Java tutorial
/** * This file was created by Quorum Born IT <> and its * copyright terms are bind to the legal agreement regulating the FenixEdu@ULisboa * software development project between Quorum Born IT and Servios Partilhados da * Universidade de Lisboa: * - Copyright 2015 Quorum Born IT (until any Go-Live phase) * - Copyright 2015 Universidade de Lisboa (after any Go-Live phase) * * Contributors:, * * * * This file is part of FenixEdu Treasury. * * FenixEdu Treasury is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FenixEdu Treasury is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with FenixEdu Treasury. If not, see <>. */ package org.fenixedu.treasury.domain.document; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import org.fenixedu.treasury.domain.Product; import org.fenixedu.treasury.domain.Vat; import org.fenixedu.treasury.domain.debt.DebtAccount; import org.fenixedu.treasury.domain.event.TreasuryEvent; import org.fenixedu.treasury.domain.exceptions.TreasuryDomainException; import org.fenixedu.treasury.domain.exemption.TreasuryExemption; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import; public class CreditEntry extends CreditEntry_Base { protected CreditEntry(final FinantialDocument finantialDocument, final Product product, final Vat vat, final BigDecimal amount, String description, BigDecimal quantity, final DateTime entryDateTime, final DebitEntry debitEntry, final boolean fromExemption) { init(finantialDocument, product, vat, amount, description, quantity, entryDateTime, debitEntry, fromExemption); } @Override public boolean isCreditNoteEntry() { return true; } @Override protected void init(final FinantialDocument finantialDocument, final DebtAccount debtAccount, final Product product, final FinantialEntryType finantialEntryType, final Vat vat, final BigDecimal amount, String description, BigDecimal quantity, final DateTime entryDateTime) { throw new RuntimeException("error.CreditEntry.use.init.without.finantialEntryType"); } protected void init(final FinantialDocument finantialDocument, final Product product, final Vat vat, final BigDecimal amount, String description, BigDecimal quantity, final DateTime entryDateTime, final DebitEntry debitEntry, final boolean fromExemption) { super.init(finantialDocument, finantialDocument.getDebtAccount(), product, FinantialEntryType.CREDIT_ENTRY, vat, amount, description, quantity, entryDateTime); this.setDebitEntry(debitEntry); this.setFromExemption(fromExemption); checkRules(); } @Override protected void checkRules() { super.checkRules(); if (getFinantialDocument() != null && !(getFinantialDocument() instanceof CreditNote)) { throw new TreasuryDomainException(""); } // If from exemption then ensure debit entry is not null and the product is the same if (getFromExemption() == true && getDebitEntry() == null) { throw new TreasuryDomainException("error.CreditEntry.from.exemption.requires.debit.entry"); } if (getDebitEntry() != null && getDebitEntry().getProduct() != getProduct()) { throw new TreasuryDomainException(""); } /* If it is from exemption then ensure that there is no credit entries * from exemption created. */ if (getFromExemption() == true && CreditEntry.findActive(getDebitEntry().getTreasuryEvent(), getProduct()).count() > 1) { throw new TreasuryDomainException(""); } } public boolean isFromExemption() { return getFromExemption(); } @Override public void delete() { this.setDebitEntry(null); super.delete(); } public void edit(String description, BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal quantity) { this.setAmount(amount); this.setQuantity(quantity); this.setDescription(description); this.recalculateAmountValues(); this.checkRules(); } public static Stream<CreditEntry> findAll() { return FinantialDocumentEntry.findAll().filter(f -> f instanceof CreditEntry).map(CreditEntry.class::cast); } @Override public BigDecimal getOpenAmount() { final BigDecimal openAmount = this.getAmountWithVat().subtract(getPayedAmount()); return getCurrency().getValueWithScale(isPositive(openAmount) ? openAmount : BigDecimal.ZERO); } public BigDecimal getPayedAmount() { BigDecimal amount = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (SettlementEntry entry : this.getSettlementEntriesSet()) { if (entry.getFinantialDocument() != null && entry.getFinantialDocument().isClosed()) { amount = amount.add(entry.getTotalAmount()); } } return amount; } @Override public LocalDate getDueDate() { return getEntryDateTime().toLocalDate(); } public static Stream<? extends CreditEntry> find(final CreditNote creditNote) { return findAll().filter(d -> d.getFinantialDocument() == creditNote); } public static Stream<? extends CreditEntry> find(final TreasuryEvent treasuryEvent) { return DebitEntry.find(treasuryEvent).map(d -> d.getCreditEntriesSet()).reduce((a, b) -> Sets.union(a, b)) .orElse(Sets.newHashSet()).stream(); } public static Stream<? extends CreditEntry> findActive(final TreasuryEvent treasuryEvent) { return DebitEntry.findActive(treasuryEvent).map(d -> d.getCreditEntriesSet()) .reduce((a, b) -> Sets.union(a, b)).orElse(Sets.newHashSet()).stream(); } public static Stream<? extends CreditEntry> findActive(final TreasuryEvent treasuryEvent, final Product product) { return DebitEntry.findActive(treasuryEvent, product).map(d -> d.getCreditEntriesSet()) .reduce((a, b) -> Sets.union(a, b)).orElse(Sets.newHashSet()).stream(); } public static Stream<? extends CreditEntry> findActiveFromExemption(final TreasuryEvent treasuryEvent, final Product product) { return findActive(treasuryEvent, product).filter(d -> d.isFromExemption()); } public static CreditEntry create(FinantialDocument finantialDocument, String description, Product product, Vat vat, BigDecimal amount, final DateTime entryDateTime, final DebitEntry debitEntry, BigDecimal quantity) { CreditEntry cr = new CreditEntry(finantialDocument, product, vat, amount, description, quantity, entryDateTime, debitEntry, false); cr.recalculateAmountValues(); return cr; } public static CreditEntry createFromExemption(final TreasuryExemption treasuryExemption, final FinantialDocument finantialDocument, final String description, final BigDecimal amount, final DateTime entryDateTime, final DebitEntry debitEntry) { if (treasuryExemption == null) { throw new TreasuryDomainException("error.CreditEntry.createFromExemption.requires.treasuryExemption"); } final CreditEntry cr = new CreditEntry(finantialDocument, debitEntry.getProduct(), debitEntry.getVat(), amount, description, BigDecimal.ONE, entryDateTime, debitEntry, true); cr.recalculateAmountValues(); return cr; } @Override public BigDecimal getOpenAmountWithInterests() { return getOpenAmount(); } }