Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index.


public static <K, V> ImmutableListMultimap<K, V> index(Iterator<V> values, Function<? super V, K> keyFunction) 

Source Link


Creates an index ImmutableListMultimap that contains the results of applying a specified function to each item in an Iterator of values.


From source file:org.eclipse.xtend.core.validation.XtendValidator.java

public void checkMultipleAnnotations(final XtendAnnotationTarget annotationTarget) {
    if (annotationTarget.getAnnotations().size() <= 1 || !isRelevantAnnotationTarget(annotationTarget)) {
        return;//from  ww  w. j a v  a2  s.  c o m

    ImmutableListMultimap<String, XAnnotation> groupByIdentifier = Multimaps
            .index(annotationTarget.getAnnotations(), new Function<XAnnotation, String>() {
                public String apply(XAnnotation input) {
                    return input.getAnnotationType().getIdentifier();

    for (String qName : groupByIdentifier.keySet()) {
        ImmutableList<XAnnotation> sameType = groupByIdentifier.get(qName);
        if (sameType.size() > 1) {
            JvmType type = sameType.get(0).getAnnotationType();
            if (type instanceof JvmAnnotationType && !type.eIsProxy()
                    && !annotationLookup.isRepeatable((JvmAnnotationType) type)) {
                for (XAnnotation xAnnotation : sameType) {
                    error("Multiple annotations of non-repeatable type @"
                            + xAnnotation.getAnnotationType().getSimpleName()
                            + ". Only annotation types marked @Repeatable can be used multiple times at one target.",
                            xAnnotation, XAnnotationsPackage.Literals.XANNOTATION__ANNOTATION_TYPE,

From source file:org.apache.omid.transaction.SnapshotFilterImpl.java

static ImmutableList<Collection<Cell>> groupCellsByColumnFilteringShadowCellsAndFamilyDeletion(
        List<Cell> rawCells) {

    Predicate<Cell> shadowCellAndFamilyDeletionFilter = new Predicate<Cell>() {

        @Override/* w  ww .j a  va 2  s  .c om*/
        public boolean apply(Cell cell) {
            boolean familyDeletionMarkerCondition = CellUtils.isFamilyDeleteCell(cell);

            return cell != null && !CellUtils.isShadowCell(cell) && !familyDeletionMarkerCondition;


    Function<Cell, ColumnWrapper> cellToColumnWrapper = new Function<Cell, ColumnWrapper>() {

        public ColumnWrapper apply(Cell cell) {
            return new ColumnWrapper(CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell), CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell));


    return Multimaps.index(Iterables.filter(rawCells, shadowCellAndFamilyDeletionFilter), cellToColumnWrapper)

From source file:edu.harvard.med.screensaver.model.screens.Screen.java

 * @return a SortedSet of LibraryPlates. The library property will be null if the AssayPlate was not screened, but has
 *         had data loaded./*from   w  w w . j  a  v a 2s .  com*/
public SortedSet<LibraryPlate> getLibraryPlatesScreened() {
    Multimap<Integer, AssayPlate> index = Multimaps.index(
            Iterables.filter(getAssayPlates(), AssayPlate.IsScreened), new Function<AssayPlate, Integer>() {
                public Integer apply(AssayPlate p) {
                    return p.getPlateNumber();
    SortedSet<LibraryPlate> libraryPlates = Sets.newTreeSet();
    for (Integer plateNumber : index.keySet()) {
        AssayPlate firstAssayPlate = Iterables.get(index.get(plateNumber), 0);
        Library library = null;
        if (firstAssayPlate.getPlateScreened() != null) {
            library = firstAssayPlate.getPlateScreened().getCopy().getLibrary();
        libraryPlates.add(new LibraryPlate(plateNumber, library, Sets.newHashSet(index.get(plateNumber))));
    return libraryPlates;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.JournalSet.java

 * Return a manifest of what finalized edit logs are available. All available
 * edit logs are returned starting from the transaction id passed. If
 * 'fromTxId' falls in the middle of a log, that log is returned as well.
 * /*  w  ww . java  2  s. c o m*/
 * @param fromTxId Starting transaction id to read the logs.
 * @return RemoteEditLogManifest object.
public synchronized RemoteEditLogManifest getEditLogManifest(long fromTxId) {
    // Collect RemoteEditLogs available from each FileJournalManager
    List<RemoteEditLog> allLogs = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (JournalAndStream j : journals) {
        if (j.getManager() instanceof FileJournalManager) {
            FileJournalManager fjm = (FileJournalManager) j.getManager();
            try {
                allLogs.addAll(fjm.getRemoteEditLogs(fromTxId, false));
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                LOG.warn("Cannot list edit logs in " + fjm, t);

    // Group logs by their starting txid
    ImmutableListMultimap<Long, RemoteEditLog> logsByStartTxId = Multimaps.index(allLogs,
    long curStartTxId = fromTxId;

    List<RemoteEditLog> logs = Lists.newArrayList();
    while (true) {
        ImmutableList<RemoteEditLog> logGroup = logsByStartTxId.get(curStartTxId);
        if (logGroup.isEmpty()) {
            // we have a gap in logs - for example because we recovered some old
            // storage directory with ancient logs. Clear out any logs we've
            // accumulated so far, and then skip to the next segment of logs
            // after the gap.
            SortedSet<Long> startTxIds = Sets.newTreeSet(logsByStartTxId.keySet());
            startTxIds = startTxIds.tailSet(curStartTxId);
            if (startTxIds.isEmpty()) {
            } else {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Found gap in logs at " + curStartTxId + ": "
                            + "not returning previous logs in manifest.");
                curStartTxId = startTxIds.first();

        // Find the one that extends the farthest forward
        RemoteEditLog bestLog = Collections.max(logGroup);
        // And then start looking from after that point
        curStartTxId = bestLog.getEndTxId() + 1;
    RemoteEditLogManifest ret = new RemoteEditLogManifest(logs);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Generated manifest for logs since " + fromTxId + ":" + ret);
    return ret;

From source file:io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.AbstractThriftMetadataBuilder.java

 * Assigns all fields an id if possible.  Fields are grouped by name and for each group, if there
 * is a single id, all fields in the group are assigned this id.  If the group has multiple ids,
 * an error is reported./*from www  . j  av a  2s  . c o m*/
protected final Set<String> inferThriftFieldIds() {
    Set<String> fieldsWithConflictingIds = new HashSet<>();

    // group fields by explicit name or by name extracted from field, method or property
    Multimap<String, FieldMetadata> fieldsByExplicitOrExtractedName = Multimaps.index(fields,
    inferThriftFieldIds(fieldsByExplicitOrExtractedName, fieldsWithConflictingIds);

    // group fields by name extracted from field, method or property
    // this allows thrift name to be set explicitly without having to duplicate the name on getters and setters
    // todo should this be the only way this works?
    Multimap<String, FieldMetadata> fieldsByExtractedName = Multimaps.index(fields, FieldMetadata::extractName);
    inferThriftFieldIds(fieldsByExtractedName, fieldsWithConflictingIds);

    return fieldsWithConflictingIds;

From source file:com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.AbstractThriftMetadataBuilder.java

 * Assigns all fields an id if possible.  Fields are grouped by name and for each group, if there
 * is a single id, all fields in the group are assigned this id.  If the group has multiple ids,
 * an error is reported.// ww  w  .ja v  a2 s  .  c  o  m
protected final Set<String> inferThriftFieldIds() {
    Set<String> fieldsWithConflictingIds = new HashSet<>();

    // group fields by explicit name or by name extracted from field, method or property
    Multimap<String, FieldMetadata> fieldsByExplicitOrExtractedName = Multimaps.index(fields,
    inferThriftFieldIds(fieldsByExplicitOrExtractedName, fieldsWithConflictingIds);

    // group fields by name extracted from field, method or property
    // this allows thrift name to be set explicitly without having to duplicate the name on getters and setters
    // todo should this be the only way this works?
    Multimap<String, FieldMetadata> fieldsByExtractedName = Multimaps.index(fields, extractThriftFieldName());
    inferThriftFieldIds(fieldsByExtractedName, fieldsWithConflictingIds);

    return fieldsWithConflictingIds;

From source file:org.apache.omid.transaction.SnapshotFilterImpl.java

static ImmutableList<Collection<Cell>> groupCellsByColumnFilteringShadowCells(List<Cell> rawCells) {

    Predicate<Cell> shadowCellFilter = new Predicate<Cell>() {
        @Override/*ww w.  jav  a 2  s .c o m*/
        public boolean apply(Cell cell) {
            return cell != null && !CellUtils.isShadowCell(cell);

    Function<Cell, ColumnWrapper> cellToColumnWrapper = new Function<Cell, ColumnWrapper>() {

        public ColumnWrapper apply(Cell cell) {
            return new ColumnWrapper(CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell), CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell));


    return Multimaps.index(Iterables.filter(rawCells, shadowCellFilter), cellToColumnWrapper).asMap().values()

From source file:com.yahoo.omid.transaction.TTable.java

static ImmutableList<Collection<Cell>> groupCellsByColumnFilteringShadowCells(List<Cell> rawCells) {

    Predicate<Cell> shadowCellFilter = new Predicate<Cell>() {

        @Override/*w ww. ja  va  2 s  .co  m*/
        public boolean apply(Cell cell) {
            return !CellUtils.isShadowCell(cell);


    Function<Cell, ColumnWrapper> cellToColumnWrapper = new Function<Cell, ColumnWrapper>() {

        public ColumnWrapper apply(Cell cell) {
            return new ColumnWrapper(CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell), CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell));


    return Multimaps.index(Iterables.filter(rawCells, shadowCellFilter), cellToColumnWrapper).asMap().values()

From source file:com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.ThriftStructMetadataBuilder.java

private Iterable<ThriftFieldMetadata> buildFieldInjections() {
    Multimap<Optional<Short>, FieldMetadata> fieldsById = Multimaps.index(fields, getThriftFieldId());
    return Iterables.transform(fieldsById.asMap().values(),
            new Function<Collection<FieldMetadata>, ThriftFieldMetadata>() {
                @Override/*  w w w.  ja va2s  .co  m*/
                public ThriftFieldMetadata apply(Collection<FieldMetadata> input) {
                    checkArgument(!input.isEmpty(), "input is empty");
                    return buildField(input);

From source file:org.apache.ambari.server.state.ServiceInfo.java

private void validateServiceProperties() {
    // Verify if there are duplicate service properties by name
    Multimap<String, ServicePropertyInfo> servicePropsByName = Multimaps.index(getServicePropertyList(),
            new Function<ServicePropertyInfo, String>() {
                @Override/*from w w  w  . j av a 2 s  .co  m*/
                public String apply(ServicePropertyInfo servicePropertyInfo) {
                    return servicePropertyInfo.getName();


    for (String propertyName : servicePropsByName.keySet()) {
        if (servicePropsByName.get(propertyName).size() > 1) {
            setErrors("Duplicate service property with name '" + propertyName + "' found in " + getName() + ":"
                    + getVersion() + " service definition !");