Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimaps index.


public static <K, V> ImmutableListMultimap<K, V> index(Iterator<V> values, Function<? super V, K> keyFunction) 

Source Link


Creates an index ImmutableListMultimap that contains the results of applying a specified function to each item in an Iterator of values.


From source file:dagger.internal.codegen.SubcomponentNames.java

private static ImmutableMap<ComponentDescriptor, String> namesByDescriptor(BindingGraph graph) {
    ImmutableListMultimap<String, ComponentDescriptor> componentDescriptorsBySimpleName = Multimaps.index(
            componentDescriptor -> componentDescriptor.typeElement().getSimpleName().toString());
    ImmutableMap<ComponentDescriptor, Namer> componentNamers = qualifiedNames(graph.componentDescriptors());
    Map<ComponentDescriptor, String> subcomponentImplSimpleNames = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    componentDescriptorsBySimpleName.asMap().values().forEach(components -> subcomponentImplSimpleNames
            .putAll(disambiguateConflictingSimpleNames(components, componentNamers)));
    return ImmutableMap.copyOf(subcomponentImplSimpleNames);

From source file:edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.ComputeGED.java

private static void computeGEDApp1() throws Exception {

    File ff = new File(Params.JGRAPHT_DIR);
    File[] files = ff.listFiles();

    DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, Link> gMain, gKarmaInitial, gKarmaFinal, gApp1Rank1, gApp1Rank2,
            gApp1Rank3;/*w w  w .  jav  a  2  s.co  m*/

    HashSet<File> fileSet = new HashSet<File>(Arrays.asList(files));

    Function<File, String> sameService = new Function<File, String>() {
        public String apply(final File s) {
            return s.getName().substring(0, s.getName().indexOf('.'));

    Multimap<String, File> index = Multimaps.index(fileSet, sameService);

    for (String s : index.keySet()) {

        Collection<File> serviceFiles = index.get(s);
        gMain = null;
        gKarmaInitial = null;
        gKarmaFinal = null;
        gApp1Rank1 = null;
        gApp1Rank2 = null;
        gApp1Rank3 = null;

        for (File f : serviceFiles) {
            if (f.getName().endsWith(".main.jgraph")) {
                gMain = GraphUtil.deserialize(f.getPath());
            } else if (f.getName().endsWith(".karma.initial.jgraph")) {
                gKarmaInitial = GraphUtil.deserialize(f.getPath());
            } else if (f.getName().endsWith(".karma.final.jgraph")) {
                gKarmaFinal = GraphUtil.deserialize(f.getPath());
            } else if (f.getName().endsWith(".app1.rank1.jgraph")) {
                gApp1Rank1 = GraphUtil.deserialize(f.getPath());
            } else if (f.getName().endsWith(".app1.rank2.jgraph")) {
                gApp1Rank2 = GraphUtil.deserialize(f.getPath());
            } else if (f.getName().endsWith(".app1.rank3.jgraph")) {
                gApp1Rank3 = GraphUtil.deserialize(f.getPath());

        if (gMain == null)
        String label;
        double distance;

        Map<String, DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, Link>> graphs = new TreeMap<String, DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, Link>>();

        label = "0- Main";
        graphs.put(label, gMain);

        if (gKarmaInitial != null) {
            distance = Util.getDistance(gMain, gKarmaInitial);
            label = "1-Karma Initial" + "-distance:" + distance;
            graphs.put(label, gKarmaInitial);

        if (gKarmaFinal != null) {
            distance = Util.getDistance(gMain, gKarmaFinal);
            label = "3-Karma Final" + "-distance:" + distance;
            graphs.put(label, gKarmaFinal);

        if (gApp1Rank1 != null) {
            distance = Util.getDistance(gMain, gApp1Rank1);
            label = "4-Rank1" + "-distance:" + distance;
            graphs.put(label, gApp1Rank1);

        if (gApp1Rank2 != null) {
            distance = Util.getDistance(gMain, gApp1Rank2);
            label = "5-Rank2" + "-distance:" + distance;
            graphs.put(label, gApp1Rank2);

        if (gApp1Rank3 != null) {
            distance = Util.getDistance(gMain, gApp1Rank3);
            label = "6-Rank3" + "-distance:" + distance;
            graphs.put(label, gApp1Rank3);

        GraphVizUtil.exportJGraphToGraphvizFile(graphs, s, Params.OUTPUT_DIR + s + ".app1.out.dot");

From source file:com.google.cloud.bigtable.dataflowimport.testing.SequenceFileIoUtils.java

 * Creates a Sequence File and writes the content of {@code keyValues} to it.
 *///from ww w . ja v a  2s . c o  m
public static void createFileWithData(File sequenceFile, Collection<? extends Cell> keyValues)
        throws IOException {
    Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
    // Configure serializers for Sequence File writer.
            WritableSerialization.class.getName() + "," + ResultSerialization.class.getName());
    // Group cells by rowKey.
    ImmutableListMultimap<byte[], ? extends Cell> records = Multimaps.index(keyValues,
            new Function<Cell, byte[]>() {
                public byte[] apply(Cell cell) {
                    return CellUtil.cloneRow(cell);
    try (Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(configuration, Writer.keyClass(ImmutableBytesWritable.class),
            Writer.valueClass(Result.class), Writer.file(new Path(sequenceFile.toURI())))) {

        for (Collection<? extends Cell> cells : records.asMap().values()) {
            Result row = Result.create(cells.toArray(new Cell[cells.size()]));
            writer.append(new ImmutableBytesWritable(row.getRow()), row);

From source file:org.jboss.metrics.agenda.impl.IntervalGrouping.java

public Set<TaskGroup> apply(final List<Task> tasks) {
    ImmutableListMultimap<Interval, Task> tasksByInterval = Multimaps.index(tasks,
            new Function<Task, Interval>() {
                @Override/*from  www. ja v  a2 s  .co  m*/
                public Interval apply(final Task definition) {
                    return definition.getInterval();

    Set<TaskGroup> groups = new HashSet<>();
    for (Interval interval : tasksByInterval.keys()) {
        TaskGroup group = new TaskGroup(interval);
    return groups;

From source file:com.facebook.presto.hive.PartitionUpdate.java

public static List<PartitionUpdate> mergePartitionUpdates(List<PartitionUpdate> unMergedUpdates) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<PartitionUpdate> partitionUpdates = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (Collection<PartitionUpdate> partitionGroup : Multimaps.index(unMergedUpdates, PartitionUpdate::getName)
            .asMap().values()) {// w  w  w .  j a  va 2s .  com
        PartitionUpdate firstPartition = partitionGroup.iterator().next();

        ImmutableList.Builder<String> allFileNames = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (PartitionUpdate partition : partitionGroup) {
            // verify partitions have the same new flag, write path and target path
            // this shouldn't happen but could if another user added a partition during the write
            if (partition.isNew() != firstPartition.isNew()
                    || !partition.getWritePath().equals(firstPartition.getWritePath())
                    || !partition.getTargetPath().equals(firstPartition.getTargetPath())) {
                throw new PrestoException(HIVE_WRITER_ERROR,
                        format("Partition %s was added or modified during INSERT", firstPartition.getName()));

        partitionUpdates.add(new PartitionUpdate(firstPartition.getName(), firstPartition.isNew(),
                firstPartition.getWritePath(), firstPartition.getTargetPath(), allFileNames.build()));
    return partitionUpdates.build();

From source file:com.sun.tools.hat.internal.server.AllRootsQuery.java

public void run() {
    startHtml("All Members of the Rootset");

    // More interesting values are *higher*
    Multimap<Integer, Root> roots = Multimaps.index(snapshot.getRoots(), Root::getType);
    roots.asMap().entrySet().stream().sorted(Ordering.natural().reverse().onResultOf(entry -> entry.getKey()))
            .forEach(entry -> {/*from w  ww .ja  va2  s  . c o m*/
                print(Root.getTypeName(entry.getKey()) + " References");
                        .forEach(root -> {
                            if (root.getReferer() != null) {
                                out.print("<small> (from ");
                            out.print(" :<br>");

                            JavaThing t = snapshot.findThing(root.getId());
                            if (t != null) { // It should always be
                                print("--> ");

    out.println("<h2>Other Queries</h2>");
    print("Show All Classes");


From source file:org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.internal.TasksListImpl.java

public TasksListImpl(URI location, SortedSet<Task> tasks) {
    this.location = location;
    this.tasks = tasks;
    this.tasksByResult = Multimaps.index(Iterables.filter(tasks, new Predicate<Task>() {

        public boolean apply(Task input) {
            return input.getResult() != null;
        }//  w  w  w.  j  a  v  a  2  s  .com

    }), new Function<Task, URI>() {

        public URI apply(Task input) {

            return input.getResult().getLocation();

    this.tasksByOwner = Multimaps.index(tasks, new Function<Task, URI>() {

        public URI apply(Task in) {

            return in.getOwner().getLocation();


From source file:com.groupon.jenkins.dynamic.RecentBuilds.java

private List<RecentProject> groupByProject(Iterable<DynamicBuild> builds) {
    final ImmutableListMultimap<String, DynamicBuild> groupedByProject = Multimaps.index(builds,
            new Function<DynamicBuild, String>() {
                @Override//from  w  w w .  jav a 2  s. co m
                public String apply(DynamicBuild build) {
                    return build.getParent().getFullName();
    Iterable<RecentProject> groupedRecentProjects = Iterables.transform(groupedByProject.keySet(),
            new Function<String, RecentProject>() {
                public RecentProject apply(String projectName) {
                    return new RecentProject(projectName, groupedByProject.get(projectName));
    return Lists.newArrayList(groupedRecentProjects);

From source file:cruise.umple.umpr.core.consistent.Consistents.java

 * Builds an {@link ImportRepositorySet} from the runtime data produced by the {@link ConsoleMain} using 
 * {@link ConsistentsBuilder}.  //from   ww  w. j  a  v  a2  s.c om
 * @param outputFolder The location the repository lives. 
 * @param allData {@link List} of {@link ImportRuntimeData} to map into new the consistent data structures. 
 * @return Non-{@code null} instance
public static ImportRepositorySet buildImportRepositorySet(final Path outputFolder, final Path srcFolder,
        final Iterable<? extends ImportFSM> allData) {

    final Multimap<Repository, ? extends ImportFSM> dataByRepo = Multimaps.index(allData,

    final ConsistentsBuilder cbld = CONSISTENTS_FACTORY.create(outputFolder, srcFolder);
    dataByRepo.asMap().entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
        final Repository key = entry.getKey();
        final ConsistentRepositoryBuilder repoBld = cbld.withRepository(key);

        entry.getValue().forEach(data -> {
            final Path outpath = data.getOutputPath().getFileName();
            if (data.isSuccessful()) {
                repoBld.addSuccessFile(outpath.toString(), data.getImportType(), data.getAttribLoc());
            } else {
                repoBld.addFailedFile(outpath.toString(), data.getImportType(), data.getAttribLoc(),
                        data.getState(), data.getFailure().get());


    return cbld.getRepositorySet();

From source file:org.apache.aurora.scheduler.http.Maintenance.java

@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)//w  w  w  .  java 2  s .  c  o  m
public Response getHosts() {
    return storage.read(storeProvider -> {
        Multimap<MaintenanceMode, String> hostsByMode = Multimaps.transformValues(Multimaps
                .index(storeProvider.getAttributeStore().getHostAttributes(), IHostAttributes::getMode),

        Map<MaintenanceMode, Object> hosts = ImmutableMap.of(DRAINED,
                ImmutableSet.copyOf(hostsByMode.get(DRAINED)), SCHEDULED,
                ImmutableSet.copyOf(hostsByMode.get(SCHEDULED)), DRAINING,
                getTasksByHosts(storeProvider, hostsByMode.get(DRAINING)).asMap());
        return Response.ok(hosts).build();