Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014 Johannes Lerch. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Johannes Lerch - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package heros.utilities; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import heros.InterproceduralCFG; import heros.utilities.Edge.Call2ReturnEdge; import heros.utilities.Edge.CallEdge; import heros.utilities.Edge.EdgeVisitor; import heros.utilities.Edge.NormalEdge; import heros.utilities.Edge.ReturnEdge; import heros.utilities.EdgeBuilder.CallSiteBuilder; import heros.utilities.EdgeBuilder.ExitStmtBuilder; import heros.utilities.EdgeBuilder.NormalStmtBuilder; import heros.fieldsens.AccessPath; import heros.fieldsens.AccessPathHandler; import heros.fieldsens.BiDiFieldSensitiveIFDSSolver; import heros.fieldsens.FactMergeHandler; import heros.fieldsens.FieldSensitiveIFDSSolver; import heros.fieldsens.FlowFunction; import heros.fieldsens.FlowFunctions; import heros.fieldsens.IFDSTabulationProblem; import heros.fieldsens.Scheduler; import heros.fieldsens.ZeroHandler; import heros.fieldsens.FlowFunction.ConstrainedFact; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class FieldSensitiveTestHelper { private Multimap<TestMethod, Statement> method2startPoint = HashMultimap.create(); private List<NormalEdge> normalEdges = Lists.newLinkedList(); private List<CallEdge> callEdges = Lists.newLinkedList(); private List<Call2ReturnEdge> call2retEdges = Lists.newLinkedList(); private List<ReturnEdge> returnEdges = Lists.newLinkedList(); private Map<Statement, TestMethod> stmt2method = Maps.newHashMap(); private Multiset<ExpectedFlowFunction> remainingFlowFunctions = HashMultiset.create(); private TestDebugger<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod, InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>> debugger; public FieldSensitiveTestHelper( TestDebugger<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod, InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>> debugger) { this.debugger = debugger; } public MethodHelper method(String methodName, Statement[] startingPoints, EdgeBuilder... edgeBuilders) { MethodHelper methodHelper = new MethodHelper(new TestMethod(methodName)); methodHelper.startPoints(startingPoints); for (EdgeBuilder edgeBuilder : edgeBuilders) { methodHelper.edges(edgeBuilder.edges()); } return methodHelper; } public static Statement[] startPoints(String... startingPoints) { Statement[] result = new Statement[startingPoints.length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = new Statement(startingPoints[i]); } return result; } public static EdgeBuilder.NormalStmtBuilder normalStmt(String stmt, ExpectedFlowFunction... flowFunctions) { return new NormalStmtBuilder(new Statement(stmt), flowFunctions); } public static EdgeBuilder.CallSiteBuilder callSite(String callSite) { return new EdgeBuilder.CallSiteBuilder(new Statement(callSite)); } public static EdgeBuilder.ExitStmtBuilder exitStmt(String exitStmt) { return new EdgeBuilder.ExitStmtBuilder(new Statement(exitStmt)); } public static Statement over(String callSite) { return new Statement(callSite); } public static Statement to(String returnSite) { return new Statement(returnSite); } public static ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact> kill(String source) { return kill(1, source); } public static ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact> kill(int times, String source) { return new ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact>(times, new TestFact(source)) { @Override public ConstrainedFact<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> apply(TestFact target, AccessPathHandler<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> accPathHandler) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public String transformerString() { return ""; } }; } public static AccessPathTransformer readField(final String fieldName) { return new AccessPathTransformer() { @Override public ConstrainedFact<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> apply(TestFact target, AccessPathHandler<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> accPathHandler) { return String(fieldName)).generate(target); } @Override public String toString() { return "read(" + fieldName + ")"; } }; } public static AccessPathTransformer prependField(final String fieldName) { return new AccessPathTransformer() { @Override public ConstrainedFact<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> apply(TestFact target, AccessPathHandler<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> accPathHandler) { return accPathHandler.prepend(new String(fieldName)).generate(target); } @Override public String toString() { return "prepend(" + fieldName + ")"; } }; } public static AccessPathTransformer overwriteField(final String fieldName) { return new AccessPathTransformer() { @Override public ConstrainedFact<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> apply(TestFact target, AccessPathHandler<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> accPathHandler) { return accPathHandler.overwrite(new String(fieldName)).generate(target); } @Override public String toString() { return "write(" + fieldName + ")"; } }; } public static ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact> flow(String source, final AccessPathTransformer transformer, String... targets) { return flow(1, source, transformer, targets); } public static ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact> flow(int times, String source, final AccessPathTransformer transformer, String... targets) { TestFact[] targetFacts = new TestFact[targets.length]; for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { targetFacts[i] = new TestFact(targets[i]); } return new ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact>(times, new TestFact(source), targetFacts) { @Override public ConstrainedFact<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> apply(TestFact target, AccessPathHandler<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> accPathHandler) { return transformer.apply(target, accPathHandler); } @Override public String transformerString() { return transformer.toString(); } }; } private static interface AccessPathTransformer { ConstrainedFact<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> apply(TestFact target, AccessPathHandler<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> accPathHandler); } public static ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact> flow(String source, String... targets) { return flow(1, source, targets); } public static ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact> flow(int times, String source, String... targets) { return flow(times, source, new AccessPathTransformer() { @Override public ConstrainedFact<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> apply(TestFact target, AccessPathHandler<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> accPathHandler) { return accPathHandler.generate(target); } @Override public String toString() { return ""; } }, targets); } public static int times(int times) { return times; } public InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod> buildIcfg() { return new InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>() { @Override public boolean isStartPoint(Statement stmt) { return method2startPoint.values().contains(stmt); } @Override public boolean isFallThroughSuccessor(Statement stmt, Statement succ) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean isExitStmt(Statement stmt) { for (ReturnEdge edge : returnEdges) { if (edge.exitStmt.equals(stmt)) return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean isCallStmt(final Statement stmt) { return Iterables.any(callEdges, new Predicate<CallEdge>() { @Override public boolean apply(CallEdge edge) { return edge.callSite.equals(stmt); } }); } @Override public boolean isBranchTarget(Statement stmt, Statement succ) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public List<Statement> getSuccsOf(Statement n) { LinkedList<Statement> result = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (NormalEdge edge : normalEdges) { if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.unit.equals(n)) result.add(edge.succUnit); } return result; } @Override public List<Statement> getPredsOf(Statement stmt) { LinkedList<Statement> result = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (NormalEdge edge : normalEdges) { if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.succUnit.equals(stmt)) result.add(edge.unit); } return result; } @Override public Collection<Statement> getStartPointsOf(TestMethod m) { return method2startPoint.get(m); } @Override public Collection<Statement> getReturnSitesOfCallAt(Statement n) { Set<Statement> result = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Call2ReturnEdge edge : call2retEdges) { if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.callSite.equals(n)) result.add(edge.returnSite); } for (ReturnEdge edge : returnEdges) { if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.callSite.equals(n)) result.add(edge.returnSite); } return result; } @Override public TestMethod getMethodOf(Statement n) { if (stmt2method.containsKey(n)) return stmt2method.get(n); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Statement " + n + " is not defined in any method."); } @Override public Set<Statement> getCallsFromWithin(TestMethod m) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public Collection<Statement> getCallersOf(TestMethod m) { Set<Statement> result = Sets.newHashSet(); for (CallEdge edge : callEdges) { if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.destinationMethod.equals(m)) { result.add(edge.callSite); } } for (ReturnEdge edge : returnEdges) { if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.calleeMethod.equals(m)) { result.add(edge.callSite); } } return result; } @Override public Collection<TestMethod> getCalleesOfCallAt(Statement n) { List<TestMethod> result = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (CallEdge edge : callEdges) { if (edge.includeInCfg && edge.callSite.equals(n)) { result.add(edge.destinationMethod); } } return result; } @Override public Set<Statement> allNonCallStartNodes() { throw new IllegalStateException(); } }; } public void assertAllFlowFunctionsUsed() { assertTrue("These Flow Functions were expected, but never used: \n" + Joiner.on(",\n").join(remainingFlowFunctions), remainingFlowFunctions.isEmpty()); } private void addOrVerifyStmt2Method(Statement stmt, TestMethod m) { if (stmt2method.containsKey(stmt) && !stmt2method.get(stmt).equals(m)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Statement " + stmt + " is used in multiple methods: " + m + " and " + stmt2method.get(stmt)); } stmt2method.put(stmt, m); } public MethodHelper method(TestMethod method) { MethodHelper h = new MethodHelper(method); return h; } public class MethodHelper { private TestMethod method; public MethodHelper(TestMethod method) { this.method = method; } public void edges(Collection<Edge> edges) { for (Edge edge : edges) { for (ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact> ff : edge.flowFunctions) { if (!remainingFlowFunctions.contains(ff)) remainingFlowFunctions.add(ff, ff.times); } edge.accept(new EdgeVisitor() { @Override public void visit(ReturnEdge edge) { addOrVerifyStmt2Method(edge.exitStmt, method); edge.calleeMethod = method; returnEdges.add(edge); } @Override public void visit(Call2ReturnEdge edge) { addOrVerifyStmt2Method(edge.callSite, method); addOrVerifyStmt2Method(edge.returnSite, method); call2retEdges.add(edge); } @Override public void visit(CallEdge edge) { addOrVerifyStmt2Method(edge.callSite, method); callEdges.add(edge); } @Override public void visit(NormalEdge edge) { addOrVerifyStmt2Method(edge.unit, method); addOrVerifyStmt2Method(edge.succUnit, method); normalEdges.add(edge); } }); } } public void startPoints(Statement[] startingPoints) { method2startPoint.putAll(method, Lists.newArrayList(startingPoints)); } } private static String expectedFlowFunctionsToString(ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact>[] flowFunctions) { String result = ""; for (ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact> ff : flowFunctions) result += ff.source + "->" + Joiner.on(",").join(ff.targets) + ff.transformerString() + ", "; return result; } private static boolean nullAwareEquals(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null) return b == null; else return a.equals(b); } public FlowFunctions<Statement, String, TestFact, TestMethod> flowFunctions() { return new FlowFunctions<Statement, String, TestFact, TestMethod>() { @Override public FlowFunction<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> getReturnFlowFunction(Statement callSite, TestMethod calleeMethod, Statement exitStmt, Statement returnSite) { for (final ReturnEdge edge : returnEdges) { if (nullAwareEquals(callSite, edge.callSite) && edge.calleeMethod.equals(calleeMethod) && edge.exitStmt.equals(exitStmt) && nullAwareEquals(edge.returnSite, returnSite)) { return createFlowFunction(edge); } } throw new AssertionError( String.format("No Flow Function expected for return edge %s -> %s (call edge: %s -> %s)", exitStmt, returnSite, callSite, calleeMethod)); } @Override public FlowFunction<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> getNormalFlowFunction( final Statement curr) { for (final NormalEdge edge : normalEdges) { if (edge.unit.equals(curr)) { return createFlowFunction(edge); } } throw new AssertionError(String.format("No Flow Function expected for %s", curr)); } @Override public FlowFunction<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> getCallToReturnFlowFunction( Statement callSite, Statement returnSite) { for (final Call2ReturnEdge edge : call2retEdges) { if (edge.callSite.equals(callSite) && edge.returnSite.equals(returnSite)) { return createFlowFunction(edge); } } throw new AssertionError(String.format("No Flow Function expected for call to return edge %s -> %s", callSite, returnSite)); } @Override public FlowFunction<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> getCallFlowFunction(Statement callStmt, TestMethod destinationMethod) { for (final CallEdge edge : callEdges) { if (edge.callSite.equals(callStmt) && edge.destinationMethod.equals(destinationMethod)) { return createFlowFunction(edge); } } throw new AssertionError( String.format("No Flow Function expected for call %s -> %s", callStmt, destinationMethod)); } private FlowFunction<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> createFlowFunction(final Edge edge) { return new FlowFunction<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod>() { @Override public Set<FlowFunction.ConstrainedFact<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod>> computeTargets( TestFact source, AccessPathHandler<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod> accPathHandler) { Set<ConstrainedFact<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod>> result = Sets.newHashSet(); boolean found = false; for (ExpectedFlowFunction<TestFact> ff : edge.flowFunctions) { if (ff.source.equals(source)) { if (remainingFlowFunctions.remove(ff)) { for (TestFact target : ff.targets) { result.add(ff.apply(target, accPathHandler)); } found = true; } else { throw new AssertionError(String.format( "Flow Function '%s' was used multiple times on edge '%s'", ff, edge)); } } } if (found) return result; else throw new AssertionError( String.format("Fact '%s' was not expected at edge '%s'", source, edge)); } }; } }; } public void runSolver(final boolean followReturnsPastSeeds, final String... initialSeeds) { Scheduler scheduler = new Scheduler(); FieldSensitiveIFDSSolver<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod, InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>> solver = new FieldSensitiveIFDSSolver<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod, InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>>( createTabulationProblem(followReturnsPastSeeds, initialSeeds), new FactMergeHandler<TestFact>() { @Override public void merge(TestFact previousFact, TestFact currentFact) { } @Override public void restoreCallingContext(TestFact factAtReturnSite, TestFact factAtCallSite) { } }, debugger, scheduler); addExpectationsToDebugger(); scheduler.runAndAwaitCompletion(); assertAllFlowFunctionsUsed(); } private void addExpectationsToDebugger() { for (NormalEdge edge : normalEdges) { debugger.expectNormalFlow(edge.unit, expectedFlowFunctionsToString(edge.flowFunctions)); } for (CallEdge edge : callEdges) { debugger.expectCallFlow(edge.callSite, edge.destinationMethod, expectedFlowFunctionsToString(edge.flowFunctions)); } for (Call2ReturnEdge edge : call2retEdges) { debugger.expectNormalFlow(edge.callSite, expectedFlowFunctionsToString(edge.flowFunctions)); } for (ReturnEdge edge : returnEdges) { debugger.expectReturnFlow(edge.exitStmt, edge.returnSite, expectedFlowFunctionsToString(edge.flowFunctions)); } } private IFDSTabulationProblem<Statement, String, TestFact, TestMethod, InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>> createTabulationProblem( final boolean followReturnsPastSeeds, final String[] initialSeeds) { final InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod> icfg = buildIcfg(); final FlowFunctions<Statement, String, TestFact, TestMethod> flowFunctions = flowFunctions(); return new IFDSTabulationProblem<Statement, String, TestFact, TestMethod, InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>>() { @Override public boolean followReturnsPastSeeds() { return followReturnsPastSeeds; } @Override public boolean autoAddZero() { return false; } @Override public int numThreads() { return 1; } @Override public boolean computeValues() { return false; } @Override public FlowFunctions<Statement, String, TestFact, TestMethod> flowFunctions() { return flowFunctions; } @Override public InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod> interproceduralCFG() { return icfg; } @Override public Map<Statement, Set<TestFact>> initialSeeds() { Map<Statement, Set<TestFact>> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (String stmt : initialSeeds) { result.put(new Statement(stmt), Sets.newHashSet(new TestFact("0"))); } return result; } @Override public TestFact zeroValue() { return new TestFact("0"); } @Override public ZeroHandler<String> zeroHandler() { return new ZeroHandler<String>() { @Override public boolean shouldGenerateAccessPath(AccessPath<String> accPath) { return true; } }; } }; } public static enum TabulationProblemExchange { AsSpecified, ExchangeForwardAndBackward }; public void runBiDiSolver(FieldSensitiveTestHelper backwardHelper, TabulationProblemExchange direction, final String... initialSeeds) { FactMergeHandler<TestFact> factMergeHandler = new FactMergeHandler<TestFact>() { @Override public void merge(TestFact previousFact, TestFact currentFact) { } @Override public void restoreCallingContext(TestFact factAtReturnSite, TestFact factAtCallSite) { } }; Scheduler scheduler = new Scheduler(); BiDiFieldSensitiveIFDSSolver<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod, InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>> solver = direction == TabulationProblemExchange.AsSpecified ? new BiDiFieldSensitiveIFDSSolver<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod, InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>>( createTabulationProblem(true, initialSeeds), backwardHelper.createTabulationProblem(true, initialSeeds), factMergeHandler, debugger, scheduler) : new BiDiFieldSensitiveIFDSSolver<String, TestFact, Statement, TestMethod, InterproceduralCFG<Statement, TestMethod>>( backwardHelper.createTabulationProblem(true, initialSeeds), createTabulationProblem(true, initialSeeds), factMergeHandler, debugger, scheduler); scheduler.runAndAwaitCompletion(); assertAllFlowFunctionsUsed(); backwardHelper.assertAllFlowFunctionsUsed(); } }