Java tutorial
/** * Created on Oct 14, 2009 */ package com.googlecode.blaisemath.graph; /* * #%L * BlaiseGraphTheory * -- * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015 Elisha Peterson * -- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.blaisemath.linear.Matrices; import com.googlecode.blaisemath.util.Edge; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * Contains several utility methods for creating and analyzing graphs. * * @author Elisha Peterson */ public class GraphUtils { /** Used to sort graphs in descending order by size */ public static final Comparator<Graph> GRAPH_SIZE_DESCENDING = new Comparator<Graph>() { @Override public int compare(Graph o1, Graph o2) { return -(o1.nodeCount() == o2.nodeCount() && o1.edgeCount() == o2.edgeCount() ? o1.nodes().toString().compareTo(o2.nodes().toString()) : o1.nodeCount() == o2.nodeCount() ? o1.edgeCount() - o2.edgeCount() : o1.nodeCount() - o2.nodeCount()); } }; // utility class private GraphUtils() { } //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="GENERIC PRINT METHODS"> // // GENERIC PRINT METHODS // /** * Returns string representation of specified graph * @param graph the graph to print * @return string representation of graph */ public static String printGraph(Graph<?> graph) { return printGraph(graph, true, true); } /** * Returns string representation of specified graph * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the graph to print * @param printNodes whether to print nodes or not * @param printEdges whether to print edges or not * @return string representation of graph */ public static <V> String printGraph(Graph<V> graph, boolean printNodes, boolean printEdges) { if (!printEdges && !printNodes) { return "GRAPH"; } else if (printNodes && !printEdges) { Set<V> nodes = graph.nodes(); if (nodes.size() > 0 && nodes.iterator().next() instanceof Comparable) { nodes = new TreeSet<V>(nodes); } return "NODES: " + nodes; } Set<V> nodes = graph.nodes(); boolean sortable = nodes.size() > 0 && nodes.iterator().next() instanceof Comparable; if (sortable) { nodes = new TreeSet<V>(nodes); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (printNodes) { result.append("NODES: ").append(nodes).append(" "); } result.append("EDGES:"); for (V v : nodes) { result.append(" ").append(v).append(": ") .append(sortable ? new TreeSet(graph.outNeighbors(v)) : graph.outNeighbors(v)); } return result.toString(); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="COPY/DUPLICATION"> // // DUPLICATION METHODS // /** * Creates a copy of a set of edges. * @param <V> graph node type * @param edges source edges * @return copy of edges */ public static <V> Iterable<Edge<V>> copyEdges(Iterable<? extends Edge<V>> edges) { List<Edge<V>> res = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Edge<V> e : edges) { res.add(new Edge<V>(e)); } return res; } /** * Creates a copy of the specified graph by iterating through all possible * adjacencies. Also optimizes the underlying representation by choosing * either a sparse graph or a matrix graph representation. If the input * graph has extra properties, such as node labels, they are not included in * the copy. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph a graph * @return an instance of the graph with the same vertices and edges, but a new copy of it */ public static <V> Graph<V> copyAsSparseGraph(Graph<V> graph) { return SparseGraph.createFromEdges(graph.isDirected(), graph.nodes(), copyEdges(graph.edges())); } /** * Creates an undirected copy of the specified graph. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph a graph * @return undirected copy with the same collection of edges */ public static <V> Graph<V> copyAsUndirectedSparseGraph(Graph<V> graph) { return SparseGraph.createFromEdges(false, graph.nodes(), copyEdges(graph.edges())); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="SUBGRAPHS"> // // SUBGRAPHS // /** * Create a subgraph of a parent graph. * @param <V> graph node type * @param parent parent graph * @param nodes nodes of parent to keep * @return new graph */ public static <V> Graph<V> copySubgraph(Graph<V> parent, final Set<V> nodes) { Iterable<Edge<V>> filteredEdges = Iterables.filter(parent.edges(), new Predicate<Edge<V>>() { @Override public boolean apply(Edge<V> input) { return nodes.contains(input.getNode1()) && nodes.contains(input.getNode2()); } }); return SparseGraph.createFromEdges(parent.isDirected(), nodes, filteredEdges); } /** * Extract the core graph from a parent graph, consisting of only nodes * with degree at least 2. * @param <V> graph node type * @param parent parent graph * @return graph with isolates and leaves pruned */ public static <V> Graph<V> core(Graph<V> parent) { Set<V> cNodes = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); if (parent instanceof OptimizedGraph) { OptimizedGraph<V> og = (OptimizedGraph<V>) parent; cNodes.addAll(og.getCoreNodes()); cNodes.addAll(og.getConnectorNodes()); } else { for (V v : parent.nodes()) { if ( >= 2) { cNodes.add(v); } } } return copySubgraph(parent, cNodes); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="ADJACENCY MATRIX"> // // ADJACENCY MATRIX METHODS // /** * Computes adjacency matrix of a graph * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the input graph * @param order if empty, will be filled with order of nodes; if non-empty, will be used to order nodes in graph * @return matrix of integers describing adjacencies... contains 0's and * 1's... it is symmetric when the graph is copyUndirected, otherwise it may * not be symmetric */ public static <V> boolean[][] adjacencyMatrix(Graph<V> graph, List<V> order) { if (order == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (order.isEmpty()) { order.addAll(graph.nodes()); } int n = order.size(); boolean[][] result = new boolean[n][n]; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < n; i2++) { result[i1][i2] = graph.isDirected() ? graph.outNeighbors(order.get(i1)).contains(order.get(i2)) : graph.adjacent(order.get(i1), order.get(i2)); } } return result; } /** * Computes the adjacency matrix and several of its powers. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the input graph * @param order if empty, will be filled with order of nodes; if non-empty, will be used to order nodes in graph * @param maxPower maximum power of the adjacency matrix to include in * result * @return matrix of integers describing adjacencies... contains 0's and * 1's... it is symmetric when the graph is copyUndirected, otherwise it may * not be symmetric */ public static <V> int[][][] adjacencyMatrixPowers(Graph<V> graph, List<V> order, int maxPower) { boolean[][] adj0 = adjacencyMatrix(graph, order); int[][] adj1 = new int[adj0.length][adj0.length]; for (int i = 0; i < adj1.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < adj1.length; j++) { adj1[i][j] = adj0[i][j] ? 1 : 0; } } int[][][] result = new int[maxPower][adj1.length][adj1[0].length]; result[0] = adj1; int cur = 2; while (cur <= maxPower) { result[cur - 1] = Matrices.matrixProduct(result[cur - 2], adj1); cur++; } return result; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="DEGREE"> // // DEGREE METHODS // /** * Return function calculating degree of elements in the given graph. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph graph * @return function providing degree of vertices */ public static <V> Function<V, Integer> degreeFunction(final Graph<V> graph) { return new Function<V, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(V input) { return; } }; } /** * Computes and returns degree distribution. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the graph * @return map associating degree #s with counts, sorted by degree */ public static <V> Multiset<Integer> degreeDistribution(Graph<V> graph) { return HashMultiset.create(Iterables.transform(graph.nodes(), degreeFunction(graph))); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="GEODESIC & SPANNING TREE METHODS"> // // GEODESIC & SPANNING TREE METHODS // /** * Computes and creates a tree describing geodesic distances from a * specified vertex. Choice of geodesic when multiple are possible is * unspecified. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the starting graph * @param vertex the starting vertex * @return map with vertex distance lengths */ public static <V> Map<V, Integer> geodesicTree(Graph<V> graph, V vertex) { return geodesicTree(graph, vertex, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Computes and creates a tree describing geodesic distances from a * specified vertex, up through a distance specified by the max parameter. * Choice of geodesic when multiple are possible is unspecified. The graph * only contains the vertices that are in the same component as the starting * vertex (forward component if directed). * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the starting graph * @param vertex the starting vertex * @param max the maximum distance to proceed from the starting vertex * @return graph with objects associated to each vertex that describe the * distance from the main vertex. */ public static <V> Map<V, Integer> geodesicTree(Graph<V> graph, V vertex, int max) { // vertices left to add Set<V> remaining = Sets.newHashSet(graph.nodes()); // vertices added already, by distance List<Set<V>> added = Lists.newArrayList(); // stores size of remaining vertices int sRemaining = -1; remaining.remove(vertex); added.add(new HashSet<V>(Arrays.asList(vertex))); while (sRemaining != remaining.size() && added.size() < (max == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? max : max + 1)) { sRemaining = remaining.size(); added.add(new HashSet<V>()); for (V v1 : added.get(added.size() - 2)) { Set<V> toRemove = Sets.newHashSet(); for (V v2 : remaining) { if (graph.adjacent(v1, v2)) { toRemove.add(v2); added.get(added.size() - 1).add(v2); V[] arr = (V[]) Array.newInstance(v1.getClass(), 2); arr[0] = v1; arr[1] = v2; } } remaining.removeAll(toRemove); } } Map<V, Integer> result = new HashMap<V, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < added.size(); i++) { for (V v : added.get(i)) { result.put(v, i); } } return result; } /** * Finds geodesic distance between two vertices in a graph * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the graph * @param start first vertex * @param end second vertex * @return the geodesic distance between the vertices, or 0 if they are the * same vertex, or -1 if they are not connected */ public static <V> int geodesicDistance(Graph<V> graph, V start, V end) { if (start.equals(end)) { return 0; } if (!(graph.contains(start) && graph.contains(end))) { return -1; } // vertices left to add ArrayList<V> remaining = Lists.newArrayList(graph.nodes()); // vertices added already, by distance ArrayList<HashSet<V>> added = Lists.newArrayList(); // stores size of remaining vertices int sRemaining; remaining.remove(start); added.add(Sets.newHashSet(start)); do { sRemaining = remaining.size(); added.add(new HashSet<V>()); for (V v1 : added.get(added.size() - 2)) { HashSet<V> toRemove = new HashSet<V>(); for (V v2 : remaining) { if (graph.adjacent(v1, v2)) { if (v2.equals(end)) { return added.size() - 1; } toRemove.add(v2); added.get(added.size() - 1).add(v2); } } remaining.removeAll(toRemove); } } while (sRemaining != remaining.size()); return -1; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="NEIGHBORHOOD & COMPONENT"> // // NEIGHBORHOOD & COMPONENT METHODS // /** * Generates ordered set of nodes from an adjacency map * @param <V> graph node type * @param adj an adjacency map * @return list of nodes */ public static <V> Set<V> nodes(Multimap<V, V> adj) { Set<V> result = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); result.addAll(adj.keySet()); result.addAll(adj.values()); return result; } /** * Computes neighborhood about provided vertex up to a given radius, as a * set of vertices. The result <b>always includes</b> the vertex itself. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the graph * @param vertex the starting vertex * @param radius the maximum distance to consider * @return a list containing the vertices within the neighborhood */ public static <V> Set<V> neighborhood(Graph<V> graph, V vertex, int radius) { return geodesicTree(graph, vertex, radius).keySet(); } /** * Generates connected components from an adjacency map. * @param <V> graph node type * @param adj an adjacency map * @return set of components, as a set of sets */ public static <V> Collection<Set<V>> components(Multimap<V, V> adj) { Map<V, Set<V>> setMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (Entry<V, V> en : adj.entries()) { V v1 = en.getKey(); V v2 = en.getValue(); boolean v1InSet = setMap.containsKey(v1); boolean v2InSet = setMap.containsKey(v2); if (v1InSet && v2InSet) { // check if components need to be merged if (setMap.get(v1) != setMap.get(v2)) { Set<V> nue = Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.concat(setMap.get(v1), setMap.get(v2))); for (V v : nue) { setMap.put(v, nue); } } } else if (v1InSet) { // v2 hasn't been seen before Set<V> set = setMap.get(v1); set.add(v2); setMap.put(v2, set); } else if (v2InSet) { // v1 hasn't been seen before Set<V> set = setMap.get(v2); set.add(v1); setMap.put(v1, set); } else { // create new set with v1 and v2 Set<V> set = Sets.newHashSet(v1, v2); setMap.put(v1, set); setMap.put(v2, set); } } return Sets.newLinkedHashSet(setMap.values()); } /** * Generates connected components from an adjacency map. * @param <V> graph node type * @param adj an adjacency map * @return set of components, as a set of sets */ public static <V> Collection<Set<V>> components(Table<V, V, ?> adj) { Multimap<V, V> multimap = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (Cell<V, V, ?> cell : adj.cellSet()) { multimap.put(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey()); } return components(multimap); } /** * Generates connected components from a graph. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the graph * @return set of connected components */ public static <V> Collection<Set<V>> components(Graph<V> graph) { if (graph instanceof SparseGraph) { return ((SparseGraph<V>) graph).getComponentInfo().getComponents(); } else { return components(adjacencies(graph, graph.nodes())); } } /** * Generates connected components from a subset of vertices in a graph. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the graph * @param nodes subset of nodes * @return set of connected components */ public static <V> Collection<Set<V>> components(Graph<V> graph, Set<V> nodes) { return components(adjacencies(graph, nodes)); } /** * Generates connected components as a list of subgraphs. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the graph of interest * @return set of connected component subgraphs */ public static <V> Set<Graph<V>> componentGraphs(Graph<V> graph) { int id = GAInstrument.start("componentGraphs", "" + graph.nodeCount()); Set<Graph<V>> result = graph instanceof SparseGraph ? ((SparseGraph<V>) graph).getComponentInfo().getComponentGraphs() : new GraphComponents<V>(graph, components(graph)).getComponentGraphs(); GAInstrument.end(id); return result; } /** * Generates adjacency map from a subgraph. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the graph * @param nodes subset of nodes * @return adjacency map restricted to the given subset */ public static <V> Multimap<V, V> adjacencies(Graph<V> graph, Set<V> nodes) { Multimap<V, V> res = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (V v : nodes) { res.putAll(v, Sets.intersection(graph.neighbors(v), nodes)); } return res; } /** * Performs breadth-first search algorithm to enumerate the nodes in a * graph, starting from the specified start node. * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph the graph under consideration * @param start the starting node. * @param numShortest a map that will be filled with info on the # of * shortest paths * @param lengths a map that will be filled with info on the lengths of * shortest paths * @param stack a stack that will be filled with elements in non-increasing * order of distance * @param pred a map that will be filled with adjacency information for the * shortest paths */ public static <V> void breadthFirstSearch(Graph<V> graph, V start, Map<V, Integer> numShortest, Map<V, Integer> lengths, Stack<V> stack, Map<V, Set<V>> pred) { Set<V> nodes = graph.nodes(); for (V v : nodes) { numShortest.put(v, 0); } numShortest.put(start, 1); for (V v : nodes) { lengths.put(v, -1); } lengths.put(start, 0); for (V v : nodes) { pred.put(v, new HashSet<V>()); } // breadth-first search algorithm LinkedList<V> queue = new LinkedList<V>(); // tracks elements for search algorithm queue.add(start); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { V v = queue.remove(); stack.addElement(v); for (V w : graph.neighbors(v)) { // if w is found for the first time in the tree, add it to the queue, and adjust the length if (lengths.get(w) == -1) { queue.add(w); lengths.put(w, lengths.get(v) + 1); } // adjust the number of shortest paths to w if shortest path goes through v if (lengths.get(w) == lengths.get(v) + 1) { numShortest.put(w, numShortest.get(w) + numShortest.get(v)); pred.get(w).add(v); } } } } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="CONTRACTING ELEMENTS"> // // CONTRACTED ELEMENTS // /** * Creates a contracted graph from a parent graph, where all of a specified * subset of nodes are contracted to a single node * @param <V> graph node type * @param graph parent graph * @param contract nodes to contract * @param replace node to replace all contracted nodes * @return graph where the specified nodes have been contracted */ public static <V> Graph<V> contractedGraph(Graph<V> graph, Collection<V> contract, V replace) { List<Edge<V>> edges = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Edge<V> e : graph.edges()) { Edge<V> edge = new Edge<V>(contract.contains(e.getNode1()) ? replace : e.getNode1(), contract.contains(e.getNode2()) ? replace : e.getNode2()); edges.add(edge); } return SparseGraph.createFromEdges(graph.isDirected(), contractedNodeSet(graph.nodes(), contract, replace), edges); } /** * Contracts list of nodes, replacing all the "contract" nodes with * "replace". * @param <V> graph node type * @param nodes collection of nodes * @param contract nodes to contract * @param replace node to replace all contracted nodes * @return node set */ public static <V> Set<V> contractedNodeSet(Collection<V> nodes, Collection<V> contract, V replace) { Set<V> result = Sets.newHashSet(nodes); result.removeAll(contract); result.add(replace); return result; } /** * Contracts list of components, combining all components with vertices in subset. * @param <V> graph node type * @param components list of components to contract * @param subset subset to contract * @param vertex what to replace contracted subset with * @return contracted components */ public static <V> Set<Set<V>> contractedComponents(Collection<Set<V>> components, Collection<V> subset, V vertex) { HashSet<Set<V>> result = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<V> contracted = Sets.newHashSet(); contracted.add(vertex); result.add(contracted); for (Set<V> c : components) { if (Collections.disjoint(c, subset)) { result.add(Sets.newHashSet(c)); } else { contracted.addAll(c); } } return result; } //</editor-fold> }