Java tutorial
/* * Scaffold Hunter * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 PG504 * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 PG552 * See README.txt in the root directory of the Scaffold Hunter source tree * for details. * * Scaffold Hunter is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Scaffold Hunter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.gui; import static edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.util.I18n._; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import; import; import; import; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.gui.dialogs.ExportDialog; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.gui.dialogs.RandomSubsetDialog; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.gui.dialogs.RenameDialog; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.gui.dialogs.SubsetFromRingDialog; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.gui.filtering.FilterDialog; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.gui.util.AbstractAction; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.gui.util.DBExceptionHandler; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.gui.util.DBFunction; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.Selection; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.DatabaseException; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.DbManager; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Scaffold; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.db.Subset; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.util.Subsets; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.util.I18n; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.util.Resources; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.view.View; import edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.view.ViewClassRegistry; /** * All {@link Action}s that are related to {@link Subsets} * * @author Dominic Sacr * @author Andrey Zhylka * @author Shamshad Alam */ public class SubsetActions { private final GUISession session; private final ViewManager viewManager; private final SubsetController subsetController; private final Selection selection; private final DbManager db; private final MainWindow window; private Subset subset; private Iterable<Subset> selectedSubsets; private Point subsetLocation; /** * @param session * the GUI session * @param viewManager * the view manager * @param window * the main window * @param subset * the subset the actions refer to * @param selectedSubsets * all selected subsets, may be null * @param subsetLocation * the coordinates of the subset in the subset tree, may be null * @param view * the active view, may be null */ public SubsetActions(GUISession session, ViewManager viewManager, MainWindow window, Subset subset, Iterable<Subset> selectedSubsets, Point subsetLocation, View view) { this.session = session; this.viewManager = viewManager; this.subsetController = session.getSubsetController(); this.selection = session.getSelection(); this.db = session.getDbManager(); this.window = window; this.subsetLocation = subsetLocation; updateContext(subset, selectedSubsets, view); } /** * Updates the subset actions' context. * * @param subset * the subset the actions refer to * @param selectedSubsets * all selected subsets, may be null * @param view * the active view */ public void updateContext(Subset subset, Iterable<Subset> selectedSubsets, View view) { if (selectedSubsets == null) { List<Subset> l = Lists.newArrayList(); l.add(subset); selectedSubsets = l; } this.subset = subset; this.selectedSubsets = selectedSubsets; showInCurrentView.setEnabled(subset != null && view != null); Icon icon = view != null ? ViewClassRegistry.getClassIcon(view.getClass()) : null; showInCurrentView.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, icon); addToSelection.setEnabled(subset != null); removeFromSelection.setEnabled(subset != null); replaceSelection.setEnabled(subset != null); filter.setEnabled(subset != null); rename.setEnabled(subset != null); editComment.setEnabled(subset != null); export.setEnabled(subset != null); subsetFromRing.setEnabled(subset != null); // can't delete the root subset delete.setEnabled(!Iterables.contains(selectedSubsets, session.getRootSubset())); // need at least two selected subsets for set operation boolean enableSetOps = (Iterables.size(selectedSubsets) > 1); makeUnion.setEnabled(enableSetOps); makeIntersection.setEnabled(enableSetOps); makeDifference.setEnabled(enableSetOps); } private Point dialogLocation(Point subsetLocation) { if (subsetLocation != null) { Point location = (Point) subsetLocation.clone(); location.translate(-25, 40); return location; } else { return null; } } /** * @return an action that changes the subset shown in the currently selected * view */ public AbstractAction getShowInCurrentView() { return showInCurrentView; } private AbstractAction showInCurrentView = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.ShowInCurrentView")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { View view = window.getActiveView(); if (view != null) { view.setSubset(subset); } } }; /** * @param klass * @param split * @return an action that adds a new view showing the selected subset */ public AbstractAction getShowInNewView(Class<? extends View> klass, int split) { return new ShowInNewView(klass, split); } private class ShowInNewView extends AbstractAction { private Class<? extends View> klass; private int split; private ShowInNewView(Class<? extends View> klass, int split) { super(ViewClassRegistry.getClassName(klass), ViewClassRegistry.getClassIcon(klass)); this.klass = klass; this.split = split; } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { View view = viewManager.createView(klass, subset); if (split == 1 && window.getState().getSplitOrientation() == MainWindowState.SplitOrientation.NONE) { window.getState().setSplitOrientation(MainWindowState.SplitOrientation.HORIZONTAL); } window.addView(view, split); window.selectView(view); } } /** * @param klass * @return an action that opens a new window and adds a new view showing the * selected subset, */ public AbstractAction getShowInNewWindow(Class<? extends View> klass) { return new ShowInNewWindow(klass); } private class ShowInNewWindow extends AbstractAction { private Class<? extends View> klass; private ShowInNewWindow(Class<? extends View> klass) { super(ViewClassRegistry.getClassName(klass), ViewClassRegistry.getClassIcon(klass)); this.klass = klass; } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { MainWindow w = session.getGUIController().createWindow(); View view = viewManager.createView(klass, subset); viewManager.addView(view, w); w.setVisible(true); } } /** * @return an action that generates random subset with user defined size */ public AbstractAction getGenerateRandomSubset() { return generateRandomSubset; } private AbstractAction generateRandomSubset = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.GenerateRandomSubset.Short"), _("Subset.GenerateRandomSubset.Description"), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_R, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK)); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RandomSubsetDialog sizeDlg = new RandomSubsetDialog(window.getFrame(), subset.size()/*, location, SizeDialog.Anchor.TOP_RIGHT*/); sizeDlg.setVisible(true); final Integer newSize = sizeDlg.getNewSize(); if (newSize == null) { return; } Subset newSubset = subsetController.createRandomSubset(subset, newSize); subsetController.addSubset(newSubset); } }; /** * @return an action that adds all molecules in the subset to the selection */ public AbstractAction getAddToSelection() { return addToSelection; } private AbstractAction addToSelection = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.AddToSelection")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { for (Subset s : selectedSubsets) { selection.addAll(s); } } }; /** * @return an action that removes all molecules in the subset from the * selection */ public AbstractAction getRemoveFromSelection() { return removeFromSelection; } private AbstractAction removeFromSelection = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.RemoveFromSelection")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { for (Subset s : selectedSubsets) { selection.removeAll(s); } } }; /** * @return an action that replaces the selection with the given subset */ public AbstractAction getReplaceSelection() { return replaceSelection; } private AbstractAction replaceSelection = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.ReplaceSelection")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { selection.clear(); for (Subset s : selectedSubsets) { selection.addAll(s); } } }; /** * @return an action that creates the union of the selected subsets. */ public AbstractAction getMakeUnion() { return makeUnion; } private AbstractAction makeUnion = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.MakeUnion")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RenameDialog dlg = new RenameDialog(window.getFrame(), _("Subset.NewSubsetName"), subsetController.defaultUnionName(selectedSubsets), dialogLocation(subsetLocation), RenameDialog.Anchor.TOP_RIGHT); dlg.setVisible(true); String newTitle = dlg.getNewText(); if (newTitle != null) { Subset newSubset = subsetController.createUnion(null, newTitle, selectedSubsets); subsetController.addSubset(newSubset); } } }; /** * @return an action that creates the intersection of the selected subsets. */ public AbstractAction getMakeIntersection() { return makeIntersection; } private AbstractAction makeIntersection = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.MakeIntersection")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Subset newSubset = subsetController.createIntersection(null, null, selectedSubsets); if (newSubset.size() == 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(window.getFrame(), _("Subset.EmptyErrorMessage"), _("Subset.EmptyErrorTitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } RenameDialog dlg = new RenameDialog(window.getFrame(), _("Subset.NewSubsetName"), subsetController.defaultIntersectionName(selectedSubsets), dialogLocation(subsetLocation), RenameDialog.Anchor.TOP_RIGHT); dlg.setVisible(true); String newTitle = dlg.getNewText(); if (newTitle != null) { newSubset.setTitle(newTitle); subsetController.addSubset(newSubset); } } }; /** * @return an action that creates the difference of the selected subsets. */ public AbstractAction getMakeDifference() { return makeDifference; } private AbstractAction makeDifference = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.MakeDifference")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Iterable<Subset> otherSubsets = Iterables.filter(selectedSubsets, Predicates.not(Predicates.equalTo(subset))); Subset newSubset = subsetController.createDifference(null, null, subset, otherSubsets); if (newSubset.size() == 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(window.getFrame(), _("Subset.EmptyErrorMessage"), _("Subset.EmptyErrorTitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } RenameDialog dlg = new RenameDialog(window.getFrame(), _("Subset.NewSubsetName"), subsetController.defaultDifferenceName(subset, otherSubsets), dialogLocation(subsetLocation), RenameDialog.Anchor.TOP_RIGHT); dlg.setVisible(true); String newTitle = dlg.getNewText(); if (newTitle != null) { newSubset.setTitle(newTitle); subsetController.addSubset(newSubset); } } }; /** * @return an action that opens a filter dialog and filters the given * subset. */ public AbstractAction getFilter() { return filter; } private AbstractAction filter = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.Filter"), null, Resources.getIcon("filter.png"), null, null); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { FilterDialog fdlg = new FilterDialog(window.getFrame(), db, session.getDbSession().getProfile(), session.getDbSession().getDataset(), subset); fdlg.setModal(true); fdlg.setVisible(true); if (fdlg.getResult()) { Subset newSubset = subsetController.createFilteredSubset(subset, fdlg.getSelectedFilterset()); RenameDialog dlg = new RenameDialog(window.getFrame(), _("Subset.NewSubsetName"), subsetController.defaultFilterName(subset, fdlg.getSelectedFilterset()), dialogLocation(subsetLocation), RenameDialog.Anchor.TOP_RIGHT); dlg.setVisible(true); String newTitle = dlg.getNewText(); if (newTitle != null) { newSubset.setTitle(newTitle); subsetController.addSubset(newSubset); } } } }; /** * @return an action that renames the given subset. */ public AbstractAction getRename() { return rename; } private AbstractAction rename = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.Rename"), null, Resources.getIcon("edit.png"), null, null); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RenameDialog dlg = new RenameDialog(window.getFrame(), _("RenameSubset.Title"), subset.getTitle(), dialogLocation(subsetLocation), RenameDialog.Anchor.TOP_RIGHT); dlg.setVisible(true); String newTitle = dlg.getNewText(); if (newTitle != null) { subsetController.renameSubset(subset, newTitle); } } }; /** * @return an action that changes the subset's comment. */ public AbstractAction getEditComment() { return editComment; } private AbstractAction editComment = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.EditComment")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RenameDialog dlg = new RenameDialog(window.getFrame(), _("EditSubsetComment.Title"), subset.getComment(), dialogLocation(subsetLocation), RenameDialog.Anchor.TOP_RIGHT); dlg.setAllowEmpty(true); dlg.setVisible(true); String newComment = dlg.getNewText(); if (newComment != null) { String comment = newComment.equals("") ? null : newComment; subsetController.changeSubsetComment(subset, comment); } } }; /** * @return an action that deletes the given subset. */ public AbstractAction getDelete() { return delete; } private AbstractAction delete = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.Delete")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // make a list of all views currently showing one of the subsets // to be deleted List<View> viewsToBeClosed = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Window w : viewManager.getWindows()) { for (View v : viewManager.getViews(w)) { if (Iterables.contains(selectedSubsets, v.getSubset())) { viewsToBeClosed.add(v); } } } // build a string containing descriptions of all the views that // would need to be closed StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (View v : viewsToBeClosed) { sb.append(_("Subset.ConfirmDeleteViewDescription", viewManager.getViewWindow(v).getNumber(), viewManager.getViewState(v).getTabTitle(), ViewClassRegistry.getClassName(v.getClass()))); } String viewDescriptions = sb.toString(); // build a sting containing the names of all subsets to be deleted String subsetNames = Joiner.on("\n") .join(Iterables.transform(selectedSubsets, Subsets.getSubsetTitleFunction)); // format the dialog's message string String message; if (viewsToBeClosed.isEmpty()) { message = _("Subset.ConfirmDeleteMessage", subsetNames); } else { message = _("Subset.ConfirmDeleteCloseViewsMessage", subsetNames, viewDescriptions); } // ask the user JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(message); textArea.setEditable(false); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); scrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400)); int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(window.getFrame(), scrollPane, _("Subset.ConfirmDeleteTitle"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if (result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { // delete subsets subsetController.removeSubsets(selectedSubsets); // close views for (View v : viewsToBeClosed) { viewManager.removeView(v); } } } }; /** * @return starts Export of subset */ public AbstractAction getExport() { return export; } private AbstractAction export = new AbstractAction() { { putValues(_("Subset.Export"), null, Resources.getIcon("save.png"), null, null); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ExportDialog exDiag = new ExportDialog(subset, db, window); exDiag.setVisible(true); } }; /** * Action that allow to create a subset at specified scaffold ring level. * All the molecules at that ring and from entire subtree of the scaffold * will be saved in a new subset. * @return Action for subset from ring */ public AbstractAction getSubsetFromRing() { return subsetFromRing; } private AbstractAction subsetFromRing = new AbstractAction() { { putValue(AbstractAction.NAME, I18n.get("ScaffoldTreeView.SubsetFromRing")); putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, I18n.get("ScaffoldTreeView.SubsetFromRing")); putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, Resources.getIcon("make_subset_arrow.png")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // Get scaffold tree of current subset final Frame parent = window.getFrame(); Scaffold scaffold = DBExceptionHandler.callDBManager(db, new DBFunction<Scaffold>() { @Override public Scaffold call() throws DatabaseException { return db.getScaffolds(subset, false); } }); int firstRingCount = scaffold.getHierarchyLevel() + 1; final List<List<Scaffold>> ringList = Lists.newArrayList(); // find first level appropriate for splitting List<Scaffold> children = scaffold.getChildren(); while (children.size() == 1) { firstRingCount++; children = getChildren(children); } while (!children.isEmpty()) { ringList.add(children); children = getChildren(children); } final int minRingCount = firstRingCount; int maxRingCount = minRingCount + ringList.size() - 1; final SubsetFromRingDialog subsetDialog = new SubsetFromRingDialog(parent, minRingCount, maxRingCount); int ret = subsetDialog.showDialog(); if (ret == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { final int ringLevel = subsetDialog.getRingLevel(); final String name = subsetDialog.getNewText() + ' ' + String.format(_("ScaffoldTreeView.SubsetFromRing.Level"), ringLevel); Iterable<Subset> subsets = subsetController.subsetsFromSubtrees(subset, name, ringList.get(ringLevel - minRingCount)); Subset union = subsetController.createUnion(subset, name, subsets); for (Subset s : subsets) { s.setParent(union); } subsetController.addSubsets(Iterables.concat(subsets, Collections.singleton(union))); } } /** * return a list that contains all the first level children of the * scaffolds and return empty list if none of scaffold has children * @param scaffolds * @return List of first level children in scaffold */ private List<Scaffold> getChildren(List<Scaffold> scaffolds) { List<Scaffold> list = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Scaffold scaffold : scaffolds) { list.addAll(scaffold.getChildren()); } return list; } }; }