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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.giraph.partition;

import org.apache.giraph.bsp.CentralizedServiceWorker;
import org.apache.giraph.comm.requests.SendPartitionDLDepRequest;
import org.apache.giraph.comm.requests.SendPartitionDLForkRequest;
import org.apache.giraph.comm.requests.SendPartitionDLTokenRequest;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConfiguration;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration;
import org.apache.giraph.edge.Edge;
import org.apache.giraph.graph.Vertex;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.ByteArrayIntInt;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2BooleanOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ByteOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ByteMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2IntOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator;

import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;


 * YH: Implements the hygienic dining philosophers solution that
 * treats partitions (rather than vertices) as philosophers.
 * @param <I> Vertex id
 * @param <V> Vertex value
 * @param <E> Edge value
public class PartitionPhilosophersTable<I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable, E extends Writable> {
    /** Class logger */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PartitionPhilosophersTable.class);

    /** Mask for have-token bit */
    private static final byte MASK_HAVE_TOKEN = 0x1;
    /** Mask for have-fork bit */
    private static final byte MASK_HAVE_FORK = 0x2;
    /** Mask for is-dirty bit */
    private static final byte MASK_IS_DIRTY = 0x4;

    /** Provided configuration */
    private final ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, V, E> conf;
    /** Service worker */
    private final CentralizedServiceWorker<I, V, E> serviceWorker;

    /** Lock for condition var */
    private final Lock cvLock = new ReentrantLock();
    /** Condition var for arrival of fork */
    private final Condition newFork = cvLock.newCondition();

    /** Runnable for waiting on requests asynchronously */
    private final Runnable waitAllRunnable;
    /** Lock for accessing wait thread */
    private final Lock waitLock = new ReentrantLock();
    /** Thread for waiting on requests asynchronously */
    private Thread waitThread;

     * Map of partition id (philosopher) to partition ids (dependencies)
     * to single byte (indicates dirty/clean, have fork, have token).
     * Basically, this tracks the state of philosophers (partitions),
     * sitting at a distributed "table", that are local to this worker.
    private Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Int2ByteOpenHashMap> pMap;
    /** Set of partitions (philosophers) that are hungry (acquiring forks) */
    private IntOpenHashSet pHungry;
    /** Set of partitions (philosophers) that are eating (acquired forks) */
    private IntOpenHashSet pEating;
    // "thinking" philosophers are absent from both sets

    /** Total number of partitions across all workers */
    private int numTotalPartitions;
    /** Map of partition ids to worker/task ids */
    private Int2IntOpenHashMap taskIdMap;
    /** Map of partition ids to "all halted?" boolean */
    private Int2BooleanOpenHashMap allHaltedMap;

     * Constructor
     * @param conf Configuration used.
     * @param serviceWorker Service worker
    public PartitionPhilosophersTable(ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, V, E> conf,
            CentralizedServiceWorker<I, V, E> serviceWorker) {
        this.conf = conf;
        this.serviceWorker = serviceWorker;

        int numLocalPartitions = serviceWorker.getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions();

        // need one entry for every local partition
        this.pMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Int2ByteOpenHashMap>(numLocalPartitions);

        this.pHungry = new IntOpenHashSet(Math.min(conf.getNumComputeThreads(), numLocalPartitions));
        this.pEating = new IntOpenHashSet(Math.min(conf.getNumComputeThreads(), numLocalPartitions));

        // this gives total number of partitions, b/c WorkerGraphPartitioner
        // must store location of ALL partitions in system
        // (PartitionOwners are init and assigned by master)
        this.numTotalPartitions = Iterables.size(serviceWorker.getPartitionOwners());

        this.taskIdMap = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(numTotalPartitions);
        this.allHaltedMap = new Int2BooleanOpenHashMap(numLocalPartitions);

        this.waitAllRunnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

        //"[[PTABLE]] ========================================");
        //"[[PTABLE]] I am worker: " +
        //         serviceWorker.getWorkerInfo().getTaskId());

     * Add a vertex's dependencies to the partition to which it belongs.
     * Must not be called/used when compute threads are executing.
     * @param vertex Vertex to be processed
    public void addVertexDependencies(Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) {
        // partition and "philosopher" id
        int partitionId = serviceWorker.getVertexPartitionOwner(vertex.getId()).getPartitionId();

        //"[[PTABLE]] processing vertex " + vertex.getId() +
        //          ", partition " + partitionId);

        Int2ByteOpenHashMap neighbours;
        synchronized (pMap) {
            neighbours = pMap.get(partitionId);
            if (neighbours == null) {
                // for hash partitioning, one partition will almost always
                // depend uniformly on ALL other partitions
                neighbours = new Int2ByteOpenHashMap(numTotalPartitions);
                pMap.put(partitionId, neighbours);

        for (Edge<I, E> e : vertex.getEdges()) {
            int dstPartitionId = serviceWorker.getVertexPartitionOwner(e.getTargetVertexId()).getPartitionId();

            // neighbours are not deleted, so no need to sync on pMap
            synchronized (neighbours) {
                // partition dependency may have already been
                // initialized by another vertex.. if so, skip
                if (!neighbours.containsKey(dstPartitionId)) {
                    byte forkInfo = 0;

                    // For acyclic precedence graph, always initialize
                    // tokens at smaller id and dirty fork at larger id.
                    // Skip self-loops/dependencies.
                    if (dstPartitionId == partitionId) {
                    } else if (dstPartitionId < partitionId) {
                        // I have larger id, so I hold dirty fork
                        forkInfo |= MASK_HAVE_FORK;
                        forkInfo |= MASK_IS_DIRTY;
                    } else {
                        forkInfo |= MASK_HAVE_TOKEN;
                    neighbours.put(dstPartitionId, forkInfo);

                    // also store reverse index of partition to task ids
                    // (by default, we only have task to partition ids)
                    // need synchronize b/c not everyone synchronizes
                    // on same "neighbours"
                    synchronized (taskIdMap) {
                        taskIdMap.put(dstPartitionId, serviceWorker.getVertexPartitionOwner(e.getTargetVertexId())

     * Send our philosopher's dependencies to their partners.
     * Required in the case of directed graphs (neighbouring
     * philosopher will otherwise fail to see dependencies).
    public void sendDependencies() {
        // when to flush cache/send message to particular worker
        int maxMessagesSizePerWorker = GiraphConfiguration.MAX_MSG_REQUEST_SIZE.get(conf);

        // cache for messages that will be sent to neighbours
        // (much more efficient than using SendDataCache b/c
        //  we don't need to store/know dst partition ids)
        Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<ByteArrayIntInt> msgCache = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<ByteArrayIntInt>();

        // Get cached copy of keyset to ignore future modifications
        // (future modifications are always *received* dependencies).
        // keySet() is backed by collection, so need to get "safe" copy.
        int[] pKeySet;
        synchronized (pMap) {
            pKeySet = pMap.keySet().toIntArray();

        Int2ByteOpenHashMap neighbours;
        int[] neighboursKeySet;
        for (int pId : pKeySet) {
            // must synchronize on pMap and neighbours separately, due to
            // race with synchronize-on-neighbours in receiveDependency()
            synchronized (pMap) {
                neighbours = pMap.get(pId);
            synchronized (neighbours) {
                neighboursKeySet = neighbours.keySet().toIntArray();

            // we store pId to neighbourId mapping, so we want every
            // neighbourId to know that they need a "to pId" mapping
            for (int neighbourId : neighboursKeySet) {
                int dstTaskId;
                // potential race with taskIdMap in receiveDependency()
                synchronized (taskIdMap) {
                    dstTaskId = taskIdMap.get(neighbourId);
                //"[[PTABLE]] send dependency to taskId " + dstTaskId);

                // skip sending message for local request
                if (serviceWorker.getWorkerInfo().getTaskId() == dstTaskId) {
                    receiveDependency(neighbourId, pId);
                } else {
                    // caching is not really necessary, but this will make
                    // input loading scalable for millions of partitions
                    // no need to sync, this is executed by single thread
                    ByteArrayIntInt messages = msgCache.get(dstTaskId);
                    if (messages == null) {
                        messages = new ByteArrayIntInt();
                        msgCache.put(dstTaskId, messages);

                    messages.add(neighbourId, pId);

                    if (messages.getSize() > maxMessagesSizePerWorker) {
                                new SendPartitionDLDepRequest(messages));

        // send remaining messages
        for (int dstTaskId : msgCache.keySet()) {
            // no need to remove, map will be trashed entirely
            ByteArrayIntInt messages = msgCache.get(dstTaskId);
            serviceWorker.getWorkerClient().sendWritableRequest(dstTaskId, new SendPartitionDLDepRequest(messages));

        // flush network

     * Process a received dependency.
     * @param pId Partition id of philosopher
     * @param depId Partition id of new dependency
    public void receiveDependency(int pId, int depId) {
        Int2ByteOpenHashMap neighbours;
        synchronized (pMap) {
            neighbours = pMap.get(pId);

            // can happen when not-yet-created vertex
            // falls under an otherwise empty partition
            if (neighbours == null) {
                neighbours = new Int2ByteOpenHashMap(numTotalPartitions);
                pMap.put(pId, neighbours);

        synchronized (neighbours) {
            if (!neighbours.containsKey(depId)) {
                byte forkInfo = 0;
                if (depId < pId) {
                    // I have larger id, so I hold dirty fork
                    forkInfo |= MASK_HAVE_FORK;
                    forkInfo |= MASK_IS_DIRTY;
                } else if (depId > pId) {
                    forkInfo |= MASK_HAVE_TOKEN;
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Ids must not be same!");
                neighbours.put(depId, forkInfo);

        synchronized (taskIdMap) {
            if (!taskIdMap.containsKey(depId)) {
                // have to do this the hard way---no vertex IDs available
                for (PartitionOwner po : serviceWorker.getPartitionOwners()) {
                    if (po.getPartitionId() == depId) {
                        taskIdMap.put(depId, po.getWorkerInfo().getTaskId());

     * Prints all stored dependencies. Not thread safe.
    public void printAll() {
        for (int pId : pMap.keySet()) {
            for (int neighbourId : pMap.get(pId).keySet()) {
      "[[PTABLE]] dep: " + pId + " " + neighbourId);

     * Blocking call that returns when all forks are acquired and
     * the philosopher starts to eat.
     * @param pId Partition id (philosopher) to acquire forks for
    public void acquireForks(int pId) {
        //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": acquiring forks");

        Int2ByteOpenHashMap neighbours = pMap.get(pId);
        byte oldForkInfo;
        boolean needFlush = false;

        // there CAN be partitions with 0 vertices---there will be
        // no dependencies on them, but we do need to handle them
        if (neighbours == null) {
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": empty partition");

        // ALWAYS lock neighbours before pHungry/pEating
        synchronized (neighbours) {
            synchronized (pHungry) {

        // for loop NOT synchronized b/c mutations must never occur
        // while compute threads are running, so keyset is fixed
        // (if NEW items were added, this will fail catastrophically!)
        for (int neighbourId : neighbours.keySet()) {
            synchronized (neighbours) {
                byte forkInfo = neighbours.get(neighbourId);
                oldForkInfo = forkInfo;

                // Note that missing fork does NOT imply holding token,
                // b/c we may have already sent off our token
                if (!haveFork(forkInfo) && haveToken(forkInfo)) {
                    forkInfo &= ~MASK_HAVE_TOKEN;
                    neighbours.put(neighbourId, forkInfo);

                    //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ":   request fork " +
                    //         neighbourId + " " + toString(forkInfo));
                // otherwise, we already sent our token or already hold
                // our fork (can be clean or dirty)

            // We're working with stale forkInfo here, so that request can
            // be sent outside of synchronization block. This has to be
            // done to avoid deadlocks due to local sendToken getting blocked
            // due to local conflicts.
            // Also note that we've applied forkInfo update before sending.
            // Important b/c local requests will immediately modify forkInfo.
            if (!haveFork(oldForkInfo) && haveToken(oldForkInfo)) {
                needFlush |= sendToken(pId, neighbourId);

        if (needFlush) {
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ":   flushing");
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ":   done flush");

        boolean done;
        cvLock.lock(); // lock early to avoid missing signals
        try {
            while (true) {
                done = true;

                // Recheck forks. This must be done in a single block
                // to get fully consistent view of ALL forks.
                synchronized (neighbours) {
                    ObjectIterator<Int2ByteMap.Entry> itr = neighbours.int2ByteEntrySet().fastIterator();
                    while (itr.hasNext()) {
                        byte forkInfo =;
                        if (!haveFork(forkInfo)) {
                            //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": still missing fork");
                            done = false;

                    if (done) {
                        // have all forks, now eating
                        // must do this while synchronized on neighbours
                        synchronized (pHungry) {
                        synchronized (pEating) {
                        //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": got all forks");

                //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": wait for forks");
                //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": woke up!");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("acquireForks: got interrupted!");
        } finally {

     * Dirties used forks and satisfies any pending requests
     * for such forks. Equivalent to "stop eating".
     * @param pId Partition id (philosopher) that finished eating
    public void releaseForks(int pId) {
        //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": releasing forks");

        Int2ByteOpenHashMap neighbours = pMap.get(pId);
        byte oldForkInfo;
        boolean needFlush = false;

        // there CAN be partitions with 0 vertices---there will be
        // no dependencies on them, but we do need to handle them
        if (neighbours == null) {
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": empty partition");

        // ALWAYS lock neighbours before pHungry/pEating
        synchronized (neighbours) {
            synchronized (pEating) {

        // for loop NOT synchronized b/c mutations must never occur
        // while compute threads are running, so keyset is fixed
        // (if NEW items were added, this will fail catastrophically!)
        // all held forks are (possibly implicitly) dirty
        for (int neighbourId : neighbours.keySet()) {
            // must synchronize since we may receive token
            synchronized (neighbours) {
                byte forkInfo = neighbours.get(neighbourId);
                oldForkInfo = forkInfo;

                // we stop eating right away, so a previously dirtied fork
                // (dirty forks can be reused) CAN be taken from under us
                if (!haveFork(forkInfo)) {
                    //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": already lost fork " +
                    //         neighbourId + " " + toString(forkInfo));

                } else {
                    if (haveToken(forkInfo)) {
                        // fork will be sent outside of sync block
                        forkInfo &= ~MASK_IS_DIRTY;
                        forkInfo &= ~MASK_HAVE_FORK;

                        //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": sending clean fork to " +
                        //         neighbourId + " " + toString(forkInfo));
                    } else {
                        // otherwise, explicitly dirty the fork
                        // (so that fork is released immediately on token receipt)
                        forkInfo |= MASK_IS_DIRTY;

                        //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": dirty fork " +
                        //         neighbourId + " " + toString(forkInfo));
                    neighbours.put(neighbourId, forkInfo);

            if (haveFork(oldForkInfo) && haveToken(oldForkInfo)) {
                needFlush |= sendFork(pId, neighbourId);

        // NOTE: this is also what flushes pending messages to the network,
        // so that other philosophers will see up-to-date messages (required
        // for serializability). If nobody needs a fork, messages will
        // get flushed only when that fork is requested.
        if (needFlush) {
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": flushing");
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + pId + ": done flush");

     * Send token/request for fork.
     * @param senderId Sender of token
     * @param receiverId Receiver of token
     * @return True if receiver is remote, false if local
    public boolean sendToken(int senderId, int receiverId) {
        int dstTaskId = taskIdMap.get(receiverId);

        if (serviceWorker.getWorkerInfo().getTaskId() == dstTaskId) {
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + senderId +
            //         ": send local token to " + receiverId);
            // handle request locally
            receiveToken(senderId, receiverId);
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + senderId +
            //         ": SENT local token to " + receiverId);
            return false;
        } else {
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + senderId +
            //         ": send remote token to " + receiverId);
            // call must be non-blocking to avoid deadlocks
                    new SendPartitionDLTokenRequest(senderId, receiverId), true);
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + senderId +
            //         ": SENT remote token to " + receiverId);
            return true;

     * Send fork.
     * @param senderId Sender of fork
     * @param receiverId Receiver of fork
     * @return True if receiver is remote, false if local
    public boolean sendFork(int senderId, int receiverId) {
        int dstTaskId = taskIdMap.get(receiverId);

        if (serviceWorker.getWorkerInfo().getTaskId() == dstTaskId) {
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + senderId +
            //         ": send local fork to " + receiverId);
            // handle request locally
            receiveFork(senderId, receiverId);
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + senderId +
            //         ": SENT local fork to " + receiverId);
            return false;
        } else {
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + senderId +
            //         ": send remote fork to " + receiverId);
            // call must be non-blocking to avoid deadlocks
                    new SendPartitionDLForkRequest(senderId, receiverId), true);
            //"[[PTABLE]] " + senderId +
            //         ": SENT remote fork to " + receiverId);
            return true;

     * Process a received token/request for fork.
     * @param senderId Sender of token
     * @param receiverId New holder of token
    public void receiveToken(int senderId, int receiverId) {
        int pId = receiverId;
        int neighbourId = senderId;

        Int2ByteOpenHashMap neighbours = pMap.get(pId);
        byte oldForkInfo;
        boolean needFlush = false;

        boolean isHungry;
        boolean isEating;

        // locking order matters: lock neighbours before pEating/pHungry;
        // this is same order as in acquireForks & releasForks
        synchronized (neighbours) {
            synchronized (pHungry) {
                isHungry = pHungry.contains(pId);
            synchronized (pEating) {
                isEating = pEating.contains(pId);

            byte forkInfo = neighbours.get(neighbourId);
            oldForkInfo = forkInfo;

            // invariant: must not already have token
            //if (haveToken(forkInfo)) {
            //  throw new IllegalStateException("Should not already have token!");

            //"[[PTABLE]] " + receiverId + ": got token from " +
            //         senderId  + " " + toString(forkInfo));

            if (isEating || !isDirty(forkInfo)) {
                // Do not give up fork, but record token so that receiver
                // will see it when it finishes eating.
                // This works b/c a philosopher has a clean fork iff it wants
                // to eat, hence the fork is guaranteed to become dirty. Note
                // that we cannot give up clean fork, as it creates a cycle
                // in the precedence graph.
                forkInfo |= MASK_HAVE_TOKEN;

                //"[[PTABLE]] " + receiverId + ": not giving up fork " +
                //         senderId  + " " + toString(forkInfo));
            } else {
                if (isHungry) { // hungry + not eating + dirty fork
                    // Give up fork (sender has priority), but tell sender that
                    // we want fork back by returning the newly received token.
                    forkInfo &= ~MASK_IS_DIRTY;
                    forkInfo &= ~MASK_HAVE_FORK;
                } else { // thinking + dirty fork
                    // Give up dirty fork and record token receipt.
                    forkInfo &= ~MASK_IS_DIRTY;
                    forkInfo &= ~MASK_HAVE_FORK;
                    forkInfo |= MASK_HAVE_TOKEN;
                //"[[PTABLE]] " + receiverId + ": give up fork " +
                //          senderId  + " " + toString(forkInfo));

            neighbours.put(neighbourId, forkInfo);

        if (!isEating && isDirty(oldForkInfo)) {
            if (isHungry) {
                needFlush |= sendFork(receiverId, senderId);
                needFlush |= sendToken(receiverId, senderId);
            } else {
                needFlush |= sendFork(receiverId, senderId);

        // NOTE: If fork is requested, we must flush our messages
        // in case it hasn't been flushed since releaseFork().
        // This ensures fork is delivered AND serializability
        // is maintained (newest messages show up).
        // TODO-YH: still need async thread... why??
        if (needFlush) {
            // can't use synchronized block b/c waitThread ref is changing
            if (waitThread == null || !waitThread.isAlive()) {
                waitThread = new Thread(waitAllRunnable);

     * Process a received fork.
     * @param senderId Sender of fork
     * @param receiverId New holder of fork
    public void receiveFork(int senderId, int receiverId) {
        int pId = receiverId;
        int neighbourId = senderId;
        Int2ByteOpenHashMap neighbours = pMap.get(pId);

        synchronized (neighbours) {
            byte forkInfo = neighbours.get(neighbourId);
            forkInfo |= MASK_HAVE_FORK;
            neighbours.put(neighbourId, forkInfo);

            // invariant: fork must not be dirty
            //if (isDirty(forkInfo)) {
            //  throw new IllegalStateException("Fork should not be dirty!");

            //"[[PTABLE]] " + receiverId + ": got fork from " +
            //         senderId + " " + toString(forkInfo));

        // signal fork arrival

     * Get whether a partition has all halted vertices.
     * @param partitionId Partition id
     * @return True if partition has vertices that are all halted
    public boolean allVerticesHalted(int partitionId) {
        synchronized (allHaltedMap) {
            // if partition id is missing, get() returns false,
            // which is exactly what we want
            return allHaltedMap.get(partitionId);

     * Store whether a partition has all halted vertices.
     * @param partitionId Partition id
     * @param allHalted True if all vertices in partition have halted
    public void setAllVerticesHalted(int partitionId, boolean allHalted) {
        synchronized (allHaltedMap) {
            allHaltedMap.put(partitionId, allHalted);

     * @param forkInfo Philosopher's state
     * @return True if have token
    private boolean haveToken(byte forkInfo) {
        return (forkInfo & MASK_HAVE_TOKEN) != 0;

     * @param forkInfo Philosopher's state
     * @return True if have fork
    private boolean haveFork(byte forkInfo) {
        return (forkInfo & MASK_HAVE_FORK) != 0;

     * @param forkInfo Philosopher's state
     * @return True if fork is dirty
    private boolean isDirty(byte forkInfo) {
        return (forkInfo & MASK_IS_DIRTY) != 0;

     * @param forkInfo Philosopher's state
     * @return String
    private String toString(byte forkInfo) {
        return "(" + ((forkInfo & 0x4) >>> 2) + "," + ((forkInfo & 0x2) >>> 1) + "," + (forkInfo & 0x1) + ")";