Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index.


public static <K, V> ImmutableListMultimap<K, V> index(Iterator<V> values, Function<? super V, K> keyFunction) 

Source Link


Creates an index ImmutableListMultimap that contains the results of applying a specified function to each item in an Iterator of values.


From source file:eu.itesla_project.ucte.network.ext.UcteNetworkExt.java

private void updateSubstation() {
    if (substations == null) {
        LOGGER.trace("Update substations...");
        substations = new ArrayList<>();
        node2voltageLevel = new HashMap<>();
        UndirectedGraph<UcteNodeCode, Object> graph = createSubstationGraph(network);
        for (Set<UcteNodeCode> substationNodes : new ConnectivityInspector<>(graph).connectedSets()) {
            // the main node of the substation is not an xnode and the one with the highest voltage
            // level and the lowest busbar number.
            UcteNodeCode mainNode = substationNodes.stream().sorted((nodeCode1, nodeCode2) -> {
                if (nodeCode1.getUcteCountryCode() == UcteCountryCode.XX
                        && nodeCode2.getUcteCountryCode() != UcteCountryCode.XX) {
                    return 1;
                } else if (nodeCode1.getUcteCountryCode() != UcteCountryCode.XX
                        && nodeCode2.getUcteCountryCode() == UcteCountryCode.XX) {
                    return -1;
                } else {
                    int c = Float.compare(nodeCode2.getVoltageLevelCode().getVoltageLevel(),
                    if (c == 0) {
                        c = nodeCode2.getBusbar().compareTo(nodeCode1.getBusbar());
                    }/*from   w w w .  j a v  a2 s .c  o  m*/
                    return c;

            Multimap<UcteVoltageLevelCode, UcteNodeCode> nodesByVoltageLevel = Multimaps.index(substationNodes,
                    nodeCode -> {
                        return nodeCode.getVoltageLevelCode();

            String substationName = mainNode.getUcteCountryCode().getUcteCode()
                    + mainNode.getGeographicalSpot();
            List<UcteVoltageLevel> voltageLevels = new ArrayList<>();
            UcteSubstation substation = new UcteSubstation(substationName, voltageLevels);

            LOGGER.trace("Define substation {}", substationName);

            for (Map.Entry<UcteVoltageLevelCode, Collection<UcteNodeCode>> entry : nodesByVoltageLevel.asMap()
                    .entrySet()) {
                UcteVoltageLevelCode vlc = entry.getKey();
                Collection<UcteNodeCode> voltageLevelNodes = entry.getValue();
                String voltageLevelName = mainNode.getUcteCountryCode().getUcteCode()
                        + mainNode.getGeographicalSpot() + vlc.ordinal();
                UcteVoltageLevel voltageLevel = new UcteVoltageLevel(voltageLevelName, substation,
                for (UcteNodeCode voltageLevelNode : voltageLevelNodes) {
                    node2voltageLevel.put(voltageLevelNode, voltageLevel);

                LOGGER.trace("Define voltage level {} as a group of {} nodes", voltageLevelName,

From source file:org.caleydo.view.domino.api.model.typed.TypedSets.java

 * convert a inhomogenous set of {@link TypedID} to a collection of {@link TypedSet}s
 * @param set//from   w  ww  .  jav  a2s .  co m
 * @return
public static Collection<TypedSet> toTypedSets(Set<TypedID> set) {
    if (set instanceof SingleTypedIDSet) { // its just a wrapper
        return Collections.singleton(((SingleTypedIDSet) set).getData());
    // compress to typed sets
    ListMultimap<IDType, TypedID> index = Multimaps.index(set, TypedID.TO_IDTYPE);
    Collection<TypedSet> new_ = new ArrayList<>(index.keySet().size());
    for (IDType idType : index.keySet()) {
        List<TypedID> same = index.get(idType);
        new_.add(new TypedSet(ImmutableSet.copyOf(Lists.transform(same, TypedID.TO_ID)), idType));
    return new_;

From source file:com.arpnetworking.tsdcore.sinks.MonitordSink.java

private Multimap<String, AggregatedData> prepareData(final PeriodicData periodicData) {
    // Transform the data list to a multimap by metric name
    // Ie, get all the statistics for a unique metric

    return Multimaps.index(periodicData.getData(), input -> input.getFQDSN().getService() + "_"
            + periodicData.getPeriod().toString(ISOPeriodFormat.standard()) + "_" + input.getFQDSN().getMetric()
            + "_" + periodicData.getDimensions().get("host") + "_" + input.getFQDSN().getCluster());

From source file:com.yodle.vantage.component.dao.IssueDao.java

public Map<Version, Collection<Issue>> getIssuesByDependenciesOf(String component, String version) {
    List<Map<String, Object>> rs = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(
            "MATCH (c_par:Component {name:{1}})<-[:VERSION_OF]-(v_par:Version {version:{2}})-[:DEPENDS_ON]->"
                    + "(v:Version)<-[:PRECEDES|:AFFECTS*]-(i:Issue)" + "MATCH (v)-[:VERSION_OF]->(c:Component)"
                    + "MATCH (i)-[:AFFECTS]->(av:Version)" + "WHERE NOT (v)<-[:PRECEDES|:FIXED_BY*]-(i) "
                    + "OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:FIXED_BY]->(fv:Version)"
                    + "RETURN v.version, c.name, i.id, i.level, i.message, av.version, fv.version",
            component, version);/*from   w w  w  . j  a v a  2  s.co  m*/

    ImmutableListMultimap<Version, Map<String, Object>> grouped = Multimaps.index(rs,
            (row -> new Version((String) row.get("c.name"), (String) row.get("v.version"))));
    return Multimaps.transformValues(grouped, this::toIssue).asMap();

From source file:net.bunselmeyer.mongo.maven.plugin.MigrateMojo.java

protected ImmutableListMultimap<MIGRATION_CHECK, MigrationDetails> buildStatusIndex(
        Set<Class<? extends Migration>> allMigrations) {
    Iterable<MigrationDetails> migrationStatus = Iterables.transform(allMigrations,
            new Function<Class<? extends Migration>, MigrationDetails>() {
                public MigrationDetails apply(Class<? extends Migration> input) {
                    if (input == null) {
                        return new MigrationDetails(MIGRATION_CHECK.ERROR,
                                "Failed to load migration from classloader.", input);
                    }/*from ww w.  j a  va  2s  .  c o m*/
                    Connection connection = input.getAnnotation(Connection.class);
                    if (connection == null) {
                        return new MigrationDetails(MIGRATION_CHECK.WARNING,
                                "Migration does not have @Connection", input);

                    if (StringUtils.isBlank(connection.db())) {
                        return new MigrationDetails(MIGRATION_CHECK.ERROR, "Empty db property in @Connection",

                    if (StringUtils.isBlank(connection.version())) {
                        return new MigrationDetails(MIGRATION_CHECK.ERROR,
                                "Empty version property in @Connection", input);

                    try {
                        DateTime version = DateTime.parse(connection.version());
                        String host = StringUtils.isNotBlank(connection.host()) ? connection.host()
                                : MigrateMojo.this.host;
                        return version != null ? //
                        new MigrationDetails(input, version, host, connection.db()) : //
                        new MigrationDetails(MIGRATION_CHECK.ERROR,
                                "Failed to parse @version to timestamp in @Connection", input);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return new MigrationDetails(MIGRATION_CHECK.ERROR,
                                "Failed to parse @version to timestamp in @Connection", input);

    return Multimaps.index(migrationStatus, new Function<MigrationDetails, MIGRATION_CHECK>() {
        public MIGRATION_CHECK apply(MigrationDetails input) {
            return input.status;

From source file:ru.org.linux.tag.TagPageController.java

private static ImmutableListMultimap<String, Topic> datePartition(Iterable<Topic> topics,
        final Function<Topic, DateTime> dateExtractor) {
    final DateMidnight startOfToday = new DateMidnight();
    final DateMidnight startOfYesterday = startOfToday.minusDays(1);
    final DateMidnight startOfYear = startOfToday.withDayOfYear(1);

    return Multimaps.index(topics, new Function<Topic, String>() {
        @Override/*w ww  .  j  a v  a2s  .c o  m*/
        public String apply(Topic input) {
            DateTime date = dateExtractor.apply(input);

            if (date.isAfter(startOfToday)) {
                return "?";
            } else if (date.isAfter(startOfYesterday)) {
                return "";
            } else if (date.isAfter(startOfYear)) {
                return THIS_YEAR_FORMAT.print(date);
            } else {
                return OLD_YEAR_FORMAT.print(date);

From source file:com.github.jonross.seq4j.Seq.java

 * Wraps {@link Multimaps#index(Iterator, Function); treating each element in the
 * sequence as a value, applies a function t determine the key and uses the
 * multimap to group all values with the same key.
 *///from w  w  w .java2s.  c  o m

public <K> Multimap<K, T> groupBy(Function<? super T, K> f) {
    return Multimaps.index(this, f);

From source file:com.b2international.snowowl.snomed.importer.rf2.terminology.ComponentLookup.java

private LongValueMap<String> getStorageKeys(final Collection<String> componentIds) throws IOException {
    return index.read(editingContext.getBranch(), new RevisionIndexRead<LongValueMap<String>>() {
        @Override//from  w w w  .  j  a  v  a  2 s.c  o  m
        public LongValueMap<String> execute(RevisionSearcher index) throws IOException {
            final LongValueMap<String> map = PrimitiveMaps
            // index componentIds by their category
            final Multimap<Class<? extends SnomedDocument>, String> idsByType = Multimaps.index(componentIds,
                    id -> SnomedDocument.getType(SnomedIdentifiers.getComponentCategory(id)));
            for (Class<? extends SnomedDocument> type : idsByType.keySet()) {
                // execute queries for each type and based on the current clazz extract either refset or concept storage keys
                final Query<? extends SnomedDocument> query = Query.select(type)
                final Hits<? extends SnomedDocument> hits = index.search(query);
                for (SnomedDocument doc : hits) {
                    if (SnomedRefSet.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
                        map.put(doc.getId(), ((SnomedConceptDocument) doc).getRefSetStorageKey());
                    } else {
                        map.put(doc.getId(), doc.getStorageKey());
            return map;

From source file:com.qcadoo.mes.deviationCausesReporting.dataProvider.DeviationSummariesDataProvider.java

 * Get detailed deviation summaries, matching given criteria. Resulting Multimap's keys will be sorted ascending.
 * //from w  ww . jav a2  s .  c om
 * @param criteria
 *            restrictions for deviations to be summarized.
 * @return Multimap containing deviation summaries, grouped by its reason (cause) type. Multimap's keys will be in ascending
 *         order.
public Multimap<String, DeviationSummary> getDeviationsByCauseType(final DeviationsReportCriteria criteria) {
    ImmutableList<DeviationSummary> flatDeviationSummaries = FluentIterable
            .transformAndConcat(buildQueryExecutionFunc(getDataDefinition(), criteria))
    return Multimaps.index(flatDeviationSummaries, CAUSE_EXTRACTOR);

From source file:org.nla.tarotdroid.biz.computers.GuavaGameSetStatisticsComputer.java

 * Returns for each player the number of games he has been a leading player.   
 * @return for each player the number of games he has been a leading player as a Map<Player, Integer>.
 *///from w w  w.ja  v a 2 s .c  om
public Map<Player, Integer> getLeadingCount() {
    // transform StandardBaseGame into Player
    Function<StandardBaseGame, Player> gameSetToLeadingPlayerFunction = new Function<StandardBaseGame, Player>() {

        public Player apply(final StandardBaseGame stdBaseGame) {
            return stdBaseGame.getLeadingPlayer();

    // group standard games by player 
    ImmutableListMultimap<Player, StandardBaseGame> leadingPlayerMultimap = Multimaps
            .index(this.gameSet.getStandardGames(), gameSetToLeadingPlayerFunction);

    // build return object
    Map<Player, Integer> toReturn = newHashMap();
    for (Player player : leadingPlayerMultimap.keys()) {
        toReturn.put(player, leadingPlayerMultimap.get(player).size());
    this.leadingPlayerSeriesCount = toReturn.keySet().size();

    return toReturn;