequenceStringBuilder.substring(start - 1, CHUNK_SIZE - 1)); start += CHUNK_SIZE - 1; } else { // Regular chunk if ((start + CHUNK_SIZE) < sequenceLength) { sqlInsert.setInt(2, start); sqlInsert.setInt(3, end); sqlInsert.setString(4, sequenceStringBuilder.substring(start - 1, start + CHUNK_SIZE - 1)); start += CHUNK_SIZE; } else { // Last chunk of the chromosome sqlInsert.setInt(2, start); sqlInsert.setInt(3, sequenceLength); sqlInsert.setString(4, sequenceStringBuilder.substring(start - 1, sequenceLength)); start = sequenceLength; } } // we add the inserts in a batch sqlInsert.addBatch(); end = start + CHUNK_SIZE - 1; chunk++; } sqlInsert.executeBatch(); sqlConn.commit(); sqlConn.setAutoCommit(true); } } }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from w ww. j a va 2s . c o m*/ */ @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void addItemData(long briefcaseId, List<BriefcaseItemData> itemDatas) throws FxApplicationException { if (itemDatas == null || itemDatas.size() == 0) return; Briefcase br = load(briefcaseId); // check read permissions Connection con = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; long lastId = -1; int pos = -1; try { con = Database.getDbConnection(); for (BriefcaseItemData itemData : itemDatas) { if (lastId != itemData.getId()) { lastId = itemData.getId(); if (stmt != null) { stmt.executeBatch(); stmt.close(); } //existance check and evaluate position stmt = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + TBL_BRIEFCASE_DATA + " WHERE briefcase_id=? AND id=?"); stmt.setLong(1, briefcaseId); stmt.setLong(2, itemData.getId()); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (rs == null || ! || rs.getLong(1) != 1) throw new FxNotFoundException(LOG, "ex.briefcase.notFound.item", itemData.getId(), br.getName()); stmt.close(); stmt = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT MAX(pos) FROM " + TBL_BRIEFCASE_DATA_ITEM + " WHERE briefcase_id=? AND id=?"); stmt.setLong(1, briefcaseId); stmt.setLong(2, itemData.getId()); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); pos = ? rs.getInt(1) : 0; stmt.close(); stmt = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + TBL_BRIEFCASE_DATA_ITEM + "(briefcase_id, id, pos, intflag1, intflag2, intflag3, longflag1, longflag2, metadata) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); stmt.setLong(1, briefcaseId); stmt.setLong(2, itemData.getId()); } if (stmt == null) { LOG.fatal("PreparedStatement was null trying to add briefcase item data!"); continue; } stmt.setLong(3, ++pos); if (itemData.isIntFlagSet(1)) stmt.setInt(4, itemData.getIntFlag1()); else stmt.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER); if (itemData.isIntFlagSet(2)) stmt.setInt(5, itemData.getIntFlag2()); else stmt.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER); if (itemData.isIntFlagSet(3)) stmt.setInt(6, itemData.getIntFlag3()); else stmt.setNull(6, Types.INTEGER); if (itemData.isLongFlagSet(1)) stmt.setLong(7, itemData.getLongFlag1()); else stmt.setNull(7, Types.BIGINT); if (itemData.isLongFlagSet(2)) stmt.setLong(8, itemData.getLongFlag2()); else stmt.setNull(8, Types.BIGINT); stmt.setString(9, itemData.getMetaData()); stmt.addBatch(); } if (stmt != null) stmt.executeBatch(); } catch (Exception e) { EJBUtils.rollback(ctx); throw new FxUpdateException(LOG, e, "ex.briefcase.addItemData", br.getName(), lastId, e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(BriefcaseEngineBean.class, con, stmt); } }
From source
private boolean updateAMApplicationKeyMapping(Connection connection) throws SQLException {"Updating consumer keys in AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING"); PreparedStatement preparedStatementUpdate = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatementDelete = null; Statement statement = null;/*from w ww . j a v a 2s .co m*/ ResultSet resultSet = null; boolean continueUpdatingDB = true; long totalRecords = 0; long decryptionFailedRecords = 0; try { String query = "SELECT APPLICATION_ID, CONSUMER_KEY, KEY_TYPE FROM AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING"; ArrayList<AppKeyMappingTableDTO> appKeyMappingTableDTOs = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<AppKeyMappingTableDTO> appKeyMappingTableDTOsFailed = new ArrayList<>(); statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.setFetchSize(50); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { ConsumerKeyDTO consumerKeyDTO = new ConsumerKeyDTO(); consumerKeyDTO.setEncryptedConsumerKey(resultSet.getString("CONSUMER_KEY")); AppKeyMappingTableDTO appKeyMappingTableDTO = new AppKeyMappingTableDTO(); appKeyMappingTableDTO.setApplicationId(resultSet.getString("APPLICATION_ID")); appKeyMappingTableDTO.setConsumerKey(consumerKeyDTO); appKeyMappingTableDTO.setKeyType(resultSet.getString("KEY_TYPE")); totalRecords++; if (ResourceModifier.decryptConsumerKeyIfEncrypted(consumerKeyDTO)) { appKeyMappingTableDTOs.add(appKeyMappingTableDTO); log.debug("Successfully decrypted consumer key : " + consumerKeyDTO.getEncryptedConsumerKey() + " as : " + consumerKeyDTO.getDecryptedConsumerKey() + " in AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING table"); } else { log.error("Cannot decrypt consumer key : " + consumerKeyDTO.getEncryptedConsumerKey() + " in AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING table"); decryptionFailedRecords++; appKeyMappingTableDTOsFailed.add(appKeyMappingTableDTO); //If its not allowed to remove decryption failed entries from DB, we will not continue updating // tables even with successfully decrypted entries to maintain DB integrity if (!removeDecryptionFailedKeysFromDB) { continueUpdatingDB = false; } } } if (continueUpdatingDB) { preparedStatementUpdate = connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING SET CONSUMER_KEY = ?" + " WHERE APPLICATION_ID = ? AND KEY_TYPE = ?"); for (AppKeyMappingTableDTO appKeyMappingTableDTO : appKeyMappingTableDTOs) { preparedStatementUpdate.setString(1, appKeyMappingTableDTO.getConsumerKey().getDecryptedConsumerKey()); preparedStatementUpdate.setString(2, appKeyMappingTableDTO.getApplicationId()); preparedStatementUpdate.setString(3, appKeyMappingTableDTO.getKeyType()); preparedStatementUpdate.addBatch(); } preparedStatementUpdate.executeBatch(); //deleting rows where consumer key decryption was unsuccessful preparedStatementDelete = connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING WHERE CONSUMER_KEY = ?"); for (AppKeyMappingTableDTO appKeyMappingTableDTO : appKeyMappingTableDTOsFailed) { preparedStatementDelete.setString(1, appKeyMappingTableDTO.getConsumerKey().getEncryptedConsumerKey()); preparedStatementDelete.addBatch(); } preparedStatementDelete.executeBatch();"AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING table updated with " + decryptionFailedRecords + "/" + totalRecords + " of the CONSUMER_KEY entries deleted as they cannot be decrypted"); } else { log.error("AM_APPLICATION_KEY_MAPPING table not updated as " + decryptionFailedRecords + "/" + totalRecords + " of the CONSUMER_KEY entries cannot be decrypted"); } } finally { if (preparedStatementUpdate != null) preparedStatementUpdate.close(); if (preparedStatementDelete != null) preparedStatementDelete.close(); if (statement != null) statement.close(); if (resultSet != null) resultSet.close(); } return continueUpdatingDB; }
From source
/** * *///from w w w .j av a 2 s . c o m public void insertCategories(List<Category> categoryList, int virtualWikiId, int topicId, Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (topicId == -1) { throw new SQLException("Invalid topicId passed to method AnsiQueryHandler.insertCategories"); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(STATEMENT_INSERT_CATEGORY); for (Category category : categoryList) { stmt.setInt(1, topicId); stmt.setString(2, category.getName()); stmt.setString(3, category.getSortKey()); stmt.addBatch(); } stmt.executeBatch(); } finally { DatabaseConnection.closeStatement(stmt); } }
From source
/** * *///from w ww .j a va 2 s . co m public void insertTopicLinks(List<Topic> topicLinks, int topicId, Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (topicId == -1) { throw new SQLException("Invalid topicId passed to method AnsiQueryHandler.insertTopicLinks"); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(STATEMENT_INSERT_TOPIC_LINKS); for (Topic topicLink : topicLinks) { stmt.setInt(1, topicId); stmt.setInt(2, topicLink.getNamespace().getId()); stmt.setString(3, topicLink.getPageName()); stmt.addBatch(); } stmt.executeBatch(); } finally { DatabaseConnection.closeStatement(stmt); } }