Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Gradoop. * * Gradoop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Gradoop is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Gradoop. If not, see <>. */ package org.gradoop.util; import; import; import; import; import org.gradoop.config.GradoopConfig; import org.gradoop.model.api.EPGMEdge; import org.gradoop.model.api.EPGMGraphHead; import org.gradoop.model.api.EPGMVertex; import; import; import; import org.s1ck.gdl.GDLHandler; import org.s1ck.gdl.model.Edge; import org.s1ck.gdl.model.Graph; import org.s1ck.gdl.model.GraphElement; import org.s1ck.gdl.model.Vertex; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; /** * Creates collections of graphs, vertices and edges from a given GDL script. * * @param <V> EPGM vertex type * @param <E> EPGM edge type * @param <G> EPGM graph type * * @see <a href="">GDL on GitHub</a> */ public class AsciiGraphLoader<G extends EPGMGraphHead, V extends EPGMVertex, E extends EPGMEdge> { /** * Gradoop configuration */ private final GradoopConfig<G, V, E> config; /** * Used to parse GDL scripts. */ private final GDLHandler gdlHandler; /** * Stores all graphs contained in the GDL script. */ private final Map<GradoopId, G> graphHeads; /** * Mapping between GDL ids and Gradoop IDs. */ private final Map<Long, GradoopId> graphHeadIds; /** * Stores all vertices contained in the GDL script. */ private final Map<GradoopId, V> vertices; /** * Mapping between GDL ids and Gradoop IDs. */ private final Map<Long, GradoopId> vertexIds; /** * Stores all edges contained in the GDL script. */ private final Map<GradoopId, E> edges; /** * Mapping between GDL ids and Gradoop IDs. */ private final Map<Long, GradoopId> edgeIds; /** * Stores graphs that are assigned to a variable. */ private final Map<String, G> graphHeadCache; /** * Stores vertices that are assigned to a variable. */ private final Map<String, V> vertexCache; /** * Stores edges that are assigned to a variable. */ private final Map<String, E> edgeCache; /** * Creates a new AsciiGraphLoader. * * @param gdlHandler GDL Handler * @param config Gradoop configuration */ private AsciiGraphLoader(GDLHandler gdlHandler, GradoopConfig<G, V, E> config) { this.gdlHandler = gdlHandler; this.config = config; this.graphHeads = Maps.newHashMap(); this.vertices = Maps.newHashMap(); this.edges = Maps.newHashMap(); this.graphHeadIds = Maps.newHashMap(); this.vertexIds = Maps.newHashMap(); this.edgeIds = Maps.newHashMap(); this.graphHeadCache = Maps.newHashMap(); this.vertexCache = Maps.newHashMap(); this.edgeCache = Maps.newHashMap(); init(); } /** * Creates an AsciiGraphLoader from the given ASCII GDL string. * * @param asciiGraph GDL string * @param config Gradoop configuration * @param <G> EPGM graph type * @param <V> EPGM vertex type * @param <E> EPGM edge type * * @return AsciiGraphLoader */ public static <V extends EPGMVertex, E extends EPGMEdge, G extends EPGMGraphHead> AsciiGraphLoader<G, V, E> fromString( String asciiGraph, GradoopConfig<G, V, E> config) { return new AsciiGraphLoader<>(new GDLHandler.Builder().setDefaultGraphLabel(GConstants.DEFAULT_GRAPH_LABEL) .setDefaultVertexLabel(GConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_LABEL) .setDefaultEdgeLabel(GConstants.DEFAULT_EDGE_LABEL).buildFromString(asciiGraph), config); } /** * Creates an AsciiGraphLoader from the given ASCII GDL file. * * @param fileName File that contains a GDL script * @param config Gradoop configuration * @param <G> EPGM graph type * @param <V> EPGM vertex type * @param <E> EPGM edge type * * @return AsciiGraphLoader * @throws IOException */ public static <V extends EPGMVertex, E extends EPGMEdge, G extends EPGMGraphHead> AsciiGraphLoader<G, V, E> fromFile( String fileName, GradoopConfig<G, V, E> config) throws IOException { return new AsciiGraphLoader<>(new GDLHandler.Builder().setDefaultGraphLabel(GConstants.DEFAULT_GRAPH_LABEL) .setDefaultVertexLabel(GConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_LABEL) .setDefaultEdgeLabel(GConstants.DEFAULT_EDGE_LABEL).buildFromFile(fileName), config); } /** * Creates an AsciiGraphLoader from the given ASCII GDL file. * * @param inputStream File that contains a GDL script * @param config Gradoop configuration * @param <G> EPGM graph type * @param <V> EPGM vertex type * @param <E> EPGM edge type * * @return AsciiGraphLoader * @throws IOException */ public static <V extends EPGMVertex, E extends EPGMEdge, G extends EPGMGraphHead> AsciiGraphLoader<G, V, E> fromStream( InputStream inputStream, GradoopConfig<G, V, E> config) throws IOException { return new AsciiGraphLoader<>(new GDLHandler.Builder().setDefaultGraphLabel(GConstants.DEFAULT_GRAPH_LABEL) .setDefaultVertexLabel(GConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_LABEL) .setDefaultEdgeLabel(GConstants.DEFAULT_EDGE_LABEL).buildFromStream(inputStream), config); } /** * Appends the given ASCII GDL to the graph handled by that loader. * * Variables that were previously used, can be reused in the given script and * refer to the same entities. * * @param asciiGraph GDL string */ public void appendFromString(String asciiGraph) { this.gdlHandler.append(asciiGraph); init(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Graph methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns all GraphHeads contained in the ASCII graph. * * @return graphHeads */ public Collection<G> getGraphHeads() { return new ImmutableSet.Builder<G>().addAll(graphHeads.values()).build(); } /** * Returns GraphHead by given variable. * * @param variable variable used in GDL script * @return graphHead or {@code null} if graph is not cached */ public G getGraphHeadByVariable(String variable) { return getGraphHeadCache().get(variable); } /** * Returns GraphHeads by their given variables. * * @param variables variables used in GDL script * @return graphHeads that are assigned to the given variables */ public Collection<G> getGraphHeadsByVariables(String... variables) { Collection<G> result = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(variables.length); for (String variable : variables) { G graphHead = getGraphHeadByVariable(variable); if (graphHead != null) { result.add(graphHead); } } return result; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vertex methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns all vertices contained in the ASCII graph. * * @return vertices */ public Collection<V> getVertices() { return new ImmutableSet.Builder<V>().addAll(vertices.values()).build(); } /** * Returns vertex by its given variable. * * @param variable variable used in GDL script * @return vertex or {@code null} if not present */ public V getVertexByVariable(String variable) { return vertexCache.get(variable); } /** * Returns vertices by their given variables. * * @param variables variables used in GDL script * @return vertices */ public Collection<V> getVerticesByVariables(String... variables) { Collection<V> result = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(variables.length); for (String variable : variables) { V vertex = getVertexByVariable(variable); if (vertex != null) { result.add(vertex); } } return result; } /** * Returns all vertices that belong to the given graphs. * * @param graphIds graph identifiers * @return vertices that are contained in the graphs */ public Collection<V> getVerticesByGraphIds(GradoopIdSet graphIds) { Collection<V> result = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(graphIds.size()); for (V vertex : vertices.values()) { if (vertex.getGraphIds().containsAny(graphIds)) { result.add(vertex); } } return result; } /** * Returns all vertices that belong to the given graph variables. * * @param graphVariables graph variables used in the GDL script * @return vertices that are contained in the graphs */ public Collection<V> getVerticesByGraphVariables(String... graphVariables) { GradoopIdSet graphIds = new GradoopIdSet(); for (G graphHead : getGraphHeadsByVariables(graphVariables)) { graphIds.add(graphHead.getId()); } return getVerticesByGraphIds(graphIds); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Edge methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns all edges contained in the ASCII graph. * * @return edges */ public Collection<E> getEdges() { return new ImmutableSet.Builder<E>().addAll(edges.values()).build(); } /** * Returns edge by its given variable. * * @param variable variable used in GDL script * @return edge or {@code null} if not present */ public E getEdgeByVariable(String variable) { return edgeCache.get(variable); } /** * Returns edges by their given variables. * * @param variables variables used in GDL script * @return edges */ public Collection<E> getEdgesByVariables(String... variables) { Collection<E> result = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(variables.length); for (String variable : variables) { E edge = edgeCache.get(variable); if (edge != null) { result.add(edge); } } return result; } /** * Returns all edges that belong to the given graphs. * * @param graphIds Graph identifiers * @return edges */ public Collection<E> getEdgesByGraphIds(GradoopIdSet graphIds) { Collection<E> result = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(graphIds.size()); for (E edge : edges.values()) { if (edge.getGraphIds().containsAny(graphIds)) { result.add(edge); } } return result; } /** * Returns all edges that belong to the given graph variables. * * @param variables graph variables used in the GDL script * @return edges */ public Collection<E> getEdgesByGraphVariables(String... variables) { GradoopIdSet graphIds = new GradoopIdSet(); for (G graphHead : getGraphHeadsByVariables(variables)) { graphIds.add(graphHead.getId()); } return getEdgesByGraphIds(graphIds); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Caches // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns all graph heads that are bound to a variable in the GDL script. * * @return variable to graphHead mapping */ public Map<String, G> getGraphHeadCache() { return new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, G>().putAll(graphHeadCache).build(); } /** * Returns all vertices that are bound to a variable in the GDL script. * * @return variable to vertex mapping */ public Map<String, V> getVertexCache() { return new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, V>().putAll(vertexCache).build(); } /** * Returns all edges that are bound to a variable in the GDL script. * * @return variable to edge mapping */ public Map<String, E> getEdgeCache() { return new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, E>().putAll(edgeCache).build(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private init methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initializes the AsciiGraphLoader */ private void init() { initGraphHeads(); initVertices(); initEdges(); } /** * Initializes GraphHeads and their cache. */ private void initGraphHeads() { for (Graph g : gdlHandler.getGraphs()) { if (!graphHeadIds.containsKey(g.getId())) { initGraphHead(g); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Graph> e : gdlHandler.getGraphCache().entrySet()) { updateGraphCache(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } /** * Initializes vertices and their cache. */ private void initVertices() { for (Vertex v : gdlHandler.getVertices()) { initVertex(v); } for (Map.Entry<String, Vertex> e : gdlHandler.getVertexCache().entrySet()) { updateVertexCache(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } /** * Initializes edges and their cache. */ private void initEdges() { for (Edge e : gdlHandler.getEdges()) { initEdge(e); } for (Map.Entry<String, Edge> e : gdlHandler.getEdgeCache().entrySet()) { updateEdgeCache(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } /** * Creates a new EPGMGraph from the GDL Loader. * * @param g graph from GDL Loader * @return EPGM GraphHead */ private G initGraphHead(Graph g) { G graphHead = config.getGraphHeadFactory().createGraphHead(g.getLabel(), PropertyList.createFromMap(g.getProperties())); graphHeadIds.put(g.getId(), graphHead.getId()); graphHeads.put(graphHead.getId(), graphHead); return graphHead; } /** * Creates a new EPGMVertex from the GDL Loader or updates an existing one. * * @param v vertex from GDL Loader * @return EPGM Vertex */ private V initVertex(Vertex v) { V vertex; if (!vertexIds.containsKey(v.getId())) { vertex = config.getVertexFactory().createVertex(v.getLabel(), PropertyList.createFromMap(v.getProperties()), createGradoopIdSet(v)); vertexIds.put(v.getId(), vertex.getId()); vertices.put(vertex.getId(), vertex); } else { vertex = vertices.get(vertexIds.get(v.getId())); vertex.setGraphIds(createGradoopIdSet(v)); } return vertex; } /** * Creates a new EPGMEdge from the GDL Loader. * * @param e edge from GDL loader * @return EPGM edge */ private E initEdge(Edge e) { E edge; if (!edgeIds.containsKey(e.getId())) { edge = config.getEdgeFactory().createEdge(e.getLabel(), vertexIds.get(e.getSourceVertexId()), vertexIds.get(e.getTargetVertexId()), PropertyList.createFromMap(e.getProperties()), createGradoopIdSet(e)); edgeIds.put(e.getId(), edge.getId()); edges.put(edge.getId(), edge); } else { edge = edges.get(edgeIds.get(e.getId())); edge.setGraphIds(createGradoopIdSet(e)); } return edge; } /** * Updates the graph cache. * * @param variable graph variable used in GDL script * @param g graph from GDL loader */ private void updateGraphCache(String variable, Graph g) { graphHeadCache.put(variable, graphHeads.get(graphHeadIds.get(g.getId()))); } /** * Updates the vertex cache. * * @param variable vertex variable used in GDL script * @param v vertex from GDL loader */ private void updateVertexCache(String variable, Vertex v) { vertexCache.put(variable, vertices.get(vertexIds.get(v.getId()))); } /** * Updates the edge cache. * * @param variable edge variable used in the GDL script * @param e edge from GDL loader */ private void updateEdgeCache(String variable, Edge e) { edgeCache.put(variable, edges.get(edgeIds.get(e.getId()))); } /** * Creates a {@code GradoopIDSet} from the long identifiers stored at the * given graph element. * * @param e graph element * @return GradoopIDSet for the given element */ private GradoopIdSet createGradoopIdSet(GraphElement e) { GradoopIdSet result = new GradoopIdSet(); for (Long graphId : e.getGraphs()) { result.add(graphHeadIds.get(graphId)); } return result; } }