Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Palantir Technologies * * Licensed under the BSD-3 License (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.palantir.atlasdb.transaction.impl; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentNavigableMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.palantir.atlasdb.cleaner.Cleaner; import com.palantir.atlasdb.cleaner.NoOpCleaner; import com.palantir.atlasdb.encoding.PtBytes; import com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.api.Cell; import com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.api.ColumnSelection; import com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.api.KeyValueService; import com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.api.RangeRequest; import com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.api.RangeRequests; import com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.api.RowResult; import com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.impl.Cells; import com.palantir.atlasdb.transaction.api.AtlasDbConstraintCheckingMode; import com.palantir.atlasdb.transaction.api.ConflictHandler; import com.palantir.atlasdb.transaction.api.Transaction; import com.palantir.atlasdb.transaction.api.TransactionReadSentinelBehavior; import com.palantir.atlasdb.transaction.api.TransactionSerializableConflictException; import com.palantir.atlasdb.transaction.service.TransactionService; import com.palantir.common.annotation.Idempotent; import com.palantir.common.base.AbortingVisitor; import com.palantir.common.base.BatchingVisitable; import com.palantir.common.base.BatchingVisitableView; import com.palantir.common.collect.IterableUtils; import com.palantir.common.collect.Maps2; import com.palantir.lock.LockRefreshToken; import com.palantir.lock.RemoteLockService; import com.palantir.timestamp.TimestampService; import com.palantir.util.Pair; /** * This class will track all reads to verify that there are no read-write conflicts at commit time. * A read-write conflict is one where the value we read at our startTs is different than the value at our * commitTs. We ignore all cells that have been written to during this transaction because those will * result in write-write conflicts and we don't need to worry about them. * <p> * If every table was marked as Serializable then we wouldn't need to also do write write conflict checking. * However, it is very common that we will be running in a mixed mode so this implementation does the standard * write/write conflict checking as well as preventing read/write conflicts to attain serializability. */ public class SerializableTransaction extends SnapshotTransaction { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SerializableTransaction.class); final ConcurrentMap<String, ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]>> readsByTable = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); final ConcurrentMap<String, ConcurrentMap<RangeRequest, byte[]>> rangeEndByTable = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); final ConcurrentMap<String, Set<Cell>> cellsRead = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); final ConcurrentMap<String, Set<RowRead>> rowsRead = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); public SerializableTransaction(KeyValueService keyValueService, RemoteLockService lockService, TimestampService timestampService, TransactionService transactionService, Cleaner cleaner, Supplier<Long> startTimeStamp, ConflictDetectionManager conflictDetectionManager, SweepStrategyManager sweepStrategyManager, long immutableTimestamp, Iterable<LockRefreshToken> tokensValidForCommit, AtlasDbConstraintCheckingMode constraintCheckingMode, Long transactionTimeoutMillis, TransactionReadSentinelBehavior readSentinelBehavior, boolean allowHiddenTableAccess) { super(keyValueService, lockService, timestampService, transactionService, cleaner, startTimeStamp, conflictDetectionManager, sweepStrategyManager, immutableTimestamp, tokensValidForCommit, constraintCheckingMode, transactionTimeoutMillis, readSentinelBehavior, allowHiddenTableAccess); } @Override @Idempotent public SortedMap<byte[], RowResult<byte[]>> getRows(String tableName, Iterable<byte[]> rows, ColumnSelection columnSelection) { SortedMap<byte[], RowResult<byte[]>> ret = super.getRows(tableName, rows, columnSelection); markRowsRead(tableName, rows, columnSelection, ret.values()); return ret; } @Override @Idempotent public Map<Cell, byte[]> get(String tableName, Set<Cell> cells) { Map<Cell, byte[]> ret = super.get(tableName, cells); markCellsRead(tableName, cells, ret); return ret; } @Override @Idempotent public BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>> getRange(final String tableName, final RangeRequest rangeRequest) { final BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>> ret = super.getRange(tableName, rangeRequest); return wrapRange(tableName, rangeRequest, ret); } @Override @Idempotent public Iterable<BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>>> getRanges(final String tableName, Iterable<RangeRequest> rangeRequests) { Iterable<BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>>> ret = super.getRanges(tableName, rangeRequests); Iterable<Pair<RangeRequest, BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>>>> zip =, ret); return Iterables.transform(zip, new Function<Pair<RangeRequest, BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>>>, BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>>>() { @Override public BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>> apply( Pair<RangeRequest, BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>>> pair) { return wrapRange(tableName, pair.lhSide, pair.rhSide); } }); } private BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>> wrapRange(final String tableName, final RangeRequest rangeRequest, final BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>> ret) { return new BatchingVisitable<RowResult<byte[]>>() { @Override public <K extends Exception> boolean batchAccept(final int batchSize, final AbortingVisitor<? super List<RowResult<byte[]>>, K> v) throws K { boolean hitEnd = ret.batchAccept(batchSize, new AbortingVisitor<List<RowResult<byte[]>>, K>() { @Override public boolean visit(List<RowResult<byte[]>> items) throws K { if (items.size() < batchSize) { reachedEndOfRange(tableName, rangeRequest); } markRangeRead(tableName, rangeRequest, items); return v.visit(items); } }); if (hitEnd) { reachedEndOfRange(tableName, rangeRequest); } return hitEnd; } }; } private ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> getReadsForTable(String table) { ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> reads = readsByTable.get(table); if (reads == null) { ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> newMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<Cell, byte[]>(); readsByTable.putIfAbsent(table, newMap); reads = readsByTable.get(table); } return reads; } private void setRangeEnd(String table, RangeRequest range, byte[] maxRow) { Validate.notNull(maxRow); ConcurrentMap<RangeRequest, byte[]> rangeEnds = rangeEndByTable.get(table); if (rangeEnds == null) { ConcurrentMap<RangeRequest, byte[]> newMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); rangeEndByTable.putIfAbsent(table, newMap); rangeEnds = rangeEndByTable.get(table); } if (maxRow.length == 0) { rangeEnds.put(range, maxRow); } while (true) { byte[] curVal = rangeEnds.get(range); if (curVal == null) { byte[] oldVal = rangeEnds.putIfAbsent(range, maxRow); if (oldVal == null) { return; } else { continue; } } if (curVal.length == 0) { return; } if (UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator().compare(curVal, maxRow) >= 0) { return; } if (rangeEnds.replace(range, curVal, maxRow)) { return; } } } boolean isSerializableTable(String table) { return getConflictHandlerForTable(table) == ConflictHandler.SERIALIZABLE; } /** * This exists to transform the incoming byte[] to cloned one to ensure that all the byte array * comparisons are valid. */ protected Map<Cell, byte[]> transformGetsForTesting(Map<Cell, byte[]> map) { return map; } private void markCellsRead(String table, Set<Cell> searched, Map<Cell, byte[]> result) { if (!isSerializableTable(table)) { return; } result = transformGetsForTesting(result); getReadsForTable(table).putAll(result); Set<Cell> cellsForTable = cellsRead.get(table); if (cellsForTable == null) { cellsRead.putIfAbsent(table, Sets.<Cell>newConcurrentHashSet()); cellsForTable = cellsRead.get(table); } cellsForTable.addAll(searched); } private void markRangeRead(String table, RangeRequest range, List<RowResult<byte[]>> result) { if (!isSerializableTable(table)) { return; } ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> reads = getReadsForTable(table); for (RowResult<byte[]> row : result) { Map<Cell, byte[]> map = Maps2.fromEntries(row.getCells()); map = transformGetsForTesting(map); reads.putAll(map); } setRangeEnd(table, range, result.get(result.size() - 1).getRowName()); } static class RowRead { final ImmutableList<byte[]> rows; final ColumnSelection cols; RowRead(Iterable<byte[]> rows, ColumnSelection cols) { this.rows = ImmutableList.copyOf(rows); this.cols = cols; } } private void markRowsRead(String table, Iterable<byte[]> rows, ColumnSelection cols, Iterable<RowResult<byte[]>> result) { if (!isSerializableTable(table)) { return; } ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> reads = getReadsForTable(table); for (RowResult<byte[]> row : result) { Map<Cell, byte[]> map = Maps2.fromEntries(row.getCells()); map = transformGetsForTesting(map); reads.putAll(map); } Set<RowRead> rowReads = rowsRead.get(table); if (rowReads == null) { rowsRead.putIfAbsent(table, Sets.<RowRead>newConcurrentHashSet()); rowReads = rowsRead.get(table); } rowReads.add(new RowRead(rows, cols)); } private void reachedEndOfRange(String table, RangeRequest range) { if (!isSerializableTable(table)) { return; } setRangeEnd(table, range, PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY); } @Override @Idempotent public void put(String tableName, Map<Cell, byte[]> values) { super.put(tableName, values); } @Override protected void throwIfReadWriteConflictForSerializable(long commitTimestamp) { Transaction ro = getReadOnlyTransaction(commitTimestamp); verifyRanges(ro); verifyCells(ro); verifyRows(ro); } private void verifyRows(Transaction ro) { for (String table : rowsRead.keySet()) { final ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> readsForTable = getReadsForTable(table); Multimap<ColumnSelection, byte[]> map = Multimaps.newSortedSetMultimap( Maps.<ColumnSelection, Collection<byte[]>>newHashMap(), new Supplier<SortedSet<byte[]>>() { @Override public TreeSet<byte[]> get() { return Sets.newTreeSet(UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator()); } }); for (RowRead r : rowsRead.get(table)) { map.putAll(r.cols, r.rows); } for (final ColumnSelection cols : map.keySet()) { for (List<byte[]> batch : Iterables.partition(map.get(cols), 1000)) { SortedMap<byte[], RowResult<byte[]>> currentRows = ro.getRows(table, batch, cols); for (byte[] row : batch) { RowResult<byte[]> currentRow = currentRows.get(row); Map<Cell, byte[]> orignalReads = readsForTable .tailMap(Cells.createSmallestCellForRow(row), true) .headMap(Cells.createLargestCellForRow(row), true); // We want to filter out all our reads to just the set that matches our column selection. orignalReads = Maps.filterKeys(orignalReads, new Predicate<Cell>() { @Override public boolean apply(Cell input) { return cols.contains(input.getColumnName()); } }); if (writesByTable.get(table) != null) { // We don't want to verify any reads that we wrote to cause we will just read our own values. // NB: We filter our write set out here because our normal SI checking handles this case to ensure the value hasn't changed. orignalReads = Maps.filterKeys(orignalReads, Predicates.not(; } if (currentRow == null && orignalReads.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (currentRow == null) { throw TransactionSerializableConflictException.create(table, getTimestamp(), System.currentTimeMillis() - timeCreated); } Map<Cell, byte[]> currentCells = Maps2.fromEntries(currentRow.getCells()); if (writesByTable.get(table) != null) { // We don't want to verify any reads that we wrote to cause we will just read our own values. // NB: We filter our write set out here because our normal SI checking handles this case to ensure the value hasn't changed. currentCells = Maps.filterKeys(currentCells, Predicates.not(; } if (!areMapsEqual(orignalReads, currentCells)) { throw TransactionSerializableConflictException.create(table, getTimestamp(), System.currentTimeMillis() - timeCreated); } } } } } } private boolean areMapsEqual(Map<Cell, byte[]> map1, Map<Cell, byte[]> map2) { if (map1.size() != map2.size()) { return false; } for (Map.Entry<Cell, byte[]> e : map1.entrySet()) { if (!map2.containsKey(e.getKey())) { return false; } if (UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator().compare(e.getValue(), map2.get(e.getKey())) != 0) { return false; } } return true; } private void verifyCells(Transaction ro) { for (String table : cellsRead.keySet()) { final ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> readsForTable = getReadsForTable(table); for (Iterable<Cell> batch : Iterables.partition(cellsRead.get(table), 1000)) { if (writesByTable.get(table) != null) { // We don't want to verify any reads that we wrote to cause we will just read our own values. // NB: If the value has changed between read and write, our normal SI checking handles this case batch = Iterables.filter(batch, Predicates.not(; } ImmutableSet<Cell> batchSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(batch); Map<Cell, byte[]> currentBatch = ro.get(table, batchSet); ImmutableMap<Cell, byte[]> originalReads = Maps.toMap( Sets.intersection(batchSet, readsForTable.keySet()), Functions.forMap(readsForTable)); if (!areMapsEqual(currentBatch, originalReads)) { throw TransactionSerializableConflictException.create(table, getTimestamp(), System.currentTimeMillis() - timeCreated); } } } } private void verifyRanges(Transaction ro) { // verify each set of reads to ensure they are the same. for (String table : rangeEndByTable.keySet()) { for (Entry<RangeRequest, byte[]> e : rangeEndByTable.get(table).entrySet()) { RangeRequest range = e.getKey(); byte[] rangeEnd = e.getValue(); if (rangeEnd.length != 0 && !RangeRequests.isTerminalRow(range.isReverse(), rangeEnd)) { range = range.getBuilder() .endRowExclusive(RangeRequests.getNextStartRow(range.isReverse(), rangeEnd)).build(); } final ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> writes = writesByTable.get(table); BatchingVisitableView<RowResult<byte[]>> bv = BatchingVisitableView.of(ro.getRange(table, range)); NavigableMap<Cell, ByteBuffer> readsInRange = Maps.transformValues(getReadsInRange(table, e, range), new Function<byte[], ByteBuffer>() { @Override public ByteBuffer apply(byte[] input) { return ByteBuffer.wrap(input); } }); boolean isEqual = bv .transformBatch(new Function<List<RowResult<byte[]>>, List<Entry<Cell, ByteBuffer>>>() { @Override public List<Entry<Cell, ByteBuffer>> apply(List<RowResult<byte[]>> input) { List<Entry<Cell, ByteBuffer>> ret = Lists.newArrayList(); for (RowResult<byte[]> row : input) { for (Entry<Cell, byte[]> cell : row.getCells()) { // NB: We filter our write set out here because our normal SI checking handles this case to ensure the value hasn't changed. if (writes == null || !writes.containsKey(cell.getKey())) { ret.add(Maps.immutableEntry(cell.getKey(), ByteBuffer.wrap(cell.getValue()))); } } } return ret; } }).isEqual(readsInRange.entrySet()); if (!isEqual) { throw TransactionSerializableConflictException.create(table, getTimestamp(), System.currentTimeMillis() - timeCreated); } } } } private NavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> getReadsInRange(String table, Entry<RangeRequest, byte[]> e, RangeRequest range) { NavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> reads = getReadsForTable(table); if (range.getStartInclusive().length != 0) { reads = reads.tailMap(Cells.createSmallestCellForRow(range.getStartInclusive()), true); } if (range.getEndExclusive().length != 0) { reads = reads.headMap(Cells.createSmallestCellForRow(range.getEndExclusive()), false); } ConcurrentNavigableMap<Cell, byte[]> writes = writesByTable.get(table); if (writes != null) { reads = Maps.filterKeys(reads, Predicates.not(; } return reads; } private Transaction getReadOnlyTransaction(final long commitTs) { return new SnapshotTransaction(keyValueService, lockService, timestampService, defaultTransactionService, NoOpCleaner.INSTANCE, Suppliers.ofInstance(commitTs + 1), ConflictDetectionManagers.withoutConflictDetection(keyValueService), sweepStrategyManager, immutableTimestamp, Collections.<LockRefreshToken>emptyList(), AtlasDbConstraintCheckingMode.NO_CONSTRAINT_CHECKING, transactionReadTimeoutMillis, getReadSentinelBehavior(), allowHiddenTableAccess) { @Override protected Map<Long, Long> getCommitTimestamps(String tableName, Iterable<Long> startTimestamps, boolean waitForCommitterToComplete) { Set<Long> beforeStart = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<Long> afterStart = Sets.newHashSet(); boolean containsMyStart = false; long myStart = SerializableTransaction.this.getTimestamp(); for (long startTs : startTimestamps) { if (startTs == myStart) { containsMyStart = true; } else if (startTs < myStart) { beforeStart.add(startTs); } else { afterStart.add(startTs); } } Map<Long, Long> ret = Maps.newHashMap(); if (!afterStart.isEmpty()) { // We do not block when waiting for results that were written after our // start timestamp. If we block here it may lead to deadlock if two transactions // (or a cycle of any length) have all written their data and all doing checks before committing. Map<Long, Long> afterResults = super.getCommitTimestamps(tableName, afterStart, false); if (!afterResults.keySet().containsAll(afterStart)) { // If we do not get back all these results we may be in the deadlock case so we should just // fail out early. It may be the case that abort more transactions than needed to break the // deadlock cycle, but this should be pretty rare. throw new TransactionSerializableConflictException("An uncommitted conflicting read was " + "written after our start timestamp for table " + tableName + ". " + "This case can cause deadlock and is very likely to be a read write conflict."); } else { ret.putAll(afterResults); } } // We are ok to block here because if there is a cycle of transactions that could result in a deadlock, // then at least one of them will be in the ab ret.putAll(super.getCommitTimestamps(tableName, beforeStart, waitForCommitterToComplete)); if (containsMyStart) { ret.put(myStart, commitTs); } return ret; } }; } }