Java tutorial
/*************************************************************** * This file is part of the [fleXive](R) framework. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 * UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * All rights reserved * * The [fleXive](R) project is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 or higher as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be found at * * A copy is found in the textfile LGPL.txt and important notices to the * license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with * these libraries. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh, * please see the company website: * * For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the * project website: * * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file! ***************************************************************/ package; import com.flexive.core.Database; import com.flexive.core.DatabaseConst; import com.flexive.core.LifeCycleInfoImpl; import com.flexive.core.conversion.ConversionEngine; import com.flexive.core.flatstorage.FxFlatStorage; import com.flexive.core.flatstorage.FxFlatStorageLoadColumn; import com.flexive.core.flatstorage.FxFlatStorageLoadContainer; import com.flexive.core.flatstorage.FxFlatStorageManager; import*; import; import; import com.flexive.extractor.htmlExtractor.HtmlExtractor; import com.flexive.shared.*; import com.flexive.shared.configuration.SystemParameters; import com.flexive.shared.content.*; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.*; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.HistoryTrackerEngine; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.ScriptingEngine; import com.flexive.shared.scripting.FxScriptBinding; import com.flexive.shared.scripting.FxScriptEvent; import; import; import; import; import com.flexive.shared.structure.*; import com.flexive.shared.value.*; import com.flexive.shared.workflow.Step; import com.flexive.shared.workflow.StepDefinition; import com.flexive.shared.workflow.Workflow; import; import*; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.tidy.Tidy; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Date; import static com.flexive.core.DatabaseConst.*; import static com.flexive.shared.content.FxGroupData.AddGroupOptions; /** * Generic implementation of hierarchical content handling. * Concrete implementation have to derive from this class and * provide a singleton hook for the Database class (static getInstance() method) * * @author Markus Plesser (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( */ public abstract class GenericHierarchicalStorage implements ContentStorage { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class); protected static final String CONTENT_MAIN_INSERT = "INSERT INTO " + TBL_CONTENT + // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 " (ID,VER,TDEF,ACL,STEP,MAX_VER,LIVE_VER,ISMAX_VER," + //9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 "ISLIVE_VER,ISACTIVE,MAINLANG,RELSRC_ID,RELSRC_VER,RELDST_ID,RELDST_VER,RELSRC_POS,RELDST_POS,CREATED_BY," + //19 20 21 22 23 "CREATED_AT,MODIFIED_BY,MODIFIED_AT,MANDATOR,DBIN_ID,DBIN_VER,DBIN_QUALITY,DBIN_ACL,GROUP_POS)" + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,-1,1,1,1,?)"; protected static final String CONTENT_MAIN_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT + " SET " + // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "TDEF=?,ACL=?,STEP=?,MAX_VER=?,LIVE_VER=?,ISMAX_VER=?,ISLIVE_VER=?,ISACTIVE=?,MAINLANG=?," + // 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 "RELSRC_ID=?,RELSRC_VER=?,RELDST_ID=?,RELDST_VER=?,RELSRC_POS=?,RELDST_POS=?,MODIFIED_BY=?,MODIFIED_AT=?,GROUP_POS=? " + // 19 20 "WHERE ID=? AND VER=?"; // 1 2 3 protected static final String CONTENT_GROUP_POS_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT + " SET GROUP_POS=? WHERE ID=? AND VER=?"; // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 protected static final String CONTENT_MAIN_LOAD = "SELECT ID,VER,TDEF,ACL,STEP,MAX_VER,LIVE_VER,ISMAX_VER,ISLIVE_VER," + //10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 "ISACTIVE,MAINLANG,RELSRC_ID,RELSRC_VER,RELDST_ID,RELDST_VER,RELSRC_POS,RELDST_POS,CREATED_BY,CREATED_AT," + //20 21 22 23 24 25 "MODIFIED_BY,MODIFIED_AT,MANDATOR,DBIN_ID,DBIN_ACL,GROUP_POS FROM " + TBL_CONTENT; // 1 2 3 4 5 6 protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_LOAD = "SELECT POS,LANG,ASSIGN,XMULT,FALSE as ISGROUP,ISMLDEF," + //7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 "FDATE1,FDATE2,FBLOB,FCLOB,FINT,FBIGINT,FTEXT1024,FDOUBLE,FFLOAT,FBOOL,FSELECT,FREF FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + // 1 2 " WHERE ID=? AND VER=? ORDER BY XDEPTH ASC, POS ASC, ASSIGN ASC, XMULT ASC"; //single insert statement for content data protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_INSERT = "INSERT INTO " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + //1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 "(ID,VER,POS,LANG,ASSIGN,XMULT,XINDEX,PARENTXMULT,ISMAX_VER,ISLIVE_VER,ISMLDEF,TPROP,XDEPTH," + //14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 "FSELECT,FREF,FDATE1,FDATE2,FDOUBLE,FFLOAT,FBOOL,FINT,FBIGINT,FTEXT1024," + //24 25 26 27 "UFTEXT1024,FBLOB,FCLOB,UFCLOB)" + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?," + "?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?," + "?,?,?,?)"; //single update statement for content data protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + // 1 2 " SET POS=?,ISMLDEF=?," + // 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "FSELECT=?,FREF=?,FDATE1=?,FDATE2=?,FDOUBLE=?,FFLOAT=?,FBOOL=?," + // 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 "FINT=?,FBIGINT=?,FTEXT1024=?,UFTEXT1024=?,FBLOB=?,FCLOB=?,UFCLOB=? " + // 17 18 19 20 21 "WHERE ID=? AND VER=? AND LANG=? AND ASSIGN=? AND XMULT=?"; /** * update statements for content type conversion */ protected static final String CONTENT_CONVERT_ALL_VERSIONS_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT + " SET " + // 1 2 3 4 "TDEF=?, MODIFIED_BY=?, MODIFIED_AT=? WHERE ID=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_CONVERT_SINGLE_VERSION_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT + " SET " + // 1 2 3 4 5 "TDEF=?, MODIFIED_BY=?, MODIFIED_AT=? WHERE ID=? AND VER=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_CONVERT_ALL_VERSIONS_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " SET " + // 1 2 3 "ASSIGN=? WHERE ID=? AND ASSIGN=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_CONVERT_SINGLE_VERSION_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " SET " + // 1 2 3 4 "ASSIGN=? WHERE ID=? AND ASSIGN=? AND VER=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_FT_CONVERT_ALL_VERSIONS_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA_FT + " SET " + // 1 2 3 "ASSIGN=? WHERE ID=? AND ASSIGN=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_FT_CONVERT_SINGLE_VERSION_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA_FT + " SET " + // 1 2 3 4 "ASSIGN=? WHERE ID=? AND ASSIGN=? AND VER=?"; // 1 2 // protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_REMOVE_VERSION = "DELETE FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " WHERE ID=? AND VER=?"; //security info main query protected static final String SECURITY_INFO_MAIN = "SELECT DISTINCT c.ACL, t.ACL, s.ACL, t.SECURITY_MODE, t.ID, c.DBIN_ID, c.DBIN_ACL, c.CREATED_BY, c.MANDATOR, c.ver FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " c, " + TBL_STRUCT_TYPES + " t, " + TBL_WORKFLOW_STEP + " s WHERE c.ID=? AND "; protected static final String SECURITY_INFO_WHERE = " AND t.ID=c.TDEF AND s.ID=c.STEP"; protected static final String SECURITY_INFO_VER = SECURITY_INFO_MAIN + "c.VER=?" + SECURITY_INFO_WHERE; protected static final String SECURITY_INFO_MAXVER = SECURITY_INFO_MAIN + "c.VER=c.MAX_VER" + SECURITY_INFO_WHERE; protected static final String SECURITY_INFO_LIVEVER = SECURITY_INFO_MAIN + "c.VER=c.LIVE_VER" + SECURITY_INFO_WHERE; //calculate max_ver and live_ver for a content instance protected static final String CONTENT_VER_CALC = "SELECT MAX(VER) AS MAX_VER, COALESCE((SELECT s.VER FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " s WHERE s.STEP=? AND,-1) AS LIVE_VER FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " c WHERE c.ID=? GROUP BY c.ID,c.TDEF"; protected static final String CONTENT_VER_UPDATE_1 = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT + " SET MAX_VER=?, LIVE_VER=?, ISMAX_VER=(VER=?), ISLIVE_VER=(VER=?) WHERE ID=?"; // protected static final String CONTENT_VER_UPDATE_2 = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT + " SET ISMAX_VER=(MAX_VER=VER), ISLIVE_VER=(LIVE_VER=VER) WHERE ID=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_VER_UPDATE_3 = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " SET ISMAX_VER=(VER=?), ISLIVE_VER=(VER=?) WHERE ID=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_STEP_GETVERSIONS = "SELECT VER FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE STEP=? AND ID=? AND VER<>?"; protected static final String CONTENT_STEP_DEPENDENCIES = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT + " SET STEP=? WHERE STEP=? AND ID=? AND VER<>?"; protected static final String CONTENT_REFERENCE_LIVE = "SELECT VER, ACL, STEP, TDEF, CREATED_BY FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE ID=? AND ISLIVE_VER=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_REFERENCE_MAX = "SELECT VER, ACL, STEP, TDEF, CREATED_BY FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE ID=? AND ISMAX_VER=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_REFERENCE_CAPTION = "SELECT FTEXT1024 FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " WHERE ID=? AND VER=? AND TPROP=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_REFERENCE_BYTYPE = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT d.ID) FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " c, " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " d, " + TBL_STRUCT_ASSIGNMENTS + " a, " + TBL_STRUCT_PROPERTIES + " p " + "WHERE c.TDEF=a.TYPEDEF AND a.APROPERTY=p.ID AND p.REFTYPE=? AND d.ASSIGN=a.ID AND d.TPROP=p.ID AND d.FREF<>d.ID"; //getContentVersionInfo() statement protected static final String CONTENT_VER_INFO = "SELECT ID, VER, MAX_VER, LIVE_VER, CREATED_BY, CREATED_AT, MODIFIED_BY, MODIFIED_AT, STEP FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE ID=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_MAIN_REMOVE = "DELETE FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE ID=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_REMOVE = "DELETE FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " WHERE ID=?"; protected static final String SQL_WHERE_VER = " AND VER=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_MAIN_REMOVE_VER = CONTENT_MAIN_REMOVE + SQL_WHERE_VER; protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_REMOVE_VER = CONTENT_DATA_REMOVE + SQL_WHERE_VER; protected static final String CONTENT_MAIN_REMOVE_TYPE = "DELETE FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE TDEF=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_DATA_REMOVE_TYPE = "DELETE FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " WHERE ID IN (SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE TDEF=?)"; protected static final String CONTENT_TYPE_PK_RETRIEVE_VERSIONS = "SELECT DISTINCT ID,VER FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE TDEF=? ORDER BY ID,VER"; protected static final String CONTENT_TYPE_PK_RETRIEVE_IDS = "SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE TDEF=? ORDER BY ID"; protected static final String CONTENT_GET_TYPE = "SELECT DISTINCT TDEF FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE ID=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_ACLS_LOAD = "SELECT ACL FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_ACLS + " WHERE ID=? AND VER=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_ACLS_CLEAR = "DELETE FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_ACLS + " WHERE ID=? AND VER=?"; protected static final String CONTENT_ACL_INSERT = "INSERT INTO " + TBL_CONTENT_ACLS + "(ID, VER, ACL) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; // 1 2 3 4 protected static final String CONTENT_MAIN_UPDATE_CREATED_AT = "UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT + " SET CREATED_AT=?, CREATED_BY=? WHERE ID=? AND VER=?"; //prepared statement positions protected final static int INSERT_LANG_POS = 4; protected final static int INSERT_ISDEF_LANG_POS = 11; //position of first value protected final static int INSERT_VALUE_POS = 13; //position of last value protected final static int INSERT_END_POS = 27; //position of the id field (start of the where clause) for detail updates protected final static int UPDATE_ID_POS = 17; protected final static int UPDATE_POS_POS = 1; protected final static int UPDATE_MLDEF_POS = 2; // propertyId -> column names protected static final HashMap<Long, String[]> mainColumnHash; // dataType -> column names protected static final HashMap<FxDataType, String[]> detailColumnNameHash; // dataType -> column insert positions protected static final HashMap<FxDataType, int[]> detailColumnInsertPosHash; // dataType -> column update positions protected static final HashMap<FxDataType, int[]> detailColumnUpdatePosHash; static { detailColumnNameHash = new HashMap<FxDataType, String[]>(20); detailColumnInsertPosHash = new HashMap<FxDataType, int[]>(20); detailColumnUpdatePosHash = new HashMap<FxDataType, int[]>(20); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.Binary, array("FBLOB")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.Binary, array(25)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.Binary, array(14)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.Boolean, array("FBOOL")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.Boolean, array(20)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.Boolean, array(9)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.Date, array("FDATE1")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.Date, array(16)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.Date, array(5)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.DateRange, array("FDATE1", "FDATE2")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.DateRange, array(16, 17)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.DateRange, array(5, 6)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.DateTime, array("FDATE1")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.DateTime, array(16)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.DateTime, array(5)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.DateTimeRange, array("FDATE1", "FDATE2")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.DateTimeRange, array(16, 17)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.DateTimeRange, array(5, 6)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.Double, array("FDOUBLE")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.Double, array(18)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.Double, array(7)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.Float, array("FFLOAT")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.Float, array(19)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.Float, array(8)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.LargeNumber, array("FBIGINT")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.LargeNumber, array(22)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.LargeNumber, array(11)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.Number, array("FINT")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.Number, array(21)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.Number, array(10)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.Reference, array("FREF")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.Reference, array(15)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.Reference, array(4)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.String1024, array("FTEXT1024")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.String1024, array(23)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.String1024, array(12)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.Text, array("FCLOB")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.Text, array(26)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.Text, array(15)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.HTML, array("FCLOB", "FBOOL", "UFCLOB")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.HTML, array(26, 20, 27)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.HTML, array(15, 9, 16)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.SelectOne, array("FSELECT")); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.SelectOne, array(14)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.SelectOne, array(3)); detailColumnNameHash.put(FxDataType.SelectMany, array("FSELECT", "FTEXT1024"/*comma separated list of selected id's*/, "FINT" /*number of selected options*/)); detailColumnInsertPosHash.put(FxDataType.SelectMany, array(14, 23/*comma separated list of selected id's*/, 21/*number of selected options*/)); detailColumnUpdatePosHash.put(FxDataType.SelectMany, array(3, 12/*comma separated list of selected id's*/, 10/*number of selected options*/)); mainColumnHash = new HashMap<Long, String[]>(20); mainColumnHash.put(0L, array("ID")); mainColumnHash.put(1L, array("VER")); mainColumnHash.put(2L, array("TDEF")); mainColumnHash.put(3L, array("MANDATOR")); mainColumnHash.put(4L, array("ACL")); mainColumnHash.put(5L, array("STEP")); mainColumnHash.put(6L, array("MAX_VER")); mainColumnHash.put(7L, array("LIVE_VER")); mainColumnHash.put(8L, array("ISMAX_VER")); mainColumnHash.put(9L, array("ISLIVE_VER")); mainColumnHash.put(10L, array("ISACTIVE")); mainColumnHash.put(11L, array("MAINLANG")); mainColumnHash.put(12L, array("RELSRC")); mainColumnHash.put(13L, array("RELDST")); mainColumnHash.put(14L, array("RELPOS_SRC")); mainColumnHash.put(15L, array("RELPOS_DST")); mainColumnHash.put(16L, array("CREATED_BY")); mainColumnHash.put(17L, array("CREATED_AT")); mainColumnHash.put(18L, array("MODIFIED_BY")); mainColumnHash.put(19L, array("MODIFIED_AT")); mainColumnHash.put(20L, array("CAPTION")); } private static final AddGroupOptions GROUPS_ONLY_SYS_INTERNAL = new AddGroupOptions().onlySystemInternal(); protected BinaryStorage binaryStorage; protected GenericHierarchicalStorage(BinaryStorage binaryStorage) { this.binaryStorage = binaryStorage; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getTableName(FxProperty prop) { if (prop.isSystemInternal()) return DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT; return DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_DATA; } /** * Helper to convert a var array of string to a 'real' string array * * @param data strings to put into an array * @return string array from parameters */ protected static String[] array(String... data) { return data; } /** * Helper to convert a var array of int to a 'real' int array * * @param data ints to put into an array * @return int array from parameters */ protected static int[] array(int... data) { return data; } /** * Set a prepared statements values to <code>NULL</code> from startPos to endPos * * @param ps prepared statement * @param startPos start position * @param endPos end position * @throws SQLException on errors */ protected static void clearPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps, int startPos, int endPos) throws SQLException { for (int i = startPos; i <= endPos; i++) ps.setNull(i, Types.NULL); } /** * Lock table needed for update operations for a content * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param id id of the content * @param version optional version, if <=0 all versions will be locked * @throws FxRuntimeException containing a FxDbException */ public abstract void lockTables(Connection con, long id, int version) throws FxRuntimeException; /** * Use batch updates for changes in content data entries? * * @return if batch updates should be used for changes in content data entries */ protected boolean batchContentDataChanges() { return true; // note: 'false' is ignored for most operations (e.g. in content create) by this storage impl. } /** * Set a big(long) string value, implementations may differ by used database * * @param ps the prepared statement to operate on * @param pos argument position * @param data the big string to set * @throws SQLException on errors */ protected void setBigString(PreparedStatement ps, int pos, String data) throws SQLException { //default implementation using PreparedStatement#setString ps.setString(pos, data); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getUppercaseColumn(FxProperty prop) { if (prop.isSystemInternal()) return null; switch (prop.getDataType()) { case String1024: return "UFTEXT1024"; case Text: return "UFCLOB"; default: return null; } } /** * Get the insert position of the uppercase column for a detail property or <code>-1</code> if no uppercase column exists * * @param prop detail property * @param insert get column pos for an insert or update? * @return insert position of the uppercase column for a detail property or <code>-1</code> if no uppercase column exists */ public int getUppercaseColumnPos(FxProperty prop, boolean insert) { if (prop.isSystemInternal()) return -1; switch (prop.getDataType()) { case String1024: if (prop.getOption(FxStructureOption.OPTION_IN_UPPERCASE).isValueTrue()) { return -1; // upper case column disabled } return insert ? 24 : 13; //UFTEXT1024 case Text: if (prop.getOption(FxStructureOption.OPTION_IN_UPPERCASE).isValueTrue()) { return -1; // upper case column disabled } return insert ? 27 : 16; //UFCLOB default: return -1; } } /** * Get the value data column position for a given data type for loading * * @param dataType requested data type * @return value column position * @since 3.1.4 */ protected int getValueDataLoadPos(FxDataType dataType) { if (dataType == FxDataType.Number || dataType == FxDataType.SelectMany) return 12; //FBIGINT return 11; //FINT } /** * Get the value data column position for a given data type for inserting * * @param dataType requested data type * @return value column position * @since 3.1.4 */ protected int getValueDataInsertPos(FxDataType dataType) { if (dataType == FxDataType.Number || dataType == FxDataType.SelectMany) return 22; //FBIGINT return 21; //FINT } /** * Get the value data column position for a given data type for updating * * @param dataType requested data type * @return value column position * @since 3.1.4 */ protected int getValueDataUpdatePos(FxDataType dataType) { if (dataType == FxDataType.Number || dataType == FxDataType.SelectMany) return 11; //FBIGINT return 10; //FINT } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getQueryUppercaseColumn(FxProperty property) { if (!property.isSystemInternal() && property.getDataType() == FxDataType.HTML) return "UPPER(UFCLOB)"; return getUppercaseColumn(property); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String[] getColumns(FxProperty prop) { if (prop.isSystemInternal()) return mainColumnHash.get(prop.getId()); return detailColumnNameHash.get(prop.getDataType()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String[] getColumns(long propertyId, boolean systemInternalProperty, FxDataType dataType) { if (systemInternalProperty) return mainColumnHash.get(propertyId); return detailColumnNameHash.get(dataType); } /** * Get the insert positions for the given detail properties * * @param prop property * @return insert positions for the prepared statement */ protected int[] getColumnPosInsert(FxProperty prop) { return detailColumnInsertPosHash.get(prop.getDataType()); } /** * Get the insert positions for the given detail properties * * @param prop property * @return insert positions for the prepared statement */ protected int[] getColumnPosUpdate(FxProperty prop) { return detailColumnUpdatePosHash.get(prop.getDataType()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FulltextIndexer getFulltextIndexer(FxPK pk, Connection con) { FulltextIndexer indexer = new GenericSQLFulltextIndexer(); indexer.init(pk, con); return indexer; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FxPK contentCreate(Connection con, FxEnvironment env, StringBuilder sql, long newId, FxContent content) throws FxCreateException, FxInvalidParameterException { content.getRootGroup().removeEmptyEntries(); content.getRootGroup().compactPositions(true); content.checkValidity(); final Integer contentVersionValue = content.getValue(FxNumber.class, "/VERSION").getBestTranslation(); final Long contentIdValue = content.getValue(FxLargeNumber.class, "/ID").getBestTranslation(); final int version = content.isForcePkOnCreate() && contentVersionValue != -1 ? contentVersionValue : 1; boolean stepsUpdated = false; if (content.isForcePkOnCreate() && contentIdValue != -1) { // if a specific ID was set, other versions of this content may exist and we need to process the // workflow as if creating a new version of an existing content try { stepsUpdated = updateStepDependencies(con, contentIdValue, version, env, env.getType(content.getTypeId()), content.getStepId()); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw new FxCreateException(LOG, e); } } FxPK pk = createMainEntry(con, newId, version, content, false); FxType type = env.getType(content.getTypeId()); PreparedStatement ps = null; FulltextIndexer ft = getFulltextIndexer(pk, con); try { if (sql == null) sql = new StringBuilder(2000); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_INSERT); createDetailEntries(con, ps, ft, sql, pk, content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion(), content.getData("/")); ps.executeBatch(); ft.commitChanges(); if (CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getType(content.getTypeId()).isContainsFlatStorageAssignments()) { FxFlatStorage flatStorage = FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance(); flatStorage.setPropertyData(con, pk, content.getTypeId(), content.getStepId(), content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion(), flatStorage.getFlatPropertyData(content.getRootGroup()), true); } if (content.isForcePkOnCreate()) { // we must fix the MAX_VER/LIVE_VER columns now, since they may not have been set correctly in the insert fixContentVersionStats(con, env, type, pk.getId(), true, stepsUpdated); } checkUniqueConstraints(con, env, sql, pk, content.getTypeId()); content.resolveBinaryPreview(); if (content.getBinaryPreviewId() != -1) { binaryStorage.updateContentBinaryEntry(con, pk, content.getBinaryPreviewId(), content.getBinaryPreviewACL()); } if (type.isTrackHistory()) EJBLookup.getHistoryTrackerEngine().track(type, pk, ConversionEngine.getXStream().toXML(content), "history.content.created"); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { if (e instanceof FxCreateException) throw (FxCreateException) e; if (e instanceof FxInvalidParameterException) throw (FxInvalidParameterException) e; throw new FxCreateException(LOG, e); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxCreateException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); ft.cleanup(); } return pk; } /** * Assign correct MAX_VER, LIVE_VER, ISMAX_VER and ISLIVE_VER values for a given content instance * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param type the contents type * @param id the id to fix the version statistics for * @param createMode whether a new instance (or version) is being created * @throws FxUpdateException if a sql error occurs */ protected void fixContentVersionStats(Connection con, FxEnvironment env, FxType type, long id, boolean createMode, boolean stepsUpdated) throws FxUpdateException { PreparedStatement ps = null; final DBStorage storage = StorageManager.getStorageImpl(); try { // determine current max and live version ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_VER_CALC); try { ps.setLong(1, env.getStepByDefinition(type.getWorkflow().getId(), StepDefinition.LIVE_STEP_ID).getId()); } catch (FxRuntimeException e) { ps.setLong(1, -1); } ps.setLong(2, id); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs == null || ! return; int max_ver = rs.getInt(1); if (rs.wasNull()) return; int live_ver = rs.getInt(2); if (rs.wasNull() || live_ver < 0) live_ver = 0; ps.close(); // get currently flagged versions that also need to be updated ps = con.prepareCall("SELECT VER, ISMAX_VER, ISLIVE_VER FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE ID=? AND " + "(ISMAX_VER=" + storage.getBooleanExpression(true) + " OR ISLIVE_VER=" + storage.getBooleanExpression(true) + ")"); ps.setLong(1, id); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final Set<Integer> versions = Sets.newHashSet(live_ver, max_ver); int dbMaxVer = -1, dbLiveVer = -1; while ( { final int ver = rs.getInt(1); versions.add(ver); if (rs.getBoolean(2) && ver != max_ver) { dbMaxVer = ver; } if (rs.getBoolean(3) && ver != live_ver) { dbLiveVer = ver; } } if (dbMaxVer == -1) { dbMaxVer = max_ver; } if (dbLiveVer == -1) { dbLiveVer = live_ver; } ps.close(); // FX_CONTENT_DATA updates are only needed when the live and/or max version changes // (FX_CONTENT needs to be updated regardless, since we need to set the current max/live version // information for all versions). On updates of existing substances the data will always need to be // updated, since the live version flag may have been switched on the existing substance. final boolean dataUpdateNeeded = !createMode || (max_ver != dbMaxVer || live_ver != dbLiveVer); // select the new max/live version(s), and the previous ones final String limitVersions = "(VER IN (" + StringUtils.join(versions, ',') + "))"; //lock needed columns ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT MAX_VER, LIVE_VER, ISMAX_VER, ISLIVE_VER FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE ID=? FOR UPDATE"); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.execute(); ps.close(); if (dataUpdateNeeded) { ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT ISMAX_VER, ISLIVE_VER FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " WHERE ID=? " + " AND " + limitVersions + " FOR UPDATE"); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.execute(); } if (live_ver == 0) //deactivate in live tree StorageManager.getTreeStorage().contentRemoved(con, id, true); // update main content table (all versions need to be updated for the LIVE_VER and MAX_VER columns) ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_VER_UPDATE_1); ps.setInt(1, max_ver); ps.setInt(2, live_ver); ps.setInt(3, max_ver); ps.setInt(4, live_ver); ps.setLong(5, id); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); if (dataUpdateNeeded) { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_VER_UPDATE_3 + " AND " + limitVersions); ps.setInt(1, max_ver); ps.setInt(2, live_ver); ps.setLong(3, id); ps.executeUpdate(); if (type.isContainsFlatStorageAssignments()) { syncContentStats(con, type.getId(), id, max_ver, live_ver, limitVersions); } } else { if (stepsUpdated && type.isContainsFlatStorageAssignments()) { // this would also happen in syncContentStats in the other branch, so we have to // sync the new step(s) manually FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().syncContentSteps(con, type.getId(), id); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } catch (FxNotFoundException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(e); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(e); } finally { if (ps != null) try { ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { //ignore } } } /** * Synchronize content stats to flat storage * * @param con an open and valid Connection * @param typeId type id * @param id content id * @param max_ver max. version * @param live_ver live version * @throws SQLException on errors */ protected void syncContentStats(Connection con, long typeId, long id, int max_ver, int live_ver, String limitVer) throws SQLException { FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().syncContentStats(con, typeId, id, max_ver, live_ver, limitVer); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FxPK contentCreateVersion(Connection con, FxEnvironment env, StringBuilder sql, FxContent content) throws FxCreateException, FxInvalidParameterException { if (content.getPk().isNew()) throw new FxInvalidParameterException("content", "", content.getPk()); if (content.isForcePkOnCreate()) { throw new FxInvalidParameterException("content", ""); } content.getRootGroup().removeEmptyEntries(); content.getRootGroup().compactPositions(true); content.checkValidity(); final FxType type = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getType(content.getTypeId()); FxPK pk; PreparedStatement ps = null; FulltextIndexer ft = null; try { int new_version = getContentVersionInfo(con, content.getPk().getId()).getMaxVersion() + 1; final boolean stepsUpdated = updateStepDependencies(con, content.getPk().getId(), new_version, env, env.getType(content.getTypeId()), content.getStepId()); final boolean keepCreatedLCI = EJBLookup.getConfigurationEngine() .get(SystemParameters.STORAGE_KEEP_CREATION_DATES); pk = createMainEntry(con, content.getPk().getId(), new_version, content, keepCreatedLCI); ft = getFulltextIndexer(pk, con); if (sql == null) sql = new StringBuilder(2000); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_INSERT); createDetailEntries(con, ps, ft, sql, pk, content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion(), content.getData("/")); ps.executeBatch(); if (type.isContainsFlatStorageAssignments()) { FxFlatStorage flatStorage = FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance(); flatStorage.setPropertyData(con, pk, content.getTypeId(), content.getStepId(), content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion(), flatStorage.getFlatPropertyData(content.getRootGroup()), true); } checkUniqueConstraints(con, env, sql, pk, content.getTypeId()); if (content.getBinaryPreviewId() != -1) { binaryStorage.updateContentBinaryEntry(con, pk, content.getBinaryPreviewId(), content.getBinaryPreviewACL()); } ft.commitChanges(); fixContentVersionStats(con, env, type, content.getPk().getId(), true, stepsUpdated); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { if (e instanceof FxCreateException) throw (FxCreateException) e; if (e instanceof FxInvalidParameterException) throw (FxInvalidParameterException) e; throw new FxCreateException(e); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxCreateException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); if (ft != null) ft.cleanup(); } final FxContent newVersion; try { sql.setLength(0); newVersion = contentLoad(con, pk, env, sql); syncFQNName(con, newVersion, pk, null); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw new FxCreateException(e); } if (type.isTrackHistory()) EJBLookup.getHistoryTrackerEngine().track(type, pk, ConversionEngine.getXStream().toXML(newVersion), "history.content.created.version", pk.getVersion()); return pk; } /** * Handle unique steps and make sure only one unique step per content instance exists * * @param con open and valid connection * @param id content id * @param ignoreVersion the version to ignore on changes (=current version) * @param env FxEnvironment * @param type FxType * @param stepId the step id @throws FxNotFoundException on errors * @return true when other versions were affected (due to unique steps) * @throws FxUpdateException on errors * @throws FxNotFoundException on errors */ protected boolean updateStepDependencies(Connection con, long id, int ignoreVersion, FxEnvironment env, FxType type, long stepId) throws FxNotFoundException, FxUpdateException { Step step = env.getStep(stepId); StepDefinition stepDef = env.getStepDefinition(step.getStepDefinitionId()); if (stepDef.isUnique()) { Step fallBackStep = env.getStepByDefinition(step.getWorkflowId(), stepDef.getUniqueTargetId()); updateStepDependencies(con, id, ignoreVersion, env, type, fallBackStep.getId()); //handle chained unique steps recursively PreparedStatement ps = null; try { if (type.isTrackHistory()) { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_STEP_GETVERSIONS); ps.setLong(1, stepId); ps.setLong(2, id); ps.setInt(3, ignoreVersion); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); HistoryTrackerEngine tracker = null; String orgStep = null, newStep = null; while (rs != null && { if (tracker == null) { tracker = EJBLookup.getHistoryTrackerEngine(); orgStep = env.getStepDefinition(env.getStep(stepId).getStepDefinitionId()).getName(); newStep = env.getStepDefinition(fallBackStep.getStepDefinitionId()).getName(); } tracker.track(type, new FxPK(id, rs.getInt(1)), null, "history.content.step.change", orgStep, newStep); } ps.close(); } ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_STEP_DEPENDENCIES); ps.setLong(1, fallBackStep.getId()); ps.setLong(2, stepId); ps.setLong(3, id); ps.setInt(4, ignoreVersion); ps.executeUpdate(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(e, "ex.content.step.dependencies.update.failed", id, e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } else { return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FxContentVersionInfo getContentVersionInfo(Connection con, long id) throws FxNotFoundException { PreparedStatement ps = null; int min_ver = -1, max_ver = 0, live_ver = 0, lastMod_ver = 0; long lastMod_time; Map<Integer, FxContentVersionInfo.VersionData> versions = new HashMap<Integer, FxContentVersionInfo.VersionData>( 5); try { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_VER_INFO); ps.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs == null || ! throw new FxNotFoundException("ex.content.notFound", new FxPK(id)); max_ver = rs.getInt(3); live_ver = rs.getInt(4); versions.put(rs.getInt(2), new FxContentVersionInfo.VersionData(LifeCycleInfoImpl.load(rs, 5, 6, 7, 8), rs.getLong(9))); min_ver = rs.getInt(2); lastMod_ver = rs.getInt(2); lastMod_time = versions.get(rs.getInt(2)).getLifeCycleInfo().getModificationTime(); while ( { if (rs.getInt(2) < min_ver) min_ver = rs.getInt(2); versions.put(rs.getInt(2), new FxContentVersionInfo.VersionData( LifeCycleInfoImpl.load(rs, 5, 6, 7, 8), rs.getLong(9))); if (versions.get(rs.getInt(2)).getLifeCycleInfo().getModificationTime() >= lastMod_time) { lastMod_ver = rs.getInt(2); lastMod_time = versions.get(rs.getInt(2)).getLifeCycleInfo().getModificationTime(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxNotFoundException(e, "ex.content.versionInfo.sqlError", id, e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } return new FxContentVersionInfo(id, min_ver, max_ver, live_ver, lastMod_ver, versions); } /** * Create a new main entry * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param newId the id to use * @param version the version to use * @param content content to create * @return primary key of the created content * @throws FxCreateException on errors */ protected FxPK createMainEntry(Connection con, long newId, int version, FxContent content, boolean keepCreationLCI) throws FxCreateException { PreparedStatement ps = null; FxPK pk = new FxPK(newId, version); try { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_MAIN_INSERT); ps.setLong(1, newId); ps.setInt(2, version); ps.setLong(3, content.getTypeId()); ps.setLong(4, content.getAclIds().size() > 1 ? ACL.NULL_ACL_ID : content.getAclIds().get(0)); ps.setLong(5, content.getStepId()); ps.setInt(6, 1); //if creating a new version, max_ver will be fixed in a later step ps.setInt(7, content.isLiveVersion() ? 1 : 0); ps.setBoolean(8, content.isMaxVersion()); ps.setBoolean(9, content.isLiveVersion()); ps.setBoolean(10, content.isActive()); ps.setInt(11, (int) content.getMainLanguage()); if (content.isRelation()) { ps.setLong(12, content.getRelatedSource().getId()); ps.setInt(13, content.getRelatedSource().getVersion()); ps.setLong(14, content.getRelatedDestination().getId()); ps.setInt(15, content.getRelatedDestination().getVersion()); ps.setLong(16, content.getRelatedSourcePosition()); ps.setLong(17, content.getRelatedDestinationPosition()); } else { ps.setNull(12, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); ps.setNull(13, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); ps.setNull(14, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); ps.setNull(15, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); ps.setNull(16, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); ps.setNull(17, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); } if (!content.isForceLifeCycle()) { final long userId = FxContext.getUserTicket().getUserId(); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (keepCreationLCI) { // keep created_at of existing content ps.setLong(18, content.getValue(FxLargeNumber.class, "/CREATED_BY").getBestTranslation()); ps.setLong(19, content.getValue(FxDateTime.class, "/CREATED_AT").getBestTranslation().getTime()); } else { ps.setLong(18, userId); ps.setLong(19, now); } ps.setLong(20, userId); ps.setLong(21, now); } else { ps.setLong(18, content.getValue(FxLargeNumber.class, "/CREATED_BY").getBestTranslation()); ps.setLong(19, content.getValue(FxDateTime.class, "/CREATED_AT").getBestTranslation().getTime()); ps.setLong(20, content.getValue(FxLargeNumber.class, "/MODIFIED_BY").getBestTranslation()); ps.setLong(21, content.getValue(FxDateTime.class, "/MODIFIED_AT").getBestTranslation().getTime()); } ps.setLong(22, content.getMandatorId()); final String groupPositions = getGroupPositions(content); if (groupPositions != null) { StorageManager.getStorageImpl().setBigString(ps, 23, groupPositions); } else { ps.setNull(23, Types.CLOB); } ps.executeUpdate(); updateACLEntries(con, content, pk, true); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxCreateException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } catch (FxUpdateException e) { throw new FxCreateException(e); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } return pk; } /** * Update all (multiple) ACL entries for a content instance * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param content the content containing the ACL'S * @param pk primary key of the content * @param newEntry is this a new entry? * @throws SQLException on errors * @throws FxCreateException on errors * @throws FxUpdateException on errors */ protected void updateACLEntries(Connection con, FxContent content, FxPK pk, boolean newEntry) throws SQLException, FxCreateException, FxUpdateException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { if (content.getAclIds().isEmpty() || (content.getAclIds().size() == 1 && content.getAclIds().get(0) == ACL.NULL_ACL_ID)) { if (newEntry) { throw new FxCreateException(LOG, "ex.content.noACL", pk); } else { throw new FxUpdateException(LOG, "ex.content.noACL", pk); } } if (!newEntry) { // first remove all ACLs, then update them ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_ACLS_CLEAR); ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ps.setInt(2, pk.getVersion()); ps.executeUpdate(); } final List<Long> aclIds = content.getAclIds(); if (aclIds.size() <= 1) { return; // ACL saved in main table } //insert ACLs ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_ACL_INSERT); for (long aclId : aclIds) { ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ps.setInt(2, pk.getVersion()); ps.setLong(3, aclId); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, null, ps); } } /** * Create all detail entries for a content instance * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param ps batch prepared statement for detail inserts * @param ft fulltext indexer * @param sql an optional StringBuffer * @param pk primary key of the content * @param maxVersion is this content the maximum available version? * @param liveVersion is this content the live version? * @param data FxData to create * @throws FxNotFoundException on errors * @throws FxDbException on errors * @throws FxCreateException on errors */ protected void createDetailEntries(Connection con, PreparedStatement ps, FulltextIndexer ft, StringBuilder sql, FxPK pk, boolean maxVersion, boolean liveVersion, List<FxData> data) throws FxNotFoundException, FxDbException, FxCreateException { createDetailEntries(con, ps, ft, sql, pk, maxVersion, liveVersion, data, false); } /** * Create all detail entries for a content instance * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param ps batch prepared statement for detail inserts * @param ft fulltext indexer * @param sql an optional StringBuffer * @param pk primary key of the content * @param maxVersion is this content the maximum available version? * @param liveVersion is this content the live version? * @param data FxData to create * @param disregardFlatStorageEntry true = do not check if the data is in the flatstorage (contentTypeConversion) * @throws FxNotFoundException on errors * @throws FxDbException on errors * @throws FxCreateException on errors */ private void createDetailEntries(Connection con, PreparedStatement ps, FulltextIndexer ft, StringBuilder sql, FxPK pk, boolean maxVersion, boolean liveVersion, List<FxData> data, boolean disregardFlatStorageEntry) throws FxNotFoundException, FxDbException, FxCreateException { try { FxProperty prop; for (FxData curr : data) { if (curr.isProperty()) { FxPropertyData pdata = ((FxPropertyData) curr); prop = pdata.getPropertyAssignment().getProperty(); if (!prop.isSystemInternal()) insertPropertyData(prop, data, con, ps, ft, pk, pdata, maxVersion, liveVersion, disregardFlatStorageEntry); } else { //insertGroupData(pk, psGroup, ((FxGroupData) curr), maxVersion, liveVersion); createDetailEntries(con, ps, ft, sql, pk, maxVersion, liveVersion, ((FxGroupData) curr).getChildren()); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxDbException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } catch (FxNoAccessException e) { throw new FxCreateException(e); } catch (FxUpdateException e) { throw new FxCreateException(e); } } /** * Get the parent group multiplicity for a given XMult * * @param xMult multiplicity of the element * @return parent group xmult */ protected String getParentGroupXMult(String xMult) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(xMult)) return "1"; //this SHOULD not happen! int idx = xMult.lastIndexOf(","); if (idx > 0) return "1," + xMult.substring(0, idx); //root+parent group return "1"; //attached to root } /** * Insert property detail data into the database * * @param prop thepropery * @param allData List of all data belonging to this property (for cascaded updates like binaries to avoid duplicates) * @param con an open and valid connection * @param ps batch prepared statement for detail inserts * @param ft fulltext indexer * @param pk primary key of the content * @param data the value * @param isMaxVer is this content in the max. version? * @param isLiveVer is this content in the live version? @throws SQLException on errors * @throws FxDbException on errors * @throws FxUpdateException on errors * @throws FxNoAccessException for FxNoAccess values * @throws SQLException on SQL errors */ protected void insertPropertyData(FxProperty prop, List<FxData> allData, Connection con, PreparedStatement ps, FulltextIndexer ft, FxPK pk, FxPropertyData data, boolean isMaxVer, boolean isLiveVer) throws SQLException, FxDbException, FxUpdateException, FxNoAccessException { insertPropertyData(prop, allData, con, ps, ft, pk, data, isMaxVer, isLiveVer, false); } /** * Insert property detail data into the database * * @param prop thepropery * @param allData List of all data belonging to this property (for cascaded updates like binaries to avoid duplicates) * @param con an open and valid connection * @param ps batch prepared statement for detail inserts * @param ft fulltext indexer * @param pk primary key of the content * @param data the value * @param isMaxVer is this content in the max. version? * @param isLiveVer is this content in the live version? * @param disregardFlatStorageEntry true = do not check if the data is in the flatstorage (contentTypeConversion) * @throws FxDbException on errors * @throws FxUpdateException on errors * @throws FxNoAccessException for FxNoAccess values * @throws SQLException on SQL errors */ private void insertPropertyData(FxProperty prop, List<FxData> allData, Connection con, PreparedStatement ps, FulltextIndexer ft, FxPK pk, FxPropertyData data, boolean isMaxVer, boolean isLiveVer, boolean disregardFlatStorageEntry) throws SQLException, FxDbException, FxUpdateException, FxNoAccessException { if (data == null || data.isEmpty()) return; if (!disregardFlatStorageEntry) { if (data.getPropertyAssignment().isFlatStorageEntry()) { if (ft != null && prop.isFulltextIndexed()) ft.index(data); return; } } clearPreparedStatement(ps, INSERT_VALUE_POS, INSERT_END_POS); ps.setLong(14, 0); //FSELECT has to be set to 0 and not null ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ps.setInt(2, pk.getVersion()); ps.setInt(3, data.getPos()); ps.setLong(5, data.getAssignmentId()); // ps.setString(6, "dummy"/*XPathElement.stripType(data.getXPath())*/); // ps.setString(7, "dummyfull"/*XPathElement.stripType(data.getXPathFull())*/); String xmult = FxArrayUtils.toStringArray(data.getIndices(), ','); ps.setString(6, xmult); ps.setInt(7, data.getIndex()); ps.setString(8, getParentGroupXMult(xmult)); ps.setBoolean(9, isMaxVer); ps.setBoolean(10, isLiveVer); ps.setLong(12, prop.getId()); // ps.setString(16, "dummyParent"/*XPathElement.stripType(data.getParent().getXPathFull())*/); ps.setInt(13, data.getIndices().length); if (!data.getValue().isMultiLanguage()) { ps.setBoolean(INSERT_LANG_POS, true); } else ps.setBoolean(INSERT_ISDEF_LANG_POS, false); setPropertyData(true, prop, allData, con, data, ps, ft, getUppercaseColumnPos(prop, true), true); } /** * Update a properties data and/or position or a groups position * * @param change the change applied * @param prop the property unless change is a group change * @param allData all content data unless change is a group change * @param con an open and valid connection * @param ps batch prepared statement for detail updates * @param pk primary key * @param data property data unless change is a group change * @throws SQLException on errors * @throws FxDbException on errors * @throws FxUpdateException on errors * @throws FxNoAccessException for FxNoAccess values */ protected void updatePropertyData(FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change, FxProperty prop, List<FxData> allData, Connection con, PreparedStatement ps, FxPK pk, FxPropertyData data) throws SQLException, FxDbException, FxUpdateException, FxNoAccessException { if ((change.isProperty() && (data == null || data.isEmpty() || data.getPropertyAssignment().isFlatStorageEntry())) || !(change.isDataChange() || change.isPositionChange())) return; clearPreparedStatement(ps, 1, UPDATE_ID_POS); ps.setLong(3, 0); //FSELECT has to be set to 0 and not null! if (change.isPositionChange()) ps.setInt(UPDATE_POS_POS, change.getNewData().getPos()); else ps.setInt(UPDATE_POS_POS, change.getOriginalData().getPos()); ps.setLong(UPDATE_ID_POS, pk.getId()); ps.setInt(UPDATE_ID_POS + 1, pk.getVersion()); ps.setLong(UPDATE_ID_POS + 3, change.getNewData().getAssignmentId()); ps.setString(UPDATE_ID_POS + 4, FxArrayUtils.toStringArray(change.getNewData().getIndices(), ',')); if (change.isGroup()) { ps.setInt(UPDATE_ID_POS + 2, (int) FxLanguage.SYSTEM_ID); ps.setBoolean(UPDATE_MLDEF_POS, true); if (batchContentDataChanges()) ps.addBatch(); else ps.executeUpdate(); return; } if (change.isPositionChange() && !change.isDataChange()) { //just update positions assert data != null; for (long lang : data.getValue().getTranslatedLanguages()) { ps.setInt(UPDATE_ID_POS + 2, (int) lang); setPropertyData(false, prop, allData, con, data, ps, null, getUppercaseColumnPos(prop, false), false); } return; } setPropertyData(false, prop, allData, con, data, ps, null, getUppercaseColumnPos(prop, false), true); } /** * Set a properties data for inserts or updates * * @param insert perform insert or update? * @param prop current property * @param allData all data of the instance (might be needed to buld references, etc.) * @param con an open and valid connection * @param data current property data * @param ps prepared statement for the data table * @param ft fulltext indexer * @param upperColumnPos position of the uppercase column (if present, else <code>-1</code>) * @param includeFullText add fulltext entries? Will be skipped for position only changes * @throws SQLException on errors * @throws FxUpdateException on errors * @throws FxDbException on errors * @throws FxNoAccessException for FxNoAccess values */ private void setPropertyData(boolean insert, FxProperty prop, List<FxData> allData, Connection con, FxPropertyData data, PreparedStatement ps, FulltextIndexer ft, int upperColumnPos, boolean includeFullText) throws SQLException, FxUpdateException, FxDbException, FxNoAccessException { FxValue value = data.getValue(); if (value instanceof FxNoAccess) throw new FxNoAccessException("ex.content.value.noaccess"); if (value.isMultiLanguage() != ((FxPropertyAssignment) data.getAssignment()).isMultiLang()) { if (((FxPropertyAssignment) data.getAssignment()).isMultiLang()) throw new FxUpdateException("ex.content.value.invalid.multilanguage.ass.multi", data.getXPathFull()); else throw new FxUpdateException("ex.content.value.invalid.multilanguage.ass.single", data.getXPathFull()); } int pos_lang = insert ? INSERT_LANG_POS : UPDATE_ID_POS + 2; int pos_isdef_lang = insert ? INSERT_ISDEF_LANG_POS : UPDATE_MLDEF_POS; final FxEnvironment env = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment(); if (prop.getDataType().isSingleRowStorage()) { //Data types that just use one db row can be handled in a very similar way Object translatedValue; GregorianCalendar gc = null; final long[] translatedLanguages = value.getTranslatedLanguages(); for (long translatedLanguage : translatedLanguages) { translatedValue = value.getTranslation(translatedLanguage); if (translatedValue == null) { LOG.warn("Translation for " + data.getXPath() + " is null!"); } ps.setLong(pos_lang, translatedLanguage); if (!value.isMultiLanguage()) ps.setBoolean(pos_isdef_lang, true); else ps.setBoolean(pos_isdef_lang, value.isDefaultLanguage(translatedLanguage)); if (upperColumnPos != -1) { final Locale locale = value.isMultiLanguage() ? env.getLanguage(translatedLanguage).getLocale() : Locale.getDefault(); ps.setString(upperColumnPos, translatedValue.toString().toUpperCase(locale)); } int[] pos = insert ? getColumnPosInsert(prop) : getColumnPosUpdate(prop); switch (prop.getDataType()) { case Double: checkDataType(FxDouble.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setDouble(pos[0], (Double) translatedValue); break; case Float: checkDataType(FxFloat.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setFloat(pos[0], (Float) translatedValue); break; case LargeNumber: checkDataType(FxLargeNumber.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setLong(pos[0], (Long) translatedValue); break; case Number: checkDataType(FxNumber.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setInt(pos[0], (Integer) translatedValue); break; case HTML: checkDataType(FxHTML.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); boolean useTidy = ((FxHTML) value).isTidyHTML(); ps.setBoolean(pos[1], useTidy); final String extractorInput = doTidy(data.getXPathFull(), (String) translatedValue); if (useTidy) { translatedValue = extractorInput; } final HtmlExtractor result = new HtmlExtractor(extractorInput, true); setBigString(ps, pos[2], result.getText()); setBigString(ps, pos[0], (String) translatedValue); break; case String1024: case Text: checkDataType(FxString.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); setBigString(ps, pos[0], (String) translatedValue); break; case Boolean: checkDataType(FxBoolean.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setBoolean(pos[0], (Boolean) translatedValue); break; case Date: checkDataType(FxDate.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); if (gc == null) gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setTime((Date) translatedValue); //strip all time information, this might not be necessary since ps.setDate() strips them //for most databases but won't hurt either ;) gc.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND, 0); ps.setDate(pos[0], new java.sql.Date(gc.getTimeInMillis())); break; case DateTime: checkDataType(FxDateTime.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); if (gc == null) gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setTime((Date) translatedValue); ps.setTimestamp(pos[0], new Timestamp(gc.getTimeInMillis())); break; case DateRange: checkDataType(FxDateRange.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); if (gc == null) gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setTime(((DateRange) translatedValue).getLower()); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND, 0); ps.setDate(pos[0], new java.sql.Date(gc.getTimeInMillis())); gc.setTime(((DateRange) translatedValue).getUpper()); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 0); gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND, 0); ps.setDate(pos[1], new java.sql.Date(gc.getTimeInMillis())); break; case DateTimeRange: checkDataType(FxDateTimeRange.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); if (gc == null) gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setTime(((DateRange) translatedValue).getLower()); ps.setTimestamp(pos[0], new Timestamp(gc.getTimeInMillis())); gc.setTime(((DateRange) translatedValue).getUpper()); ps.setTimestamp(pos[1], new Timestamp(gc.getTimeInMillis())); break; case Binary: checkDataType(FxBinary.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); BinaryDescriptor binary = (BinaryDescriptor) translatedValue; if (!binary.isNewBinary()) { ps.setLong(pos[0], binary.getId()); } else { try { //transfer the binary from the transit table to the binary table BinaryDescriptor created = binaryStorage.binaryTransit(con, binary); ps.setLong(pos[0], created.getId()); //check all other properties if they contain the same handle //and replace with the data of the new binary for (FxData _curr : allData) { if (_curr instanceof FxPropertyData && !_curr.isEmpty() && ((FxPropertyData) _curr).getValue() instanceof FxBinary) { FxBinary _val = (FxBinary) ((FxPropertyData) _curr).getValue(); _val._replaceHandle(binary.getHandle(), created); } } } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw new FxDbException(e); } } break; case SelectOne: checkDataType(FxSelectOne.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); ps.setLong(pos[0], ((FxSelectListItem) translatedValue).getId()); break; case SelectMany: checkDataType(FxSelectMany.class, value, data.getXPathFull()); SelectMany sm = (SelectMany) translatedValue; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < sm.getSelected().size(); i1++) { FxSelectListItem item = sm.getSelected().get(i1); if (i1 > 0) { if (batchContentDataChanges()) ps.addBatch(); else ps.executeUpdate(); } ps.setLong(pos[0], item.getId()); ps.setString(pos[1], sm.getSelectedIdsList()); ps.setLong(pos[2], sm.getSelectedIds().size()); } if (sm.getSelected().size() == 0) ps.setLong(pos[0], 0); //write the virtual item as a marker to have a valid row break; case Reference: //reference integrity check is done prior to saving ps.setLong(pos[0], ((FxPK) translatedValue).getId()); break; case InlineReference: default: throw new FxDbException(LOG, "", prop.getDataType().getName()); } int valueDataPos = insert ? getValueDataInsertPos(prop.getDataType()) : getValueDataUpdatePos(prop.getDataType()); if (value.hasValueData(translatedLanguage)) { ps.setInt(valueDataPos, value.getValueDataRaw(translatedLanguage)); } else ps.setNull(valueDataPos, Types.NUMERIC); if (batchContentDataChanges()) ps.addBatch(); else { try { ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error(prop.getName(), e); throw e; } } } } else { switch (prop.getDataType()) { //TODO: implement datatype specific insert default: throw new FxDbException(LOG, "", prop.getDataType().getName()); } } if (ft != null && prop.isFulltextIndexed() && includeFullText) ft.index(data); } /** * Check if a referenced id is of an expected type and exists * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param expectedType the expected type * @param ref referenced content * @param xpath the XPath this reference is for (used for error messages only) * @throws FxDbException if not exists or wrong type */ private static void checkReference(Connection con, FxType expectedType, FxPK ref, String xpath) throws FxDbException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_GET_TYPE); ps.setLong(1, ref.getId()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs == null || ! throw new FxDbException("ex.content.reference.notFound", ref, xpath); long type = rs.getLong(1); if (!CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getType(type).isDerivedFrom(expectedType.getId())) throw new FxDbException("ex.content.value.invalid.reftype", expectedType, CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getType(type)); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxDbException(e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } /** * Check if the given value is of the expected class * * @param dataClass expected class * @param value value to check * @param XPath xpath with full indices for error message * @throws FxDbException if the class does not match */ private static void checkDataType(Class dataClass, FxValue value, String XPath) throws FxDbException { if (!(value.getClass().getSimpleName().equals(dataClass.getSimpleName()))) { throw new FxDbException("ex.content.value.invalid.class", value.getClass().getSimpleName(), XPath, dataClass.getSimpleName()); } } /** * Run tidy on the given content * * @param XPath XPath with full indices for error messages * @param content the string to tidy * @return tidied string * @throws FxUpdateException if tidy failed */ protected static String doTidy(String XPath, String content) throws FxUpdateException { Tidy tidy = new Tidy(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); tidy.setDropEmptyParas(true); tidy.setMakeClean(true); tidy.setHideEndTags(true); tidy.setTidyMark(false); tidy.setMakeBare(true); tidy.setXHTML(true); // tidy.setOnlyErrors(true); tidy.setShowWarnings(false); tidy.setQuiet(true); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); tidy.setErrout(pw); tidy.parse(new StringReader(content), out); if (tidy.getParseErrors() > 0) { String error = sw.getBuffer().toString(); throw new FxUpdateException("ex.content.value.tidy.failed", XPath, error); } content = out.toString(); return content; } /** * Remove a detail data entry (group or property, in all existing languages) * * @param con an open and valid Connection * @param sql sql * @param pk primary key * @param data the entry to remove * @throws SQLException on errors */ private void deleteDetailData(Connection con, StringBuilder sql, FxPK pk, FxData data) throws SQLException { if (data == null || data.isEmpty()) return; if (data.isProperty()) if (((FxPropertyData) data).getPropertyAssignment().isFlatStorageEntry()) { FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().deletePropertyData(con, pk, ((FxPropertyData) data)); return; } PreparedStatement ps = null; if (sql == null) sql = new StringBuilder(500); else sql.setLength(0); try { // 1 2 3 4 sql.append("DELETE FROM ").append(TBL_CONTENT_DATA) .append(" WHERE ID=? AND VER=? AND ASSIGN=? AND XMULT=?"); ps = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ps.setInt(2, pk.getVersion()); ps.setLong(3, data.getAssignmentId()); ps.setString(4, FxArrayUtils.toStringArray(data.getIndices(), ',')); ps.executeUpdate(); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FxContent contentLoad(Connection con, FxPK pk, FxEnvironment env, StringBuilder sql) throws FxLoadException, FxInvalidParameterException, FxNotFoundException { if (pk.isNew()) throw new FxInvalidParameterException("pk", "ex.content.load.newPK"); if (sql == null) sql = new StringBuilder(1000); sql.append(CONTENT_MAIN_LOAD); sql.append(" WHERE ID=? AND "); if (pk.isDistinctVersion()) sql.append(" VER=?"); else if (pk.getVersion() == FxPK.LIVE) sql.append(" ISLIVE_VER=?"); else if (pk.getVersion() == FxPK.MAX) sql.append(" ISMAX_VER=?"); PreparedStatement ps = null; FxPK contentPK, sourcePK = null, destinationPK = null; int srcPos = 0, dstPos = 0; Connection conNoTX = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); if (pk.isDistinctVersion()) ps.setInt(2, pk.getVersion()); else ps.setBoolean(2, true); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs == null || ! throw new FxNotFoundException("ex.content.notFound", pk); contentPK = new FxPK(rs.getLong(1), rs.getInt(2)); FxType type = env.getType(rs.getLong(3)); final long aclId = rs.getLong(4); Step step = env.getStep(rs.getLong(5)); Mandator mand = env.getMandator(rs.getInt(22)); final GroupPositionsProvider groupPositions = new GroupPositionsProvider(rs.getString(25)); if (!type.getAssignmentsForDataType(FxDataType.Binary).isEmpty()) { conNoTX = Database.getNonTXDataSource().getConnection(); } FxGroupData root = loadDetails(con, conNoTX, type, env, contentPK, pk.getVersion(), groupPositions); rs.getLong(12); if (!rs.wasNull()) { sourcePK = new FxPK(rs.getLong(12), rs.getInt(13)); destinationPK = new FxPK(rs.getLong(14), rs.getInt(15)); srcPos = rs.getInt(16); dstPos = rs.getInt(17); } FxContent content = new FxContent(contentPK, null /* use lazy loading for lock */, type.getId(), type.isRelation(), mand.getId(), aclId != ACL.NULL_ACL_ID ? aclId : -1, step.getId(), rs.getInt(6), rs.getInt(7), rs.getBoolean(10), rs.getInt(11), sourcePK, destinationPK, srcPos, dstPos, LifeCycleInfoImpl.load(rs, 18, 19, 20, 21), root, rs.getLong(23), rs.getLong(24)) .initSystemProperties(); if ( throw new FxLoadException("ex.content.load.notDistinct", pk); if (type.isMultipleContentACLs() && aclId == ACL.NULL_ACL_ID) { content.setAclIds(loadContentAclTable(con, content.getPk())); } return content; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxLoadException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } catch (FxDbException e) { throw new FxLoadException(e); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, conNoTX, ps); } } protected List<Long> loadContentAclTable(Connection con, FxPK pk) throws SQLException { if (pk.getVersion() < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No distinct version number given in PK " + pk); } PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_ACLS_LOAD); ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ps.setInt(2, pk.getVersion()); final ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); final List<Long> aclIds = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { aclIds.add(rs.getLong(1)); } return aclIds; } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, null, ps); } } /** * Load all detail entries for a content instance * * @param con open and valid(!) connection * @param conNoTX a non-transactional connection (only used if the content contains binary properties) * @param type FxType used * @param env FxEnvironment * @param pk primary key of the content data to load * @param requestedVersion the originally requested version (LIVE, MAX or specific version number, needed to resolve references since the pk's version is resolved already) * @return a (root) group containing all data * @throws com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxLoadException * on errors * @throws SQLException on errors * @throws FxInvalidParameterException on errors * @throws FxDbException on errors */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected FxGroupData loadDetails(Connection con, Connection conNoTX, FxType type, FxEnvironment env, FxPK pk, int requestedVersion, GroupPositionsProvider groupPositionsProvider) throws FxLoadException, SQLException, FxInvalidParameterException, FxDbException { FxGroupData root; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { root = type.createEmptyData(type.buildXPathPrefix(pk)); // root.removeEmptyEntries(true); // root.compactPositions(true); root.removeNonInternalData(); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_LOAD); ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ps.setInt(2, pk.getVersion()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); String currXPath = null; int currXDepth = 0; FxAssignment currAssignment = null, thisAssignment = null; int currPos = -1; long currLang; long defLang = FxLanguage.SYSTEM_ID; boolean isGroup = true; boolean isMLDef; boolean multiLang = false; String currXMult; FxValue currValue = null; String[] columns = null; List<ServerLocation> server = CacheAdmin.getStreamServers(); //load flat columns FxFlatStorageLoadContainer flatContainer = type.isContainsFlatStorageAssignments() ? FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().loadContent(this, con, type.getId(), pk, requestedVersion) : null; while (rs != null && { if (thisAssignment == null || thisAssignment.getId() != rs.getLong(3)) { //new data type thisAssignment = env.getAssignment(rs.getLong(3)); } currXMult = rs.getString(4); if (currXPath != null && !currXPath.equals(XPathElement.toXPathMult(thisAssignment.getXPath(), currXMult))) { //add this property if (!isGroup) { currValue.setDefaultLanguage(defLang); if (flatContainer != null) { //add flat entries that are positioned before the current entry FxFlatStorageLoadColumn flatColumn; while ((flatColumn = flatContainer.pop( currXPath.substring(0, currXPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), currXDepth, currPos)) != null) { addValue(root, flatColumn.getXPath(), flatColumn.getAssignment(), flatColumn.getPos(), groupPositionsProvider, flatColumn.getValue()); } } } addValue(root, currXPath, currAssignment, currPos, groupPositionsProvider, currValue); currValue = null; defLang = FxLanguage.SYSTEM_ID; } //read next row currPos = rs.getInt(1); currLang = rs.getInt(2); isMLDef = rs.getBoolean(6); isGroup = rs.getBoolean(5); if (currAssignment == null || currAssignment.getId() != thisAssignment.getId()) { currAssignment = thisAssignment; if (!isGroup) columns = getColumns(((FxPropertyAssignment) currAssignment).getProperty()); } currXPath = XPathElement.toXPathMult(currAssignment.getXPath(), currXMult); if (flatContainer != null) { //calculate xdepth currXDepth = 1; for (char c : currXMult.toCharArray()) if (c == ',') currXDepth++; } if (!isGroup) { final FxPropertyAssignment propAssignment = (FxPropertyAssignment) currAssignment; FxDataType dataType = propAssignment.getProperty().getDataType(); if (currValue == null) multiLang = propAssignment.isMultiLang(); switch (dataType) { case Float: if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxFloat(multiLang, currLang, rs.getFloat(columns[0])); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, rs.getFloat(columns[0])); break; case Double: if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxDouble(multiLang, currLang, rs.getDouble(columns[0])); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, rs.getDouble(columns[0])); break; case LargeNumber: if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxLargeNumber(multiLang, currLang, rs.getLong(columns[0])); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, rs.getLong(columns[0])); break; case Number: if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxNumber(multiLang, currLang, rs.getInt(columns[0])); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, rs.getInt(columns[0])); break; case HTML: if (currValue == null) { currValue = new FxHTML(multiLang, currLang, rs.getString(columns[0])); ((FxHTML) currValue).setTidyHTML(rs.getBoolean(columns[1])); } else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, rs.getString(columns[0])); break; case String1024: case Text: if (currValue == null) { currValue = new FxString(multiLang, currLang, rs.getString(columns[0])); } else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, rs.getString(columns[0])); break; case Boolean: if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxBoolean(multiLang, currLang, rs.getBoolean(columns[0])); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, rs.getBoolean(columns[0])); break; case Date: if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxDate(multiLang, currLang, rs.getDate(columns[0])); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, rs.getDate(columns[0])); break; case DateTime: if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxDateTime(multiLang, currLang, new Date(rs.getTimestamp(columns[0]).getTime())); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, new Date(rs.getTimestamp(columns[0]).getTime())); break; case DateRange: if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxDateRange(multiLang, currLang, new DateRange(rs.getDate(columns[0]), rs.getDate( getColumns(((FxPropertyAssignment) currAssignment).getProperty())[1]))); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, new DateRange(rs.getDate(columns[0]), rs.getDate( getColumns(((FxPropertyAssignment) currAssignment).getProperty())[1]))); break; case DateTimeRange: if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxDateTimeRange(multiLang, currLang, new DateRange( new Date(rs.getTimestamp(columns[0]).getTime()), new Date(rs.getTimestamp( getColumns(((FxPropertyAssignment) currAssignment).getProperty())[1]) .getTime()))); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, new DateRange( new Date(rs.getTimestamp(columns[0]).getTime()), new Date(rs.getTimestamp( getColumns(((FxPropertyAssignment) currAssignment).getProperty())[1]) .getTime()))); break; case Binary: BinaryDescriptor desc = binaryStorage.loadBinaryDescriptor(server, conNoTX, rs.getLong(columns[0])); if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxBinary(multiLang, currLang, desc); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, desc); break; case SelectOne: FxSelectListItem singleItem = env.getSelectListItem(rs.getLong(columns[0])); if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxSelectOne(multiLang, currLang, singleItem); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, singleItem); break; case SelectMany: long itemId = rs.getLong(columns[0]); FxSelectList list = ((FxPropertyAssignment) currAssignment).getProperty() .getReferencedList(); if (currValue == null) currValue = new FxSelectMany(multiLang, currLang, new SelectMany(list)); FxSelectMany sm = (FxSelectMany) currValue; if (sm.isTranslationEmpty(currLang)) sm.setTranslation(currLang, new SelectMany(list)); if (itemId > 0) sm.getTranslation(currLang).selectItem(list.getItem(itemId)); break; case Reference: if (currValue == null) // currValue = new FxReference(multiLang, currLang, new ReferencedContent(rs.getLong(columns[0]))); currValue = new FxReference(multiLang, currLang, resolveReference(con, requestedVersion, rs.getLong(columns[0]))); else currValue.setTranslation(currLang, resolveReference(con, requestedVersion, rs.getLong(columns[0]))); break; default: throw new FxDbException(LOG, "ex.db.notImplemented.load", dataType.getName()); } if (currValue != null) { int valueData = rs.getInt(getValueDataLoadPos(dataType)); if (rs.wasNull()) currValue.clearValueData(currLang); else currValue.setValueData(currLang, valueData); } if (isMLDef) defLang = currLang; } } // check for empty groups for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, Integer>> entry : groupPositionsProvider.getPositions().entrySet()) { final long assignmentId = entry.getKey(); final FxGroupAssignment groupAssignment = (FxGroupAssignment) env.getAssignment(assignmentId); final Set<String> existingMults; final FxGroupData group = root.findGroup(assignmentId); if (group != null) { existingMults = Sets.newHashSet(); for (FxData data : group.getElements()) { existingMults.add(FxArrayUtils.toStringArray(data.getIndices(), ',')); } } else { existingMults = Collections.emptySet(); } for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> position : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { final String xmult = position.getKey(); if (!existingMults.contains(xmult) && groupAssignment.getMultiplicity().isRequired()) { // add (empty) group root.addGroup(XPathElement.toXPathMult(groupAssignment.getXPath(), xmult.replace('/', ',')), groupAssignment, position.getValue(), GROUPS_ONLY_SYS_INTERNAL); } } } if (currValue != null) { if (flatContainer != null) { //add flat entries that are positioned before the current entry FxFlatStorageLoadColumn flatColumn; while ((flatColumn = flatContainer.pop(currXPath.substring(0, currXPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), currXDepth, currPos)) != null) { addValue(root, flatColumn.getXPath(), flatColumn.getAssignment(), flatColumn.getPos(), groupPositionsProvider, flatColumn.getValue()); } } //add last property if (!isGroup) currValue.setDefaultLanguage(defLang); addValue(root, currXPath, currAssignment, currPos, groupPositionsProvider, currValue); } else { if (flatContainer == null && isGroup && currAssignment != null) //make sure to add the last assignment if it is a group and no flat storage is enabled addValue(root, currXPath, currAssignment, currPos, groupPositionsProvider, currValue); } if (flatContainer != null) { if (isGroup && currAssignment != null) //if the last value was a group, add it (can only happen when using a flat storage) addValue(root, currXPath, currAssignment, currPos, groupPositionsProvider, currValue); //add remaining flat entries FxFlatStorageLoadColumn flatColumn; while ((flatColumn = flatContainer.pop()) != null) { addValue(root, flatColumn.getXPath(), flatColumn.getAssignment(), flatColumn.getPos(), groupPositionsProvider, flatColumn.getValue()); } } // fix group positions after all groups have been added fixGroupPositions(root, groupPositionsProvider); } catch (FxCreateException e) { throw new FxLoadException(e); } catch (FxNotFoundException e) { throw new FxLoadException(e); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } return root; } private void fixGroupPositions(FxGroupData group, GroupPositionsProvider groupPositions) { // TODO generic but inefficient implementation (lots of copying of the group's data list) if (group.getParent() != null && groupPositions.getPositions().containsKey(group.getAssignmentId()) && !group.isEmpty()) { group.getParent().setChildPosition(group, groupPositions.getPosition(group.getAssignmentId(), group.getIndices())); } for (FxData child : ImmutableList.copyOf(group.getChildren())) { if (child.isGroup()) { fixGroupPositions((FxGroupData) child, groupPositions); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ReferencedContent resolveReference(Connection con, int contentVersion, long referencedId) throws SQLException { String sql = contentVersion == FxPK.LIVE ? CONTENT_REFERENCE_LIVE : CONTENT_REFERENCE_MAX; PreparedStatement ps = null; int referencedVersion; long stepId, aclId, typeId, ownerId; String caption; try { ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setLong(1, referencedId); ps.setBoolean(2, true); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs != null && { referencedVersion = rs.getInt(1); aclId = rs.getLong(2); stepId = rs.getLong(3); typeId = rs.getLong(4); ownerId = rs.getLong(5); } else if (contentVersion == FxPK.LIVE) { ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_REFERENCE_MAX); ps.setLong(1, referencedId); ps.setBoolean(2, true); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs != null && { referencedVersion = rs.getInt(1); aclId = rs.getLong(2); stepId = rs.getLong(3); typeId = rs.getLong(4); ownerId = rs.getLong(5); } else { LOG.error("Failed to resolve a reference with id " + referencedId + ": no max. version found! (in fallback already!)"); return new ReferencedContent(referencedId); } } else { LOG.error("Failed to resolve a reference with id " + referencedId + ": no max. version found!"); return new ReferencedContent(referencedId); } ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_REFERENCE_CAPTION); ps.setLong(1, referencedId); ps.setInt(2, referencedVersion); try { ps.setLong(3, EJBLookup.getConfigurationEngine().get(SystemParameters.TREE_CAPTION_PROPERTY)); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw e.asRuntimeException(); } rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs != null && caption = rs.getString(1); else caption = ""; // resolve ACLs from ACL table, if necessary FxEnvironment env = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment(); final FxPK pk = new FxPK(referencedId, referencedVersion); final List<ACL> acls; if (aclId == ACL.NULL_ACL_ID) { // multiple ACLs for this content instance acls = FxSharedUtils.filterSelectableObjectsById(env.getACLs(), loadContentAclTable(con, pk)); } else { // only one ACL acls = Arrays.asList(env.getACL(aclId)); } // don't store explicit version in PK, otherwise clients will run into unexpected results when this // content is cached (even by flexive) ReferencedContent ref = new ReferencedContent(new FxPK(pk.getId(), FxPK.MAX), caption, env.getStep(stepId), acls); try { ref.setAccessGranted(FxPermissionUtils.checkPermission(FxContext.getUserTicket(), ownerId, ACLPermission.READ, env.getType(typeId), ref.getStep().getAclId(), FxSharedUtils.getSelectableObjectIdList(acls), false)); } catch (FxNoAccessException e) { ref.setAccessGranted(false); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("ReferencedContent: " + ref.toStringExtended()); } return ref; } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long getContentTypeId(Connection con, FxPK pk) throws FxLoadException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT TDEF FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE ID=?"); ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs != null && return rs.getLong(1); throw new FxLoadException("ex.content.notFound", pk); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxLoadException(e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getBinaryMetaData(Connection con, long binaryId) { return binaryStorage.getBinaryMetaData(con, binaryId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BinaryDescriptor getBinaryDescriptor(Connection con, long binaryId) throws FxDbException { return binaryStorage.loadBinaryDescriptor(null, con, binaryId); } /** * Helper method to add a value of a detail entry with a given XPath to the instance being loaded * * @param root the root group * @param xPath XPath of the entry * @param assignment assignment used * @param pos position in hierarchy * @param value the value to add * @throws FxInvalidParameterException on errors * @throws FxNotFoundException on errors * @throws FxCreateException if failed to create group entries */ protected void addValue(FxGroupData root, String xPath, FxAssignment assignment, int pos, GroupPositionsProvider groupPositionsProvider, FxValue value) throws FxInvalidParameterException, FxNotFoundException, FxCreateException { if (!assignment.isEnabled()) return; if (assignment instanceof FxGroupAssignment) { root.addGroup(xPath, (FxGroupAssignment) assignment, pos, GROUPS_ONLY_SYS_INTERNAL); } else { final FxGroupAssignment parentAssignment = assignment.getParentGroupAssignment(); if (parentAssignment != null) { // check if group already exists final List<XPathElement> split = XPathElement.split(xPath); final StringBuilder groupXPath = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < split.size() - 1; i++) { groupXPath.append('/').append(split.get(i).toString()); final String currXPath = groupXPath.toString(); if (root.findGroup(currXPath) == null) { final FxGroupAssignment currGroup = parentAssignment.getAssignedType() .getGroupAssignment(currXPath); root.addGroup(currXPath, currGroup, Integer.MAX_VALUE, GROUPS_ONLY_SYS_INTERNAL); } } } root.addProperty(xPath, (FxPropertyAssignment) assignment, value, pos); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FxPK contentSave(Connection con, FxEnvironment env, StringBuilder sql, FxContent content, long fqnPropertyId) throws FxInvalidParameterException, FxUpdateException, FxNoAccessException { content.getRootGroup().removeEmptyEntries(); content.getRootGroup().compactPositions(true); content.checkValidity(); FxPK pk = content.getPk(); if (pk.isNew() || !pk.isDistinctVersion()) throw new FxInvalidParameterException("PK", "", pk); FxDelta delta; FxContent original; final FxType type = env.getType(content.getTypeId()); final UserTicket ticket = FxContext.getUserTicket(); try { FxCachedContent cachedContent = CacheAdmin.getCachedContent(pk); if (cachedContent != null) original = cachedContent.getContent().copy(); else original = contentLoad(con, content.getPk(), env, sql); original.getRootGroup().removeEmptyEntries(); original.getRootGroup().compactPositions(true); //unwrap all no access values so they can be saved if (type.isUsePropertyPermissions() && !ticket.isGlobalSupervisor()) { FxContext.get().runAsSystem(); try { FxPermissionUtils.unwrapNoAccessValues(content, original); } finally { FxContext.get().stopRunAsSystem(); } } delta = FxDelta.processDelta(original, content); } catch (FxLoadException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(e); } catch (FxNotFoundException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(e); } if (original.getStepId() != content.getStepId()) { Workflow wf = env.getWorkflow(env.getStep(content.getStepId()).getWorkflowId()); if (!wf.isRouteValid(original.getStepId(), content.getStepId())) { throw new FxInvalidParameterException("STEP", "ex.content.step.noRoute", env.getStepDefinition(env.getStep(original.getStepId()).getStepDefinitionId()).getLabel() .getBestTranslation(), env.getStepDefinition(env.getStep(content.getStepId()).getStepDefinitionId()).getLabel() .getBestTranslation()); } if (type.isTrackHistory()) EJBLookup.getHistoryTrackerEngine().track(type, content.getPk(), null, "history.content.step.change", env.getStepDefinition(env.getStep(original.getStepId()).getStepDefinitionId()).getName(), env.getStepDefinition(env.getStep(content.getStepId()).getStepDefinitionId()).getName()); } if (!delta.changes()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("====== NO CHANGES ======="); } return pk; } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(delta.dump()); } } FulltextIndexer ft = getFulltextIndexer(pk, con); FxFlatStorage fs = type.isContainsFlatStorageAssignments() ? FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance() : null; if (type.isUsePropertyPermissions() && !ticket.isGlobalSupervisor()) FxPermissionUtils.checkPropertyPermissions(content.getLifeCycleInfo().getCreatorId(), delta, ACLPermission.EDIT); lockTables(con, pk.getId(), pk.getVersion()); if (delta.isInternalPropertyChanged()) { updateMainEntry(con, content); } else if (delta.isGroupDataChanged()) { updateGroupPositions(con, content); } try { disableDetailUniqueChecks(con); //full replace code start // removeDetailEntriesVersion(con, pk); // createDetailEntries(con, env, sql, pk, content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion(), content.getData("/")); //full replace code end boolean checkScripting = type.hasScriptedAssignments(); FxScriptBinding binding = null; ScriptingEngine scripting = null; if (checkScripting) { scripting = EJBLookup.getScriptingEngine(); binding = new FxScriptBinding(); binding.setVariable("content", content); } //before... scripts if (checkScripting) { //delta-deletes: for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change : delta.getRemoves()) { for (long scriptId : change.getOriginalData().getAssignment() .getScriptMapping(FxScriptEvent.BeforeDataChangeDelete)) { binding.setVariable("change", change); scripting.runScript(scriptId, binding); } } //delta-updates: for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change : delta.getUpdates()) { for (long scriptId : change.getOriginalData().getAssignment() .getScriptMapping(FxScriptEvent.BeforeDataChangeUpdate)) { binding.setVariable("change", change); scripting.runScript(scriptId, binding); } } //delta-adds: for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change : delta.getAdds()) { for (long scriptId : change.getNewData().getAssignment() .getScriptMapping(FxScriptEvent.BeforeDataChangeAdd)) { binding.setVariable("change", change); scripting.runScript(scriptId, binding); } } //reprocess deltas incase scripts performed any changes to data delta = FxDelta.processDelta(original, content); } //delta-deletes: for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change : delta.getRemoves()) { if (type.isUsePropertyPermissions() && change.isProperty()) { final ACL deltaACL = type.getPropertyAssignment(change.getXPath()).getACL(); if (!ticket.mayDeleteACL(deltaACL.getId(), content.getLifeCycleInfo().getCreatorId())) throw new FxNoAccessException("", deltaACL.getDisplayName(), change.getXPath()); } if (!change.getOriginalData().isSystemInternal()) { deleteDetailData(con, sql, pk, change.getOriginalData()); if (change.isProperty()) { //check if the removed property is a FQN if (((FxPropertyData) change.getOriginalData()).getPropertyId() == fqnPropertyId) { syncFQNName(con, content, pk, change); } } ft.index(change); } } //delta-updates: List<FxDelta.FxDeltaChange> updatesRemaining = new ArrayList<FxDelta.FxDeltaChange>(delta.getUpdates()); PreparedStatement ps_insert = null; PreparedStatement ps_update = null; try { ps_insert = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_INSERT); ps_update = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_UPDATE); while (updatesRemaining.size() > 0) { FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change = updatesRemaining.get(0); //noinspection CaughtExceptionImmediatelyRethrown try { if (!change.getOriginalData().isSystemInternal()) { if (change.isGroup()) { if (change.isPositionChange() && !change.isDataChange()) { //groups can only change position updatePropertyData(change, null, null, con, ps_update, pk, null); } } else { FxProperty prop = env .getProperty(((FxPropertyData) change.getNewData()).getPropertyId()); if (!change._isUpdateable()) { deleteDetailData(con, sql, pk, change.getOriginalData()); insertPropertyData(prop, content.getData("/"), con, ps_insert, null, pk, ((FxPropertyData) change.getNewData()), content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion()); } else { updatePropertyData(change, prop, content.getData("/"), con, ps_update, pk, ((FxPropertyData) change.getNewData())); } //check if the property changed is a FQN if (prop.getId() == fqnPropertyId) { syncFQNName(con, content, pk, change); } } } updatesRemaining.remove(0); ft.index(change); } catch (SQLException e) { change._increaseRetries(); if (change._getRetryCount() > 100) throw e; updatesRemaining.remove(0); updatesRemaining.add(change); //add as last } } //flatstorage adds/updates if (fs != null && delta.getFlatStorageAddsUpdates().size() > 0) fs.setPropertyData(con, pk, type.getId(), content.getStepId(), content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion(), delta.getFlatStorageAddsUpdates(), false); //delta-adds: for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change : delta.getAdds()) { if (type.isUsePropertyPermissions() && change.isProperty()) { final ACL acl = type.getPropertyAssignment(change.getXPath()).getACL(); if (!ticket.mayCreateACL(acl.getId(), content.getLifeCycleInfo().getCreatorId())) throw new FxNoAccessException("", acl.getDisplayName(), change.getXPath()); } if (!change.getNewData().isSystemInternal() && change.isProperty()) { final FxProperty prop = env .getProperty(((FxPropertyData) change.getNewData()).getPropertyId()); insertPropertyData(prop, content.getData("/"), con, ps_insert, null, pk, ((FxPropertyData) change.getNewData()), content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion()); ft.index(change); //check if the property changed is a FQN if (prop.getId() == fqnPropertyId) { syncFQNName(con, content, pk, change); } } } ps_update.executeBatch(); ps_insert.executeBatch(); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps_update, ps_insert); } checkUniqueConstraints(con, env, sql, pk, content.getTypeId()); if (delta.isInternalPropertyChanged()) { final boolean stepsUpdated = updateStepDependencies(con, content.getPk().getId(), content.getPk().getVersion(), env, type, content.getStepId()); fixContentVersionStats(con, env, type, content.getPk().getId(), false, stepsUpdated); } content.resolveBinaryPreview(); if (original.getBinaryPreviewId() != content.getBinaryPreviewId() || original.getBinaryPreviewACL() != content.getBinaryPreviewACL()) binaryStorage.updateContentBinaryEntry(con, pk, content.getBinaryPreviewId(), content.getBinaryPreviewACL()); enableDetailUniqueChecks(con); if (!content.isForceLifeCycle()) //only update the lci if not forced to keep LifeCycleInfoImpl.updateLifeCycleInfo(TBL_CONTENT, "ID", "VER", content.getPk().getId(), content.getPk().getVersion(), false, false); //after... scripts if (checkScripting) { //delta-deletes: for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change : delta.getRemoves()) { for (long scriptId : change.getOriginalData().getAssignment() .getScriptMapping(FxScriptEvent.AfterDataChangeDelete)) { binding.setVariable("change", change); scripting.runScript(scriptId, binding); } } //delta-updates: for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change : delta.getUpdates()) { for (long scriptId : change.getOriginalData().getAssignment() .getScriptMapping(FxScriptEvent.AfterDataChangeUpdate)) { binding.setVariable("change", change); scripting.runScript(scriptId, binding); } } //delta-adds: for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change : delta.getAdds()) { for (long scriptId : change.getNewData().getAssignment() .getScriptMapping(FxScriptEvent.AfterDataChangeAdd)) { binding.setVariable("change", change); scripting.runScript(scriptId, binding); } } } ft.commitChanges(); if (type.isTrackHistory()) { HistoryTrackerEngine tracker = EJBLookup.getHistoryTrackerEngine(); XStream xs = ConversionEngine.getXStream(); for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange add : delta.getAdds()) tracker.track(type, pk, add.getNewData().isGroup() ? null : xs.toXML(((FxPropertyData) add.getNewData()).getValue()), "", add.getXPath()); for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange remove : delta.getRemoves()) tracker.track(type, pk, remove.getOriginalData().isGroup() ? null : xs.toXML(((FxPropertyData) remove.getOriginalData()).getValue()), "", remove.getXPath()); for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange update : delta.getUpdates()) { if (update.isPositionChangeOnly()) tracker.track(type, pk, null, "", update.getXPath(), update.getOriginalData().getPos(), update.getNewData().getPos()); else if (update.isPositionChange()) tracker.track(type, pk, update.getNewData().isGroup() ? null : xs.toXML(((FxPropertyData) update.getNewData()).getValue()), "", update.getXPath(), update.getOriginalData().getPos(), update.getNewData().getPos()); else tracker.track(type, pk, update.getNewData().isGroup() ? null : "<original>\n" + xs.toXML(((FxPropertyData) update.getOriginalData()).getValue()) + "\n</original>\n" + "<new>\n" + xs.toXML(((FxPropertyData) update.getNewData()).getValue()) + "\n</new>\n", "", update.getXPath()); } } } catch (FxCreateException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(e); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(e); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FxUpdateException(LOG, e, "", pk, e); } finally { ft.cleanup(); } return content.getPk(); } private void syncFQNName(Connection con, FxContent content, FxPK pk, FxDelta.FxDeltaChange change) throws FxApplicationException { FxValue val; if (change != null) { if (change.getChangeType() == FxDelta.FxDeltaChange.ChangeType.Remove) { //sync to empty FQN (see FX-752) StorageManager.getTreeStorage().syncFQNName(con, pk.getId(), content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion(), null); return; } val = ((FxPropertyData) change.getNewData()).getValue(); } else { //check if there is a FQN property and sync that one (used when creating a new version) long fqnPropertyId = EJBLookup.getConfigurationEngine().get(SystemParameters.TREE_FQN_PROPERTY); List<FxPropertyData> pd = content.getPropertyData(fqnPropertyId, false); if (pd.size() > 0) val = pd.get(0).getValue(); else return; } if (/*!val.isEmpty() &&*/ val instanceof FxString) { StorageManager.getTreeStorage().syncFQNName(con, pk.getId(), content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion(), (String) val.getBestTranslation()); } } private void enableDetailUniqueChecks(Connection con) throws SQLException { if (!StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) { return; // not supported } Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(StorageManager.getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(true)); } finally { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } } private void disableDetailUniqueChecks(Connection con) throws SQLException { if (!StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) { return; } Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(StorageManager.getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(false)); } finally { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } } /** * Update the main entry * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param content content to create * @throws FxUpdateException on errors */ protected void updateMainEntry(Connection con, FxContent content) throws FxUpdateException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_MAIN_UPDATE); ps.setLong(19, content.getPk().getId()); ps.setInt(20, content.getPk().getVersion()); ps.setLong(1, content.getTypeId()); ps.setLong(2, content.getAclIds().size() > 1 ? ACL.NULL_ACL_ID : content.getAclIds().get(0)); ps.setLong(3, content.getStepId()); ps.setInt(4, content.getMaxVersion()); ps.setInt(5, content.getLiveVersion()); ps.setBoolean(6, content.isMaxVersion()); ps.setBoolean(7, content.isLiveVersion()); ps.setBoolean(8, content.isActive()); ps.setInt(9, (int) content.getMainLanguage()); if (content.isRelation()) { ps.setLong(10, content.getRelatedSource().getId()); ps.setInt(11, content.getRelatedSource().getVersion()); ps.setLong(12, content.getRelatedDestination().getId()); ps.setInt(13, content.getRelatedDestination().getVersion()); ps.setLong(14, content.getRelatedSourcePosition()); ps.setLong(15, content.getRelatedDestinationPosition()); } else { ps.setNull(10, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); ps.setNull(11, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); ps.setNull(12, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); ps.setNull(13, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); ps.setNull(14, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); ps.setNull(15, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); } if (content.isForceLifeCycle()) { ps.setLong(16, content.getValue(FxLargeNumber.class, "/MODIFIED_BY").getBestTranslation()); ps.setLong(17, content.getValue(FxDateTime.class, "/MODIFIED_AT").getBestTranslation().getTime()); } else { long userId = FxContext.getUserTicket().getUserId(); ps.setLong(16, userId); ps.setLong(17, System.currentTimeMillis()); } setGroupPositions(ps, content, 18); ps.executeUpdate(); if (content.isForceLifeCycle()) { ps.close(); // update created_at/created_by ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_MAIN_UPDATE_CREATED_AT); ps.setLong(1, content.getValue(FxDateTime.class, "/CREATED_AT").getBestTranslation().getTime()); ps.setLong(2, content.getValue(FxLargeNumber.class, "/CREATED_BY").getBestTranslation()); ps.setLong(3, content.getPk().getId()); ps.setInt(4, content.getPk().getVersion()); ps.executeUpdate(); } updateACLEntries(con, content, content.getPk(), false); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } catch (FxCreateException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(e); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } private void setGroupPositions(PreparedStatement ps, FxContent content, int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { final String groupPositions = getGroupPositions(content); if (groupPositions != null) { StorageManager.getStorageImpl().setBigString(ps, parameterIndex, groupPositions); } else { ps.setNull(parameterIndex, Types.CLOB); } } protected void updateGroupPositions(Connection con, FxContent content) throws FxUpdateException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_GROUP_POS_UPDATE); setGroupPositions(ps, content, 1); ps.setLong(2, content.getPk().getId()); ps.setInt(3, content.getPk().getVersion()); ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FxContentSecurityInfo getContentSecurityInfo(Connection con, FxPK pk, FxContent rawContent) throws FxLoadException, FxNotFoundException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { switch (pk.getVersion()) { case FxPK.MAX: ps = con.prepareStatement(SECURITY_INFO_MAXVER); break; case FxPK.LIVE: ps = con.prepareStatement(SECURITY_INFO_LIVEVER); break; default: ps = con.prepareStatement(SECURITY_INFO_VER); ps.setInt(2, pk.getVersion()); } ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); byte typePerm; long typeACL, contentACL, stepACL, previewACL; long previewId, typeId, ownerId, mandatorId; int version; final Set<Long> propertyPerms = new HashSet<Long>(); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs == null || ! throw new FxNotFoundException("ex.content.notFound", pk); contentACL = rs.getLong(1); typeACL = rs.getLong(2); stepACL = rs.getLong(3); typePerm = rs.getByte(4); typeId = rs.getLong(5); previewId = rs.getLong(6); previewACL = rs.getLong(7); ownerId = rs.getLong(8); mandatorId = rs.getLong(9); version = rs.getInt(10); if ( throw new FxLoadException("ex.db.resultSet.tooManyRows"); if ((typePerm & 0x02) == 0x02) { //use property permissions FxContent co = rawContent; try { if (co == null) { FxCachedContent cachedContent = CacheAdmin.getCachedContent(pk); if (cachedContent != null) co = cachedContent.getContent(); else { ContentStorage storage = StorageManager.getContentStorage(pk.getStorageMode()); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(2000); co = storage.contentLoad(con, pk, CacheAdmin.getEnvironment(), sql); } } co = co.copy(); co.getRootGroup().removeEmptyEntries(); for (String xp : co.getAllPropertyXPaths()) { final FxPropertyAssignment pa = co.getPropertyData(xp).getPropertyAssignment(); if (pa.isSystemInternal()) continue; Long propACL = pa.getACL().getId(); propertyPerms.add(propACL); } } catch (FxInvalidParameterException e) { throw new FxLoadException(e); } } pk = new FxPK(pk.getId(), version); final List<Long> acls = contentACL == ACL.NULL_ACL_ID ? loadContentAclTable(con, pk) : Arrays.asList(contentACL); return new FxContentSecurityInfo(pk, ownerId, previewId, typeId, mandatorId, typePerm, typeACL, stepACL, acls, previewACL, Lists.newArrayList(propertyPerms), StorageManager.getLockStorage().getLock(con, pk)); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxLoadException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } catch (FxLockException e) { throw new FxLoadException(e); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } /** * Check if content(s) may be removed. * This method handles referential integrity incase the used database does not support it * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param typeId the contents structure type * @param id id of the content (optional, used if allForType is <code>false</code>) * @param version version of the content (optional, used if allForType is <code>false</code> and allVersions is <code>false</code>) * @param allForType remove all instances of the given type? * @param allVersions remove all versions or only the requested one? * @throws FxRemoveException if referential integrity would be violated */ public void checkContentRemoval(Connection con, long typeId, long id, int version, boolean allForType, boolean allVersions) throws FxRemoveException { //to be implemented/overwritten for specific database implementations if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Removing type:" + typeId + " id:" + id + " ver:" + version + " allForType:" + allForType + " allVersions:" + allVersions); if (!allVersions && !allForType) return; //specific version may be removed if not all of the type are removed try { PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean refuse = false; try { if (allForType) { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_REFERENCE_BYTYPE); ps.setLong(1, typeId); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " WHERE FREF=? AND ID<>FREF"); ps.setLong(1, id); } ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( && rs.getLong(1) != 0) refuse = true; long refCount = refuse ? rs.getLong(1) : 0; if (!refuse) { refuse = FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().checkContentRemoval(con, typeId, id, allForType); if (refuse) refCount += FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().getReferencedContentCount(con, id); } if (refuse) { if (allForType) { throw new FxRemoveException("ex.content.reference.inUse.type", CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getType(typeId), refCount); } else throw new FxRemoveException("ex.content.reference.inUse.instance", id, refCount); } } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxRemoveException(e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void contentRemove(Connection con, FxType type, FxPK pk) throws FxRemoveException { PreparedStatement ps = null; FulltextIndexer ft = getFulltextIndexer(pk, con); try { checkContentRemoval(con, type.getId(), pk.getId(), -1, false, true); lockTables(con, pk.getId(), -1); //sync with tree StorageManager.getTreeStorage().contentRemoved(con, pk.getId(), false); ft.removeAllVersions(); binaryStorage.removeBinaries(con, BinaryStorage.SelectOperation.SelectId, pk, type); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_REMOVE); ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().removeContent(con, type.getId(), pk.getId()); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_MAIN_REMOVE); ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { // log information about removed content LOG.warn("Failed to remove " + pk + " due to a SQL error: " + e.getMessage()); } throw new FxRemoveException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw new FxRemoveException(e); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); ft.cleanup(); } if (type.isTrackHistory()) EJBLookup.getHistoryTrackerEngine().track(type, pk, null, "history.content.removed"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void contentRemoveVersion(Connection con, FxType type, FxPK pk) throws FxRemoveException, FxNotFoundException { FxContentVersionInfo cvi = getContentVersionInfo(con, pk.getId()); if (!cvi.containsVersion(pk)) return; final FxEnvironment env = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment(); int ver = pk.getVersion(); if (!pk.isDistinctVersion()) ver = cvi.getDistinctVersion(pk.getVersion()); checkContentRemoval(con, type.getId(), pk.getId(), ver, false, false); lockTables(con, pk.getId(), pk.getVersion()); PreparedStatement ps = null; FulltextIndexer ft = getFulltextIndexer(new FxPK(pk.getId(), ver), con); try { //if its the live version - sync with live tree if (cvi.hasLiveVersion() && cvi.getLiveVersion() == ver) StorageManager.getTreeStorage().contentRemoved(con, pk.getId(), true); ft.remove(); binaryStorage.removeBinaries(con, BinaryStorage.SelectOperation.SelectVersion, pk, type); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_REMOVE_VER); ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ps.setInt(2, ver); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); String[] nodes = StorageManager.getTreeStorage().beforeContentVersionRemoved(con, pk.getId(), ver, cvi); FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().removeContentVersion(con, type.getId(), pk.getId(), ver); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_MAIN_REMOVE_VER); ps.setLong(1, pk.getId()); ps.setInt(2, ver); if (ps.executeUpdate() > 0) fixContentVersionStats(con, env, type, pk.getId(), false, false); StorageManager.getTreeStorage().afterContentVersionRemoved(nodes, con, pk.getId(), ver, cvi); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxRemoveException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw new FxRemoveException(e); } finally { ft.cleanup(); Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } if (type.isTrackHistory()) EJBLookup.getHistoryTrackerEngine().track(type, pk, null, "history.content.removed.version", ver); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int contentRemoveForType(Connection con, FxType type) throws FxRemoveException { PreparedStatement ps = null; FulltextIndexer ft = getFulltextIndexer(null, con); try { checkContentRemoval(con, type.getId(), -1, -1, true, true); //FX-96 - select all contents that are referenced from the tree ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT c.ID FROM " + DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT + " c, " + DatabaseConst.TBL_TREE + " te, " + DatabaseConst.TBL_TREE + "_LIVE tl WHERE (te.REF=c.ID or tl.REF=c.ID) AND c.TDEF=?"); ps.setLong(1, type.getId()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while (rs != null && StorageManager.getTreeStorage().contentRemoved(con, rs.getLong(1), false); ps.close(); ft.removeType(type.getId()); binaryStorage.removeBinaries(con, BinaryStorage.SelectOperation.SelectType, null, type); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_REMOVE_TYPE); ps.setLong(1, type.getId()); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().removeContentByType(con, type.getId()); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_MAIN_REMOVE_TYPE); ps.setLong(1, type.getId()); return ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxRemoveException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw new FxRemoveException(e); } finally { ft.cleanup(); Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<FxPK> getPKsForType(Connection con, FxType type, boolean onePkPerInstance) throws FxDbException { PreparedStatement ps = null; List<FxPK> pks = new ArrayList<FxPK>(50); try { if (onePkPerInstance) ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_TYPE_PK_RETRIEVE_IDS); else ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_TYPE_PK_RETRIEVE_VERSIONS); ps.setLong(1, type.getId()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while (rs != null && { if (onePkPerInstance) pks.add(new FxPK(rs.getLong(1))); else pks.add(new FxPK(rs.getLong(1), rs.getInt(2))); } return pks; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxDbException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void maintenance(Connection con) { binaryStorage.removeExpiredTransitEntries(con); binaryStorage.removeStaleBinaries(con); try { StorageManager.getLockStorage().removeExpiredLocks(con); } catch (FxNotFoundException e) { LOG.error(e); } } /** * Check all unique constraints for an instance * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param env environment * @param sql StringBuilder for performance * @param pk primary key of the affected instance * @param typeId affected FxType * @throws FxApplicationException on errors */ private void checkUniqueConstraints(Connection con, FxEnvironment env, StringBuilder sql, FxPK pk, long typeId) throws FxApplicationException { FxType type = env.getType(typeId); if (!type.hasUniqueProperties()) return; List<FxProperty> uniques = type.getUniqueProperties(); if (sql == null) sql = new StringBuilder(500); else sql.setLength(0); try { for (FxProperty prop : uniques) { sql.setLength(0); uniqueConditionsMet(con, env, sql, prop.getUniqueMode(), prop, typeId, pk, true); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxDbException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } } /** * Check if unique constraints are met * * @param con an open and valid Connection * @param env environment * @param sql a StringBuilder instance * @param mode UniqueMode * @param prop the propery to check * @param typeId type to check * @param pk primary key (optional) * @param throwException should an exception be thrown if conditions are not met? * @return conditions met * @throws SQLException on errors * @throws FxApplicationException on errors */ private boolean uniqueConditionsMet(Connection con, FxEnvironment env, StringBuilder sql, UniqueMode mode, FxProperty prop, long typeId, FxPK pk, boolean throwException) throws SQLException, FxApplicationException { /*List<FxPropertyAssignment> pa = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getPropertyAssignments(prop.getId(), true); boolean hasFlat=false,hasHierarchical=false; for (FxPropertyAssignment p : pa) { if (hasFlat && hasHierarchical) break; if (p.isFlatStorageEntry()) hasFlat = true; else hasHierarchical = true; } if (hasHierarchical) {*/ String typeChecks = null; sql.setLength(0); switch (mode) { case Global: sql.append("SELECT tcd.ASSIGN,tcd.XMULT,COUNT(DISTINCT ccd.ID) FROM ").append(TBL_CONTENT_DATA) .append(" ccd, ").append(TBL_CONTENT_DATA).append(" tcd WHERE ccd.TPROP=").append(prop.getId()) .append(" AND ccd.TPROP=tcd.TPROP AND ccd.ID<>tcd.ID").append(" AND ccd.LANG=tcd.LANG"); if (pk != null) sql.append(" AND tcd.ID=").append(pk.getId()); else { //prevent checks across versions sql.append(" AND NOT(ccd.ID=tcd.ID AND ccd.VER<>tcd.VER)"). //prevent self-references append(" AND NOT(ccd.ID=tcd.ID AND ccd.VER=tcd.VER AND ccd.ASSIGN=tcd.ASSIGN AND tcd.XMULT=ccd.XMULT)"); } break; case DerivedTypes: //gen list of parent and derived types typeChecks = buildTypeHierarchy(env.getType(typeId)); case Type: if (typeChecks == null) typeChecks = "" + typeId; sql.append("SELECT tcd.ASSIGN,tcd.XMULT,COUNT(DISTINCT ccd.ID) FROM ").append(TBL_CONTENT_DATA) .append(" ccd, ").append(TBL_CONTENT_DATA).append(" tcd, ").append(TBL_CONTENT).append(" cc, ") .append(TBL_CONTENT).append(" tc WHERE cc.ID=ccd.ID AND tc.ID=tcd.ID AND cc.TDEF IN (") .append(typeChecks).append(") AND tc.TDEF IN (").append(typeChecks).append(") AND ccd.TPROP=") .append(prop.getId()).append(" AND ccd.TPROP=tcd.TPROP AND ccd.LANG=tcd.LANG"). //prevent checks across versions append(" AND NOT(ccd.ID=tcd.ID AND ccd.VER<>tcd.VER)"). //prevent self-references append(" AND NOT(ccd.ID=tcd.ID AND ccd.VER=tcd.VER AND ccd.ASSIGN=tcd.ASSIGN AND tcd.XMULT=ccd.XMULT)"); break; case Instance: sql.append("SELECT tcd.ASSIGN,tcd.XMULT FROM ").append(TBL_CONTENT_DATA).append(" ccd, ") .append(TBL_CONTENT_DATA).append(" tcd WHERE ccd.TPROP=").append(prop.getId()) .append(" AND ccd.TPROP=tcd.TPROP AND ccd.ID=tcd.ID AND ccd.VER=tcd.VER AND ccd.XMULT<>tcd.XMULT"); if (pk != null) sql.append(" AND tcd.ID=").append(pk.getId()); sql.append(" AND ccd.LANG=tcd.LANG"); break; } if (sql.length() > 0) { addColumnComparator(sql, prop, "ccd", "tcd"); sql.append(" GROUP BY tcd.ASSIGN,tcd.XMULT"); Statement s = null; try { s = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql.toString()); if (rs != null && { if (mode == UniqueMode.Instance || rs.getInt(3) > 0) { if (throwException) { final String xpath = XPathElement.toXPathMult( CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getAssignment(rs.getLong(1)).getXPath(), rs.getString(2)); //noinspection ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown throw new FxConstraintViolationException("ex.content.contraint.unique.xpath", xpath, mode).setAffectedXPath(xpath, FxContentExceptionCause.UniqueConstraintViolated); } else return false; } } } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, s); } } // } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean uniqueConditionValid(Connection con, UniqueMode mode, FxProperty prop, long typeId, FxPK pk) { try { return uniqueConditionsMet(con, CacheAdmin.getEnvironment(), new StringBuilder(500), mode, prop, typeId, pk, false); } catch (SQLException e) { //noinspection ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown throw new FxApplicationException(e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()).asRuntimeException(); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw e.asRuntimeException(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void updateMultilanguageSettings(Connection con, long assignmentId, boolean orgMultiLang, boolean newMultiLang, long defaultLanguage) throws FxUpdateException, SQLException { if (orgMultiLang == newMultiLang) return; PreparedStatement ps = null; FulltextIndexer ft = getFulltextIndexer(null, con); try { if (!orgMultiLang && newMultiLang) { //Single to Multi: lang=default language ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " SET LANG=? WHERE ASSIGN=?"); ps.setLong(1, defaultLanguage); ps.setLong(2, assignmentId); ps.executeUpdate(); ft.setLanguage(assignmentId, defaultLanguage); } else { //Multi to Single: lang=system, values of the def. lang. are used, if other translations exist an exception will be raised ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " SET LANG=? WHERE LANG=? AND ASSIGN=?"); ps.setLong(1, FxLanguage.SYSTEM_ID); ps.setLong(2, defaultLanguage); ps.setLong(3, assignmentId); ps.executeUpdate(); ft.changeLanguage(assignmentId, defaultLanguage, FxLanguage.SYSTEM_ID); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " WHERE ASSIGN=? AND LANG<>?"); ps.setLong(1, assignmentId); ps.setLong(2, FxLanguage.SYSTEM_ID); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); long count; if (rs != null && if ((count = rs.getLong(1)) > 0) throw new FxUpdateException("ex.content.update.multi2single.contentExist", CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getAssignment(assignmentId).getXPath(), count); } } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } /** * Helper to build a comma seperated list of all parent and child types and the current type * * @param type current type to examine * @return comma seperated list of all parent and child types and the current type */ private String buildTypeHierarchy(FxType type) { StringBuilder th = new StringBuilder(100); FxType parent = type.getParent(); th.append(type.getId()); while (parent != null) { th.append(",").append(parent.getId()); parent = parent.getParent(); } buildTypeChildren(th, type); return th.toString(); } /** * Build a list of all derived types and the current type * * @param th StringBuilder that should contain the result * @param type current type */ private void buildTypeChildren(StringBuilder th, FxType type) { for (FxType child : type.getDerivedTypes()) { th.append(',').append(child.getId()); buildTypeChildren(th, child); } } /** * Compare a property for two database aliases * * @param sql StringBuilder to append the comparison to * @param prop propery to compare * @param compAlias compare alias * @param ownAlias own alias */ private void addColumnComparator(StringBuilder sql, FxProperty prop, String compAlias, String ownAlias) { String ucol = getUppercaseColumn(prop); if (ucol == null) for (String col : getColumns(prop)) sql.append(" AND ").append(compAlias).append(".").append(col).append("=").append(ownAlias) .append(".").append(col); else sql.append(" AND ").append(compAlias).append(".").append(ucol).append("=").append(ownAlias).append(".") .append(ucol); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int getReferencedContentCount(Connection con, long id) throws FxDbException { Statement s = null; int count = 0; try { s = con.createStatement(); //references within contents ResultSet rs = s .executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " WHERE FREF=" + id); if ( { count += rs.getInt(1); } //Edit tree references rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM " + TBL_TREE + " WHERE REF=" + id); if ( { count += rs.getInt(1); } //Live tree references rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM " + TBL_TREE + "_LIVE WHERE REF=" + id); if ( { count += rs.getInt(1); } //Contact Data references rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM " + TBL_ACCOUNTS + " WHERE CONTACT_ID=" + id); if ( { count += rs.getInt(1); } //Briefcase references rs = s.executeQuery( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT BRIEFCASE_ID) FROM " + TBL_BRIEFCASE_DATA + " WHERE ID=" + id); if ( { count += rs.getInt(1); } return count; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxDbException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { if (s != null) try { s.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { //ignore } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void updateXPath(Connection con, long assignmentId, String originalXPath, String newXPath) throws FxUpdateException, FxInvalidParameterException { //mp: removed with FX-960! /*"Updating all instances from [" + originalXPath + "] to [" + newXPath + "]..."); PreparedStatement psRead = null, psWrite = null; List<XPathElement> xorg = XPathElement.split(originalXPath); List<XPathElement> xnew = XPathElement.split(newXPath); if (xorg.size() != xnew.size()) throw new FxInvalidParameterException("newXPath", "ex.content.xpath.update.mismatch.size", originalXPath, newXPath); try { // 1 2 3 4 5 6 psRead = con.prepareStatement("SELECT XMULT,ID,VER,LANG,POS,TPROP FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " WHERE ASSIGN=?"); // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 psWrite = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " SET XPATH=?,XPATHMULT=?,PARENTXPATH=? WHERE ID=? AND VER=? AND LANG=? AND POS=? AND XMULT=? AND ASSIGN=?"); psRead.setLong(1, assignmentId); ResultSet rs = psRead.executeQuery(); boolean isGroup; while (rs != null && { rs.getLong(6); isGroup = rs.wasNull(); int[] idx = FxArrayUtils.toIntArray(rs.getString(1), ','); for (int i = 0; i < xnew.size(); i++) xnew.get(i).setIndex(idx[i]); String xm = XPathElement.toXPath(xnew); psWrite.setString(1, newXPath + (isGroup ? "/" : "")); psWrite.setString(2, xm + (isGroup ? "/" : "")); String parentXP = xm.substring(0, xm.lastIndexOf('/')); if ("".equals(parentXP)) parentXP = "/"; psWrite.setString(3, parentXP); psWrite.setLong(4, rs.getLong(2)); psWrite.setInt(5, rs.getInt(3)); psWrite.setInt(6, rs.getInt(4)); psWrite.setInt(7, rs.getInt(5)); psWrite.setString(8, rs.getString(1)); psWrite.setLong(9, assignmentId); psWrite.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (psRead != null) psRead.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { //ignore } try { if (psWrite != null) psWrite.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { //ignore } }*/ } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long getTypeInstanceCount(Connection con, long typeId) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; long count = 0; try { ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " WHERE TDEF=?"); ps.setLong(1, typeId); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();; count = rs.getLong(1); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } return count; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void prepareSave(Connection con, FxContent content) throws FxInvalidParameterException, FxDbException { // key: handle, value: [mimeType,metaData] Map<String, String[]> mimeMetaMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(5); try { for (FxData data : content.getRootGroup().getChildren()) { try { _prepareBinaries(mimeMetaMap, con, data); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { LOG.error(e); //not supposed to be thrown if called with a mimeMetaMap } _checkReferences(con, data); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxDbException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } } /** * Internal prepare save that walks through all groups to discover binaries that are to be processed * * @param mimeMetaMap optional meta map to avoid duplicates, can be <code>null</code> * @param con an open and valid connection * @param data current FxData object to inspect * @throws SQLException on errors * @throws FxApplicationException on errors */ private void _prepareBinaries(Map<String, String[]> mimeMetaMap, Connection con, FxData data) throws SQLException, FxApplicationException { if (data instanceof FxGroupData) for (FxData sub : ((FxGroupData) data).getChildren()) _prepareBinaries(mimeMetaMap, con, sub); else if (data instanceof FxPropertyData) { FxPropertyData pdata = (FxPropertyData) data; if (pdata.isContainsDefaultValue() && !pdata.isEmpty()) ((FxPropertyData) data).setContainsDefaultValue(false); if (!pdata.isEmpty() && pdata.getValue() instanceof FxBinary) { FxBinary bin = (FxBinary) pdata.getValue(); binaryStorage.prepareBinary(con, mimeMetaMap, bin); } } } //Binary handling /** * Internal prepare save that walks through all groups to discover references that are not legal * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param data current FxData object to inspect * @throws FxDbException on errors */ private void _checkReferences(Connection con, FxData data) throws FxDbException { if (data instanceof FxGroupData) for (FxData sub : ((FxGroupData) data).getChildren()) _checkReferences(con, sub); else if (data instanceof FxPropertyData) { FxPropertyData pdata = (FxPropertyData) data; if (!pdata.isEmpty() && pdata.getValue() instanceof FxReference) { final FxPropertyAssignment pa = pdata.getPropertyAssignment(); if (!pa.isSystemInternal()) { checkDataType(FxReference.class, pdata.getValue(), pdata.getXPathFull()); final FxType referencedType = pa.getProperty().getReferencedType(); for (long lang : pdata.getValue().getTranslatedLanguages()) checkReference(con, referencedType, ((FxPK) pdata.getValue().getTranslation(lang)), pdata.getXPathFull()); } } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public OutputStream receiveTransitBinary(int divisionId, String handle, String mimeType, long expectedSize, long ttl) throws SQLException, IOException { return binaryStorage.receiveTransitBinary(divisionId, handle, mimeType, expectedSize, ttl); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BinaryInputStream fetchBinary(Connection con, int divisionId, BinaryDescriptor.PreviewSizes size, long binaryId, int binaryVersion, int binaryQuality) { return binaryStorage.fetchBinary(con, divisionId, size, binaryId, binaryVersion, binaryQuality); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void storeBinary(Connection con, long id, int version, int quality, String name, long length, InputStream binary) throws FxApplicationException { binaryStorage.storeBinary(con, id, version, quality, name, length, binary); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void updateBinaryPreview(Connection con, long id, int version, int quality, int preview, int width, int height, long length, InputStream binary) throws FxApplicationException { binaryStorage.updateBinaryPreview(con, id, version, quality, preview, width, height, length, binary); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void prepareBinary(Connection con, FxBinary binary) throws SQLException, FxApplicationException { binaryStorage.prepareBinary(con, null, binary); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void convertContentType(Connection con, FxPK pk, long sourceTypeId, long destinationTypeId, boolean allVersions, Map<Long, Long> assignmentMap, List<Long> flatStoreAssignments, List<Long> nonFlatSourceAssignments, List<Long> nonFlatDestinationAssignments, Map<Long, String> sourcePathsMap, Map<Long, String> destPathsMap, Map<Long, String> sourceRemoveMap, FxEnvironment env) throws SQLException, FxApplicationException { PreparedStatement ps = null, ps_group = null; final long pkId = pk.getId(); final Integer[] versions; // check if all versions should be converted or the current one only if (allVersions) { final FxContentVersionInfo versionInfo = getContentVersionInfo(con, pkId); versions = versionInfo.getVersions(); } else { versions = new Integer[] { pk.getVersion() }; } // cache the content versions final List<FxContent> contentVersions = new ArrayList<FxContent>(versions.length); for (int v : versions) { contentVersions.add(contentLoad(con, new FxPK(pkId, v), env, new StringBuilder(2000))); } long userId = FxContext.getUserTicket().getUserId(); FxFlatStorage flatStorage = FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance(); boolean flatRewrite = false; // lossy conversion source remove map if (sourceRemoveMap.size() > 0) { final Set<Long> removeSet = sourceRemoveMap.keySet(); for (Long removeId : removeSet) { for (FxContent content : contentVersions) { List<FxData> data = content.getData(sourceRemoveMap.get(removeId)); FulltextIndexer ft = getFulltextIndexer(pk, con); ft.remove(removeId); for (FxData d : data) { deleteDetailData(con, new StringBuilder(2000), content.getPk(), d); } } } // if no flatstorage assignments remain, delete all orphaned flat entries final List<Long> compareRemoveList = new ArrayList<Long>(removeSet.size()); for (Long flatStoreId : flatStoreAssignments) { for (Long removeId : removeSet) { if (assignmentMap.containsKey(removeId)) { final Long mappedItem = assignmentMap.get(removeId); if (mappedItem == null || (mappedItem != null && mappedItem.equals(flatStoreId))) compareRemoveList.add(flatStoreId); } } } Collections.sort(flatStoreAssignments); Collections.sort(compareRemoveList); // compare compareRemoveList & flatStoreAssignments, if no differences found, remove all source flat store content final FxDiff diff = new FxDiff(compareRemoveList, flatStoreAssignments); if (diff.diff().size() == 0) { flatStorage.removeContent(con, sourceTypeId, pkId); } } /** * use cases: * 1. hierarchical --> flat conversion * 2. flat --> hierrarchical conversion * 3. hierarchical --> hierarchical conversion * 4. flat --> flat conversion */ try { for (Long sourceId : assignmentMap.keySet()) { // do not convert any removed source content assignments if (sourceRemoveMap.containsKey(sourceId)) continue; final String sourceXPath = sourcePathsMap.get(sourceId); final Long destinationId = assignmentMap.get(sourceId); final String destXPath = destPathsMap.get(destinationId); for (FxContent content : contentVersions) { if (destinationId == null) { // delete from the source if (nonFlatSourceAssignments.contains(sourceId) && content.getValue(destXPath) != null) { // source is hierarchical final List<FxData> data = content.getData(destXPath); for (FxData d : data) { deleteDetailData(con, new StringBuilder(2000), content.getPk(), d); } } continue; // goto next source id } // move on if no value was set if (content.getValue(sourceXPath) == null) continue; final FxPropertyData propData = content.getPropertyData(destXPath); final List<FxData> data = content.getData(destXPath); // use case 1: hierarchical --> flat if (nonFlatSourceAssignments.contains(sourceId) && flatStoreAssignments.contains(destinationId)) { for (FxData d : data) { deleteDetailData(con, new StringBuilder(2000), content.getPk(), d); } flatRewrite = true; } // use case 2: flat --> hierarchical if (!nonFlatSourceAssignments.contains(sourceId) && nonFlatDestinationAssignments.contains(destinationId)) { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_INSERT); // data for the current xpath createDetailEntries(con, ps, null, new StringBuilder(2000), content.getPk(), content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion(), data, true); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); // remove the old entry from the flatstorage flatStorage.deletePropertyData(con, content.getPk(), propData); flatRewrite = true; } } } if (flatRewrite || flatStoreAssignments.size() > 0) { // re-create (remove old entries first) all flat storage entries with correct column settings flatStorage.removeContent(con, sourceTypeId, pkId); for (FxContent content : contentVersions) { List<FxPropertyData> data = new ArrayList<FxPropertyData>(5); for (Long id : flatStoreAssignments) { final String destXPath = destPathsMap.get(id); if (content.getValue(destXPath) != null) data.add(content.getPropertyData(destXPath)); } if (data.size() > 0) { flatStorage.setConvertedPropertyData(con, content.getPk(), sourceTypeId, destinationTypeId, content.getStepId(), content.isMaxVersion(), content.isLiveVersion(), data); } } } // update tables w/ new assignment ids (valid for all use cases) if (allVersions) { ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_CONVERT_ALL_VERSIONS_UPDATE); ps.setLong(1, destinationTypeId); ps.setLong(2, userId); ps.setLong(3, System.currentTimeMillis()); ps.setLong(4, pkId); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_CONVERT_ALL_VERSIONS_UPDATE); // perform one update per assignmentMap entry for (Long sourceId : assignmentMap.keySet()) { final Long destId = assignmentMap.get(sourceId); if (destId != null) { ps.setLong(1, destId); ps.setLong(2, pkId); ps.setLong(3, sourceId); ps.executeUpdate(); } } ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_FT_CONVERT_ALL_VERSIONS_UPDATE); // perform one update per assignmentMap entry for (Long sourceId : assignmentMap.keySet()) { final Long destId = assignmentMap.get(sourceId); if (destId != null) { ps.setLong(1, destId); ps.setLong(2, pkId); ps.setLong(3, sourceId); ps.executeUpdate(); } } ps.close(); } else { // convert single version ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_CONVERT_SINGLE_VERSION_UPDATE); ps.setLong(1, destinationTypeId); ps.setLong(2, userId); ps.setLong(3, System.currentTimeMillis()); ps.setLong(4, pkId); ps.setInt(5, pk.getVersion()); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_CONVERT_SINGLE_VERSION_UPDATE); // perform one update per assignmentMap entry for (Long sourceId : assignmentMap.keySet()) { final Long destId = assignmentMap.get(sourceId); if (destId != null) { ps.setLong(1, destId); ps.setLong(2, pkId); ps.setLong(3, sourceId); ps.setInt(4, pk.getVersion()); ps.executeUpdate(); } } ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement(CONTENT_DATA_FT_CONVERT_SINGLE_VERSION_UPDATE); // perform one update per assignmentMap entry for (Long sourceId : assignmentMap.keySet()) { final Long destId = assignmentMap.get(sourceId); if (destId != null) { ps.setLong(1, destId); ps.setLong(2, pkId); ps.setLong(3, sourceId); ps.setInt(4, pk.getVersion()); ps.executeUpdate(); } } ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxUpdateException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericHierarchicalStorage.class, ps); } } /** * Build the GROUP_POS entry for FX_CONTENT. * * @param content the content instance * @return the positions of all groups */ private String getGroupPositions(FxContent content) { final Multimap<Long, FxGroupData> positions = HashMultimap.create(); collectGroupChildren(positions, content.getRootGroup()); if (positions.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { final GroupPositionsProvider.Builder builder = GroupPositionsProvider.builder(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Collection<FxGroupData>> entry : positions.asMap().entrySet()) { builder.startAssignment(entry.getKey()); for (FxGroupData groupData : entry.getValue()) { builder.addPos(groupData.getIndices(), groupData.getPos()); } } return; } } private void collectGroups(Multimap<Long, FxGroupData> groups, FxGroupData group) { groups.put(group.getAssignmentId(), group); collectGroupChildren(groups, group); } private void collectGroupChildren(Multimap<Long, FxGroupData> groups, FxGroupData group) { for (FxData child : group.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof FxGroupData) { collectGroups(groups, (FxGroupData) child); } } } }