Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata; import com.facebook.swift.codec.ThriftConstructor; import com.facebook.swift.codec.ThriftField; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.ThriftField.Requiredness; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.FieldMetadata.extractThriftFieldName; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.FieldMetadata.getOrExtractThriftFieldName; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.FieldMetadata.getThriftFieldId; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.FieldMetadata.getThriftFieldIsLegacyId; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.FieldMetadata.getThriftFieldName; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.FieldKind.THRIFT_FIELD; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.FieldMetadata.*; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.ReflectionHelper.extractParameterNames; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.ReflectionHelper.findAnnotatedMethods; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.ReflectionHelper.getAllDeclaredFields; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.ReflectionHelper.getAllDeclaredMethods; import static com.facebook.swift.codec.metadata.ReflectionHelper.resolveFieldTypes; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; @NotThreadSafe public abstract class AbstractThriftMetadataBuilder { protected final String structName; protected final Type structType; protected final Type builderType; protected final List<String> documentation; protected final List<FieldMetadata> fields = newArrayList(); // readers protected final List<Extractor> extractors = newArrayList(); // writers protected final List<MethodInjection> builderMethodInjections = newArrayList(); protected final List<ConstructorInjection> constructorInjections = newArrayList(); protected final List<FieldInjection> fieldInjections = newArrayList(); protected final List<MethodInjection> methodInjections = newArrayList(); protected final ThriftCatalog catalog; protected final MetadataErrors metadataErrors; protected AbstractThriftMetadataBuilder(ThriftCatalog catalog, Type structType) { this.catalog = checkNotNull(catalog, "catalog is null"); this.structType = checkNotNull(structType, "structType is null"); this.metadataErrors = new MetadataErrors(catalog.getMonitor()); // assign the struct name from the annotation or from the Java class structName = extractName(); // get the builder type from the annotation or from the Java class builderType = extractBuilderType(); // grab any documentation from the annotation or saved JavaDocs documentation = ThriftCatalog.getThriftDocumentation(getStructClass()); // extract all of the annotated constructor and report an error if // there is more than one or none // also extract thrift fields from the annotated parameters and verify extractFromConstructors(); // extract thrift fields from the annotated fields and verify extractFromFields(); // extract thrift fields from the annotated methods (and parameters) and verify extractFromMethods(); } protected abstract String extractName(); protected abstract Class<?> extractBuilderClass(); protected abstract void validateConstructors(); protected abstract boolean isValidateSetter(Method method); protected abstract ThriftFieldMetadata buildField(Collection<FieldMetadata> input); public abstract ThriftStructMetadata build(); public MetadataErrors getMetadataErrors() { return metadataErrors; } public Class<?> getStructClass() { return TypeToken.of(structType).getRawType(); } public Class<?> getBuilderClass() { return TypeToken.of(builderType).getRawType(); } private Type extractBuilderType() { Class<?> builderClass = extractBuilderClass(); if (builderClass == null) { return null; } if (builderClass.getTypeParameters().length == 0) { return builderClass; } if (!(structType instanceof ParameterizedType)) { metadataErrors.addError( "Builder class '%s' may only be generic if the type it builds ('%s') is also generic", builderClass.getName(), getStructClass().getName()); return builderClass; } if (builderClass.getTypeParameters().length != getStructClass().getTypeParameters().length) { metadataErrors.addError( "Generic builder class '%s' must have the same number of type parameters as the type it builds ('%s')", builderClass.getName(), getStructClass().getName()); return builderClass; } ParameterizedType parameterizedStructType = (ParameterizedType) structType; return new MoreTypes.ParameterizedTypeImpl(builderClass.getEnclosingClass(), builderClass, parameterizedStructType.getActualTypeArguments()); } protected final void verifyClass(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { String annotationName = annotation.getSimpleName(); String structClassName = getStructClass().getName(); // Verify struct class is public and final if (!Modifier.isPublic(getStructClass().getModifiers())) { metadataErrors.addError("%s class '%s' is not public", annotationName, structClassName); } if (!getStructClass().isAnnotationPresent(annotation)) { metadataErrors.addError("%s class '%s' does not have a @%s annotation", annotationName, structClassName, annotationName); } } protected final void extractFromConstructors() { if (builderType == null) { // struct class must have a valid constructor addConstructors(structType); } else { // builder class must have a valid constructor addConstructors(builderType); // builder class must have a build method annotated with @ThriftConstructor addBuilderMethods(); // verify struct class does not have @ThriftConstructors for (Constructor<?> constructor : getStructClass().getConstructors()) { if (constructor.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftConstructor.class)) { metadataErrors.addWarning( "Thrift class '%s' has a builder class, but constructor '%s' annotated with @ThriftConstructor", getStructClass().getName(), constructor); } } } } protected final void addConstructors(Type type) { Class<?> clazz = TypeToken.of(type).getRawType(); for (Constructor<?> constructor : clazz.getConstructors()) { if (constructor.isSynthetic()) { continue; } if (!constructor.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftConstructor.class)) { continue; } if (!Modifier.isPublic(constructor.getModifiers())) { metadataErrors.addError("@ThriftConstructor '%s' is not public", constructor.toGenericString()); continue; } List<ParameterInjection> parameters = getParameterInjections(type, constructor.getParameterAnnotations(), resolveFieldTypes(structType, constructor.getGenericParameterTypes()), extractParameterNames(constructor)); if (parameters != null) { fields.addAll(parameters); constructorInjections.add(new ConstructorInjection(constructor, parameters)); } } // add the default constructor if (constructorInjections.isEmpty()) { try { Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(); if (!Modifier.isPublic(constructor.getModifiers())) { metadataErrors.addError("Default constructor '%s' is not public", constructor.toGenericString()); } constructorInjections.add(new ConstructorInjection(constructor)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { metadataErrors.addError("Struct class '%s' does not have a public no-arg constructor", clazz.getName()); } } validateConstructors(); } protected final void addBuilderMethods() { for (Method method : findAnnotatedMethods(getBuilderClass(), ThriftConstructor.class)) { List<ParameterInjection> parameters = getParameterInjections(builderType, method.getParameterAnnotations(), resolveFieldTypes(builderType, method.getGenericParameterTypes()), extractParameterNames(method)); // parameters are null if the method is misconfigured if (parameters != null) { fields.addAll(parameters); builderMethodInjections.add(new MethodInjection(method, parameters)); } if (!getStructClass().isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) { metadataErrors.addError( "'%s' says that '%s' is its builder class, but @ThriftConstructor method '%s' in the builder does not build an instance assignable to that type", structType, builderType, method.getName()); } } // find invalid methods not skipped by findAnnotatedMethods() for (Method method : getAllDeclaredMethods(getBuilderClass())) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftConstructor.class) || hasThriftFieldAnnotation(method)) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { metadataErrors.addError("@ThriftConstructor method '%s' is not public", method.toGenericString()); } if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) { metadataErrors.addError("@ThriftConstructor method '%s' is static", method.toGenericString()); } } } if (builderMethodInjections.isEmpty()) { metadataErrors.addError( "Struct builder class '%s' does not have a public builder method annotated with @ThriftConstructor", getBuilderClass().getName()); } if (builderMethodInjections.size() > 1) { metadataErrors.addError("Multiple builder methods are annotated with @ThriftConstructor ", builderMethodInjections); } } protected final void extractFromFields() { if (builderType == null) { // struct fields are readable and writable addFields(getStructClass(), true, true); } else { // builder fields are writable addFields(getBuilderClass(), false, true); // struct fields are readable addFields(getStructClass(), true, false); } } protected final void addFields(Class<?> clazz, boolean allowReaders, boolean allowWriters) { for (Field fieldField : ReflectionHelper.findAnnotatedFields(clazz, ThriftField.class)) { addField(fieldField, allowReaders, allowWriters); } // find invalid fields not skipped by findAnnotatedFields() for (Field field : getAllDeclaredFields(clazz)) { if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftField.class)) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(field.getModifiers())) { metadataErrors.addError("@ThriftField field '%s' is not public", field.toGenericString()); } if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { metadataErrors.addError("@ThriftField field '%s' is static", field.toGenericString()); } } } } protected final void addField(Field fieldField, boolean allowReaders, boolean allowWriters) { checkArgument(fieldField.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftField.class)); ThriftField annotation = fieldField.getAnnotation(ThriftField.class); if (allowReaders) { FieldExtractor fieldExtractor = new FieldExtractor(structType, fieldField, annotation, THRIFT_FIELD); fields.add(fieldExtractor); extractors.add(fieldExtractor); } if (allowWriters) { FieldInjection fieldInjection = new FieldInjection(structType, fieldField, annotation, THRIFT_FIELD); fields.add(fieldInjection); fieldInjections.add(fieldInjection); } } protected final void extractFromMethods() { if (builderType != null) { // builder methods are writable addMethods(builderType, false, true); // struct methods are readable addMethods(structType, true, false); } else { // struct methods are readable and writable addMethods(structType, true, true); } } protected final void addMethods(Type type, boolean allowReaders, boolean allowWriters) { Class<?> clazz = TypeToken.of(type).getRawType(); for (Method fieldMethod : findAnnotatedMethods(clazz, ThriftField.class)) { addMethod(type, fieldMethod, allowReaders, allowWriters); } // find invalid methods not skipped by findAnnotatedMethods() for (Method method : getAllDeclaredMethods(clazz)) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftField.class) || hasThriftFieldAnnotation(method)) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { metadataErrors.addError("@ThriftField method '%s' is not public", method.toGenericString()); } if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) { metadataErrors.addError("@ThriftField method '%s' is static", method.toGenericString()); } } } } protected final void addMethod(Type type, Method method, boolean allowReaders, boolean allowWriters) { checkArgument(method.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftField.class)); ThriftField annotation = method.getAnnotation(ThriftField.class); Class<?> clazz = TypeToken.of(type).getRawType(); // verify parameters if (isValidateGetter(method)) { if (allowReaders) { MethodExtractor methodExtractor = new MethodExtractor(type, method, annotation, THRIFT_FIELD); fields.add(methodExtractor); extractors.add(methodExtractor); } else { metadataErrors.addError("Reader method %s.%s is not allowed on a builder class", clazz.getName(), method.getName()); } } else if (isValidateSetter(method)) { if (allowWriters) { List<ParameterInjection> parameters; if (method.getParameterTypes().length > 1 || Iterables.any( asList(method.getParameterAnnotations()[0]), Predicates.instanceOf(ThriftField.class))) { parameters = getParameterInjections(type, method.getParameterAnnotations(), resolveFieldTypes(type, method.getGenericParameterTypes()), extractParameterNames(method)); if (annotation.value() != Short.MIN_VALUE) { metadataErrors.addError( "A method with annotated parameters can not have a field id specified: %s.%s ", clazz.getName(), method.getName()); } if (! { metadataErrors.addError( "A method with annotated parameters can not have a field name specified: %s.%s ", clazz.getName(), method.getName()); } if (annotation.requiredness() == Requiredness.REQUIRED) { metadataErrors.addError( "A method with annotated parameters can not be marked as required: %s.%s ", clazz.getName(), method.getName()); } } else { Type parameterType = resolveFieldTypes(type, method.getGenericParameterTypes())[0]; parameters = ImmutableList.of(new ParameterInjection(type, 0, annotation, ReflectionHelper.extractFieldName(method), parameterType)); } fields.addAll(parameters); methodInjections.add(new MethodInjection(method, parameters)); } else { metadataErrors.addError( "Inject method %s.%s is not allowed on struct class, since struct has a builder", clazz.getName(), method.getName()); } } else { metadataErrors.addError("Method %s.%s is not a supported getter or setter", clazz.getName(), method.getName()); } } protected final boolean hasThriftFieldAnnotation(Method method) { for (Annotation[] parameterAnnotations : method.getParameterAnnotations()) { for (Annotation parameterAnnotation : parameterAnnotations) { if (parameterAnnotation instanceof ThriftField) { return true; } } } return false; } protected final boolean isValidateGetter(Method method) { return method.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && method.getReturnType() != void.class; } protected final List<ParameterInjection> getParameterInjections(Type type, Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations, Type[] parameterTypes, String[] parameterNames) { List<ParameterInjection> parameters = newArrayListWithCapacity(parameterAnnotations.length); for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < parameterAnnotations.length; parameterIndex++) { Annotation[] annotations = parameterAnnotations[parameterIndex]; Type parameterType = parameterTypes[parameterIndex]; ThriftField thriftField = null; for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation instanceof ThriftField) { thriftField = (ThriftField) annotation; } } ParameterInjection parameterInjection = new ParameterInjection(type, parameterIndex, thriftField, parameterNames[parameterIndex], parameterType); parameters.add(parameterInjection); } return parameters; } protected final void normalizeThriftFields(ThriftCatalog catalog) { // assign all fields an id (if possible) Set<String> fieldsWithConflictingIds = inferThriftFieldIds(); // group fields by id Multimap<Optional<Short>, FieldMetadata> fieldsById = Multimaps.index(fields, getThriftFieldId()); for (Entry<Optional<Short>, Collection<FieldMetadata>> entry : fieldsById.asMap().entrySet()) { Collection<FieldMetadata> fields = entry.getValue(); // fields must have an id if (!entry.getKey().isPresent()) { for (String fieldName : newTreeSet(transform(fields, getOrExtractThriftFieldName()))) { // only report errors for fields that don't have conflicting ids if (!fieldsWithConflictingIds.contains(fieldName)) { metadataErrors.addError("Thrift class '%s' fields %s do not have an id", structName, newTreeSet(transform(fields, getOrExtractThriftFieldName()))); } } continue; } short fieldId = entry.getKey().get(); // ensure all fields for this ID have the same name String fieldName = extractFieldName(fieldId, fields); for (FieldMetadata field : fields) { field.setName(fieldName); } // ensure all fields for this ID have the same requiredness Requiredness requiredness = extractFieldRequiredness(fieldId, fieldName, fields); for (FieldMetadata field : fields) { field.setRequiredness(requiredness); } // We need to do the isLegacyId check in two places. We've already done this // process for fields which had multiple `@ThriftField` annotations when we // assigned them all the same ID. It doesn't hurt to do it again. On the other // hand, we need to do it now to catch the fields which only had a single // @ThriftAnnotation, because inferThriftFieldIds skipped them. boolean isLegacyId = extractFieldIsLegacyId(fieldId, fieldName, fields); for (FieldMetadata field : fields) { field.setIsLegacyId(isLegacyId); } // verify fields have a supported java type and all fields // for this ID have the same thrift type verifyFieldType(fieldId, fieldName, fields, catalog); } } /** * Assigns all fields an id if possible. Fields are grouped by name and for each group, if there * is a single id, all fields in the group are assigned this id. If the group has multiple ids, * an error is reported. */ protected final Set<String> inferThriftFieldIds() { Set<String> fieldsWithConflictingIds = new HashSet<>(); // group fields by explicit name or by name extracted from field, method or property Multimap<String, FieldMetadata> fieldsByExplicitOrExtractedName = Multimaps.index(fields, getOrExtractThriftFieldName()); inferThriftFieldIds(fieldsByExplicitOrExtractedName, fieldsWithConflictingIds); // group fields by name extracted from field, method or property // this allows thrift name to be set explicitly without having to duplicate the name on getters and setters // todo should this be the only way this works? Multimap<String, FieldMetadata> fieldsByExtractedName = Multimaps.index(fields, extractThriftFieldName()); inferThriftFieldIds(fieldsByExtractedName, fieldsWithConflictingIds); return fieldsWithConflictingIds; } protected final void inferThriftFieldIds(Multimap<String, FieldMetadata> fieldsByName, Set<String> fieldsWithConflictingIds) { // for each name group, set the ids on the fields without ids for (Entry<String, Collection<FieldMetadata>> entry : fieldsByName.asMap().entrySet()) { Collection<FieldMetadata> fields = entry.getValue(); String fieldName = entry.getKey(); // skip all entries without a name or singleton groups... we'll deal with these later if (fields.size() <= 1) { continue; } // all ids used by this named field Set<Short> ids = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Optional.presentInstances(transform(fields, getThriftFieldId()))); // multiple conflicting ids if (ids.size() > 1) { if (!fieldsWithConflictingIds.contains(fieldName)) { metadataErrors.addError("Thrift class '%s' field '%s' has multiple ids: %s", structName, fieldName, ids.toString()); fieldsWithConflictingIds.add(fieldName); } continue; } // single id, so set on all fields in this group (groups with no id are handled later), // and validate isLegacyId is consistent and correct. if (ids.size() == 1) { short id = Iterables.getOnlyElement(ids); boolean isLegacyId = extractFieldIsLegacyId(id, fieldName, fields); // propagate the id data to all fields in this group for (FieldMetadata field : fields) { field.setId(id); field.setIsLegacyId(isLegacyId); } } } } protected final boolean extractFieldIsLegacyId(short id, String fieldName, Collection<FieldMetadata> fields) { Set<Boolean> isLegacyIds = ImmutableSet .copyOf(Optional.presentInstances(transform(fields, getThriftFieldIsLegacyId()))); if (isLegacyIds.size() > 1) { metadataErrors.addError("Thrift class '%s' field '%s' has both isLegacyId=true and isLegacyId=false", structName, fieldName); } if (id < 0) { if (!isLegacyIds.contains(true)) { metadataErrors.addError( "Thrift class '%s' field '%s' has a negative field id but not isLegacyId=true", structName, fieldName); } } else { if (isLegacyIds.contains(true)) { metadataErrors.addError( "Thrift class '%s' field '%s' has isLegacyId=true but not a negative field id", structName, fieldName); } } return id < 0; } protected final String extractFieldName(short id, Collection<FieldMetadata> fields) { // get the names used by these fields Set<String> names = ImmutableSet.copyOf(filter(transform(fields, getThriftFieldName()), notNull())); String name; if (!names.isEmpty()) { if (names.size() > 1) { metadataErrors.addWarning("Thrift class %s field %s has multiple names %s", structName, id, names); } name = names.iterator().next(); } else { // pick a name for this field name = Iterables.find(transform(fields, extractThriftFieldName()), notNull()); } return name; } protected final Requiredness extractFieldRequiredness(short fieldId, String fieldName, Collection<FieldMetadata> fields) { Predicate<Requiredness> specificRequiredness = new Predicate<Requiredness>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable Requiredness input) { return (input != null) && (input != Requiredness.UNSPECIFIED); } }; Set<Requiredness> requirednessValues = ImmutableSet .copyOf(filter(transform(fields, getThriftFieldRequiredness()), specificRequiredness)); if (requirednessValues.size() > 1) { metadataErrors.addError("Thrift class '%s' field '%s(%d)' has multiple requiredness values: %s", structName, fieldName, fieldId, requirednessValues.toString()); } Requiredness resolvedRequiredness; if (requirednessValues.isEmpty()) { resolvedRequiredness = Requiredness.NONE; } else { resolvedRequiredness = requirednessValues.iterator().next(); } return resolvedRequiredness; } /** * Verifies that the the fields all have a supported Java type and that all fields map to the * exact same ThriftType. */ protected final void verifyFieldType(short id, String name, Collection<FieldMetadata> fields, ThriftCatalog catalog) { boolean isSupportedType = true; for (FieldMetadata field : fields) { if (!catalog.isSupportedStructFieldType(field.getJavaType())) { metadataErrors.addError("Thrift class '%s' field '%s(%s)' type '%s' is not a supported Java type", structName, name, id, TypeToken.of(field.getJavaType())); isSupportedType = false; // only report the error once break; } } // fields must have the same type if (isSupportedType) { Set<ThriftType> types = new HashSet<>(); for (FieldMetadata field : fields) { types.add(catalog.getThriftType(field.getJavaType())); } if (types.size() > 1) { metadataErrors.addError("Thrift class '%s' field '%s(%s)' has multiple types: %s", structName, name, id, types); } } } protected final ThriftMethodInjection buildBuilderConstructorInjections() { ThriftMethodInjection builderMethodInjection = null; if (builderType != null) { MethodInjection builderMethod = builderMethodInjections.get(0); builderMethodInjection = new ThriftMethodInjection(builderMethod.getMethod(), buildParameterInjections(builderMethod.getParameters())); } return builderMethodInjection; } protected final Iterable<ThriftFieldMetadata> buildFieldInjections() { Multimap<Optional<Short>, FieldMetadata> fieldsById = Multimaps.index(fields, getThriftFieldId()); return Iterables.transform(fieldsById.asMap().values(), new Function<Collection<FieldMetadata>, ThriftFieldMetadata>() { @Override public ThriftFieldMetadata apply(Collection<FieldMetadata> input) { checkArgument(!input.isEmpty(), "input is empty"); return buildField(input); } }); } protected final List<ThriftMethodInjection> buildMethodInjections() { return Lists.transform(methodInjections, new Function<MethodInjection, ThriftMethodInjection>() { @Override public ThriftMethodInjection apply(MethodInjection injection) { return new ThriftMethodInjection(injection.getMethod(), buildParameterInjections(injection.getParameters())); } }); } protected final List<ThriftParameterInjection> buildParameterInjections(List<ParameterInjection> parameters) { return Lists.transform(parameters, new Function<ParameterInjection, ThriftParameterInjection>() { @Override public ThriftParameterInjection apply(ParameterInjection injection) { return new ThriftParameterInjection(injection.getId(), injection.getName(), injection.getParameterIndex(), injection.getJavaType()); } }); } }