Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables size

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables size


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables size.


public static int size(Iterable<?> iterable) 

Source Link


Returns the number of elements in iterable .


From source file:org.jboss.as.console.client.administration.accesscontrol.ui.MemberColumn.java

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "Convert2MethodRef" })
public MemberColumn(final AccessControlStore accessControlStore, final Dispatcher circuit,
        final AccessControlFinder presenter, final ColumnManager columnManager,
        final Supplier<Role> selectedRole, final Supplier<Boolean> include, final String token) {

    super(FinderId.ACCESS_CONTROL, Console.CONSTANTS.member(), new Display<Assignment>() {
        @Override//  w  w w.j  a  va2s.  co m
        public boolean isFolder(final Assignment data) {
            return false;

        public SafeHtml render(final String baseCss, final Assignment data) {
            return Templates.memberItem(baseCss, data.getPrincipal());

        public String rowCss(final Assignment data) {
            return "";
    }, new ProvidesKey<Assignment>() {
        public Object getKey(final Assignment item) {
            return item.getId();
    }, token);

    setPreviewFactory((data, callback) -> callback.onSuccess(Templates.memberPreview(data,
            Iterables.size(accessControlStore.getAssignments(data.getPrincipal(), include.get())))));

    setTopMenuItems(new MenuDelegate<>(Console.CONSTANTS.common_label_add(),
            item -> presenter.launchAddMemberDialog(selectedRole.get(), include.get()),

    setMenuItems(new MenuDelegate<>(Console.CONSTANTS.common_label_delete(),
            item -> Feedback.confirm(Console.CONSTANTS.common_label_areYouSure(),
                    Console.MESSAGES.deleteTitle(item.getPrincipal().getName()), isConfirmed -> {
                        if (isConfirmed) {
                            circuit.dispatch(new RemoveAssignment(item, ROLE_TO_PRINCIPAL));

    addSelectionChangeHandler(event -> {
        if (hasSelectedItem()) {

From source file:org.killbill.billing.plugin.analytics.dao.factory.BusinessAccountFactory.java

public BusinessAccountModelDao createBusinessAccount(final BusinessContextFactory businessContextFactory)
        throws AnalyticsRefreshException {
    final Account account = businessContextFactory.getAccount();

    // Retrieve the account creation audit log
    final AuditLog creationAuditLog = businessContextFactory.getAccountCreationAuditLog();

    // Retrieve the account balance
    // Note: since we retrieve the invoices below, we could compute it ourselves and avoid fetching the invoices
    // twice, but that way the computation logic is owned by invoice
    final BigDecimal accountBalance = businessContextFactory.getAccountBalance();

    // Retrieve invoices information
    Invoice oldestUnpaidInvoice = null;//from  w  ww.jav  a2s  .  co m
    Invoice lastInvoice = null;
    final Iterable<Invoice> invoices = businessContextFactory.getAccountInvoices();
    for (final Invoice invoice : invoices) {
        if (BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(invoice.getBalance()) < 0 && (oldestUnpaidInvoice == null
                || invoice.getInvoiceDate().isBefore(oldestUnpaidInvoice.getInvoiceDate()))) {
            oldestUnpaidInvoice = invoice;
        if (lastInvoice == null || invoice.getInvoiceDate().isAfter(lastInvoice.getInvoiceDate())) {
            lastInvoice = invoice;

    // Retrieve payments information
    final Iterable<Payment> payments = businessContextFactory.getAccountPayments();
    final PaymentTransaction lastCaptureOrPurchaseTransaction = PaymentUtils
            .findLastPaymentTransaction(payments, TransactionType.CAPTURE, TransactionType.PURCHASE);

    // Retrieve bundles information
    final Iterable<SubscriptionBundle> bundles = businessContextFactory.getAccountBundles();

    final int nbActiveBundles = Iterables
            .size(Iterables.<SubscriptionBundle>filter(bundles, new Predicate<SubscriptionBundle>() {
                public boolean apply(final SubscriptionBundle bundle) {
                    return Iterables.size(Iterables.<Subscription>filter(bundle.getSubscriptions(),
                            new Predicate<Subscription>() {
                                public boolean apply(final Subscription subscription) {
                                    // Bundle is active iff its base entitlement is not cancelled
                                    return ProductCategory.BASE
                                            && !subscription.getState().equals(EntitlementState.CANCELLED);
                            })) > 0;
    final Long accountRecordId = businessContextFactory.getAccountRecordId();
    final Long tenantRecordId = businessContextFactory.getTenantRecordId();
    final ReportGroup reportGroup = businessContextFactory.getReportGroup();
    final CurrencyConverter converter = businessContextFactory.getCurrencyConverter();

    return new BusinessAccountModelDao(account, accountRecordId, accountBalance, oldestUnpaidInvoice,
            lastInvoice, lastCaptureOrPurchaseTransaction, nbActiveBundles, converter, creationAuditLog,
            tenantRecordId, reportGroup);

From source file:org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.broker.impl.DOMConcurrentDataCommitCoordinator.java

public CheckedFuture<Void, TransactionCommitFailedException> submit(DOMDataWriteTransaction transaction,
        Iterable<DOMStoreThreePhaseCommitCohort> cohorts) {

    Preconditions.checkArgument(transaction != null, "Transaction must not be null.");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(cohorts != null, "Cohorts must not be null.");
    LOG.debug("Tx: {} is submitted for execution.", transaction.getIdentifier());

    final int cohortSize = Iterables.size(cohorts);
    final AsyncNotifyingSettableFuture clientSubmitFuture = new AsyncNotifyingSettableFuture(

    doCanCommit(clientSubmitFuture, transaction, cohorts, cohortSize);

    return MappingCheckedFuture.create(clientSubmitFuture,

From source file:com.github.jeluard.stone.storage.journalio.JournalIOStorage.java

 * @param maximumSize /* w  w  w . j a  v  a2  s  .com*/
 * @param journal life-cycle is not handled here, expect a fully {@link Journal#open()} {@code journal}
 * @param writeCallback
public JournalIOStorage(final int maximumSize, final Journal journal, final WriteCallback writeCallback)
        throws IOException {

    this.journal = Preconditions.checkNotNull(journal, "null journal");
    this.writeCallback = Preconditions.checkNotNull(writeCallback, "null writeCallback");
    this.writes = new AtomicInteger(Iterables.size(all()));

From source file:eu.interedition.collatex.nmerge.graph.suffixtree.SuffixTree.java

 * Starts Ukkonen's construction algorithm by calling SPA n times, where
 * n is the length of the source string.
 * @param str the source string is a sequence of unsigned characters
 *            (maximum of 256 different symbols). In the original algorithm '$'
 *            was a special character. However,http://www.abc.net.au/news/ in Yona's
 *            version it is appended at the end of the input string and then never used.
 *//*from w  ww.ja v a  2  s  .c  o m*/
public SuffixTree(Iterable<T> str, Comparator<T> comparator, T terminal) {
    this.comparator = comparator;
    int phase;

    // added to make 1-character suffix trees work
    this.virtualEnd = 1;

    this.length = Iterables.size(str) + 1;
    this.source = (T[]) Array.newInstance(terminal.getClass(), length + 1);
    int i = 0;
    for (T t : str) {
        this.source[++i] = t;
    // the terminal ('$') is never examined but assumed to be there
    this.source[length] = terminal;

    this.root = new SuffixTreeNode(null, 0, 0, 0);
    this.root.largestSuffix = null;

    // initializing algorithm parameters
    ExtensionParam ep = new ExtensionParam();
    ep.extension = 2;
    ep.repeatedExtension = 0;
    phase = 2;

    // allocating first node, child of the root (phase 0), the longest
    // path node
    this.root.children = new SuffixTreeNode(root, 1, length, 1);
    final SuffixTreePosition position = new SuffixTreePosition(root, 0);

    // Ukkonen's algorithm begins here
    for (; phase < length; phase++) {
        // perform Single Phase Algorithm
        singlePhase(position, phase, ep);

From source file:net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.recipes.RankBasedSelector.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//w ww  .  ja  va2 s  .  co  m
public PartialSelection<E> on(Iterable<E> iterable) {
    int size = Iterables.size(iterable);
    List<E> list = Selection.copyOf(iterable).orderBy(new SortedArrangement())
            .select(Samples.last(random.nextInt(size) + 1));
    return Selection.copyOf(list).orderBy(new RandomArrangement(random));

From source file:jflowmap.views.map.PGeoMap.java

public List<Rectangle2D> createAreasForNodesWithoutCoords(Iterable<Node> nodesWithoutCoords) {
    int num = Iterables.size(nodesWithoutCoords);
    if (num <= 0) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    }/*from  w w  w  .j ava2s .c  om*/

    List<Rectangle2D> rects = Lists.newArrayList();

    int maxPerRow = 4;
    int numPerRow = Math.min(maxPerRow, num);
    int r = num % numPerRow;

    Rectangle2D bounds = getBoundingBox();
    double rwidth = bounds.getWidth() * 0.7 / (maxPerRow - 1);
    double rheight = (bounds.getHeight() / 10);
    double topMargin = bounds.getHeight() / 5;

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        final int numInThisRow = (i >= (num - r) ? r : numPerRow);
        double hcentering = (bounds.getWidth() - (numInThisRow - 1) * rwidth) / 2;

        double x = hcentering + bounds.getMinX() + (i % numPerRow) * rwidth;
        double y = bounds.getMaxY() + topMargin + Math.floor(i / numPerRow) * rheight;

        Rectangle2D rect = new Double(x - rwidth / 2, y - rheight / 3, rwidth, rheight);
        rect = GeomUtils.growRectByRelativeSize(rect, -0.05, -0.1, -0.05, -0.1);


    assert (rects.size() == num);

    return rects;

From source file:r.lang.primitive.parse.DeparsingVisitor.java

public <T> void appendVector(Iterable<T> values, Function<T, String> deparser) {
    if (Iterables.size(values) == 1) {
    } else {//from w  ww.  j a  va  2  s .  c  o m
        Joiner.on(", ").appendTo(deparsed, transform(values, deparser));

From source file:com.reprezen.swagedit.model.AbstractNode.java

 * Returns the number of elements contained by this node.
 * @return size of children
public int size() {
    return Iterables.size(elements());

From source file:org.jboss.hal.ballroom.LabelBuilder.java

 * Turns a list of names from the management model into a human readable enumeration wrapped in quotes and
 * separated with commas. The last name is separated with the specified conjunction.
 * @return The list of names as human readable string or an empty string if the names are null or empty.
 *///from   ww  w.jav a 2 s .  c  o  m
public String enumeration(Iterable<String> names, String conjunction) {
    String enumeration = "";
    if (names != null && !Iterables.isEmpty(names)) {
        int size = Iterables.size(names);
        if (size == 1) {
            return QUOTE + label(names.iterator().next()) + QUOTE;
        } else if (size == 2) {
            return QUOTE + label(Iterables.getFirst(names, "")) + QUOTE + SPACE + conjunction + SPACE + QUOTE
                    + label(Iterables.getLast(names)) + QUOTE;
        } else {
            String last = Iterables.getLast(names);
            LinkedList<String> allButLast = new LinkedList<>();
            Iterables.addAll(allButLast, names);
            enumeration = allButLast.stream().map(name -> QUOTE + label(name) + QUOTE)
                    .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
            enumeration = enumeration + SPACE + conjunction + SPACE + QUOTE + label(last) + QUOTE;
    return enumeration;