Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables any

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables any


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables any.


public static <T> boolean any(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate) 

Source Link


Returns true if any element in iterable satisfies the predicate.


From source file:org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.business.api.query.DDiagramElementQuery.java

 * Check if this {@link DDiagramElement} is directly filtered by an
 * activated filter.//from   www.  j  ava  2s.  com
 * @return true if the given element is filtered.
public boolean isFiltered() {
    return Iterables.any(element.getGraphicalFilters(), Predicates.instanceOf(AppliedCompositeFilters.class));

From source file:google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils.java

/** Check whether an asynchronous delete would obviously fail, and throw an exception if so. */
public static <R extends EppResource> void failfastForAsyncDelete(final String targetId, final DateTime now,
        final Class<R> resourceClass, final Function<DomainBase, ImmutableSet<?>> getPotentialReferences)
        throws EppException {
    // Enter a transactionless context briefly.
    EppException failfastException = ofy().doTransactionless(new Work<EppException>() {
        @Override//from   ww  w . j  a  v a  2  s  .c om
        public EppException run() {
            final ForeignKeyIndex<R> fki = ForeignKeyIndex.load(resourceClass, targetId, now);
            if (fki == null) {
                return new ResourceDoesNotExistException(resourceClass, targetId);
            // Query for the first few linked domains, and if found, actually load them. The query is
            // eventually consistent and so might be very stale, but the direct load will not be stale,
            // just non-transactional. If we find at least one actual reference then we can reliably
            // fail. If we don't find any, we can't trust the query and need to do the full mapreduce.
            List<Key<DomainBase>> keys = queryDomainsUsingResource(resourceClass, fki.getResourceKey(), now,
            Predicate<DomainBase> predicate = new Predicate<DomainBase>() {
                public boolean apply(DomainBase domain) {
                    return getPotentialReferences.apply(domain).contains(fki.getResourceKey());
            return Iterables.any(ofy().load().keys(keys).values(), predicate)
                    ? new ResourceToDeleteIsReferencedException()
                    : null;
    if (failfastException != null) {
        throw failfastException;

From source file:org.raml.v2.internal.impl.commons.model.type.TypeDeclaration.java

 * True if the node is a global named type declaration as opposed to an inline/anonymous declaration. This is computed based on the parent of the current type declaration node, i.e.
 * if its parent is one of the global named type declaration nodes possible.
 * @return <code>true</code> if the node is a global named type declaration as opposed to an inline/anonymous declaration, <code>false</code> otherwise
 *///from  w  ww  . j av  a 2s. c  om
private boolean isGlobalNamedTypeDeclarationNode() {
    final Node parent = node.getParent();
    final Node rootNode = node.getRootNode();

    return Iterables.any(GLOBAL_NAMED_TYPE_DECLARATION_NODE_NAMES, new Predicate<String>() {

        public boolean apply(final String name) {
            return parent == rootNode.get(name);

From source file:io.redlink.sdk.impl.analysis.model.Enhancements.java

 * Returns true if the contents has been categorized with a category identified by the URI passed by parameter
 * @param conceptURI URI of the category concept
 * @return// w ww. jav a2 s .  co m
public boolean hasCategory(final String conceptURI) {
    return Iterables.any(getCategories(), new Predicate<TopicAnnotation>() {

        public boolean apply(TopicAnnotation ta) {
            return ta.getTopicReference().equals(conceptURI);


From source file:org.eclipse.viatra.query.patternlanguage.validation.PatternLanguageJavaValidator.java

public void checkPrivatePatternCall(PatternCall call) {
    final Pattern calledPattern = call.getPatternRef();
    if (calledPattern != null) {
        if (Iterables.any(calledPattern.getModifiers(), new Predicate<Modifiers>() {

            @Override//from w  ww.ja va  2 s  . c om
            public boolean apply(Modifiers input) {
                return input.isPrivate();
        }) && calledPattern.eResource() != call.eResource()) {
            error(String.format("The pattern %s is not visible.", getFormattedPattern(calledPattern)),

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.objc.BundleSupport.java

 * Returns true if this bundle is targeted to {@link TargetDeviceFamily#WATCH}, false otherwise.
 *//*from ww w .j  a  v  a2  s.  c  o m*/
boolean isBuildingForWatch() {
    return Iterables.any(targetDeviceFamilies(), new Predicate<TargetDeviceFamily>() {
        public boolean apply(TargetDeviceFamily targetDeviceFamily) {
            return targetDeviceFamily.name().equalsIgnoreCase(TargetDeviceFamily.WATCH.getNameInRule());

From source file:heros.utilities.FieldSensitiveTestHelper.java

public InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod> buildIcfg() {
    return new InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>() {

        @Override//from   www.  ja  v a  2  s . c o  m
        public boolean isStartPoint(Statement stmt) {
            return method2startPoint.values().contains(stmt);

        public boolean isFallThroughSuccessor(Statement stmt, Statement succ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();

        public boolean isExitStmt(Statement stmt) {
            for (ReturnEdge edge : returnEdges) {
                if (edge.exitStmt.equals(stmt))
                    return true;
            return false;

        public boolean isCallStmt(final Statement stmt) {
            return Iterables.any(callEdges, new Predicate<CallEdge>() {
                public boolean apply(CallEdge edge) {
                    return edge.callSite.equals(stmt);

        public boolean isBranchTarget(Statement stmt, Statement succ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();

        public List<Statement> getSuccsOf(Statement n) {
            LinkedList<Statement> result = Lists.newLinkedList();
            for (NormalEdge edge : normalEdges) {
                if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.unit.equals(n))
            return result;

        public List<Statement> getPredsOf(Statement stmt) {
            LinkedList<Statement> result = Lists.newLinkedList();
            for (NormalEdge edge : normalEdges) {
                if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.succUnit.equals(stmt))
            return result;

        public Collection<Statement> getStartPointsOf(TestMethod m) {
            return method2startPoint.get(m);

        public Collection<Statement> getReturnSitesOfCallAt(Statement n) {
            Set<Statement> result = Sets.newHashSet();
            for (Call2ReturnEdge edge : call2retEdges) {
                if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.callSite.equals(n))
            for (ReturnEdge edge : returnEdges) {
                if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.callSite.equals(n))
            return result;

        public TestMethod getMethodOf(Statement n) {
            if (stmt2method.containsKey(n))
                return stmt2method.get(n);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Statement " + n + " is not defined in any method.");

        public Set<Statement> getCallsFromWithin(TestMethod m) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();

        public Collection<Statement> getCallersOf(TestMethod m) {
            Set<Statement> result = Sets.newHashSet();
            for (CallEdge edge : callEdges) {
                if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.destinationMethod.equals(m)) {
            for (ReturnEdge edge : returnEdges) {
                if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.calleeMethod.equals(m)) {
            return result;

        public Collection<TestMethod> getCalleesOfCallAt(Statement n) {
            List<TestMethod> result = Lists.newLinkedList();
            for (CallEdge edge : callEdges) {
                if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.callSite.equals(n)) {
            return result;

        public Set<Statement> allNonCallStartNodes() {
            throw new IllegalStateException();

From source file:uk.co.unclealex.executable.generator.scan.ExecutableAnnotationInformationFinderImpl.java

 * Check to see if the command class is instantiable and return any declared
 * Guice Modules.//from   w  w w. java2  s  .  co  m
 * @param clazz
 *          The command class.
 * @param executable
 *          The {@link Executable} annotation that has been found.
 * @return The array of Guice modules declared by the annotation.
 * @throws CommandNotInstantiableExecutableScanException
 *           Thrown if the command class cannot be instantiatied.
 * @throws NonGuiceModulesReferencedException Thrown if non-Guice {@link Module}s are found. 
protected Class<? extends Module>[] extractGuiceModules(Class<?> clazz, Method annotatedMethod,
        Executable executable)
        throws CommandNotInstantiableExecutableScanException, NonGuiceModulesReferencedException {
    Class<?>[] guiceModules = executable.value();
    List<Class<?>> nonGuiceModules = Lists.newArrayList(
            Iterables.filter(Arrays.asList(guiceModules), Predicates.not(new IsGuiceModulePredicate())));
    if (!nonGuiceModules.isEmpty()) {
        throw new NonGuiceModulesReferencedException(clazz, annotatedMethod, nonGuiceModules);
    Predicate<Constructor<?>> isInstantiablePredicate = new IsDefaultConstructor();
    if (guiceModules.length != 0) {
        isInstantiablePredicate = Predicates.or(isInstantiablePredicate,
        isInstantiablePredicate = Predicates.or(isInstantiablePredicate,
    if (!Iterables.any(Arrays.asList(clazz.getConstructors()), isInstantiablePredicate)) {
        throw new CommandNotInstantiableExecutableScanException(clazz);
    return (Class<? extends Module>[]) guiceModules;

From source file:org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.graphical.edit.policies.SiriusContainerEditPolicy.java

 * Override this method for version before GMF 1.5.0 with Eclipse 3.6.
 * Indeed, in the previous version there is a test that launch arrange only
 * with more that one element. But we want to launch arrange even with one
 * element to have always the same result (one or more new elements) : to
 * avoid overlaps with pinned elements for example.<BR>
 * {@inheritDoc}//from w  ww . j  a va  2 s .c o m
 * @see org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editpolicies.ContainerEditPolicy#getArrangeCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ArrangeRequest)
protected Command getArrangeCommand(ArrangeRequest request) {
    Command commandToReturn = null;
    if (GMFRuntimeCompatibility.hasGMFPluginReleaseBetween1_2_0_And_1_3_3()) {
        if (RequestConstants.REQ_ARRANGE_DEFERRED.equals(request.getType())) {
            String layoutType = request.getLayoutType();
            TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost()).getEditingDomain();
            return new ICommandProxy(new DeferredLayoutCommand(editingDomain,
                    request.getViewAdaptersToArrange(), (IGraphicalEditPart) getHost(), layoutType));

        String layoutDesc = request.getLayoutType() != null ? request.getLayoutType() : LayoutType.DEFAULT;
        boolean offsetFromBoundingBox = false;
        List editparts = new ArrayList();

        if ((ActionIds.ACTION_ARRANGE_ALL.equals(request.getType()))
                || (ActionIds.ACTION_TOOLBAR_ARRANGE_ALL.equals(request.getType()))) {
            editparts = ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost()).getChildren();
        if ((ActionIds.ACTION_ARRANGE_SELECTION.equals(request.getType()))
                || (ActionIds.ACTION_TOOLBAR_ARRANGE_SELECTION.equals(request.getType()))) {
            editparts = request.getPartsToArrange();
            // Just comment this line to launch an arrange command even with
            // one elemnt
            // if (editparts.size() < 2
            // || !(((GraphicalEditPart) ((EditPart) editparts.get(0))
            // .getParent()).getContentPane().getLayoutManager() instanceof
            // XYLayout)) {
            // return null;
            // }
            offsetFromBoundingBox = true;
        if (RequestConstants.REQ_ARRANGE_RADIAL.equals(request.getType())) {
            editparts = request.getPartsToArrange();
            offsetFromBoundingBox = true;
            layoutDesc = LayoutType.RADIAL;
        if (editparts.isEmpty())
            return null;
        List nodes = new ArrayList(editparts.size());
        ListIterator li = editparts.listIterator();
        while (li.hasNext()) {
            IGraphicalEditPart ep = (IGraphicalEditPart) li.next();
            View view = ep.getNotationView();
            if (ep.isActive() && view instanceof Node) {
                Rectangle bounds = ep.getFigure().getBounds();
                nodes.add(new LayoutNode((Node) view, bounds.width, bounds.height));
        if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        List hints = new ArrayList(2);
        IAdaptable layoutHint = new ObjectAdapter(hints);
        final Runnable layoutRun = layoutNodes(nodes, offsetFromBoundingBox, layoutHint);

        boolean isSnap = true;
        // retrieves the preference store from the first edit part
        IGraphicalEditPart firstEditPart = (IGraphicalEditPart) editparts.get(0);
        if (firstEditPart.getViewer() instanceof DiagramGraphicalViewer) {
            IPreferenceStore preferenceStore = ((DiagramGraphicalViewer) firstEditPart.getViewer())
            if (preferenceStore != null) {
                isSnap = preferenceStore.getBoolean(WorkspaceViewerProperties.SNAPTOGRID);

        // the snapCommand still invokes proper calculations if snap to grid
        // is turned off, this additional check
        // is intended to make the code more appear more logical

        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost()).getEditingDomain();
        CompositeTransactionalCommand ctc = new CompositeTransactionalCommand(editingDomain,
        if (layoutRun instanceof IInternalLayoutRunnable) {
            ctc.add(new CommandProxy(((IInternalLayoutRunnable) layoutRun).getCommand()));
        } else {
            ctc.add(new AbstractTransactionalCommand(editingDomain, StringStatics.BLANK, null) {
                protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, IAdaptable info)
                        throws ExecutionException {
                    return CommandResult.newOKCommandResult();
        if (isSnap) {
            Command snapCmd = getSnapCommand(request);
            if (snapCmd != null) {
                ctc.add(new CommandProxy(getSnapCommand(request)));
        commandToReturn = new ICommandProxy(ctc);
    } else {
        commandToReturn = super.getArrangeCommand(request);

    if ((ActionIds.ACTION_ARRANGE_SELECTION.equals(request.getType()))
            || (ActionIds.ACTION_TOOLBAR_ARRANGE_SELECTION.equals(request.getType()))) {
        if (Iterables.any(request.getPartsToArrange(), isRegionEditPart)) {
            return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;

    // We add a Command to center edges that need to be at the end of the
    // layout.
    if (commandToReturn != null) {
        EditPart host = getHost();
        if (host instanceof GraphicalEditPart) {
            CenterEdgeLayoutCommand centerEdgeLayoutCommand = new CenterEdgeLayoutCommand(
                    (GraphicalEditPart) host);
            commandToReturn = commandToReturn.chain(new ICommandProxy(centerEdgeLayoutCommand));
    return commandToReturn;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.firebird.service.protocol.ProtocolModificationDetector.java

private boolean containsLeadOrganization(Set<ProtocolLeadOrganization> leadOrganizations,
        final ProtocolLeadOrganization leadOrganization) {
    return Iterables.any(leadOrganizations, new Predicate<ProtocolLeadOrganization>() {
        @Override/*  w ww  .  j a  v  a 2 s .  com*/
        public boolean apply(ProtocolLeadOrganization input) {
            return input.equals(leadOrganization);