Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index.


public static <K, V> ImmutableListMultimap<K, V> index(Iterator<V> values, Function<? super V, K> keyFunction) 

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Creates an index ImmutableListMultimap that contains the results of applying a specified function to each item in an Iterator of values.


From source file:org.carrot2.text.clustering.MultilingualClustering.java

 * Clusters documents in each language separately.
 *//*from ww w .  ja v a2  s. c  om*/
private Map<LanguageCode, Cluster> clusterByLanguage(List<Document> documents,
        IMonolingualClusteringAlgorithm algorithm) {
    // Partition by language first. As Multimaps.index() does not handle null
    // keys, we'd need to index by LanguageCode string and have a dedicated empty
    // string for the null language.
    final ImmutableListMultimap<String, Document> documentsByLanguage = Multimaps.index(documents,
            new Function<Document, String>() {
                public String apply(Document document) {
                    final LanguageCode language = document.getLanguage();
                    return language != null ? language.name() : "";

    // For each language, perform clustering. Please note that implementations of 
    // IMonolingualClusteringAlgorithm.cluster() are not guaranteed to be thread-safe
    // and hence the method must NOT be called concurrently.
    final Map<LanguageCode, Cluster> clusters = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (String language : documentsByLanguage.keySet()) {
        final ImmutableList<Document> languageDocuments = documentsByLanguage.get(language);
        final LanguageCode languageCode = language.equals("") ? null : LanguageCode.valueOf(language);
        final Cluster languageCluster = new Cluster(
                languageCode != null ? languageCode.toString() : "Unknown Language");

        languageCounts.put(languageCode != null ? languageCode.getIsoCode() : "", languageDocuments.size());

        // Perform clustering
        final LanguageCode currentLanguage = languageCode != null ? languageCode : defaultLanguage;
        logger.debug("Performing monolingual clustering in: " + currentLanguage);
        final List<Cluster> clustersForLanguage = algorithm.process(languageDocuments, currentLanguage);

        if (clustersForLanguage.size() == 0
                || clustersForLanguage.size() == 1 && clustersForLanguage.get(0).isOtherTopics()) {
        } else {

        clusters.put(languageCode, languageCluster);

    return clusters;

From source file:org.nla.tarotdroid.biz.computers.GuavaGameSetStatisticsComputer.java

 * Returns for each player the number of games he has been called.   
 * @return for each player the number of games he has been called as a Map<Player, Integer>.
 *///w ww  .j av a 2s  .  com
public Map<Player, Integer> getCalledCount() {
    // transform StandardBaseGame into Player
    Function<StandardTarot5Game, Player> gameSetToCalledPlayerFunction = new Function<StandardTarot5Game, Player>() {

        public Player apply(final StandardTarot5Game stdBaseGame) {
            return stdBaseGame.getCalledPlayer();

    // group standard games by player 
    ImmutableListMultimap<Player, StandardTarot5Game> calledPlayerMultimap = Multimaps
            .index(this.gameSet.getStandard5Games(), gameSetToCalledPlayerFunction);

    // build return object
    Map<Player, Integer> toReturn = newHashMap();
    for (Player player : calledPlayerMultimap.keys()) {
        toReturn.put(player, calledPlayerMultimap.get(player).size());
    this.calledPlayerSeriesCount = toReturn.keySet().size();

    return toReturn;

From source file:com.google.errorprone.bugpatterns.ModifyingCollectionWithItself.java

private Multimap<Integer, JCVariableDecl> partitionByEditDistance(final String baseName,
        Iterable<JCVariableDecl> candidates) {
    return Multimaps.index(candidates, new Function<JCVariableDecl, Integer>() {
        @Override//  w ww . java2s  .co m
        public Integer apply(JCVariableDecl jcVariableDecl) {
            return EditDistance.getEditDistance(baseName, jcVariableDecl.name.toString());

From source file:org.apache.aurora.scheduler.thrift.ReadOnlySchedulerImpl.java

public Response getRoleSummary() {
    Multimap<String, IJobKey> jobsByRole = storage.read(
            storeProvider -> Multimaps.index(storeProvider.getTaskStore().getJobKeys(), IJobKey::getRole));

    Multimap<String, IJobKey> cronJobsByRole = Multimaps.index(
            Iterables.transform(Storage.Util.fetchCronJobs(storage), IJobConfiguration::getKey),
            IJobKey::getRole);/* w ww .j  a v a 2 s .c o m*/

    Set<RoleSummary> summaries = FluentIterable.from(Sets.union(jobsByRole.keySet(), cronJobsByRole.keySet()))
                    role -> new RoleSummary(role, jobsByRole.get(role).size(), cronJobsByRole.get(role).size()))

    return ok(Result.roleSummaryResult(new RoleSummaryResult(summaries)));

From source file:org.opentestsystem.authoring.testauth.publish.SharedPublisherHelper.java

private List<TestComputationRule> buildTestComputationRulesForLeafNodeRules(
        final List<ScoringRule> scoringRuleList, final List<BlueprintElement> blueprintElementList) {
    final List<TestComputationRule> testComputationRuleList = Lists.newArrayList();
    if (Iterables.any(scoringRuleList, LEAF_NODE_TYPE_FILTER)) {
        // winnow blueprintElement list down to parentedChildren only
        Iterables.removeIf(blueprintElementList, PARENT_KEY_FILTER);
        // build multimap of bpe keyed by parent key
        final Multimap<String, BlueprintElement> blueprintElementParentKeyMultimap = Multimaps
                .index(blueprintElementList, BP_PARENT_KEY_TRANSFORMER);

        // filter bpe objects that are parents from parentedChildren

        // construct each leaf node into a separate scoring rule
        final List<ScoringRule> leafNodeScoringRules = Lists
                .newArrayList(Iterables.filter(scoringRuleList, LEAF_NODE_TYPE_FILTER));
        for (final ScoringRule scoringRule : leafNodeScoringRules) {
            final int i = 1;
            // transform every leaf node bp element into a scoring rule mimicking this scoringRule
                    LEAF_NODE_LEVEL_SCORING_RULE_TRANSFORMER.getInstance(scoringRule, i)));
        }//w  w  w .  j  ava  2 s  .  c  o  m
    return testComputationRuleList;

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.algorithm.pdr.transition.BackwardTransition.java

public FluentIterable<Block> getBlocksTo(Iterable<CFANode> pSuccessorLocations,
        Predicate<AbstractState> pFilterPredecessors) throws CPAException, InterruptedException {

    Map<CFANode, Iterable<Block>> cached = cache.getAllPresent(pSuccessorLocations);

    Iterable<CFANode> uncachedSuccessorLocations = Iterables.filter(pSuccessorLocations,
            node -> !cached.containsKey(node));
    Iterator<CFANode> successorLocationIterator = uncachedSuccessorLocations.iterator();
    if (!successorLocationIterator.hasNext()) {
        return FluentIterable.from(Collections.emptyList());
    }//from  w  ww  .j  a  va  2  s.c  o m
    ReachedSet reachedSet;
    // If there is only one successor location,
    // the initial state is unambiguous and can be created with less effort
    CFANode firstSuccessorLocation = successorLocationIterator.next();
    if (!successorLocationIterator.hasNext()) {
        return getBlocksTo(firstSuccessorLocation).filter(Blocks.applyToPredecessor(pFilterPredecessors));
    reachedSet = reachedSetFactory.create();
    initializeFor(reachedSet, firstSuccessorLocation);
    while (successorLocationIterator.hasNext()) {
        CFANode successorLocation = successorLocationIterator.next();
        initializeFor(reachedSet, successorLocation);

    Set<AbstractState> allInitialStates = FluentIterable.from(reachedSet).toSet();

    Function<ARGState, AbstractState> asAbstractState = asAbstractState(reachedSet);

    Set<Block> computedBlocks = FluentIterable.from(reachedSet)
            // Only consider abstract states where a block starts
            // Apply the client-provided filter
            .transformAndConcat((blockStartState) -> FluentIterable
                    .from(getInitialStates(blockStartState, allInitialStates, asAbstractState))
                    .transform((initialState) -> (Block) new BlockImpl(initialState, blockStartState,
                            getReachedSet(initialState, blockStartState, reachedSet, asAbstractState))))

    for (Map.Entry<CFANode, Collection<Block>> entry : Multimaps
            .index(computedBlocks, block -> block.getSuccessorLocation()).asMap().entrySet()) {
        cache.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        assert !cached.keySet().contains(entry.getKey());

    return FluentIterable.from(Iterables.concat(Iterables.concat(cached.values()), computedBlocks));

From source file:edu.harvard.med.screensaver.service.libraries.PlateUpdater.java

public void updatePrimaryPlateConcentrations(Copy copy) {
    ConcentrationStatistics concentrationStatistics = new ConcentrationStatistics();
    // update the plates using values from the wells
    Collection<Plate> platesToConsider = Sets.newHashSet(copy.getPlates().values());

    for (Iterator<Plate> iter = platesToConsider.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Plate p = iter.next();/*from  w  w  w . j  ava 2  s .  com*/
        p.setConcentrationStatistics(new ConcentrationStatistics());
        // update the copy with the values from the plate
        if (p.getMaxMgMlConcentration() != null) {
            if (concentrationStatistics.getMaxMgMlConcentration() == null)
            else if (p.getMaxMgMlConcentration()
                    .compareTo(concentrationStatistics.getMaxMgMlConcentration()) > 0)
            if (concentrationStatistics.getMinMgMlConcentration() == null)
            else if (p.getMinMgMlConcentration()
                    .compareTo(concentrationStatistics.getMinMgMlConcentration()) < 0)
        if (p.getMaxMolarConcentration() != null) {
            if (concentrationStatistics.getMaxMolarConcentration() == null)
            else if (p.getMaxMolarConcentration()
                    .compareTo(concentrationStatistics.getMaxMolarConcentration()) > 0)
            if (concentrationStatistics.getMinMolarConcentration() == null)
            else if (p.getMinMolarConcentration()
                    .compareTo(concentrationStatistics.getMinMolarConcentration()) < 0)
        if (!isStoredAtFacility.apply(p.getStatus())) // consider only plates stored at this facility

    Map<BigDecimal, Integer> mgMlCounts = Maps

    if (!mgMlCounts.isEmpty())

    Map<MolarConcentration, Integer> molarCounts = Maps

    if (!molarCounts.isEmpty())

From source file:org.obiba.opal.web.gwt.app.client.magma.view.SummaryTabView.java

private void renderGeoSummary(SummaryStatisticsDto dto) {
    GeoSummaryDto geoSummaryDto = dto.getExtension(GeoSummaryDto.SummaryStatisticsDtoExtensions.geoSummary)
            .cast();// w w  w.  ja  va2s . com

    final double[] totals = { 0d, 0d };
    ImmutableListMultimap<Boolean, FrequencyDto> valuesByMissing = Multimaps.index(
            JsArrays.toIterable(geoSummaryDto.getFrequenciesArray()), new Function<FrequencyDto, Boolean>() {
                public Boolean apply(@Nullable FrequencyDto input) {
                    if (input != null && !input.getMissing()) {
                        totals[0] += input.getFreq();
                        return false;
                    totals[1] += input == null ? 0 : input.getFreq();
                    return true;

    summary.add(new GeoSummaryView(geoSummaryDto, valuesByMissing.get(false), valuesByMissing.get(true),
            totals[0], totals[1]));

From source file:org.obm.imap.archive.services.MailboxProcessing.java

private Map<Year, MessageSet> mapByYear(Mailbox mailbox, MessageSet messageSet)
        throws ImapSelectException, MailboxNotFoundException {
    if (messageSet.isEmpty()) {
        return ImmutableMap.of();
    }/*  w  w w  . j av a 2 s.c  o m*/

    Year year = guessRangeYear(mailbox, messageSet);
    MessageSet otherYears = searchOutOfYearMessages(mailbox, messageSet, year);

    HashMap<Year, MessageSet> messageSetsByYear = Maps.newHashMap(Maps.transformValues(
            Multimaps.index(mailbox.fetchInternalDate(otherYears), new YearFromInternalDate()).asMap(),
            new CreateMessageSet<>()));
    messageSetsByYear.put(year, messageSet.remove(otherYears));
    return messageSetsByYear;

From source file:org.apache.solr.search.ExtendedDismaxQParser.java

 * Adds shingled phrase queries to all the fields specified in the pf, pf2 anf pf3 parameters
 * //from   ww  w .j  a va 2  s .co  m
protected void addPhraseFieldQueries(BooleanQuery.Builder query, List<Clause> clauses,
        ExtendedDismaxConfiguration config) throws SyntaxError {

    // sloppy phrase queries for proximity
    List<FieldParams> allPhraseFields = config.getAllPhraseFields();

    if (allPhraseFields.size() > 0) {
        // find non-field clauses
        List<Clause> normalClauses = new ArrayList<>(clauses.size());
        for (Clause clause : clauses) {
            if (clause.field != null || clause.isPhrase)
            // check for keywords "AND,OR,TO"
            if (clause.isBareWord()) {
                String s = clause.val;
                // avoid putting explicit operators in the phrase query
                if ("OR".equals(s) || "AND".equals(s) || "NOT".equals(s) || "TO".equals(s))

        // create a map of {wordGram, [phraseField]}
        Multimap<Integer, FieldParams> phraseFieldsByWordGram = Multimaps.index(allPhraseFields,

        // for each {wordGram, [phraseField]} entry, create and add shingled field queries to the main user query
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<FieldParams>> phraseFieldsByWordGramEntry : phraseFieldsByWordGram
                .asMap().entrySet()) {

            // group the fields within this wordGram collection by their associated slop (it's possible that the same
            // field appears multiple times for the same wordGram count but with different slop values. In this case, we
            // should take the *sum* of those phrase queries, rather than the max across them).
            Multimap<Integer, FieldParams> phraseFieldsBySlop = Multimaps
                    .index(phraseFieldsByWordGramEntry.getValue(), FieldParams::getSlop);
            for (Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<FieldParams>> phraseFieldsBySlopEntry : phraseFieldsBySlop
                    .asMap().entrySet()) {
                addShingledPhraseQueries(query, normalClauses, phraseFieldsBySlopEntry.getValue(),
                        phraseFieldsByWordGramEntry.getKey(), config.tiebreaker,