Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2014 Miroslav Cupak ( * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.dnastack.bob.service.impl; import com.dnastack.bob.service.lrg.Brca; import com.dnastack.bob.service.lrg.Brca2; import com.dnastack.bob.service.lrg.LrgConvertor; import com.dnastack.bob.service.lrg.LrgLocus; import com.dnastack.bob.service.lrg.LrgReference; import com.dnastack.bob.persistence.api.BeaconDao; import com.dnastack.bob.persistence.api.QueryDao; import com.dnastack.bob.persistence.entity.Beacon; import com.dnastack.bob.persistence.entity.Query; import com.dnastack.bob.persistence.enumerated.Chromosome; import com.dnastack.bob.persistence.enumerated.Reference; import com.dnastack.bob.service.processor.api.BeaconResponse; import com.dnastack.bob.service.api.BeaconResponseService; import com.dnastack.bob.service.dto.BeaconResponseTo; import com.dnastack.bob.service.util.Entity2ToConvertor; import com.dnastack.bob.service.processor.util.ProcessorResolver; import com.dnastack.bob.service.processor.util.QueryUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import javax.ejb.AsyncResult; import javax.ejb.Asynchronous; import javax.ejb.LocalBean; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.enterprise.context.Dependent; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.transaction.Transactional; import javax.validation.Validator; import static com.dnastack.bob.service.processor.util.Constants.REQUEST_TIMEOUT; /** * Implementation of a service for managing beacon responses. * * @author Miroslav Cupak ( * @version 1.0 */ @Stateless @LocalBean @Named @Dependent @Transactional public class BeaconResponseServiceImpl implements BeaconResponseService, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 103L; @Inject private BeaconDao beaconDao; @Inject private ProcessorResolver pr; @Inject private QueryDao queryDao; @Inject private Validator validator; @Inject @Brca private LrgConvertor brcaConvertor; @Inject @Brca2 private LrgConvertor brca2Convertor; /** * Obtains a canonical query object without persisting. * * @param chrom chromosome * @param pos position * @param allele allele * @param ref genome * * @return normalized query */ private Query prepareQuery(String chrom, Long pos, String allele, String ref) { Chromosome c = QueryUtils.normalizeChromosome(chrom); Reference r = QueryUtils.normalizeReference(ref); return new Query(c == null ? null : c, pos, QueryUtils.normalizeAllele(allele), r == null ? null : r); } private boolean queryNotNormalizedOrValid(Query q, String ref) { return (!(ref == null || ref.isEmpty()) && q.getReference() == null) || !validator.validate(q).isEmpty(); } @Asynchronous private Future<Boolean> queryBeacon(Beacon b, Query q) throws ClassNotFoundException { Boolean total = null; if (b.isAggregator()) { total = false; // execute queries in parallel Map<Beacon, Future<Boolean>> futures = new HashMap<>(); Set<Beacon> children = beaconDao.findDescendants(b, false, true, false, false); for (Beacon bt : children) { futures.put(bt, pr.getProcessor(bt.getProcessor()).executeQuery(bt, q)); } // collect results for (Entry<Beacon, Future<Boolean>> e : futures.entrySet()) { Boolean res = null; try { res = e.getValue().get(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException ex) { // ignore, response already null } if (res != null && res) { total = true; } } } else { try { total = pr.getProcessor(b.getProcessor()).executeQuery(b, q).get(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException ex) { // ignore } } return new AsyncResult<>(total); } private Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> setUpBeaconResponseMapForBeacons(Collection<Beacon> bs, Query q) { Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> brs = new HashMap<>(); if (bs != null) { for (Beacon b : bs) { if (b != null) { brs.put(b, new BeaconResponse(b, q, null)); } } } return brs; } private Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> setUpBeaconResponseMapForIds(Collection<String> beaconIds, Query q) { if (beaconIds == null) { return setUpBeaconResponseMapForBeacons(beaconDao.findByVisibility(true), q); } Set<Beacon> bs = new HashSet<>(); for (String id : beaconIds) { Beacon b = beaconDao.findById(id); if (b != null && b.getVisible()) { bs.add(b); } } return setUpBeaconResponseMapForBeacons(bs, q); } private Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> fillBeaconResponseMap(Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> brs, Query q) throws ClassNotFoundException { // execute queries in parallel Map<Beacon, Future<Boolean>> futures = new HashMap<>(); for (Beacon b : brs.keySet()) { futures.put(b, queryBeacon(b, q)); } // collect results for (Entry<Beacon, Future<Boolean>> e : futures.entrySet()) { Boolean b = null; try { b = e.getValue().get(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException ex) { // ignore, response already null } if (b != null) { brs.get(e.getKey()).setResponse(b); } } return brs; } private Query getQuery(String chrom, Long pos, String allele, String ref) { LrgConvertor l = null; String c = chrom; Long p = pos; String r = ref; String a = allele; if (ref != null && ref.equalsIgnoreCase(LrgReference.LRG.toString())) { if (chrom.equalsIgnoreCase(LrgLocus.LRG_292.toString())) { l = brcaConvertor; } else if (chrom.equalsIgnoreCase(LrgLocus.LRG_293.toString())) { l = brca2Convertor; } if (l != null) { c = l.getChromosome().toString(); p = l.getPosition(pos); r = l.getReference().toString(); } } return prepareQuery(c, p, a, r); } private Multimap<Beacon, Beacon> setUpChildrenMultimap(Collection<Beacon> beacons) { Multimap<Beacon, Beacon> children = HashMultimap.create(); for (Beacon b : beacons) { if (b.isAggregator()) { children.putAll(b, beaconDao.findDescendants(b, false, true, false, false)); } else { children.put(b, b); } } return children; } private Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> fillAggregateResponses(Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> parentResponses, Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> childrenResponses, Multimap<Beacon, Beacon> children, Query q) { Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> res = new HashMap<>(parentResponses); for (Entry<Beacon, BeaconResponse> e : res.entrySet()) { BeaconResponse response = e.getValue(); if (response == null) { response = new BeaconResponse(e.getKey(), q, null); } Collection<Beacon> cs = children.get(e.getKey()); boolean notAllResponsesNull = false; for (Beacon c : cs) { BeaconResponse cr = childrenResponses.get(c); if (cr != null && cr.getResponse() != null) { notAllResponsesNull = true; if (cr.getResponse()) { response.setResponse(true); break; } } } if (notAllResponsesNull && response.getResponse() == null) { response.setResponse(false); } e.setValue(response); } return res; } private Collection<BeaconResponse> queryMultipleBeacons(Collection<String> beaconIds, String chrom, Long pos, String allele, String ref) throws ClassNotFoundException { Query q = getQuery(chrom, pos, allele, ref); // init to create a response for each beacon even if the query is invalid Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> brs = setUpBeaconResponseMapForIds(beaconIds, q); // validate query if (queryNotNormalizedOrValid(q, ref)) { return brs.values(); } // construct map of atomic nodes covered by aggregates Multimap<Beacon, Beacon> children = setUpChildrenMultimap(brs.keySet()); // obtain children's responses Map<Beacon, BeaconResponse> childrenResponses = fillBeaconResponseMap( setUpBeaconResponseMapForBeacons(new HashSet<>(children.values()), q), q); // aggregate return fillAggregateResponses(brs, childrenResponses, children, q).values(); } @Override public BeaconResponseTo queryBeacon(String beaconId, String chrom, Long pos, String allele, String ref) throws ClassNotFoundException { Query q = getQuery(chrom, pos, allele, ref); Beacon b = beaconDao.findById(beaconId); if (b == null || !b.getVisible()) { // nonexisting beaconId param specified Beacon beacon = new Beacon(); beacon.setId("null"); beacon.setName("invalid beacon"); beacon.setOrganization(null); beacon.setUrl(null); beacon.setEnabled(false); beacon.setVisible(false); beacon.setProcessor(null); return Entity2ToConvertor.getBeaconResponseTo(new BeaconResponse(beacon, q, null)); } BeaconResponse br = new BeaconResponse(b, q, null); if (queryNotNormalizedOrValid(q, ref)) { return Entity2ToConvertor.getBeaconResponseTo(br); } try { br.setResponse(queryBeacon(b, q).get(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException ex) { // ignore, response already null } return Entity2ToConvertor.getBeaconResponseTo(br); } @Override public Collection<BeaconResponseTo> queryBeacons(Collection<String> beaconIds, String chrom, Long pos, String allele, String ref) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (beaconIds == null) { return new HashSet<>(); } return Entity2ToConvertor.getBeaconResponseTos(queryMultipleBeacons(beaconIds, chrom, pos, allele, ref)); } @Override public Collection<BeaconResponseTo> queryAll(String chrom, Long pos, String allele, String ref) throws ClassNotFoundException { return Entity2ToConvertor.getBeaconResponseTos(queryMultipleBeacons(null, chrom, pos, allele, ref)); } }