Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables any

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables any


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables any.


public static <T> boolean any(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate) 

Source Link


Returns true if any element in iterable satisfies the predicate.


From source file:org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence.business.internal.layout.vertical.SequenceVerticalLayout.java

private int getGapBeforeOperandEnd(EventEnd endBefore, EventEnd end, int currentLocation, int genericGap,
        Map<EventEnd, Integer> alreadyComputedLocations) {
    int beforeGap = genericGap;
    Iterable<Operand> operands = Iterables.filter(eventEndToSequenceEvents.apply(end), Operand.class);
    if (!Iterables.isEmpty(operands) && endBefore instanceof SingleEventEnd) {
        if (Iterables.any(eventEndToSequenceEvents.apply(endBefore),
                Predicates.instanceOf(CombinedFragment.class)) && ((SingleEventEnd) endBefore).isStart()) {
            beforeGap = LayoutConstants.COMBINED_FRAGMENT_TITLE_HEIGHT;
        } else {/*from   w  ww  .j  av  a  2s  . c  o m*/
            Operand op = selectEndedOperand(end, operands);
            if (op != null) {
                int startLoc = getStartLocation(op, alreadyComputedLocations);
                int minEndLoc = startLoc + LayoutConstants.DEFAULT_OPERAND_HEIGHT;
                beforeGap = Math.max(minEndLoc - currentLocation, genericGap);
    return beforeGap;

From source file:com.google.devtools.j2cpp.translate.DeadCodeEliminator.java

 * Determines whether a type is visible in the scope of the specified context.
 *///  w w w.  ja v  a  2s  .  co m
private boolean inScope(ITypeBinding type, ITypeBinding context) {
    return context.equals(type) || context.getSuperclass() != null && inScope(type, context.getSuperclass())
            || Iterables.any(Arrays.asList(context.getDeclaredTypes()), Predicates.equalTo(type));

From source file:gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.project.Experiment.java

 * @return whether this experiment has any imported and parsed array designs
 *///from   www.j  a v  a2 s.c om
public boolean hasParsedArrayDesigns() {
    return Iterables.any(getArrayDesigns(), new Predicate<ArrayDesign>() {
        public boolean apply(ArrayDesign design) {
            return design.isImportedAndParsed();

From source file:org.killbill.billing.subscription.api.user.DefaultSubscriptionBase.java

private void filterOutDuplicateCancelEvents(final List<SubscriptionBaseEvent> inputEvents) {

    Collections.sort(inputEvents, new Comparator<SubscriptionBaseEvent>() {
        @Override//www.jav a  2s  .  c om
        public int compare(final SubscriptionBaseEvent o1, final SubscriptionBaseEvent o2) {
            int res = o1.getEffectiveDate().compareTo(o2.getEffectiveDate());
            if (res == 0) {
                res = o1.getTotalOrdering() < (o2.getTotalOrdering()) ? -1 : 1;
            return res;

    final boolean isCancelled = Iterables.any(inputEvents, new Predicate<SubscriptionBaseEvent>() {
        public boolean apply(final SubscriptionBaseEvent input) {
            if (input.isActive() && input.getType() == EventType.API_USER) {
                final ApiEvent userEV = (ApiEvent) input;
                if (userEV.getApiEventType() == ApiEventType.CANCEL && userEV.isFromDisk()) {
                    return true;
            return false;

    if (!isCancelled) {

    boolean foundFirstOnDiskCancel = false;
    final Iterator<SubscriptionBaseEvent> it = inputEvents.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        final SubscriptionBaseEvent input = it.next();
        if (!input.isActive()) {

        if (input.getType() == EventType.API_USER) {
            final ApiEvent userEV = (ApiEvent) input;
            if (userEV.getApiEventType() == ApiEventType.CANCEL) {
                if (userEV.isFromDisk()) {
                    if (!foundFirstOnDiskCancel) {
                        foundFirstOnDiskCancel = true;
                    } else {
                } else {

From source file:com.eucalyptus.autoscaling.activities.ActivityManager.java

private ScalingProcessTask<?, ?> perhapsTerminateInstances(final AutoScalingGroupScalingView group,
        final int terminateCount) {
    final List<String> instancesToTerminate = Lists.newArrayList();
    boolean anyRegisteredInstances = false;
    int currentCapacity = 0;
    try {/*  w  ww .  j  a  v a2  s  .  co  m*/
        final List<AutoScalingInstanceCoreView> currentInstances = autoScalingInstances.listByGroup(group,
                TypeMappers.lookup(AutoScalingInstance.class, AutoScalingInstanceCoreView.class));
        currentCapacity = currentInstances.size();
        if (currentInstances.size() == terminateCount) {
                    Iterables.transform(currentInstances, RestrictedTypes.toDisplayName()));
            anyRegisteredInstances = Iterables.any(currentInstances, ConfigurationState.Registered.forView());
        } else {
            // First terminate instances in zones that are no longer in use
            final Set<String> groupZones = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(group.getAvailabilityZones());
            final Set<String> unwantedZones = Sets
                    .newHashSet(Iterables.transform(currentInstances, availabilityZone()));

            final Set<String> targetZones;
            final List<AutoScalingInstanceCoreView> remainingInstances = Lists.newArrayList(currentInstances);
            if (!unwantedZones.isEmpty()) {
                int unwantedInstanceCount = CollectionUtils.reduce(currentInstances, 0,
                if (unwantedInstanceCount < terminateCount) {
                    Iterable<AutoScalingInstanceCoreView> unwantedInstances = Iterables.filter(currentInstances,
                            Iterables.transform(unwantedInstances, RestrictedTypes.toDisplayName()));
                    Iterables.removeAll(remainingInstances, Lists.newArrayList(unwantedInstances));
                    anyRegisteredInstances = Iterables.any(unwantedInstances,
                    targetZones = groupZones;
                } else {
                    targetZones = unwantedZones;
            } else {
                targetZones = groupZones;

            final Map<String, Integer> zoneCounts = buildAvailabilityZoneInstanceCounts(currentInstances,

            for (int i = instancesToTerminate.size(); i < terminateCount
                    && remainingInstances.size() >= 1; i++) {
                final Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = selectEntry(zoneCounts, Ordering.natural().reverse());
                final AutoScalingInstanceCoreView instanceForTermination = TerminationPolicyType
                        .selectForTermination(group.getTerminationPolicies(), Lists.newArrayList(
                                Iterables.filter(remainingInstances, withAvailabilityZone(entry.getKey()))));
                entry.setValue(entry.getValue() - 1);
                anyRegisteredInstances |= ConfigurationState.Registered.forView().apply(instanceForTermination);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        logger.error(e, e);

    final List<ActivityCause> causes = Lists.newArrayList();
    causes.add(new ActivityCause(String.format(
            "an instance was taken out of service in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, shrinking the capacity from %1$d to %2$d",
            group.getCapacity(), group.getCapacity() - instancesToTerminate.size())));
    for (final String instanceId : instancesToTerminate) {
        causes.add(new ActivityCause(String.format("instance %1$s was selected for termination", instanceId)));

    return removeFromLoadBalancerOrTerminate(group, currentCapacity, anyRegisteredInstances,
            instancesToTerminate, causes, false);

From source file:org.yakindu.sct.model.stext.validation.STextJavaValidator.java

public void checkAnnotationTarget(final AnnotatableElement element) {
    EList<Annotation> annotations = element.getAnnotations();
    for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
        EList<EObject> targets = annotation.getTargets();
        boolean found = Iterables.any(targets, new Predicate<EObject>() {
            @Override//  w ww .  j a  v a2s  .  c  om
            public boolean apply(EObject input) {
                return ((EClass) input).isInstance(element);
        if (!found) {
            error(String.format(ERROR_WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET_MSG, annotation.getName(), element.eClass()),
                    element.getAnnotations().indexOf(annotation), ERROR_WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET_CODE);

From source file:com.eucalyptus.compute.common.internal.tags.FilterSupport.java

 * Construct a predicate from a filter pattern.
 * A Pattern is constructed from the given filter, as per AWS:
 *  Filters support the following wildcards:
 *    *: Matches zero or more characters
 *    ?: Matches exactly one character//from  w ww  .j a  v  a  2 s . c  om
 *   Your search can include the literal values of the wildcard characters; you just need to escape
 *   them with a backslash before the character. For example, a value of \*amazon\?\\ searches for
 *   the literal string *amazon?\.
 * Wildcards are translated to regular expression wildcards:
 *   .*: Matches zero or more characters
 *   . : Matches exactly one character
 * Any other regular expression syntax from the filter value is escaped (Pattern.quote)
private static Predicate<Set<String>> resourceValueMatcher(final String filterPattern) {
    final StringBuilder regexBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    if (translateWildcards(filterPattern, regexBuilder, ".", ".*", SyntaxEscape.Regex)) {
        return new Predicate<Set<String>>() {
            private final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexBuilder.toString());

            public boolean apply(final Set<String> values) {
                return Iterables.any(values, new Predicate<String>() {
                    public boolean apply(final String value) {
                        return value != null && pattern.matcher(value).matches();

    // even if no regex, may contain \ escapes that must be removed
    final String processedFilterPattern = filterPattern.replaceAll("\\\\", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\"));

    return new Predicate<Set<String>>() {
        public boolean apply(final Set<String> values) {
            return values.contains(processedFilterPattern);

From source file:com.eucalyptus.autoscaling.activities.ActivityManager.java

private ScalingProcessTask<?, ?> perhapsReplaceInstances(final AutoScalingGroupScalingView group) {
    final List<String> instancesToTerminate = Lists.newArrayList();
    boolean anyRegisteredInstances = false;
    if (scalingProcessEnabled(ScalingProcessType.ReplaceUnhealthy, group))
        try {/* w  ww .j ava 2 s  . co m*/
            final List<AutoScalingInstanceCoreView> currentInstances = autoScalingInstances
                            TypeMappers.lookup(AutoScalingInstance.class, AutoScalingInstanceCoreView.class));
            Iterables.addAll(instancesToTerminate, Iterables.limit(
                    Iterables.transform(currentInstances, RestrictedTypes.toDisplayName()),
                    Math.min(AutoScalingConfiguration.getMaxLaunchIncrement(), currentInstances.size())));
            anyRegisteredInstances = Iterables.any(currentInstances, ConfigurationState.Registered.forView());
            if (!instancesToTerminate.isEmpty()) {
                logger.info("Terminating unhealthy instances: " + instancesToTerminate);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            logger.error(e, e);
    return removeFromLoadBalancerOrTerminate(group, group.getCapacity(), anyRegisteredInstances,
                    new ActivityCause("an instance was taken out of service in response to a health-check")),

From source file:io.druid.segment.realtime.plumber.RealtimePlumber.java

private void registerServerViewCallback() {
    serverView.registerSegmentCallback(mergeExecutor, new ServerView.BaseSegmentCallback() {
        @Override/*from   w  ww  .  j  a v a 2s .c  om*/
        public ServerView.CallbackAction segmentAdded(DruidServerMetadata server, DataSegment segment) {
            if (stopped) {
                log.info("Unregistering ServerViewCallback");
                return ServerView.CallbackAction.UNREGISTER;

            if (!server.isAssignable()) {
                return ServerView.CallbackAction.CONTINUE;

            log.debug("Checking segment[%s] on server[%s]", segment, server);
            if (schema.getDataSource().equals(segment.getDataSource())
                    && config.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum() == segment.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum()) {
                final Interval interval = segment.getInterval();
                for (Map.Entry<Long, Sink> entry : sinks.entrySet()) {
                    final Long sinkKey = entry.getKey();
                    if (interval.contains(sinkKey)) {
                        final Sink sink = entry.getValue();
                        log.info("Segment[%s] matches sink[%s] on server[%s]", segment, sink, server);

                        final String segmentVersion = segment.getVersion();
                        final String sinkVersion = sink.getSegment().getVersion();
                        if (segmentVersion.compareTo(sinkVersion) >= 0) {
                            log.info("Segment version[%s] >= sink version[%s]", segmentVersion, sinkVersion);
                            abandonSegment(sinkKey, sink);

            return ServerView.CallbackAction.CONTINUE;
    }, new Predicate<DataSegment>() {
        public boolean apply(final DataSegment segment) {
            return schema.getDataSource().equalsIgnoreCase(segment.getDataSource())
                    && config.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum() == segment.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum()
                    && Iterables.any(sinks.keySet(), new Predicate<Long>() {
                        public boolean apply(Long sinkKey) {
                            return segment.getInterval().contains(sinkKey);

From source file:io.prestosql.metadata.FunctionRegistry.java

public boolean isAggregationFunction(QualifiedName name) {
    return Iterables.any(functions.get(name), function -> function.getSignature().getKind() == AGGREGATE);