List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode size
public int size()
From source
private UrlGroup buildGroup(JsonNode groupJson) { String label = groupJson.path("label").asText(); UrlExpectation expectation = buildExpectation(groupJson.path("expect"), UrlExpectation.DEFAULT_EXPECTATION); JsonNode urls = groupJson.path("urls"); List<UrlDefinition> defs = new ArrayList<UrlDefinition>(urls.size()); for (JsonNode urlNode : urls) { defs.add(buildUrlDef(urlNode, expectation)); }/*from w w w .j a v a2 s . com*/ return new UrlGroup(label, expectation, defs); }
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public AdditionalItemsKeywordValidator(final JsonNode schema) { super("additionalItems", NodeType.ARRAY); additionalOK = schema.get(keyword).asBoolean(true); if (additionalOK) return;/*www . j av a2 s . c o m*/ final JsonNode items = schema.path("items"); if (items.isArray()) itemsCount = items.size(); else additionalOK = true; }
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@Test public void testListRoleAssignment() throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { Response response = target("/v3/role_assignments").register(JacksonFeature.class) .register(ObjectMapperResolver.class).request() .header("X-Auth-Token", Config.Instance.getOpt(Config.Type.DEFAULT, "admin_token").asText()).get(); assertEquals(200, response.getStatus()); String ret = response.readEntity(String.class); JsonNode node = JsonUtils.convertToJsonNode(ret); System.err.println(ret);/*from w w w . ja v a2s .co m*/ JsonNode rolesJ = node.get("role_assignments"); assertEquals(4, rolesJ.size()); }
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private Polygon[] parsePolygons(JsonNode arrayOfPolygons) { Polygon[] polygons = new Polygon[arrayOfPolygons.size()]; for (int i = 0; i != arrayOfPolygons.size(); ++i) { polygons[i] = parsePolygonCoordinates(arrayOfPolygons.get(i)); }//from ww w .j av a 2s . c o m return polygons; }
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private LinearRing[] parseInteriorRings(JsonNode arrayOfRings) { LinearRing[] rings = new LinearRing[arrayOfRings.size() - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < arrayOfRings.size(); ++i) { rings[i - 1] = gf.createLinearRing(parseLineString(arrayOfRings.get(i))); }/* w w w .ja v a 2 s.c om*/ return rings; }
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public void jsonReadFiles() throws Exception { SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authA); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String filename = "//tmp/new-trainprofiles.json"; InputStream is = new FileInputStream(filename); JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(is); System.out.println("node Count = " + node.size()); HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); String url = "http://localhost:8080/ab-engine/track/header/new"; for (JsonNode profile : node.elements().next()) { HttpPost auditPost = new HttpPost(url); auditPost.addHeader("content-type", "application/json"); auditPost.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic bWlrZToxMjM="); MetaInputBean inputBean = new MetaInputBean("capacity", "system", "TrainProfile",, profile.get("profileID").asText()); LogInputBean log = new LogInputBean("moira", null, profile.toString()); inputBean.setLog(log);//from w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m log.setForceReindex(true); StringEntity json = new StringEntity(mapper.writeValueAsString(inputBean)); auditPost.setEntity(json); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(auditPost); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((response.getEntity().getContent()))); String output; System.out.println("Output from Server .... \n"); while ((output = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(output); } } }
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public RecordGenerator(JsonNode node) { // This node should be either the "root" node OR the "fields" node. delimiter = node.get("delimiter").asText(); JsonNode fieldsNode = node.get("fields"); for (int i = 0; i < fieldsNode.size(); i++) { JsonNode fieldNode = fieldsNode.get(i); if (fieldNode.has("string")) { FieldType field = new StringField(fieldNode.get("string")); addFields(field);//from ww w.ja va } else if (fieldNode.has("number")) { FieldType field = new NumberField(fieldNode.get("number")); addFields(field); } else if (fieldNode.has("ip")) { FieldType field = new IPAddressField(fieldNode.get("ip")); addFields(field); } else if (fieldNode.has("boolean")) { FieldType field = new BooleanField(fieldNode.get("boolean")); addFields(field); } else if (fieldNode.has("date")) { FieldType field = new DateField(fieldNode.get("date")); addFields(field); } else if (fieldNode.has("null")) { FieldType field = new NullField(fieldNode.get("null")); addFields(field); } else if (fieldNode.has("start.stop")) { StartStopFields fields = new StartStopFields(fieldNode.get("start.stop")); addFields(fields.getStartField()); addFields(fields.getStopField()); } else if (fieldNode.has("nested")) { FieldType field = new NestedField(fieldNode.get("nested")); addFields(field); } } }
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private List<Object> nodeToList(JsonNode node) throws JsonProcessingException { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(node.size()); for (int i = 0; i < node.size(); i++) { JsonNode item = node.get(i);/*from w w w . j a va2 s . co m*/ if (item.isObject()) { list.add(convert(item.toString())); } else if (item.isArray()) { list.add(nodeToList(item)); } else if (item.isNull()) { list.add(null); } else if (item.isBoolean()) { list.add(item.booleanValue()); } else if (item.isNumber()) { list.add(item.numberValue()); } else { list.add(mapper.treeToValue(item, Object.class)); } } return list; }
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@Override public JsonNode digest(final JsonNode schema) { final ObjectNode ret = FACTORY.objectNode(); final ObjectNode propertyDeps = FACTORY.objectNode(); ret.put("propertyDeps", propertyDeps); final ArrayNode schemaDeps = FACTORY.arrayNode(); ret.put("schemaDeps", schemaDeps); final List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList(); final Map<String, JsonNode> map = JacksonUtils.asMap(schema.get(keyword)); String key;/* w ww. j a va 2 s . com*/ JsonNode value; NodeType type; for (final Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry : map.entrySet()) { key = entry.getKey(); value = entry.getValue(); type = NodeType.getNodeType(value); switch (type) { case OBJECT: list.add(key); break; case ARRAY: final JsonNode node = sortedSet(value); if (node.size() != 0) propertyDeps.put(key, node); break; case STRING: propertyDeps.put(key, FACTORY.arrayNode().add(value.textValue())); } } for (final String s : Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(list)) schemaDeps.add(s); return ret; }
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/** Recursive function to pull out potentially nested properties * @param property/*from w ww. j a v a2 s . co m*/ * @return */ protected static Either<Object, Object[]> denestProperties(final JsonNode property) { if (property.isArray()) { // (Arrays of objects (except length 1) are currently discarded here, no support for cardinality, see above) if (1 == property.size()) { // (this is what all the existing properties look like after conversion to graphson) return denestProperties(property.get(0)); } else { return Either.right(Optionals.streamOf(property.iterator(), false).map(j -> jsonNodeToObject(j)) .filter(j -> null != j).toArray()); } } else if (property.isObject()) { return denestProperties(property.get(GraphAnnotationBean.value)); } else { return Either.left(jsonNodeToObject(property)); } }