Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index.


public static <K, V> ImmutableListMultimap<K, V> index(Iterator<V> values, Function<? super V, K> keyFunction) 

Source Link


Creates an index ImmutableListMultimap that contains the results of applying a specified function to each item in an Iterator of values.


From source file:com.android.tools.idea.gradle.editor.ui.ReferencedValuesGradleEditorComponent.java

public void bind(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull List<GradleEditorSourceBinding> sourceBindings) {
    myProjectRef = new WeakReference<Project>(project);
    ImmutableListMultimap<VirtualFile, GradleEditorSourceBinding> byFile = Multimaps.index(sourceBindings,
            GROUPER);/*w  ww.ja  v a 2  s. co m*/
    List<VirtualFile> orderedFiles = Lists.newArrayList(byFile.keySet());
    ContainerUtil.sort(orderedFiles, FILES_COMPARATOR);
    for (VirtualFile file : orderedFiles) {
        ImmutableList<GradleEditorSourceBinding> list = byFile.get(file);
        List<RangeMarker> rangeMarkers = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (GradleEditorSourceBinding descriptor : list) {
        if (!rangeMarkers.isEmpty()) {
            ContainerUtil.sort(rangeMarkers, RANGE_COMPARATOR);
            String name = getRepresentativeName(project, file);
            mySourceBindings.put(name, rangeMarkers);
            myFilesByName.put(name, file);

From source file:org.sentilo.platform.server.handler.impl.CatalogAlertHandler.java

 * Group alerts list by type (INTERNAL or EXTERNAL)
 * //from   w  ww .  j a  va2 s.c  o  m
 * @param alerts
 * @return
protected Multimap<String, CatalogAlert> groupAlertsByType(final List<CatalogAlert> alerts) {
    final Function<CatalogAlert, String> internalFunction = new Function<CatalogAlert, String>() {

        public String apply(final CatalogAlert alert) {
            // alert type could be null if it is wrong, so return empty string if it is null
            return (alert.getType() != null ? alert.getType() : "");
    return Multimaps.index(alerts, internalFunction);

From source file:com.ngdata.hbaseindexer.indexer.Indexer.java

 * groups a list of ids by shard//from  ww  w .  j ava 2s  .co m
 * (consider moving this to a BaseSharder class)
private Map<Integer, Collection<String>> shardByValue(List<String> idsToDelete) {
    Multimap<Integer, String> map = Multimaps.index(idsToDelete, new Function<String, Integer>() {
        public Integer apply(@Nullable String id) {
            try {
                return sharder.getShard(id);
            } catch (SharderException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("error calculating hash", e);
    return map.asMap();

From source file:org.sleuthkit.autopsy.report.TableReportGenerator.java

 * Generate the tables for the selected blackboard artifacts
 *//*from w w w.ja va 2 s  .  c om*/
private void makeBlackboardArtifactTables() {
    // Make a comment string describing the tag names filter in effect. 
    String comment = "";
    if (!tagNamesFilter.isEmpty()) {
        comment += NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(), "ReportGenerator.artifactTable.taggedResults.text");
        comment += makeCommaSeparatedList(tagNamesFilter);

    // Add a table to the report for every enabled blackboard artifact type.
    for (BlackboardArtifact.Type type : artifactTypes) {
        // Check for cancellaton.

        if (progressPanel.getStatus() == ReportProgressPanel.ReportStatus.CANCELED) {

                "ReportGenerator.progress.processing", type.getDisplayName()));

        // Keyword hits and hashset hit artifacts get special handling.
        if (type.getTypeID() == BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_KEYWORD_HIT.getTypeID()) {
            writeKeywordHits(tableReport, comment, tagNamesFilter);
        } else if (type.getTypeID() == BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_HASHSET_HIT.getTypeID()) {
            writeHashsetHits(tableReport, comment, tagNamesFilter);

        List<ArtifactData> artifactList = getFilteredArtifacts(type, tagNamesFilter);

        if (artifactList.isEmpty()) {

        /* TSK_ACCOUNT artifacts get grouped by their TSK_ACCOUNT_TYPE
         * attribute, and then handed off to the standard method for writing
         * tables. */
        if (type.getTypeID() == BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_ACCOUNT.getTypeID()) {
            //Group account artifacts by their account type
            ListMultimap<String, ArtifactData> groupedArtifacts = Multimaps.index(artifactList,
                    artifactData -> {
                        try {
                            return artifactData.getArtifact()
                                    .getAttribute(new BlackboardAttribute.Type(
                        } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
                                    "Unable to get value of TSK_ACCOUNT_TYPE attribute. Defaulting to \"unknown\"",
                            return "unknown";
            for (String accountType : groupedArtifacts.keySet()) {
                /* If the report is a ReportHTML, the data type name
                 * eventualy makes it to useDataTypeIcon which expects but
                 * does not require a artifact name, so we make a synthetic
                 * compund name by appending a ":" and the account type.
                final String compundDataTypeName = BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_ACCOUNT.getDisplayName()
                        + ": " + accountType;
                writeTableForDataType(new ArrayList<>(groupedArtifacts.get(accountType)), type,
                        compundDataTypeName, comment);
        } else {
            //all other artifact types are sent to writeTableForDataType directly
            writeTableForDataType(artifactList, type, type.getDisplayName(), comment);

From source file:de.faustedition.genesis.lines.VerseManager.java

public ImmutableListMultimap<MaterialUnit, GraphVerseInterval> indexByMaterialUnit(
        Iterable<GraphVerseInterval> verseIntervals) {

    Function materialUnitOfVerseInterval = new Function<GraphVerseInterval, MaterialUnit>() {
        @Override//from   www  . j a  v  a 2s.com
        public MaterialUnit apply(@Nullable GraphVerseInterval input) {
            return transcriptManager.materialUnitForTranscript(input.getTranscript(textRepository));

    return Multimaps.index(verseIntervals, materialUnitOfVerseInterval);

From source file:org.impressivecode.depress.mg.po.PeopleOrganizationMetricProcessor.java

private ImmutableListMultimap<String, String> groupByOrganization(final ChangeData change) {
    ImmutableListMultimap<String, String> indexed = Multimaps.index(change.getInvolvedEngineers(),
            new Function<String, String>() {
                @Override/*from ww w.ja  va2  s . c  om*/
                public String apply(final String name) {
                    return engineersData.get(name).getOrganizationPath();
    return indexed;

From source file:brooklyn.entity.network.bind.BindDnsServerImpl.java

public void update() {
    Lifecycle serverState = getAttribute(Attributes.SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL);
    if (Lifecycle.STOPPED.equals(serverState) || Lifecycle.STOPPING.equals(serverState)
            || Lifecycle.DESTROYED.equals(serverState) || !getAttribute(Attributes.SERVICE_UP)) {
        LOG.debug("Skipped update of {} when service state is {} and running is {}",
                new Object[] { this, getAttribute(Attributes.SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL), getAttribute(SERVICE_UP) });
        return;//from w  w  w  .  j  a  v a  2 s .c  om
    synchronized (this) {
        Iterable<Entity> availableEntities = FluentIterable.from(getEntities().getMembers())
                .filter(new HasHostnameAndValidLifecycle());
        LOG.debug("{} updating with entities: {}", this, Iterables.toString(availableEntities));
        ImmutableListMultimap<String, Entity> hostnameToEntity = Multimaps.index(availableEntities,
                new HostnameTransformer());

        Map<String, String> octetToName = Maps.newHashMap();
        BiMap<String, String> ipToARecord = HashBiMap.create();
        Multimap<String, String> aRecordToCnames = MultimapBuilder.hashKeys().hashSetValues().build();
        Multimap<String, String> ipToAllNames = MultimapBuilder.hashKeys().hashSetValues().build();

        for (Map.Entry<String, Entity> e : hostnameToEntity.entries()) {
            String domainName = e.getKey();
            Maybe<SshMachineLocation> location = Machines
            if (!location.isPresent()) {
                LOG.debug("Member {} of {} does not have an SSH location so will not be configured",
                        e.getValue(), this);
            } else if (ipToARecord.inverse().containsKey(domainName)) {

            String address = location.get().getAddress().getHostAddress();
            ipToAllNames.put(address, domainName);
            if (!ipToARecord.containsKey(address)) {
                ipToARecord.put(address, domainName);
                if (getReverseLookupNetwork().contains(new Cidr(address + "/32"))) {
                    String octet = Iterables.get(Splitter.on('.').split(address), 3);
                    if (!octetToName.containsKey(octet))
                        octetToName.put(octet, domainName);
            } else {
                aRecordToCnames.put(ipToARecord.get(address), domainName);
        setAttribute(A_RECORDS, ImmutableMap.copyOf(ipToARecord.inverse()));
        setAttribute(PTR_RECORDS, ImmutableMap.copyOf(octetToName));
        setAttribute(CNAME_RECORDS, Multimaps.unmodifiableMultimap(aRecordToCnames));
        setAttribute(ADDRESS_MAPPINGS, Multimaps.unmodifiableMultimap(ipToAllNames));

        // Update Bind configuration files and restart the service

From source file:org.opentestsystem.authoring.testauth.validation.ScoringRuleParameterValidator.java

 * validate dictionary values//ww w  . j  a v a 2 s  . c om
private <N extends Number> void validateDictionaryValues(
        final ComputationRuleParameter computationRuleParameter,
        final List<ScoringRuleDictionaryElement> dictionaryValues, final Errors errors) {
    final ComputationRuleType fieldType = computationRuleParameter.getComputationRuleType();
    final String paramName = computationRuleParameter.getParameterName();
    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(dictionaryValues)) {
        rejectValue(errors, DICTIONARY, getErrorMessageRoot() + DICTIONARY + MSG_REQUIRED, fieldType,

    final Map<String, Collection<ScoringRuleDictionaryElement>> duplicates = Maps.filterEntries(
            Multimaps.index(dictionaryValues, DICTIONARY_ELEMENT_TO_KEY_TRANSFORMER).asMap(),
    if (!duplicates.isEmpty()) {
        rejectValue(errors, DICTIONARY, getErrorMessageRoot() + DICTIONARY + MSG_DUPLICATES, paramName,

    for (int i = 0; i < dictionaryValues.size(); i++) {
        final ScoringRuleDictionaryElement scoringRuleDictionaryElement = dictionaryValues.get(i);
        String key = scoringRuleDictionaryElement.getKey();
        final String value = scoringRuleDictionaryElement.getValue();
        try {
            errors.pushNestedPath(DICTIONARY + "[" + i + "]");

            final DictionaryIndexType dictionaryIndex = computationRuleParameter.getDictionaryIndexType();

            final boolean indexIsInteger = dictionaryIndex == DictionaryIndexType.INTEGER;
            if (!rejectIfEmpty(key, errors, KEY, getErrorMessageRoot() + DICTIONARY_KEY,
                    indexIsInteger ? MAX_PARSEABLE_LENGTH : MAX_STRING_LENGTH, fieldType, paramName, i + 1)
                    && indexIsInteger) {
                if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(key)) {
                    rejectValue(errors, KEY, getErrorMessageRoot() + DICTIONARY_KEY + MSG_INVALID, fieldType,
                            paramName, key, dictionaryIndex);

            key = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(key, String.valueOf(i + 1));

            final boolean valueIsNumeric = NUMERIC_TYPES.contains(fieldType);
            if (!rejectIfEmpty(value, errors, VALUE, getErrorMessageRoot() + DICTIONARY_VALUE,
                    valueIsNumeric ? MAX_PARSEABLE_LENGTH : MAX_STRING_LENGTH, fieldType, paramName, key)
                    && valueIsNumeric) {
                final String min = computationRuleParameter.getMinimumValue();
                final String max = computationRuleParameter.getMaximumValue();
                try {
                    if (fieldType == ComputationRuleType.FLOAT) {
                        final Float floatValue = Float.parseFloat(value);
                        final Range<Float> floatRange = buildFloatRange(min, max);
                        if (floatRange != null && !floatRange.contains(floatValue)) {
                            rejectValue(errors, VALUE, getErrorMessageRoot() + DICTIONARY_VALUE + MSG_RANGE,
                                    fieldType, paramName, key, min, max);
                    } else {
                        final Long longValue = Long.parseLong(value);
                        final Range<Long> longRange = buildLongRange(min, max);
                        if (longRange != null && !longRange.contains(longValue)) {
                            rejectValue(errors, VALUE, getErrorMessageRoot() + DICTIONARY_VALUE + MSG_RANGE,
                                    fieldType, paramName, key, min, max);
                } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
                    rejectValue(errors, VALUE, getErrorMessageRoot() + DICTIONARY_VALUE + MSG_PARSEABLE_NUMBER,
                            fieldType, paramName, key, value);
            } else if (ComputationRuleType.BOOLEAN.equals(fieldType)
                    && !Boolean.FALSE.toString().equals(value.toString())
                    && !Boolean.TRUE.toString().equals(value.toString())) {
                rejectValue(errors, VALUE, getErrorMessageRoot() + DICTIONARY_VALUE + MSG_PARSEABLE_BOOLEAN,
                        fieldType, paramName, key, value);
        } finally {

From source file:dagger.internal.codegen.ContributionBinding.java

 * Indexes map-multibindings by map key (the result of calling
 * {@link AnnotationValue#getValue()} on a single member or the whole {@link AnnotationMirror}
 * itself, depending on {@link MapKey#unwrapValue()}).
 *///from www  .  j a va 2 s  .co  m
static ImmutableSetMultimap<Object, ContributionBinding> indexMapBindingsByMapKey(
        Set<ContributionBinding> mapBindings) {
    return ImmutableSetMultimap.copyOf(Multimaps.index(mapBindings, mapBinding -> {
        AnnotationMirror mapKey = mapBinding.mapKey().get();
        return unwrapValue(mapKey).map(AnnotationValue::getValue).orElse(mapKey);

From source file:edu.harvard.med.screensaver.model.screens.LibraryScreening.java

public SortedSet<LibraryPlate> getLibraryPlatesScreened() {
    Multimap<Integer, AssayPlate> index = Multimaps.index(getAssayPlatesScreened(),
            new Function<AssayPlate, Integer>() {
                @Override/*from   w  w w.  j  ava 2  s  .  c  o  m*/
                public Integer apply(AssayPlate p) {
                    return p.getPlateNumber();
    SortedSet<LibraryPlate> libraryPlates = Sets.newTreeSet();
    for (Integer plateNumber : index.keySet()) {
        Set<AssayPlate> assayPlates = Sets.newHashSet(index.get(plateNumber));
        libraryPlates.add(new LibraryPlate(plateNumber,
                assayPlates.iterator().next().getPlateScreened().getCopy().getLibrary(), assayPlates));
    return libraryPlates;