List of usage examples for Iterables size
public static int size(Iterable<?> iterable)
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private String createJoinedDefaultJvmOpts(Iterable<String> defaultJvmOpts) { if (windows) { if (defaultJvmOpts == null) { return ""; }/*from w ww .jav a 2s.c o m*/ Iterable<String> quotedDefaultJvmOpts = Iterables .transform(CollectionUtils.toStringList(defaultJvmOpts), new Function<String, String>() { public String apply(String jvmOpt) { return "\"" + escapeWindowsJvmOpt(jvmOpt) + "\""; } }); Joiner spaceJoiner = Joiner.on(" "); return spaceJoiner.join(quotedDefaultJvmOpts); } else { if (defaultJvmOpts == null) { return ""; } Iterable<String> quotedDefaultJvmOpts = Iterables .transform(CollectionUtils.toStringList(defaultJvmOpts), new Function<String, String>() { public String apply(String jvmOpt) { //quote ', ", \, $. Probably not perfect. TODO: identify non-working cases, fail-fast on them jvmOpt = jvmOpt.replace("\\", "\\\\"); jvmOpt = jvmOpt.replace("\"", "\\\""); jvmOpt = jvmOpt.replace("'", "'\"'\"'"); jvmOpt = jvmOpt.replace("`", "'\"`\"'"); jvmOpt = jvmOpt.replace("$", "\\$"); return "\"" + jvmOpt + "\""; } }); //put the whole arguments string in single quotes, unless defaultJvmOpts was empty, // in which case we output "" to stay compatible with existing builds that scan the script for it Joiner spaceJoiner = Joiner.on(" "); if (Iterables.size(quotedDefaultJvmOpts) > 0) { return "'" + spaceJoiner.join(quotedDefaultJvmOpts) + "'"; } return "\"\""; } }
From source
/** * can return null only if you override ParsingStrategy and explicitely return null * @param elements/*from w w w . ja v a2 s. c o m*/ * @param schema * @return */ @Nullable @Override public N parse(final Iterable<E> elements, final S schema) { checkAtLeastOneNode(schema, elements); DataContainerNodeBuilder<P, N> containerBuilder = getBuilder(schema); // Map child nodes to QName LinkedListMultimap<QName, E> mappedChildElements = mapChildElements(elements); // Map child nodes from Augments Map<QName, AugmentationSchema> mappedAugmentChildNodes = mapChildElementsFromAugments(schema); LinkedListMultimap<AugmentationSchema, E> augmentsToElements = LinkedListMultimap.create(); // Map child nodes from choices Map<QName, ChoiceSchemaNode> mappedChoiceChildNodes = mapChildElementsFromChoices(schema); LinkedListMultimap<ChoiceSchemaNode, E> choicesToElements = LinkedListMultimap.create(); Map<QName, String> attributes = getAttributes(elements.iterator().next()); if (containerBuilder instanceof AttributesBuilder) { final int size = Iterables.size(elements); Preconditions.checkArgument(size == 1, "Unexpected number of elements: %s, should be 1 for: %s", size, schema); ((AttributesBuilder<?>) containerBuilder).withAttributes(attributes); } //parse keys first if (schema instanceof ListSchemaNode) { for (QName qname : ((ListSchemaNode) schema).getKeyDefinition()) { if (mappedChildElements.get(qname.withoutRevision()).isEmpty()) { continue; } DataSchemaNode childSchema = getSchemaForChild(schema, qname); List<E> childrenForQName = mappedChildElements.removeAll(qname.withoutRevision()); DataContainerChild<? extends YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument, ?> optionalChildNode = getDispatcher() .dispatchChildElement(childSchema, childrenForQName); if (optionalChildNode != null) { containerBuilder.withChild(optionalChildNode); } } } //stage attribues for strategy before going deeper in the recursion buildingStrategy.prepareAttributes(attributes, containerBuilder); // process Child nodes for (QName childPartialQName : mappedChildElements.keySet()) { DataSchemaNode childSchema = getSchemaForChild(schema, childPartialQName); //with strict parsing an exception would be already thrown, with nonstrict we want to ignore this node if (childSchema == null) { continue; } List<E> childrenForQName = mappedChildElements.get(childPartialQName); // Augment if (isMarkedAs(mappedAugmentChildNodes, childSchema.getQName())) { AugmentationSchema augmentationSchema = mappedAugmentChildNodes.get(childSchema.getQName()); augmentsToElements.putAll(augmentationSchema, childrenForQName); // Choices } else if (isMarkedAs(mappedChoiceChildNodes, childSchema.getQName())) { ChoiceSchemaNode choiceSchema = mappedChoiceChildNodes.get(childSchema.getQName()); choicesToElements.putAll(choiceSchema, childrenForQName); // Regular child nodes } else { DataContainerChild<? extends YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument, ?> optionalChildNode = getDispatcher() .dispatchChildElement(childSchema, childrenForQName); if (optionalChildNode != null) { containerBuilder.withChild(optionalChildNode); } } } // TODO ordering is not preserved for choice and augment elements for (ChoiceSchemaNode choiceSchema : choicesToElements.keySet()) { DataContainerChild<? extends YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument, ?> optionalChild = getDispatcher() .dispatchChildElement(choiceSchema, choicesToElements.get(choiceSchema)); if (optionalChild != null) { containerBuilder.withChild(optionalChild); } } for (AugmentationSchema augmentSchema : augmentsToElements.keySet()) { Set<DataSchemaNode> realChildSchemas = getRealSchemasForAugment(schema, augmentSchema); EffectiveAugmentationSchema augSchemaProxy = new EffectiveAugmentationSchema(augmentSchema, realChildSchemas); DataContainerChild<? extends YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument, ?> optionalChild = getDispatcher() .dispatchChildElement(augSchemaProxy, augmentsToElements.get(augmentSchema)); if (optionalChild != null) { containerBuilder.withChild(optionalChild); } } return; }
From source
@Override @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "PMD.NcssMethodCount" }) public int compare(Value o1, Value o2) { if (o1.isNull() && o2.isNull()) return 0; if (o1.isNull()) return -1; if (o2.isNull()) return 1; Iterable<List<Coordinate>> list1 = (Iterable<List<Coordinate>>) o1.getValue(); Iterable<List<Coordinate>> list2 = (Iterable<List<Coordinate>>) o2.getValue(); if (list1 == list2) return 0; int size1 = Iterables.size(list1); int size2 = Iterables.size(list2); if (size1 == size2) { for (List<Coordinate> l : list1) { if (!Iterables.contains(list2, l)) return -1; }/*from w w w.j av a 2s. c om*/ return 0; } return size1 < size2 ? -1 : 1; }
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/** * Converts all given KVectors to a readable string with rounded results. * @param list The list of KVectors to create the string for. * @return The readable string.//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m */ public static String convertKVectorToString(final Iterable<KVector> list) { if (list == null || Iterables.size(list) == 0) { return NULL_STRING; } final StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder(); for (final KVector vector : list) { retVal.append(convertKVectorToString(vector)).append(", "); } return retVal.substring(0, retVal.length() - 2); }
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CommandLineParserInstance(Iterable<Argument<?>> argumentDefinitions, ProgramInformation information, Locale locale, boolean isCommandParser) { int nrOfArgumentsToHandle = Iterables.size(argumentDefinitions); this.indexedArguments = newArrayListWithCapacity(nrOfArgumentsToHandle); this.namedArguments = new NamedArguments(nrOfArgumentsToHandle); this.specialArguments = new SpecialArguments(); this.helpArguments = newHashMap(); this.allArguments = newLinkedHashSetWithExpectedSize(nrOfArgumentsToHandle); this.programInformation = information; this.locale = locale; this.isCommandParser = isCommandParser; for (Argument<?> definition : argumentDefinitions) { addArgumentDefinition(definition); }/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ verifyThatIndexedAndRequiredArgumentsWasGivenBeforeAnyOptionalArguments(); verifyUniqueMetasForRequiredAndIndexedArguments(); verifyThatOnlyOneArgumentIsOfVariableArity(); }
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private long getTotalFilesCompleted(Collection<ProgressInfo> files) { Iterable<ProgressInfo> completed = Iterables.filter(files, new Predicate<ProgressInfo>() { public boolean apply(ProgressInfo input) { return input.isCompleted(); }// w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m }); return Iterables.size(completed); }
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@Override public Tuple getNext() throws IOException { Tuple tuple;//from w w w . j av a2 s. c om Text value; Iterable<String> valueIterable; Iterator<String> valueIterator; int numberOfTabs; try { // Read the next key-value pair from the record reader. If it's // finished, return null if (!reader.nextKeyValue()) return null; value = reader.getCurrentValue(); valueIterable = Splitter.on('\t').split(value.toString()); numberOfTabs = Iterables.size(valueIterable); valueIterator = valueIterable.iterator(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new IOException(ie); } // Create a new Tuple optimized for the number of fields that we know we'll need tuple = tupleFactory.newTuple(numberOfTabs + 1); if (numberOfTabs != fields.length) { LOGGER.error("skipping row - did not find expected tabs in row - expected {}, found {}", fields.length, numberOfTabs); } else { int fieldIndex = 0; while (valueIterator.hasNext()) { String val =; ResourceFieldSchema field = fields[fieldIndex]; //field name starts with prop then // switch (field.getType()) { case DataType.INTEGER: if (StringUtils.isBlank(val)) { tuple.set(fieldIndex, null); } else { try { tuple.set(fieldIndex, Integer.parseInt(val)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe1) { // Throw a more descriptive message throw new NumberFormatException("Error while trying to parse " + val + " into an Integer for field [fieldindex= " + fieldIndex + "] " + field.getName() + "\n" + value.toString()); } } break; case DataType.DATETIME: if (StringUtils.isBlank(val)) { tuple.set(fieldIndex, null); } else { DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.parseDateTime(val); } break; case DataType.CHARARRAY: tuple.set(fieldIndex, val); break; case DataType.LONG: if (StringUtils.isBlank(val)) { tuple.set(fieldIndex, null); } else { try { tuple.set(fieldIndex, Long.parseLong(val)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe2) { throw new NumberFormatException("Error while trying to parse " + val + " into a Long for field " + field.getName() + "\n" + value.toString()); } } break; case DataType.BIGDECIMAL: if (StringUtils.isBlank(val)) { tuple.set(fieldIndex, null); } else { try { tuple.set(fieldIndex, new BigDecimal(val)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe2) { throw new NumberFormatException("Error while trying to parse " + val + " into a BigDecimal for field " + field.getName() + "\n" + value.toString()); } } break; case DataType.BAG: if ("event_list".equals(field.getName())) { DataBag bag = bagFactory.newDefaultBag(); String[] events = val.split(","); if (events == null) { tuple.set(fieldIndex, null); } else { for (int j = 0; j < events.length; j++) { Tuple t = tupleFactory.newTuple(1); if (events[j] == "") { t.set(0, null); } else { t.set(0, events[j]); } bag.add(t); } tuple.set(fieldIndex, bag); } } else { throw new IOException("Can not process bags for the field " + field.getName() + ". Can only process for the event_list field."); } break; default: throw new IOException( "Unexpected or unknown type in input schema (Omniture fields should be int, chararray or long): " + field.getType()); } fieldIndex++; } } return tuple; }
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private static void reportEntryPointStatistics(Reporter reporter, Iterable<Entrypoint> entryPoints) { KeyValuePair("NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_POINTS", String.valueOf(Iterables.size(entryPoints)))); }
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private long getTotalFilesCompleted(Collection<ProgressInfo> files) { Iterable<ProgressInfo> completed = Iterables.filter(files, new Predicate<ProgressInfo>() { @Override/* w ww.j av a 2s . c om*/ public boolean apply(ProgressInfo input) { return input.isCompleted(); } }); return Iterables.size(completed); }
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/** * @param ids/*w w w . j ava2s. c o m*/ * @return {@link List <D>} * @throws Exception */ @Override public List<D> findByIDS(Iterable<String> ids, PredicateCondition<D> condition) throws Exception { checkArgument((ids != null) && (Iterables.size(ids) > 0)); MultiGetResponse multiGetResponses = this.elastichSearchClient.prepareMultiGet().setRealtime(TRUE) .add(getIndexName(), getIndexType(), ids).get(); return -> !response.isFailed()) .map(r -> readGetResponse(r.getResponse())) .filter(d -> ((condition != null) ? ((d != null) && (condition.test(d))) : d != null)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }