Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; /** * Merges all changes that lead from {@code originalCodebase} to {@code modifiedCodebase} into * destinationCodebase when its {@link #merge()} method is invoked. * * <p>Here is a description of the UNIX merge(1) tool from its man page: * <pre>{@code * * merge [ options ] file1 file2 file3 * * merge incorporates all changes that lead from file2 to file3 into file1. The result * ordinarily goes into file1. merge is useful for combining separate changes to an original. * Suppose file2 is the original, and both file1 and file3 are modifications of file2. Then * merge combines both changes. * * }</pre> * * <p>{@link CodebaseMerger#merge()} performs this type of merge on each file in the three * codebases. In {@link CodebaseMerger#merge}, {@code originalCodebase} is analogous to * {@code file2}, {@code modifiedCodebase} is analogous to {@code file3}, and * {@code destinationCodebase} is analogous to {@code file1}. The output of * {@link CodebaseMerger#merge()} is a codebase that incorporates the changes that both * {@code modifiedCodebase} and {@code destinationCodebase} made on the {@code originalCodebase}. * The differences between {@code modifiedCodebase} and the {@code originalCodebase} are brought * into a copy of {@code destinationCodebase}. The result is the merged codebase. * * <p>This is useful when bringing changes to the public repository into the internal repository. * For example, say you run: * * <pre>{@code * merge_codebases --originalCodebase "publicrepo(revision=142)" * --modifiedCodebase "publicrepo(revision=143)" * --destinationCodebase "internalrepo(revision=74)" * }</pre> * * <p>Let internalrepo(revision=74) be in equivalence with publicrepo(revision=142). That is, let * publicrepo(revision=142) represent the same state of the code as internalrepo(revision=74) * minus any confidential code that may have been scrubbed during translation. That means that * publicrepo(revision=143) is a change to the public repository which has yet to be brought to * the internal repository. By running the above merge_codebases, the changes from the public * revision 142 to 143 will be merged into a copy of internal revision 74. The result is an * internal revision 75 which has the new public changes and still has the confidential code that * a public revision wouldn't have. Thus, internal revision 75 would be equivalent with public * revision 143 assuming there were no conflicts when merging. */ // TODO(cgruber) AutoFactory or split out a MergeResult object with metadata/reporting. public class CodebaseMerger { private final Ui ui; private final FileSystem filesystem; private final CommandRunner cmd; private final FileDiffer differ; private final Codebase originalCodebase, destinationCodebase, modifiedCodebase, mergedCodebase; private final Set<String> mergedFiles, failedToMergeFiles; public CodebaseMerger(Ui ui, FileSystem filesystem, CommandRunner cmd, FileDiffer differ, Codebase originalCodebase, Codebase modifiedCodebase, Codebase destinationCodebase) { this.ui = ui; this.filesystem = filesystem; this.cmd = cmd; this.differ = differ; this.originalCodebase = originalCodebase; this.modifiedCodebase = modifiedCodebase; this.destinationCodebase = destinationCodebase; File mergedDir = filesystem.getTemporaryDirectory("merged_codebase_"); RepositoryExpression mergedExpression = new RepositoryExpression( new Term("merged", ImmutableMap.<String, String>of())); this.mergedCodebase = new Codebase(filesystem, mergedDir, "merged", mergedExpression); mergedFiles = Sets.newHashSet(); failedToMergeFiles = Sets.newHashSet(); } public Set<String> getMergedFiles() { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(mergedFiles); } public Set<String> getFailedToMergeFiles() { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(failedToMergeFiles); } /** * For each file in the union of the modified and destination codebases, run * generateMergedFile(...) and then report() the results. * * @return the merged Codebase */ public Codebase merge() { Set<String> filesToMerge = Sets.union(destinationCodebase.getRelativeFilenames(), modifiedCodebase.getRelativeFilenames()); for (String filename : filesToMerge) { this.generateMergedFile(filename); }; return mergedCodebase; } /** * Print the results of a merge to the UI. */ public void report() { ui.message("Merged codebase generated at: %s", mergedCodebase.getPath().getAbsolutePath()); if (failedToMergeFiles.isEmpty()) { ui.message("%d files merged successfully. No merge conflicts.", mergedFiles.size()); } else { ui.message( "%d files merged successfully.\n%d files have merge " + "conflicts. Edit the following files to resolve conflicts:\n%s", mergedFiles.size(), failedToMergeFiles.size(), failedToMergeFiles); } } private boolean areDifferent(String filename, File x, File y) { return differ.diffFiles(filename, x, y).isDifferent(); } /** * Copy the destFile into the merged codebase. This is where the output of merge will be * written to. */ private File copyToMergedCodebase(String filename, File destFile) { File mergedFile = mergedCodebase.getFile(filename); try { filesystem.makeDirsForFile(mergedFile); filesystem.copyFile(destFile, mergedFile); return mergedFile; } catch (IOException e) { throw new MoeProblem(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Given a filename, this method finds the file with that name in each of the three codebases. * Using the UNIX merge(1) tool, those three files are merged and the result is placed in the * merged codebase. Any conflicts that occurred during merging will appear in the merged codebase * file for the user to resolve. * * <p>In the case where the file specified by the given filename exists in the original codebase * and in either the modified codebase or the destination codebase (but not both) and if the file * is unchanged between those codebases, then a file in the merged codebase will NOT be created * and this method will return leaving the merged codebase unchanged. * * @param filename the name of the file to merge */ public void generateMergedFile(String filename) { File origFile = originalCodebase.getFile(filename); boolean origExists = filesystem.exists(origFile); File destFile = destinationCodebase.getFile(filename); boolean destExists = filesystem.exists(destFile); File modFile = modifiedCodebase.getFile(filename); boolean modExists = filesystem.exists(modFile); if (!destExists && !modExists) { // This should never be thrown since generateMergedFile(...) is only called on filesToMerge // from merge() which is the union of the files in the destination and modified codebases. throw new MoeProblem("%s doesn't exist in either %s nor %s. This should not be possible.", filename, destinationCodebase, modifiedCodebase); } else if (origExists && modExists && !destExists) { if (areDifferent(filename, origFile, modFile)) { // Proceed and merge in /dev/null, which should produce a merge conflict (incoming edit on // delete). destFile = new File("/dev/null"); } else { // Defer to deletion in destination codebase. return; } } else if (origExists && !modExists && destExists) { // Blindly follow deletion of the original file by not copying it into the merged codebase. return; } else if (!origExists && !(modExists && destExists)) { // File exists only in modified or destination codebase, so just copy it over. File existingFile = (modExists ? modFile : destFile); copyToMergedCodebase(filename, existingFile); return; } else if (!origExists && modExists && destExists) { // Merge both new files (conflict expected). origFile = new File("/dev/null"); } File mergedFile = copyToMergedCodebase(filename, destFile); try { // Merges the changes that lead from origFile to modFile into mergedFile (which is a copy // of destFile). After, mergedFile will have the combined changes of modFile and destFile. cmd.runCommand("merge", ImmutableList.of(mergedFile.getAbsolutePath(), origFile.getAbsolutePath(), modFile.getAbsolutePath()), this.mergedCodebase.getPath().getAbsolutePath()); // Return status was 0 and the merge was successful. Note it. mergedFiles.add(mergedFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (CommandException e) { // If merge fails with exit status 1, then a conflict occurred. Make a note of the filepath. if (e.returnStatus == 1) { failedToMergeFiles.add(mergedFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { throw new MoeProblem( "Merge returned with unexpected status %d when trying to run \"merge -p %s %s %s\"", e.returnStatus, destFile.getAbsolutePath(), origFile.getAbsolutePath(), modFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } } }