List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode size
public int size()
From source
private void processEntry(final Path parentPath, final ObjectNode targetToAdd, final ObjectNode targetToReplace, final List<PatchOperation> operations, final boolean removeMissing, final Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> sourceEntry) { String sourceKey = sourceEntry.getKey(); JsonNode sourceNode = sourceEntry.getValue(); Path path = computeDiffPath(parentPath, sourceKey, sourceNode); JsonNode targetValueToAdd = targetToAdd.remove(sourceKey); JsonNode targetValueToReplace = targetToReplace == targetToAdd ? targetValueToAdd : targetToReplace.remove(sourceKey); if (targetValueToAdd == null) { if (removeMissing) { operations.add(PatchOperation.remove(path)); }//from w w w. ja va2s. c o m return; } if (isSameType(sourceNode, targetValueToAdd)) { replaceNode(parentPath, path, targetToAdd, targetToReplace, operations, removeMissing, sourceNode, targetValueToAdd, targetValueToReplace, sourceKey); } else { // Value present in both but they are of different types. if (targetValueToAdd.isNull() || (targetValueToAdd.isArray() && targetValueToAdd.size() == 0)) { // Explicitly clear attribute value. operations.add(PatchOperation.remove(path)); } else { // Just replace with the target value. targetToReplace.set(sourceKey, targetValueToReplace); } } }
From source
/** * Check an ObjectNode containing the core attributes or extended attributes. * * @param prefix The issue prefix./*from w w w. ja v a 2 s. c om*/ * @param parentPath The path of the parent node. * @param attributes The attribute definitions. * @param objectNode The ObjectNode to check. * @param results The schema check results. * @param currentObjectNode The current resource. * @param isPartialReplace Whether this is a partial replace. * @param isPartialAdd Whether this is a partial add. * @param isReplace Whether this is a replace. * @throws ScimException If an error occurs. */ private void checkObjectNode(final String prefix, final Path parentPath, final Collection<AttributeDefinition> attributes, final ObjectNode objectNode, final Results results, final ObjectNode currentObjectNode, final boolean isPartialReplace, final boolean isPartialAdd, final boolean isReplace) throws ScimException { if (attributes == null) { return; } for (AttributeDefinition attribute : attributes) { JsonNode node = objectNode.remove(attribute.getName()); Path path = parentPath.attribute((attribute.getName())); if (node == null || node.isNull() || (node.isArray() && node.size() == 0)) { // From SCIM's perspective, these are the same thing. if (!isPartialAdd && !isPartialReplace) { checkAttributeRequired(prefix, path, attribute, results); } } if (node != null) { // Additional checks for when the field is present checkAttributeMutability(prefix, node, path, attribute, results, currentObjectNode, isPartialReplace, isPartialAdd, isReplace); checkAttributeValues(prefix, node, path, attribute, results, currentObjectNode, isPartialReplace, isPartialAdd); } } // All defined attributes should be removed. Remove any additional // undefined attributes. Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> i = objectNode.fields(); while (i.hasNext()) { String undefinedAttribute =; if (parentPath.size() == 0) { if (!enabledOptions.contains(Option.ALLOW_UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTES)) { results.syntaxIssues.add(prefix + "Core attribute " + undefinedAttribute + " is undefined for schema " + resourceType.getCoreSchema().getId()); } } else if (parentPath.isRoot() && parentPath.getSchemaUrn() != null) { if (!enabledOptions.contains(Option.ALLOW_UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTES)) { results.syntaxIssues.add(prefix + "Extended attribute " + undefinedAttribute + " is undefined for schema " + parentPath.getSchemaUrn()); } } else { if (!enabledOptions.contains(Option.ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SUB_ATTRIBUTES)) { results.syntaxIssues.add(prefix + "Sub-attribute " + undefinedAttribute + " is undefined for attribute " + parentPath); } } i.remove(); } }
From source
private static Session parseSession(final JsonNode objectRoot) throws JsonDeserializerException { // Basic sanity checks if (objectRoot == null || objectRoot.isNull()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("null objectRoot"); }/*from w w w. j av a2 s . com*/ if (!objectRoot.isObject()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("objectRoot is not a JSON object"); } JsonNode node; Session result = new Session(); try { // Session id (required) node = objectRoot.path("id"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'id' is missing or invalid"); } result.setId(node.textValue()); // Session title (required) node = objectRoot.path("title"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'title' is missing or invalid"); } result.setTitle(node.textValue()); // Session day (required) node = objectRoot.path("day"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isInt()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'day' is missing or invalid"); } result.setDay(node.asInt()); // Session start time (required) node = objectRoot.path("start"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'start' is missing or invalid"); } result.setStartTime(parseTime(node.textValue())); // Session end time (required) node = objectRoot.path("end"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'end' is missing or invalid"); } result.setEndTime(parseTime(node.textValue())); // Session hosts (required) node = objectRoot.path("hosts"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isArray()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'hosts' is missing or invalid"); } final ArrayList<String> hosts = new ArrayList<String>(node.size()); for (JsonNode hostsSubNode : node) { if (!hostsSubNode.isTextual() || "".equals(hostsSubNode.textValue())) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'hosts' children is not valid"); } hosts.add(hostsSubNode.textValue()); } result.setHosts(TextUtils.join(", ", hosts)); // Session language (required) node = objectRoot.path("lang"); if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("'lang' is missing or invalid"); } result.setLang(node.textValue()); // Session abstract (optional) node = objectRoot.path("abstract"); if (!node.isMissingNode()) { result.setSessionAbstract(node.textValue()); } return result; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("Invalid session entry", e); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new JsonDeserializerException("Invalid session entry", e); } }
From source
private void addOverride(JsonNode root, String name, String value) { JsonNode node = root;/* ww w . java 2 s . c o m*/ final Iterable<String> split = Splitter.on('.').trimResults().split(name); final String[] parts = Iterables.toArray(split, String.class); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { String key = parts[i]; if (!(node instanceof ObjectNode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to override " + name + "; it's not a valid path."); } final ObjectNode obj = (ObjectNode) node; final String remainingPath = Joiner.on('.').join(Arrays.copyOfRange(parts, i, parts.length)); if (obj.has(remainingPath) && !remainingPath.equals(key)) { if (obj.get(remainingPath).isValueNode()) { obj.put(remainingPath, value); return; } } JsonNode child; final boolean moreParts = i < parts.length - 1; if (key.matches(".+\\[\\d+\\]$")) { final int s = key.indexOf('['); final int index = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(s + 1, key.length() - 1)); key = key.substring(0, s); child = obj.get(key); if (child == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to override " + name + "; node with index not found."); } if (!child.isArray()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to override " + name + "; node with index is not an array."); } else if (index >= child.size()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException( "Unable to override " + name + "; index is greater than size of array."); } if (moreParts) { child = child.get(index); node = child; } else { ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) child; array.set(index, TextNode.valueOf(value)); return; } } else if (moreParts) { child = obj.get(key); if (child == null) { child = obj.objectNode(); obj.put(key, child); } if (child.isArray()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to override " + name + "; target is an array but no index specified"); } node = child; } if (!moreParts) { if (node.get(key) != null && node.get(key).isArray()) { ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) obj.get(key); arrayNode.removeAll(); Pattern escapedComma = Pattern.compile("\\\\,"); for (String val : Splitter.on(Pattern.compile("(?<!\\\\),")).trimResults().split(value)) { arrayNode.add(escapedComma.matcher(val).replaceAll(",")); } } else { obj.put(key, value); } } } }
From source
public static boolean updateDatasetOwners(int datasetId, Map<String, String[]> ownersMap, String user) { boolean result = true; if ((ownersMap == null) || ownersMap.size() == 0) { return false; }//from w w w . ja v a 2 s. c o m List<DatasetOwner> owners = new ArrayList<DatasetOwner>(); if (ownersMap.containsKey("owners")) { String[] textArray = ownersMap.get("owners"); if (textArray != null && textArray.length > 0) { JsonNode node = Json.parse(textArray[0]); for (int i = 0; i < node.size(); i++) { JsonNode ownerNode = node.get(i); if (ownerNode != null) { String userName = ""; if (ownerNode.has("userName")) { userName = ownerNode.get("userName").asText(); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(userName)) { continue; } Boolean isGroup = false; if (ownerNode.has("isGroup")) { isGroup = ownerNode.get("isGroup").asBoolean(); } String type = ""; if (ownerNode.has("type") && (!ownerNode.get("type").isNull())) { type = ownerNode.get("type").asText(); } String subType = ""; if (ownerNode.has("subType") && (!ownerNode.get("subType").isNull())) { subType = ownerNode.get("subType").asText(); } String confirmedBy = ""; if (ownerNode.has("confirmedBy") && (!ownerNode.get("confirmedBy").isNull())) { confirmedBy = ownerNode.get("confirmedBy").asText(); } DatasetOwner owner = new DatasetOwner(); owner.userName = userName; owner.isGroup = isGroup; if (isGroup) { owner.namespace = "urn:li:griduser"; } else { owner.namespace = "urn:li:corpuser"; } owner.type = type; owner.subType = subType; owner.confirmedBy = confirmedBy; owner.sortId = i; owners.add(owner); } } } } getJdbcTemplate().update(MARK_DATASET_OWNERS_AS_DELETED, datasetId); if (owners.size() > 0) { String urn = null; try { urn = (String) getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject(GET_DATASET_URN_BY_ID, String.class, datasetId); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { Logger.error("Dataset updateDatasetOwners get urn failed, id = " + datasetId); Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage()); } updateDatasetOwnerDatabase(datasetId, urn, owners); } return result; }
From source
private ActionRole resolveSecurityRoles(final JsonNode roles, final ActionRoleMap.Connector[] connectors) { if (JsonNodeType.STRING.equals(roles.getNodeType())) { return new DefaultActionRole().appendRole(roles.asText()); }//w ww . ja v a 2s.c o m final Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = roles.iterator(); ActionRole actionRole = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { final JsonNode node =; final JsonNodeType type = node.getNodeType(); if (JsonNodeType.STRING.equals(type)) { actionRole = new DefaultActionRole().appendRole(node.asText()); } else if (JsonNodeType.ARRAY.equals(type)) { final ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) node; final DefaultActionRole role = new DefaultActionRole(); for (JsonNode textRoleNode : arrayNode) { role.appendRole(textRoleNode.asText()); } actionRole = role; } else if (JsonNodeType.OBJECT.equals(type)) { final ActionRoleMap actionRoleMap = new ActionRoleMap(); final Map<ActionRoleMap.Connector, DefaultActionRole> map = Maps .newHashMapWithExpectedSize(node.size()); String strConnector; for (final ActionRoleMap.Connector connector : connectors) { strConnector = connector.toString().toLowerCase(); if (node.has(strConnector)) { final DefaultActionRole role = new DefaultActionRole(); for (JsonNode textRoleNode : node.get(strConnector)) { role.appendRole(textRoleNode.asText()); } map.put(connector, role); } } actionRoleMap.setRoles(map); actionRole = actionRoleMap; } } return actionRole; }
From source
@Test public void searchViaApiGnd() { running(TEST_SERVER, new Runnable() { @Override/* ww w.jav a 2 s.c o m*/ public void run() { final JsonNode jsonObject = Json.parse(call("person?name=bach&format=short&t=" + "")); assertThat(jsonObject.isArray()).isTrue(); /* differentiated & *starting* with 'bach' only & no dupes */ assertThat(jsonObject.size()).isEqualTo(4); } }); }
From source
@Override public TMap readMapBegin() throws TException { getCurrentContext().read();/* w ww.ja va 2 s . c om*/ JsonNode curElem = getCurrentContext().getCurrentChild(); if (getCurrentContext().isMapKey()) { try { curElem = OBJECT_MAPPER.readTree(curElem.asText()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TException("Could not parse map key, is it valid json?", e); } } if (!curElem.isObject()) { throw new TException("Expected JSON Object!"); } pushContext(new MapContext(curElem)); return new TMap(UNUSED_TYPE, UNUSED_TYPE, curElem.size()); }
From source
private void buildChannelList(String field, TextView title, TextView channels) { if (event.has(field)) { title.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); channels.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); String channelstxt = ""; JsonNode c = event.getJsonNode(field); for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) { String chan = c.get(i).asText(); channelstxt += " " + chan + "<br/>"; }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c om channels.setText(ColorFormatter.html_to_spanned(channelstxt, true, ServersList.getInstance().getServer(event.cid()))); } else { title.setVisibility(View.GONE); channels.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }