Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables any

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables any


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables any.


public static <T> boolean any(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate) 

Source Link


Returns true if any element in iterable satisfies the predicate.


From source file:forge.quest.BoosterUtils.java

 * Gets the quest starter deck.//from  ww w  . ja v  a  2s  . co  m
 * @param filter
 *            the filter
 * @param numCommons
 *            the num common
 * @param numUncommons
 *            the num uncommon
 * @param numRares
 *            the num rare
 * @param userPrefs
 *            the starting pool preferences
 * @return the quest starter deck
public static List<PaperCard> getQuestStarterDeck(final Predicate<PaperCard> filter, final int numCommons,
        final int numUncommons, final int numRares, final StartingPoolPreferences userPrefs) {

    if (possibleColors.isEmpty()) {

    final List<PaperCard> cardPool = Lists
            .newArrayList(Iterables.filter(FModel.getMagicDb().getCommonCards().getAllCards(), filter));
    final List<PaperCard> cards = new ArrayList<>();

    if (userPrefs != null && userPrefs.grantCompleteSet()) {
        for (PaperCard card : cardPool) {
        return cards;

    final boolean allowDuplicates = userPrefs != null && userPrefs.allowDuplicates();
    final boolean mythicsAvailable = Iterables.any(cardPool, Presets.IS_MYTHIC_RARE);
    final int numMythics = mythicsAvailable ? numRares / RARES_PER_MYTHIC : 0;
    final int adjustedRares = numRares - numMythics;

    final List<Predicate<CardRules>> colorFilters = getColorFilters(userPrefs, cardPool);

            BoosterUtils.generateCards(cardPool, Presets.IS_COMMON, numCommons, colorFilters, allowDuplicates));
    cards.addAll(BoosterUtils.generateCards(cardPool, Presets.IS_UNCOMMON, numUncommons, colorFilters,
    cards.addAll(BoosterUtils.generateCards(cardPool, Presets.IS_RARE, adjustedRares, colorFilters,

    if (numMythics > 0) {
        cards.addAll(BoosterUtils.generateCards(cardPool, Presets.IS_MYTHIC_RARE, numMythics, colorFilters,

    return cards;


From source file:org.pentaho.di.trans.dataservice.serialization.ServiceTrans.java

public static Predicate<ServiceTrans> isReferenceTo(final TransMeta transMeta) {
    return new Predicate<ServiceTrans>() {
        final Set<Reference> references = ImmutableSet.copyOf(references(transMeta));

        @Override/*w  w  w  . j av  a2  s  .c  o m*/
        public boolean apply(ServiceTrans serviceTrans) {
            return Iterables.any(serviceTrans.getReferences(), Predicates.in(references));

From source file:com.marvelution.bamboo.plugins.sonar.tasks.upgrade.EncryptUnencryptedTaskPasswordsUpgradeTask.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/*from   w  w w .j  a  v  a2s. c  o m*/
public Collection<Message> doUpgrade() throws Exception {
    for (Plan buildable : planManager.getAllPlansUnrestricted()) {
        if (Iterables.any(buildable.getBuildDefinition().getTaskDefinitions(), SonarPredicates.isSonarTask())) {
            logger.info("Check Sonar Tasks for " + buildable.getBuildKey());
            for (TaskDefinition taskDefinition : Iterables.filter(
                    buildable.getBuildDefinition().getTaskDefinitions(), SonarPredicates.isSonarTask())) {
                TaskDefinition newTaskDefinition = getTaskConfigurationService().editTask(
                        buildable.getPlanKey(), taskDefinition.getId(), taskDefinition.getUserDescription(),
                        getTaskConfigurationMap(taskDefinition), taskDefinition.getRootDirectorySelector());
                logger.info("Encrypted task passwords of task [" + newTaskDefinition.getId() + "] of type ["
                        + newTaskDefinition.getPluginKey() + "]");
        } else {
            logger.info(buildable.getBuildKey() + " has no Sonar Tasks to check");
    return null;

From source file:com.google.api.server.spi.config.ApiConfigLoader.java

 * Creates a {@link ApiConfigLoader}.//from  ww w  .j av  a2 s  .co m
 * @param configFactory Factory class in charge of creating {@link ApiConfig}s.
 * @param typeLoader Utility class for dealing with types in endpoint config generation.
 * @param annotationSource Config source which reads annotations in endpoint classes.
 * @param apiConfigSources Additional config sources, if any, to operate on endpoints.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code apiConfigSources} includes another instance
 *         of ApiConfigAnnotationReader.
public ApiConfigLoader(ApiConfig.Factory configFactory, TypeLoader typeLoader,
        ApiConfigAnnotationReader annotationSource, ApiConfigSource... apiConfigSources) {
    this.configFactory = Preconditions.checkNotNull(configFactory);
    this.typeLoader = Preconditions.checkNotNull(typeLoader);
    this.annotationSource = Preconditions.checkNotNull(annotationSource);
    this.apiConfigSources = ImmutableList.copyOf(apiConfigSources);
            !Iterables.any(this.apiConfigSources, Predicates.instanceOf(ApiConfigAnnotationReader.class)),
            "Multiple instances of the of ApiConfigAnnotationReader were passed in");

From source file:com.eucalyptus.ws.server.SoapPipeline.java

public boolean checkAccepts(final HttpRequest message) {
    final boolean usesServicePath = Iterables.any(servicePaths, Strings.isSuffixOf(message.getUri()));
    final boolean noPath = message.getUri().isEmpty() || message.getUri().equals("/")
            || message.getUri().startsWith("/?");
    return message.getHeaderNames().contains("SOAPAction")
            && (usesServicePath || (noPath && resolvesByHost(message.getHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.HOST))));

From source file:org.eclipse.emf.compare.command.impl.CopyCommand.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from  w ww. java 2  s. co  m
 * @see org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand#canExecute()
public boolean canExecute() {
    return super.canExecute() && Iterables.any(differences, hasState(DifferenceState.UNRESOLVED));

From source file:eu.numberfour.n4js.ui.workingsets.DefaultWorkingSetImpl.java

public IAdaptable[] getElements() {
    final IProject[] projects = getAllProjects();
    if (OTHERS_WORKING_SET_ID.equals(getId())) {

        // No other working sets are available at all.
        final WorkingSet[] allWorkingSets = getWorkingSetManager().getAllWorkingSets();
        if (allWorkingSets.length == 1) {
            return projects;
        } else {/*from w w w .j  a v  a  2s.  c  om*/

            // We have to exclude all those projects that are associatedwith at least one other working set.
            final FluentIterable<WorkingSet> others = from(asList(allWorkingSets))
                    .filter(ws -> !OTHERS_WORKING_SET_ID.equals(ws.getId()));

            // Mapping between non-built-in working sets and their elements.
            final Map<WorkingSet, Collection<IAdaptable>> elementMapping = Maps.toMap(others,
                    ws -> newHashSet(ws.getElements()));

            final IProject[] elements = new IProject[projects.length];
            int elementCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0, size = projects.length; i < size; i++) {
                final IProject project = projects[i];
                // If the project is not assigned to any other working set, then assign it to the built-in one.
                if (!Iterables.any(others, ws -> elementMapping.get(ws).contains(project))) {
                    elements[elementCount++] = project;

            return Arrays.copyOfRange(elements, 0, elementCount);

    } else {
        final IProject[] elements = new IProject[projects.length];
        int elementCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0, size = projects.length; i < size; i++) {
            final IProject project = projects[i];
            if (apply(project)) {
                elements[elementCount++] = project;
        return Arrays.copyOfRange(elements, 0, elementCount);

From source file:xml.entity.mutableelement.Elements.java

 * Create a predicate that matches if the node has an child that matches the
 * given predicate./*from w ww.j  a  v a2s  . c o m*/
 * @param matching
 *            This predicate will be applied the the children of the node.
 * @return true if any child matches.
public static Predicate<Element> hasChild(final Predicate<Element> matching) {
    return new Predicate<Element>() {

        public boolean apply(@Nullable final Element input) {
            return Iterables.any(input.children(), matching);

        public String toString() {
            return matching.toString();

From source file:ratpack.render.RendererSupport.java

protected RendererSupport() {
    TypeToken<T> typeToken = new TypeToken<T>(getClass()) {
    };//from   w w  w. ja va 2 s.c  o m

    Type type = typeToken.getType();
    if (type instanceof Class) {
        Class<T> rawType = (Class<T>) typeToken.getRawType();
        this.type = rawType;
    } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
        Iterable<Type> typeArgs = Arrays.asList(((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments());
        if (Iterables.any(typeArgs, Predicates.not((t) -> t.getTypeName().equals("?")))) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid renderable type " + type
                    + ": due to type erasure, type parameter T of RendererSupport must be a Class or a parameterized type with '?' for all type variables (e.g. List<?>)");
        this.type = Types.cast(typeToken.getRawType());
    } else {
        throw new InternalRatpackError("Unhandled type for renderer support: " + type.getClass());

From source file:de.cau.cs.kieler.klay.layered.intermediate.LabelDummyInserter.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/*from   w w  w  . j  a v a 2s. c o  m*/
public void process(final LGraph layeredGraph, final IKielerProgressMonitor monitor) {
    monitor.begin("Label dummy insertions", 1);

    List<LNode> newDummyNodes = Lists.newArrayList();

    double labelSpacing = layeredGraph.getProperty(LayoutOptions.LABEL_SPACING).doubleValue();

    for (LNode node : layeredGraph.getLayerlessNodes()) {
        for (LPort port : node.getPorts()) {
            for (LEdge edge : port.getOutgoingEdges()) {
                // Ignore self-loops for the moment (see KIPRA-1073)
                if (edge.getSource().getNode() != edge.getTarget().getNode()
                        && Iterables.any(edge.getLabels(), CENTER_LABEL)) {

                    // Remember the list of edge labels represented by the dummy node
                    List<LLabel> representedLabels = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(edge.getLabels().size());

                    // Create dummy node
                    LNode dummyNode = new LNode(layeredGraph);

                    dummyNode.setProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN, edge);
                    dummyNode.setProperty(InternalProperties.REPRESENTED_LABELS, representedLabels);
                    dummyNode.setProperty(LayoutOptions.PORT_CONSTRAINTS, PortConstraints.FIXED_POS);
                    dummyNode.setProperty(InternalProperties.LONG_EDGE_SOURCE, edge.getSource());
                    dummyNode.setProperty(InternalProperties.LONG_EDGE_TARGET, edge.getTarget());


                    // Actually split the edge
                    LongEdgeSplitter.splitEdge(edge, dummyNode);

                    // Set thickness of the edge
                    float thickness = edge.getProperty(LayoutOptions.THICKNESS);
                    if (thickness < 0) {
                        thickness = 0;
                        edge.setProperty(LayoutOptions.THICKNESS, thickness);
                    KVector dummySize = dummyNode.getSize();
                    dummySize.y = thickness;
                    double portPos = Math.floor(thickness / 2);

                    // Apply port positions
                    for (LPort dummyPort : dummyNode.getPorts()) {
                        dummyPort.getPosition().y = portPos;

                    // Determine label size
                    ListIterator<LLabel> iterator = edge.getLabels().listIterator();
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        LLabel label = iterator.next();

                        if (label
                                .getProperty(LayoutOptions.EDGE_LABEL_PLACEMENT) == EdgeLabelPlacement.CENTER) {

                            dummySize.x = Math.max(dummySize.x, label.getSize().x);
                            dummySize.y += label.getSize().y + labelSpacing;

                            // Move the label over to the dummy node's REPRESENTED_LABELS property

    // Add created dummies to graph
