List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode size
public int size()
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@Override public void replace(List<String> path, JsonNode value) { if (path.isEmpty()) { throw new JsonPatchApplicationException("[Replace Operation] path is empty"); } else {/*from w ww .ja v a 2s. c om*/ JsonNode parentNode = getParentNode(path); if (parentNode == null) { throw new JsonPatchApplicationException( "[Replace Operation] noSuchPath in source, path provided : " + path); } else { String fieldToReplace = path.get(path.size() - 1).replaceAll("\"", ""); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(fieldToReplace) && path.size() == 1) target = value; else if (parentNode.isObject()) ((ObjectNode) parentNode).put(fieldToReplace, value); else if (parentNode.isArray()) ((ArrayNode) parentNode).set(arrayIndex(fieldToReplace, parentNode.size() - 1), value); else throw new JsonPatchApplicationException( "[Replace Operation] noSuchPath in source, path provided : " + path); } } }
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private void createChildren(JsonNode jon) { if (jon.has("hasPart")) { jon ="/hasPart"); for (int i = 0; i < jon.size(); i++) { createObject(getFirst(jon.get(i))); processObject(getFirst(jon.get(i))); }//w w w. ja v a 2s .c o m } }
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public VKApiUserFull parse(JsonNode user) { super.parse(user); // general//from w ww .j a va 2 s .c om last_seen = user.get(LAST_SEEN).asLong(); bdate = user.get(BDATE).asText(); JsonNode city = user.get(CITY); if (city != null) { = new VKApiCity().parse(city); } JsonNode country = user.get(COUNTRY); if (country != null) { = new VKApiCountry().parse(country); } // education // universities = new VKList<VKApiUniversity>(user.get(UNIVERSITIES), VKApiUniversity.class); // schools = new VKList<VKApiSchool>(user.get(SCHOOLS), VKApiSchool.class); // status activity = user.get(ACTIVITY).asText(); JsonNode status_audio = user.get("status_audio"); if (status_audio != null) this.status_audio = new VKApiAudio().parse(status_audio); // personal views JsonNode personal = user.get(PERSONAL); if (personal != null) { smoking = personal.get("smoking").asInt(); alcohol = personal.get("alcohol").asInt(); political = personal.get("political").asInt(); life_main = personal.get("life_main").asInt(); people_main = personal.get("people_main").asInt(); inspired_by = personal.get("inspired_by").asText(); religion = personal.get("religion").asText(); if (personal.has("langs")) { JsonNode langs = personal.get("langs"); if (langs != null) { this.langs = new String[langs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < langs.size(); i++) { this.langs[i] = langs.get(i).asText(); } } } } // contacts facebook = user.get("facebook").asText(); facebook_name = user.get("facebook_name").asText(); livejournal = user.get("livejournal").asText(); site = user.get(SITE).asText(); screen_name = user.get("screen_name").asText(); skype = user.get("skype").asText(); mobile_phone = user.get("mobile_phone").asText(); home_phone = user.get("home_phone").asText(); twitter = user.get("twitter").asText(); instagram = user.get("instagram").asText(); // personal info about = user.get(ABOUT).asText(); activities = user.get(ACTIVITIES).asText(); books = user.get(BOOKS).asText(); games = user.get(GAMES).asText(); interests = user.get(INTERESTS).asText(); movies = user.get(MOVIES).asText(); quotes = user.get(QUOTES).asText(); tv = user.get(TV).asText(); // settings nickname = user.get("nickname").asText(); can_post = user.get(CAN_POST).asBoolean(); can_see_all_posts = user.get(CAN_SEE_ALL_POSTS).asBoolean(); blacklisted_by_me = user.get(BLACKLISTED_BY_ME).asBoolean(); can_write_private_message = user.get(CAN_WRITE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE).asBoolean(); wall_comments = user.get(WALL_DEFAULT).asBoolean(); String deactivated = user.get("deactivated").asText(); is_deleted = "deleted".equals(deactivated); is_banned = "banned".equals(deactivated); wall_default_owner = "owner".equals(user.get(WALL_DEFAULT).asText()); verified = user.get(VERIFIED).asBoolean(); // other sex = user.get(SEX).asInt(); JsonNode counters = user.get(COUNTERS); if (counters != null) this.counters = new Counters(counters); relation = user.get(RELATION).asInt(); if (user.has(RELATIVES)) { if (relatives == null) { relatives = new VKList<Relative>(); } // relatives.fill(user.get(RELATIVES), Relative.class); } return this; }
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/** * Test getting all task variables. GET runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables *///from ww w . j a va2 s .c om @Deployment public void testGetTaskVariables() throws Exception { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); // Start process with all types of variables Map<String, Object> processVariables = new HashMap<String, Object>(); processVariables.put("stringProcVar", "This is a ProcVariable"); processVariables.put("intProcVar", 123); processVariables.put("longProcVar", 1234L); processVariables.put("shortProcVar", (short) 123); processVariables.put("doubleProcVar", 99.99); processVariables.put("booleanProcVar", Boolean.TRUE); processVariables.put("dateProcVar", cal.getTime()); processVariables.put("byteArrayProcVar", "Some raw bytes".getBytes()); processVariables.put("overlappingVariable", "process-value"); ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("oneTaskProcess", processVariables); // Set local task variables, including one that has the same name as one // that is defined in the parent scope (process instance) Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(processInstance.getId()).singleResult(); Map<String, Object> taskVariables = new HashMap<String, Object>(); taskVariables.put("stringTaskVar", "This is a TaskVariable"); taskVariables.put("intTaskVar", 123); taskVariables.put("longTaskVar", 1234L); taskVariables.put("shortTaskVar", (short) 123); taskVariables.put("doubleTaskVar", 99.99); taskVariables.put("booleanTaskVar", Boolean.TRUE); taskVariables.put("dateTaskVar", cal.getTime()); taskVariables.put("byteArrayTaskVar", "Some raw bytes".getBytes()); taskVariables.put("overlappingVariable", "task-value"); taskService.setVariablesLocal(task.getId(), taskVariables); // Request all variables (no scope provides) which include global an // local CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest( new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_TASK_VARIABLES_COLLECTION, task.getId())), HttpStatus.SC_OK); JsonNode responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()); closeResponse(response); assertNotNull(responseNode); assertTrue(responseNode.isArray()); assertEquals(17, responseNode.size()); // Overlapping variable should contain task-value AND be defined as // "local" boolean foundOverlapping = false; for (int i = 0; i < responseNode.size(); i++) { JsonNode var = responseNode.get(i); if (var.get("name") != null && "overlappingVariable".equals(var.get("name").asText())) { foundOverlapping = true; assertEquals("task-value", var.get("value").asText()); assertEquals("local", var.get("scope").asText()); break; } } assertTrue(foundOverlapping); // Check local variables filtering response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_TASK_VARIABLES_COLLECTION, task.getId()) + "?scope=local"), HttpStatus.SC_OK); responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()); closeResponse(response); assertNotNull(responseNode); assertTrue(responseNode.isArray()); assertEquals(9, responseNode.size()); for (int i = 0; i < responseNode.size(); i++) { JsonNode var = responseNode.get(i); assertEquals("local", var.get("scope").asText()); } // Check global variables filtering response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_TASK_VARIABLES_COLLECTION, task.getId()) + "?scope=global"), HttpStatus.SC_OK); responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()); closeResponse(response); assertNotNull(responseNode); assertTrue(responseNode.isArray()); assertEquals(9, responseNode.size()); foundOverlapping = false; for (int i = 0; i < responseNode.size(); i++) { JsonNode var = responseNode.get(i); assertEquals("global", var.get("scope").asText()); if ("overlappingVariable".equals(var.get("name").asText())) { foundOverlapping = true; assertEquals("process-value", var.get("value").asText()); } } assertTrue(foundOverlapping); }
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public ArrayList<SearchListItem> getSearchHistoryFromServer(Context context) { ArrayList<SearchListItem> ret = new ArrayList<SearchListItem>(); if (IbikeApplication.isUserLogedIn()) { String authToken = IbikeApplication.getAuthToken(); try {/*w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ JsonNode getObject = HttpUtils.getFromServer(Config.serverUrl + "/routes?auth_token=" + authToken); if (getObject != null) { IbikeApplication.setHistoryFetched(true); boolean success = getObject.get("success").asBoolean(); if (success) { JsonNode historyList = getObject.get("data"); for (int i = 0; i < historyList.size(); i++) { JsonNode data = historyList.get(i); HistoryData hd = new HistoryData(data.get("toName").asText(), data.get("toLattitude").asDouble(), data.get("toLongitude").asDouble()); if (hd.getName() != null && !hd.getName().trim().equals("")) { saveSearchHistory(hd, null, null); ret.add(hd); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.e(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } return ret; }
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/** * Test creating a multipe task variable in a single call. POST runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables *//*from ww w .j a va 2 s . com*/ public void testCreateMultipleTaskVariables() throws Exception { try { Task task = taskService.newTask(); taskService.saveTask(task); ArrayNode requestNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); // String variable ObjectNode stringVarNode = requestNode.addObject(); stringVarNode.put("name", "stringVariable"); stringVarNode.put("value", "simple string value"); stringVarNode.put("scope", "local"); stringVarNode.put("type", "string"); // Integer ObjectNode integerVarNode = requestNode.addObject(); integerVarNode.put("name", "integerVariable"); integerVarNode.put("value", 1234); integerVarNode.put("scope", "local"); integerVarNode.put("type", "integer"); // Short ObjectNode shortVarNode = requestNode.addObject(); shortVarNode.put("name", "shortVariable"); shortVarNode.put("value", 123); shortVarNode.put("scope", "local"); shortVarNode.put("type", "short"); // Long ObjectNode longVarNode = requestNode.addObject(); longVarNode.put("name", "longVariable"); longVarNode.put("value", 4567890L); longVarNode.put("scope", "local"); longVarNode.put("type", "long"); // Double ObjectNode doubleVarNode = requestNode.addObject(); doubleVarNode.put("name", "doubleVariable"); doubleVarNode.put("value", 123.456); doubleVarNode.put("scope", "local"); doubleVarNode.put("type", "double"); // Boolean ObjectNode booleanVarNode = requestNode.addObject(); booleanVarNode.put("name", "booleanVariable"); booleanVarNode.put("value", Boolean.TRUE); booleanVarNode.put("scope", "local"); booleanVarNode.put("type", "boolean"); // Date Calendar varCal = Calendar.getInstance(); String isoString = getISODateString(varCal.getTime()); ObjectNode dateVarNode = requestNode.addObject(); dateVarNode.put("name", "dateVariable"); dateVarNode.put("value", isoString); dateVarNode.put("scope", "local"); dateVarNode.put("type", "date"); // Create local variables with a single request HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_TASK_VARIABLES_COLLECTION, task.getId())); httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestNode.toString())); CloseableHttpResponse response = executeBinaryRequest(httpPost, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED); JsonNode responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()); closeResponse(response); assertNotNull(responseNode); assertTrue(responseNode.isArray()); assertEquals(7, responseNode.size()); // Check if engine has correct variables set Map<String, Object> taskVariables = taskService.getVariablesLocal(task.getId()); assertEquals(7, taskVariables.size()); assertEquals("simple string value", taskVariables.get("stringVariable")); assertEquals(1234, taskVariables.get("integerVariable")); assertEquals((short) 123, taskVariables.get("shortVariable")); assertEquals(4567890L, taskVariables.get("longVariable")); assertEquals(123.456, taskVariables.get("doubleVariable")); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, taskVariables.get("booleanVariable")); assertEquals(dateFormat.parse(isoString), taskVariables.get("dateVariable")); } finally { // Clean adhoc-tasks even if test fails List<Task> tasks = taskService.createTaskQuery().list(); for (Task task : tasks) { taskService.deleteTask(task.getId(), true); } } }
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/** * @param command/*from www. j a va 2 s . com*/ * @param tr0 */ protected final void termEs(final JsonNode command, final TypeRequest tr0) { boolean multiple = false; if (command.size() > 1) { multiple = true; // ES tr0.query = QueryBuilders.boolQuery(); } for (final Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> iterator = command.fields(); iterator.hasNext();) { final Entry<String, JsonNode> requestItem =; String key = requestItem.getKey(); JsonNode node = requestItem.getValue().findValue(; boolean isDate = false; if (node == null) { node = requestItem.getValue(); } else { isDate = true; key += "." +; } if (node.isNumber()) { if (!multiple) { tr0.query = QueryBuilders.termQuery(key, getAsObject(node)); return; } ((BoolQueryBuilder) tr0.query).must(QueryBuilders.termQuery(key, getAsObject(node))); } else { final String val = node.asText(); QueryBuilder query = null; if (isAttributeNotAnalyzed(key) || isDate) { query = QueryBuilders.termQuery(key, val); } else { query = QueryBuilders.simpleQueryString("\"" + val + "\"").field(key) .flags(SimpleQueryStringFlag.PHRASE); //tr0.query = QueryBuilders.matchPhrasePrefixQuery(key, val).maxExpansions(0); } if (!multiple) { tr0.query = query; return; } ((BoolQueryBuilder) tr0.query).must(query); } } }
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public static Object convertToAvro(GenericData model, JsonNode datum, Schema schema) { if (datum == null) { return null; }//from ww w. j a v a 2s .com switch (schema.getType()) { case RECORD: RecordException.check(datum.isObject(), "Cannot convert non-object to record: %s", datum); Object record = model.newRecord(null, schema); for (Schema.Field field : schema.getFields()) { model.setField(record,, field.pos(), convertField(model, datum.get(, field)); } return record; case MAP: RecordException.check(datum.isObject(), "Cannot convert non-object to map: %s", datum); Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> iter = datum.fields(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry =; map.put(entry.getKey(), convertToAvro(model, entry.getValue(), schema.getValueType())); } return map; case ARRAY: RecordException.check(datum.isArray(), "Cannot convert to array: %s", datum); List<Object> list = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(datum.size()); for (JsonNode element : datum) { list.add(convertToAvro(model, element, schema.getElementType())); } return list; case UNION: return convertToAvro(model, datum, resolveUnion(datum, schema.getTypes())); case BOOLEAN: RecordException.check(datum.isBoolean(), "Cannot convert to boolean: %s", datum); return datum.booleanValue(); case FLOAT: RecordException.check(datum.isFloat() || datum.isInt(), "Cannot convert to float: %s", datum); return datum.floatValue(); case DOUBLE: RecordException.check(datum.isDouble() || datum.isFloat() || datum.isLong() || datum.isInt(), "Cannot convert to double: %s", datum); return datum.doubleValue(); case INT: RecordException.check(datum.isInt(), "Cannot convert to int: %s", datum); return datum.intValue(); case LONG: RecordException.check(datum.isLong() || datum.isInt(), "Cannot convert to long: %s", datum); return datum.longValue(); case STRING: RecordException.check(datum.isTextual(), "Cannot convert to string: %s", datum); return datum.textValue(); case ENUM: RecordException.check(datum.isTextual(), "Cannot convert to string: %s", datum); return model.createEnum(datum.textValue(), schema); case BYTES: RecordException.check(datum.isBinary(), "Cannot convert to binary: %s", datum); try { return ByteBuffer.wrap(datum.binaryValue()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RecordException("Failed to read JSON binary", e); } case FIXED: RecordException.check(datum.isBinary(), "Cannot convert to fixed: %s", datum); byte[] bytes; try { bytes = datum.binaryValue(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RecordException("Failed to read JSON binary", e); } RecordException.check(bytes.length < schema.getFixedSize(), "Binary data is too short: %s bytes for %s", bytes.length, schema); return model.createFixed(null, bytes, schema); case NULL: return null; default: // don't use DatasetRecordException because this is a Schema problem throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown schema type: " + schema); } }
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public ArrayList<FavoritesData> getFavoritesFromServer(Context context, ArrayList<FavoritesData> ret) { if (ret == null) { ret = new ArrayList<FavoritesData>(); } else {//from ww w . java2s . c o m ret.clear(); } if (IbikeApplication.isUserLogedIn()) { String authToken = IbikeApplication.getAuthToken(); try { JsonNode getObject = HttpUtils .getFromServer(Config.serverUrl + "/favourites?auth_token=" + authToken); if (getObject != null && getObject.has("data")) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); if (db != null) { db.delete(TABLE_FAVORITES, null, null); } IbikeApplication.setFavoritesFetched(true); JsonNode favoritesList = getObject.get("data"); for (int i = 0; i < favoritesList.size(); i++) { JsonNode data = favoritesList.get(i); FavoritesData fd = new FavoritesData(data.get("name").asText(), data.get("address").asText(), data.get("sub_source").asText(), data.get("lattitude").asDouble(), data.get("longitude").asDouble(), data.get("id").asInt()); saveFavorite(fd, null, false); // ret.add(fd); } LOG.d("favorites fetched = " + ret); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e != null && e.getLocalizedMessage() != null) { LOG.e(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } getFavorites(ret); return ret; }
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private static void emitJsonNode(StringBuilder buf, JsonNode node) { if (node.isNumber()) { // Formatting of numbers depending on type switch (node.numberType()) { case BIG_INTEGER: buf.append(((BigIntegerNode) node).bigIntegerValue().toString()); break; case BIG_DECIMAL: buf.append(((DecimalNode) node).decimalValue().toPlainString()); break; case INT: case LONG: buf.append(node.asLong());/* w w w.ja va 2 s .c o m*/ break; case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: double val = node.asDouble(); buf.append(Double.toString(val)); break; default: break; } } else if (node.isArray()) { // JavaScript Array.toString() will comma-delimit the elements. for (int i = 0, size = node.size(); i < size; i++) { if (i >= 1) { buf.append(","); } buf.append(node.path(i).asText()); } } else if (!node.isNull() && !node.isMissingNode()) { buf.append(node.asText()); } }