List of usage examples for Iterables size
public static int size(Iterable<?> iterable)
From source
Iterable<Transition> findChainTo(Instance.State desired, Instance.State currentState, Multimap<Instance.State, ? extends Transition> states) { for (Transition transition : states.get(currentState)) { if (currentState.ordinal() >= transition.getTo().ordinal()) continue; if (transition.getTo() == desired) return ImmutableSet.<Transition>of(transition); Iterable<Transition> transitions = findChainTo(desired, transition.getTo(), states); if (Iterables.size(transitions) > 0) return Iterables.concat(ImmutableSet.of(transition), transitions); }//from www . ja v a2 s. c o m return ImmutableSet.<Transition>of(); }
From source
/** * Adds the serialized version of the specified attribute to the specified message. * * @param rulePb the message to amend/* w w w.j a va2 s. com*/ * @param attr the attribute to add * @param values the possible values of the attribute (can be a multi-value list for * configurable attributes) * @param location the location of the attribute in the source file * @param explicitlySpecified whether the attribute was explicitly specified or not * @param includeGlobs add glob expression for attributes that contain them */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void addAttributeToProto(Build.Rule.Builder rulePb, Attribute attr, Iterable<Object> values, Location location, Boolean explicitlySpecified, boolean includeGlobs) { // Get the attribute type. We need to convert and add appropriately<?> type = attr.getType(); Build.Attribute.Builder attrPb = Build.Attribute.newBuilder(); // Set the type, name and source attrPb.setName(attr.getName()); attrPb.setType(ProtoUtils.getDiscriminatorFromType(type)); if (location != null) { attrPb.setParseableLocation(serializeLocation(location)); } if (explicitlySpecified != null) { attrPb.setExplicitlySpecified(explicitlySpecified); } // Convenience binding for single-value attributes. Because those attributes can only // have a single value, when we encounter configurable versions of them we need to // react somehow to having multiple possible values to report. We currently just // refrain from setting *any* value in that scenario. This variable is set to null // to indicate that. // // For example, for "linkstatic = select({':foo': 0, ':bar': 1})", "values" will contain [0, 1]. // Since linkstatic is a single-value string element, its proto field (string_value) can't // store both values. Since no use case today actually needs this, we just skip it. // // TODO(bazel-team): support this properly. This will require syntactic change to build.proto // (or reinterpretation of its current fields). Object singleAttributeValue = Iterables.size(values) == 1 ? Iterables.getOnlyElement(values) : null; /* * Set the appropriate type and value. Since string and string list store * values for multiple types, use the toString() method on the objects * instead of casting them. Note that Boolean and TriState attributes have * both an integer and string representation. */ if (type == INTEGER) { if (singleAttributeValue != null) { attrPb.setIntValue((Integer) singleAttributeValue); } } else if (type == STRING || type == LABEL || type == NODEP_LABEL || type == OUTPUT) { if (singleAttributeValue != null) { attrPb.setStringValue(singleAttributeValue.toString()); } } else if (type == STRING_LIST || type == LABEL_LIST || type == NODEP_LABEL_LIST || type == OUTPUT_LIST || type == DISTRIBUTIONS) { for (Object value : values) { for (Object entry : (Collection<?>) value) { attrPb.addStringListValue(entry.toString()); } } } else if (type == INTEGER_LIST) { for (Object value : values) { for (Integer entry : (Collection<Integer>) value) { attrPb.addIntListValue(entry); } } } else if (type == BOOLEAN) { if (singleAttributeValue != null) { if ((Boolean) singleAttributeValue) { attrPb.setStringValue("true"); attrPb.setBooleanValue(true); } else { attrPb.setStringValue("false"); attrPb.setBooleanValue(false); } // This maintains partial backward compatibility for external users of the // protobuf that were expecting an integer field and not a true boolean. attrPb.setIntValue((Boolean) singleAttributeValue ? 1 : 0); } } else if (type == TRISTATE) { if (singleAttributeValue != null) { switch ((TriState) singleAttributeValue) { case AUTO: attrPb.setIntValue(-1); attrPb.setStringValue("auto"); attrPb.setTristateValue(Build.Attribute.Tristate.AUTO); break; case NO: attrPb.setIntValue(0); attrPb.setStringValue("no"); attrPb.setTristateValue(Build.Attribute.Tristate.NO); break; case YES: attrPb.setIntValue(1); attrPb.setStringValue("yes"); attrPb.setTristateValue(Build.Attribute.Tristate.YES); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Expected AUTO/NO/YES to cover all possible cases"); } } } else if (type == LICENSE) { if (singleAttributeValue != null) { License license = (License) singleAttributeValue; Build.License.Builder licensePb = Build.License.newBuilder(); for (License.LicenseType licenseType : license.getLicenseTypes()) { licensePb.addLicenseType(licenseType.toString()); } for (Label exception : license.getExceptions()) { licensePb.addException(exception.toString()); } attrPb.setLicense(licensePb); } } else if (type == STRING_DICT) { // TODO(bazel-team): support better de-duping here and in other dictionaries. for (Object value : values) { Map<String, String> dict = (Map<String, String>) value; for (Map.Entry<String, String> keyValueList : dict.entrySet()) { Build.StringDictEntry entry = Build.StringDictEntry.newBuilder().setKey(keyValueList.getKey()) .setValue(keyValueList.getValue()).build(); attrPb.addStringDictValue(entry); } } } else if (type == STRING_DICT_UNARY) { for (Object value : values) { Map<String, String> dict = (Map<String, String>) value; for (Map.Entry<String, String> dictEntry : dict.entrySet()) { Build.StringDictUnaryEntry entry = Build.StringDictUnaryEntry.newBuilder() .setKey(dictEntry.getKey()).setValue(dictEntry.getValue()).build(); attrPb.addStringDictUnaryValue(entry); } } } else if (type == STRING_LIST_DICT) { for (Object value : values) { Map<String, List<String>> dict = (Map<String, List<String>>) value; for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> dictEntry : dict.entrySet()) { Build.StringListDictEntry.Builder entry = Build.StringListDictEntry.newBuilder() .setKey(dictEntry.getKey()); for (Object dictEntryValue : dictEntry.getValue()) { entry.addValue(dictEntryValue.toString()); } attrPb.addStringListDictValue(entry); } } } else if (type == LABEL_LIST_DICT) { for (Object value : values) { Map<String, List<Label>> dict = (Map<String, List<Label>>) value; for (Map.Entry<String, List<Label>> dictEntry : dict.entrySet()) { Build.LabelListDictEntry.Builder entry = Build.LabelListDictEntry.newBuilder() .setKey(dictEntry.getKey()); for (Object dictEntryValue : dictEntry.getValue()) { entry.addValue(dictEntryValue.toString()); } attrPb.addLabelListDictValue(entry); } } } else if (type == FILESET_ENTRY_LIST) { for (Object value : values) { List<FilesetEntry> filesetEntries = (List<FilesetEntry>) value; for (FilesetEntry filesetEntry : filesetEntries) { Build.FilesetEntry.Builder filesetEntryPb = Build.FilesetEntry.newBuilder() .setSource(filesetEntry.getSrcLabel().toString()) .setDestinationDirectory(filesetEntry.getDestDir().getPathString()) .setSymlinkBehavior(symlinkBehaviorToPb(filesetEntry.getSymlinkBehavior())) .setStripPrefix(filesetEntry.getStripPrefix()) .setFilesPresent(filesetEntry.getFiles() != null); if (filesetEntry.getFiles() != null) { for (Label file : filesetEntry.getFiles()) { filesetEntryPb.addFile(file.toString()); } } if (filesetEntry.getExcludes() != null) { for (String exclude : filesetEntry.getExcludes()) { filesetEntryPb.addExclude(exclude); } } attrPb.addFilesetListValue(filesetEntryPb); } } } else { throw new AssertionError("Unknown type: " + type); } if (includeGlobs) { for (Object value : values) { if (value instanceof GlobList<?>) { GlobList<?> globList = (GlobList<?>) value; for (GlobCriteria criteria : globList.getCriteria()) { Build.GlobCriteria.Builder criteriaPb = Build.GlobCriteria.newBuilder() .setGlob(criteria.isGlob()); for (String include : criteria.getIncludePatterns()) { criteriaPb.addInclude(include); } for (String exclude : criteria.getExcludePatterns()) { criteriaPb.addExclude(exclude); } attrPb.addGlobCriteria(criteriaPb); } } } } rulePb.addAttribute(attrPb); }
From source
/** * Gets ALL Elasticsearch indices, or null if status code returned is not OK 200. *//*from w w w . j av a 2s .c o m*/ public String[] getIndices() throws IOException { Response response = lowLevelClient.performRequest("GET", "/_cat/indices"); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { String responseStr = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); List<String> indices = new ArrayList<>(); for (String line : Splitter.on("\n").split(responseStr)) { Iterable<String> splits = Splitter.on(" ").split(line.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim()); if (Iterables.size(splits) > 3) { String index = Iterables.get(splits, 2, ""); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(index)) { indices.add(index.trim()); } } } String[] ret = new String[indices.size()]; ret = indices.toArray(ret); return ret; } return null; }
From source
/** * Creates package name from specified <code>basePackageName</code> (package * name for module) and <code>schemaPath</code>. * * Resulting package name is concatenation of <code>basePackageName</code> * and all local names of YANG nodes which are parents of some node for * which <code>schemaPath</code> is specified. * * @param basePackageName/* w w w .jav a2 s . c om*/ * string with package name of the module * @param schemaPath * list of names of YANG nodes which are parents of some node + * name of this node * @return string with valid JAVA package name */ public static String packageNameForGeneratedType(final String basePackageName, final SchemaPath schemaPath, final boolean isUsesAugment) { if (basePackageName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base Package Name cannot be NULL!"); } if (schemaPath == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Schema Path cannot be NULL!"); } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(basePackageName); final Iterable<QName> iterable = schemaPath.getPathFromRoot(); final Iterator<QName> iterator = iterable.iterator(); int size = Iterables.size(iterable); final int traversalSteps; if (isUsesAugment) { traversalSteps = size; } else { traversalSteps = size - 1; } for (int i = 0; i < traversalSteps; ++i) { builder.append('.'); String nodeLocalName =; // FIXME: Collon ":" is invalid in node local name as per RFC6020, identifier statement. builder.append(DASH_COLON_MATCHER.replaceFrom(nodeLocalName, '.')); } return BindingMapping.normalizePackageName(builder.toString()); }
From source
/** * Generate all the classes required by the scripting framework. * //from w w w .ja v a2 s . c o m * @param sourceDirectory * The directory containing the classes to be scanned for * {@link Executable} annotations. * @param workDirectory * The directory in which the jar file will be stored. * @return A jar file containing all generated sources. * @throws IOException * @throws ExecutableScanException */ protected Path generateCodeJar(Path sourceDirectory, Path workDirectory, Iterable<Path> dependencyJarFiles) throws IOException, ExecutableScanException { Path targetDirectory = workDirectory.resolve("generated-classes"); Files.createDirectories(targetDirectory); URL[] urls = new URL[Iterables.size(dependencyJarFiles)]; int idx = 0; for (Path dependencyJarFile : dependencyJarFiles) { urls[idx++] = dependencyJarFile.toUri().toURL(); } ClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls, getClass().getClassLoader()); getCodeGenerator().generate(classLoader, sourceDirectory, targetDirectory); Path jarFile = workDirectory.resolve("generated.jar"); getJarService().generateJar(targetDirectory, jarFile); return jarFile; }
From source
/** * Delete all matching {@link SecurityGroup}s. *//*w w w.j av a2 s . co m*/ public void deleteSecurityGroups(SecurityGroupClient securityGroupApi) throws Exception { Set<SecurityGroup> groups = securityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(region); Iterable<String> filtered = Iterables .filter(Iterables.transform(groups, new Function<SecurityGroup, String>() { @Override public String apply(@Nullable SecurityGroup input) { return input.getName(); } }), Predicates.containsPattern("^" + regexp + "$"));"Found {} matching SecurityGroups", Iterables.size(filtered)); if (!check) { int deleted = 0; for (String name : filtered) { try { securityGroupApi.deleteSecurityGroupInRegion(region, name); deleted++; } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("RequestLimitExceeded")) { Thread.sleep(1000l); // Avoid triggering rate-limiter again } LOG.warn("Error deleting SecurityGroup '{}': {}", name, e.getMessage()); } }"Deleted {} SecurityGroups", deleted); } }
From source
/** * All write methods chain into this write() to use WriteMessageTask. * //from w ww.j a v a2 s . c o m * Write the list of messages to the switch * * @param msgList list of messages to write * @return list of failed messages; can only fail if channel disconnected */ @Override public Collection<OFMessage> write(final Iterable<OFMessage> msgList) { if (!isConnected()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(this.toString() + " : not connected - dropping {} element msglist {} ", Iterables.size(msgList), String.valueOf(msgList).substring(0, 80)); return IterableUtils.toCollection(msgList); } for (OFMessage m : msgList) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("{}: send {}", this, m); counters.updateWriteStats(m); } } WriteMessageTask(msgList)); return Collections.emptyList(); }
From source
/** * All write methods chain into this write() to use WriteMessageTask. * //www. j a v a 2 s. com * Write the list of messages to the switch * * @param msgList list of messages to write * @return list of failed messages; can only fail if channel disconnected */ @Override public Collection<OFMessage> write(final Iterable<OFMessage> msgList) { if (!isConnected()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(this.toString() + " : not connected - dropping {} element msglist {} ", Iterables.size(msgList), String.valueOf(msgList).substring(0, 80)); return IterableUtils.toCollection(msgList); } for (OFMessage m : msgList) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("{}: send {}", this, m); // counters.updateWriteStats(m); } } WriteMessageTask(msgList)); return Collections.emptyList(); }
From source
public static <T extends PBXBuildPhase> T getSingletonPhaseByType(PBXTarget target, final Class<T> cls) { Iterable<PBXBuildPhase> buildPhases = Iterables.filter(target.getBuildPhases(), new Predicate<PBXBuildPhase>() { @Override// w w w . j av a 2 s .com public boolean apply(PBXBuildPhase input) { return cls.isInstance(input); } }); assertEquals("Build phase should be singleton", 1, Iterables.size(buildPhases)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T element = (T) Iterables.getOnlyElement(buildPhases); return element; }