Java tutorial
// // Copyright (c) 2014 // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of // this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in // the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, // subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR // COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // package vk.model; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; /** * Represents full user profile. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class VKApiUserFull extends VKApiUser { /** * Filed last_seen from VK fields set */ public static final String LAST_SEEN = "last_seen"; /** * Filed bdate from VK fields set */ public static final String BDATE = "bdate"; /** * Filed city from VK fields set */ public static final String CITY = "city"; /** * Filed country from VK fields set */ public static final String COUNTRY = "country"; /** * Filed universities from VK fields set */ public static final String UNIVERSITIES = "universities"; /** * Filed schools from VK fields set */ public static final String SCHOOLS = "schools"; /** * Filed activity from VK fields set */ public static final String ACTIVITY = "activity"; /** * Filed personal from VK fields set */ public static final String PERSONAL = "personal"; /** * Filed sex from VK fields set */ public static final String SEX = "sex"; /** * Filed site from VK fields set */ public static final String SITE = "site"; /** * Filed contacts from VK fields set */ public static final String CONTACTS = "contacts"; /** * Filed can_post from VK fields set */ public static final String CAN_POST = "can_post"; /** * Filed can_see_all_posts from VK fields set */ public static final String CAN_SEE_ALL_POSTS = "can_see_all_posts"; /** * Filed can_write_private_message from VK fields set */ public static final String CAN_WRITE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE = "can_write_private_message"; /** * Filed relation from VK fields set */ public static final String RELATION = "relation"; /** * Filed counters from VK fields set */ public static final String COUNTERS = "counters"; /** * Filed activities from VK fields set */ public static final String ACTIVITIES = "activities"; /** * Filed interests from VK fields set */ public static final String INTERESTS = "interests"; /** * Filed movies from VK fields set */ public static final String MOVIES = "movies"; /** * Filed tv from VK fields set */ public static final String TV = "tv"; /** * Filed books from VK fields set */ public static final String BOOKS = "books"; /** * Filed games from VK fields set */ public static final String GAMES = "games"; /** * Filed about from VK fields set */ public static final String ABOUT = "about"; /** * Filed quotes from VK fields set */ public static final String QUOTES = "quotes"; /** * Filed connections from VK fields set */ public static final String CONNECTIONS = "connections"; /** * Filed relatives from VK fields set */ public static final String RELATIVES = "relatives"; /** * Filed wall_default from VK fields set */ public static final String WALL_DEFAULT = "wall_default"; /** * Filed verified from VK fields set */ public static final String VERIFIED = "verified"; /** * Filed screen_name from VK fields set */ public static final String SCREEN_NAME = "screen_name"; /** * Filed blacklisted_by_me from VK fields set */ public static final String BLACKLISTED_BY_ME = "blacklisted_by_me"; /** * Text of user status. */ public String activity; /** * Audio which broadcasting to status. */ public VKApiAudio status_audio; /** * User's date of birth. Returned as DD.MM.YYYY or DD.MM (if birth year is hidden). */ public String bdate; /** * City specified on user's page in "Contacts" section. */ public VKApiCity city; /** * Country specified on user's page in "Contacts" section. */ public VKApiCountry country; /** * Last visit date(in Unix time). */ public long last_seen; /** * List of user's universities */ public VKList<VKApiUniversity> universities; /** * List of user's schools */ public VKList<VKApiSchool> schools; /** * Views on smoking. * @see vk.model.VKApiUserFull.Attitude */ public int smoking; /** * Views on alcohol. * @see vk.model.VKApiUserFull.Attitude */ public int alcohol; /** * Views on policy. * @see vk.model.VKApiUserFull.Political */ public int political; /** * Life main stuffs. * @see vk.model.VKApiUserFull.LifeMain */ public int life_main; /** * People main stuffs. * @see vk.model.VKApiUserFull.PeopleMain */ public int people_main; /** * Stuffs that inspire the user. */ public String inspired_by; /** * List of user's languages */ public String[] langs; /** * Religion of user */ public String religion; /** * Name of user's account in Facebook */ public String facebook; /** * ID of user's facebook */ public String facebook_name; /** * Name of user's account in LiveJournal */ public String livejournal; /** * Name of user's account in Skype */ public String skype; /** * URL of user's site */ public String site; /** * Name of user's account in Twitter */ public String twitter; /** * Name of user's account in Instagram */ public String instagram; /** * User's mobile phone number */ public String mobile_phone; /** * User's home phone number */ public String home_phone; /** * Page screen name. */ public String screen_name; /** * Nickname of user. */ public String nickname; /** * User's activities */ public String activities; /** * User's interests */ public String interests; /** * User's favorite movies */ public String movies; /** * User's favorite TV Shows */ public String tv; /** * User's favorite books */ public String books; /** * User's favorite games */ public String games; /** * User's about information */ public String about; /** * User's favorite quotes */ public String quotes; /** * Information whether others can posts on user's wall. */ public boolean can_post; /** * Information whether others' posts on user's wall can be viewed */ public boolean can_see_all_posts; /** * Information whether private messages can be sent to this user. */ public boolean can_write_private_message; /** * Information whether user can comment wall posts. */ public boolean wall_comments; /** * Information whether the user is banned in VK. */ public boolean is_banned; /** * Information whether the user is deleted in VK. */ public boolean is_deleted; /** * Information whether the user's post of wall shows by default. */ public boolean wall_default_owner; /** * Information whether the user has a verified page in VK */ public boolean verified; /** * User sex. * @see vk.model.VKApiUserFull.Sex */ public int sex; /** * Set of user's counters. */ public Counters counters; /** * Relationship status. * @see vk.model.VKApiUserFull.Relation */ public int relation; /** * List of user's relatives */ public VKList<Relative> relatives; /** * Information whether the current user has add this user to the blacklist. */ public boolean blacklisted_by_me; public VKApiUserFull(JsonNode from) { parse(from); } public VKApiUserFull parse(JsonNode user) { super.parse(user); // general last_seen = user.get(LAST_SEEN).asLong(); bdate = user.get(BDATE).asText(); JsonNode city = user.get(CITY); if (city != null) { = new VKApiCity().parse(city); } JsonNode country = user.get(COUNTRY); if (country != null) { = new VKApiCountry().parse(country); } // education // universities = new VKList<VKApiUniversity>(user.get(UNIVERSITIES), VKApiUniversity.class); // schools = new VKList<VKApiSchool>(user.get(SCHOOLS), VKApiSchool.class); // status activity = user.get(ACTIVITY).asText(); JsonNode status_audio = user.get("status_audio"); if (status_audio != null) this.status_audio = new VKApiAudio().parse(status_audio); // personal views JsonNode personal = user.get(PERSONAL); if (personal != null) { smoking = personal.get("smoking").asInt(); alcohol = personal.get("alcohol").asInt(); political = personal.get("political").asInt(); life_main = personal.get("life_main").asInt(); people_main = personal.get("people_main").asInt(); inspired_by = personal.get("inspired_by").asText(); religion = personal.get("religion").asText(); if (personal.has("langs")) { JsonNode langs = personal.get("langs"); if (langs != null) { this.langs = new String[langs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < langs.size(); i++) { this.langs[i] = langs.get(i).asText(); } } } } // contacts facebook = user.get("facebook").asText(); facebook_name = user.get("facebook_name").asText(); livejournal = user.get("livejournal").asText(); site = user.get(SITE).asText(); screen_name = user.get("screen_name").asText(); skype = user.get("skype").asText(); mobile_phone = user.get("mobile_phone").asText(); home_phone = user.get("home_phone").asText(); twitter = user.get("twitter").asText(); instagram = user.get("instagram").asText(); // personal info about = user.get(ABOUT).asText(); activities = user.get(ACTIVITIES).asText(); books = user.get(BOOKS).asText(); games = user.get(GAMES).asText(); interests = user.get(INTERESTS).asText(); movies = user.get(MOVIES).asText(); quotes = user.get(QUOTES).asText(); tv = user.get(TV).asText(); // settings nickname = user.get("nickname").asText(); can_post = user.get(CAN_POST).asBoolean(); can_see_all_posts = user.get(CAN_SEE_ALL_POSTS).asBoolean(); blacklisted_by_me = user.get(BLACKLISTED_BY_ME).asBoolean(); can_write_private_message = user.get(CAN_WRITE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE).asBoolean(); wall_comments = user.get(WALL_DEFAULT).asBoolean(); String deactivated = user.get("deactivated").asText(); is_deleted = "deleted".equals(deactivated); is_banned = "banned".equals(deactivated); wall_default_owner = "owner".equals(user.get(WALL_DEFAULT).asText()); verified = user.get(VERIFIED).asBoolean(); // other sex = user.get(SEX).asInt(); JsonNode counters = user.get(COUNTERS); if (counters != null) this.counters = new Counters(counters); relation = user.get(RELATION).asInt(); if (user.has(RELATIVES)) { if (relatives == null) { relatives = new VKList<Relative>(); } // relatives.fill(user.get(RELATIVES), Relative.class); } return this; } public static class Relative extends VKApiModel implements Identifiable { public int id; public String name; @Override public int getId() { return id; } public Relative parse(JsonNode response) { id = response.get("id").asInt(); name = response.get("name").asText(); return this; } public int describeContents() { return 0; } } public static class Counters { /** * Count was not in server response. */ public final static int NO_COUNTER = -1; public int albums = NO_COUNTER; public int videos = NO_COUNTER; public int audios = NO_COUNTER; public int notes = NO_COUNTER; public int friends = NO_COUNTER; public int photos = NO_COUNTER; public int groups = NO_COUNTER; public int online_friends = NO_COUNTER; public int mutual_friends = NO_COUNTER; public int user_videos = NO_COUNTER; public int followers = NO_COUNTER; public int subscriptions = NO_COUNTER; public int pages = NO_COUNTER; Counters(JsonNode counters) { albums = counters.get("albums").asInt(); audios = counters.get("audios").asInt(); followers = counters.get("followers").asInt(); photos = counters.get("photos").asInt(); friends = counters.get("friends").asInt(); groups = counters.get("groups").asInt(); mutual_friends = counters.get("mutual_friends").asInt(); notes = counters.get("notes").asInt(); online_friends = counters.get("online_friends").asInt(); user_videos = counters.get("user_videos").asInt(); videos = counters.get("videos").asInt(); subscriptions = counters.get("subscriptions").asInt(); pages = counters.get("pages").asInt(); } public int describeContents() { return 0; } } public static class Sex { private Sex() { } public static final int FEMALE = 1; public static final int MALE = 2; } public static class Relation { private Relation() { } public static final int SINGLE = 1; public static final int RELATIONSHIP = 2; public static final int ENGAGED = 3; public static final int MARRIED = 4; public static final int COMPLICATED = 5; public static final int SEARCHING = 6; public static final int IN_LOVE = 7; } public static class Attitude { private Attitude() { } public static final int VERY_NEGATIVE = 1; public static final int NEGATIVE = 2; public static final int COMPROMISABLE = 3; public static final int NEUTRAL = 4; public static final int POSITIVE = 5; } public static class Political { private Political() { } public static final int COMMUNNIST = 1; public static final int SOCIALIST = 2; public static final int CENTRIST = 3; public static final int LIBERAL = 4; public static final int CONSERVATIVE = 5; public static final int MONARCHIST = 6; public static final int ULTRACONSERVATIVE = 7; public static final int LIBERTARIAN = 8; public static final int APATHETIC = 9; } public static class LifeMain { private LifeMain() { } public static final int FAMILY_AND_CHILDREN = 1; public static final int CAREER_AND_MONEY = 2; public static final int ENTERTAINMENT_AND_LEISURE = 3; public static final int SCIENCE_AND_RESEARCH = 4; public static final int IMPROOVING_THE_WORLD = 5; public static final int PERSONAL_DEVELOPMENT = 6; public static final int BEAUTY_AND_ART = 7; public static final int FAME_AND_INFLUENCE = 8; } public static class PeopleMain { private PeopleMain() { } public static final int INTELLECT_AND_CREATIVITY = 1; public static final int KINDNESS_AND_HONESTLY = 2; public static final int HEALTH_AND_BEAUTY = 3; public static final int WEALTH_AND_POWER = 4; public static final int COURAGE_AND_PERSISTENCE = 5; public static final int HUMOR_AND_LOVE_FOR_LIFE = 6; } public static class RelativeType { private RelativeType() { } public static final String PARTNER = "partner"; public static final String GRANDCHILD = "grandchild"; public static final String GRANDPARENT = "grandparent"; public static final String CHILD = "child"; public static final String SUBLING = "sibling"; public static final String PARENT = "parent"; } public int describeContents() { return 0; } public VKApiUserFull() { } }