List of usage examples for Iterables any
public static <T> boolean any(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate)
From source
protected boolean isLeaf(final EObject modelElement) { return !Iterables.any(modelElement.eClass().getEAllContainments(), new Predicate<EReference>() { @Override/*from w w w .j a v a2s.c o m*/ public boolean apply(EReference containmentRef) { return modelElement.eIsSet(containmentRef); } }); }
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public boolean analyze(int fieldIndex) { return Iterables.any(fieldIndexes, equalTo(fieldIndex)); }
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public TemplateModel hasBindingAttribute() throws TemplateModelException { return wrapper.wrap(Iterables.any(model.getAttributes(), new Predicate<PropertyBase>() { @Override//from w ww.j a va 2 s . c om public boolean apply(PropertyBase input) { return input.isBindingAttribute(); } })); }
From source
private void printResource(Resource resource, int level) { // workaround to preserve the original behavior of ResourceService#getRegisteredResources Set<Resource> children; if (resource instanceof DiscreteResource) { children = resourceService.getRegisteredResources(((DiscreteResource) resource).id()); } else {//from ww w.j a v a 2s . co m children = Collections.emptySet(); } if (resource.equals(Resource.ROOT)) { print("ROOT"); } else { String resourceName = resource.simpleTypeName(); if (resource instanceof ContinuousResource) { print("%s%s: %f", Strings.repeat(" ", level), resourceName, ((ContinuousResource) resource).value()); // Continuous resource is terminal node, stop here return; } else { String availability = ""; if (availablesOnly && !children.isEmpty()) { // intermediate nodes cannot be omitted, print availability if (resourceService.isAvailable(resource)) { availability = " "; } else { availability = " "; } } String toString = String.valueOf(resource.valueAs(Object.class).orElse("")); if (toString.startsWith(resourceName)) { print("%s%s%s", Strings.repeat(" ", level), toString, availability); } else { print("%s%s: %s%s", Strings.repeat(" ", level), resourceName, toString, availability); } } } // Classify children into aggregatable terminal resources and everything else Set<Class<?>> aggregatableTypes = ImmutableSet.<Class<?>>builder().add(VlanId.class).add(MplsLabel.class) .build(); // (last() resource name) -> { Resource } Multimap<String, Resource> aggregatables = ArrayListMultimap.create(); List<Resource> nonAggregatable = new ArrayList<>(); for (Resource r : children) { if (!isPrintTarget(r)) { continue; } if (r instanceof ContinuousResource) { // non-aggregatable terminal node nonAggregatable.add(r); } else if (Iterables.any(aggregatableTypes, r::isTypeOf)) { // aggregatable & terminal node String simpleName = r.simpleTypeName(); aggregatables.put(simpleName, r); } else { nonAggregatable.add(r); } } // print aggregated (terminal) aggregatables.asMap().entrySet().forEach(e -> { // for each type... String resourceName = e.getKey(); RangeSet<Long> rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create(); // aggregate into RangeSet e.getValue().stream().map(res -> { if (res.isTypeOf(VlanId.class)) { return (long) res.valueAs(VlanId.class).get().toShort(); } else if (res.isTypeOf(MplsLabel.class)) { return (long) res.valueAs(MplsLabel.class).get().toInt(); } else if (res.isTypeOf(TributarySlot.class)) { return res.valueAs(TributarySlot.class).get().index(); } // TODO support Lambda (OchSignal types) return 0L; }).map(Range::singleton).map(range -> range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.longs())).forEach(rangeSet::add); print("%s%s: %s", Strings.repeat(" ", level + 1), resourceName, rangeSet); }); // print non-aggregatables (recurse) if (sort) {, o2) -> String.valueOf( .forEach(r -> printResource(r, level + 1)); } else { nonAggregatable.forEach(r -> printResource(r, level + 1)); } }
From source
protected List<String> tabCompleteFlags(String toComplete, String[] others) { // filter the args to only ones starting with a dash final Set<String> parameters = Sets .newHashSet(Iterables.filter(Lists.newArrayList(others), STARTS_WITH_DASH)); Set<String> available = Sets.newHashSet(); for (OptionSpec<?> spec : parser.recognizedOptions().values()) { // add the dash onto each of the options in the spec Iterable<String> params = Iterables.transform(spec.options(), PREPEND_DASH); // add to the available set if all of it's options are not in the not-to-complete list // and it wasn't already provided in the command boolean add = !Iterables.any(params, new Predicate<String>() { @Override// w ww . ja v a2 s . c om public boolean apply(String input) { return argumentsNotToTabComplete.contains(input) || parameters.contains(input); } }); if (add) { Iterables.addAll(available, params); } } // return applicable ones return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(toComplete, available, Lists.<String>newArrayList()); }
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public static boolean isUnorderedType(VmType vmType) { return Iterables.any(VmTypes.list(), vmType.orderedPredicate()); }
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private void reportDuplicateBindings(ImmutableSet<Binding> duplicateBindings, BindingGraph bindingGraph, DiagnosticReporter diagnosticReporter) { Binding oneBinding = duplicateBindings.asList().get(0); diagnosticReporter.reportBinding(ERROR, oneBinding, Iterables.any(duplicateBindings, binding -> binding.kind().isMultibinding()) ? incompatibleBindingsMessage(oneBinding.key(), duplicateBindings, bindingGraph) : duplicateBindingMessage(oneBinding.key(), duplicateBindings, bindingGraph)); }
From source
private List<String> validateKeys(Annotation annotation, IIssueCallback validator, final Pattern pattern) { List<String> keyList = Lists.newArrayList(); ValueReference locationRef = CorePatternLanguageHelper.getFirstAnnotationParameter(annotation, "location"); ValueReference keyRef = CorePatternLanguageHelper.getFirstAnnotationParameter(annotation, "key"); if (locationRef != null && keyRef != null) { validator.error("Cannot use both location and key!", keyRef, null, SEVERITY_ISSUE_CODE); }/*from www .j a va2s. c o m*/ if (locationRef instanceof VariableValue) { String locationVarName = ((VariableValue) locationRef).getValue().getVariable().getName(); keyList.add(locationVarName); } if (keyRef instanceof ListValue) { Iterable<String> keyParamList = transformStringList(keyRef); List<String> invalidKeys = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String key : keyParamList) { Variable parameterByName = CorePatternLanguageHelper.getParameterByName(pattern, key); if (parameterByName == null) { invalidKeys.add(key); } else { keyList.add(key); } } if (!invalidKeys.isEmpty()) { validator.error("Keys " + invalidKeys.toString() + " are not pattern parameters!", keyRef, null, SEVERITY_ISSUE_CODE); } } if (keyList.isEmpty()) { validator.error("No key defined!", keyRef, null, SEVERITY_ISSUE_CODE); } else { boolean atLeastOneEClassKey = Iterables.any(keyList, new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String key) { Variable firstKeyParameter = CorePatternLanguageHelper.getParameterByName(pattern, key); Type sourceType = firstKeyParameter.getType(); if (!(sourceType instanceof ClassType) || !(((ClassType) sourceType).getClassname() instanceof EClass)) { return false; } else { return true; } } }); if (!atLeastOneEClassKey) { validator.warning("At least one key should be EClass to make location possible!", keyRef, null, SEVERITY_ISSUE_CODE); } } return keyList; }
From source
private DefaultTaskProperties(final String name, Factory<Map<String, Object>> inputPropertyValues, final ImmutableSortedSet<TaskInputFilePropertySpec> inputFileProperties, final ImmutableSortedSet<TaskOutputFilePropertySpec> outputFileProperties, boolean hasDeclaredOutputs, FileCollection localStateFiles, FileCollection destroyableFiles, List<ValidatingTaskPropertySpec> validatingPropertySpecs) { this.validatingPropertySpecs = validatingPropertySpecs; this.inputPropertyValues = inputPropertyValues; this.inputFileProperties = inputFileProperties; this.outputFileProperties = outputFileProperties; this.hasDeclaredOutputs = hasDeclaredOutputs; this.inputFiles = new CompositeFileCollection() { @Override/* w w w . j ava2 s .c om*/ public String getDisplayName() { return name + " input files"; } @Override public void visitContents(FileCollectionResolveContext context) { for (TaskInputFilePropertySpec filePropertySpec : inputFileProperties) { context.add(filePropertySpec.getPropertyFiles()); } } }; this.sourceFiles = new CompositeFileCollection() { @Override public String getDisplayName() { return name + " source files"; } @Override public void visitContents(FileCollectionResolveContext context) { for (TaskInputFilePropertySpec filePropertySpec : inputFileProperties) { if (filePropertySpec.isSkipWhenEmpty()) { context.add(filePropertySpec.getPropertyFiles()); } } } }; this.hasSourceFiles = Iterables.any(inputFileProperties, new Predicate<TaskInputFilePropertySpec>() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("NullableProblems") public boolean apply(TaskInputFilePropertySpec property) { return property.isSkipWhenEmpty(); } }); this.outputFiles = new CompositeFileCollection() { @Override public String getDisplayName() { return "output files"; } @Override public void visitContents(FileCollectionResolveContext context) { for (TaskFilePropertySpec propertySpec : outputFileProperties) { context.add(propertySpec.getPropertyFiles()); } } }; this.localStateFiles = localStateFiles; this.destroyableFiles = destroyableFiles; }
From source
/** * When computing the insertion index of a stereotype in the list of applied stereotypes, we need to * ignore all stereotypes that feature unresolved Diffs. * /* ww w . j ava2 s .c o m*/ * @param candidates * The sequence in which we need to compute an insertion index. * @param diff * The diff we are computing an insertion index for. * @param <E> * Type of the list's content. * @return The list of elements that should be ignored when computing the insertion index for a new * element in {@code candidates}. */ private static <E> Iterable<E> computeIgnoredElements(Iterable<E> candidates, final StereotypeApplicationChange diff) { return Iterables.filter(candidates, new Predicate<Object>() { public boolean apply(final Object element) { if (element instanceof EObject) { final Comparison comparison = diff.getMatch().getComparison(); final Match match = comparison.getMatch((EObject) element); return Iterables.any(match.getDifferences(), and(instanceOf(StereotypeApplicationChange.class), hasState(DifferenceState.UNRESOLVED))); } return false; } }); }