Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015, Clark & Parsia, LLC. <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.clarkparsia.versioning.ui; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import com.clarkparsia.versioning.Branch; import com.clarkparsia.versioning.Ref; import com.clarkparsia.versioning.Revision; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class HistoryList { private static final Ordering<Ref> NEWEST_FIRST = Ordering.from(new Comparator<Ref>() { @Override public int compare(Ref rev1, Ref rev2) { return rev2.getActionInfo().getDate().compareTo(rev1.getActionInfo().getDate()); } }); private static final Function<Revision, Branch> REV_BRANCH = new Function<Revision, Branch>() { @Override public Branch apply(Revision rev) { return rev.getBranch(); } }; private static final Function<Branch, Revision> BRANCH_TAIL = new Function<Branch, Revision>() { @Override public Revision apply(Branch branch) { return branch.getTail(); } }; private final Map<Branch, HistoryLane> openLanes = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Set<Revision> tailRevisions = Sets.newHashSet(); private final ColorPool colors = new ColorPool(); private final ColumnPool columns = new ColumnPool(); private List<HistoryNode> nodes = Lists.newArrayList(); private Map<URI, HistoryNode> refs = Maps.newHashMap(); private boolean showBranches; public HistoryList() { } public HistoryList(Revision head) { this(head, true); } public HistoryList(Revision head, boolean showBranches) { this.showBranches = showBranches; addHistory(head); } public void clear() { openLanes.clear(); tailRevisions.clear(); nodes.clear(); refs.clear(); colors.clear(); columns.clear(); } public HistoryNode get(int index) { return nodes.get(index); } public int size() { return nodes.size(); } protected HistoryLane openLane(Branch branch) { HistoryLane lane = openLanes.get(branch); if (lane == null) { lane = new HistoryLane(columns.remove(), colors.remove()); openLanes.put(branch, lane); tailRevisions.add(branch.getTail()); } return lane; } protected void closeLane(HistoryLane closedLane) { openLanes.values().remove(closedLane); columns.put(closedLane.getColumn()); colors.put(closedLane.getColor()); } private HistoryNode createNode(Ref ref) { HistoryNode node = refs.get(ref.getURI()); if (node == null) { node = new HistoryNode(ref); refs.put(ref.getURI(), node); } return node; } private void addHistory(Revision head) { Set<Ref> revisions = Sets.newTreeSet(NEWEST_FIRST); Queue<Revision> pending = Lists.newLinkedList(); pending.add(head); while (!pending.isEmpty()) { Revision rev = pending.remove(); revisions.add(rev); if (showBranches) { revisions.add(rev.getBranch()); } pending.addAll(rev.getParents()); } for (Ref rev : revisions) { add(rev); } } private void add(Ref ref) { HistoryNode node = createNode(ref); nodes.add(node); boolean isBranch = (ref instanceof Branch); Revision revision = isBranch ? null : ((Revision) ref); Branch branch = isBranch ? (Branch) ref : revision.getBranch(); HistoryLane lane = openLane(branch); node.setupLane(lane, openLanes.values()); HistoryNode childNode = node; if (isBranch) { node.getTags().add(branch); Revision tailRev = branch.getTail(); HistoryNode tailNode = createNode(tailRev); for (HistoryNode tailParent : tailNode.getParents()) { tailParent.getChildren().remove(tailNode); tailParent.getChildren().add(node); node.addParent(tailParent); } tailNode.getParents().clear(); node.addChild(tailNode); tailNode.addParent(node); closeLane(lane); } else { if (!showBranches && tailRevisions.contains(revision)) { node.getTags().add(branch); closeLane(lane); } node.getTags().addAll(revision.getTags()); } Iterable<? extends Revision> parents; if (isBranch) { Revision parent = branch.getParent(); parents = (parent != null) ? ImmutableList.<Revision>of(parent) : ImmutableList.<Revision>of(); } else { if (showBranches) { parents = NEWEST_FIRST.onResultOf(REV_BRANCH).sortedCopy(revision.getParents()); } else { parents = NEWEST_FIRST.onResultOf(BRANCH_TAIL).onResultOf(REV_BRANCH) .sortedCopy(revision.getParents()); } } for (Revision parent : parents) { HistoryNode parentNode = createNode(parent); childNode.addParent(parentNode); parentNode.addChild(childNode); openLane(parent.getBranch()); } } public String toString() { return nodes.toString(); } }