List of usage examples for Iterables size
public static int size(Iterable<?> iterable)
From source
/** * Constructor//from ww w. ja v a 2 s. com * * @param workerProgresses Worker progresses to combine * @param conf Configuration */ public CombinedWorkerProgress(Iterable<WorkerProgress> workerProgresses, Configuration conf) { normalFreeMemoryFraction = NORMAL_FREE_MEMORY_FRACTION.get(conf); for (WorkerProgress workerProgress : workerProgresses) { if (workerProgress.getCurrentSuperstep() > currentSuperstep) { verticesToCompute = 0; verticesComputed = 0; partitionsToCompute = 0; partitionsComputed = 0; currentSuperstep = workerProgress.getCurrentSuperstep(); workersInSuperstep = 0; } if (workerProgress.getCurrentSuperstep() == currentSuperstep) { workersInSuperstep++; if (isInputSuperstep()) { verticesLoaded += workerProgress.getVerticesLoaded(); vertexInputSplitsLoaded += workerProgress.getVertexInputSplitsLoaded(); edgesLoaded += workerProgress.getEdgesLoaded(); edgeInputSplitsLoaded += workerProgress.getEdgeInputSplitsLoaded(); } else if (isComputeSuperstep()) { verticesToCompute += workerProgress.getVerticesToCompute(); verticesComputed += workerProgress.getVerticesComputed(); partitionsToCompute += workerProgress.getPartitionsToCompute(); partitionsComputed += workerProgress.getPartitionsComputed(); } else if (isOutputSuperstep()) { verticesToStore += workerProgress.getVerticesToStore(); verticesStored += workerProgress.getVerticesStored(); partitionsToStore += workerProgress.getPartitionsToStore(); partitionsStored += workerProgress.getPartitionsStored(); } } if (workerProgress.isStoringDone()) { workersDone++; } if (workerProgress.getFreeMemoryMB() < minFreeMemoryMB) { minFreeMemoryMB = workerProgress.getFreeMemoryMB(); workerWithMinFreeMemory = workerProgress.getTaskId(); } minFreeMemoryFraction = Math.min(minFreeMemoryFraction, workerProgress.getFreeMemoryFraction()); freeMemoryMB += workerProgress.getFreeMemoryMB(); int percentage = workerProgress.getLowestGraphPercentageInMemory(); if (percentage < minGraphPercentageInMemory) { minGraphPercentageInMemory = percentage; workerWithMinGraphPercentageInMemory = workerProgress.getTaskId(); } } if (!Iterables.isEmpty(workerProgresses)) { freeMemoryMB /= Iterables.size(workerProgresses); } }
From source
/** * Adds messages from one message store to another * * @param messageMap Add the messages from this map to this store * @throws*w w w.ja v a 2s.c om*/ */ public void addMessages(NavigableMap<I, DataInputOutput> messageMap) throws IOException { // Writes messages to its file if (file.exists()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("addMessages: Deleting " + file); } if (!file.delete()) { throw new IOException("Failed to delete existing file " + file); } } if (!file.createNewFile()) { throw new IOException("Failed to create file " + file); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("addMessages: Creating " + file); } DataOutputStream out = null; try { out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file), bufferSize)); int destinationVertexIdCount = messageMap.size(); out.writeInt(destinationVertexIdCount); // Dump the vertices and their messages in a sorted order for (Map.Entry<I, DataInputOutput> entry : messageMap.entrySet()) { I destinationVertexId = entry.getKey(); destinationVertexId.write(out); DataInputOutput dataInputOutput = entry.getValue(); Iterable<M> messages = new MessagesIterable<M>(dataInputOutput, messageValueFactory); int messageCount = Iterables.size(messages); out.writeInt(messageCount); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("addMessages: For vertex id " + destinationVertexId + ", messages = " + messageCount + " to file " + file); } for (M message : messages) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("addMessages: Wrote " + message + " to " + file); } message.write(out); } } } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } }
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@Override public SecurityGroup addIpPermission(IpProtocol protocol, int startPort, int endPort, Multimap<String, String> tenantIdGroupNamePairs, Iterable<String> ipRanges, Iterable<String> groupIds, SecurityGroup group) {/*from w 2 s. co m*/ IpPermission.Builder ipBuilder = IpPermission.builder(); ipBuilder.ipProtocol(protocol); ipBuilder.fromPort(startPort); ipBuilder.toPort(endPort); if (tenantIdGroupNamePairs.size() > 0) { ipBuilder.tenantIdGroupNamePairs(tenantIdGroupNamePairs); } if (Iterables.size(ipRanges) > 0) { ipBuilder.cidrBlocks(ipRanges); } if (Iterables.size(groupIds) > 0) { ipBuilder.groupIds(groupIds); } IpPermission perm =; SecurityGroupBuilder builder = SecurityGroupBuilder.fromSecurityGroup(checkNotNull(group, "group")); builder.ipPermission(perm); SecurityGroup newGroup =; if (groups.containsKey(newGroup.getId())) { groups.remove(newGroup.getId()); } groups.put(newGroup.getId(), newGroup); return newGroup; }
From source
/** * Checks whether an OCL resource contains an operation allowing to retrieve a requirement's attribute of a given data type. The operation should be named "getX" where "X" is the name of the attribute. *//*from ww w . jav a2 s . co m*/ public static IStatus isOperationPresent(final IAttribute attribute, BaseResource resource) { String attributeTypeName = attribute.getType().getName(); if (!mapToOCLPrimitives.containsKey(attributeTypeName)) { return new Status(IStatus.WARNING, ReqcycleOCLPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Type " + attributeTypeName + " cannot be used in OCL."); } if (Iterables.size(getMatchingOperations(attribute, resource)) > 0) { return Status.OK_STATUS; } ; return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, ReqcycleOCLPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Required operation : " + OCLUtilities.getOperationRequiredSignature(attribute) + " could not be found."); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> Iterable<T> createCollectionOfType(final Class<T> targetType, final Iterable sourceList) { List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(Iterables.size(sourceList)); for (Object entry : sourceList) { if (targetType.isInstance(entry)) { list.add((T) entry);// w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m } } return list; }
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public static <O> Function<List<RpcResult<O>>, RpcResult<List<BatchFailedMetersOutput>>> createCumulativeFunction( final Iterable<? extends org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.meter.types.rev130918.Meter> inputBatchMeters) { return createCumulativeFunction(inputBatchMeters, Iterables.size(inputBatchMeters)); }
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public static <T extends PBXBuildPhase> T getSingletonPhaseByType(PBXTarget target, final Class<T> cls) { Iterable<PBXBuildPhase> buildPhases = Iterables.filter(target.getBuildPhases(), cls::isInstance); assertEquals("Build phase should be singleton", 1, Iterables.size(buildPhases)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T element = (T) Iterables.getOnlyElement(buildPhases); return element; }
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@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static Object _applyDisplayValueHint(Object target, Object initialValue, boolean includeClass) { Iterable<RendererHints.DisplayValue> hints = RendererHints._getHintsFor(target, RendererHints.DisplayValue.class); if (Iterables.size(hints) > 1) { log.warn("Multiple display value hints set for {}; Only one will be applied, using first", target); }//from w w w .ja v a 2 s. c o m Optional<RendererHints.DisplayValue> hint = Optional.fromNullable(Iterables.getFirst(hints, null)); Object value = hint.isPresent() ? hint.get().getDisplayValue(initialValue) : initialValue; if (includeClass && value != null && !(value instanceof String) && !(value instanceof Number) && !(value.getClass().isPrimitive())) { value = _applyDisplayValueHint(value.getClass(), value, false); } return value; }
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/** * No errors or warnings accepted.//www . j a v a2 s .c o m * * @param message * @param diag */ public void assertOk() { Iterable<Diagnostic> all = getAllDiagnostics(); if (Iterables.size(all) > 0) throw new ComparisonFailure("No diagnostics expected", "No diagnostics", diagnosticsToString(all)); }
From source
static int[] getPortsToOpenFromElement(NodeElement nodeElement) { Iterable<String> portStrings = Splitter.on(',').split(nodeElement.getOpenports()); int[] ports = new int[Iterables.size(portStrings)]; int i = 0;// w w w . j a v a 2s .c o m for (String port : portStrings) { ports[i++] = Integer.parseInt(port); } return ports; }