Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables any

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables any


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables any.


public static <T> boolean any(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate) 

Source Link


Returns true if any element in iterable satisfies the predicate.


From source file:com.facebook.presto.metadata.FunctionRegistry.java

public boolean isAggregationFunction(QualifiedName name) {
    return Iterables.any(functions.get(name), function -> function.getSignature().getKind() == AGGREGATE
            || function.getSignature().getKind() == APPROXIMATE_AGGREGATE);

From source file:org.jasig.ssp.service.impl.EvaluatedSuccessIndicatorServiceImpl.java

private boolean isEmptyNormalizedString(@Nullable List<String> normalizedStrings) {
    return normalizedStrings == null || normalizedStrings.isEmpty()
            || !(Iterables.any(normalizedStrings, NON_BLANK_STRING_TEST));

From source file:org.jclouds.compute.domain.internal.TemplateBuilderImpl.java

protected Hardware resolveHardware(Set<? extends Hardware> hardwarel, final Iterable<? extends Image> images) {
    Ordering<Hardware> hardwareOrdering = hardwareSorter();

    Iterable<Predicate<Image>> supportsImagePredicates = Iterables.transform(hardwarel,
            new Function<Hardware, Predicate<Image>>() {

                @Override//from ww  w.java 2  s. co m
                public Predicate<Image> apply(Hardware input) {
                    return input.supportsImage();


    Predicate<Image> supportsImagePredicate = Iterables.size(supportsImagePredicates) == 1
            ? Iterables.getOnlyElement(supportsImagePredicates)
            : Predicates.<Image>or(supportsImagePredicates);

    if (!Iterables.any(images, supportsImagePredicate)) {
        String message = format("no hardware profiles support images matching params: %s",
        throw throwNoSuchElementExceptionAfterLoggingHardwareIds(message, hardwarel);

    Iterable<? extends Hardware> hardwareCompatibleWithOurImages = filter(hardwarel,
    Predicate<Hardware> hardwarePredicate = buildHardwarePredicate();
    Hardware hardware;
    try {
        hardware = hardwareOrdering.max(filter(hardwareCompatibleWithOurImages, hardwarePredicate));
    } catch (NoSuchElementException exception) {
        String message = format("no hardware profiles match params: %s", hardwarePredicate);
        throw throwNoSuchElementExceptionAfterLoggingHardwareIds(message, hardwareCompatibleWithOurImages);
    logger.trace("<<   matched hardware(%s)", hardware.getId());
    return hardware;

From source file:com.vmware.appfactory.cws.simulator.CwsSimulator.java

private boolean commandLabelContains(final String text, Collection<CommandList> commandLists) {
    final Predicate<Command> anyLabelInCommand = new Predicate<Command>() {
        @Override//from   w w w.j  ava2  s .  c  o m
        public boolean apply(Command command) {
            return command.getLabel() != null && command.getLabel().contains(text);

    Predicate<CommandList> anyCommandInList = new Predicate<CommandList>() {
        public boolean apply(CommandList commandList) {
            return Iterables.any(commandList.getCommands(), anyLabelInCommand);

    return Iterables.any(commandLists, anyCommandInList);

From source file:org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.LeveledManifest.java

 * @return highest-priority sstables to compact for the given level.
 * If no compactions are possible (because of concurrent compactions or because some sstables are blacklisted
 * for prior failure), will return an empty list.  Never returns null.
 *//*from   w  w  w  .ja v a2s.c  o  m*/
private Collection<SSTableReader> getCandidatesFor(int level) {
    assert !getLevel(level).isEmpty();
    logger.trace("Choosing candidates for L{}", level);

    final Set<SSTableReader> compacting = cfs.getTracker().getCompacting();

    if (level == 0) {
        Set<SSTableReader> compactingL0 = getCompacting(0);

        RowPosition lastCompactingKey = null;
        RowPosition firstCompactingKey = null;
        for (SSTableReader candidate : compactingL0) {
            if (firstCompactingKey == null || candidate.first.compareTo(firstCompactingKey) < 0)
                firstCompactingKey = candidate.first;
            if (lastCompactingKey == null || candidate.last.compareTo(lastCompactingKey) > 0)
                lastCompactingKey = candidate.last;

        // L0 is the dumping ground for new sstables which thus may overlap each other.
        // We treat L0 compactions specially:
        // 1a. add sstables to the candidate set until we have at least maxSSTableSizeInMB
        // 1b. prefer choosing older sstables as candidates, to newer ones
        // 1c. any L0 sstables that overlap a candidate, will also become candidates
        // 2. At most MAX_COMPACTING_L0 sstables from L0 will be compacted at once
        // 3. If total candidate size is less than maxSSTableSizeInMB, we won't bother compacting with L1,
        //    and the result of the compaction will stay in L0 instead of being promoted (see promote())
        // Note that we ignore suspect-ness of L1 sstables here, since if an L1 sstable is suspect we're
        // basically screwed, since we expect all or most L0 sstables to overlap with each L1 sstable.
        // So if an L1 sstable is suspect we can't do much besides try anyway and hope for the best.
        Set<SSTableReader> candidates = new HashSet<>();
        Set<SSTableReader> remaining = new HashSet<>();
        Iterables.addAll(remaining, Iterables.filter(getLevel(0), Predicates.not(suspectP)));
        for (SSTableReader sstable : ageSortedSSTables(remaining)) {
            if (candidates.contains(sstable))

            Sets.SetView<SSTableReader> overlappedL0 = Sets.union(Collections.singleton(sstable),
                    overlapping(sstable, remaining));
            if (!Sets.intersection(overlappedL0, compactingL0).isEmpty())

            for (SSTableReader newCandidate : overlappedL0) {
                if (firstCompactingKey == null || lastCompactingKey == null
                        || overlapping(firstCompactingKey.getToken(), lastCompactingKey.getToken(),
                                Arrays.asList(newCandidate)).size() == 0)

            if (candidates.size() > MAX_COMPACTING_L0) {
                // limit to only the MAX_COMPACTING_L0 oldest candidates
                candidates = new HashSet<>(ageSortedSSTables(candidates).subList(0, MAX_COMPACTING_L0));

        // leave everything in L0 if we didn't end up with a full sstable's worth of data
        if (SSTableReader.getTotalBytes(candidates) > maxSSTableSizeInBytes) {
            // add sstables from L1 that overlap candidates
            // if the overlapping ones are already busy in a compaction, leave it out.
            // TODO try to find a set of L0 sstables that only overlaps with non-busy L1 sstables
            Set<SSTableReader> l1overlapping = overlapping(candidates, getLevel(1));
            if (Sets.intersection(l1overlapping, compacting).size() > 0)
                return Collections.emptyList();
            if (!overlapping(candidates, compactingL0).isEmpty())
                return Collections.emptyList();
            candidates = Sets.union(candidates, l1overlapping);
        if (candidates.size() < 2)
            return Collections.emptyList();
            return candidates;

    // for non-L0 compactions, pick up where we left off last time
    Collections.sort(getLevel(level), SSTableReader.sstableComparator);
    int start = 0; // handles case where the prior compaction touched the very last range
    for (int i = 0; i < getLevel(level).size(); i++) {
        SSTableReader sstable = getLevel(level).get(i);
        if (sstable.first.compareTo(lastCompactedKeys[level]) > 0) {
            start = i;

    // look for a non-suspect keyspace to compact with, starting with where we left off last time,
    // and wrapping back to the beginning of the generation if necessary
    for (int i = 0; i < getLevel(level).size(); i++) {
        SSTableReader sstable = getLevel(level).get((start + i) % getLevel(level).size());
        Set<SSTableReader> candidates = Sets.union(Collections.singleton(sstable),
                overlapping(sstable, getLevel(level + 1)));
        if (Iterables.any(candidates, suspectP))
        if (Sets.intersection(candidates, compacting).isEmpty())
            return candidates;

    // all the sstables were suspect or overlapped with something suspect
    return Collections.emptyList();

From source file:org.eclipse.che.plugin.svn.server.SubversionApi.java

 * Perform an "svn move" based on the request.
 * @param request//  w  ww.  j  a v a2 s .co m
 *         the request
 * @return the response
 * @throws IOException
 *         if there is a problem executing the command
 * @throws SubversionException
 *         if there is a Subversion issue
public CLIOutputResponse move(final MoveRequest request)
        throws IOException, SubversionException, UnauthorizedException {

    Predicate<String> sourcePredicate = new Predicate<String>() {
        public boolean apply(String input) {
            return input.startsWith("file://");

    //for security reason we should forbid file protocol
    if (Iterables.any(request.getSource(), sourcePredicate) || request.getDestination().startsWith("file://")) {
        throw new SubversionException("Url is not acceptable");

    final File projectPath = new File(request.getProjectPath());

    final List<String> cliArgs = defaultArgs();

    if (!isNullOrEmpty(request.getComment())) {
        addOption(cliArgs, "--message", "\"" + request.getComment() + "\"");

    // Command Name

    final List<String> paths = new ArrayList<>();

    final CommandLineResult result = runCommand(null, cliArgs, projectPath, paths, request.getUsername(),

    return DtoFactory.getInstance().createDto(CLIOutputResponse.class)

From source file:org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence.business.internal.layout.vertical.SequenceVerticalLayout.java

private int getMinY(EventEnd endBefore, EventEnd end, Collection<ISequenceEvent> commonIses, boolean pack,
        int currentLocation, Map<EventEnd, Integer> alreadyComputedLocations) {
    int genericGap = getGenericGap(endBefore, end, pack);
    int minGap = genericGap;

    if (!commonIses.isEmpty()) {
        int commonIseGap = getGapFromCommonSequenceEvent(end, commonIses, pack, genericGap);
        minGap = commonIseGap;/*  w  w  w.j a va 2  s . c  om*/
    } else {
        boolean operands = Iterables.any(eventEndToSequenceEvents.apply(end),
        if (operands) {
            minGap = getGapBeforeOperandEnd(endBefore, end, currentLocation, genericGap,

    return currentLocation + minGap;

From source file:org.trancecode.xproc.step.Step.java

 * {@code err:XS0005}./*from  ww  w  .j a v a2s.  c  o  m*/
private void checkOutputPorts() {
    for (int i = 0; i < getSubpipeline().size(); i++) {
        final Step childStep = getSubpipeline().get(i);
        final Port outputPort = childStep.getPrimaryOutputPort();
        if (outputPort != null && outputPort.getPortBindings().isEmpty()) {
            final boolean explicitlyConnected = Iterables.any(getDescendantSteps(),
                    step -> Iterables.any(step.getInputPortBindings(),
            if (explicitlyConnected) {

            // The parent step has an output port
            // explicitly bound to this output port
            if (Iterables.any(getOutputPortBindings(),
                    PortBindingPredicates.isConnectedTo(outputPort.getPortReference()))) {

            // Step is the latest from subpipeline and
            // The parent step has a primary output port
            // implicitly bound to this output port
            if (i == getSubpipeline().size() - 1 && childStep.isPrimary(outputPort)
                    && getPrimaryOutputPort() != null && getPrimaryOutputPort().getPortBindings().isEmpty()) {

            // Next step has unbound primary input port
            if (i < getSubpipeline().size() - 1 && getSubpipeline().get(i + 1).getPrimaryInputPort() != null
                    && getSubpipeline().get(i + 1).getPrimaryInputPort().getPortBindings().isEmpty()) {

            // Next step is a choose step
            if (i < getSubpipeline().size() - 1 && getSubpipeline().get(i + 1).getType() == XProcSteps.CHOOSE) {

            // TODO: xs0005 is not manage very well !
            throw XProcExceptions.xs0005(childStep, outputPort.getPortName());

From source file:org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence.business.internal.layout.vertical.SequenceVerticalLayout.java

private int getGenericGap(EventEnd endBefore, EventEnd end, boolean pack) {
    int beforeGap = 0;

    if (endBefore != null) {
        Collection<ISequenceEvent> endBeforeEvents = eventEndToSequenceEvents.apply(endBefore);
        beforeGap = pack ? LayoutConstants.MIN_INTER_SEQUENCE_EVENTS_VERTICAL_GAP
                : LayoutConstants.EXECUTION_CHILDREN_MARGIN;

        // Predecessor : Logically instantaneouse States
        Iterable<State> predStates = Iterables.filter(endBeforeEvents, State.class);
        if (EventEndHelper.PUNCTUAL_COMPOUND_EVENT_END.apply(endBefore) && endBeforeEvents.size() == 1
                && Iterables.size(predStates) == 1) {
            State predState = Iterables.getOnlyElement(predStates);
            if (predState.isLogicallyInstantaneous()) {
                beforeGap += getAbstractNodeEventVerticalSize(endBefore, predState, endBeforeEvents, pack) / 2;
            }/*from   www . j  a  v a 2s  .c  o  m*/

        if (Iterables.any(endBeforeEvents, Predicates.instanceOf(InteractionUse.class))
                && endBefore instanceof SingleEventEnd && ((SingleEventEnd) endBefore).isStart()) {
            beforeGap = LayoutConstants.DEFAULT_INTERACTION_USE_HEIGHT / 2;

        if (Iterables.any(eventEndToSequenceEvents.apply(end), Predicates.instanceOf(InteractionUse.class))
                && end instanceof SingleEventEnd && !((SingleEventEnd) end).isStart()) {
            beforeGap = LayoutConstants.DEFAULT_INTERACTION_USE_HEIGHT / 2;

        if (creators.keySet().contains(endBefore)) {
            if (pack) {
                beforeGap += getTargetFigureMidHeight(creators.get(endBefore))
                        + LayoutConstants.TIME_START_OFFSET
                        - LayoutConstants.MIN_INTER_SEQUENCE_EVENTS_VERTICAL_GAP;
            } else {
                beforeGap += getTargetFigureMidHeight(creators.get(endBefore));
        } else if (losts.containsKey(endBefore)) {
            beforeGap += losts.get(endBefore).getBounds().height / 2;
    } else {
        beforeGap = pack ? LayoutConstants.TIME_START_OFFSET : LayoutConstants.TIME_START_MIN_OFFSET;

    if (destructors.keySet().contains(end)) {
        beforeGap += getTargetFigureMidHeight(destructors.get(end));
    } else if (losts.containsKey(end)) {
        beforeGap += losts.get(end).getBounds().height / 2;

    // current event : Logically instantaneouse States
    Collection<ISequenceEvent> endEvents = eventEndToSequenceEvents.apply(end);
    Iterable<State> states = Iterables.filter(endEvents, State.class);
    if (EventEndHelper.PUNCTUAL_COMPOUND_EVENT_END.apply(end) && endEvents.size() == 1
            && Iterables.size(states) == 1) {
        State state = Iterables.getOnlyElement(states);
        if (state.isLogicallyInstantaneous()) {
            beforeGap += getAbstractNodeEventVerticalSize(endBefore, state, endEvents, pack) / 2;
    return beforeGap;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.firebird.data.InvestigatorProfile.java

 * Checks if this profile contains an organization association of a specific type.
 * @param organization check for this organization
 * @param type the type of association role to check for
 * @return true if referenced/*from  w w  w. j  av a2 s.c  o m*/
boolean containsAssociation(final Organization organization, OrganizationRoleType type) {
    Set<OrganizationAssociation> associations = getOrganizationAssociations(type);
    return Iterables.any(associations, new Predicate<OrganizationAssociation>() {
        public boolean apply(OrganizationAssociation association) {
            return association.getOrganizationRole().getOrganization().equals(organization);