Java tutorial
// Copyright 2016 The Nomulus Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package google.registry.flows; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils.loadByForeignKey; import static google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils.queryDomainsUsingResource; import static google.registry.model.domain.DomainResource.extendRegistrationWithCap; import static google.registry.model.index.ForeignKeyIndex.loadAndGetKey; import static google.registry.model.ofy.ObjectifyService.ofy; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.objectify.Key; import com.googlecode.objectify.Work; import google.registry.flows.EppException.AuthorizationErrorException; import google.registry.flows.EppException.InvalidAuthorizationInformationErrorException; import google.registry.flows.EppException.ObjectDoesNotExistException; import google.registry.flows.EppException.ParameterValuePolicyErrorException; import google.registry.flows.EppException.ParameterValueRangeErrorException; import google.registry.flows.exceptions.MissingTransferRequestAuthInfoException; import google.registry.flows.exceptions.NotPendingTransferException; import google.registry.flows.exceptions.ResourceAlreadyExistsException; import google.registry.flows.exceptions.ResourceStatusProhibitsOperationException; import google.registry.flows.exceptions.ResourceToDeleteIsReferencedException; import google.registry.flows.exceptions.TooManyResourceChecksException; import google.registry.model.EppResource; import google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder; import google.registry.model.EppResource.BuilderWithTransferData; import google.registry.model.EppResource.ForeignKeyedEppResource; import google.registry.model.EppResource.ResourceWithTransferData; import; import google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase; import google.registry.model.domain.DomainResource; import google.registry.model.eppcommon.AuthInfo; import google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue; import google.registry.model.eppcommon.Trid; import google.registry.model.index.ForeignKeyIndex; import google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse; import google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse.ContactPendingActionNotificationResponse; import google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse.DomainPendingActionNotificationResponse; import google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage; import google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry; import google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData; import google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse; import google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.ContactTransferResponse; import google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.DomainTransferResponse; import google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.joda.time.DateTime; /** Static utility functions for resource flows. */ public final class ResourceFlowUtils { private ResourceFlowUtils() { } /** Statuses for which an exDate should be added to transfer responses. */ private static final ImmutableSet<TransferStatus> ADD_EXDATE_STATUSES = Sets.immutableEnumSet( TransferStatus.PENDING, TransferStatus.CLIENT_APPROVED, TransferStatus.SERVER_APPROVED); /** In {@link #failfastForAsyncDelete}, check this (arbitrary) number of query results. */ private static final int FAILFAST_CHECK_COUNT = 5; /** * Create a transfer response using the id and type of this resource and the specified * {@link TransferData}. */ public static TransferResponse createTransferResponse(EppResource eppResource, TransferData transferData, DateTime now) { assertIsContactOrDomain(eppResource); TransferResponse.Builder<? extends TransferResponse, ?> builder; if (eppResource instanceof ContactResource) { builder = new ContactTransferResponse.Builder().setContactId(eppResource.getForeignKey()); } else { DomainResource domain = (DomainResource) eppResource; builder = new DomainTransferResponse.Builder() .setFullyQualifiedDomainNameName(eppResource.getForeignKey()) .setExtendedRegistrationExpirationTime( ADD_EXDATE_STATUSES.contains(transferData.getTransferStatus()) ? extendRegistrationWithCap(now, domain.getRegistrationExpirationTime(), transferData.getExtendedRegistrationYears()) : null); } builder.setGainingClientId(transferData.getGainingClientId()) .setLosingClientId(transferData.getLosingClientId()) .setPendingTransferExpirationTime(transferData.getPendingTransferExpirationTime()) .setTransferRequestTime(transferData.getTransferRequestTime()) .setTransferStatus(transferData.getTransferStatus()); return; } /** * Create a pending action notification response indicating the resolution of a transfer. * * <p>The returned object will use the id and type of this resource, the trid of the resource's * last transfer request, and the specified status and date. */ public static PendingActionNotificationResponse createPendingTransferNotificationResponse( EppResource eppResource, Trid transferRequestTrid, boolean actionResult, DateTime processedDate) { assertIsContactOrDomain(eppResource); return eppResource instanceof ContactResource ? ContactPendingActionNotificationResponse.create(eppResource.getForeignKey(), actionResult, transferRequestTrid, processedDate) : DomainPendingActionNotificationResponse.create(eppResource.getForeignKey(), actionResult, transferRequestTrid, processedDate); } private static void assertIsContactOrDomain(EppResource eppResource) { checkState(eppResource instanceof ContactResource || eppResource instanceof DomainResource); } /** Check that the given clientId corresponds to the owner of given resource. */ public static void verifyResourceOwnership(String myClientId, EppResource resource) throws EppException { if (!myClientId.equals(resource.getCurrentSponsorClientId())) { throw new ResourceNotOwnedException(); } } /** Update the relevant {@link ForeignKeyIndex} to cache the new deletion time. */ public static <R extends EppResource> void updateForeignKeyIndexDeletionTime(R resource) { if (resource instanceof ForeignKeyedEppResource) { ofy().save().entity(ForeignKeyIndex.create(resource, resource.getDeletionTime())); } } /** If there is a transfer out, delete the server-approve entities and enqueue a poll message. */ public static <R extends EppResource & ResourceWithTransferData> void handlePendingTransferOnDelete(R resource, R newResource, DateTime now, HistoryEntry historyEntry) { if (resource.getStatusValues().contains(StatusValue.PENDING_TRANSFER)) { TransferData oldTransferData = resource.getTransferData(); ofy().delete().keys(oldTransferData.getServerApproveEntities()); ofy().save() .entity(new PollMessage.OneTime.Builder().setClientId(oldTransferData.getGainingClientId()) .setEventTime(now).setMsg(TransferStatus.SERVER_CANCELLED.getMessage()) .setResponseData(ImmutableList.of( createTransferResponse(newResource, newResource.getTransferData(), now), createPendingTransferNotificationResponse(resource, oldTransferData.getTransferRequestTrid(), false, now))) .setParent(historyEntry).build()); } } /** Check whether an asynchronous delete would obviously fail, and throw an exception if so. */ public static <R extends EppResource> void failfastForAsyncDelete(final String targetId, final DateTime now, final Class<R> resourceClass, final Function<DomainBase, ImmutableSet<?>> getPotentialReferences) throws EppException { // Enter a transactionless context briefly. EppException failfastException = ofy().doTransactionless(new Work<EppException>() { @Override public EppException run() { final ForeignKeyIndex<R> fki = ForeignKeyIndex.load(resourceClass, targetId, now); if (fki == null) { return new ResourceDoesNotExistException(resourceClass, targetId); } // Query for the first few linked domains, and if found, actually load them. The query is // eventually consistent and so might be very stale, but the direct load will not be stale, // just non-transactional. If we find at least one actual reference then we can reliably // fail. If we don't find any, we can't trust the query and need to do the full mapreduce. List<Key<DomainBase>> keys = queryDomainsUsingResource(resourceClass, fki.getResourceKey(), now, FAILFAST_CHECK_COUNT); Predicate<DomainBase> predicate = new Predicate<DomainBase>() { @Override public boolean apply(DomainBase domain) { return getPotentialReferences.apply(domain).contains(fki.getResourceKey()); } }; return Iterables.any(ofy().load().keys(keys).values(), predicate) ? new ResourceToDeleteIsReferencedException() : null; } }); if (failfastException != null) { throw failfastException; } } /** * Create a {@link TransferData} object representing a resolved transfer. * * <p>This clears all the server-approve fields on the {@link TransferData} including the extended * registration years field, sets the status field, and sets the expiration time of the last * pending transfer to now. */ public static TransferData createResolvedTransferData(TransferData oldTransferData, TransferStatus transferStatus, DateTime now) { checkArgument(!oldTransferData.equals(TransferData.EMPTY), "No old transfer to resolve."); return oldTransferData.asBuilder().setExtendedRegistrationYears(null).setServerApproveEntities(null) .setServerApproveBillingEvent(null).setServerApproveAutorenewEvent(null) .setServerApproveAutorenewPollMessage(null).setTransferStatus(transferStatus) .setPendingTransferExpirationTime(checkNotNull(now)).build(); } /** * Turn a resource into a builder with its pending transfer resolved. * * <p>This removes the {@link StatusValue#PENDING_TRANSFER} status, sets the * {@link TransferStatus}, clears all the server-approve fields on the {@link TransferData} * including the extended registration years field, and sets the expiration time of the last * pending transfer to now. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <R extends EppResource & ResourceWithTransferData, B extends EppResource.Builder<R, B> & BuilderWithTransferData<B>> B resolvePendingTransfer( R resource, TransferStatus transferStatus, DateTime now) { checkState(resource.getStatusValues().contains(StatusValue.PENDING_TRANSFER), "Resource is not in pending transfer status."); return ((B) resource.asBuilder()).removeStatusValue(StatusValue.PENDING_TRANSFER) .setTransferData(createResolvedTransferData(resource.getTransferData(), transferStatus, now)); } /** * Resolve a pending transfer by awarding it to the gaining client. * * <p>This removes the {@link StatusValue#PENDING_TRANSFER} status, sets the * {@link TransferStatus}, clears all the server-approve fields on the {@link TransferData} * including the extended registration years field, and sets the expiration time of the last * pending transfer to now. */ public static <R extends EppResource & ResourceWithTransferData, B extends Builder<R, B> & BuilderWithTransferData<B>> R approvePendingTransfer( R resource, TransferStatus transferStatus, DateTime now) { B builder = ResourceFlowUtils.<R, B>resolvePendingTransfer(resource, transferStatus, now); return builder.setLastTransferTime(now) .setCurrentSponsorClientId(resource.getTransferData().getGainingClientId()).build(); } /** * Resolve a pending transfer by denying it. * * <p>This removes the {@link StatusValue#PENDING_TRANSFER} status, sets the * {@link TransferStatus}, clears all the server-approve fields on the {@link TransferData} * including the extended registration years field, sets the new client id, and sets the last * transfer time and the expiration time of the last pending transfer to now. */ public static <R extends EppResource & ResourceWithTransferData> R denyPendingTransfer(R resource, TransferStatus transferStatus, DateTime now) { return resolvePendingTransfer(resource, transferStatus, now).build(); } public static <R extends EppResource & ResourceWithTransferData> void verifyHasPendingTransfer(R resource) throws NotPendingTransferException { if (resource.getTransferData().getTransferStatus() != TransferStatus.PENDING) { throw new NotPendingTransferException(resource.getForeignKey()); } } public static <R extends EppResource & ForeignKeyedEppResource> R loadAndVerifyExistence(Class<R> clazz, String targetId, DateTime now) throws ResourceDoesNotExistException { return verifyExistence(clazz, targetId, loadByForeignKey(clazz, targetId, now)); } public static <R extends EppResource> R verifyExistence(Class<R> clazz, String targetId, R resource) throws ResourceDoesNotExistException { if (resource == null) { throw new ResourceDoesNotExistException(clazz, targetId); } return resource; } public static <R extends EppResource> void verifyResourceDoesNotExist(Class<R> clazz, String targetId, DateTime now) throws EppException { if (loadAndGetKey(clazz, targetId, now) != null) { throw new ResourceAlreadyExistsException(targetId); } } /** Check that the given AuthInfo is present for a resource being transferred. */ public static void verifyAuthInfoPresentForResourceTransfer(Optional<AuthInfo> authInfo) throws EppException { if (!authInfo.isPresent()) { throw new MissingTransferRequestAuthInfoException(); } } /** Check that the given AuthInfo is either missing or else is valid for the given resource. */ public static void verifyOptionalAuthInfo(Optional<AuthInfo> authInfo, ContactResource contact) throws EppException { if (authInfo.isPresent()) { verifyAuthInfo(authInfo.get(), contact); } } /** Check that the given AuthInfo is either missing or else is valid for the given resource. */ public static void verifyOptionalAuthInfo(Optional<AuthInfo> authInfo, DomainBase domain) throws EppException { if (authInfo.isPresent()) { verifyAuthInfo(authInfo.get(), domain); } } /** Check that the given {@link AuthInfo} is valid for the given domain. */ public static void verifyAuthInfo(AuthInfo authInfo, DomainBase domain) throws EppException { final String authRepoId = authInfo.getPw().getRepoId(); String authPassword = authInfo.getPw().getValue(); if (authRepoId == null) { // If no roid is specified, check the password against the domain's password. String domainPassword = domain.getAuthInfo().getPw().getValue(); if (!domainPassword.equals(authPassword)) { throw new BadAuthInfoForResourceException(); } return; } // The roid should match one of the contacts. Optional<Key<ContactResource>> foundContact = tryFind(domain.getReferencedContacts(), new Predicate<Key<ContactResource>>() { @Override public boolean apply(Key<ContactResource> key) { return key.getName().equals(authRepoId); } }); if (!foundContact.isPresent()) { throw new BadAuthInfoForResourceException(); } // Check the authInfo against the contact. verifyAuthInfo(authInfo, ofy().load().key(foundContact.get()).now()); } /** Check that the given {@link AuthInfo} is valid for the given contact. */ public static void verifyAuthInfo(AuthInfo authInfo, ContactResource contact) throws EppException { String authRepoId = authInfo.getPw().getRepoId(); String authPassword = authInfo.getPw().getValue(); String contactPassword = contact.getAuthInfo().getPw().getValue(); if (!contactPassword.equals(authPassword) // It's unnecessary to specify a repoId on a contact auth info, but if it's there validate // it. The usual case of this is validating a domain's auth using this method. || (authRepoId != null && !authRepoId.equals(contact.getRepoId()))) { throw new BadAuthInfoForResourceException(); } } /** Check that the resource does not have any disallowed status values. */ public static void verifyNoDisallowedStatuses(EppResource resource, ImmutableSet<StatusValue> disallowedStatuses) throws EppException { Set<StatusValue> problems = Sets.intersection(resource.getStatusValues(), disallowedStatuses); if (!problems.isEmpty()) { throw new ResourceStatusProhibitsOperationException(problems); } } /** Get the list of target ids from a check command. */ public static void verifyTargetIdCount(List<String> targetIds, int maxChecks) throws TooManyResourceChecksException { if (targetIds.size() > maxChecks) { throw new TooManyResourceChecksException(maxChecks); } } /** Check that the same values aren't being added and removed in an update command. */ public static void checkSameValuesNotAddedAndRemoved(ImmutableSet<?> fieldsToAdd, ImmutableSet<?> fieldsToRemove) throws AddRemoveSameValueException { if (!intersection(fieldsToAdd, fieldsToRemove).isEmpty()) { throw new AddRemoveSameValueException(); } } /** Check that all {@link StatusValue} objects in a set are client-settable. */ public static void verifyAllStatusesAreClientSettable(Set<StatusValue> statusValues) throws StatusNotClientSettableException { for (StatusValue statusValue : statusValues) { if (!statusValue.isClientSettable()) { throw new StatusNotClientSettableException(statusValue.getXmlName()); } } } /** Resource with this id does not exist. */ public static class ResourceDoesNotExistException extends ObjectDoesNotExistException { public ResourceDoesNotExistException(Class<?> type, String targetId) { super(type, targetId); } } /** The specified resource belongs to another client. */ public static class ResourceNotOwnedException extends AuthorizationErrorException { public ResourceNotOwnedException() { super("The specified resource belongs to another client"); } } /** Authorization information for accessing resource is invalid. */ public static class BadAuthInfoForResourceException extends InvalidAuthorizationInformationErrorException { public BadAuthInfoForResourceException() { super("Authorization information for accessing resource is invalid"); } } /** Cannot add and remove the same value. */ public static class AddRemoveSameValueException extends ParameterValuePolicyErrorException { public AddRemoveSameValueException() { super("Cannot add and remove the same value"); } } /** The specified status value cannot be set by clients. */ public static class StatusNotClientSettableException extends ParameterValueRangeErrorException { public StatusNotClientSettableException(String statusValue) { super(String.format("Status value %s cannot be set by clients", statusValue)); } } }