Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Cinchapi Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cinchapi.concourse.server; import; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.server.TServer; import org.apache.thrift.server.TThreadPoolServer; import org.apache.thrift.server.TThreadPoolServer.Args; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TServerSocket; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException; import org.cliffc.high_scale_lib.NonBlockingHashMap; import com.cinchapi.concourse.Constants; import com.cinchapi.concourse.Link; import com.cinchapi.concourse.Timestamp; import com.cinchapi.concourse.annotate.Alias; import com.cinchapi.concourse.annotate.Atomic; import com.cinchapi.concourse.annotate.AutoRetry; import com.cinchapi.concourse.annotate.Batch; import com.cinchapi.concourse.annotate.HistoricalRead; import com.cinchapi.concourse.annotate.VersionControl; import com.cinchapi.concourse.lang.ConjunctionSymbol; import com.cinchapi.concourse.lang.Expression; import com.cinchapi.concourse.lang.Language; import com.cinchapi.concourse.lang.NaturalLanguage; import com.cinchapi.concourse.lang.Parser; import com.cinchapi.concourse.lang.PostfixNotationSymbol; import com.cinchapi.concourse.lang.Symbol; import; import com.cinchapi.concourse.server.http.HttpServer; import; import com.cinchapi.concourse.server.jmx.ConcourseServerMXBean; import com.cinchapi.concourse.server.jmx.ManagedOperation; import com.cinchapi.concourse.server.plugin.PluginManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.cinchapi.concourse.server.upgrade.UpgradeTasks; import; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.AccessToken; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.ComplexTObject; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.ConcourseService; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.Diff; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.DuplicateEntryException; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.InvalidArgumentException; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.Operator; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.ParseException; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.SecurityException; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.TCriteria; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.TObject; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.TSymbol; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.TransactionException; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.TransactionToken; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.Type; import com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift.ConcourseService.Iface; import com.cinchapi.concourse.time.Time; import com.cinchapi.concourse.util.Convert; import com.cinchapi.concourse.util.DataServices; import com.cinchapi.concourse.util.Environments; import com.cinchapi.concourse.util.Logger; import com.cinchapi.concourse.util.TCollections; import com.cinchapi.concourse.util.TSets; import com.cinchapi.concourse.util.TMaps; import com.cinchapi.concourse.util.Timestamps; import com.cinchapi.concourse.util.Version; import com.cinchapi.concourse.util.Convert.ResolvableLink; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static com.cinchapi.concourse.server.GlobalState.*; /** * Accepts requests from clients to read and write data in Concourse. The server * is configured with a {@code concourse.prefs} file. * * @author Jeff Nelson */ public class ConcourseServer implements ConcourseService.Iface, ConcourseServerMXBean { /** * Create a new {@link ConcourseServer} instance that uses the default port * and storage locations or those defined in the accessible * {@code concourse.prefs} file. * * @return {@link ConcourseServer} * @throws TTransportException */ public static ConcourseServer create() throws TTransportException { return create(CLIENT_PORT, BUFFER_DIRECTORY, DATABASE_DIRECTORY); } /** * Create a new {@link ConcourseServer} instance that uses the specified * port and storage locations. * <p> * In general, this factory should on be used by unit tests. Runtime * construction of the server should be done using the * {@link ConcourseServer#create()} method so that the preferences file is * used. * </p> * * @param port - the port on which to listen for client connections * @param bufferStore - the location to store {@link Buffer} files * @param dbStore - the location to store {@link Database} files * @return {@link ConcourseServer} * @throws TTransportException */ public static ConcourseServer create(int port, String bufferStore, String dbStore) throws TTransportException { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new ThriftModule()); ConcourseServer server = injector.getInstance(ConcourseServer.class); server.init(port, bufferStore, dbStore); return server; } /** * Run the server... * * @param args * @throws TTransportException * @throws MalformedObjectNameException * @throws NotCompliantMBeanException * @throws MBeanRegistrationException * @throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException */ public static void main(String... args) throws TTransportException, MalformedObjectNameException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException, NotCompliantMBeanException { // Run all the pending upgrade tasks UpgradeTasks.runLatest(); // Ensure the application is properly configured MemoryUsage heap = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); if (heap.getInit() < MIN_HEAP_SIZE) { System.err.println( "Cannot initialize Concourse Server with " + "a heap smaller than " + MIN_HEAP_SIZE + " bytes"); System.exit(127); } // Create an instance of the server and all of its dependencies final ConcourseServer server = ConcourseServer.create(); // Register MXBean MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); ObjectName name = new ObjectName("com.cinchapi.concourse.server.jmx:type=ConcourseServerMXBean"); mbs.registerMBean(server, name); // Start the server... Thread serverThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { CommandLine.displayWelcomeBanner(); server.start(); } catch (TTransportException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } }, "main"); serverThread.start(); // Prepare for graceful shutdown... // NOTE: It may be necessary to run the Java VM with // final Thread shutdownThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(SHUTDOWN_PORT); socket.accept(); // block until a shutdown request is made"Shutdown request received"); server.stop(); socket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }, "Shutdown"); shutdownThread.setDaemon(true); shutdownThread.start(); // "Warm up" the ANTLR parsing engine in the background new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { NaturalLanguage.parseMicros("now"); } }).start(); // Add a shutdown hook that launches the official {@link ShutdownRunner} // in cases where the server process is directly killed (i.e. from the // control script) Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { ShutdownRunner.main(); try { shutdownThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } /** * Add {@code key} as {@code value} in {@code record} using the atomic * {@code operation} if the record is empty. Otherwise, throw an * {@link AtomicStateException}. * <p> * If another operation adds data to the record after the initial check, * then an {@link AtomicStateException} will be thrown when an attempt is * made to commit {@code operation}. * </p> * * @param key * @param value * @param record * @param operation * @throws AtomicStateException */ private static void addIfEmptyAtomic(String key, TObject value, long record, AtomicOperation operation) throws AtomicStateException { if (!operation.contains(record)) { operation.add(key, value, record); } else { throw AtomicStateException.RETRY; } } /** * Remove all the values mapped from the {@code key} in {@code record} using * the specified {@code atomic} operation. * * @param key * @param record * @param atomic */ private static void clearKeyRecordAtomic(String key, long record, AtomicOperation atomic) { Set<TObject> values =, record); for (TObject value : values) { atomic.remove(key, value, record); } } /** * Do the work to remove all the data from {@code record} using the * specified {@code atomic} operation. * * @param record * @param atomic */ private static void clearRecordAtomic(long record, AtomicOperation atomic) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> values =; for (Map.Entry<String, Set<TObject>> entry : values.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Set<TObject> valueSet = entry.getValue(); for (TObject value : valueSet) { atomic.remove(key, value, record); } } } /** * Parse the thrift represented {@code criteria} into an {@link Queue} of * {@link PostfixNotationSymbol postfix notation symbols} that can be used * within the {@link #findAtomic(Queue, Deque, AtomicOperation)} method. * * @param criteria * @return */ private static Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> convertCriteriaToQueue(TCriteria criteria) { List<Symbol> symbols = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TSymbol tsymbol : criteria.getSymbols()) { symbols.add(Language.translateFromThriftSymbol(tsymbol)); } Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(symbols); return queue; } /** * Do the work necessary to complete a complex find operation based on the * {@code queue} of symbols. * <p> * This method does not return a value. If you need to perform a complex * find using an {@link AtomicOperation} and immediately get the results, * then you should pass an empty stack into this method and then pop the * results after the method executes. * * <pre> * Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); * Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); * findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic) * Set<Long> matches = stack.pop(); * </pre> * * </p> * * @param queue - The criteria/ccl represented as a queue in postfix * notation. Use {@link Parser#toPostfixNotation(List)} or * {@link Parser#toPostfixNotation(String)} or * {@link #convertCriteriaToQueue(TCriteria)} to get this value. * This is modified in place. * @param stack - A stack that contains Sets of records that match the * corresponding criteria branches in the {@code queue}. This is * modified in-place. * @param atomic - The atomic operation */ private static void findAtomic(Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue, Deque<Set<Long>> stack, AtomicOperation atomic) { // NOTE: there is room to do some query planning/optimization by going // through the pfn and plotting an Abstract Syntax Tree and looking for // the optimal routes to start with Preconditions.checkArgument(stack.isEmpty()); for (PostfixNotationSymbol symbol : queue) { if (symbol == ConjunctionSymbol.AND) { stack.push(TSets.intersection(stack.pop(), stack.pop())); } else if (symbol == ConjunctionSymbol.OR) { stack.push(TSets.union(stack.pop(), stack.pop())); } else if (symbol instanceof Expression) { Expression exp = (Expression) symbol; if (exp.getKeyRaw().equals(Constants.JSON_RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_NAME)) { Set<Long> ids; if (exp.getOperatorRaw() == Operator.EQUALS) { ids = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (TObject tObj : exp.getValuesRaw()) { ids.add(((Number) Convert.thriftToJava(tObj)).longValue()); } stack.push(ids); } else if (exp.getOperatorRaw() == Operator.NOT_EQUALS) { ids = atomic.getAllRecords(); for (TObject tObj : exp.getValuesRaw()) { ids.remove(((Number) Convert.thriftToJava(tObj)).longValue()); } stack.push(ids); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot query on record id using " + exp.getOperatorRaw()); } } else { stack.push(exp.getTimestampRaw() == 0 ? atomic.find(exp.getKeyRaw(), exp.getOperatorRaw(), exp.getValuesRaw()) : atomic.find(exp.getTimestampRaw(), exp.getKeyRaw(), exp.getOperatorRaw(), exp.getValuesRaw())); } } else { // If we reach here, then the conversion to postfix notation // failed :-/ throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } /** * Find data matching the criteria described by the {@code queue} or insert * each of the {@code objects} into a new record. Either way, place the * records that match the criteria or that contain the inserted data into * {@code records}. * * @param records - the collection that holds the records that either match * the criteria or hold the inserted objects. * @param objects - a list of Multimaps, each of which containing data to * insert into a distinct record. Get this using the * {@link Convert#anyJsonToJava(String)} method. * @param queue - the parsed criteria attained from * {@link #convertCriteriaToQueue(TCriteria)} or * {@link Parser#toPostfixNotation(String)}. * @param stack - a stack (usually empty) that is used while processing the * query * @param atomic - the atomic operation through which all operations are * conducted */ private static void findOrInsertAtomic(Set<Long> records, List<Multimap<String, Object>> objects, Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue, Deque<Set<Long>> stack, AtomicOperation atomic) { findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); records.addAll(stack.pop()); if (records.isEmpty()) { List<DeferredWrite> deferred = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Multimap<String, Object> object : objects) { long record =; atomic.touch(record); if (insertAtomic(object, record, atomic, deferred)) { records.add(record); } else { throw AtomicStateException.RETRY; } } insertDeferredAtomic(deferred, atomic); } } /** * Do the work to atomically insert all of the {@code data} into * {@code record} and return {@code true} if the operation is successful. * * @param data * @param record * @param atomic * @param deferred * @return {@code true} if all the data is atomically inserted */ private static boolean insertAtomic(Multimap<String, Object> data, long record, AtomicOperation atomic, List<DeferredWrite> deferred) { for (String key : data.keySet()) { if (key.equals(Constants.JSON_RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_NAME)) { continue; } for (Object value : data.get(key)) { if (value instanceof ResolvableLink) { deferred.add(new DeferredWrite(key, value, record)); } else if (!atomic.add(key, Convert.javaToThrift(value), record)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Atomically insert a list of {@link DeferredWrite deferred writes}. This * method should only be called after all necessary calls to * {@link #insertAtomic(Multimap, long, AtomicOperation, List)} have been * made. * * @param deferred * @param atomic * @return {@code true} if all the writes are successful */ private static boolean insertDeferredAtomic(List<DeferredWrite> deferred, AtomicOperation atomic) { // NOTE: The validity of the key in each deferred write is assumed to // have already been checked for (DeferredWrite write : deferred) { if (write.getValue() instanceof ResolvableLink) { ResolvableLink rlink = (ResolvableLink) write.getValue(); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(rlink.getCcl()); Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> targets = stack.pop(); for (long target : targets) { if (target == write.getRecord()) { // Here, if the target and source are the same, we skip // instead of failing because we assume that the caller // is using a complex resolvable link criteria that // accidentally creates self links. continue; } TObject link = Convert.javaToThrift(; if (!atomic.add(write.getKey(), link, write.getRecord())) { return false; } } } else if (!atomic.add(write.getKey(), Convert.javaToThrift(write.getValue()), write.getRecord())) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Return {@code true} if adding {@code link} to {@code record} is valid. * This method is used to enforce referential integrity (i.e. record cannot * link to itself) before the data makes it way to the Engine. * * @param link * @param record * @return {@code true} if the link is valid */ private static boolean isValidLink(Link link, long record) { return link.longValue() != record; } /** * Do the work to jsonify (dump to json string) each of the {@code records}, * possibly at {@code timestamp} (if it is greater than 0) using the * {@code store}. * * @param records * @param timestamp * @param identifier - will include the primary key for each record in the * dump, if set to {@code true} * @param store * @return the json string dump */ private static String jsonify0(List<Long> records, long timestamp, boolean identifier, Store store) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> data = timestamp == 0 ? :, timestamp); JsonElement object = DataServices.gson().toJsonTree(data); if (identifier) { object.getAsJsonObject().addProperty(GlobalState.JSON_RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_NAME, record); } array.add(object); } return array.size() == 1 ? array.get(0).toString() : array.toString(); } /** * Perform a ping of the {@code record} (e.g check to see if the record * currently has any data) from the perspective of the specified * {@code store}. * * @param record * @param store * @return {@code true} if the record currently has any data */ private static boolean ping0(long record, Store store) { return !store.describe(record).isEmpty(); } /** * Revert {@code key} in {@code record} to its state {@code timestamp} using * the provided atomic {@code operation}. * * @param key * @param record * @param timestamp * @param operation * @throws AtomicStateException */ private static void revertAtomic(String key, long record, long timestamp, AtomicOperation operation) throws AtomicStateException { Set<TObject> past =, record, timestamp); Set<TObject> present =, record); Set<TObject> xor = Sets.symmetricDifference(past, present); for (TObject value : xor) { if (present.contains(value)) { operation.remove(key, value, record); } else { operation.add(key, value, record); } } } /** * Contains the credentials used by the {@link #accessManager}. This file is * typically located in the root of the server installation. */ private static final String ACCESS_FILE = ".access"; private static final int MIN_HEAP_SIZE = 268435456; // 256 MB private static final int NUM_WORKER_THREADS = 100; // This may become // configurable in a // prefs file in a // future release. /** * The AccessManager controls access to the server. */ private AccessManager accessManager; /** * The base location where the indexed buffer pages are stored. */ private String bufferStore; /** * The base location where the indexed database records are stored. */ private String dbStore; /** * A mapping from env to the corresponding Engine that controls all the * logic for data storage and retrieval. */ private Map<String, Engine> engines; @Nullable private HttpServer httpServer; /** * The PluginManager seamlessly handles plugins that are running in separate * JVMs. */ private PluginManager plugins; /** * The Thrift server controls the RPC protocol. Use * for * a reference. */ private TServer server; /** * The server maintains a collection of {@link Transaction} objects to * ensure that client requests are properly routed. When the client makes a * call to {@link #stage(AccessToken)}, a Transaction is started on the * server and a {@link TransactionToken} is used for the client to reference * that Transaction in future calls. */ private final Map<TransactionToken, Transaction> transactions = new NonBlockingHashMap<TransactionToken, Transaction>(); @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void abort(AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String env) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); transactions.remove(transaction).abort(); } @Override @Atomic @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public long addKeyValue(String key, TObject value, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { long record = 0; checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { record =; addIfEmptyAtomic(key, value, record, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return record; } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public boolean addKeyValueRecord(String key, TObject value, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); if (value.getType() != Type.LINK || isValidLink((Link) Convert.thriftToJava(value), record)) { return ((BufferedStore) getStore(transaction, environment)).add(key, value, record); } else { return false; } } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Boolean> addKeyValueRecords(String key, TObject value, List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Boolean> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { result.put(record, atomic.add(key, value, record)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @VersionControl @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, String> auditKeyRecord(String key, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).audit(key, record); } @Override @Alias @VersionControl @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, String> auditKeyRecordStart(String key, long record, long start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return auditKeyRecordStartEnd(key, record, start, Time.NONE, creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @VersionControl @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, String> auditKeyRecordStartEnd(String key, long record, long start, long end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, String> base = store.audit(key, record); Map<Long, String> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(base.size()); int index = Timestamps.findNearestSuccessorForTimestamp(base.keySet(), start); Entry<Long, String> entry = null; for (int i = index; i < base.size(); ++i) { entry = Iterables.get(base.entrySet(), i); if (entry.getKey() >= end) { break; } result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, String> auditKeyRecordStartstr(String key, long record, String start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return auditKeyRecordStart(key, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, String> auditKeyRecordStartstrEndstr(String key, long record, String start, String end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return auditKeyRecordStartEnd(key, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(end), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @VersionControl @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, String> auditRecord(long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getStore(transaction, environment).audit(record); } @Override @Alias @VersionControl @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, String> auditRecordStart(long record, long start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return auditRecordStartEnd(record, start, Time.NONE, creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @VersionControl @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, String> auditRecordStartEnd(long record, long start, long end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, String> base = store.audit(record); Map<Long, String> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(base.size()); int index = Timestamps.findNearestSuccessorForTimestamp(base.keySet(), start); Entry<Long, String> entry = null; for (int i = index; i < base.size(); ++i) { entry = Iterables.get(base.entrySet(), i); if (entry.getKey() >= end) { break; } result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, String> auditRecordStartstr(long record, String start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return auditRecordStart(record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, String> auditRecordStartstrEndstr(long record, String start, String end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return auditRecordStartEnd(record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(end), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<TObject, Set<Long>> browseKey(String key, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).browse(key); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Map<TObject, Set<Long>>> browseKeys(List<String> keys, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<String, Map<TObject, Set<Long>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (String key : keys) { result.put(key, atomic.browse(key)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Batch @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Map<TObject, Set<Long>>> browseKeysTime(List<String> keys, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<String, Map<TObject, Set<Long>>> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { result.put(key, store.browse(key)); } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Map<TObject, Set<Long>>> browseKeysTimestr(List<String> keys, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return browseKeysTime(keys, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<TObject, Set<Long>> browseKeyTime(String key, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).browse(key, timestamp); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<TObject, Set<Long>> browseKeyTimestr(String key, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return browseKeyTime(key, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Atomic @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> chronologizeKeyRecord(String key, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); return store.chronologize(key, record, 0,; } @Override @Alias @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> chronologizeKeyRecordStart(String key, long record, long start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); return store.chronologize(key, record, start, Time.NONE); } @Override @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> chronologizeKeyRecordStartEnd(String key, long record, long start, long end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); return store.chronologize(key, record, start, end); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> chronologizeKeyRecordStartstr(String key, long record, String start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); return store.chronologize(key, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start),; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> chronologizeKeyRecordStartstrEndstr(String key, long record, String start, String end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); return store.chronologize(key, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(end)); } @Override @Atomic @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void clearKeyRecord(String key, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { clearKeyRecordAtomic(key, record, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @AutoRetry @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void clearKeyRecords(String key, List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { clearKeyRecordAtomic(key, record, atomic); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @AutoRetry @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void clearKeysRecord(List<String> keys, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (String key : keys) { clearKeyRecordAtomic(key, record, atomic); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @AutoRetry @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void clearKeysRecords(List<String> keys, List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { for (String key : keys) { clearKeyRecordAtomic(key, record, atomic); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @Atomic @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void clearRecord(long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { clearRecordAtomic(record, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @AutoRetry @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void clearRecords(List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { clearRecordAtomic(record, atomic); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public boolean commit(AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String env) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return transactions.remove(transaction).commit(); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<String> describeRecord(long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).describe(record); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<String>> describeRecords(List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Set<String>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { result.put(record, atomic.describe(record)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Batch @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<String>> describeRecordsTime(List<Long> records, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Set<String>> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(records.size()); for (long record : records) { result.put(record, store.describe(record, timestamp)); } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<String>> describeRecordsTimestr(List<Long> records, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return describeRecordsTime(records, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<String> describeRecordTime(long record, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getStore(transaction, environment).describe(record, timestamp); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<String> describeRecordTimestr(long record, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return describeRecordTime(record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> diffKeyRecordStart(String key, long record, long start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return diffKeyRecordStartEnd(key, record, start,, creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> diffKeyRecordStartEnd(String key, long record, long start, long end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; Set<TObject> startValues = null; Set<TObject> endValues = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { startValues =, record, start); endValues =, record, end); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> result = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2); Set<TObject> xor = Sets.symmetricDifference(startValues, endValues); int expectedSize = xor.size() / 2; Set<TObject> added = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(expectedSize); Set<TObject> removed = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(expectedSize); for (TObject current : xor) { if (!startValues.contains(current)) added.add(current); else { removed.add(current); } } if (!added.isEmpty()) { result.put(Diff.ADDED, added); } if (!removed.isEmpty()) { result.put(Diff.REMOVED, removed); } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> diffKeyRecordStartstr(String key, long record, String start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return diffKeyRecordStart(key, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> diffKeyRecordStartstrEndstr(String key, long record, String start, String end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return diffKeyRecordStartEnd(key, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(end), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<TObject, Map<Diff, Set<Long>>> diffKeyStart(String key, long start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return diffKeyStartEnd(key, start,, creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<TObject, Map<Diff, Set<Long>>> diffKeyStartEnd(String key, long start, long end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; Map<TObject, Set<Long>> startData = null; Map<TObject, Set<Long>> endData = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { startData = store.browse(key, start); endData = store.browse(key, end); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } Set<TObject> startValues = startData.keySet(); Set<TObject> endValues = endData.keySet(); Set<TObject> xor = Sets.symmetricDifference(startValues, endValues); Set<TObject> intersection = startValues.size() < endValues.size() ? Sets.intersection(startValues, endValues) : Sets.intersection(endValues, startValues); Map<TObject, Map<Diff, Set<Long>>> result = TMaps .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(xor.size() + intersection.size()); for (TObject value : xor) { Map<Diff, Set<Long>> entry = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(1); if (!startValues.contains(value)) { entry.put(Diff.ADDED, endData.get(value)); } else { entry.put(Diff.REMOVED, endData.get(value)); } result.put(value, entry); } for (TObject value : intersection) { Set<Long> startRecords = startData.get(value); Set<Long> endRecords = endData.get(value); Set<Long> xorRecords = Sets.symmetricDifference(startRecords, endRecords); if (!xorRecords.isEmpty()) { Set<Long> added = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(xorRecords.size()); Set<Long> removed = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(xorRecords.size()); for (Long record : xorRecords) { if (!startRecords.contains(record)) { added.add(record); } else { removed.add(record); } } Map<Diff, Set<Long>> entry = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2); if (!added.isEmpty()) { entry.put(Diff.ADDED, added); } if (!removed.isEmpty()) { entry.put(Diff.REMOVED, removed); } result.put(value, entry); } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<TObject, Map<Diff, Set<Long>>> diffKeyStartstr(String key, String start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return diffKeyStart(key, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<TObject, Map<Diff, Set<Long>>> diffKeyStartstrEndstr(String key, String start, String end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return diffKeyStartEnd(key, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(end), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Map<Diff, Set<TObject>>> diffRecordStart(long record, long start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return diffRecordStartEnd(record, start,, creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Map<Diff, Set<TObject>>> diffRecordStartEnd(long record, long start, long end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; Map<String, Set<TObject>> startData = null; Map<String, Set<TObject>> endData = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { startData =, start); endData =, end); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } Set<String> startKeys = startData.keySet(); Set<String> endKeys = endData.keySet(); Set<String> xor = Sets.symmetricDifference(startKeys, endKeys); Set<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(startKeys, endKeys); Map<String, Map<Diff, Set<TObject>>> result = TMaps .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(xor.size() + intersection.size()); for (String key : xor) { Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> entry = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(1); if (!startKeys.contains(key)) { entry.put(Diff.ADDED, endData.get(key)); } else { entry.put(Diff.REMOVED, endData.get(key)); } result.put(key, entry); } for (String key : intersection) { Set<TObject> startValues = startData.get(key); Set<TObject> endValues = endData.get(key); Set<TObject> xorValues = Sets.symmetricDifference(startValues, endValues); if (!xorValues.isEmpty()) { Set<TObject> added = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(xorValues.size()); Set<TObject> removed = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(xorValues.size()); for (TObject value : xorValues) { if (!startValues.contains(value)) { added.add(value); } else { removed.add(value); } } Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> entry = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2); if (!added.isEmpty()) { entry.put(Diff.ADDED, added); } if (!removed.isEmpty()) { entry.put(Diff.REMOVED, removed); } result.put(key, entry); } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Map<Diff, Set<TObject>>> diffRecordStartstr(long record, String start, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return diffRecordStart(record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Map<Diff, Set<TObject>>> diffRecordStartstrEndstr(long record, String start, String end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return diffRecordStartEnd(record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(start), NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(end), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override public void disableUser(byte[] username) { accessManager.disableUser(ByteBuffer.wrap(username)); } @ManagedOperation @Override @Deprecated public String dump(String id) { return dump(DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT); } @Override public String dump(String id, String env) { return getEngine(env).dump(id); } @Override public void enableUser(byte[] username) { accessManager.enableUser(ByteBuffer.wrap(username)); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> findCcl(String ccl, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return Sets.newTreeSet(stack.pop()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> findCriteria(TCriteria criteria, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return Sets.newTreeSet(stack.pop()); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> findKeyOperatorstrValues(String key, String operator, List<TObject> values, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return findKeyOperatorValues(key, Convert.stringToOperator(operator), values, creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> findKeyOperatorstrValuesTime(String key, String operator, List<TObject> values, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return findKeyOperatorValuesTime(key, Convert.stringToOperator(operator), values, timestamp, creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> findKeyOperatorstrValuesTimestr(String key, String operator, List<TObject> values, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return findKeyOperatorstrValuesTime(key, operator, values, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> findKeyOperatorValues(String key, Operator operator, List<TObject> values, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); TObject[] tValues = values.toArray(new TObject[values.size()]); return getStore(transaction, environment).find(key, operator, tValues); } @Override @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> findKeyOperatorValuesTime(String key, Operator operator, List<TObject> values, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); TObject[] tValues = values.toArray(new TObject[values.size()]); return getStore(transaction, environment).find(timestamp, key, operator, tValues); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> findKeyOperatorValuesTimestr(String key, Operator operator, List<TObject> values, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return findKeyOperatorValuesTime(key, operator, values, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @AutoRetry @Atomic @ThrowsThriftExceptions public long findOrAddKeyValue(String key, TObject value, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; Set<Long> records = Sets.newLinkedHashSetWithExpectedSize(1); while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { records.addAll(atomic.find(key, Operator.EQUALS, value)); if (records.isEmpty()) { long record =; addIfEmptyAtomic(key, value, record, atomic); records.add(record); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { records.clear(); atomic = null; } } if (records.size() == 1) { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(records); } else { throw new DuplicateEntryException(com.cinchapi.concourse.util.Strings.joinWithSpace("Found", records.size(), "records that match", key, "=", value)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override @Atomic @ThrowsThriftExceptions public long findOrInsertCclJson(String ccl, String json, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); List<Multimap<String, Object>> objects = Lists.newArrayList(Convert.jsonToJava(json)); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Set<Long> records = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findOrInsertAtomic(records, objects, queue, stack, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; records.clear(); } } if (records.size() == 1) { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(records); } else { throw new DuplicateEntryException(com.cinchapi.concourse.util.Strings.joinWithSpace("Found", records.size(), "records that match", ccl)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override @Atomic @ThrowsThriftExceptions public long findOrInsertCriteriaJson(TCriteria criteria, String json, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); List<Multimap<String, Object>> objects = Lists.newArrayList(Convert.jsonToJava(json)); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Set<Long> records = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findOrInsertAtomic(records, objects, queue, stack, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; records.clear(); } } if (records.size() == 1) { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(records); } else { throw new DuplicateEntryException(com.cinchapi.concourse.util.Strings.joinWithSpace("Found", records.size(), "records that match", Language.translateFromThriftCriteria(criteria))); } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getCcl(String ccl, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, TObject> entry = TMaps .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(atomic.describe(record).size()); for (String key : atomic.describe(record)) { try { entry.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getCclTime(String ccl, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, TObject> entry = TMaps .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(atomic.describe(record, timestamp).size()); for (String key : atomic.describe(record, timestamp)) { try { entry.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record, timestamp))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getCclTimestr(String ccl, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getCclTime(ccl, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getCriteria(TCriteria criteria, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, TObject> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(atomic.describe(record).size()); for (String key : atomic.describe(record)) { try { entry.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getCriteriaTime(TCriteria criteria, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, TObject> entry = TMaps .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(atomic.describe(record, timestamp).size()); for (String key : atomic.describe(record, timestamp)) { try { entry.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getCriteriaTimestr(TCriteria criteria, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getCriteriaTime(criteria, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ManagedOperation @Deprecated public String getDumpList() { return getDumpList(DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT); } @Override public String getDumpList(String env) { return getEngine(env).getDumpList(); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, TObject> getKeyCcl(String key, String ccl, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, TObject> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { try { result.put(record, Iterables.getLast(, record))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, TObject> getKeyCclTime(String key, String ccl, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, TObject> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { try { result.put(record, Iterables.getLast(, record, timestamp))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, TObject> getKeyCclTimestr(String key, String ccl, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getKeyCclTime(key, ccl, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, TObject> getKeyCriteria(String key, TCriteria criteria, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, TObject> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { try { result.put(record, Iterables.getLast(, record))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, TObject> getKeyCriteriaTime(String key, TCriteria criteria, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, TObject> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { try { result.put(record, Iterables.getLast(, record, timestamp))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, TObject> getKeyCriteriaTimestr(String key, TCriteria criteria, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getKeyCriteriaTime(key, criteria, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public TObject getKeyRecord(String key, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return Iterables.getLast(getStore(transaction, environment).select(key, record), TObject.NULL); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, TObject> getKeyRecords(String key, List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, TObject> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { try { result.put(record, Iterables.getLast(, record))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Batch @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, TObject> getKeyRecordsTime(String key, List<Long> records, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Map<Long, TObject> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(records.size()); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); for (long record : records) { try { result.put(record, Iterables.getLast(, record, timestamp))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, TObject> getKeyRecordsTimestr(String key, List<Long> records, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getKeyRecordsTime(key, records, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public TObject getKeyRecordTime(String key, long record, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return Iterables.getLast(getStore(transaction, environment).select(key, record, timestamp), TObject.NULL); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public TObject getKeyRecordTimestr(String key, long record, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getKeyRecordTime(key, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getKeysCcl(List<String> keys, String ccl, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, TObject> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { try { entry.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getKeysCclTime(List<String> keys, String ccl, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, TObject> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { try { entry.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record, timestamp))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getKeysCclTimestr(List<String> keys, String ccl, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getKeysCclTime(keys, ccl, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getKeysCriteria(List<String> keys, TCriteria criteria, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, TObject> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { try { entry.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getKeysCriteriaTime(List<String> keys, TCriteria criteria, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, TObject> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { try { entry.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record, timestamp))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getKeysCriteriaTimestr(List<String> keys, TCriteria criteria, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getKeysCriteriaTime(keys, criteria, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, TObject> getKeysRecord(List<String> keys, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<String, TObject> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (String key : keys) { try { result.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getKeysRecords(List<String> keys, List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { Map<String, TObject> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { try { entry.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Batch @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getKeysRecordsTime(List<String> keys, List<Long> records, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(records.size()); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); for (long record : records) { Map<String, TObject> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { try { entry.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record, timestamp))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, TObject>> getKeysRecordsTimestr(List<String> keys, List<Long> records, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getKeysRecordsTime(keys, records, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Batch @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, TObject> getKeysRecordTime(List<String> keys, long record, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Map<String, TObject> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); for (String key : keys) { try { result.put(key, Iterables.getLast(, record, timestamp))); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { continue; } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, TObject> getKeysRecordTimestr(List<String> keys, long record, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return getKeysRecordTime(keys, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public String getServerEnvironment(AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String env) throws SecurityException, TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return Environments.sanitize(env); } @Override @ManagedOperation public String getServerVersion() { return Version.getVersion(ConcourseServer.class).toString(); } @Override @ManagedOperation public void grant(byte[] username, byte[] password) { accessManager.createUser(ByteBuffer.wrap(username), ByteBuffer.wrap(password)); username = null; password = null; } @Override @ManagedOperation public boolean hasUser(byte[] username) { return accessManager.isExistingUsername(ByteBuffer.wrap(username)); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> insertJson(String json, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); List<Multimap<String, Object>> objects = Convert.anyJsonToJava(json); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Set<Long> records = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { List<DeferredWrite> deferred = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Multimap<String, Object> object : objects) { long record =; atomic.touch(record); if (insertAtomic(object, record, atomic, deferred)) { records.add(record); } else { throw AtomicStateException.RETRY; } } insertDeferredAtomic(deferred, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; records.clear(); } } return records; } @Override @Atomic @ThrowsThriftExceptions public boolean insertJsonRecord(String json, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); try { Multimap<String, Object> data = Convert.jsonToJava(json); AtomicOperation atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); List<DeferredWrite> deferred = Lists.newArrayList(); return insertAtomic(data, record, atomic, deferred) && insertDeferredAtomic(deferred, atomic) && atomic.commit(); } catch (TransactionStateException e) { throw new TransactionException(); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { return false; } } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Boolean> insertJsonRecords(String json, List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Multimap<String, Object> data = Convert.jsonToJava(json); Map<Long, Boolean> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { List<DeferredWrite> deferred = Lists.newArrayList(); for (long record : records) { result.put(record, insertAtomic(data, record, atomic, deferred)); } insertDeferredAtomic(deferred, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @ManagedOperation public void installPluginBundle(String file) { plugins.installBundle(file); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> inventory(AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).getAllRecords(); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public ComplexTObject invokePlugin(String id, String method, List<ComplexTObject> params, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return plugins.invoke(id, method, params, creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Atomic @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public String jsonifyRecords(List<Long> records, boolean identifier, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); String json = ""; AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { json = jsonify0(records, 0L, identifier, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return json; } @Override @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public String jsonifyRecordsTime(List<Long> records, long timestamp, boolean identifier, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return jsonify0(records, timestamp, identifier, getStore(transaction, environment)); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public String jsonifyRecordsTimestr(List<Long> records, String timestamp, boolean identifier, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return jsonifyRecordsTime(records, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), identifier, creds, transaction, environment); } @Override public String listAllEnvironments() { return TCollections.toOrderedListString( TSets.intersection(FileSystem.getSubDirs(bufferStore), FileSystem.getSubDirs(dbStore))); } @Override public String listAllUserSessions() { return TCollections.toOrderedListString(accessManager.describeAllAccessTokens()); } @Override @ManagedOperation public String listPluginBundles() { return TCollections.toOrderedListString(plugins.listBundles()); } @Override @ManagedOperation public boolean login(byte[] username, byte[] password) { try { AccessToken token = login(ByteBuffer.wrap(username), ByteBuffer.wrap(password)); username = null; password = null; if (token != null) { logout(token, null); // NOTE: managed operations don't actually // need an access token, so we expire it // immediately return true; } else { return false; } } catch (SecurityException e) { return false; } catch (TException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } @Override public AccessToken login(ByteBuffer username, ByteBuffer password, String env) throws TException { validate(username, password); getEngine(env); return accessManager.getNewAccessToken(username); } @Override public void logout(AccessToken creds, String env) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, null); accessManager.expireAccessToken(creds); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public boolean pingRecord(long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return ping0(record, getStore(transaction, environment)); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Boolean> pingRecords(List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Boolean> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { result.put(record, ping0(record, atomic)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Atomic @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void reconcileKeyRecordValues(String key, long record, Set<TObject> values, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Set<TObject> existingValues =, record); for (TObject existingValue : existingValues) { if (!values.remove(existingValue)) { atomic.remove(key, existingValue, record); } } for (TObject value : values) { atomic.add(key, value, record); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public boolean removeKeyValueRecord(String key, TObject value, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); if (value.getType() != Type.LINK || isValidLink((Link) Convert.thriftToJava(value), record)) { return ((BufferedStore) getStore(transaction, environment)).remove(key, value, record); } else { return false; } } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Boolean> removeKeyValueRecords(String key, TObject value, List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Boolean> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { result.put(record, atomic.remove(key, value, record)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Atomic @Batch @VersionControl @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void revertKeyRecordsTime(String key, List<Long> records, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { revertAtomic(key, record, timestamp, atomic); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void revertKeyRecordsTimestr(String key, List<Long> records, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { revertKeyRecordsTime(key, records, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Atomic @VersionControl @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void revertKeyRecordTime(String key, long record, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { revertAtomic(key, record, timestamp, atomic); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void revertKeyRecordTimestr(String key, long record, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { revertKeyRecordTime(key, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @VersionControl @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void revertKeysRecordsTime(List<String> keys, List<Long> records, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { for (String key : keys) { revertAtomic(key, record, timestamp, atomic); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void revertKeysRecordsTimestr(List<String> keys, List<Long> records, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { revertKeysRecordsTime(keys, records, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @VersionControl @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void revertKeysRecordTime(List<String> keys, long record, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (String key : keys) { revertAtomic(key, record, timestamp, atomic); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void revertKeysRecordTimestr(List<String> keys, long record, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { revertKeysRecordTime(keys, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ManagedOperation public void revoke(byte[] username) { accessManager.deleteUser(ByteBuffer.wrap(username)); username = null; } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<Long> search(String key, String query, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String env) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, env).search(key, query); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectCcl(String ccl, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> entry = TMaps .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(atomic.describe(record).size()); for (String key : atomic.describe(record)) { entry.put(key,, record)); } result.put(record, entry); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectCclTime(String ccl, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> entry = TMaps .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(atomic.describe(record, timestamp).size()); for (String key : atomic.describe(record, timestamp)) { entry.put(key,, record, timestamp)); } result.put(record, entry); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectCclTimestr(String ccl, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectCclTime(ccl, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectCriteria(TCriteria criteria, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> entry = TMaps .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(atomic.describe(record).size()); for (String key : atomic.describe(record)) { entry.put(key,, record)); } result.put(record, entry); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectCriteriaTime(TCriteria criteria, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> entry = TMaps .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(atomic.describe(record, timestamp).size()); for (String key : atomic.describe(record, timestamp)) { entry.put(key,, record, timestamp)); } result.put(record, entry); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectCriteriaTimestr(TCriteria criteria, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectCriteriaTime(criteria, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> selectKeyCcl(String key, String ccl, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Set<TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { result.put(record,, record)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> selectKeyCclTime(String key, String ccl, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Set<TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { result.put(record,, record, timestamp)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> selectKeyCclTimestr(String key, String ccl, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectKeyCclTime(key, ccl, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> selectKeyCriteria(String key, TCriteria criteria, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Set<TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { result.put(record,, record)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> selectKeyCriteriaTime(String key, TCriteria criteria, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Set<TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { result.put(record,, record, timestamp)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> selectKeyCriteriaTimestr(String key, TCriteria criteria, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectKeyCriteriaTime(key, criteria, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<TObject> selectKeyRecord(String key, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).select(key, record); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> selectKeyRecords(String key, List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Set<TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { result.put(record,, record)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Atomic @Batch @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> selectKeyRecordsTime(String key, List<Long> records, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Set<TObject>> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(records.size()); for (long record : records) { result.put(record,, record, timestamp)); } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Set<TObject>> selectKeyRecordsTimestr(String key, List<Long> records, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectKeyRecordsTime(key, records, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<TObject> selectKeyRecordTime(String key, long record, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).select(key, record, timestamp); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Set<TObject> selectKeyRecordTimestr(String key, long record, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectKeyRecordTime(key, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectKeysCcl(List<String> keys, String ccl, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { entry.put(key,, record)); } result.put(record, entry); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectKeysCclTime(List<String> keys, String ccl, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = Parser.toPostfixNotation(ccl); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { entry.put(key,, record, timestamp)); } result.put(record, entry); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectKeysCclTimestr(List<String> keys, String ccl, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectKeysCclTime(keys, ccl, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectKeysCriteria(List<String> keys, TCriteria criteria, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { entry.put(key,, record)); } result.put(record, entry); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectKeysCriteriaTime(List<String> keys, TCriteria criteria, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); Queue<PostfixNotationSymbol> queue = convertCriteriaToQueue(criteria); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Deque<Set<Long>> stack = new ArrayDeque<Set<Long>>(); findAtomic(queue, stack, atomic); Set<Long> records = stack.pop(); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { entry.put(key,, record, timestamp)); } result.put(record, entry); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { result.clear(); atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectKeysCriteriaTimestr(List<String> keys, TCriteria criteria, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectKeysCriteriaTime(keys, criteria, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Set<TObject>> selectKeysRecord(List<String> keys, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<String, Set<TObject>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (String key : keys) { result.put(key,, record)); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectKeysRecords(List<String> keys, List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { entry.put(key,, record)); } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Batch @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectKeysRecordsTime(List<String> keys, List<Long> records, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(records.size()); for (long record : records) { Map<String, Set<TObject>> entry = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { entry.put(key,, record, timestamp)); } if (!entry.isEmpty()) { result.put(record, entry); } } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectKeysRecordsTimestr(List<String> keys, List<Long> records, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectKeysRecordsTime(keys, records, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Batch @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Set<TObject>> selectKeysRecordTime(List<String> keys, long record, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<String, Set<TObject>> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(keys.size()); for (String key : keys) { result.put(key,, record, timestamp)); } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Set<TObject>> selectKeysRecordTimestr(List<String> keys, long record, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectKeysRecordTime(keys, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Set<TObject>> selectRecord(long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).select(record); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectRecords(List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { result.put(record,; } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } return result; } @Override @Batch @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectRecordsTime(List<Long> records, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> result = TMaps.newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(records.size()); for (long record : records) { result.put(record,, timestamp)); } return result; } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectRecordsTimestr(List<Long> records, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectRecordsTime(records, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Set<TObject>> selectRecordTime(long record, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).select(record, timestamp); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public Map<String, Set<TObject>> selectRecordTimestr(long record, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return selectRecordTime(record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public long setKeyValue(String key, TObject value, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return addKeyValue(key, value, creds, transaction, environment); } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void setKeyValueRecord(String key, TObject value, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); ((BufferedStore) getStore(transaction, environment)).set(key, value, record); } @Override @Atomic @Batch @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void setKeyValueRecords(String key, TObject value, List<Long> records, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { for (long record : records) { atomic.set(key, value, record); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public TransactionToken stage(AccessToken creds, String env) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, null); TransactionToken token = new TransactionToken(creds,; Transaction transaction = getEngine(env).startTransaction(); transactions.put(token, transaction);"Started Transaction {}", transaction); return token; } /** * Start the server. * * @throws TTransportException */ public void start() throws TTransportException { for (Engine engine : engines.values()) { engine.start(); } httpServer.start(); plugins.start(); System.out.println("The Concourse server has started"); server.serve(); } /** * Stop the server. */ public void stop() { if (server.isServing()) { server.stop(); plugins.stop(); httpServer.stop(); for (Engine engine : engines.values()) { engine.stop(); } System.out.println("The Concourse server has stopped"); } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public long time(AccessToken creds, TransactionToken token, String environment) throws TException { return; } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public long timePhrase(String phrase, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken token, String environment) throws TException { try { return NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(phrase); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override @ManagedOperation public void uninstallPluginBundle(String name) { plugins.uninstallBundle(name); } @Atomic @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public boolean verifyAndSwap(String key, TObject expected, long record, TObject replacement, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); try { AtomicOperation atomic = getStore(transaction, environment).startAtomicOperation(); return atomic.remove(key, expected, record) && atomic.add(key, replacement, record) ? atomic.commit() : false; } catch (TransactionStateException e) { throw new TransactionException(); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { return false; } } @Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions public boolean verifyKeyValueRecord(String key, TObject value, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).verify(key, value, record); } @Override @HistoricalRead @ThrowsThriftExceptions public boolean verifyKeyValueRecordTime(String key, TObject value, long record, long timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); return getStore(transaction, environment).verify(key, value, record, timestamp); } @Override @Alias @ThrowsThriftExceptions public boolean verifyKeyValueRecordTimestr(String key, TObject value, long record, String timestamp, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { return verifyKeyValueRecordTime(key, value, record, NaturalLanguage.parseMicros(timestamp), creds, transaction, environment); } @Atomic @Override @AutoRetry @ThrowsThriftExceptions public void verifyOrSet(String key, TObject value, long record, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String env) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, env); AtomicOperation atomic = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { Set<TObject> values =, record); for (TObject val : values) { if (!val.equals(value)) { atomic.remove(key, val, record); } } if (!atomic.verify(key, value, record)) { atomic.add(key, value, record); } } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } } /** * Check to make sure that {@code creds} and {@code transaction} are valid * and are associated with one another. * * @param creds * @param transaction * @throws SecurityException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ private void checkAccess(AccessToken creds, @Nullable TransactionToken transaction) throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException { if (!accessManager.isValidAccessToken(creds)) { throw new SecurityException("Invalid access token"); } Preconditions.checkArgument((transaction != null && transaction.getAccessToken().equals(creds) && transactions.containsKey(transaction)) || transaction == null); } /** * Return the {@link Engine} that is associated with the * {@link Default#ENVIRONMENT}. * * @return the Engine */ private Engine getEngine() { return getEngine(DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT); } /** * Return the {@link Engine} that is associated with {@code env}. If such an * Engine does not exist, create a new one and add it to the collection. * * @param env * @return the Engine */ private Engine getEngine(String env) { Engine engine = engines.get(env); if (engine == null) { env = Environments.sanitize(env); return getEngineUnsafe(env); } return engine; } /** * Return the {@link Engine} that is associated with {@code env} without * performing any sanitization on the name. If such an Engine does not * exist, create a new one and add it to the collection. */ private Engine getEngineUnsafe(String env) { Engine engine = engines.get(env); if (engine == null) { engine = new Engine(bufferStore + File.separator + env, dbStore + File.separator + env, env); engine.start(); engines.put(env, engine); } return engine; } /** * Return the correct store to use for a read/write operation depending upon * the {@code env} whether the client has submitted a {@code transaction} * token. * * @param transaction * @param env * @return the store to use */ private AtomicSupport getStore(TransactionToken transaction, String env) { return transaction != null ? transactions.get(transaction) : getEngine(env); } /** * Initialize this instance. This method MUST always be called after * constructing the instance. * * @param port - the port on which to listen for client connections * @param bufferStore - the location to store {@link Buffer} files * @param dbStore - the location to store {@link Database} files * @throws TTransportException */ private void init(int port, String bufferStore, String dbStore) throws TTransportException { Preconditions.checkState(!bufferStore.equalsIgnoreCase(dbStore), "Cannot store buffer and database files in the same directory. " + "Please check concourse.prefs."); Preconditions.checkState(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(Environments.sanitize(DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT)), "Cannot initialize " + "Concourse Server with a default environment of " + "'%s'. Please use a default environment name that " + "contains only alphanumeric characters.", DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT); FileSystem.mkdirs(bufferStore); FileSystem.mkdirs(dbStore); FileSystem.lock(bufferStore); FileSystem.lock(dbStore); TServerSocket socket = new TServerSocket(port); ConcourseService.Processor<Iface> processor = new ConcourseService.Processor<Iface>(this); Args args = new TThreadPoolServer.Args(socket); args.processor(processor); args.maxWorkerThreads(NUM_WORKER_THREADS); args.executorService(Executors .newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Client Worker" + " %d").build())); this.server = new TThreadPoolServer(args); this.bufferStore = bufferStore; this.dbStore = dbStore; this.engines = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); this.accessManager = AccessManager.create(ACCESS_FILE); this.httpServer = GlobalState.HTTP_PORT > 0 ? HttpServer.create(this, GlobalState.HTTP_PORT) : HttpServer.disabled(); getEngine(); // load the default engine this.plugins = new PluginManager(GlobalState.CONCOURSE_HOME + File.separator + "plugins"); } /** * A version of the login routine that handles the case when no environment * has been specified. The is most common when authenticating a user for * managed operations. * * @param username * @param password * @return the access token * @throws TException */ private AccessToken login(ByteBuffer username, ByteBuffer password) throws TException { return login(username, password, DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT); } /** * Validate that the {@code username} and {@code password} pair represent * correct credentials. If not, throw a SecurityException. * * @param username * @param password * @throws SecurityException */ private void validate(ByteBuffer username, ByteBuffer password) throws SecurityException { if (!accessManager.isExistingUsernamePasswordCombo(username, password)) { throw new SecurityException("Invalid username/password combination."); } } /** * A {@link DeferredWrite} is a wrapper around a key, value, and record. * This is typically used by Concourse Server to gather certain writes * during a batch operation that shouldn't be tried until the end. * * @author Jeff Nelson */ @Immutable public static final class DeferredWrite { // NOTE: This class does not define hashCode() or equals() because the // defaults are the desired behaviour. private final String key; private final long record; private final Object value; /** * Construct a new instance. * * @param key * @param value * @param record */ public DeferredWrite(String key, Object value, long record) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.record = record; } /** * Return the key. * * @return the key */ public String getKey() { return key; } /** * Return the record. * * @return the record */ public long getRecord() { return record; } /** * Return the value. * * @return the value */ public Object getValue() { return value; } } /** * A {@link MethodInterceptor} that delegates to the underlying annotated * method, but catches specific exceptions and translates them to the * appropriate Thrift counterparts. */ static class ThriftExceptionHandler implements MethodInterceptor { @Override public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { try { return invocation.proceed(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(e.getMessage()); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { // If an AtomicStateException makes it here, then it must really // be a TransactionStateException. assert e.getClass() == TransactionStateException.class; throw new TransactionException(); } catch (java.lang.SecurityException e) { throw new SecurityException(e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalStateException | JsonParseException e) { // java.text.ParseException is checked so internal server // classes don't use it to indicate parse errors. Since most // parsing using some sort of state machine, we've adopted the // convention to throw IllegalStateExceptions whenever a parse // error has occurred. throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } catch (TException e) { // This clause may seem unnecessary, but some of the server // methods manually throw TExceptions, so we need to catch them // here and re-throw so that they don't get propagated as // TTransportExceptions. throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.warn("The following exception occurred " + "but was not propagated to the client: {}", t); throw Throwables.propagate(t); } } } /** * A {@link Module} that configures AOP * interceptors and injectors that handle Thrift specific needs. */ static class ThriftModule extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { bindInterceptor(Matchers.subclassesOf(ConcourseServer.class), Matchers.annotatedWith(ThrowsThriftExceptions.class), new ThriftExceptionHandler()); } } /** * Indicates that a {@link ConcourseServer server} method propagates certain * Java exceptions to the client using analogous ones in the * {@code com.cinchapi.concourse.thrift} package. */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @interface ThrowsThriftExceptions { } }