List of usage examples for Iterables size
public static int size(Iterable<?> iterable)
From source
/** * Get the tags for the given resources, grouped by ID and ordered for display. * /* w w w . j a va2s .c o m*/ * @param owner The account for the tags * @param identifiers The resource identifiers for the tags * @return The tag map with an entry for each requested resource */ public Map<String, List<Tag>> getResourceTagMap(final OwnerFullName owner, final Iterable<String> identifiers) { final int identifiersSize = Iterables.size(identifiers); final Map<String, List<Tag>> tagMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(identifiersSize); for (final String id : identifiers) { tagMap.put(id, Lists.<Tag>newArrayList()); } if (!tagMap.isEmpty()) { final Tag example = example(owner); final Criterion idRestriction = identifiersSize < 1000 ? Property.forName(tagClassResourceField) .in(DetachedCriteria.forClass(resourceClass) .add(, Lists.newArrayList(identifiers))) .setProjection( : Restrictions.conjunction(); try { final List<Tag> tags = Tags.list(example, Predicates.alwaysTrue(), idRestriction, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); for (final Tag tag : tags) { final List<Tag> keyTags = tagMap.get(tag.getResourceId()); if (keyTags != null) { keyTags.add(tag); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } Ordering<Tag> order = Ordering.natural().onResultOf(Tags.key()); for (final String id : identifiers) { Collections.sort(tagMap.get(id), order); } } return tagMap; }
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@Override public ConfiguredTarget create(RuleContext ruleContext) throws RuleErrorException, InterruptedException { NestedSet<Artifact> filesToBuild = NestedSetBuilder.wrap(Order.STABLE_ORDER, ruleContext.getOutputArtifacts()); NestedSetBuilder<Artifact> resolvedSrcsBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); if (filesToBuild.isEmpty()) { ruleContext.attributeError("outs", "Genrules without outputs don't make sense"); }/*from w ww . jav a 2s .c om*/ if (ruleContext.attributes().get("executable", Type.BOOLEAN) && Iterables.size(filesToBuild) > 1) { ruleContext.attributeError("executable", "if genrules produce executables, they are allowed only one output. " + "If you need the executable=1 argument, then you should split this genrule into " + "genrules producing single outputs"); } ImmutableMap.Builder<Label, NestedSet<Artifact>> labelMap = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (TransitiveInfoCollection dep : ruleContext.getPrerequisites("srcs", Mode.TARGET)) { // This target provides specific types of files for genrules. GenRuleSourcesProvider provider = dep.getProvider(GenRuleSourcesProvider.class); NestedSet<Artifact> files = (provider != null) ? provider.getGenruleFiles() : dep.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild(); resolvedSrcsBuilder.addTransitive(files); labelMap.put(AliasProvider.getDependencyLabel(dep), files); } NestedSet<Artifact> resolvedSrcs =; CommandHelper commandHelper = new CommandHelper(ruleContext, ruleContext.getPrerequisites("tools", Mode.HOST),; if (ruleContext.hasErrors()) { return null; } String baseCommand = commandHelper.resolveCommandAndExpandLabels( ruleContext.attributes().get("heuristic_label_expansion", Type.BOOLEAN), false); // Adds the genrule environment setup script before the actual shell command String command = String.format("source %s; %s", ruleContext.getPrerequisiteArtifact("$genrule_setup", Mode.HOST).getExecPath(), baseCommand); command = resolveCommand(command, ruleContext, resolvedSrcs, filesToBuild); String message = ruleContext.attributes().get("message", Type.STRING); if (message.isEmpty()) { message = "Executing genrule"; } ImmutableMap<String, String> env = ruleContext.getConfiguration().getLocalShellEnvironment(); ImmutableSet<String> clientEnvVars = ruleContext.getConfiguration().getVariableShellEnvironment(); Map<String, String> executionInfo = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); executionInfo.putAll(TargetUtils.getExecutionInfo(ruleContext.getRule())); if (ruleContext.attributes().get("local", Type.BOOLEAN)) { executionInfo.put("local", ""); } executionInfo.putAll(getExtraExecutionInfo(ruleContext, baseCommand)); NestedSetBuilder<Artifact> inputs = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); inputs.addAll(resolvedSrcs); inputs.addAll(commandHelper.getResolvedTools()); FilesToRunProvider genruleSetup = ruleContext.getPrerequisite("$genrule_setup", Mode.HOST, FilesToRunProvider.class); inputs.addAll(genruleSetup.getFilesToRun()); List<String> argv = commandHelper.buildCommandLine(command, inputs, "", ImmutableMap.copyOf(executionInfo)); // TODO(bazel-team): Make the make variable expander pass back a list of these. if (requiresCrosstool(baseCommand)) { // If cc is used, silently throw in the crosstool filegroup as a dependency. inputs.addTransitive(CppHelper.getToolchain(ruleContext, ":cc_toolchain").getCrosstoolMiddleman()); } if (requiresJdk(baseCommand)) { // If javac is used, silently throw in the jdk filegroup as a dependency. // Note we expand Java-related variables with the *host* configuration. inputs.addTransitive(JavaHelper.getHostJavabaseInputs(ruleContext)); } for (NestedSet<Artifact> extraInputs : getExtraInputArtifacts(ruleContext, baseCommand)) { inputs.addTransitive(extraInputs); } if (isStampingEnabled(ruleContext)) { inputs.add(ruleContext.getAnalysisEnvironment().getStableWorkspaceStatusArtifact()); inputs.add(ruleContext.getAnalysisEnvironment().getVolatileWorkspaceStatusArtifact()); } ruleContext.registerAction(new GenRuleAction(ruleContext.getActionOwner(), ImmutableList.copyOf(commandHelper.getResolvedTools()),, filesToBuild, argv, env, clientEnvVars, ImmutableMap.copyOf(executionInfo), new CompositeRunfilesSupplier(commandHelper.getToolsRunfilesSuppliers()), message + ' ' + ruleContext.getLabel())); RunfilesProvider runfilesProvider = RunfilesProvider.withData( // No runfiles provided if not a data dependency. Runfiles.EMPTY, // We only need to consider the outputs of a genrule // No need to visit the dependencies of a genrule. They cross from the target into the host // configuration, because the dependencies of a genrule are always built for the host // configuration. new Runfiles.Builder(ruleContext.getWorkspaceName(), ruleContext.getConfiguration().legacyExternalRunfiles()) .addTransitiveArtifacts(filesToBuild).build()); RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder builder = new RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder(ruleContext) .setFilesToBuild(filesToBuild).setRunfilesSupport(null, getExecutable(ruleContext, filesToBuild)) .addProvider(RunfilesProvider.class, runfilesProvider); builder = updateBuilder(builder, ruleContext, filesToBuild); return; }
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/** * Perform data movement according to the properties you specify in {@link TransferStrategyBuilder}. * @throws IOException/* w w w .j a v a2s . c om*/ */ @Override public void transfer() throws IOException { cachedException.set(null); final AtomicInteger numBlobsRemaining = new AtomicInteger(jobState.numBlobsInJob()); while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() && numBlobsRemaining.get() > 0) { try { final Iterable<JobPart> jobParts = jobPartsNotAlreadyTransferred(); final int numJobParts = Iterables.size(jobParts); if (numJobParts <= 0) { break; } final CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(numJobParts); transferJobParts(jobParts, countDownLatch, numBlobsRemaining); countDownLatch.await(); } catch (final Ds3NoMoreRetriesException | FailedRequestException e) { emitFailureEvent(makeFailureEvent(failureActivity, e, firstChunk())); throw e; } catch (final InterruptedException | NoSuchElementException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (final Throwable t) { emitFailureAndSetCachedException(t); } } if (cachedException.get() != null) { throw cachedException.get(); } }
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/** * can return null only if you override ParsingStrategy and explicitely return null * @param elements elements to be parsed into NormalizedNode * @param schema schema belonging to the type N of NormalizedNode * @return child of DataContainerNode as a result of parsing list of E elements with schema S *//*from w w w. j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ @Nullable @Override public N parse(final Iterable<E> elements, final S schema) { checkAtLeastOneNode(schema, elements); DataContainerNodeBuilder<P, N> containerBuilder = getBuilder(schema); // Map child nodes to QName LinkedListMultimap<QName, E> mappedChildElements = mapChildElements(elements); // Map child nodes from Augments Map<QName, AugmentationSchema> mappedAugmentChildNodes = mapChildElementsFromAugments(schema); LinkedListMultimap<AugmentationSchema, E> augmentsToElements = LinkedListMultimap.create(); // Map child nodes from choices Map<QName, ChoiceSchemaNode> mappedChoiceChildNodes = mapChildElementsFromChoices(schema); LinkedListMultimap<ChoiceSchemaNode, E> choicesToElements = LinkedListMultimap.create(); Map<QName, String> attributes = getAttributes(elements.iterator().next()); if (containerBuilder instanceof AttributesBuilder) { final int size = Iterables.size(elements); Preconditions.checkArgument(size == 1, "Unexpected number of elements: %s, should be 1 for: %s", size, schema); ((AttributesBuilder<?>) containerBuilder).withAttributes(attributes); } //parse keys first if (schema instanceof ListSchemaNode) { for (QName qname : ((ListSchemaNode) schema).getKeyDefinition()) { final QName noRev = qname.withoutRevision(); if (mappedChildElements.get(noRev).isEmpty()) { continue; } DataSchemaNode childSchema = getSchemaForChild(schema, qname); List<E> childrenForQName = mappedChildElements.removeAll(noRev); DataContainerChild<? extends YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument, ?> optionalChildNode = getDispatcher() .dispatchChildElement(childSchema, childrenForQName); if (optionalChildNode != null) { containerBuilder.withChild(optionalChildNode); } } } //stage attribues for strategy before going deeper in the recursion buildingStrategy.prepareAttributes(attributes, containerBuilder); // process Child nodes for (QName childPartialQName : mappedChildElements.keySet()) { DataSchemaNode childSchema = getSchemaForChild(schema, childPartialQName); //with strict parsing an exception would be already thrown, with nonstrict we want to ignore this node if (childSchema == null) { continue; } List<E> childrenForQName = mappedChildElements.get(childPartialQName); // Augment if (isMarkedAs(mappedAugmentChildNodes, childSchema.getQName())) { AugmentationSchema augmentationSchema = mappedAugmentChildNodes.get(childSchema.getQName()); augmentsToElements.putAll(augmentationSchema, childrenForQName); // Choices } else if (isMarkedAs(mappedChoiceChildNodes, childSchema.getQName())) { ChoiceSchemaNode choiceSchema = mappedChoiceChildNodes.get(childSchema.getQName()); choicesToElements.putAll(choiceSchema, childrenForQName); // Regular child nodes } else { DataContainerChild<? extends YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument, ?> optionalChildNode = getDispatcher() .dispatchChildElement(childSchema, childrenForQName); if (optionalChildNode != null) { containerBuilder.withChild(optionalChildNode); } } } // TODO ordering is not preserved for choice and augment elements for (ChoiceSchemaNode choiceSchema : choicesToElements.keySet()) { DataContainerChild<? extends YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument, ?> optionalChild = getDispatcher() .dispatchChildElement(choiceSchema, choicesToElements.get(choiceSchema)); if (optionalChild != null) { containerBuilder.withChild(optionalChild); } } for (AugmentationSchema augmentSchema : augmentsToElements.keySet()) { Set<DataSchemaNode> realChildSchemas = getRealSchemasForAugment(schema, augmentSchema); EffectiveAugmentationSchema augSchemaProxy = new EffectiveAugmentationSchema(augmentSchema, realChildSchemas); DataContainerChild<? extends YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument, ?> optionalChild = getDispatcher() .dispatchChildElement(augSchemaProxy, augmentsToElements.get(augmentSchema)); if (optionalChild != null) { containerBuilder.withChild(optionalChild); } } return; }
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@Override public int getDepth(ObjectId commitId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(commitId); Optional<Node> nodeOpt = graph.get(commitId); Preconditions.checkArgument(nodeOpt.isPresent(), "No graph entry for commit %s on %s", commitId, this.toString()); Node node = nodeOpt.get();/*w ww.ja v a 2s. co m*/ PathToRootWalker walker = new PathToRootWalker(node); int depth = 0; O: while (walker.hasNext()) { for (Node n : { if (Iterables.size( == 0) { break O; } } depth++; } return depth; }
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/** * Constructor/*from ww w .ja v a 2 s .c om*/ * * @param conf Configuration used. * @param serviceWorker Service worker */ public PartitionPhilosophersTable(ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, V, E> conf, CentralizedServiceWorker<I, V, E> serviceWorker) { this.conf = conf; this.serviceWorker = serviceWorker; int numLocalPartitions = serviceWorker.getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions(); // need one entry for every local partition this.pMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Int2ByteOpenHashMap>(numLocalPartitions); this.pHungry = new IntOpenHashSet(Math.min(conf.getNumComputeThreads(), numLocalPartitions)); this.pEating = new IntOpenHashSet(Math.min(conf.getNumComputeThreads(), numLocalPartitions)); // this gives total number of partitions, b/c WorkerGraphPartitioner // must store location of ALL partitions in system // (PartitionOwners are init and assigned by master) this.numTotalPartitions = Iterables.size(serviceWorker.getPartitionOwners()); this.taskIdMap = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(numTotalPartitions); this.allHaltedMap = new Int2BooleanOpenHashMap(numLocalPartitions); this.waitAllRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { PartitionPhilosophersTable.this.serviceWorker.getWorkerClient().waitAllRequests(); } }; //"[[PTABLE]] ========================================"); //"[[PTABLE]] I am worker: " + // serviceWorker.getWorkerInfo().getTaskId()); }
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public CancellableCallable<ResultSet<Match<ArtifactReadable, AttributeReadable<?>>>> createSearchWithMatches( OrcsSession session, QueryData queryData) { return new AbstractSearchCallable<ResultSet<Match<ArtifactReadable, AttributeReadable<?>>>>(session, queryData) {// ww w . j a v a2s . c o m @Override protected ResultSet<Match<ArtifactReadable, AttributeReadable<?>>> innerCall() throws Exception { GraphBuilder handler = builderFactory.createGraphBuilder(provider); ArtifactMatchDataHandler matchHandler = new ArtifactMatchDataHandler(getSession(), handler, proxyManager); OptionsUtil.setLoadLevel(getQueryData().getOptions(), LoadLevel.ALL); queryEngine.createArtifactQuery(getSession(), getQueryData(), matchHandler).call(); List<Match<ArtifactReadable, AttributeReadable<?>>> results = matchHandler.getResults(); setItemsFound(Iterables.size(results)); return ResultSets.newResultSet(results); } }; }
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protected List<TextEdit> getObjectEdits() { final Collection<EObject> modifiedObjects = getModifiedObjects(); Collection<EObject> topLevelObjects = EcoreUtil.filterDescendants(modifiedObjects); Iterable<EObject> containedModifiedObjects = Collections.emptyList(); if (!resource.getContents().isEmpty()) { final EObject root = resource.getContents().get(0); containedModifiedObjects = Iterables.filter(topLevelObjects, new Predicate<EObject>() { @Override/*from ww w. ja va 2 s .com*/ public boolean apply(EObject input) { return EcoreUtil.isAncestor(root, input); } }); } List<TextEdit> edits = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(Iterables.size(containedModifiedObjects)); for (EObject modifiedObject : containedModifiedObjects) { ReplaceRegion replaceRegion = serializer.serializeReplacement(modifiedObject, getSaveOptions()); TextEdit edit = new ReplaceEdit(replaceRegion.getOffset(), replaceRegion.getLength(), replaceRegion.getText()); edits.add(edit); } return edits; }
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public static <O> Function<List<RpcResult<O>>, RpcResult<List<BatchFailedGroupsOutput>>> createCumulatingFunction( final Iterable<? extends> inputBatchGroups) { return createCumulatingFunction(inputBatchGroups, Iterables.size(inputBatchGroups)); }
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/** * Updates the subset actions' context./*www . j ava 2s . co m*/ * * @param subset * the subset the actions refer to * @param selectedSubsets * all selected subsets, may be null * @param view * the active view */ public void updateContext(Subset subset, Iterable<Subset> selectedSubsets, View view) { if (selectedSubsets == null) { List<Subset> l = Lists.newArrayList(); l.add(subset); selectedSubsets = l; } this.subset = subset; this.selectedSubsets = selectedSubsets; showInCurrentView.setEnabled(subset != null && view != null); Icon icon = view != null ? ViewClassRegistry.getClassIcon(view.getClass()) : null; showInCurrentView.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, icon); addToSelection.setEnabled(subset != null); removeFromSelection.setEnabled(subset != null); replaceSelection.setEnabled(subset != null); filter.setEnabled(subset != null); rename.setEnabled(subset != null); editComment.setEnabled(subset != null); export.setEnabled(subset != null); subsetFromRing.setEnabled(subset != null); // can't delete the root subset delete.setEnabled(!Iterables.contains(selectedSubsets, session.getRootSubset())); // need at least two selected subsets for set operation boolean enableSetOps = (Iterables.size(selectedSubsets) > 1); makeUnion.setEnabled(enableSetOps); makeIntersection.setEnabled(enableSetOps); makeDifference.setEnabled(enableSetOps); }